Differential Equation Exam

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Long Quiz 3
3rd Quarter S.Y. 2014-2015

I. Find the solution to the following differential equations.

1. y″ − 6y′ + 25y = 2 sin(t/2) – cos(t/2) (10 points)

2. y″ + y = csc t cot t (10 points)

3. y(5) + 4y‴ = 7 (10 points)

4. y‴ + y′ = sec2 t (10 points)

5. y‴ − 2y″ + y′ = 2 – 24et + 40e5t, y(0) = 1/2, y′(0) = 5/2, y″(0) = −9/2 (15 points)

II. Solve the following problems.

1. Find the charge on the capacitor in an series RLC circuit when L = 0.25 henry (H), R = 10 ohms (Ω),
C = 1 × 10−6 farad (F), E(t) = 0, Q(0) = q0 coulombs (C), and Q′(0) = I(0) = 0. (10 points)

2. Find the capacitance in a series RLC circuit if L = 0.5 H and R = 1000 Ω so that the circuit is critically
damped. (10 points)

3. A mass of 100 g stretches a spring 5 cm. The mass is pulled down 3 cm below the equilibrium point
and started off with an upward velocity of 6 cm/sec. If there is no damping, find an equation giving
the position of the mass at all subsequent times. (10 points)

4. A spring is such that a 16-lb weight stretches it 1.5 in. The weight is pulled down to a point 4 in.
below the equilibrium point and given an initial downward velocity of 4 ft/sec. An impressed force
of 360 cos 4t lb is applied. Find the position and velocity of the weight at time t = π/8 sec. (15

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