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416-TB OSCAR Satellite Circular Polarization Boomer Antenna CORPORATION 416-TB OSCAR Satellite Circular Polarization Boomer Antenna CORPORATION 951298(3/84) ‘Your Cushcralt 416TH, Twist Boomer, is a high performance circular polarized Yap] for use with OSCAR and ather Satellites. Figure 1 is an overall assembly guide for your 4167B. The twist Es actually two identical antennas. mounted 90 degrees to each ‘other cn the same boar, They a/e spaced 14 wavelength apart la produce circular polarization. This antenna is manuactured to (give top performance and iouble {ree service, The antenna wil partorm as specified, Hf the instructions and suggestions are followed and if care i8 used in assembly and installation. MASTING ‘Thw mast mount bracket will accommodate up ta 2 inch (6.1 em}mast, 1¥¢ inch @.8.em) or larger tubing ehould be used for your mast ROTATOR Choose a good quality rotator designed for use with amateur racio antenna installations, Locamion Location of the antenna is very important. Surrounding objects such as trees, powerlines, other antennas, etc, will seriously: reduce efficiency. To minimize the effects of surrounding objects, mount the antenna a high and inthe clear as possibie. ‘matal guywites are usad, they should be broken with strain insulators. WARNING: THIS ANTENNA IS AN ELECTRICAL CON DUCTOR, GONTAGT WITH POWER LINES GAN RESULT IN DEATH, OR SERIOUS INIURY, DO NOT INSTALL THIS ANTENNA WHERE THERE IS ANY POSSIBILITY OF CONTACT WITH OR HIGH VOLTAGE ARC-OVER FROM POWER GABLES OR SER VICE DROPS TO BUILDINGS, THE ANTENNA, SUPPORTING MAST ANDIOR TOWER MUST NOT BE CLOSE TO ANY POWER, LINES DURING INSTALLATION, REMOVAL OR IN THE EVENT PART OF THE SYSTEM SHOULD ACCIDENTALLY FALL. FOLLOW THE GUIDE LINES FOR ANTENNA INSTALLATIONS RECOMMENDED BY THE US. CONSUMER PROOUCT SAFETY COMMISSION ANDO LISTED IN THE ENCLOSED PAMPHLET. You should also choose an installation site asray Irom regular ac- tivity areas, to prevent the possibility of injury from falling ice or parts that may be damaged during installation or severe \weather, Plan your installation carefully. H you use volunteer heipers be sure that they are qualifiad to assist you. Make certain that every one understands that you are the boss and thai they must follow your instructions, If you hawe any doubts at all, ‘employ a professional antenna installation company to Install your antenna, MOUNTING ‘Several different antennas may be mounted on the same mast. VHF and UNF beams should be mounted at eas! §t1.(1.5m) from ‘other antennas if possible. Do not install antennas of the same frequency in close proximity to each athar ar serious detuning 'ypically the 416TB is mounted parallel 1o your other OSCAR antanna fie, A148:20T etc.) 80 that they are constantly same direction. Mount the 4167 so that the angle between the elements is bisected by the crassboom as shown in the photo on the cover. The exact mounting angle Is not critical. The Cusheralt A14T:MB mounting Doom is designed for this ap. plication. ‘SYSTEM GROUNDING ‘Direct grounding of the antenna, mast, and tower is very important. This serves as protection from lightning strikes. and static ‘bulldup, and trom high valtage whieh Is present in the radio aquipment connected 10 the antenna. A good electrical connection ‘should be made 10 one or more ground rods (ar other extensive ground system) rectly at the base of the tower or mast, using at least 10 AWG ground wire and non-corrosive hardware. For details and safety standards, consult the National Electrical Code, ‘ASSEMBLY Follow these steps in sequence and your assembly will go very quickly: 1. Snap the plastic insulators (809) into the element ales in boom. Identify the elements according to Chart 1 — their lengths may vary plus or minus 1/16" (18 cm, Place amark on each element at the position listed as LENGTH B. Use the ele ‘which you made on each slament. If you insert it olf the other end and start over. Now insert the element through the boom at the appropriate hole and slide against the inaulator on the oposite side of the boom. The elements are now assembled to the boom, Make Sure foattach both the horizontal and vertical elements, 2, Attach the rear boom (86) 1-1/8" x 12" (2.86 em x 30.46 em) to the main boom (B.A) 1" x 72" (2.54 em x 182.88 em) using 45:1 ¥2" (8 cm long stainless siee! hardware. 3, Assemble the driven elements 0 the E2 elements, Note that they are identical, Attach the ground brackets to the boom Us. lng #B:1%4" long stainless steel hardware. Attach the black T.maich spacers (196) to the T-match rods (198), socure ther ‘witha stainless steel fastener (195), Altach each T-match rod to the E-2-element with two T-mateh clamps (197) nd A832 x 3 ( stainless sive! hardware. All dimensions are frorn boom center, Attach the balun (OB) and phasing harness (PS) to each ‘driven element as shown in Diagrams 3 and 5, 4 Attach the boom to the mast according to the Diagram, 5. Set up Polat (98 POLARITY) and attach the.cosx-teed and vinyiboot (118). Insert your comx through the small end of your ‘connector boot, Attach the PL2S9, cut off the top of the silicon package 116) and apply alibéeal amount to the theeads (DO NOT APPLY TO THE CONNECTOR GENTER PIN) of the phasing hamess connector. Screw the P25, of the feed, onto this connec: tor finger tight. Now apply the remaining sillcom to the oafside of the connector. Slip the bool ovér the conneéctar as far forward 35 possible. POLARITY ‘See Diagram 5 when the phasing hamess is connected exactly the same to beth feeds, the polarity will be circular left. For cir ‘cular right polarity, connect the phasing harness center conductors {oalternate sides of the feedpoint, 2. onelelt and one right Follow Diagram § tor proper polarization, PS-4 MOUNTING. [Do not use phasing hamess supplied with 446TB. Mount PS-8 (see Diagram 6) on rear of antenna, behind the last element. PS-4 ‘mounting bolts, brackets, and vent plug should be facing down, Attach the two cables from PS-4to the driven elamants, for cir- ‘cular right polarization (Diagram 5). The relay in the PS-4 requires + 12 volts DC at 50 Ma (to center pin of phono plugito energize. In the configuration shown in Diagram 6, your 416TB will be circular LEFT polarized when the PS4 is NOT ENERGIZED and clr cular RIGHT polarized when it is ENERGIZED. CAUTION: DO NOT ENERGIZE RELAY WHILE TRANSMITTING. Pu [KEY DESCaIPTION | SUE | ary “oom | oom uve we | = cra | 98 uwonr ae | pasroen | uate E names | seeouart | Too | chant on evs? eax? Ere Eda? 5x2 Bx? nna ax? reaute 1" 188 158 nae 18 roran6 14 cory S158 rar Bane. 5 5 are Bilis (148) (133) (33) (128) 27 “27 (ie) (123) may oa beac aa oF % Sb, ren BA Sp | | TBE [eco iteztoxzstem | @ EAA ext = fee | GE) Jest | tart som mance | asax-ae ova fis | O==> fecnew | astem TERNAL woot | nareem sie SPUTLOCK nasmen (tem ‘sPLTLaCK Py HexNuT wounting [arse pute [iia 240m) 80118 20118 BOTH DRIVEN ELEMENTS ‘SHOWN AS VIEWED FROM wine Boor | — sucowe | — TO B FOR CIRCULAR RIGHT TO C FOR CIRCULAR LEFT held cane om - eee [rere fo Ps wamness [4 tomy zeae | soo ualaee 1 — Ps 5s PS-4 (OPTIONAL) ‘CONNECT IN THE SAME MANNER AS PS (PHASING HARNESS) WAS CONNECTED a Se 8 CONNECT TOA a8 ‘SEE FIGURE 5A MODEL Frequency, MHz 21 SWR Bandwidth, Miz Forward Galn, d8a 348 Beamwicth, Fra Ratio, 2a Boom Length, in (ra) Longest Element, in (em) Wind Araa, ft (mv) Weigh, Ib Og) Max Mast OO, in (em) 1678 35 23. 12.5 3a 20 80 (203) 13.3 (34) 5 L048) iaaq 206.9)

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