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Name: Millet O.

Capangpangan DATE: July 04, 2019

COURSE: BSED- English SUBJECT: Introduction to Linguistics

Language is a system for expressing souls and feelings. And is a key for building
communication and is a conduit experience for learning. But what comes to our mind when we
asked ourselves when did language begin? How has it developed when it keeps on evolving?

According to Carmody (2004) a writer the story of the Tower of Babel, found in the Book of Genesis
in the Bible, is fascinating and complicated and is open to many levels of interpretation, one of his
perspective is that long before the whole earth had come use one language and man made a
glorification to God and that is the creation of the Babylon. But as time goes by God saw arrogance
in the eyes of men and by that he punished them by cursing everyone to speak a different language
it was definitely the end of using one language and resulting men to chaos and to separate ways.

With that, story we can unveil the different theories, suspicions of to what really is our true
language origin, tough there are lots of perspective and interpretation about the happenings in
Babylon that time one thing is for sure the true essence is always been the same. Today, we must
sought to learn and dope the evolvements of language and to how language is significant in today’s

An linguist Comrie (2015) explained the two questions in which he first said was there a several
origin of human language? Second, if will we ever know? And he probably answered NO to the
second question because undeniably we will never know for it happens long before in the past.
Thus, there are reasonable directions in which we can form and narrow down speculations and to
put up research findings in to what is the certain range of need to choose from.

Furthermore, we can’t deny the fact that it is certainly hard to trace the back history especially if we
have not enough that reliable or good transcriptions that has preserved up until now. So I can’t
blame some linguist or historian to sometimes end up into speculations and made up insights. Thus,
the mere fact that they are continuing studying our culture and its evolvement it is already indeed a
great help to understand some theories and points that paved ways to unlock or answer our sense
of curiosity. Especially, us Filipinos even if we did not have the chance to say or express it we
formulate so many questions in mind about language in general. So, through the help of this data or
theories we can slowly understand is to how important giving value to our own language.
Jeffery Connor Linton a chairman of linguistic department in Georgetown University at Washington
DC. Asserted his point of contrast that English is unlikely to become a universal language and will
became one language of the world. He stated his reasons it is because each person express their
ways of identity through their own native language there is no need to change one person language.
Because the main goal of getting personal identity is to preserve one’s own culture.

Moreover, understanding language is an important part of understanding what it mean to be a

human being. Nor language is one of the features that is characteristic which is we know only
human beings and it is characterize to all human beings. So, knowing how language works tell us a
lot of what it means to be human beings as supposed to any other human species. That is equally
what they said that humans are a intellectually different and unique. Because, we are the highest
form of species we can’t compare ourselves to animals and other species. We have the capabilities
to think, understand, learn, observe, and decide. So it is with us that make us a human. Besides we
can’t deny the fact that in the book of Psalms 139:14 God said that we are fearfully and wonderfully
made. Also in Genesis 1: 27 So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he
created them; male and female he created them. In other terms we are uniquely extraordinary,
exceptionally made. But that does not mean we need to be imperious, arrogant or bumptious we
must always put in mind the saying in James 4:10 that we must humble ourselves before the Lord.
Because will always be higher than any other. We must always and forever give respect to him.

Language change because of the rapid change happening in the world we cannot deny the fact that
we tend to adapt and learn new language. It is also because of the global influence and tend to
explore new things. But, sadly we do not know or realize the impact to this in our culture of society.
We don’t literally know that idolizing so much other language maybe the reason of dying our
language. Hope, that one day we can balance the advantage and disadvantage of diversity. Not
totally, forgetting our true language but rather preserve it. Though language is a tool and a means
of communications it can also be the source of such problems. As I have mentioned above it also
have its disadvantage to one’s culture. It can be the source of war because of the misinterpretation
of language and it can also be the sort of loss of cultural divergence that can impact us through both
good and bad side’s effect of language. For instance, we cannot stop people use language right? And
that is the reason that each individual must be aware, consciously and be very careful in using our
language. Especially if we interact to other people having other language.

Overall, studying language follows different structure and forms. It is also a need to carefully study
language grammar, words, sounds and process for it is a key to understand language as a whole.
Thus, it works in a broader ways of understanding the language. As what linguist people do in the
video I watched they do have so many works to do and they need to find ways and to unlocked or
decode words. Especially words used by teenagers which are most bounded to be difficult to
understand their word terms and meaning and they probably confuse elders in the terms they use
their words so in order to figure things out a linguist must have create a co-partially different code.
To identify their difference and uses. In addition, language is more into complexity. So, there is so
much challenge is filled in the understanding of language. We need to properly and critically
analyze the language as a whole. For the aim of language is to search for our own common
denominator. Because, language is a variation of our future success. And so, the quest to find and
understand more about language is to listen and learn to Sir Eric discussion in our subject
Linguistic. For us, to understand language in a larger context.

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