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Meditation Made Easy

By Lane Kearney

The days of looking at meditation as something for only hippies and free spirits
are over. Meditation practices have become quite mainstream in recent years, as a real
way to cope, and potentially cure anxiety and depression. As a college student, I know
how overwhelming it can be trying to balance a full course load and a social life. In
college it is easy to fall into a ritual of putting school work first, social life second, and in
the process of all that losing time to focus on yourself, and how you are truly feeling.
With that being said, not everyone has time to go to a therapist weekly or the funds to
join a hot yoga studio, but I am here to tell you that focusing on improving your mental
health doesn’t have to be time consuming or expensive. There has been plenty of
research that has shown that mindfulness meditation can support greater emotional and
physical wellbeing for those who take the time to practice it.

Dictionary definitions of meditation can be defined as, "the practice of

maintaining a nonjudgmental state of heightened or complete awareness of one's
thoughts, emotions, or experiences on a moment-to-moment basis.” Simply stated,
mindfulness meditation is the practice of sitting comfortably in a space that you find
relaxing, focusing on your breathing, and trying to bring your mind to find peace with the
present. Allowing your mind to focus solely on the now is not as easy as it sounds, but do
not panic if you find your brain wandering. Meditation includes acknowledging thoughts
and sensations as they arise, so as long as you are being mindful of the thoughts that are
popping into your head as you go along, you are still practicing the art of meditation. As
simple and easy as it sounds, this practice has been found to do wonders for our bodies
and our mind; meditation can replace medication, enhance your immune function,
activate positive emotion in your brain, and improve your overall mental health. So how
can you gain these benefits as easy as possible?

The easiest way to meditate is to add it into your morning routine. Follow that
anxiety inducing alarm clock with a short meditation session to start your day. When I
first started meditating it seemed impossible for me to do it on my own. I would do two
days in a row, then forget, and not do it again for weeks, luckily, with a touch of a finger,
I was able to make meditating an attainable, daily goal.

There are several meditation apps that can transform any space into your own
personal yoga studio. My two favorite apps are Calm and Headspace. With Headspace
you are able to track your meditation routine and over time, your daily practice turns into
a habit. The app was created by a Buddhist monk named Andy Puddicombe who has
poured his heart and soul into it. Headspace is a perfect app for beginners who want to
incorporate meditation into their daily lives. The app Calm is more about learning
different meditation techniques. The application contains guided meditations that will
help you find a meditation technique that works for you. Calm comes with nature sounds
and background music that will help anyone find their inner zen in minutes.
Our mental health doesn’t just affect how we feel everyday, it affects everything
about our lives. Being the best version of you is what matters most and it doesn’t have to
break the bank or disrupt your day-to-day life. All it takes is minutes of being mindful;
mindful of your breath, mindful of your thoughts, and mindful to the area that surrounds
you. So find your favorite spot on campus, whether it be under your favorite tree, or on
your bedroom floor, and just breathe, it can change your life.

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