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Volume 10, Issue 1 November 7, 2010 www.moosemountainchurch.



Several times in his letters, When the chips are down is 3:9) but future ages (see Eph ASSEMBLY TIMES
Paul will give a personal re- where the “theory,” or more 2:7). What God is up to is cos-
flection or testimony (as he accurately the “theology” part mic, universal and eternal— Sunday Morning:
does in Ephesians 3:1-13). c o m e s i n . G o d not just personal and individ- 10:03am Class
There are several aims for why has already acted; what that ual.
Paul would use a personal tes- means is not yet fully clear. In Yet, God has called the
timony. this text, Paul believes that church, the people of God, to Full Family Fellowship
First, it bridges the gap be- what God put into motion in be the instrument through Thursday Evening:
tween Paul and his readers. In the past was becoming a real- whom God will announce his Alternating Thursdays
effect, Paul not only invites ity in Paul’s ministry. wisdom (Eph 3:10). This not 7:00pm
the readers to participate in his Those formerly excluded from merely evangelism, either,
story but his story also serves God’s people are now invited since the ones hearing the an-
as an exemplar of how God’s in. The big story in Paul’s tes- nouncement from the church CONTACT INFO
story frames our individual timony is that God was using are “the rulers and authorities
stories. Simply, God did this in him to announce that non-Jews in the heavenly places,” or 1 Christina Street
my life; he can also do it in (Gentiles) are now co- angelic and demonic forces at
Village of Kenosee
yours. heirs, members of the same work in our world. This is
Second, by showing that God body, and sharers in God’s where our story ties with Paul. Lake
is actively involved in his life, promise (Eph. 3:6). We are that church and we Box 184
it become more real. This is Paul has a testimony because have, as the text says, access S0C 2S0
not just theory (though, in the his ministry is to announce this to God. Thus we can walk in (306)577-2477
Ephesians reading there is move of God. Paul under- boldness and confidence

plenty of that). What God has stands that through him God is through faith in him even ___
done is actualized in the life of setting something big in mo- when the circumstances
a real person such a Paul. tion—the implication of which around us suggest otherwise. LEADERSHIP
Finally, Paul will use testi- were not yet visible. When we do this, we too have
mony to give context to what This “not yet” part of God’s a testimony. Elders:
might be an embarrassment in plan is bigger than we usually Can I have a witness? Cameron Husband
Paul’s story (see Eph 3:13). think or teach. It involves not Harold Floyd
Paul is in prison; he is suffer- just history (see “ages” in Eph S.N. Helton Dale King
ing. This does not Jim Sedor
square well with resur-
rection power that Paul Minister:
had so confidently an- Rolland Bouchard
nounced earlier (see
Eph 1:19-20; 2:4-6).

THE LATEST NEWS AND UPDATES Activities for Assembly

November 7, 2010
THRIFT STORE DAYS Please plan to be a part of the meeting as it will be
We will be working the thrift store both directional and encouraging. Mark Your cal- Welcome and Announcements
November 30 & December 2 endars today.
December 28 & 30 Offering
POTLUCK REQUEST During our potluck lunch Today we will be celebrat- Children’s Time
We want to thank you all for your generous dona- ing Nora Singleton’s 90th
tions to our potluck lunches. Because of known Birthday. Holy, Holy, Holy
allergies within our congregation we ask that you
do not bring any items containing pork. Thanks! IN HIS STEPS Beautiful Prayer
John McMillan is teaching our adult Bible class for
November using the book “In His Steps”. Please Sweet Hour of Prayer
HOMEMAKERS CIRCLE! read the book and be prepared for the series.
Nov13th - Trip to Yorkton
or Nov 5th Ladies Seminar
Dec 7th - Ladies Christmas Dinner OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD
Jan 14th - Spa Night For information on how you can contribute this Take My Life and Let it be.
Feb 8th - Cake Decorating year, talk to Pam.
Mar 19th - Ladies Day / Theme Supper Message
April 8/9th - Mini Retreat REMEMBRANCE DAY SERVICE
May 24th - Kennedy Memorial Gardens There will be a remembrance day service out at Be With Me Lord
June 14th - Tea House, Fairlight the monument by the baseball diamond on Thurs-
day this week. We will also be hosting the lunch- Caring and Sharing
COMMITMENT SUNDAY eon. Please see the signup sheet to find out how
There will be a congregational meeting TODAY. you can contribute. Thanks.
Volume 10, Issue 1 November 7, 2010
1 O LORD, you have searched me and you know me. 2 You know
when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. 3 You
discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my
 All of those walking through grief. ways. 4 Before a word is on my tongue you know it completely, O
 Arnold Lawrence LORD. 5 You hem me in--behind and before; you have laid your hand
 Marie McMillan upon me. 6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to
attain. 7 Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your
 Verna Reed
presence? 8 If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my
 Lanny Lawrence—is home from Hospital after bed in the depths, you are there. 9 If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I
open heart surgery. settle on the far side of the sea, 10 even there your hand will guide
 Bernard and Alicia Krogsgaard - Missionaries in me, your right hand will hold me fast. 11 If I say, "Surely the darkness
Mexico will hide me and the light become night around me," 12 even the dark-
 Joe Fox—recovery from surgery. ness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for dark-
ness is as light to you. 13 For you created my inmost being; you knit
 Verna’s Sister Linda was in a car accident is recov-
me together in my mother's womb. 14 I praise you because I am fear-
fully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full
 Chris Cornforth—continued health concerns.
well. Psalm 139
 Joe Cornforth, continued emotional and health

 Catherine Taylor– seeing continued success and

healing after her surgery.

 Rolland’s Grandmother is recovering well from

surgery after being diagnosed with cancer.

 Nancy Martinson—(Heather Kings Sister-in-law)

Pray for success in cancer treatments.

 Candy Wise—undergoing another surgery for an

aneurism. Pray for success.

 Tammy Palmer—still struggling with health. Pray

that God will heal her. She also thanks you for
your continued prayers
463 days
 James and Shelly, Congratulations on the birth of
your new baby girl Jamie!

 Neil Palmer—Verna’s Cousin recovering from five

bypass surgery

 Pam’s Uncle, John Dyck had open hear surgery.

 Pam’s cousin Julie’s husband passed away from

cancer leaving behind 2 young sons and a widow.

 Cody—ranked number 1 in bull riding. Pray for

his safety and rejoice with him on his victories.
 Joe’s brother Dan was in a roll over with his
tanker truck. He sustained some neck and back
You Can sponsor Mehtrin for $41.00 a month. 84.2% of your donation goes
injuries and will be out of work for a while.
directly to the support and sponsorship of the child. Your support through com-
 Krista Dolphin’s arm is broken, pray for a speedy passion will introduce children and families to Jesus Christ and show your com-
recovery. passion. Not only that, but you will have this child through the duration of your
Thank you for your prayers. Please know that this
list is not prioritized, every thing on this list de- To Sponsor Mehtrin or another child, type the link below into the address bar of
serves full attention. Please be sure to pray for each
your internet browser. This link will lead you to the Compassion Canada Web-
of these requests daily.
Or talk to Rolland today.

Puzzles and Cartoons used with Permission. For rights and permissions see and

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