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NAME: Millet O.

Capangpangan DATE: July 09, 2019

COURSE: BSED – English SUBJECT: Understanding the Self

Today we had only a thorough discussion about the understanding the self. And

Madam Rose had shared so much of things. And what I have learned the most is about

the self doubt it is so hard if we have to always deal to our self doubt. It is not good

and it can bring a negative effect to oneself. Self doubting it is not really good because

you are putting yourself down. And worst it can lower your self esteem as a whole.

Thus, overall it is not good.

Furthermore, I have learned that comparing yourself to other people is not good

also. It can bring negativity to your souls and can degrade you as human being. It is

most important to respect yourself and be responsible of your decisions and actions.

Because it is ourselves our number competitor and it is challenge for us to help

ourselves make the best version we can be. Do things that can help us enhance and

improve our self. Challenge and our self to be good and best in the way we can be.

Overall, understanding the self is very helpful to me. And it serves as guide and

tool for me to know myself more. And it is also essential especially the generation today

I can share my learning in this subject to other people. To tell some good and healthy

advices toward improving one self.

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