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PhD, Master, Bachelor


Summer Schools,
Career & Professional Training

• According to the Organisation for Economic

Cooperation and Development (OECD), Russia has the
most educated population in the world

• More than half of Russians have higher education


• More than 200,000 people from 168 countries come

to study at Russian universities every year
warmly greeted by all the people of Moscow. In 1985, Muscovites gathered on the city’s streets and
building rooftops to cordially welcome the guests of the 12th World Festival of Youth and Students.
Now you can experience the hospitality and openness of the sports capital of Russia, the city of Sochi.
Sochi is a city of Olympic brotherhood and hope. Five rings, just like the five Festival chamomile petals,

have become a symbol signifying the solidarity of all the earth’s continents.
I am certain that young people of all countries, nationalities and faiths are united by common feelings
and values, by their yearning for freedom, and their hope to achieve happiness, peace and accord on
our planet. By a desire to create and achieve greater things. And we will make every effort to ensure
you achieve success.
Friends, The energy and talent of young adults possess astonishing power. Younger generations always bring
Let me welcome you all at the 19th World Festival of Youth and Students, a forum of the planet's innovative ideas to the world. You strive to try new things, engage in debate and display your ability
youth, the most comprehensive one in its history. to disagree with the status quo and how things are done.
Some 30,000 participants, guests and volunteers from more than 180 countries across all continents Be bold. Create your own future. Strive to change the world and make it a better place. It is all in
have gathered here in Sochi. Here we also have young people from all across the vastness of Russia, your hands. Just be sure to never look back. Meanwhile, the festival brotherhood will certainly help
from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok. you bring your boldest and best dreams and plans to life.
The first festival took place seven decades ago. Back then, young men and women just like you were I declare the 19th World Festival of Youth and Students open.
united by the power of dreams and the belief that young people and their sincerity and kindness can I wish you a happy journey!”
break the ice of distrust and help rid the planet of injustice, wars and conflicts.
Back then, young adults of your age achieved a lot. They proved that barriers have no power against
true friendship and that the warmth of human contact does not yield to political, ethnic, religious,
cultural or any other differences.
Our country is proud to have hosted this world youth festival twice. In 1957, the 6th festival was

19th, World Festival Of Youth & Students , Sochi, Russia

Russian Universities Global Rankings The period of stay in Russia has been
extended for foreign students until
are assigned to the educational insti-
tution that has admitted such foreign
they complete their studies. The students. This means that it is the
11 - Among World Top 100 amendments have been made to the university that files an application to
Federal Law On the Legal Status of extend the temporary stay of a for-
Foreign Citizens in the Russian Feder- eign citizen with the local office of the
ation. federal migration authority.
The new regulations concern all for- According to deputy rector for sci-
eign students, including those en- ence and international cooperation at
rolled in foundation or preparatory Tyumen State University Andrei
courses at a state educational institu- Tolstikov, the law will have a positive
tion. The amendments include on-site economic and political impact.
and off-site training under their main “Russia is becoming more popular
professional program with a state with foreign students who wish to
accreditation. Foreign students who receive higher education; the number
transferred to a different school to of foreign students at leading Russian
continue their education will also be universities, including ours, is growing
able to stay in Russia until they com- fast,”
plete their studies. Before these amendments were
The amendments to the federal law made, the foreign citizens enrolled in
provide for a longer stay in Russia for foundation or preparatory courses
foreign citizens who have completed had to leave Russia to get a new visa
a foundation or preparatory course to continue their studies under a
and have been admitted by another different-level program.
educational institution.
At the same time, the host’s duties
In 2017, 11 universities made it into the top 100 specialized rankings by leading rating agencies (ARWU,
QS and THE), including six universities involved in the Project 5-100.  You can stay in Russia after  No ILETS
completing your study  Work Allowed
The universities include the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, the National University of Sci-  Allow to work during study  Worldwide Recognized de-
ence and Technology MISIS (NUST MISIS), the Higher School of Economics, the National Research Nuclear  Allow to migrate in university grees
University (MEPhI), Novosibirsk State University and Saint Petersburg State University of Information of your choice  Hostels with universities
Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (ITMO University).  Can join dual degree programs  Full Medical Insurance
with European university  Student card
In 2017, 11 universities made it into the top 100 specialized rankings by leading rating agencies (ARWU,  State Universities
QS and THE), including six universities involved in the Project 5-100. This includes the Moscow Institute
 More than 500 faculties
of Physics and Technology, the National University of Science and Technology MISIS (NUST MISIS), the
Higher School of Economics, the National Research Nuclear University (MEPhI), Novosibirsk State Univer-  Study in English and Russian
sity and Saint Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (ITMO Uni-  Economized fees Russia is true place for Interna-
versity).  Scholarship available tional Education
Interested in Education in Russia?
Are you studying the International Relations, MBBS/MD, Energy, Physics or Aero-
space Engineering? Maybe you could or even should consider Russia as a study
destination. Many programmes are offered in English and there are also a lot of
interesting summer/ winter school programmes available.

Although the educational system in Russia is still in transition, there are many fac-
ulties which offer top-notch education. This is a remainder of the Soviet Union,
when the country heavily invested in research and universities. Today, Russia is
once again investing in international programmes, English-taught courses and up-
dating facilities, such as labs and dormitories.

A few topics can be studied better only in Russia than anywhere else. Starting, of
course, with the Russian language, most of the universities are offering it for for-
eigners. Wouldn’t it be great to study within the Arctic Circle, deep inside Siberia or
in a city near the mighty Volga River? Russia as a country has always had an enor-
mous influence on international development. For example, most of our oil and gas
comes from Russia. Today, the only way astronauts can reach the International
Space Station (ISS), is with Russian manufactured rockets. Russia was and still is a
big power in the international political order. It might sound like a cliché, but a
study in Russia is a solid investment in yourself.
Russia is the biggest country in the world, with a territory covering more than 17
million square kilometers, spanning from the chilly plains of Europe to the humid More about Russia
landscapes of Asia. With its tremendous size comes a wide collection of inhabit- Not to be outdone in the field of literature and the arts, an education in Russia
ants, as the country is home to around 200 ethnic groups which speak an estimat- means that you’ll be learning at the birthplace of many world-renowned authors
ed 100 languages in total. As a result, Russia is an extraordinarily diverse country, and musicians, with exhibitions and festivals regularly taking place at a national
filled to the brim with varying traditions and cultures. and international level.

Education in Russia is most renowned for its achievements within the fields of sci- Aside from its diverse culture, pursuing an education in Russia is made even more
ence and research at the post-secondary level. The country's extensive influence exciting with the fact that the country is home to 26 UNESCO World Heritage Sites
on the said discipline is so great that an estimated one quarter of the total scien- which attracts millions of tourists every year. It is quite common for universities to
tific literature in the world is written in Russian. organize student trips to landmarks such as Red Square, The Kremlin and The Gold-
en Mountains of Altai among others, making it perfect for students who have a
Aside from being surprisingly unchanged despite its constant usage across such a constant travel itch.
vast country, the Russian vernacular is also one of the six official languages of the
United Nations.
The Trans-Siberian Railway
about more than 9000
kilometers, is the longest
and busiest one in the
world. We are talking
Russia Federation : Facts
The Russian Federation has had a great history.
Autocratic and enlightened tsars ruled the country until the early 20th century. Then the
communists took over and all over the world the names of Lenin and Stalin could be heard.
The Soviet Union rapidly industrialised and Yuri Gagarin became the first man to travel into
space. But in the late 1980s the Soviet Union was in stagnation. Gorbachev’s reforms failed,
the Soviet Union fell apart, the Berlin Wall came down and the Cold War was over. Russia
has gone through many changes since then. The unstable 1990s were followed by a decade
of fast economic growth. Traces of the past are almost gone in cities like Moscow and St.
Petersburg, with their 24-hour economies and exciting city life.

• Founded in the 12th century, the Principality of Muscovy was able to emerge from
over 200 years of Mongol domination
• In the early 17th century, a new ROMANOV Dynasty continued this policy of expan-
sion across Siberia to the Pacific.
• Under PETER I (ruled 1682-1725), it was extended to the Baltic Sea and the country
was renamed the Russian Empire.
• The communists under Vladimir LENIN seized power soon after and formed the USSR
in 1917.
• After defeating Germany in World War II as part of an alliance with the US (1939-
1945), the USSR emerged as a global power. So, you heard about Russia, you seen countless action movies where they are involved as
good or bad. You may have seen funny images from Russia spreading like a virus thought
• by December 1991 splintered the USSR into Russia and 14 other independ-
the internet, and you kind of started to love this nation. However, what we could ask our-
ent republics.
selves is what do we really know about Russia? Who really are Russians? What do they do,
• Following economic and political turmoil during President Boris YELTSIN's term love, eat and how do they live? Why are they so famous anyway? These are question that
(1991-99) Russia suffered with worst setbacks come to mind when thinking about Russia. But Russia is so much more. Well to help you
out a bit we made this really cool list of facts about Russia that will probably inspire you to
• President Vladimir PUTIN took in 2000 adopted strong economic growth , administra-
research about them a bit more after reading all this. The geographically biggest country on
tive and social reforms, a determined foreign policy focused on global geopolitical con-
earth has something to offer for everyone. Vibrant cities, a rich culture, beaches, moun-
text, resolving ethnic issues linked with global terrorism and modernization of educa-
tains for hiking or skiing and, of course, endless possibilities to study Russian or any other
tion, health , scientific and technological achievement Russia emerged again as world
topic on your wish list. Russia is having one among the best educational system in world.
Russia Federation : Facts RUSSIAN FEDERATION
Russian Geography
Russia Fact Sheet
With a total area of 17 million square kilometres,
Russia is the largest country in the world. It spans 1st place in the world • 11 AUTONOMOUS REGIONS (OKRUGS)
two continents (Europe and Asia)  natural gas (32% world reserves) extraction and
Russia's territory spans over 4,000 km from north export
to south, and almost 10,000 km from west to east.  oil production • 6 TERRITORIES (KRAYS)
Russia has the longest border in the world, a total  per capita natural resources supply • 2 AUTONOMOUS FEDERAL CITIES
of 60,932 km, including 38,808 km of maritime  Peat (47% world reserves)
borders (in the north and east) and 14,508 of land  forest resources (23% world reserves)
borders (in the south and west). Russia borders  salt reserve
Kazakhstan (6,846 km), China (3,645 km), Mongolia  reserves of drinking water / reserves of fresh water
(3,485 km), Ukraine (1,576 km), Finland (1,340  reserves of tin, zinc, titanium, niobium
km), Belarus (959 km), Georgia (723 km), Estonia  nickel reserves (40% world reserves) and production (22% world production)
(294 km), Azerbaijan (284 km), Lithuania (280.5  reserves of iron ore (about 28% world reserves)
km), Poland (232 km), Latvia (217 km), Norway  export of steel and metal-roll
(196 km), and North Korea (19 km).  production and export of primary aluminum export of nitric fertilizers, 2nd and 3rd in export
of phosphoric and potash fertilizers
Russia has about 120,000 rivers over. The total  reserves of diamonds and production and export
length of these rivers is 2.3 million kilometres.  reserves of silver
There are about 2 million freshwater and salt lakes
in Russia. The largest lakes are Lake Baikal (which 2nd place
holds about 20% of the world's total freshwater  reserves of gold
supply  2nd reserves of platinum
The forest zone covers 41% of Russia's plain lands
The coasts of Russia are washed by 12 seas of
three ocean basins: the Atlantic Ocean , the Arc-
3rd place in world
 reserves of coal (30% of world reserves)
tic ,Pacific Ocean
 reserves of copper and lead
time zones; There are eleven time zones in Russia

9th place in world

 reserves of uranium (10% of world reserves)
Since 1904, Nobel Prizes were ments on dogs saved thou- end of the XIX century. Today
awarded to twenty-four Russians: sands of human lives. it is still widely used in the
two in Physiology or Medicine, world.
twelve in Physics, one in Chemis-
try, two in Economic Sciences, • S. N. Fedorov contributed to • D. A. Lachinov proved that
five in Literature, and two Peace radial keratotomy develop- electric power could be
Prizes ment. In 1973 he became the transmitted at far distances
• V. K. Zvorykin – inventor of world first to conduct opera- through cables.
television and telecasting on tions for glaucoma patients • V. V. Petrov made the world

RUSSIA-US SIZE COM- an electrical basis

• A. M. Ponyatov is an inventor
at early stages. In a year he
started to operate patients
largest galvanic battery, in-
vented an electric arc.

of a videotape recorder.1956 who had shortsightedness by A. F. Mozhaiskiy – creator of
• I. A. Timchenko made the applying dosed cuts on cor- the first plane (1882)
first cine-camera in the world nea according to the meth- • I. I. Sikorskiy – creator of the
1893 ods he had developed him- first serial helicopter (late
• G. A. Ilizarov created an iron self. All over the world such 1930s).
apparatus that is used for operarions have been con- • F. A. Pirotskiy – creator of the
orthopedics, traumatology, ducted more than three mil- world first electric tram that
lion times.
Russian Economy surgery. It helps to heal
bones. • A. N. Lodygin and his electric
was functioning in 1880 in
Saint Petersburg.
• S. S. Bryukhonenko created bulb. In 1872 he patented his • F. A. Blinov invented and
• GDP: $4 trillion (2017) country comparison to the world: 7 the world first heart-lung invention that represented a assembled a crawler tractor
machine and proved that a vacuum flask with a carbon in the late 1870s.
• GDP - per capita (PPP): $27,900 man could recover after a core inside. • A. N. Tupolev designed the
clinical death, that opera- • P. N. Yablochkov invented an world first passenger jet and
• Exports: $336.8 billion (2017) tions could be made on an arc lamp. In 1877 these sin- the first supersonic passen-
open heart, organs could be gle-use lamps were used for ger aircraft.
• Imports:$212.7 billion (2017) transplanted, an artificial illumination of some Europe-
heart could be made. an streets, they worked only
• Reserves of foreign exchange and gold: $418.5 billion country • V. P. Demikhov – one of the for two hours but were ra-
comparison to the world: 7 transplantology founders. He ther bright.
was the first to transplant • M. O. Dolivo-Dobrovolskiy
lungs and to make a model of invented a three-phase sys-
an artificial heart. His experi- tem of power supply in the

 Radio Top Russian Inventions that changed the world

 Television
 Petroleum Cracking  Videotape recorder  Synthetic rubber  the first human spaceflight module, Vos-
 Solar Cell  Grain Harvester  Electricity Transformers tok 1
 Caterpillar tracks, track assembly  Helicopter  the first satellite, Sputnik  the first space rover
 Electrically powered railway Trams  Space Station  the first spacesuits
Russian Higher Educational System
The education system in Russia is heavily structured However, in recent years,
around the central European system. Aside from a few many private institutions of
minor differences, the system is divided into four main higher educations have
divisions – primary, secondary, higher and postgradu- emerged to complement
ate education. these traditional Russian
It takes 11 years to complete a secondary education institutions, offering pro-
Russia, with years one to nine considered as a require- grams in other fields such
ment. After successfully finishing their ninth year, stu- as economics, business and
dents will receive a certificate of Basic General Educa- law.
tion with the option of pursuing two more years of sec-
Facts about degree structures in the Russian Education
ondary education. to a Ph.D. in the United States.
After finishing these two additional years, a Certificate • A Doctor Nauk degree is obtained after an addition-
of Complete Secondary Education will then be award- • It generally takes four to six years to accomplish al 2-4 years of study in postgraduate education. This
ed. This certificate serves as proof that the student is one's higher education in Russia. certification then leads to a Doctorate degree. As
eligible to take up their higher education. • The Bakalavr (Bachelor) degree is given after four there is a 10 year gap between both degrees, the
On the other hand, those who would prefer to be em- years of a full time study at a university. Accomplish- latter is often awarded to students past their 40s, alt-
ployed as soon as possible have the option of pursuing ing a research project as well as passing the state final hough there have been exceptionally talented people
a three year associate degree at a tradesman school exams are the requirements to obtain this certifica- who gained their Doctorate in their 20s.
instead. tion. This degree is conferred in all fields except medi- Both Bachelor and Master degrees did not exist in the
cine, where the first stage lasts for six years. Soviet system, and were introduced to conform the
Three kinds of higher education institutions in Russia
• After their Bakalayr degree, students have the op- Russian education system toward a more international
1. Universities offer a broad range of programs on all tion to undertake a Specialist Diploma and Magistr’s standard in accordance with the Bologna Process.
levels. (Master’s) degree program. However, in Russia, this is This change has helped Russian degrees receive recog-
2. Academies place a huge emphasis on research not considered as a postgraduate education. nition and acceptance abroad, which was a previous
which is normally centered around a specific area • The Master’s degree is awarded after two years of problem for international alumni and which significant-
such as art, architecture or science. study with one year dedicated to research which in- ly affected the number of foreign enrollees in the past
3. Institutes are independent branches of universities cludes practice, preparation and defending of a thesis as well.
or academies which offer professional educational as well as undertaking a set of final exams. The Russian Academic Year
courses. • Students who posses a Master's degree are eligible
The education system in Russia is renowned for its The academic year in Russia is split into two semesters.
pursue their postgraduate education. Postgraduate
achievements and emphasis in the field of science and The first runs from September until January, the second
education, which is divided into two parts, is obtained
technology. As such, most of the courses offered in the at a university or scientific institute. Successful com- from February to June. This schedule is mandatory for
state-funded institutions are centered around this sub- pletion of the first part grants a Kandidat Nauk all universities as stated by the Russian government.
ject area. (Candidate of Sciences degree) which is about similar

Student visas in Russia
Study Visas for International Students in
Student visas in Russia are a must-have for students from most foreign
countries. Russia is not a member state of the EU/EFTA, so the visa-free en-
try privilege does not apply. Exceptions are members of the Commonwealth
of Independent States (CIS) which include Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus
among others.
A Russian student visa is valid for 90 days with the option to extend to a
year and then renewed after for the duration of the study.
Required Documents for Study Visas in Russia
• Official invitation letter from your chosen university or from the GUVM
(Main Directorate for Migration Affairs)
• An ID or a passport with a a remaining validity of at least 18 months and
with at least two unmarked pages, plus a photocopy of the front page.
• A medical certificate not older than three months, ensuring that you are
clear of HIV and AIDS.
• An printed application form (this can be done online) for submission to
the embassy, consulate or visa center Working While Studying
• A letter of consent from your parents and certified by a notary (if you’re Student visas in Russia offers the privilege of combining your work with your
under 18) studies. You will need to acquire a work permit from the Federal Migration
Make sure to register your arrival in the country at the local GUVM within Service (FMS) – unless you’ll be working during the holidays or at your aca-
seven days of arrival. Failing to do so can result in a fine, or at times, expul- demic institution.
sion from Russia. It would be best to ask for assistance with your chosen uni- The permit requires one to be a full-time student at a state accredited univer-
versity. sity and at least 18 years old. The permit costs RUB 3,500 (USD 63), is valid
for 1 year, and generally takes 10 days to acquire from the regional Federal
Visa Application for Family Members Migration Service.
Visa applications for close relatives i.e spouse, disabled and non-disabled chil-
dren under 18, and dependents, can be submitted alongside your application
for a student visa.
Student Accommodation in Russia

The cost of a student accommodation in Russia can range from from RUB 150
to RUB 35,000 (USD2.6 – USD 612) per month, depending on your location,
amenities, and the type of lodging among others. Among the Russian cities,
Moscow and Saint Petersburg are well known for being the most expensive
to live in.
There are tons of factors to consider in choosing a place to stay in, so we rec-
ommend doing additional research as early as possible.
Types of Student Accommodation in Russia
• Home Stay – A common solution for foreign students is to live with host
families. While this costs slightly more than university dormitories, this pro-
vides a great opportunity for you to be completely immersed in both the
Russian language and culture.
• University Dormitories – Alternatively, you could opt to stay in university
dormitories which always come with a shared bathroom and kitchen. The 5,000 (USD 58 – USD 83) a month. Monthly meal expenses come in at RUB
dorms are furnished, usually located on campus, and often near cafe’s and 8,000 – RUB 20,000 (USD 130 – USD 330).
sports facilities, which may not always be the case with a home stay accom- • Entrance fees to clubs in Russia are usually non-existent, with patrons on-
modation. But since you’ll be probably living with other foreign students, ly having to pay for food and drinks. A cocktail in Moscow is RUB 400 (USD
you’ll likely be missing out on the full Russian cultural experience. 6) with lower prices in smaller cities. The average youth spends RUB 2,000 –
Privately Rented Accommodation – Many students recommend staying in RUB 5,000 (USD 33 – USD 80) per weekend.
dorm for the first few months before moving into a private accommoda- • The price of a single journey on the Moscow subway is RUB 55 (USD 1),
tion. Acquiring a private apartment takes both a lot of money and luck, so it while a 20-journey travel card costs RUB 720 (USD 12). There is a student
would be a good idea to get acquainted with your fellow students for the discount for the monthly travel card at a price of RUB 380 (USD 6) with
meantime. cheaper prices in smaller cities.
• You will need to purchase a VHI (Voluntary Health Insurance Policy) which
costs RUB 3,000 – RUB 12,000 (USD 50 - USD 210) upon arrival, as interna-
Other Living Costs tional travel health insurance policies are not considered as valid in majority
As with other countries, living costs will largely depend on your location and of Russian hospitals.
• A typical shopping basket in Russia (which includes essentials such as
meat, vegetable, fruit, and bread among others) is around RUB 3,500 – RUB
Tuition fees in Russia are inexpensive, is the exam taken by all high
not only compared to the rest of Eu-
rope, but also to the quality of educa-
tion that the universities provide.
Tuition Fees & Study school students in Russia. The ex-
am results are used for admission
to universities.
After all, 22 universities from the country alone were included on the QS • The government granted 15,000 scholarships to international students in
World University Rankings 2016 -2017. 2017 alone.
The minimum tuition - which is determined by The Ministry of Education - • The scholarship covers the costs of the full tuition, maintenance allow-
cannot be less than the amount invested in education per student by the ance and dormitory accommodations.
state. • However, it does not cover travel costs, living expenses, and the volun-
tary health insurance policy (VHI).
Quick Facts about Tuition Fees in Russia
• A Bachelor’s degree in Russia costs RUB 67,000 (USD 1203) to RUB
380,000 (USD 6824) per year.
• A Specialist’s degree costs from
RUB 68,000 (USD 1221) to RUB
430,000 (USD 6076) per year.
• A Master’s degree begins at RUB
82,000 (USD 1473) up to RUB
450,000 (USD 8082) per year.
• Post-graduate courses costs from
72,000 (USD 1293) to 250,000 (USD
4490) per year.
To give international students an eas-
ier time in intergrating themselves to
Russian society, universities offer
preparatory programs which are de-
signed to teach enrollees about the
Russian language, traditions and life-
style. The average cost of a program
is RUB 120,000 (USD 2155)
Grants and Scholarships
• One needs to pass the Uniform
State Examination (EGE) to be able
to apply for a scholarship. The EGE
The Language & Culture in Russia

With a landmass that stretches from the freezing tundra of Europe to the
humid environments of Oriental Asia, it comes as no surprise that Russia
has become a melting pot for varying languages and cultures. It is a coun-
try perfect for students who are open to exploring different interests in
different fields.
The Culture
The country boasts its own set of impressive achievements in literature
and arts. Many great writers, philosophers and artists were from Russia:
Leo Tolstoy, Anton Chekhov, Feodor Dostoyevsky just to name a few. Na-
tional and international ballets, musical concerts, exhibitions and cinemas
are the norm in most Russian cities. Not to mention, Russia is home to a
whopping 26 World UNESCO Heritage Sites, such as the Kremlin, Red
Square and Lake Baikal.

The Language
While 81% of the total population speaks Russian as their sole and primary
language, the country has a diverse mix of more than 100 languages today,
scattered across an estimated 200 ethnic groups. Due to the recent influx of
international students, most universities have started offering programs in
English, especially in post-secondary education. Many of these institutions
can be found in the two main international hubs of Moscow and St. Peters-
Entry Requirements for Russian Universities
The entry require- (EGE) for candidates to be eli-
ments in Russia vary gible for consideration, making
depending on the them the toughest to get into.
university and the Also, all required documents
program you are such as your Application for
applying to, your Admission, ID, previous educa-
previous grades, and tion certificates, medical cer-
on the results of tificate and passport photo-
your entrance exam graphs, should all be present-
and interview, with ed with official copies translat-
the former being a ed into Russian.
major component of If you have a dual citizenship,
the selection proce- you can apply as a foreign stu-
dure. dent using your non-Russian
Programs Postgraduate Programs
Since majority of the If you are applying for ad-
courses in Russian vanced degrees (M.A./M.Sc.,
universities are taught in Russian, it is likely that you’ll need to learn the lan- Ph.D., D.Sc.) you will need to
guage first and provide proof of your proficiency in the said language. have your previous degree(s), such as a Bachelor’s or Specialist’s, in the
However, there is no need to fret, as some Russian universities offer one- same or a very similar field. This requirement is rather strict, especially in
year preparatory programs which allows newcomers such as yourself to fully comparison to the US or the UK. Unlike undergraduate programs, there are a
integrate themselves into Russian society through courses about the Russian larger quantity of postgraduate courses offered in English.
language, culture and lifestyle. Please be aware that universities receive many applications throughout the
Entrance exams in Russia play a huge part in determining whether a student year, so it’ll be wise to send the requirements months before the deadline to
will get accepted into their chosen university or not. The Unified State Exam- avoid any unfortunate delays.
ination (EGE), like the SAT used in the United States, is a standardized test
used for university admissions in the country.
The top universities require the highest of scores on the Unified State Exam
has become increasingly popular destina-
tion for medical studies (MBBS) amongst
international students due to its global
standards of education and low fee costs.
Medical Education in Russia
Many good medical colleges have come
in Russia, The fees for studying MBBS in with lots of hands on experience in the Russia in english medium are not re- FROM RUSSIA
Russia would cost you approximately the clinical field is what attracts aspiring stu- quired to undergo the one year of the As per the rules of the PMDC, a Pakistani
same as what it would here in Pakistan. dents to study MBBS in Russia. Russia is a preparatory course prior to starting the student wishing to pursue MBBS in Rus-
Medical education in Russia is subsidized safe place for Pakistani students. From main medical course. However, Russian sia or any other country has completed
by the Russian government by 60 - last 15 years, more Pakistani girls have as a subject would be taught in the first 3 his MBBS course only from a university
70%.Compared to been going to study MBBS in Russia. years of education along with other med- that is recognised by the World Health
western countries, the tuition fees for "BENEFITS OF MBBS IN RUSSIA FOR PAKI- ical subjects since the working Organisation (WHO). If the student wish-
MBBS in Russia medical colleges compar- STANI STUDENTS". knowledge of Russian is required during es to return and practice in Pakistan, they
atively lower than many other countries. = No entrance exams, the clinical interaction after the comple- are required to pass a qualifying test
Average cost of studying MBBS in Russia = Low cost Tuition Fee tion of 3rd year of the programme when known as PMDCI screening test or For-
is approximately 4000 US dollars per = WHO, Recognised Best Medical colleg- the student will start visiting the hospi- eign Medical Graduate Exam. This rule is
year. No donations are to be paid. Out of es tals and clinics for practical training's. For universally applicable to all students, re-
the 100 top worlds ranking colleges, con- = Affordable fee & Low cost of living students opting to study MBBS in Russian gardless of the country from where the
cerning thirty positions are occupied by = European life standard medium, the total duration will be 7 student completes his or her MBBS
the Russian medical Universities in World = English medium MBBS course in Russia (seven) years, the 1st year being the course.
Ranking and also the country has a num- = Emphasis on smart aspects in teaching "Preparatory Faculty" where students Russian/ CIS
ber of the best medical Universi- = Comfortable hostel accommodation on will study the Russian language before
ties.However, the important difference is field proceeding to do the main course of 6
- There is no capitations fees / donations = Perfect academic, sport and diversion years duration.
"WHY STUDY MBBS IN RUSSIA". = Well equipped hospitals with tertiary SIA
The last 15-20 years have seen a surge in care. He / She should have obtained 50%
the number of international students = One of the best education system in marks in the Physics / Chemistry / Biolo-
coming to study MBBS in Russia. Every Europe & Asia gy / English at the Class XII (10+2) level
year thousands of Pakistani students ap- = Easy Admission Procedure for the general category.
ply for MBBS admission in Russia. Paki- MEDICAL COURSES IN RUSSIA He/she has completed age of 17 years at
stani students completing their MBBS in MBBS Course - General Medicine BDS the time of admission in Russian medical
Russia do not face a problem while ap- Course - Dentistry PHARMACY Course university or will complete the age on or
pearing for the screening test because Medium of Study: English and Russian before 31st December of the year of his/
universities keep up-to-date with the syl- MBBS COURSE DURATION IN RUSSIA her admission. There are no entrances
labus of the screening test, and they pre- Duration of studying MBBS in Russia is 6 examinations and the admissions are
pare students from the first year itself to years (English Medium), International strictly on a first come first served basis.
appear for the test. Quality of education students who will opt for study MBBS in RECOGNITION OF MEDICAL DEGREE
 General Medicine
 Pediatrics/
 Dentistry
 Pharmacy
 Nursing
 Preventive & Social Medicine
 Public Health Clinical Residency
 Bioengineering
 Bioinformatics
 Biophysics
 Medical Biochemistry
 Clinical, Psychology
 Hospital Management

MBBS/MD IN RUSSIA • Study MBBS in Russia Medical colleges

• English medium MBBS course in Russia,
• Easy Admission Process for MBBS in Russia.
• WHO approved top medical colleges in Russia.
Engineering as a profession offers multitude of
opportunities and will never go out of fashion
or reach a point of saturation.

Russia was always famous for top-level educa-

tion in different spheres of Engineering and
many of its universities are considered to be
the schools of educational excellence, having a
potential for real greatness. A long-term histo-
ry of these universities provides many exam-
ples of creating a great number of the world-
known scientific contributions in developing
different fields such as aerospace engineering,
mechanical engineering, electrical, computer
engineering, radio engineering, electronics,
petroleum, laser technology, dynamics,
strength of machines, theoretical and experi-
mental physics, mathematics, cybernetics and
computer sciences, discovering of new energy
sources, solving new scientific and technologi-
cal problems, implementing of new methods of
energy generating, distributing and consuming.

The aim of these universities is to train skillful

artisans with a solid theoretical background to
improve and spread skills in various trades. The Well-known academicians, scientists, astronauts academician A.I.Tselikov, chief designer of metal-
most important ingredient of graduate education number amongst alumni and professors: Acade- lurgical engineering, academician S.A.Lebedev,
is the combination of fundamental theoretical mician A.N.Tupolev (class "TU" aircraft), Mikoyan chief designer of computers, Nobel Prize winners,
knowledge with profound engineering skills, ena- A.I. (class "MIG" aircraft), Jakovlev A.S. (class the members of Russian Academy of Sciences,
bling students to solve the current problems of "JAK" aircraft), S.P.Korolev, academician winners of different National Prizes.
contemporary science and modern industries. N.A.Dollezhal, chief designer of atomic piles,
• Management in Technical Systems
• System Analysis and Control
• Automation of Technical Processes and Production
• Constructional Design and Technologies in Electrical Engineering
• Technology and Control in Cable Production
• Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics
• Information Technologies and Computer-Aided Systems
• Automation of Business Processes and Financial Management
• Electric Power Generation Systems
• Electrical Energy Consumption Systems
• Electrical Machines and Equipment
• Electrical Systems and Complexes of Transport Vehicles
• Electromechanical Automation Systems and Electrical Drive
• Electromechanical Equipment of Energy Consuming Enterprises
• Electromechanics
• Electronic and Information Control Systems
• Electronic Devices and Systems
• Production and Technical Service of Electronic Equipment
• Equipment for Light Industry and Services
• Equipment for Oil and Gas Output

Engineering Faculties
• Equipment for Chemical Engineering and Building Materials
• Equipment for Pharmaceutical and Microbiological Industry
• Hydrotechnical Engineering
• Radio Electronic Systems and Complexes - Exploitation and Repair
• Electric Power Supply
• Electric Drive and Automation
• Electrical Power Industry
• Automated Electrical Drive
• Automated Electrical Technology Installations and Systems
Engineering Faculties
• Low Temperature Physics
• General Physics and Nuclear Fusion
• Thermal Power Plants
• Water and Fuel Technologies
• Industrial Heat Engineering Systems
• High-Temperature Technology
• Economics of Industry and Enterprise Management
• Heat-and-Mass Transfer Processes and Installations
• Chemistry and Electrochemical Energy
• Scientific and Technological Innovations in Energy Saving Technologies
• Research and Development Lab of World Energy Issues
• Geothermal Energy
• Steam and Gas Turbines
• Alternative and Renewable Energy Sources
• Chemical Engineering
• Automation and Management of Chemical Engineering Processes and Productions
• Chemical Technologies of Fuel and Carbon Materials
• Eco-biotechnology
• Industrial Biotechnology and Bioengineering
• Machines and Apparatus of Industrial Processes
• Technology of Inorganic Substances
• Design and Manufacture of Composite Articles
• Physics and Technologies of Electrical Materials and Components • Railway Engineering
• Electrical and Electronic Equipment • Railway Track Engineering and Construction
• Electrical Transport; Electromechanics • Railway Operations Management
• Enterprise Industrial Electrical Supply • Railway Industry Equipment
• Electric Power Plants • Special Railway Machinery
• Heat Power Engineering • Railway Construction Equipment and Machinery
• Heat Power Engineering
• Power Supply of enterprises
• Economics and Management in Heat Power Engineering Companies
• Heat Power Engineering and Heat Technology
• Automated Control Systems for Thermal Power Plant
• Automated Control Systems for Nuclear Power Plants
• Nuclear Power Engineering Thermophysics
• Boiler Installations and Energetic Ecology
Enterprises • Industrial and Civil Engineering
• Compressors • Examination and Management of Real Estate
• Pneumatic Units and Vacuum Techniques • Planning of Buildings and Constructions
• Computer Technologies in Machine Building • Urban Cadaster
• Hoisting and Conveying Machines • Real Estate Cadaster
• Hydraulic and Pneumatic Machines • Geodesy; Remote Sensing
• Instruments of Fine Mechanics • Technological Journalism (public and mass
• Metal Cutting Machines and Tools information)
• Metallurgical Equipment • Technological Journalism (professional and
• Packaging Machinery and Packaging Technol- academic research)
ogy • Construction of High-rise and Wide-span Build-
• Engineering Design and Reliability of Machine ings and Constructions
Industry Equipment • Construction of Underground Works
• Metal Science and Heat Treatment of Steel and • Standardization and Metrology
High-strength Low-alloy Steel • Quality Management in Engineering
• Technological Quality Assurance for Machine • Hydro engineering Construction
Engineering Products • Urban Development and Services
• Composite and Powder Materials • Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation
• Environmental engineering • Machine Parts and Theory of Mechanisms and • Hybrid Technologies in Welding Pro- • Water Supply and Water Disposal
• Electrical Power Engineering and Equipment Machines duction • Electrical Engineering
• Environmental Engineering and Water Usage • Dynamics and Strength of Machines • Surface Properties Modification of • Automation and Telemechanics
• Assembling and Maintenance of Devices and Constructional Metal (Materials Using Highly- • Technical Systems Management
• Industrial Thermal Power Engineering
Systems of Technological Production concentrated Energy Sources) • Distributed Computer-aided Information Man-
• Integrated Employment and Reservation of
• Occupational Safety in Machine Building • Engineering Material Science agement Systems
Water Resources
• Motor Vehicles and Engines • Applied Mechanics • Failure-resistant Management Systems
• Hydraulics and Water Resources
• Maintenance and Repair • Material Science and Material • Automation and Control in Technical
• Engineering Geology and Geoecology
Technologies Systems
• Architecture engineering • Chemical, Petrochemical and Gas
Processing • Technological Machines and Equipment • Automation Microprocessors
• Road Construction engineering
• Hydromechanics and Hydraulic Machines • High-Performance Computational
• Railway engineering
Technologies in Mechanics
• Industrial Sound engineering • Machine Design Bases
• Solid Mechanics
• Industrial Heat Engineering • Steam Generators Construction
• High-Performance Computational
• Machinery And Mechanics/ Mechatronics • Theoretical Mechanics
Technologies in Mechanics
• Mechanical engineering • Metal Technology; Engineering Drawing
• Solid Mechanics
• Mechatronics • Automobiles and Engines Maintenance and
• Computer Biomechanics
• Machine Building Technology Repair
• Civil Engineering:
• Mechanical Equipment • Automobiles and Motorcars Industry
Road & Airport Construction

• Road Construction
• Construction of Highways
• Airfields and Special Works
• Construction and Exploration of Aerodrome and Works
• Seaports Construction
• Railway lines construction
• Underground Railway construction
• Bridge Construction
Automobile Engineering
• Automobile Engineering, Transport, Road & Airport Construction
• Traffic Management and Road Safety
• Investigation and Assessment of Road Accidents
• Hoist Transport
• Road Machines and Equipment
• Machines and Equipment for Land Management and Environmental
• Maintenance of Transportation Technology Machines and Units
• Motor Vehicle Maintenance
• Maintenance of Transportation Technology Machines and Equipment
(Construction, Road and Municipal Machines)
• Automobile Roads and Aerodromes
• Terrestrial Transportation-technological Complexes
• Maintenance of Transport-technological Machines and Complexes
• Terrestrial Transportation-technological Facilities
• Automation of Transport
• Transport Management
• Transport Systems
• Transport Technology.
• Metallurgy
• Machinery design
• Nanoengineering
• Machine Engineering
• Composite and Powder Materials, Coatings
• Hydraulics and Hydraulic Machines Electronics and Instrumentation
• Radio electronic systems and complexes
• Laser equipment and technologies
• Biotechnical systems and technologies
• Electronics and nanoelectronics
• Radio engineering
• Design and technology of electronic instrumentation
• Applied mathematics and physics
• Construction and Technological Support in Mechanical Engineering
• Material Science and Material Technologies
• Gas Dynamics and Impulse Facilities
• Gas Turbine Plants and Compressor Stations



• Airplane and helicopter design technology,

• Aircraft engineering
• Quality control
• Automation of technological processes and production
• Technical maintenance of aircraft and aircraft engines
• Technical maintenance of aviation electrical systems and
aircraft navigation systems
• Technology of transport processes
• Aircraft Equipment
• Engineering Design and Production of Automatic Machines


• Commercial Piolet • Airport Management

• Technical Exploitation of Ground-based Electronic Support of Flights • Air Security of Technological Process and Manufacturing
• Aeronautical Telecommunications • Human Resources Management; Air Security Provision
• Aircraft and Air Engine Technical Maintenance • Aviation Law
• Air Navigation systems • Air Transportation Organization and Management in an Integrated
• Management of the Air Space Use Transport System
• Mathematical Software of Transport Control Systems • Financial Management
• Aircraft Maintenance and Repair Organization • Production Management
• Organization of Technical Exploitation of Automated Air Traffic Control • Transport Service Administration
• Flight Radio Maintenance Organization
• Flight Electronic and Illumination Equipment Maintenance, Organization
• Air Transportation Organization and Management
• Air Traffic Organization

• Information security of automated systems

• Fundamental informatics and information technologies
• Applied mathematics and informatics
• Applied mathematics and physics
• Informatics and computer science
• Machine Engineering Technology of Computer-aided Production
• Technological Quality Assurance of Computer-aided Production

• Aircraft and rocket engine design
• Aircraft and Space Rockets Production
• Aircraft and Air Complexes System Control
• Aircraft & Engine Production, Maintenance and Repair
• Aircraft Engines and Power Plants
• Aircraft Engines and Power Systems Engineering
• Aircraft Engine Manufacturing Technology
• Design and Construction of Aircraft Engines and Power Systems
• Power engineering
• Heat Engineering
• Aerospace Heat Machinery
• Helicopters Exploration and Repair
• Design and technological support of machinery production
• Space Engineering
• Design, production and maintenance of rockets and space complexes
• Rocket complexes and astronautics
• Mechanics and mathematical modeling
• Applied mechanics
• Aircraft Power Engineering
• Space Station Technology
• Space Rocket Power Plants
• Space Vehicle Design and Manufacturing
AGRICULTURE Sciences & Engineering
• Automobiles and Transport Economics
• Mechanization of Agriculture
• Mechanization of Agro-processing
• Transportation Technology in Agro-industrial Complex
• Transport, Machinery and Equipment Service
• Agricultural Machinery
• Agricultural Engineering
• Energy Supply Technologies and Equipment in Agriculture
• Electrification and Automation of Agriculture
• Enterprise Energy Supply Service
• Engineering; Industrial and Civil Engineering
• Safety of Technological Processes and Production
• Accounting and Audit in Agriculture
• Agricultural Management
• Genetics and Selection of Agricultural Crops
• Hydro Irrigation Systems
• Mechanization of Agricultural Products Processing and Storage
• Agrochemistry
• Agroinformatics;Soil Biology
Agronomy • Soil Geography
• Fodder Production and Grass Farming • Land Resources
• Vegetable Breeding • General Agriculture
• Production Technology and Agro-processing Technology • General Soil Science
• Plant Protection • Radioecology and Ecotoxicology
• Vegetable Breeding and Viticulture; Fruit • Soil Chemistry
• Vegetable and Grape Growing • Soil Erosion
• Animal Agriculture; Zoological Engineering • Soil Melioration and Soil Physics.
• Agrochemistry and Soil Science
• Agrochemistry of Landscapes; Agroecology
• Agrometeorology
• Land Organization and Cadastre
• Organization of Land Use
• Agroengineering
• Economic Security • Agricultural Economics
• Company Economy • Economic Studies
• Finance • Macroeconomic Management and Planning
• Finance and Credit • Mathematical Methods for Economic Analysis
• Accounting • Population Studies
• Accounting and Audit • Constitutional Economics
• Analysis and Audit • Innovation Economics
• World Economy • Socioeconomics Management
• Accounting • Labour and Personnel Economics
• Analysis and Audit • Economic Informatics
• Taxes and Taxation Management • Market Economy
• Economy of Enterprises and Organizations • Accounting Facilities and Systems
• Real Estate Management • Applied Informatics in Economics
• Tourism Management • Commercial Activity
• Municipal Economics • Economic Statistics
• International Accounting • Economics and Entrepreneurship

Economics & •

Economical and Legal Regulation of Foreign
Economic Activity
International Investment Management

Economics and Human Resources Manage-
Environmental and National Resource Eco-

Management •

Economy of Small and Medium Enterprises
International Business
Tax Advice

Enterprise Economics and Management
Enterprise Economics and Legal Support of En-
• Banking Management trepreneurship
• Regional Economy • International Economic Relations
• Financial Management • Logistics Management
• Insurance Management • Commerce Management
• Corporate Finance Management • Customs Management
• Economics and Management of National Econ- • Commodity Research and Expert Examination
• Finance, Monetary Circulation and Credit
• Mathematical and Tool Methods in Economy
• • International Security;
• International Organizations and World Political Process
• Regional Problems of World Politics
• Information Support of Foreign Policy
• International Communication
• International Relations
• International Political Economy
• Public and International Affairs
• International Organization and Global Governance
• International Conflict and Security
• Comparative Politics
• Political Theory
• Foreign Policy and Security
• Political Economic and Development
• Public Law
• Foreign Policy
• Political Science
• International Organizations and Global Governance
• Global Economics and Management of External Economic Activities
• Political Analysis Department
• Political History Department

Governance, International Relations, •

Legal Foundations for Public Administration
Regional and Municipal Administration
• Management Sociology
Politics, Law •

Strategic Communications
Strategic Planning and Economic Policy
• Public Management Theory and Technology
• Human Resources Management
• Theory and Practice of Cross-cultural Communication
• Sociology of Culture
• Administrative Law
• Finance and Process Law
• •
• Computer Engineering
• Computer System & Network
• Programs Engineering
• Hardware & Software Engineering
• Automatics and Computer Engineering
• Computers, Computer Systems and Networks
• Information Measurement Technics
• Mathematical Modelling
• Applied Mathematics
• Control Engineering and Applied Informatics
• Electrical Engineering and Introscopy
• Electrophysics of Information Systems
• Naval Information Systems of Automation
• Control and Navigation
• Instrumentation Engineering
• Computer and Intelligent Systems and Network Operation
• Intelligent Systems
• Specialized Computer Systems


Computer-Integrated Technological Processes (Production, Information
Technology and Biotech)
Applied Information Technology in Economics


Arrangement of Systems
Networks and Telecommunications
Automated Information Processing

Engineering •

Automated Systems Software
Automatic Control and Systems Engineering
Automation of Technology Processes and Production
• •

COMPUTER , IT , TELECOM, Engineering

• Data Security in Computerized Systems and Networks

• Information Systems & Technologies
• Information Technology & Communications
• Computer Technologies in Mechatronics and Robototechnics
• Document Processing and Information Activities
• Flexible Computerized Systems and Robotics
• Fundamental Informatics and Information Technologies
• Info-communicational Technologies and Processing Systems
• Informatics and Manual Training (Technical Service Training)
• Information and Analytical Systems of Security
• Information Protection
• Information Security
• Information System and Technology
• Information Systems and Technologies
• Mathematical Modelling
• Numerical Computing and Program Systems

• Petroleum Engineering
• Open-pit Mining
• Underground Mining
• Mine Construction and Underground Construction
• Design and Construction of Oil and Gas Extraction Complexes
• Mining Machinery and Equipment
• Environment Protection and Nature Management
• Applied Geology and Mining
• Nature Management and Land Cadastre
• Geography; Geoecology and Life Safety


Landscape Planning
Physical Geography and Landscape
Cartography and Geoinformatics


Geography and Environmental Education
Landscape Geochemistry


Soil Geography
Ecology and Nature Management
Prospecting and Exploration of Groundwater and Geological Engineering


Mining and Oil-field Geology
Geophysics; Engineering and Mining Surveyors


Destruction of Rocks
Miner Aerogasdynamics and Mountain Thermophysics
Land Monitoring
• Geochemistry and Mineralogy
• Mine Surveying
• Electrification and Automation of Mining Project
• Exploitation of Mineral Deposits
• Mine Surveying, Geodesy and Geoinformation Systems
• Mining and Oilfield Machinery
• Oil and Gas Geology

• Oil and Gas Technologies search

• Geoinformation Systems and Technology • Seismology and Geoacustics
• Safety of Living; Industrial Safety • Hydrogeology
• Prevention of Emergency Situations • Hydrology and Hydrochemistry
• Safety System for Transport Operations • Ferrous Metallurgy
• Safety Systems in Construction Operations • Metalworking Equipment and Complexes
• Safety Systems in Oil and Gas Industry • Foundry Operations
• Mineral Dressing
• Welding Engineering Technology and Equip-
• Mining Machinery
• Development and Operation of Oil and Gas Fields
• Metal Shaping Equipment and Technology
• Oil, Gas and Mining Equipment
• Ferrous Metallurgy
• Gas and Oil Production;
• Foundry Equipment
• Dynamic Geology
• Foundry Methods of Iron and Non-Ferrous
• Regional Geology
Metals Production
• Geological History of Earth
• Heat Treatment of Metals
• Geology of Russia
• Non-ferrous Extractive Metallurgy
• Paleontology
• Metal Science and Heat Treatment
• Geology and Geochemistry of Natural Re-
• Special Metallurgy
• Technological and Metallurgical Processes
• Geology and Geochemistry of Fossil Fuels
• Lithology and Marine Geology (welding, structural and functional nano-
• Geochemistry materials, materials science /technology of
• Petrology new materials)
• Functional Nanomaterials for Medicine
• Mineralogy
• Crystallography and Crystallochemistry
• Ecological Geology
• Geophysical Methods of Earth’s Crust Re-
• Strategic Management
• Marketing
• Financial Management
• Production Management
• Sociology of Management
• Social structure and Social Institutions and Procedures
• Lifecycle Management of Information Systems
• Innovative Project Management
• State and Public Service
• Project Management
• Human Resource Management
• Expertise and Analysis in the Sphere of Public Audit
• Enterprise Management
• Economics and Anti-crisis Management
• Management and Quality Control
• Company Personnel Management
• Risk Management and Insurance
• Administrative Management
• Theory of Management

Educational Management
Energy Consumption Management
• Production-Sphere Management


Non-Production Sphere Management
Management of Foreign Economic Activity
Management of Socio-Cultural Activity
• Organization Management
• Municipal Management
• Quality Management
• Quality Management (Quality, Standardization and Certification)
• Records Management
• Show Business Management
• Applied and Business Informatics

• Business Administration
• Public Administration
• Innovation Studies
• Strategic Management of Technological Innovation
• Financial Ratio Analysis
• Capital Budgeting and Managerial Solutions
• Corporate Social Responsibility
• Corporate Finance and Branch Analysis
• Corporate Marketing
• Leadership
• International Technology Market
• International Finance Management
• Technology Management
• Innovations in a Product Design
• Business Consolidation Strategy
• Marketing Strategy
• Organizational Theory and Behavior
• Technology Brokering and Breakthrough Innovation in a Product Design
• Social Business Management; Innovation Management
• Financial Modelling
• Consumer Goods Modelling and Design
• Hotel and Tourism Management
• Advertising Production & Management
• Product Technology and Catering
• Trading Business
• Commodity Service
• Organization and Management of Tourist Business
• Technology and the Organization of Excursion Services
• Hotel Business
• Sports and Recreation Technology
• Regional Tourism Development
• Hotel & Tourism Supply
• Foreign Language in Business
• Food Products Technology
• Food and Refrigerating Machinery
• Theory of Machines
• Mechanisms and Machine Parts
• Food Biotechnology
• Food Products of Grain Origin
• Food Products of Animal Origin
• Technology of Catering
• Technology of Polygraphy and Packaging Production
• Merchandizing
• Food Products Quality Control
• Food Chemistry
• Chemistry of Taste
• Color and Flavour
• Chemical Processing of Natural Raw Materials
• Environmental Chemistry and Chemical Monitoring
• Modern Methods of Raw Materials and Biotechnological Products Research
• Biologically Active Organic Compounds of Plant Origin
• Physical and Chemical Analysis
• Technochemical Food Quality Control
• Microbiological Methods in Food Production
• Optical Methods of Analysis
• Chromatographic Methods of Food Products Analysis
• Computer and Mathematical Modeling of Food Production Technological
• Quality Examination and Detection of Food Adulteration

• Bread Production, Confectionary and Pasta Technology

• Food Industry Equipment and Machinery
• Food Technology
• Food Engineering
• Refrigerating Machines and Units
• Fruit and Vegetable Processing Technology
• Fruit and Vegetable Storage Technology
• Fruit and Vegetable Preservation Technology
• Meat Storage Technology
• Meat Preservation Technology
• Milk and Dairy Product Technology
• Fat Replacers Production Technology
• Fermentation Technology and Wine Making
• Fish and Seafood Storage and Processing Technology
• Grain Storage and Processing Technology
• Sweeteners and Sugar Alternatives in Food Technology
Maritime, Shipping, Oceanology
• Applied Ocean Technology
• Aquaculture and Seafood Development
• Fisheries Ecosystems Research
• Marine Simulation Centre
• Sustainable Aquatic Resources
• Marine Services
• Safety and Emergency Response
• School of Fisheries
• Maritime Studies
• Ocean Technology
• Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
• Ocean Engineering
• System Engineering of Marine Infrastructure
• Hydrotechnical Engineering
• Port Facilities and Electrical Engineering
• Fleet Operation and Maintenance
• Ship Heat Power Engineering
• Ship Power Plants Engineering
• Theoretical Mechanics
• Technology of Materials and Ship Repair
• Life Safety at Sea
• Marine Electronics and Control Systems
• Automated Control of Technological Processes
• Automation of Ship Diesel and Gas Turbine Plants
Maritime, Shipping,
• Theory of Automatic Control and Computing
• Automated Control of Ship Power Plants
• Operation of Ship Electric Equipment and Automatics
• Operation of Transport and Technological Machines and Systems
• Ship Refrigerating and Auxiliary Plants and Systems and their Operation
• Ship Electrical Power System Optimal Operation
• Maritime and Inland Waterway Navigation
• Sea Navigation; Maintenance of Transport Radio Equipment
• Technology of Transport Processes
• Shipbuilding
• Maritime Radio Communication
• Foundations of Radio Engineering
• Maritime Law
• Shipping Management and Economics
• Economic of Maritime Business
• Materials Technology and Measurement Science
• Ship Refrigeration
• Marine Power Plants and Equipment
• Ships and Ocean Technology
• Cryogenic Technology and Life Support Systems
• Commercial Fishery
• Fishery and Aquaculture
• Clothing Technology and Design • Operations Management Decisions for
• Introduction to Textile Technology Textiles
• Yarn Production and Properties • Design and Technology of Technical
• Formation and Structure of Textile Textiles
Fabrics • Textile Computer Integrated Enterprise
• Introduction to Nonwoven Products and • Supply Chain Management in the Textile
Processes Industry
• Performance Evaluation of Textile • Textile Senior Project
Materials • Footwear
• Knitted Fabric Technology • Haberdashery
• Woven Products and Processes • Leather Goods Production
Textile Engineering, Fashion •

Woven Textile Design
Knitted Textile Design

Garment and Leather Goods
Labour Training in Needlework
& Leather Production • Management and Control of Textile and
Apparel Systems
• Labour Training in Cloth Modeling and
• Textile Technology Senior Design • Leather and Fur Technology
• Advanced Nonwovens Processing • Computerised Fashion Design
• Bonding Fundamentals in Nonwovens • Natural Fiber Technology
• Characterization Methods in Nonwovens
• Nonwoven Product Development
• Textured Yarn Production and Properties
• Quality Management and Control in
Textile Manufacturing
• Advanced Woven Fabric Design
• Jacquard Woven Fabric Design

• Theatre Performance Direction
• Acting
• Directing
• Film Production Management
• Art of Cinema and Television /Cinematology
• Cinema Engineering
• Audio Engineering
• Video Engineering
• Theatre Management
• Photographic Materials and Polygraphic Materials
• Photogrammetry
• Photo Art Studio
• Art Restoration
• Arts, Social and Cultural Activities
• Artistic Photography and Photographic Production
• Artistic Culture and Library Science; Decorative and Applied Arts;
• Variety Show
• Directing Amateur Dance Troupe
• Directing Film Art Studio
• Directing Amateur Theatre
• Artistic Culture and Library Science
• Decorative and Applied Arts;
Arts, Culture •

Folklore Studies
Directing and Producing Cultural Leisure Activities
• Publishing & Printing Technologies

Film Production , •

Management of Socio-cultural Services
Information Services Management;
Information and Analytical Activities

Cinema, TV •

Musicology and Applied Music
Music Pedagogy
Stage Music
Arts, Culture Film production , Cinema, TV
• Folk and Fine Art
• Theory and History of Folk Art; Museology
• Protection of Natural and Cultural Heritage
• Theory and History of Art; Art Painting
• Technical Aesthetics and Design
• Drawing, Painting and Sculpture
• Musical Instruments Art
• Piano
• String Instruments (Harp, Violin, Viola, Cello, Double
• Woodwind and Percussion Instruments
(AltoSaxophone, Clarinet, Flute, Oboe, Bassoon,
Horn, Trumpet, Tuba, Trombone, Percussion)
• Plucked String Instruments (Guitar, Domra,
Balalaika, Gusli)
• Bayan / Accordion
• Singing
• Academic Singing
• Choral Conducting
• Choral Singing
• Art of the Ancient World
• Modern Problems in Art Theory and Method
• Myth and Culture
• Signs and Symbols in Art
• Stage Orchestra Musical Instruments • Stage Design and Technology • Oriental Art
• Stage Jazz Vocal; Folk Vocal; Folk Choral Singing • Stage Technicia • Architectural Semiotics
• Artistic Culture and Library Science • Folk Art • Artistic Culture
• Opera and Symphony Orchestra Conducting • Direction of Applied Art Studio • Fine Art Studie
• Music Art and Choreography • Graphic Design • Sculpture
• String Section of Orchestra • Industrial Design • Fine Art and Artistic Cultur
• Woodwind Section and Percussion Section of • Interior Design • Ethics and Aesthetics
Orchestra • Fundamentals of Design • Museum Studies
• Ballroom Dances • Art Studies and Cross-cultural Communication • Protection of Cultural Monuments
• Ballet Choreography • Art and Humanities • Natural Rarities
• Choreography and Artistic Culture • Fine Art and Architecture
• Fitness Technology
• Professional Sports
• Olympic Sports
• Basketball
• Weightlifting
• Sailing and Rowing
• Wrestling
• Football
• Gymnastics and Calisthenics
• Powerlifting; Swimming
• Track and Field Athletics
• Tennis
• Volleyball;

SPORTS & Physical Education

• Ethics and Religious Studies
• Philosophy of Science and Technology
• Theology
• Philosophical Anthropology
• Philosophy of Culture
• Philosophy and History of Religion
• Theory and History of Culture
• History and Theory of World Culture
• Logics
• Anthology and Cognitive Theory
• Social Philosophy
• Philosophy and Methodology of Studies
• Ethics
• Religion Studies
• Aesthetics
• History of Philosophy
• Philosophy of Humanities
• Philosophy of Natural Sciences

Philosophy , Religion, •

Philosophy of Politics and Law
Philosophy of Language and Communication
Philosophy of Education

Logic , Ethics
• Applied Linguistics French Languages) • History of Russian Literature • Theory of Literature
• Baltic Studies • English Language and Literature and Ger- • History of Russian Literature of the 20th • Theory and History of Literature
• Foreign Philology man Language Century • Translation and Interpreting (Two Lan-
• Foreign Literature • Second Foreign Language (Modern • Hungarian Language and Literature guages)
• Byzantine and Neo-Hellenic Studies Greek, German) • Iberian Romance Linguistics • Translation,
• Classical Philology • English Philology • Arabian Language and Literature • Turkish Language and Literature
• Comparative and Historical Linguistics • Spanish Languages and Literature • Computer Science and Languages • Fundamental and Applied Linguistics
• Language and Literature (English) • Hebrew Languages and Literature • Chinese Language and Literature • Language Teaching Technologies
• Cultural Studies • Finno-Ugric Linguistics • Japanese Language and Literature • Intelligent Systems in Linguistics
• Discourse and Communication Studies • Foreign Languages and Regional Studies • Slavonic Language and Literature • Linguistic Support in International Rela-
• English and German/French/Italian Lan- • French Language and Literature • Language of Mass Media tions (the specific language pairs: English
guages and Literature

Applied • French Linguistics
• General and Computational Lexi-

Literary Creativity
Modern Greek Language and Literature
Polish Language and Literature •
& German, English & Spanish, English &
French, English &Chinese)
Translation and Translation Studies
• General Linguistics • Romanian Language and Literature • Theory and Practice of Translation
• German Language and Literature • Russian Folklore; • Comparative Study of Languages in Lin-
• English and Russian (Language and Liter- • German Language and Literature with • Language and Literature in Applied Psy- gocultural Communication; Modern Lin-
ature Second Foreign Language chology guodidactics in the Context of Lingocul-
• English Language and Literature (with • Germanic Linguistics • Bulgarian Language and Literature tural Communication
Profound Knowledge of German and • Germanic Philology • Theoretical and Applied Linguistics • Foreign Language in Business
• Botanics
• Entomology
• Physiology
• Biotechnology
• Anthropology
• Bioengineering
• Biological Evolution
• Biophysics
• Biochemistry
• Bioorganic Chemistry
• Virology
• Higher Nervous Activity
• Higher Plants
• Genetics
• Geobotanics
• Hydrobiology


Cell Biology
• Zoology
• Vertebrate Zoology
• Mycology
• Algology
• Molecular Biology
• Plant Physiology
• Human and Animal Physiology
• Embryology
• Entomology
• Biology and Chemistry
• Biology and Farming
• Biology and Ecology
• Biology and Geography

• Biology and Fundamentals of Ecology

• Biology and Physical Education
• Biology and Practical Psychology
• Garden Ornaments and Horticulture
• Biotechnology Equipment and Medical Apparatus and Sys-
• Ichthyology and Ecology
• Aquaculture
• Ichthyopathology and Hydrobiology
• Soil Science and Agroecology
• Applied Ecology
• General Ecology
• Ecology and Environment Protection
• Ecology of Food and Nutrition
• Ecology and Food Production
• Plastics and Elastomers Recycling Technology
• Radioecology; Renewable Energy Sources
• Physical Education
• Preschool, Primary and Special Education
• History and Philology Education
• Mathematics and Natural Sciences
• Foreign languages
• Psychology
• Music
• Theory and Methodology of Secondary Education
• Professional and Pedagogical Culture
• Social and Environmental Education
• Library and Information Science
• Socio-Professional Self-Identity in Primary & Secondary
• Child Phycology
• Instrumental Didactics
• Innovating Teaching
• Informatization of Educational Process
• Professional Teaching; Library Studies
• Education in the Modern World
• Spiritual and Moral Education
• Supplementary Education for Children
• Adult Education
• Psychological Safety in Education and Social Interaction


Comparative Education


• Teaching in Distance learning

• Teaching Anthropology
• Education Quality Monitoring
• Higher Education
• Social Teaching and Socio-Educational Work
• Preschool Teaching
• Education through Art (Toys, Picture, Instruments)
• Teaching of Health and Physical Culture
• Primary Education and Preschool Education
• Social Rehabilitation
• Teaching of Care and Therapy
• Teaching of Regional Development
• Teaching for Early Childhood Education
• Deaf-and-Dumb teaching
• Defectology and Psychology
• Elementary Education and Social Instructors
• Higher School Teaching
• Library Sciences

• Social Teaching
• Social Psychology
• Social Sciences
• Social Structure
• Social Institutions and Processes
• Social Structure
• Social Institutions and Processes
• Social Work
• Sociology of Culture
• Sociology of Management
• Sociology of Public Opinion
• Sociology of Religion and Culture
• Sociology of Youth
• Transdisciplinary Research in Social Theory
• General Psychology
• Psychology of Personality
• Social Psychology
• Neuroscience and Psychopathology
• Psychology of Work and Engineering Psychology


Occupational Psychology
Developmental Psychology


Psychology of Education and Pedagogics
Psychological Methodology
• Psychogenetics
• Extreme Psychology and Psychological Relief
• Neuropsychology
• Psychology of Labour
• Psychology of Professions and Conflict
• Cognition and Perception
• Clinical Psychology
• Behavioral Neuroscience
• Cognitive Psychology
• Health Psychology
• Quantitative Psychology
• Applied Psychology
• General Population Service
• Occupational Rehabilitation
• Applied Psychology and Social Pedagogics (Social Management)
• Practical and Social Psychology (Psychological and Pedagogical Consulta-
tion in Rehabilitation Centres)
• Psychology and Organizational Management
• General Psychology and Social Psychology
+ • General Chemistry
• Polymer Processing Technology
• Corrosion Resistance Technology
• Colloid Chemistry
• Analytical Chemistry
• Forensic Processing of Materials and Substance
• Oil Chemistry
• Applied Material Studies
• Chemistry and Biology
• Chemistry, Biology and Fundamentals of Ecology
• Technical Electrochemistry;
• Polymer and Composite Technologies and Processing
• Chemical Engineering Process and Equipment
• Technology of Cement and Composite Materials
• Rational Use of Material and Power Resources
• Basic Process in Chemical Industry and Chemical Cybernetics
• Теchnology of Glass and Ceramics
• Chemical Technology of Refractory Non-metal and Silicate Materials
• Power and Resource Saving Processes in Chemical Technology
• Chemical Fibers Technology
• Chemical Technology and Engineering


Chemical Technology and Equipment of Production Finishing
Chemical Technology of Fats and Fat Substitutes
Chemical Technology of Fuel and Carbonic Materials


Chemical Technology of High-Molecular Compounds
Chemical Technology of Inorganic Matter
Chemical Technology of Liquid Scattered Elements
• Chemical Technology of Organic Matter
• Chemical Technology of Pharmaceutical Preparations
• Chemical Technology of Refractory Non-Metallic Materials and Silicate
• Chemical Technology of Wood Working and Plant Raw Materials
• Production of Organic Matter
• Polymer Processing Technology
• Polymer Technology
• Condensed Matter Physics Science and Technology
• Theoretical and Mathematical Physics • Physics and Motor Vehicle Studies
• Computational Physics • Physics and Chemistry
• Medical Physics • Physics and Mathematics
• Physics of Nanomaterials • Physics and Informatics
• Theory of Materials • Physics of the Solid State
• Theoretical and Mathematical Physics • Particles and Nuclei Physics, Information
• Stellar and Galactic Astronomy Technology & Astronomy
• Solar System Astronomy • Thermal Physics
• Astronomy Laboratory • Applied Physics
• Computer-based Astronomy Laboratory • Materials and Technology in Fiber Optics
• Cryogenic Engineering and Technologies • Photonics and Optical Informatics
• Experimental Nuclear Physics and Plasma • Motion Control Systems and Navigation
• Conceptual Physics
• Conceptual Physics
• Optics
• University Physics
• Physics for Engineers and Scientists
• Basic Physics
• Introduction to Scientific Computing
• Instrumental and Data Analysis for Physics
• Special Problems in Physics
• Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
• Stellar and Galactic Astrophysics
• Relativity, Gravitation and Cosmology
• Quantum Physics
• Introduction to Modern Physics


Thermal Physics
• Advanced Physics Laboratory
• Fluid Physics
• Independent Research in Physics
• High Voltage Engineering and Electrophys-
• Hydrodynamics and Aerodynamics
• Internal Combustion Engine
• Laser and Optoelectronic Engineering
• Physics and Fundamentals of Computer
• Physics and Fundamentals of Computer
• Rational Nature Management
• Oceanology
• Socio-economic Geography of Russia
• Cartography and Geoinformatics
• Biogeography
• Geomorphology and Paleogeography
• Geography of the World Economy
• Landscape Geochemistry and Soil Geography
• Cryolithology and Glaciology
• Meteorology and Climatology
• Socio-Economic World Geography
• Land Hydrology
• Physical Geography and Landscape Studies
• Physical World Geography and Geoecology
• Recreational Geography and Tourism
• Renewable Energy Sources
• Geoecology of North
• Comprehensive Cartography

Geography , Oceanology, •

Recent Mineral Deposits and Pleistocene Paleogeography
Avalanches and Landslides
• Soil Erosion and River Bed Evolution

Cartography , •

Cartography and Land Utilization
Geography and Biology
Geography and Ecology

Geoinformatics, •

Geography and Economics
Geography and Foreign Language
Geography and Fundamentals of Economics
• Country Studies

• Forest Industry
• Forest Engineering
• Forestry and Aesthetic Forestry
• Landscape Architecture and Establishment of Gardens and Parks
• Landscape Planning; Landscape
• Building and Service
• Decorative Gardening
• Machines and Equipment of Forest Complexes
• Chemical and Forest Complexes; Production Technologies &
• Rational Exploitation
• Conservation and Regeneration of Forest Resources and
• Development of Rational Forest Use Technology
• Woodworking Technology
• Chemical Wood Conversion Technology
• Automation of Technological Processes and Industries
• Machines and Equipment
• Forest Traffic
• Technology and Machinery of Forest Harvesting
• Woodworking Enterprises
• Standardization
• Certification and Commodity Research
• Forest Engineering Technology
• Forest Science; Biological Forest Protection


Forest Pathology Monitoring and Forecast
Forest Protection Against Invasive and Quarantine Organisms
Ecology, Soil Science and Nature Management
• Botany and Dendrology
• Forest Selection
• Non-Wood Products and Biotechnology
• Forest Inventory and Forest Management
• Forest Species and Forestry Mechanization
• Siviculture and Forest Treatment
• Forest Regeneration and Seed Production
• Forest Radiation Ecology
• Forestry Economics
• Higher Mathematics
• Mathematical Methods in Economic
Processes Management
• Mathematical Methods of Economic
• Mathematical Modelling of Systems
and Processes
• Information Technology in Produc-
tion Systems Management
• Computational Mathematics.


+Group Code Group Name Faculty Code Faculty Name
010100 Mathematics
010200 Applied Mathematics & Informatics
010400 Physics
010500 Mechanics
010900 Astronomy
011000 Chemistry
010000 Natural Sciences 011100 Geology
011200 Geographics
011300 Geochemistry
011400 Hydrogeology & Engineering Geology
011600 Biology
011700 Anthropology
011800 Zoology
011900 Botany
012000 Physiology
012100 Genetics
012200 Biophysics
012300 Biochemistry
012400 Microbiology
012600 Meteorology
012700 Hydrology
012800 Oceanology
012900 Hydrography
013000 Social Sciences
013100 Ecology
013500 Bioecology
013600 Geoecology
013700 Charting
+ Human-Social 020100 Philosophy
020000 Sciences 020200 Politology
020300 Sociology
020400 Psychology
350100 Social Anthropology
020600 Culturology
020700 History
020800 Historical Archive
020900 Art Criticism Sciences
021000 Museology
021100 Juridical Sciences
350300 Regional Studies
021400 Journalism
021500 Publishing & Editing
021600 Circulation of Publications
021700 Philology
350400 Public Relations
350500 Social Work
022300 Physical Culture & Sports
022600 Linguistics & Intercultural Communication
030900 Pre-school Pedagogics & Psychology
030000 Education 031000 Pedagogics & Psychology
031100 Pedagogics & Pre-school Education Methods
031200 Pedagogics & Primary Education Methods
031300 Social Pedagogics
031500 Thyphlo pedagogics
031600 Surdo pedagogics
031700 Oliofern pedagogics
031800 Logopedics
031900 Special Psychology
032000 Special Pre-school Pedagogics & Psychology
040100 General Medicine
040000 Public Health 040200 Pediatrics
040300 Medical Prophylactic Science
040400 Stomatology
040500 Pharmacy
040600 Art of Nursing
+ 052400 Design
050000 Culture & Arts
052500 Interiors & Equipment
052600 Art of Literature
052700 Library Science & Bibliography
052800 Museum Art & Monument Preservation
350700 Advertisement
053100 Socio-Cultural Activity
060100 Economical Theory
060000 Economics & Management 060200 Economy of Labor
060400 Finance & Credit
060500 Accounting, Analysis & Audit
060600 World Economy
060700 National Economy
060800 Economy & Management (on branches)
061000 Federal & Municipal Management
061100 Management
351300 Commerce
061500 Marketing

351100 Commodity Research & Expertise of Goods (by filed of application)

061700 Statistics
061800 Mathematical Methods in Economics
Interdisciplinary Natural- 070100 Biotechnology
070000 Technical Specialties 070200 Technics & Physics of low Temperature
070700 Thermal Physics
070800 Physics-Chemistry of Processes and Materials
070900 Physics of Metals
071000 Material Science & Technology of New Materials
071100 Dynamics & Endurability of Machines
071200 Tribometries
071400 Physical Electronics
071500 Radio physics & Electronics

071600 High-voltage Electric Power Industry & Electrical Engineering

071800 Mechatronics
071900 Information Systems & Technology
072000 Standardization & Certification
+ Geology & Prospecting of Min-
080000 eral Resources 080100 Geological mapping, Search & Prospecting of Mineral Deposits
Search & Prospecting for Subterranean Waters and Engineering-Geological
080300 Search

080400 Geological Methods of Search & Prospecting of Mineral Resources

080500 Geology of Oil & Gas
080600 Applied Geochemistry, Petrology, Minerology

080700 Prospecting Technology and Technics for Mineral Deposits

090000 Exploration of Minerals 090100 Mining Science
090200 Exploration by Mining of Mineral Deposits
090300 Recuperation of Minerals
090400 Shafts & Underground Construction
090500 Open Excavation
090600 Exploration & Exploitation of Gas & Oil Deposits
Projecting, Construction & Exploitation of Gas-and Oil Pipelines and Gas-
090700 and-Oil Storages
090800 Drilling for Oil and Gas
090900 Maritime Oil and Gas Constructions
100100 Power Stations
Energy Science & Power Ma- 100200 Power Generation Systems and Networks
100000 chinery Engineering 100400 Power Supply
100500 Thermal Power Stations

100600 Technology of Water and Fuel for Thermal and Nuclear Power Station
100700 Industrial Heat Power Engineering
100800 Thermal Technologies Power Generation
100900 Non-Traditional and Renewable Power Sources
101000 Nuclear Power Plants & Units
101100 Nuclear Power Generation Units
101200 Inner Combustion Engines
101300 Boiler & Reactor Engineering
101400 GA turbine, Steam turbine Plants and Engineering
101500 Vacuum & Compressor Technics of Physical Units
110000 Metallurgy 110100 Metallurgy of Ferrous Metals
+ 110200 Metallurgy of Non- Ferrous Metals

110300 Thermal Physics, Automatization and Ecology of Industrial

110400 Smelting of Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metals
110500 Metal Science and Thermal Treatment of Metals
110700 Metallurgy of Welding
110800 Powder Metallurgy Composite Materials, Coating
Machine Building and 120100 Techniology of Machine Building
120000 Materials Processing 120200 Metal Cutting Tools & Instruments
120300 Machinery and Technology of Smelting
120400 Machinery and Pressure Procession of Metals
120500 Welding Technology & Equipment

120600 Equipment & Technology of Machinery nd Tools Refurbishment and Durability

120700 Machinery and Technology of Processing with High Effectiveness of Materials

120800 Material Science in Machine Building
120900 Projecting of technical and Technological Complexes

121100 Hydraulic Machines, Hydrodrives and Hydropneumoauthomatics

121200 Technology of Artful Tretment of Materials

Aviation and Rockets and 130100 Aircraft and Helicoptor Building
130000 Space Machinery 130200 Aircraft Engines and Power Devices
130300 Technical Exploitation of Aircraft and Engines

131000 Technical Exploitation of Aircraft Electric System of Avionics

140000 Maritime Machinery 140100 Ship Building

140200 Seacraft Power Units

150100 Automobile and Tractor Building
Ground Transportation
150000 Vehicles 150200 Automobile and Service Facilities
150700 Locomotives
150800 Railway Carriages

150900 Pulk Handling Equipment at Ports and Transport Terminals

Technological Machinery 170100 Mining Machenery and Equipment
170000 and Equipment 170200 Machinery & Equipments of Oil and Gas Exploration
170300 Metallurgical Machenery and Equipment
170400 Machinery & Equipment for Forestry
170500 Machinery & Appliances for Chemical Industry
170600 Machinery & Appliances for Food Industry

170700 Machinery & Appliances for Textile and Consumer industries

170800 Polygraphic Machinery and Automatized Complexes

170900 Evaluation-Transport, Construction, Road Building Machines and Equipment

171000 Agriculture Machinery and Equipment

171100 Machinery and Equipment for Land Amelioration and Environmental Protection
180100 Electromachanics (by filed of application)
180200 Electric and Electronic Appliances
180000 Electrotechnics
180300 Electroinsulation, Cable asnd Condenser Devices

180400 Electrodrive and Automation of Industrial Facilities and Technological Complexes

180500 Electrotechnological Equipment and System
180600 Lighing and Sources of Light
180700 Electric Transport
180800 Erelctric Equipment of Automobiles and Tractors
Electric Equipment and Electrofacilities of Firms, Organizations and Establish-
181300 ments
190000 Control Devices Building 190100 Control Devices Building

190200 Controls and Technics for Quality Control and Diagnostics

190300 Avionics and Measuring-Computing Complexes
190600 Engineering in Medico-Biological Practices
190700 Optical-Electronic Control and Systems
190800 Meteorology and Metereological Support
190900 Information-Metreting Equipment & Technology
+ Electronic Technics,
Radiotechnics and 200100 Microelectronics and Solid State Microelectronics
200000 Communication 200300 Electronic Appliances and Devices
200400 Industrial Electronics
200500 Electronic Machine Building
200600 Electronic and Automation of Physical Appliances
200700 Radiotechnics
200800 Design and Technology of Radioelectronic Devices
200900 Communication Networks and Communication Systems
201000 Multichannel Telecommunication Systems
201100 Radiocommunication, Boardcasting and Television

201300 Technical Exploitation of Transport-Based Radio Equipmet

201400 Audiovisual Equipment
201500 Household Radioelectric Applinaces
201600 Radioelectronic Systems
210100 Control and Informatics of Technical Systems
210000 Automation and Control
210200 Automation of Technological Processes & Production
210300 Robots and Robotiechnical Systems

210400 Relay Protection and Automation of Electrical Power System

210700 Automation, Telemechanics and Communication of Railroad Transport

Informatics and Com-
220000 puters 220100 Computers, Computer Complexes, Systems and Networks

220200 Automatic Systems of Information processing and Control

220300 Automatic Design System
220400 Software for Computers and Automatic Systems
220500 Computer Design and Technology
Exploitation and Services of Transportation and Technological Machenery (by
230000 Services 230100 fields of application)
230300 Household Appliances and Machninery
230600 Houskeeping
240000 Transport Exploitation 240200 Seafaring
240400 Traffic and Road Safety
240500 Elxpolitation of Vessel Power Units
+ 250100 Chemical Technology of Organic Substances
250000 Chemical Technology 250200 Chemical Technology of Non-Organic Substances
250300 Technology of Electrochemical Substances

250400 Chemical technology of natural Energy Carriers and Hydrocarbons Materials

250500 Chemical Technology of High Molecular Composition
250600 Technology of Treatment of Plastics and Elastomeres

250700 Technology of Films for photography and Cinema and Magnetic Carriers

250800 Chemical technology of Non-Metallic Refractory and Silicate Material

250900 Chemical Technology of Materials of Moderb Power Production

251000 Chemical Technology of Materials and Products of Electronic Industry

251700 Chemical technology of Rare Elements and Materials on their Basis

251800 Basis Processes of Chemnical Industries and Chemical Cynernetics

260000 260100 Forestory Engineering
Reproduction and Pro-
cessing of 260200 Technology of Timber Processing
Forest Resources 260300 Technology of Chemical Processing of Timber
260400 Forestory
260500 Parks and Landscapes Construction
270100 Technology of Grain Storage and Processing
270300 Bread, Confectionery and Pasta Products Processing
270000 Technology of Foodstuffs 270400 Sugar Products Technology
270500 Technology of Brewing and Wines
270600 Technology of Subtropical and Delicatessen Products

270700 Technology of Fats, Essential Oils and Perfumery and Cosmetic Products
270800 Technology of Canned and Concentrated Food
270900 Technology of Meat and Meat Products
271000 Technology of Fish and Fish Products
271100 Technology of Milk and Milk Products
271200 technology of Public Alimentation Products
Consumer Goods Tech-
280000 nologies 280100 Technology of Equipment for Natural Fibers Production
280200 Technology of Equipment for Production of Chemical
280300 Technology of Textiles
280400 Design of Textiles
280700 Chemical Technology and Eqiopment for Accessories
280800 Technology of Sewen Products
280900 Sewn Products Design
281000 Leather and Furr Technology
281200 Leather Goods Design
281500 Fashion design of Textiles and Clothes
281400 Technology of Printing
Construction and Architec- 290100 Architecture
290000 ture 290200 Design of Architecture
290300 Industrial and Civil Construction
290400 Hydrotechnocal Construction
290500 Urban Construction and Assets

290600 Production of Construction Materials, Parts and Components

290700 Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation
290800 Water Supply and Sewage
290900 Railroads Construction, railways and infrasture
291000 Roads and Airports
291100 Bridges and Transport Tunnels

291200 Restoration and Reconstruction of Architectural Inheritance

291300 Machinization and Automation of Construction

291400 Design of Buildings

300000 Geodesy and Charting 300100 Applied Geodesy
300200 Astronomgeodesy
300300 Aerophotogeodasy
300500 Cosmic Geodasy
+ Agriculture and Fishery 310100 Agrochemistry
310200 Agronomy
310300 Vinery and Horticulture
310400 Vegetation Protection
310600 Selection and Genetics in agriculture
310700 Zootechny
310800 Veterinary
310900 Land Amelioration
311000 Land-survey
311100 Urban Land-survey

311200 Technology of Storage and Processing of Agricultureal Production

311300 Agricultural Machinery
311400 Power Supply and Automation of Agriculture
311500 Machinery for Agricultural Procucts Processing

311600 Engineering Systems for Agricultural Water Supply, Watering and Dumping
311700 Aquetic Bioresources, and Aquaculture
311800 Commercial Fishery
Ecology and Nature Utiliza- 320400 Agroecology
320000 tion
320500 Melioration, Recultivation and Lnad Prtotection

320600 Complex Utilization and Ptrotection of Aqautic Resources

320700 Evvironmental Protection and Rational Utilization of Natural Resources

320800 Environmental Furbish of Lands

330100 Health & Safety in Technical Environment
330000 Health & Safety
330200 Protection Engineering for Environment
330500 Technical Processes and Industries Safety
Our Services
• Meeting the students on their arrival at the International
airport and accompanying them to the University and the
• Russian Health insurance,
• Assistance in issuance of the health and life insurance.
• University placement
• Assistance with the registration, and documentation at the
• Faculty Consultancy • Students Residency Documentation
• Study Program Guidance • Consultation and help in all the regards during the education
• Information about the different higher educational with the University, teachers and fellow students.
establishments of the Russian Federation. • Transferring the students from one University to the other and
• Translation, certification and notarization of academic all related documentation.
documents • Communication with parents with regards to the academic
• Processing of the students’ documents with the chosen Univer- and other behavior of the children during the educational
sity for the chosen specialty. period.
• Acceptance letter • All assistance and guardianship during the complete
• Processing of the admission letter and the visa support letter educational period
from the University. • GSM Sim card
• Visa invitation & Documentation, • Assistance in opening the bank account
• Visa documentation and file processing in E.form • Academic and learning Guidance
• Travelling Preparation • Migration Guidance
• Airport Arrival filiations / pick & drop • Any emergency support if required during studies
Sovereign Business Resources SMC Pvt Ltd
Sovereign Business Resources SMC Pvt Ltd is an educational and career
advisory and services, to promote development education among the
young people in collaboration with academic resources of East & Central Four invaluable pieces of advice:
European, Baltics, CIS and Central Asian countries.  Learn Russian (even a little bit will help)

SBR PVT LTD. is also facilitating other post degree graduate PhD programs,  Look beyond Moscow or St. Petersburg
executive MBA, associate engineer, diploma, certificate, vocational  Don’t be prejudiced
certificates, winter/summer schools/ international symposiums, seminar  Pack really warm clothes for winter
and academic conferences, NGO, civil society, urban planning, development
studies and short-term training program.

SBR PVT LTD offers enrolments in various faculties including medical,

engineering, management, law, social and neutral sciences universities
of East Europe/ Baltic/ CIS/Cen tral Asian and study migration program.

Sovereign Business Resource SMC Pvt Ltd

Alrehman Garden II, Sharqpur Road Lahore
+923321555260 | +923145017942
Email :

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