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Module 1 - Python Basics

o Your first program
o Types
o Expressions and Variables
o String Operations

Module 2 - Python Data Structures

o Lists and Tuples
o Sets
o Dictionaries

Module 3 - Python Programming Fundamentals

o Conditions and Branching
o Loops
o Functions
o Objects and Classes

Module 4 - Working with Data in Python

o Reading files with open
o Writing files with open
o Loading data with Pandas
o Working with and Saving data with Pandas

Module 4 – Data through Advanced Visualization

o Creating Plots and Styling Plots
o Box plots and Heat maps
o Hexagon bin plots and Trellis plots
o A 3D plot of a surface
Week 1: Introduction to AI

1.1 Overview of AI

1.2 Applications of AI

1.3 AI Foundation and History

1.4 Course Overview

Week 1 Discussion Questions

Week 2: Intelligent Agents and Uninformed Search

2.1 Intelligent Agents

2.2 Search Agents

2.3 Uninformed Search

2.4 Uninformed Search Examples

Week 2 Discussion Questions

Week 3: Heuristic Search

3.1 Heuristics and Greedy Search Algorithm

3.2 A* Search and Optimality

3.3 Search Algorithms Recap

3.4 Local Search

Week 3 Discussion Questions

Week 4: Adversarial Search and Games

Week 4 Suggested Readings

4.1 Adversarial Search and Games

4.2 Minimax algorithm

4.3 Alpha-Beta Pruning

4.4 Stochastic games

Week 4 Discussion Questions

Week 5: Machine Learning 1

Week 5: Suggested Readings

5.1 Machine Learning Concepts

5.2 K-nearest Neighbors and Training-Testing

5.3 Overfitting-Underfitting and Regularization

5.4 Linear Models for Regression

Week 5 Discussion Questions

Week 6: Machine Learning 2

Week 6: Suggested Readings

6.1 Machine Learning: Perceptron

6.2 Logistic Regression

6.3 Decision Trees

6.4 Naive Bayes

6.5 Ensemble Methods

Week 6 Discussion Questions

Week 7: Machine Learning 3

Week 7: Suggested Readings

7.1 Neural Networks

7.2 Clustering

7.3 Association Rules

Week 7 Discussion Questions

Week 8: CSP

Week 8: Suggested Readings

8.1 Constraint Satisfaction Problems

8.2 Cryptarithmetic Puzzle

8.3 Backtracking

8.4 Constraint Propagation

8.5 Problem Structure

Week 8 Discussion Questions

Week 9: Reinforcement Learning

Week 9: Reinforcement Learning Introduction

9.1 Reinforcement Learning Overview

9.2 Markov Decision Process (MDP)

9.3 MDP - Finding Optimal Policy

9.4 Example of an MDP and Bellman Equations

9.5 Value Function - Matrix Notation

9.6 Finding Optimal Policy in MDPs - Iterative Methods

9.7 Policy Iteration Method Example

9.8 Value Iteration Method

9.9 Reinforcement Learning – Algorithms

Week 9 Discussion Questions

Week 10: Logical Agents

Week 10: Suggested Readings

10.1 Knowledge-based Agents

10.2 The Wumpus World

10.3 Logical Agent

10.4 Building Propositions

10.5 Inference Rules

10.6 Reduced Wumpus World

10.7 Model Checking and Inference

10.8 Theorem Proving and Proof by Resolution

10.9 Conversion to CNF and Resolution Algorithm

10.10 Forward and Backward Chaining

10.11 Propositional Logic: summary

10.12 First Order Logic

Week 10 Discussion Questions

Week 11: AI Applications: NLP

Week 11: Suggested Readings

11.1 AI Applications: NLP

11.2 Text Classification

11.3 Text Classification Example

11.4 Language Models

11.5 Example of Bigrams

11.6 Progress in NLP

Week 11 Discussion Questions

Week 12: AI Applications and Course Review

Week 12: Suggested Readings

12.1 Deep Learning: Background and History

12.2 Deep Learning: Architecture and Application

12.3 Introduction to Robotics

12.4 Robot Path Planning - Visibility Graphs

12.5 Voronoi Graphs and Potential Fields

12.6 Probabilistic Roadmap Planner (PRM)

12.7 Rapidly-Exploring Random Trees (RRT) and Path Planning Summary

12.8 Course Review and Conclusion

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