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(ne 0501 V Semester of Three Year LL.B. Examination, June 2013 CIVIL PROCEDURE CODE AND LIMITATION ACT Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100 Instructions: 1. Answer all 5 Questions. 2. Figures to the right indicate marks 3. One essay type and one short note question or problem from each unit have to be attempted 4, Answers should be written either in English or Kannada completely. UNIT =I Q. No. 1. (a) Explain the scope and object of res-subjudice Marks : 15 ono omg; sey enctesrivey 2 OR/egae What is meant by jurisdiction of the court ? Explain the various kinds of jurisdiction with the help of decided cases. (b) Marks : 5 Transfer of cases aedery dmrset. OR ess Place of suing med Baws ay UNIT =I Q. No. 2.(a) Whatis written statement ? When can set-off and counter claim be pleaded 7 Be Marks : 15 PTO. (b) Q. No. 3. (a) (0) Q. No. 4. (a) 2 Explain the essential ingredients of summons. What are the different modes of service of summons to defendant ? Aabore egnels vodiiday gen, smart abst morteesds ong osrnss? Distinguish between misjoinder and non-joinder of parties. Marks : 5 skredd dq) decrd eps Aecrdrtesdgada’ xabas . OR/em> Write a note on “verification of pleadings”. “ood aged aigrtd xyes" op abedd usted nod UNIT = II Explain the consequences of appearance and non-appearance of parties in suits. Marks : 15, mained, sepedd arnws sey Fcsmendotecd verbs ormabnivens 9 aaOA, OR/emee Expiain the properties which are not liable for attachment and sale in an execution of a decree. s, MOCO wey Tae Sao ae antes, State the distinguish between judgement and decree. Marks : 5 Sede she eariondss sears, S94, OR/emae Write a note on “Proclamation of sale”. “Rem wwaesas” shed umes wdotoo, UNIT -IV aris gabriela) 2 Define inter-pleader suit. Explain the conditions and procedure relating to an inter-pleader suit. Marks : 15 eottmn micha) commaa. ected casi sonodad Hidabrivay, abd sieotorivsy oma. OR/ege {ANIME EE (b) Q. No. 5. (a) (b) ) a 0501 Define Injunction. Explain the grounds and principles to grant igor BRO, aces teed umed abe) xg ve aso, Write short note on “Issue commission”. Marks : 5 “ecdeersity averse wa usted exces. ORema Distinguish between Reference and Review. Rovaber she dost oat) Way OeeA, UNIT-V Explain the salient features of limitation act. Marks : 15 208 edabsba Ys oxperivsy aston ORega> “Once the time has began to run, no subsequent disability or inability stops it". Discuss. “yak mes) wodveo aavoyendd, aude « ean ex edi Seiocende” - uhirn. State the period of limitation and when does the time begin to run in any two of the following Marks : 5 eair¥d cingentide adel me abe; a8 ant xt materimrbgd 7 Ses. 1) A suit for arrears of rent wan wet ma mee. 2) Suit by a mortgage for foreclosure. Base egain: 3) Application for execution of decree. 88, eben ear. dae

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