Kruskal Wallis Test Samplesituation Hypothesis

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Student Name: Christian A.

Taghoy Semester/Year: Summer 2018

Course: EDUC 602 – Inferential Statistics Submitted To: Dr. Edsel Inocian, Ph.D.

Kruskal-Wallis Test


Does physical exercise alleviate depression? We find some depressed people and check that they
are all equivalently depressed to begin with. Then we allocate each person randomly to one of
three groups: no exercise; 20 minutes of jogging per day; or 60 minutes of jogging per day. At the
end of a month, we ask each participant to rate how depressed they now feel, on a Likert scale that
runs from 1 ("totally miserable") through to 100 (ecstatically happy").

24 Persons Rating No exercise Jogging for Jogging for 60

20 minutes minutes
23 22 59
26 27 66
51 39 38
49 29 49
58 46 56
37 48 60
29 49 56
44 65 62
mean rating 39.63 (12.85) 40.63 (14.23) 55.75 (8.73)

Step 1: State the Problem

Is there a difference in the rating of depression between the 3 groups of people: no exercise, 20
minutes daily jogging, and 60 minutes daily jogging?

Step 2: State the Hypothesis

H0 = There is no significant difference in the rating of depression between the 3 groups of people.

Ha = There is significant difference in the rating of depression between the 3 groups of people.

Step 3: Identify the Test statistic to be used & select a Level of Significance

Kruskal-Wallis Test; = 0.05

Step 4: Compute the Test Statistic

Using SPSS:

Condition N Mean Rank
Rating No Exercise 8 9.56
Jogging for 20 Minutes 8 9.94
Jogging for 60 Minutes 8 18.00
Total 24

Test Statisticsa,b
Kruskal-Wallis H 7.290
df 2
Asymp. Sig. .026
a. Kruskal Wallis Test
b. Grouping Variable: Condition

Descriptive Statistics
N Mean Std. Deviation Minimum Maximum
Rating 24 45.3333 13.85222 22.00 66.00
Condition 24 2.00 .834 1 3

Step 5: Formulate the Decision Rule, Critical Regions and state the Findings

Decision Rule: Accept or fail to reject H0 if computed p-value (Sig.) is greater than 0.05 or reject the null
hypothesis H0 if p-value ≤ 0.05;

Finding: Sig. at 0.026 is lesser than 0.05

Step 6: Make a Decision

Reject the null hypothesis H0

Step 7: Interpret the test results

There is significant difference in the rating of depression between the 3 groups of people.

Step 8: Conclusion

At 0.05 level of significance, there is enough evidence to conclude that there is significant difference in
the rating of depression between the 3 groups of people: 1st group - no exercise, 2nd group - 20
minutes daily jogging, and 3rd group - 60 minutes daily jogging.
Based on the mean rating between the groups, the 3rd group recorded the highest rating at 55 out of
100. The 1st and 2nd group does not seem to differ with their rating of depression at 39 and 40

Step 9: Implications

Jogging even for just an hour daily seems to improve our mood and makes us happier. As a form of an
exercise, jogging keeps your weight in check, makes you stronger, and keeps you feeling youthful and
staying active into old age.

So next time you’re feeling depressed, try a hard workout — you’ll feel happier for days on end.

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