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Electrochimica Acta 141 (2014) 212–215

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In situ measurement of the oxygen diffusion coefficient in the cathode

catalyst layer of a direct methanol fuel cell
K. Wippermann, K. Klafki, A.A. Kulikovsky ∗,1,2
Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH, Institute of Energy and Climate Research, IEK–3: Electrochemical Process Engineering, D–52425 Jülich, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: We report an in situ measurement of the oxygen diffusion coefficient Dox in the cathode catalyst
Received 2 June 2014 layer (CCL) of a direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC). The method is based on measuring two DMFC
Received in revised form 26 June 2014 impedance spectra for the same cell current, but different oxygen concentrations in the cathode chan-
Accepted 29 June 2014
nel. The spectra are fitted using a transmission line model to extract the CCL resistivity. The difference
Available online 18 July 2014
of two CCL resistivities
for oxygen concentrations determines Dox . We found Dox = 0.838 ×
10−4 · exp − ERa T1 − 303
cm2 s−1 in the temperature range from 30 ◦ C to 90 ◦ C, with Ea  20.1 kJ mol−1 .
DMFC The activation energy is not far from that of the oxygen diffusion in Nafion; the value of this parameter
Cathode catalyst layer is discussed.
oxygen diffusion © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction To understand the effect of crossover, a lot of modeling stud-

ies have been done (we refer reader to reviews of Wang [1], Yao
Direct methanol fuel cells (DMFCs) are compact sources of elec- et al. [2] and Bahrami and Faghri [3]). One of the key parameters
tricity based on direct electrochemical conversion of methanol governing the DMFC cathode operation is the oxygen diffusion
combustion energy into electric current. Interest in this type of coefficient in the CCL [4–8].
cells has been growing since the discovery of proton–conducting Typically, the CCL oxygen diffusivity is calculated using the
polymer Nafion in the late sixties of the XX century. A great advan- Bruggemann correction for the CCL porosity/tortuosity to the
tage of DMFC over hydrogen cell is high volumetric energy density oxygen diffusivity in free air [4,5,9,8]. The latter depends on
of liquid methanol, which makes DMFC an ideal power source for temperature according to the power law Dox ∼ T1.75 [10]. This cor-
mobile gadgets. rection, however, takes into account nor the contribution of the
However, well–known drawbacks of DMFCs retard wide com- Knudsen diffusion, neither a Nafion film, which surrounds agglom-
mercialization of these cells. These are sluggish kinetics of erates of Pt/C particles, where the ORR takes place [11].
methanol oxidation and large crossover of methanol from the To the best of our knowledge, direct in situ measurements of Dox
anode to the cathode. Methanol permeated through the membrane in a working DMFC has not been published yet. Below, we report
is oxidized on the cathode side into protons and electrons. As a such measurements based on a recent model [12]. The model shows
result, the total proton current that has to be converted in the cath- that the difference of CCL resistivities measured at the same cell
ode catalyst layer (CCL) greatly exceeds the useful current in the current density but different oxygen concentrations in the cathode
external load. Conversion of the parasitic current requires an extra channel is inversely proportional to Dox . To measure CCL resisti-
flux of oxygen that needs to be transported through the cathode vities we use electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS).
GDL and CCL. Both effects (higher proton current in the CCL and
extra oxygen flux) dramatically lower the cell potential, especially
in the range of small cell currents. 2. Model equation

Oxygen transport in the CCL contributes to the total overpo-

tential and to the differential CCL resistivity RCCL . Recently, an
∗ Corresponding author.
analytical expression for the respective transport overpotential ox
E-mail address: (A.A. Kulikovsky).
Also with: Moscow State University, Research Computing Center, 119991
has been derived [13].
Moscow, Russia. The model has been developed for the CCL with polymer elec-
ISE member. trolyte as a proton conductor and hence it works in the temperature
0013-4686/© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
K. Wippermann et al. / Electrochimica Acta 141 (2014) 212–215 213

range between zero and 90 ◦ C. From the expression derived in [13]
it follows, that RCCL is given by

RCCL = RF (jc ) + Rox (jc , cox ) (1)

where RF is the faradaic resistivity, and

2(p b + jc lt )blt
Rox = (2)
3(2p b + jc lt )4FDox cox Fig. 1. Transmission line model used for the DMFC impedance fitting. For explana-
tion of the elements see text.
is the resistivity due to the oxygen transport in the CCL. Here jc is
the total current density converted in the CCL (see below), cox is the
oxygen concentration in the CCL, b is the Tafel slope of the oxygen by knife-coating to obtain gas diffusion layers (GDL). In a second
reduction reaction,  p is the CCL proton conductivity, lt is the CCL coating step, the catalyst layers were prepared on the GDLs by
thickness, Dox is the oxygen diffusion coefficient in the CCL. knife-coating, too. Both catalyst layers consisted of catalyst mate-
It is difficult to separate experimentally the contribution of Rox rial from Johnson Matthey and Nafion. In the case of the cathode
to the total CCL resistivity RCCL . The most accurate technique for catalyst layer, PTFE was added. The starting materials of PTFE and
determining partial cell resistivities is electrochemical impedance Nafion are the PTFE dispersion TF 5032 from Dyneon and the
spectroscopy (EIS). Unfortunately, the characteristic time of oxygen Nafion dispersion LQ1115 from Ion Power. HiSPEC 12100 catalyst
transport in the CCL  ox  lt 2 /Dox is very close to the characteristic (75 wt.% PtRu/C) with a loading of 2.6 mg cm−2 was used for the
time of faradaic processes  F  Cdl lt 0 /jc , where Cdl is the double preparation of the anode. On the cathode side, HiSPEC 13100 cat-
layer volumetric capacitance (F cm−3 ) and 0 is the total over- alyst (71 wt.% Pt/C) was applied with a loading of 2.0 mg cm−2 .
potential. Processes with close time scales cannot be resolved by Finally, the electrodes were cut to a size of 42 mm × 42 mm corre-
impedance spectroscopy. sponding to a cell area of 17.64 cm2 and hot-pressed on a Nafion®
Nonetheless, the fact that RF is independent of the oxygen con- 115 membrane at 130 ◦ C for 3 min.
centration, while Rox is inversely proportional to cox suggests an
alternative method for Rox determination [12]. Suppose that two 3.2. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS)
impedance spectra have been measured for the same current den-
sities, but different oxygen concentrations in the cell. Let the oxygen The impedance spectra were recorded by a ZAHNER-Elektrik
concentrations used be cox,1 and cox,2 and let cox,2 = kc cox,1 , where “Zennium electrochemical workstation”. The impedance measure-
kc > 1. Writing down Eq. (1) for cox,1 and cox,2 and subtracting the ments were always performed with a 10 mV input signal amplitude
resulting equations, we see that the faradaic terms cancel out and in a frequency range of 20 mHz - 20 kHz and the temperatures of
we get 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 and 90 ◦ C under ambient pressure. DC cur-
rent of −0.2 A was applied, corresponding to the current density
2(kc − 1)(p b + jc lt )blt
ıRCCL = Rox,2 − Rox,1 = (3) through the cell of −11.34 mA cm−2 . The flow fields were made of
3kc (2p b + jc lt )4FDox cox,1
graphite and had a grid design (ribs: 1 mm×1 mm×1 mm, chan-
From Eq. (3) we find the oxygen diffusion coefficient in the CCL nels: 1 mm width and depth). The anode was always fed with 1 M
aqueous methanol solution with a flow rate of 1.1 ml min−1 , equiv-
2(kc − 1)(p b + jc lt )blt
Dox = (4) alent to stoichiometric –factor of 53. The cathode was fed by either
3kc (2p b + jc lt )4F(ıRCCL )cox,1
pure oxygen (oxygen molar fraction 1.0), or by a mixture of oxygen
An important feature of DMFC’s is large rate of methanol and nitrogen with the oxygen molar fractions of 0.1 and 0.3. The
crossover through the membrane. Methanol permeated through gas flow rate at the cathode was 192 ml min−1 , corresponding to
the membrane is oxidized to protons and electrons in the CCL, and –factors greater than 10, depending on the oxygen fraction. The
the resulting proton current density is then converted to the flux methanol solution was pre-heated to operating temperature. From
of water in the ORR [7]. Thus, the total current converted in the these experiments, full cell impedances were obtained.
CCL is a sum of the useful j0 and equivalent crossover jcross current The impedance measurements were also carried out purging
densities: the cathode with hydrogen instead of air (VH2 = 192 ml min−1 ).
By applying a galvanostatic current, the cathode turns into a
jc = j0 + jcross (5)
dynamic hydrogen evolving electrode (DHE), which performs as a
The value of jc is related to the faradaic CCL resistivity. For the quasi–reference electrode. As the impedance of the hydrogen cath-
cell operating in the low–current regime (see below), the following ode can be neglected, the cell impedance measured under these
relation holds [14] conditions is approximately equal to the anode impedance. By
subtracting the anode impedance from the corresponding full cell
RF  (6) impedances, the cathode impedances are obtained. These exper-
iments demonstrate that the high frequency arc of the full cell
This equation allows us to calculate jc , which then can be used in impedance spectra can be undoubtedly attributed to the cathode
Eq. (4). impedance (see below).
The impedance spectra were fitted with the Zahner THALES Z
3. Experimental 2.0 fit software using the equivalent circuit shown in Fig. 1. The
equivalent circuit is based on a transmission line model of the cell
3.1. MEA preparation discussed in [15]. It includes the following elements (i) Lcable , the
cable inductance, (ii) R , the ohmic resistivity, (iii) Rp , the proton
AvCarb 1071 HCB carbon cloth supplied by Ballard Material resistivity of both the catalyst layers, (iv) RCCL , the kinetic resis-
Products was used as a substrate for the anodes and cathodes. tivity of the cathode catalyst layer, (v) CPECCL , the constant phase
First, the carbon cloth was impregnated with PTFE dispersion TF element representing the pseudo double layer capacitance of the
5032 (Dyneon) and subsequently dried and sintered at 350 ◦ C. A CCL, (vi) R∞,ACL , the resistivity associated with the charge-transfer
microporous layer of carbon particles (VULCAN XC72 from Cabot) part without change in CO surface coverage in the anode catalyst
and PTFE (TF 5032 from Dyneon) was then prepared on the cloth layer (ACL), (vii) R0 , the resistivity associated with relaxation of the
214 K. Wippermann et al. / Electrochimica Acta 141 (2014) 212–215

Fig. 3. Separated anode and cathode impedance based on the fitting results of the
raw data shown in Figure 2.

Fig. 4. Arrhenius plot of the oxygen diffusion coefficient in the cathode CL.
Fig. 2. (a) DMFC impedance spectra for a current density of 11.3 mA cm−2 and for
oxygen molar fractions of 0.1, 0.3 and 1.0 in O2 –N2 mixtures at a pressure of 1.0 bar
and a cell temperature of 70 ◦ C. (b) Enlarged HF parts of the spectra. Measured Since only a part of the cathode arc is visible in the spectrum,
values are marked by symbols, fitted curves are indicated by solid lines. The fre- fitting procedure is necessary to determine the intercept of cath-
quency range is 20 mHz – 20 kHz; anode feed: V1M,MeOH = 1.1 ml min−1 , cathode feed: ode arcs with the real axis. To determine these intercepts we used
VO2−N2 = 192 ml min−1 .
a simple transmission line model for the cell (Fig. 1, see previous
section). The fitted spectra are depicted in Fig. 2 by solid lines.
Fig. 3 shows separate cathode and anode arcs for T = 70 ◦ C and
CO surface coverage in the ACL, (viii) Lad , the inductance associ-
oxygen partial pressure of 0.3 bar, reconstructed by means of the
ated with relaxation of the CO surface coverage in the ACL and (ix)
impedance curve fitting. This Figure shows the CCL resistance RCCL ,
CPEACL , the constant phase element representing the pseudo double
which has been determined as a right intercept of the CCL arc with
layer capacitance of the ACL. However, only the kinetic resistivity
the real axis.
of the cathode catalyst layer RCCL is required for the determina-
All the measurements have been performed at a fixed cell cur-
tion of the oxygen diffusion coefficient in the CCL, as discussed in
rent density of 11.3 mA cm−2 . For a fixed cell temperature, we have
more detail below. The average fitting errors of the elements of the
measured three CCL resistivities RCCL corresponding to the three
proposed equivalent circuit are as follows: Lcable : 21.8%, R : 2.5%,
oxygen molar fractions of 0.1, 0.3 and 1.0 in the cathode flow. From
Rp : 5.4%, RCCL : 5.7%, CPECCL : 5.8%, R∞,ACL : 4.7%, R0 : 19.4%, Lad : 5.8%,
these data, three values of ıRCCL have been calculated. The values
CPEACL : 4.3%.
of ıRCCL have been fitted by the curve a/ ox , in accordance with Eq.
(3), and the value of ıRCCL corresponding to the oxygen fraction of
4. Results and discussion 0.1 and 1 has been taken from this curve. The diffusion coefficient
has been calculated from Eq. (4) with kc = 10, cox corresponding to
Figs. 2, 3 show the DMFC impedance spectra acquired at oxygen the molar fraction of 0.1 at a given temperature, b = 0.05 V and the
molar fractions of 0.1, 0.3 and 1.0, for the useful current density j0 of value of jc estimated from Eq. (6) assuming that for the pure oxy-
11.3 A cm−2 at the cell temperature of 70 ◦ C. Fig. 2 shows the whole gen feed the following relation holds: RF  RCCL . The catalyst layer
cell spectrum and the enlarged high–frequency part of the spec- thickness was taken to be lt = 0.003 cm (30 ␮m) and the ORR Tafel
trum. As can be seen, the shape of the low–frequency (LF) arc does slope was 50 mV, a value determined from separate experiments.
not show any distinct trend with respect to the oxygen concentra- Fig. 4 shows the temperature dependence of the measured oxy-
tion and it exhibits large inductive loop, which is typical for DMFC gen diffusion coefficient. As can be seen, this dependence follows
anode due to adsorption of methanol oxidation by–products on the Arrhenius law:
anode catalyst surface. In contrast, the high–frequency (HF) arcs  E 1 1

clearly show that the radii of these arcs decrease with the growth Dox = 0.838 · 10−4 exp − − with
R T 303
of the oxygen concentration (Fig. 2b). We attribute the HF arcs to
the cathode side. Ea = 20.1 kJ mol−1 (7)
K. Wippermann et al. / Electrochimica Acta 141 (2014) 212–215 215

The absolute value of Dox is about 10−4 cm2 s−1 , which is between • We measure the cell impedance spectrum for at least two dif-
the oxygen diffusion coefficient in a dry CCL for a PEM fuel ferent oxygen concentrations, keeping the cell current density
cell (1.37 × 10−3 cm2 s−1 [16]), and the oxygen diffusivity in water unchanged.
(10−5 cm2 s−1 ). • The experimental spectra are fitted by the transmission line
The activation energy of 20.1 kJ mol−1 resulted from our exper- model, which allows us to extract the CCL resistivities from the
iments is not far from the activation energy of 16.2 kJ mol−1 for impedance data.
oxygen diffusion through Nafion reported in [17]. This suggests • The difference of two CCL resistivities corresponding to the two
that the temperature dependence of Dox originates from the oxy- oxygen concentrations is substituted to the model equation (4)
gen transport through a thin Nafion film covering agglomerate of to determine Dox .
the carbon–Pt particles. Note that the absolute value of the mea-
sured Dox is two orders of magnitude higher, than that in the bulk The resulting oxygen diffusivity exhibits Arrhenius–type
Nafion [17]. This means that the main contribution to the abso- dependence on the cell temperature with the activation energy
lute value of Dox give the transport through the voids, which varies Ea , which is close to that value for the oxygen diffusion in Nafion.
slowly with the temperature (∼T7/4 ). Somewhat larger value of Ea can be explained by the effect of water
This effect can be illustrated as follows. Consider the transport evaporation in the CCL, which lowers the liquid saturation and
resistances of Nafion film surrounding Pt/C agglomerate lN /DN and facilitates the oxygen diffusion in the gas phase.
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The method consists of the following steps.

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