CBET characteristicsCOMPETENCY

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1. Industry Involvement
Description- CBET is based on industry standards develop by industry experts to the
guide the attainment of competencies.

 Combines technical vocational education and training with work practice and
work-based assessment of performance

 Training is based on nationally and internationally agreed standards directly

related to the needs of occupations

 It recognizes that learning takes place in many settings including the work

 Industry experts are involved in the development of standards where

competencies are carefully identified, verified and placed in the public

2. Programme Design & Development

- Programmes that are designed and developed using a competency-based approach are
guaranteed to be current, relevant and most suited to prepare an individual for new and
emerging job opportunities.

 There must be a clearly defined approach and methodology for staff development and
facilitator training

 Competency-based philosophy must be used as a guide for TVET practitioners

preparation and training
o Training needs analysis
o Innovative approaches in instructional delivery
o Flexible training strategies
o Resources

3. Programme Implementation - Delivery/Instructional Strategies


 Competencies are predictors of professional effectiveness

 Focused on what learners know/do/show

 Based on competencies/skills/attitude acquisition

 Driven by and measured against standards

 Individualized self-paced learning strategy

 Attainments indicated by levels of “mastery”.

 Ideally skills are identified by industry,

 Includes simulation of workplace performance

 Performance criteria must be established

 Dynamic/creative instructional delivery modes.

4. Assessment

Description - A system of capturing and measuring the trainee’s/learner’s knowledge, skills

and attitudes in relation to a stated outcome.

 Identification of assessment tasks – aligned with competencies

 Formative and Summative Assessment

 Competency-based philosophy must be used as a guide for instructor/facilitator


 Training begins with use of standards

 Innovative approaches in instructional delivery

 Flexible training strategies

 Validity and Reliability of Assessment - Moderation and verification of assessment results

and tasks

 Using assessment results

 Certification

5. Quality Assurance

Description- A well-documented and administered system of internal and external

verification of processes is essential in establishing and maintaining credibility.

 Internal – within the organization

o Verification/monitoring system, processes and procedures
 External – accreditation
o Standards, process, and procedures

CBET IS characterised by:

1. An emphasis on performance-based activities rather than the content of the

2. Theoretical knowledge that underpins performance requirements
3. Learning experiences that are relevant to real-world practices.
4. Facilitation of the relationships among knowledge, skills, attitude and job
Commented [NS1]: Repetition of 3
5. Generating applicable lessons to various situations;
6. Encouraging self-direction of individuals;
7. Transforming the role of the teachers towards facilitating and problem solving.

8. Competencies are carefully identified, verified and in the public domain (of
public knowledge).
9. Instruction is aimed at the development of each competency.
10. The assessment and evaluation take into account knowledge, skills, attitudes
and performance, as the main sources of evidence.
11. Combines technical vocational education and training with work practice and
work based assessment of performance
12. Training is based on nationally and internationally agreed standards directly
related to the needs of occupations
13. It recognizes that learning takes place in many settings including the work
14. The progress of the trainees during the training goes at the pace of each
15. Instruction is individualised as much as possible.

16. Emphasis is placed on the results – outcomes based.

17. The participation of workers in the development and implementation of learning
strategies is required.
18. The learning experiences are guided by continuous feedback.
19. Combines technical vocational education and training with work practice and work based
assessment of performance
20. Training is based on nationally and internationally agreed standards dir ectly related to the
needs of occupations

21. It recognizes that learning takes place in many settings including the work setting

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