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 El horario en el que puedo realizar la sustentación son los días entre semana después de

las 07:00 p.m. quedo atenta, muchas gracias.

 Ingrese al objeto de aprendizaje The Market Thing: “KNOWING MY TEAM”, ubicado en la

actividad de Proyecto 21 Supervisar el equipo de trabajo”. Observe el video tutorial
contenido en la sección “Let’s listen”, y escriba un párrafo de mínimo 10 líneas,
expresando las ideas principales contenidas en él.


- In a company it is important to identify from the human resources area the different
characteristics that each worker has, as well as the field in which he works, to qualify
his role within the company

- from this area different strategies are also used to improve the work in team and the
way in which each person is developed, contributing their knowledge to the company.

- From the human resources area, we create different activities to have a healthy and
friendly work environment, professionally identifying each activity and approach to our

- This area is responsible for choosing the profile for each position and also performing
the respective monitoring of compliance with activities, thus also guaranteeing health
and affiliation to different fields required by the company.

 Descargue y lea los textos contenidos en la sección “Let’s read”. Realice la actividad de
comprensión lectora de la sección y tome capturas de pantalla en cada pregunta,
incluyendo el resultado final. Agregue las capturas en el documento.
 Basado en la administración de recursos humanos, escriba una presentación donde señale
las políticas para su propio proyecto, con el objetivo de promover un ambiente laboral
adecuado en su compañía.

1. Foster respect: It is difficult to imagine that all the members of a company will get along
completely well, so it is very important to promote tolerance, respect and harmony among the

2. Give time to listen to them. With this we not only get ideas to improve performance in the
different areas, but we can recognize the problems, the people that detract from your
organization and all those elements that slow the proper functioning of the company at its
different levels.

3. Properly handle crises. When things get tough in the company, keeping calm, order and
enthusiasm is vital to the work environment.

4. Take into account the opinions of others: question people about the reasons and ask them to
propose solutions.

5. Approach employees and earn their trust. Start with simple details, such as thanking the
people on your team for their work and recognizing their successes.
 En la sección “Vocabulary”, arrastre cada palabra con el concepto que corresponda. Tome
capturas de pantalla en cada grupo de palabras y agréguelas al documento.

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