Restmy2 - Research

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Department of Transport and Supply Chain Management


ITS: 70723 / ORACLE: 14.SM000798

Copyright © University of Johannesburg, South Africa

Printed and published by the University of Johannesburg

© All rights reserved. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of research, criticism or review as permitted under the Copyright Act 98 of 1978, no part of this material
may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted or used in any form or be published, redistributed or screened by any means electronic, photocopying,
recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the University of Johannesburg.
Table of Contents

1.1 WELCOME ..........................................................................................................................................3

1.2 CONTACT DETAILS ................................................................................................................................3
1.2.1 LECTURER ..........................................................................................................................................3
1.2.2 ADMINISTRATORS................................................................................................................................3
1.2.3 CONSULTING TIMES .............................................................................................................................3

2 SECTION B: FACILITATION OF LEARNING .................................................................................. 4

2.1 OVERVIEW OF RESEARCH ......................................................................................................................4

2.2 PRESCRIBED LEARNING MATERIAL ...........................................................................................................4
2.3 PROPOSED METHOD OF STUDY ...............................................................................................................4

3 SECTION C: MODULE SPECIFICATIONS ...................................................................................... 7

3.1 LEARNING UNITS..................................................................................................................................8

3.1.1 CHAPTER 1: STRUCTURING THE WRITING OF YOUR RESEARCH PROJECT .........................................................8
3.1.2 CHAPTER 2: IDENTIFYING AND INVESTIGATING A TOPIC ..............................................................................9
3.1.3 CHAPTER 3: MANAGING THE SEARCH FOR LITERATURE RESOURCES ............................................................10
3.1.4 CHAPTER 5: USING THE KNOWLEDGE BY MAKING AND MANAGING NOTES ...................................................11
3.1.5 CHAPTER 6: PERFORMING KNOWLEDGE AT SENTENCE LEVEL .....................................................................11
3.1.6 CHAPTER 7: CRAFTING PARAGRAPHS AND OTHER ORGANISING UNITS OF TEXT .............................................12
3.1.7 CHAPTER 10: REVISING AND EDITING YOUR WRITING ..............................................................................13
3.2 ASSESSMENT .....................................................................................................................................15
3.2.1 GENERAL INFORMATION .....................................................................................................................15
3.2.2 EXAMINATION ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................................15
3.2.3 PROMOTION REQUIREMENTS ..............................................................................................................15
3.2.4 SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT ...................................................................................................................15
3.2.5 EXAMINATION ..................................................................................................................................18
3.2.6 SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMINATIONS CRITERIA ............................................................................................19
3.3 ACCREDITATION/MODERATION ............................................................................................................19
3.4 GUIDELINES TO PENALTIES ............................................................................................................20
3.5 ANNEXURES ......................................................................................................................................29
3.5.1 SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT 2018 ..........................................................................................................29

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1.1 Welcome
On behalf of the Department of Transport and Supply Chain Management we would like to
welcome you as a student to the Diploma in Transportation Management. We hope by studying
for this qualification you will not only gain academic knowledge, but experience personal growth
and development. Our aim is that your choice of study will be regarded as the trademark of
excellence so that our graduates are not just employable but sought after by employers.

1.2 Contact details

1.2.1 Lecturer

Learning units Lecturer

Chapter 1: Structuring the writing of your research project

Chapter 2: Identifying and investigating a topic

Chapter 3: Managing the search for literature resources

Ms Cynthia
Chapter 5: Using knowledge by making and managing notes Celliers
Chapter 6: Performing knowledge at sentence level

Chapter 7: Crafting paragraphs and other organizing units of text

Chapter 10: Revising and editing your writing

1.2.2 Administrators

Position Name Office Tel number E-mail address
Course D-Ring 730,
Ms I Machaea 011 5592085
Coordinator APK
Administrative Ms L D-Ring 733E, 011
Assistant 011 5593093
Mangqangwana APK 5592029
Administrative D-Ring 733F,
Ms N Malaza 011 5594949
Assistant APK

1.2.3 Consulting times

Academic enquiries should be as far as possible be submitted via e-mail to the COURSE
COORDINATOR. NO consultation sessions with lecturers will be allowed without prior
arrangements with the COURSE COORDINATOR.

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2.1 Overview of Research
The study field of Transportation Management encompasses a total system approach to the
management of all those activities involved in transport management within a South African
The purpose of this module is to develop the understanding and competencies required to write
academic research essays through the development of students ’ reading, writing and research
skills and knowledge base. On completion of the required performance tasks students will
understand how to do research and write academic essays.

The module has been divided into 7 Chapters:

Chapter 1: Structuring the writing of your research project

Chapter 2: Identifying and investigating a topic
Chapter 3: Managing the search for literature resources
Chapter 5: Using knowledge by making and managing notes
Chapter 6: Performing knowledge at sentence level
Chapter 7: Crafting paragraphs and other organizing units of text
Chapter 10: Revising and editing your writing

Each Chapter has appropriate outcomes. The aim of the outcomes is twofold:
 To serve as a guideline for your preparation of the scheduled work so that you can
participate meaningfully in the class discussion.
 To serve as a guideline for the compilation of your own core notes in which you will strive
to attain the outcomes of every learning unit.

2.2 Prescribed learning material

 Finding your way in academic writing. Henning Elizabeth, Gravett Sarah, Van Rensburg
Wilhelm. 2013 2nd edition.

2.3 Proposed method of study

Learning will be conducted within a lecture situation and primarily through self-study by using the
prescribed learning material, this learning guide and the lecturer’s notes/slides.
The formal work programme for this module is divided into learning units. The module learning
outcomes will be provided in the Module Specifications table and the learning unit outcomes at
the beginning of each learning unit. This will enable you to know what is expected of you in each
learning unit. At the end of each learning unit, you will find a number of assessment questions,
which will enable you to reach the learning outcomes.

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You should know exactly what is expected of you in the outcomes and assessment when certain
verbs are used in questions. The required response to each verb can be classified according to
its level of difficulty, but often differs only in degree.
A table of action verbs, requiring a response varying from least difficult (knowledge) to most
difficult (evaluation), is provided:


Knowledge Name, list, identify, define, state

Insight/Comprehension Explain, discuss, interpret, classify, indicate, describe, specify

Application Determine, demonstrate, illustrate, calculate, draw

Analysis Differentiate, distinguish, analyse, compare, contrast

Synthesis Construct, formulate, recommend, integrate, agree/disagree,

develop, criticise
Evaluation Indicate choice and motivate, debate, assess, contest

The required response to each verb would be:

To name means that the required information should be provided in the form of single words or short
sentences, preferably numbered.

This requires giving the precise meaning of a concept; very often definitions have to be memorised
verbatim (word for word).

An explanation requires that a certain outcome be made clear, often with the use of a diagram.
Clarify or give reasons for something, usually in your own words.

To describe is to say exactly what something is like; to give an account of the characteristics or
nature of something; to explain how something works. No opinion or argument is normally needed.

To discuss is to comment on something in your own words. This often requires debating two
viewpoints or two separate possibilities.

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In this case point out the similarities and differences between objects, ideas or points of view. When
you compare two or more objects you should do so systematically – completing one aspect at a

To distinguish is to point out the differences between objects, different ideas or points of view. This
usually requires you to use your own words.

To demonstrate means to include and discuss examples. You have to prove that you understand
how a process works or how a concept is applied by giving examples of real-life situations.

Analysing means to identify parts or elements of a concept and describing them one by one.

This means that you should indicate whether you agree or disagree with a particular statement or
view. You should then describe what you agree/disagree with and give reasons for your view.

Reference (example)
Smith, D.P.J. 1996. Orientation in aspects of education. Johannesburg: UJ.

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3 Section C: Module Specifications
Module code RESTMY2
NQF level 6
Credits 24
 Chapter 1: Structuring the writing of your research project
 Chapter 2: Identifying and investigating a topic

 Chapter 3: Managing the search for literature resources

Learning  Chapter 5: Using knowledge by making and managing notes
 Chapter 6: Performing knowledge at sentence level
 Chapter 7: Crafting paragraphs and other organizing units of text
 Chapter 10: Revising and editing your writing

The purpose of this module is to:

develop the understanding and competencies required to write academic research
essays through the development of students ’ reading, writing and research skills
and knowledge base. On completion of the required performance tasks students
will understand how to do research and write academic essays.
At the end of this module, you should be able to:
 structure the writing of a research project for academic purposes.
 grasp with insight and understanding the consequences of a question relating
to a topic for academic research prior to commencing with the research.
 Pre-draft - reading, thinking, taking notes and seeing the problem.
 identifying an idea and developing the idea into a topic for academic research
 manage the search for literature resources
 research to distinguish between the material, to determine relevancy and to
outcomes prepare the notes necessary to eventually draft an academic paper.
 draft properly in academic language at sentence level.
 draft paragraphs and other organising units of text, conveying insight and
 structure an academic paper using the knowledge gained through research to
prepare a logic argument and convey that argument in an academic paper for
academic purposes.
 revise and edit academic writing to ensure that it conforms to academic

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3.1 Learning Units
3.1.1 Chapter 1: Structuring the writing of your research project Learning support material
 Finding your way in academic writing. Henning Elizabeth, Gravett Sarah, Van Rensburg
Wilhelm. 2013 Second edition. Chapter 1.(pg. 1-15) Purpose
The purpose of Chapter 1 is to teach students how to identify and formulate the questions relevant
to a particular topic and how to structure an essay logically. Outcomes and assessment criteria


After completing this learning unit, you After completing this learning unit, you should
should: be able to:
structure the writing of a research project  prepare a first draft by writing out the answer
for academic purposes. to the question according to own thoughts
grasp with insight and understanding the and experiences and to think widely and
consequences of a question relating to a creatively in the process.
topic for academic research prior to  structure this first draft logically by
commencing with the research. separating it into paragraphs that each
Pre-draft - reading, thinking, taking notes contain a separate main idea.
and seeing the problem.  give each of these paragraphs a heading.
 make use of the rules of academic writing
already at this early stage.

Also consult self-assessment questions in learning material: Chapter 1

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3.1.2 Chapter 2: Identifying and investigating a topic Learning support material
 Finding your way in academic writing. Henning Elizabeth, Gravett Sarah, Van Rensburg
Wilhelm. 2013 Second edition. Chapter 2 (pg.16-25) Purpose
The purpose of Chapter 2 is to teach students how to identify problems through a rigorous
investigation of the topics and then to formulate research questions to use as guidelines in the
development of the research essay. Outcomes and assessment criteria
After completing this learning unit, you After completing this learning unit, you should be
should: able to:
identify an idea and developing the idea into  identify topics of interest
a topic for academic research
 find problems or issues relating to such topics
that could be developed into research
 formulate these problems or issues into
properly drafted questions that could be
answered through research
 choose one of these questions as a research

Also consult self-assessment questions in learning material: Chapter 2

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3.1.3 Chapter 3: Managing the search for literature resources Learning support material
 Finding your way in academic writing. Henning Elizabeth, Gravett Sarah, Van Rensburg
Wilhelm. 2013 Second edition. Chapter 3 (pg.26-35) Purpose
The purpose of Chapter 3 is to teach students how to access the right sources of information,
how to correctly reference the research material and why it is necessary. Outcomes and assessment criteria


After completing this learning unit, you After completing this learning unit, you should be
should: able to:

manage the search for literature  find the necessary research material from
resources the library services and through their
electronic services.
 ensure that all research material used is
from a reputable source and can be used
for academic purposes.
 cite the research material used, properly
according to the prescribed citing method.
 prepare a reference list of the resource
material used to add to the end of the
research paper.
 determine and understand whether the
research material are applicable and how.
 make use of the content of the research
material to construct a logical and
systematic solution or answer to the
Also consult self-assessment questions in learning material: Chapter 3

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3.1.4 Chapter 5: Using the knowledge by making and managing notes Learning Support Material
 Finding your way in academic writing. Henning Elizabeth, Gravett Sarah, Van Rensburg
Wilhelm. 2013 Second edition. Chapter 5(pg.47-55) Purpose
The purpose of Chapter 5 is to teach students how to prepare notes when doing research and to
use these notes to draft the paragraphs of the research essay to convey the meaning of the
research material. Outcomes and assessment criteria

After completing this learning unit, you After completing this learning unit, you should be
should: able to:
research to distinguish between the  only select the research material that is
material, applicable to the particular study.
determine relevancy  sort that research material into logical
prepare the notes necessary to groupings under topical headings according
eventually draft an academic paper. to its content and use in the essay.
 study and understand the content of the
research material and convey the meaning
thereof into paragraphs. (In this way the
knowledge will be discovered and the answer
to the question will slowly be revealed.)
 convey the meaning of the content of the
research material and how it contribute to the
topic and the main idea in their own words.
 to correctly quote and/or paraphrase any
quotations that is used, according to the
citing rules.

Also consult self-assessment questions in learning material: Chapter 5

3.1.5 Chapter 6: Performing knowledge at sentence level Learning Support Material
 Finding your way in academic writing. Henning Elizabeth, Gravett Sarah, Van Rensburg
Wilhelm. 2013 Second edition. Chapter 6 (pg.56-76)

Page 11 of 35 RESTMY2 Purpose
The purpose of Chapter 6 is to teach students how to integrate the information, obtained from all
the different sources used, into thematic units when writing the academic essay. Outcomes and assessment criteria

After completing this learning unit, you After completing this learning unit, you should be
should: able to:
draft properly in academic language at  write sentences in clear and concise language
sentence level.
 use the rules of grammar and spelling and
compose sentences cohesively
 make use of academic language when drafting
the essay.

Also consult self-assessment questions in learning material: Chapter 6

3.1.6 Chapter 7: Crafting paragraphs and other organising units of text Learning Support Material
 Finding your way in academic writing. Henning Elizabeth, Gravett Sarah, Van Rensburg
Wilhelm. 2013 Second edition> Chapter 7 (pg.77-78) Purpose
The purpose of Chapter 7 is to teach students how to compose the individual paragraphs and
then to link these paragraphs into one cohesive meaningful essay. Outcomes and assessment criteria

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After completing this learning unit, you After completing this learning unit, you should be
should: able to:
draft paragraphs and other organising  convey one thought or concept per paragraph.
units of text, conveying insight and
 cohesively link all the paragraphs (with all their
meanings and concepts) into one whole
structure an academic paper using the meaningful essay.
knowledge gained through research to
 prepare the essay to follow a logical pattern of
prepare a logic argument and convey
reasoning to convey the full meaning of the
that argument in an academic paper
study and to answer the original question.
for academic purposes.

Also consult self-assessment questions in learning material: Chapter 7

3.1.7 Chapter 10: Revising and editing your writing Learning Support Material
 Finding your way in academic writing. Henning Elizabeth, Gravett Sarah, Van Rensburg
Wilhelm. 2013 Second edition. Chapter 10 (pg.116-124) Purpose
The purpose of Chapter 10 is to teach the student how to use the various checklists to ensure
that the academic essay conforms to academic standards and how to revise and edit it when
necessary. Outcomes and assessment criteria

After completing this learning unit, you After completing this learning unit, you should be
should: able to:
revise and edit academic writing to  revise the essay after the initial draft is
ensure that it conforms to academic completed according to the following:
 do a spelling, punctuation and grammar

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standards check;
 ensure that the length falls within the
prescribed number count and to shorten the
essay should the number of words be
 recognise where in the essay the style is
not academic and to redraft the essay in
academic style where necessary.
 draft the essay to form a logical argument
with a logical conclusion and to move some
of the paragraphs around to achieve this,
where necessary;
 ensure that the essay convey what the
student wishes to convey and that it
answers the initial question
 check that all citations are correctly cited
and that no plagiarism is committed.
Also consult self-assessment questions in learning material: Chapter 10

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3.2 Assessment

3.2.1 General information

Assessment for the WHOLE module (Transportation Management Project)) comprises a 2-hour
written examination and ONE Summative assessment for Communication and a Research Essay
for Research
Compilation of SEMESTER mark for this module:
Summative assessment (Communication) 25% of semester mark
Research Essay 25% of semester mark
Total 50% (Weighting of 50%)

Compilation of FINAL mark for this module:

Semester mark weighting 50%
Examination mark weighting 50%
Final mark 100%

3.2.2 Examination entrance requirements

 Students are required to submit a Research Essay in order to be allowed to write the
examination. (See Learning Guide of Communication for summative assessment

3.2.3 Promotion requirements

 A subminimum of 40% is required in the examination paper in order to pass a module.
 A semester mark of at least 60% is required
 A module is passed with distinction if a final mark of at least 75% is obtained.
 The research essay counts 25%, the Communication Summative assessment counts
25% and the examination mark counts 50% towards the final mark.
3.2.4 Summative assessment
This section should be read in conjunction with the reference manual.
You are required to submit TWO INDIVIDUAL summative assessment for this module that will
contribute 25% towards your final mark. The summative assessments will carry equal weight. Research Essay rules
 The Research Essays are individual Research Essays unless clearly stated
otherwise. Disciplinary steps will be taken against students who submit copies of
the same Research Essays.

 Research Essay cover page (Annexure 1A) - Research Essays will not be
marked if an incorrect/incomplete Research Essay cover page is attached to the
Research Essay. Only the Research Essay cover page, provided in the Answer
Book (Annexure 1A), must be used and must be completed in full so that we can
post your marked Research Essay back to you.

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Hand-written Essay Typed Essay
If you prefer to do a hand-written essay, use the If you prefer to type your summative assessment
UJ answer book provided. please make use of the guidelines of the Answer
Ensure that you hand in or mail the completed (Do not create your own cover page
Answer Book which consists of the following:
 Cover page The following should be attached to your Essay from
 Essay your answer book:
 Do not take answer book apart  Cover page
 Typed Essay – A4 typing paper
Guidelines for written Essay Guidelines for typed Essay
 Write on the provided lines of the
 Please use: font - Arial; size – 12.
Answer book
 Essay MUST be completed in English.
 Essay MUST be completed in
 Please write or type on one side of the page only and
leave a margin of ± 2 cm on both sides of the paper
 Ensure that you submit your
 Ensure that you submit your COMPLETE summative
COMPLETE summative
assessment as mistakes cannot be rectified once
assessment as mistakes cannot be
rectified once submitted.
 Footers - We require students to write or type their
 Ensure that your student number is
surname and student number at the foot of every
written on both the cover page
page of their summative assessment. This is to avoid
Annexure A1 and your answer
confusion, as many summative assessments are
submitted without staples or become torn in transit
 Essay must be submitted/posted in
which results in pages that frequently get mixed up
an A4 envelope
 Essay must be submitted/posted in an A4 envelope
Style of writing
 If you are requested to discuss/describe an issue, remember not to copy directly from the study
material – you could lose marks if you do so. Your answer must be formulated in your own
words based on ideas and facts collected from the learning material. If you wish to quote from
other sources, please indicate the reference.

 If you are requested to list/name/give an aspect, then you may copy directly from the learning
material, e.g. drive; leadership; intelligence; skills; knowledge; character.
Headings and sub-headings
 Remember to use headings and sub-headings in answering sub-sections of a question.
Page restrictions
 Stick to page restrictions as indicated in the summative assessment – on average 1000 to 1200
words (± 5 pages).
 In sentence type answers a rough guide as to the length of the answer required would be to
write approximately 10 words for each mark.
 A 10 mark question would therefore require approximately 100 words.

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The summative assessment consists of two sections, namely:
o Part A
o Part B
Part A
 This section MUST BE COMPLETED on the multiple choice answer sheet. Part A will not be
marked if incorrectly submitted and a mark of zero (0%) will be allocated.
 Multiple choice answer sheet must be completed in black pen only.
 Check that only one answer per question has been marked.
 Mark your answer with a cross in the block as indicated in the following example:

1. A B C D
Part B
 Clearly number each of your answers e.g. PART B – Question 1.
 Questions should be answered in the correct sequence, e.g. question 1, 2, 3, etc.
Style of writing
 If you are requested to discuss/describe an issue, remember not to copy directly from the
study material – you could lose marks if you do so. Your answer must be formulated in your
own words based on ideas and facts collected from the learning material. If you wish to quote
from other sources, please indicate the reference.
 If you are requested to list/name/give an aspect, then you may copy directly from the learning
material, e.g. drive; leadership; intelligence; skills; knowledge; character.
Headings and sub-headings
 Remember to use headings and subheadings when answering subsections of a question.
Page restrictions
 Stick to page restrictions as indicated in the summative assessment – on average 1000 to 1200
words (± 5 pages).
 In sentence type answers a rough guide as to the length of the answer required would be to write
approximately 10 words for each mark. A 10 mark question would therefore require approximately
100 words. Address for posting summative assessments:

Postal address Physical address
Summative assessments Summative assessments
Department of Transport and D-Ring Reception,
Supply Chain Management Auckland Park Kingsway Campus,
D-Ring Reception University of Johannesburg,
P O Box 524 Cnr of Kingsway and University road,
Auckland Park, 2006 Auckland Park, Gauteng

Page 17 of 35 RESTMY2
 Posting of your summative assessment - Summative assessments must be posted
using registered mail, speed services or it may be couriered. Please keep the track-and-
trace number/waybill as proof of postage. DO NOT post your summative assessment with
normal post or fast mail as the status of parcels cannot be traced without track-and-trace
numbers/waybill numbers.
 Summative assessments may not be faxed or mailed electronically to the department.
 Summative assessments may be hand-delivered to the Department on/before the due
date, preferably during office hours. A copy of the summative assessment can be date
stamped by the Department upon submission, which can serve as proof that the original
summative assessment was submitted.
 You are required to keep a copy of the completed summative assessment before you
post the summative assessment in case the original goes astray.
 Only original summative assessments may be submitted. Copies of summative
assessments will not be accepted.
 Summative assessments will only be marked after the due date of a particular summative
 Marked summative assessments and the memorandum will be returned to students
approximately one month after the due date. Students are urged to refrain from enquiring
before that period.
 It is imperative that you write your complete postal address on the summative assessment
cover page as the University cannot be held responsible for lost summative assessments
in the postal system.
 Summative assessment marks will, under no circumstances, be provided to students
 Summative assessment marks and memorandums will be uploaded on the Student Portal
– uLink (Blackboard).


3.2.5 Examination
This section should be read in conjunction with the Reference Manual.
 Examination timetable details will be posted to you and placed on the Student
 You are compelled to take the examination on the scheduled date.

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 Ensure that you have selected your examination centre as per Examination Centres:
Annexure B in the Reference Manual. It is your responsibility to inform the Department
if you change your examination centre.
 One official written examination has been scheduled. Please verify your examination
dates in the Reference Manual.
 Special examination opportunities are considered for students who, in the event of illness,
for compassionate reasons, work-related reasons, were prevented from writing the main
examination opportunity. No supplementary examination is applicable for students who
wrote a special examination. Students may be granted a special examination opportunity
if they apply for it within seven days after the original date of the relevant examination
opportunity. The application form for the January examination (Application for
supplementary examinations: Annexure C in the Reference Manual) must be
completed in full and substantiating documentation must be attached to the application
form before submission. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Only one
supplementary (special) examination will be arranged and will cover all the work. Please
verify the date of supplementary (special) examination.
 It is of utmost importance to familiarise yourself with the examination rules as contained
in the Reference Manual. The University of Johannesburg places a high premium on the
integrity of its programmes and examination procedures and views dishonesty as serious
offences and students found guilty will face strict penalties.
 The taking of a number of examinations in the same week may not be offered as an
excuse for missing an examination. Therefore, you must plan your preparation in such a
way as to make provision for a full study programme and examination period. Regular
preparation is essential for you to master all your work.
3.2.6 Supplementary examinations criteria
A student may be granted a supplementary examination opportunity in accordance with the
criteria determined by the Faculty Board and contained in the Faculty Rules and
Regulations. Supplementary examination results are combined with the module mark for
calculation of the final mark. A supplementary examination opportunity is granted if a
 Failed a module but obtained a final module mark of at least 40%
 Failed a module but obtain a semester mark of at least 60%.

3.3 Accreditation/moderation
An internal examiner with required qualifications and job-related or learning area experience will
be appointed for this module by the Department of Transport and Supply Chain Management.
Once the internal examiner has assessed your examination, the Department will complete its own
internal auditing before results are made public.

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Extract from University of Johannesburg Policy: Student Plagiarism (Date of
approval: September 2013)
The University of Johannesburg (here after referred to as “the University”) defines
plagiarism as “passing off ideas however expressed, including in the form of phrases,
words, images, artefacts, sounds, or other intellectual or artistic outputs, as one’s own
when they are not one’s own; or such passing off, as an original contribution, of ideas that
are one’s own but have been expressed on a previous occasion for assessment by any
academic institution or in any published form, without acknowledgement of the previous
expression (University of Johannesburg, 2013).
The University further distinguishes between non-reportable and reportable
plagiarism, where reportable plagiarism is defined as,
“Plagiarism that:
(a) Vitiates the attempt fairly and meaningfully to assess and, where relevant, assign a
mark, grade, or other outcome to the work in question; and
(b) is such that an educational response (which may include capping or prescribing a
mark) is inappropriate and that a formal academic response or a disciplinary response is
appropriate, given the plagiarism history of the student, the nature and extent of the
plagiarism, the level of the student, and all the other relevant circumstances of the case
(c) in the case of work that is not submitted for assessment (for example work submitted
by a graduate student to a supervisor for comment), is deemed by the individual academic
staff member in question to be reportable, having regard to the nature of the offence, the
plagiarism history of the student, the possibility or probability of repeat offence, and all
the other circumstances of the case.
The principles regarding the policy of plagiarism at the University are clear. There is no
acceptable level of plagiarism and no reportable plagiarism will go without a formal
It is the responsibility of the student to understand and avoid plagiarism. This is an
academic skill that the student is expected to master.
All summative assessments, no matter how trivial, must contain a Turnitin report. No
summative assessment will be accepted or graded without such a report.
The structure of penalties is dependent on the level of assessment. Each case of
plagiarism must be assessed individually. The table below serves as a guideline and
are categorised according to the offense with suitable descriptions and actions to be

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Category 1:  The student has not  The student may hand in a

handed in a complete full report within 24 hours of
Turnitin report the due date and no penalty
Turnitin Report is assigned to the final grade
 The student has only
handed in a digital receipt  Every subsequent 24 hours
after, a 10% penalty will
 The student has attached a apply
1-page report

Category 2:  The student has not  If the student has completed

handed in a Turnitin report a Turnitin report but failed to
No Turnitin with the summative attach the document
Report assessment
 Follow category 1 action

 The student has not  If the student has not

completed an online completed a Turnitin Report
Turnitin assessment or attached a false report

 The student has attached a  The student may hand in

false Turnitin report a full report within 48
hours of the due date
and no penalty is
assigned to the final

 If the time period

exceeds 48 hours, the
summative assessment
is not graded and the
student receives a zero
Category 3:  The Turnitin report  This constitutes a form of
indicates a low similarity non-reportable plagiarism
Poor academic
score (below 30%) but the
practice (1) student has failed to  Final grade should reflect the
academic merit of the work
 Provide complete

Page 21 of 35 RESTMY2

 At the discretion of the

 Limited bibliography lecturer, a low grade is
and has not referenced awarded not greater than
correctly 50%

 Demonstrated poor
referencing practice

Category 4: The student is repeating the  The summative assessment

module and is not graded and the student
Poor academic
receives a zero grade.
practice (2)
 Submits an summative  Refer to the Turnitin report
assessment which is an and follow actions according
exact replica of a to category 5,6 or 7,
previously whichever is applicable
submitted summative

 Submits an summative
assessment which closely
matches a previous
summative assessment,
only minor differentiations

Category 5:  The rules regarding  30% of the final grade is

academic practice have deducted and in addition,
clearly not been followed
 If the student is a first time
Turnitin Report  The student has presented offender, a written warning
the summative assessment should be given to the
between as their own work student
31 - 40%
 Collaboration amongst  If the student is a second
students (excludes group time offender, the student
work) receives a zero grade for
the summative assessment

Page 22 of 35 RESTMY2

 Summative  Should this action lead to

assessments are very a student not gaining
similar in structure and entrance to the exam or
content with minor failing the module, then
differentiations the following action
should be taken:

(a) The student

resubmits the
assessment for a
capped mark set at

 If the student is a post-

graduate student, then the
following, according to the
UJ plagiarism policy should

“7.2.2 in the second instance by

that student –
(a) deregistration
from a module,
(b) cancellation of a
mark or result, or
(c) any combination
of these; or

7.2.3 in the third instance by

that student, suspension
for one full academic
year; or

7.2.4 in the fourth instance by

that student, expulsion;

Page 23 of 35 RESTMY2


7.2.5 where, considering all

the circumstances of
the case, the
Committee deems the
responses indicated in
Paragraphs 7.2.1 to
7.2.4 to be
inappropriate or
inadequate, any other
response the
Committee deems
appropriate considering
the factors set out in
Paragraph 7.1.”

Category 6:  The rules regarding  50% of the final grade is

academic practice have deducted and in addition,
clearly not been followed
 If the student is a first time
Turnitin Report  The student has presented offender, a written warning
the summative assessment should be given to the
between as their own work student
41 - 50%
 Collaboration amongst  If the student is a second
students (excludes group time offender, the student
work) receives a zero grade for
the summative assessment
 Summative
assessments indicate a  Should this action lead to
high similarity index, a student not gaining
structure and content entrance to the exam or
are almost identical with failing the module, then
only minor differences. the following action
should be taken:

(b) The student
resubmits the

Page 24 of 35 RESTMY2

assessment for a
capped mark set at

 If the student is a post-

graduate student, then the
following, according to the
UJ plagiarism policy should

“7.2.2 in the second instance by

that student –
(d) deregistration
from a module,
(e) cancellation of a
mark or result, or
(f) any combination
of these; or
7.2.6 in the third instance by
that student, suspension
for one full academic
year; or

7.2.7 in the fourth instance by

that student, expulsion;

7.2.8 where, considering all

the circumstances of
the case, the
Committee deems the
responses indicated in
Paragraphs 7.2.1 to
7.2.4 to be
inappropriate or
inadequate, any other
response the
Committee deems

Page 25 of 35 RESTMY2

appropriate considering
the factors set out in
Paragraph 7.1.”

Category 4:  Severe plagiarism  Refer to committee for

disciplinary action
 No original work
Turnitin Report  Summative assessment
between has been purchased online
or student has solicited to
51% and more do so

 Multiple offenses of
plagiarism by student

 Collaboration with other

students resulting in
identical papers submitted

UNIVERSITY OF JOHANNESBURG 2013. Policy: Student plagiarism. In: UNIVERSITY

How to download a full Turnitin report

1. Log onto your Blackboard site
2. Select the module for which you need to print your Turnitin report
3. Select the option Turnitin
4. Select the option View/Complete
5. Click on the percentage button to open your summative assessment
6. You should now have this view on your screen

Page 26 of 35 RESTMY2
7. Make sure that the Originality button on the top left side of the screen is red. This
will show you the match overview on the right hand side.
8. To print a full Turnitin report, click on the small “print” icon on the bottom left of the
screen. The screenshot below indicates the position of this icon.

Page 27 of 35 RESTMY2
9. When you click on this icon, three options will be show.

10. Select the Download PDF of current view for printing option.
11. Your paper will download and this is the correct format for printing your complete
Turnitin report.
Remember to save paper, you are allowed to print your Turnitin report back-to-
back and 2 (double)-sided.

Page 28 of 35 RESTMY2
3.5 Annexures
3.5.1 Summative assessment 2019

Summative assessment
NB - Follow summative assessment guidelines as provided in Learning Guide.
NB – No group work.
NB – Plagiarism policies are strictly followed at UJ – take care not to plagiarise.


Research Essay

Enclosed is a list of essay topics for your consideration. Students are required to choose
any one from the list.

These topics are merely suggestions – students do not have to rigidly follow the topic
headings. Some topics also overlap to a certain extent and students are welcome to
combine them. If students wish to deviate substantially from a suggested topic (for example
the potential use of airships/helicopters, or the use of smartcards in collecting fares) they
can do so, provided they give UNIVERSITY OF JOHANNESBURG a brief outline in
advance of what they intend to cover.

It should be clear from a scrutiny of the topics that students are encouraged to make use of
their own company’s records or those of companies they know (with permission if
necessary) as far as possible, as this reduces the amount of research work quite
significantly. It is also important to make suggestions for improvements, even if these have
not been tested in depth.

In cases where students do not have easy access to the records of a company or
organisation (e.g. unemployed, working in a remote department, etc.) they can write on a
‘generic’ topic such as no 2, 11, 13, 21, (as well as others on the list).

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Select a public transport route or corridor in your city (or area) which in your opinion is not
being served well. Describe its potential in terms of service to shops, offices, residential
areas etc. Suggest the most appropriate vehicles and schedules to develop the route.


Select a company or government department you work for, or know well or describe a
fictional organisation.

If the organisation uses its own fleet, describe its approach towards vehicle maintenance.
Does it use its own workshops or outside workshops and why? Describe any programmes
to improve efficiency (fuel consumption, tyres, major components, longer vehicle life etc).
Suggest improvements. Use a case study if necessary.


Select a city or area you know well.

Research the history of its public transportation. Present a short review of major
developments and discuss the impacts of these developments on the growth and character
of the city or area, including its population, physical size and form. If you find deficiencies,
propose measures to improve them.


Analyse the bus or rail or minibus taxi service in a city (or area) you know well and describe
it in terms of:

 Adequacy in relation to the needs of the population (schedules, route coverage,

 Level and structure of fares
 Condition of vehicles (comfort, safety, cleanliness)
 Training of staff (driver manner, courtesy, knowledge about city, fare collection)
 Administration
 Design of vehicles.

(Do not slavishly follow the above headings, however). Discuss the problems and suggest
improvements to any of the above, if necessary.


Select a transport organisation (road/rail/air or sea)/or trading company you work for, or
know well or describe a fictional organisation.

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Analyse its management information systems relating to the transport function. Refer to cost
records, utilisation data, load factors, route profitability analysis (goods/passengers) and
suggest improvements. Use a case study if necessary.


Select an airline with which you may be familiar.

(a) Discuss problems faced by an airline schedule-planning department that are

similar to problems of other industries.

(b) Some marketing problems are unique to the airline industry. Discuss three such
marketing related problems.

(c) What is meant by?

 - traffic flow
 - sensitivity of schedule salability. Give examples.


Select an airline with which you may be familiar.

(a) Discuss the basic factors that affect the price of its services.

(b) How does it promote its services? Give examples of how promotion is used to
inform, persuade and remind.

(c) What types of sales outlets are used?

(d) What are the main functions of the reservation system?


Select any rail route with which you may be familiar. Describe its existing traffic levels
(passengers and/or freight), utilisation, type of traffic, physical facilities (signals, stations, and
locomotives). Suggest ways in which the line's potential can be optimised - in terms of
improvements to allow higher volumes to be moved, new sources of passenger and/or
freight traffic, intermodal improvements at stations, etc.


Discuss the role of intermodal transport in the growth of trade, with particular reference to
its potential in the Southern African region. Refer to an actual route or type of traffic or facility
(i.e. container port, harbour, etc.) and suggest improvements.

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Discuss the factors that influence the demand for freight transport. In a South African
context, suggest ways in which the role of freight transport in the economy can be optimised.
You can refer to any of the four main modes of transport.


Refer to any road transport facility (through road, freeway, network etc.) which in your
opinion is not functioning satisfactorily or which is inadequate. How would you improve the
situation? Indicate the cost and advantages and savings which would be generated, both
for users and non-users as well as benefits to traffic flow in the area.


Discuss in detail the many varied and very important roles, which transport plays in our lives.
Describe, also, realistic ways in which the public and private sector can ensure that the
efficiency and cost effectiveness of these roles are maximised with reference to freight and
passenger transport. Explain and justify your reasoning.


The government plays a key role in the functioning of society through the policies it adopts.
In a transport context, indicate what you consider to be the most appropriate level of
government involvement in relation to the provision of both transport infrastructure and
transport services. In you answer also discuss any three Acts or protocols used by
Government in the regulation of transport in South Africa. Use an actual example (any mode)
to illustrate your approach.


Select a rural area (at least 50 km from any urban centre) that you know well. Describe the
roads, public and private transport (bus, minibus, taxi, car, LDV, non-motorised transport,
walk etc.) serving the area. Describe the most frequent trips (to work, to market, to shops,
to school, to clinics, to church etc.). Describe the highest priority transport problems as
viewed by residents of the area. Suggest solutions to these problems and assess them in
terms of cost (to the user and to the state) and meeting user needs.


Select an urban area which you know has a number of dormitory suburbs or townships and
employment centres. Examine how disabled persons (a category of your choice -
wheelchair-bound, blind, deaf, etc) undertake their daily or weekly travel (between home,
work, school, shops, clinics etc) and describe in detail the problems they face. Suggest
solutions to these problems relating to both infrastructure/facilities and to public transport
and assess them in terms of cost (to the user and to the state) and meeting user needs.

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It should be clear from the above list, that the number of potential topics are very wide.
Students are welcome to deviate from the list provided they remain within a transport
context. They can also write on the same topic more than once, provided they deal with a
different area, customer, contract, labour situation, depot, type of traffic, etc. in each essay.

It would be helpful if students writing about a passenger transport topic included a map of
the area, showing main roads, bus/taxi routes and existing timetables/schedules and fare
tables/structures if relevant and appropriate.

Irrespective of the topic, it is useful to include supporting details, such as fleet lists, cost
reports, etc. provided they are marked as appendixes and do not count as part of the essay


students must make a copy of their work before submission, the original work is requested.

All topics must be transport or logistics related. Any other topics will not be marked.

Please follow the GUIDELINES FOR EXAMINING A RESEARCH ESSAY when compiling
your document. This is how your work will be assessed.



1. Topic, problems and issues to be investigated 10
 Must be relevant in a transport context
 Must be clearly and unambiguously formulated and stated
 The problems and issues and the objective of the study must be inter-
linked and interconnected
 Student must succeed in achieving this end
2. Methodology and processing of the subject matter 10
 The research methodology must be clearly defined
 The student must be familiar with the methods and techniques of
 The relevant subject matter must be expounded in a systematic and
logical fashion
 The student must have the ability in an academic manner to report on
his/her research
3. Content 50
 The length and scope of the study must confirm to the requirements
relating to research essays in this respect (±3000-4000 words)
 The division of the study into paragraphs, the balance between the
paragraphs and the logical progression of the essay must be to the
satisfaction of the examiner

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 The content of the research essay must attest to the student’s
knowledge of his/her field of research
 The content must be relevant throughout
 The research essay must, in the light of its topic and objective(s) form a
whole in itself
4. Summary, conclusions and recommendations 10
 The final summary must be meaningful, as well as a clear reflection of
the content of the study
 The conclusions must be in line with the principal aim of the study
 The conclusions and recommendations must be well founded
5. Referencing 10
 The student acknowledged the sources of information through the use
 of Harvard referencing method in the text.
 A detailed referencing list or Bibliography was included.
6. Language and style: technical compilation, production and finish 10
 Title page
 Table of contents
 Readableness (type size, font and letter-spacing)
 Correct use of quotations, reference techniques and footnotes
 Typing errors and spelling mistakes
 Graphs, figures and illustrations
 Annexes of relevant research documents
 Printing


We return herewith your marked research essay/s. In the limited time available it is
impossible to provide detailed individual comments on each essay, and we are
therefore enclosing this “tutorial letter” which covers most of the points which we think
are important and which may be of help to you in preparing your remaining essays
(if you have not already done so). We also include a mark sheet that sets out the
areas that the examiner takes into account.

It is clear from the mark sheet that a lot of emphasis is placed on the general
impression given by the appearance of the document, the amount of information it
contains, the way it is set out and presented, and so on. This usually gives the
examiner a good idea of how much effort has gone into the essay. It also follows
from the above that the examiners are not always in a position to query the actual
contents of your essays to any extent. This is not the purpose of the exercise in any

70% and over

If your mark was over 70% you have satisfied most of the requirements of the
attached mark sheet. Most students in this category submitted a printed document,
with a formal cover, including a table of contents, proper paragraph divisions,

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diagram(s) where appropriate, some conclusions and recommendations and a list of
references and sources.


Students in this category also submitted a satisfactory document. In some cases,

marks may have been lost because the essay was shorter than 15 pages/3000
words. In other cases, although the summative assessment was well presented the
topic was too abstract and made no (or insufficient) reference to a specific case, or
contract, or actual route, etc. It is important to note that marks will not be awarded
where there is insufficient evidence of original thought, even if impressive diagrams,
maps, appendices or even photographs accompany the document.


Further marks may have been lost for failing to provide a formal index, or for failing
to break the essay into logical sections, or for not giving a conclusion, or
recommendations or references. It is insufficient to merely copy company
documents without relating them to the main structure of the essay.

Less than 50%

In a small number of cases, student’s submitted essays which were far too short
(some as few as 1000 words) or where the handwriting was difficult to read, where
there was no evidence of original work whatsoever, or where there was no structure
to the essay.

Some students have also had their essays returned to them with the marks cut by
half because their efforts overlap with those of other students. We encourage
students to form study groups, but even if you are part of one, you are still required
to submit independent work.

We also remind students who wish to write on a topic substantially different to the
ones suggested, to submit a brief outline (by fax) of the topic and the way they intend
to cover it in the essay.

Please refer to the guideline document that was originally sent to you. Many students
have disregarded the suggestions made there and have lost marks as a result. The
attached mark sheet will also assist in this respect.

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