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si72019 EADA1O Exam Tutorial ExamLabs Esti EADA1O Exam Tutorial ‘Question No: 1 Which data model is most ecient for managing and madeling elevation data consisting of three bilionindivieual points? A. Teangulated dataset Raster dataset (C,Terrain dataset D. Mosaic dataset Angwert € Reference: htp:// (terran surfaces, second parsorapn) ‘Question No :2 ‘An ArcGIS user performs a spatial adjustment on a dataset. ‘Which two factors can be used to determine whether the results are acceptable? (Choose two) ‘A visual inspection of adjusted data the output coordinate system of the adjustment 1C. RMS error . number of links used in transformation Answer: GD Reference: hitp//Mwv-esrcom/news/arcuser/0103/fes/spatools_ tutorial pf (step 2, page 2. Page 4, 2nd buleted point above step 3) ‘Question No: 3 Refer tothe exhibit. (OBJECTED *|SHAPE™ [CITY_FIPS|CITY_NAMF|STATE_FIPS] STATE_WANE[STATE_cITV] TVPF [CAPITAL | ELEVATION] PoP t#00] 1 Point [05700 [elinghom 53 (Washington [505260 [chy 1 ca] S279 iz Pot [S500 ayre 50 Montana [5035050 —[ciiy [Nyaa ozo Given @ point dataset ofthe United States with the fllowing attributes * State Name + Elevation = Population = Capital Which two analyses can be perfarmed on the dataset? (Choose two) 'A. density the points to show smaller cies determine the aspect of each city ‘C! summanze statistics on numeric attributes D. dissolve points by state name. sweet © ‘Question No: 4 ‘An ArcGIS user is eisplaying @ parcel feature class uncer a building feature class. The user wants to ensure thatthe exact outine of all features is visible ‘What must the ArcGIS user da to allow both feature classes to be viewed at the same time? ‘A spatially join Features set transparency on buildings . join buildings to parcels D. relate buildings to parcels E. change display order of features answer: B haps: 131 si72019 EADA1O Exam Tutorial ‘Question No: 5 [An ArcGIS user needs to determine the least expensive tract of land with the least environmental impact for use in a construction project. The user has two raster datasets that have been converted to a commen measurement scale (Land, Value, range: 1-9 Environmental Impact, range: 1-9) Which tool should they use to determine the most viable tract? A. Fuzzy Membership B. Fuzzy Overlay C. Weighted Overlay D. Weighted Membership Answer: B Reference: hitp:/,Kem (Overlay, Ath paragraph) ‘Question No: 6 ‘Which geodatabase element Is designed for madeling te flow of a resource such as water lecrity, or natural gas from its source to @ consumer? A. Geometric network B. Line feature class C. Network dataset D. Triangulated iregular network Reference: hitp://resources esr con/help/93/arcgisengine/dotnet/9a3375c7-1087-48e8. Sde2-SSbd33ef4929.nemeUUllyNet (SUMMARY) ‘Question No: 7 [An ArcGIS user has Road Lines and City Polygons feature classes and is selecting roads that are division lines between tes. ‘Starting with all Road Lines features selected, which spatial query will Keep only the road lines dividing cities selected? [A select features from Road Lines that are Identical o City Polygons: B. select from the currently selected features in City Polygons that completely contain the Road Lines. CC. select from the currently selected features In Road Lines that are identical to Cy Pelygane . remove from the currently selected features in City Polygons that are within a eistance of Road Lines with a search distance of 100 feet ‘Question No: 8 [An ArcGIS user creates a locator from a polyline feature class that exists in a feature dataset. ‘Where can the locator be saved? Aine feature dataset Ina Windows folder Cina topology dataset D- ina feature class newer: B ‘Question No: 9 ‘An ArcGIS user is required to create 2 new feature lass output of rivers of California Currently, the user has a feature class of the USA nvers and a feature class of the California state boundary. Which process would generate the necessary output? ‘A. Union tool with the USA rivers and California state boundary selected for input features B. Clip tac with the USA rivers as input features and Calforna state boundary as clip features ‘C. Union tool with the USA rivers as input and California state bouncary as output feature lass D. Clip tool with the California state boundary as input features and USA rivers as clip features tps si72019 EADA1O Exam Tutorial ‘Question No : 10 In AreCatalog, how can an ArcGIS user repair an _mxd fle that has broken data sources? ‘A. use the MXD Doctor utilty ‘ight-lic .me file and use the Set Data Sources tool rightclick md fle and update Map Properties D. use the Repair Data Sources geoprocessing too! Answer: B Reference: http://w.™T100046 pet (page 2, 3rd bulleted point) ‘Question No: 11 {A data frame In ArcMap Is dsplaying layers from several afferent coordinate systems In 2 worldwide geographic coordinate system. There are several geographic coordinate system ‘ransformations listed in the Geographic Coordinate Systems Transformations dalog box. (One of tne transformations being used is Inappropriate and must be cnangec. How can the ArcGIS user change the transformation? ‘A. open the Layer Properties dialog box for each layer using the transformation and change the transformation for the layer select Transformations from the main menu in ArcMap and change the transformation forthe map document Copan the Data Frame Properties dialog box and change the transformation forthe data frame D. fer each data source using the transfermation change the transformation in the Catalog window and then reload the Answer: © Reference: http://support.esriccom/enyknowledgebase/techartcles/detall/17430 (see the procedure) ‘Question No :12 ‘Table A shows the attribute table for @ point feature class containing values for well type (ype) and wel diameter (Diameter), This portion of the table shows all the possible ‘combinations for these values in the geodatabase. Table A (OBJECTED | Shap Diamoior o Paint a z Po 7 ft Paint 2p Pata z 5: Pint c fe Point | Dillad | 6 Point —| Bored 6 i Point [Dug [12 = Point —| “Bored [1 iw Po a 1 Paint z 2 Point | Dilled | & i Pi Bored [2 i Poin | Dug | 42 Using the well type to define the subtypes, Row should the ArcGIS user structure the Subtypes anc domains In the geodatabase to help with cata automation and catabase design? Table B cade pe Deserpifon | Domatw a © 2 1 tps si72019 EADAMO Exam Tutorial Coie Dawvain] 7 + ile z % z = z © 5 i t a x t 2 Table D Subiype Busorpifon Bored Dalle Table E [Eode_| Swhtype Description] Domains 4 Drilled 6 Drilled s Bored Dalle = Drilled 7 Bored r x or x Table A Shows the attribute table for @ point feature class containing values for well type (ype) and wel diameter (Diameter). This portion shows al the possible combinations for these values in the geodatabase, Using the well type to define the subtypes, how should the ArcGIS user structure the subtypes and domains In the geodatabase to help with data automation and catabase design? AcTeble 8 B. Table C Table D D. Table € Answer: B ‘Question No :13 [An ArcGIS user needs to cisplay @ point fle as graduated symbols on a map, based upon the number of occurrences, The point file contains multiple points with exactly the same x- {and y- values. Which process should the ArcGIS user perform prior to symbolizing the data? ‘A. Generate Spatial Weights Matrix B. Cluster anc Outlier Analysis (C- Hot Spot Analysis D. Collect Events ‘Question No: 14 [Aclient is building @ new home ané wants to position the home near a lake and a school Which combination of analysis tools will erate a polygon representing a potential area for tps ast si72019 EADA1O Exam Tutorial building the home? A. Intersect then Buffer BB Union then Spatial Join (©. Buffer then Intersect D. Spatial Join than Union ‘Question No : 15 ‘An ArcGIS user is calculating the mean slope per watershed using the Block Statistics ‘geoprocessing tool. Which ArcGIS Dasktop extension should be enabled to use this tool? ‘A. Geostatisical Analyst B. Spatial Analyst C, Network Analyst D. Schematics Answer: B Reference: hitp:/webhelp es comyarclsdesktop/9-3/index.cin?TapicName=An_overview_of_the_ Noi ghborhoad_tools ‘Question No :16 [An ArcGIS user has a single long line that Is Intersectee by many other lines. The user wants to spit the long line at each intersection, Which toa allows the user to perform ths in a single step? A. spiit B. Planarize Lines C-Line intersection Ditrim Answer: © Reference: hitp:// ‘Question No :17 A feature class contains the followin “ the point locations of several airplanes fying over a city a text feld with time ane date information in a standard ESRI format © a text feld that uniquely identities each individual airplane [An ArcGIS user is performing a temporal analysis to play back the cata through time. It is ‘essential to b¢ able to display the most current observation for each alplane with special ‘symbology and display lines indicating the path of each airplane Without any customization or modification of the data how can this be accomplished in ‘ArcGIS Desktop? |A. ceate a time layer animation ofthe data using the Animation toolbar B. create a tme-enabled feature layer from the data and animate It using the Time Slider window CC, create a tracking layer from the data using the Tracking Analyst extension D. create 2 network dataset from the data using the Network Analyst extension Answer: © Reterence: hip: // (third column, 6th row, ‘40 bulleted pal) ‘Question No : 18 [An ArcGIS user has an .mxd file with layers referencing data from ArcSDE. ‘What should a user do to chack the AreSDE geodatabase versioning information of 2 layer's feature class? [A select the Show Full Pats button B. select the List by Sources button CC select the View Metadata button D. select View Map Document Properties button haps. sit si72019 EADA1O Exam Tutorial ‘Question No : 19 ‘An ArcGIS user is analyzing an earthquake dataset to investigate the relationship between ‘magnitude and curation of incidents. The user dlsplays magritude on an x-axis and duration on a y-axis Which type of graph is the user employing? A. box plot histogram scatter plot D. bar Answer: A ‘Question No : 20 [An ArcGIS user is exporting a feature class to an existing feature data set using the Export DData option fram the layer context menu in ArcMap. The feature class coordinate system differs from the feature data set coordinate System. ‘What wil be the coordinate system of the exported output? ‘A. the same as the source feature class the same as the destination feature dataset € the same as the source input layer D. the same as the source data frame E. the same as the destination geadatabase ‘Question No : 21 [An ArcGIS user is responsible for updating a coastline feature class to rflact changes due to erasion. Which adit tool is recommended to update this feature class? ‘A. Copy Parallel Trace Feature spit D. Reshape Feature E. Trim Line Answer: B Reference: hitps/help.arcaiscom/enyarcaisdesktop/10.0/hep/index.nimit//019600000%18000000 ‘Question No : 22 [An ArcGIS user has City Points and Country Polygons feature classes and is selecting city points within @ country polygon. Starting with a country polygon selected which spatial query will selec city points within the selected country? select features from Country Polygons that intersect City Points select features from Clty Points that completely contain Country Polygons using the selected features select features from City Points that intersect Country Polygons using the selected features selec features from Country Polygons using the selectee features poe Answer: © Explanation: 1. The important parts of this question are selecting cty points within a country pslygon and Staring with a country polygon selecte. So let us select another county polygon, this Ume Vietnam. Vietnam f the country polygon selected. tps arr7n0t9 ADAMO Exam Teoria BQ NOH > IR 8) OF wis M AS BIA eer) nt eT) “ale oF Cotes E Hees a Soles | 3 BS 5 B County a tps si72019 EADA1O Exam Tutorial Tlath ston sceboresin waist Sau ayer: F@ country Rlusesdeedfeonres (ferent) Spt adenine rom tne top, tis menu reas: selec features from one or more ofthe checked Terget Layers. Worlds Is the Target yer encked. The source layer the Coury layer and he Use sclected Features (1 features seected) box s eneceed. That selected Feature ls Vietnam. Note the default opton in te Spatial ‘Selection Mathod is Target layer(s) features intersect the Source layer feature. Again the source feature ls the polygon fom Country ané the Target layers) the points from the Worldites, The resus {Alltec inside the Vietnam polygon have been selected. Now lets try the SefTest method, 3, Same polygon is selected tps sii7i019 ASS OHH 4% |B-o Table OF Contes i EADA1O Exam Tutorial WO 7 Biss A 8 TRB ctor) et 2 IE From the top, your setings are select features from Country polygons (Checked box) that Intersect WorlGitles Points, the source. Note the greyed out Use selected features check box and tps svrrnona EADM0 Beam Tut on goons ce and no Worldctes points are selectes. meNdcties nat 7 ArcGIS ser has turned off the cisplay of only one table fed ina layer attribute table. Now the ArcGIS user needs to display al he table fel. Which two methods will turn on the display of te eld? (Choose two) ‘A. from Layer Properties, clck the Fields tab check the hidéen feld In the "Choose which fields will be visible" list ‘open the attrioute table, click General tabular operations choose Turn on al elds the attribute table right cick any visible fielé choose Turn on all elds D. from Layer Properties clk the Display tab choase Display all fields Answer: AB. ‘Question No: 24 How does a geodatabase topology ensure data integrity and maintain the spatial relationships between features? ‘A. specifies a valid set of topological values for an attribute ‘groups records in a feature class, based on an attribute Feld CC. valiates the features of a geodatabase against a set of topology rules D. enforces referential integrity between a feature class and a related feature class Angwort © Reference: hitp://am. esr com/ibrary/whitepapers/pcts/geodatabase-toplogy pdt (page 5, overview) ‘Question No : 25 ‘Which analysis method should be used to analyze trafic conditions over a given period of ‘ime? A. Proximity overtay haps: si72019 EADA1O Exam Tutorial 1c. Temporal D. statisteal Reference: hitp://praceedings.esr.comylibrary/usercont/oroc97/pr0c97/t0#S0/2—p427/427.ntm (3rd paragraph on the page) ‘Question No : 26 [An ArcGIS user is trying to add data from an enterorise database to an ArcMap document but is unable to see any feature classes inthe database, Why isthe ArcGIS user unable to add the data? [A.A folder connection batween ArcCatalog and the data location is missing ‘The ArcGIS user has inappropriate permissions to access the data C, Another user has a scheme lock on that database . another user owns the data in @ publc version Answer: B ‘Question No : 27 ‘Which two actions can be taken to repalran.x¢ file with broken data sources in ArcMap? (Croose two) right click the layer(s) inthe Table of Contents and select Repalr Date Source repair the layer sources inthe Map Document Properties Use the Repair Data Sources geoprocessing tool Use the Set Data Source option from Layer Properties Reference: Pttp://ls /how-do-you-dea-with-broken- mxd-lyr-paths ‘Question No : 28 [An ArcGIS user is editing a feature class containing parcel data, One of the felds within the table stores the zoning information fer each parcel using @ coded value domain. How does the user enter this data into the Altributes window to update the zoning Information fo a parcel? A. type in the zoning code B. type in the zoning description select the zoning cove from a drop-down lst D. select the zoning description from a drop-down list Answer: B ‘Question No : 29 [An ArcGIS user is working i the field collecting elevation values along a hiking tall. What ‘must be done when creating the tral feature class to store the elevation values? ‘A. set the tolerance to greater than .001 ‘246 a feld called Elevation and make the geometry type Double CC. assign the feature class a projected coordinate system in units of meters 1D, make the feature class z-enabled Answer: B ‘Question No : 30 [An ArcGIS user Is working on a map of a province. The user wants to create an inset to entity the province within the entire country. ‘Which map element should the user employ? A. Extent rectangle Data Driven Pages Reference scale . New graphics layer tps nt si72019 EADA1O Exam Tutorial ‘Question No : 31 Which coordinate system is appropriate for storing a worldwide scale dataset using measures of latitude anc longitude, while also allowing for the data to be easily projected for editing and analysis at a local level? ‘A. Universal Transverse Mercator B. Geographic 1. Geocentrie D. Projected newer: A ‘Question No : 32 [An ArcGIS user needs to provide a person outside the user's organization @ layer fle along with ts data, How can this be accomplished in ArcGIS Desktop? ‘A. use the Export as XML Workspace Document tool in ArcCatalog B. use the Save as Layer tool in ArcMap C.use the Export as Layer tool in ArcCatalog . use the Create a Layer Package tool in ArcMap Answer: B Reference: hit:f/ [Byers with tre dea) ‘Question No : 33 Which Layer Properties tab displays the coordinate system fore layer? A. Source B. General ©. Display . XY Coordinate System Angwert A Reference: hitps// himt//005¥00000017000000. hem (Source tab) ‘Question No: 34 [An ArcGIS user wants to create 2 custom fil symbol to symbolize a forest area. The ‘symbol wil fil the polygon area with @ small abstract figure of a tree. Which symbol type should be used? ‘A. simple fil symbol B. 30 texture fil symbel C gracient fil symbal D. pleture fil symbol Answer: B Reference: hitp://resources.esricom/help/93farcalserver/aps/siveright/help/Working_symbols_rend erers.htm (see the table in syrmba Types) ‘Question No : 35 Using ArcCatalog, an ArcGIS user plans to use the Export to Geodatabase option to export 2 feature class with one spatial reference into 2 feature dataset with a efferent spatial reference How can this be accomplished while maintaining the accuracy ofthe data? ‘A. roproject the feature class than export B. exnort the feature class then reproject the output C, export the feature class and allow on the fly projection D. assign spatial reference of feature class to Unknown then export Angwert © tps 1201 si72019 EADA1O Exam Tutorial ‘Question No : 36 [An ArcGIS user is working with a CAD polyline feature class. Its comprised of a Feature_Type field containing water main features and a RefName field, which may contain 2 valve type or may be NULL. How can tns user Dullé @ query to isolate Water Main features containing valid valve type? "Water Mains’ AND “RefNiame" <> ‘Null" Water Mains AND "RefName” NOT Null (C."Feature_Type” = ‘Water Mains’ AND "RefName” IS NOT Null D. "Feature_Type* = "Water Mains” AND "RefName” <> 15 Null Aanowert A ‘Question No : 37 \Which two spatial query operators will select point features that are surrounded by polygon features? (Select two) ‘A. Completely Contain B. Are Completely Within 1c. Share a Line Segment with D. Intersect Touch the Boundary of Reference hitp:// ‘Question No : 38 Given a layer called Counties withthe following relevant attributes: = PoP2008 “> POP2000 “> STATE_NAME ‘hat is the correct WHERE clause syntax fr Select by attributes tool that should be used to find all the Counties with a population greater than 50000 ane less than 100000 in state of Fonda in year 20087 ‘A. (Counties.POP2008" > 50000 AND < 100000) AND “Countries. STATE_NAME” = ‘Florida 8. (“Counties POP2008" > 50000 AND “Counties.POP2000" < 100000) AND "Counties. STATE_NAME” ‘©. *Counties.POP2008" > 50000 AND "Counties. POP2008" < 100000 AND "Counties STATE" Florida) . (*Counties.POP2008" > 50000 AND "Counties. POP2008" < 100000) AND "Counties. STATE_NAME” = ‘Florida’ Flon¢a’ ‘Question No : 39 \Which two factors should be cansidered when determining appropriateness of a dataset for ‘2 task? (Choose two) A display colors scale of data 1. geometry type D. feature class names E. configuration keywords Answer: BC Exploration: 1. The article mentioned here (Ihave attaches i tothe emi) discusses, amongst other subjects, are the procedures an analyst should follow when considering data for use In emergency response, The four premises are: 2. Have access {oa GIs, preferably one using a powertl Gs soware package wits a ful range of functionalty such as ArcGIS. b. Understand {ata mining and what data will best suppert a particule csaster rai operation, c, Understane that data integrity includes cata Sources, data striture/formet, ond spate eng/or spectral accuracy. 3. Understans the types of products et wil ned tobe produced for decsan makers during various stages ofthe disaster lief operation These four statements sppear on page 29 of {he arte. Feature Class Names (they just are nt a factor In accuracy) are never mentioned here or anywhere else inthe arele ‘nd efinaly not on pages 42 or 3. ‘Question No : 40 tps 1301 si72019 EADA1O Exam Tutorial Which format is appropriate for exporting map dacuments that require vector layers to ‘remains intact for further editing in another application? AA 8. BMP ©. PNG D.GiF EL1PEG Answer: A ‘Question No: 41 [An ArcGIS User has a faster dataset that represents continuous data. When added to the ‘map, the raster appears dark and grainy. Which process should the AreGIS user perform to visually enhance the appearance of the raster? A. contrast stretch B. adjust transparency CC. increase brightness . modify RGB composite Answer: A Reference: htt:// cfm ?TopicName=Imoroving_the_dsplay_o rater data (thd pareorapn) ‘Question No : 42 Which ArcGIS Desktop extension can be used to create 2 map with advanced label placement options? A. Network Analyst Schematics ©. 30 Analyst D. Publisher E. Maplex Answer: Reference: http: // ‘Question No : 43 [An ArcGIS user is collecting climate data, ané wants to create a gragh showing wind direction at diferent weather stations. Which type of graph should be used to display this data? Abar histogram area D. polar E. scatter plot F bubble Answer: ‘Question No [An ArcGIS user is tasked with modeling water cistribution for @ city. Currently, the user has shapefiles for water junctions, water pipelines, and water mains. How should the user proceed? 'A. import the shapefiles into a feature dataset and create 3 geometric network Import the shapetiles into a feature dataset and create a network data set CC. create a geometric network from the shapefiles D. create a network dataset ‘rom the shapefiles Answer: © tps 41 si72019 EADA1O Exam Tutorial ‘Question No : 45 ‘Acoded value domain provides which two benefits for attribute eating? (Choose two) ‘Act species valid values for an attrbute I stores rules for attribute display It displays a user-frencly description D. It validates all attributes in a given table Reference: (4th paragraph) ‘Question No: [An ArcGIS user is viewing a feature layer that is being displayed in a projected coordinate system that uses meters as the units, The user needs to see the map coordinates displayed inthe status bar as nautical miles How can the units be changed without changing the coordinate system? [A. change the output coordinates in the Environment Settings change the units used for aistance in the Measure tool Change the cisplay units ofthe feature layer . change the eisplay units of the data frame containing the layer Answer: D Explanation: 1. Here Is the AeGIS GUI with the Measurement tool andthe Status Bar Incleated. The Status bar shows the current sede to Wes. eG New ones eet Stecen Cepeceng Cae noi ee DaWs\ sRxino &- nue = QSeSRolm4, QAHO Heo Wo RO LOA MES TMy tar os i a a H ‘Measurement tool Status bar sien « r 2. The Measure tol, measures in Pe units of your choice will henge Peto Meters 1801 tps si72019 EADA1O Exam Tutorial 23, The Status bar units setting is silin ‘meters, Something that you cant See here Is that when you use the measurement tool to measure, the status bar also nereases m Ser eae et Belene ‘F7To change tre satus bar uns, you have te change Wie daa rame Gsplay unis. Right Glex Mthe Gata Far tps 1601 si72019 EADA1O Exam Tutorial Ga BAERS Pen aa Se Te Net Ete Set Festrer Lert Zion Tedeec Feira: Pan Ta Selected Fetes hse Seles Fees a oseoaen ——____—_—_—_— 0 18686254 Fenk Frame Properties {he drep down in the Units Display érop down. tps 5. Select meters fom a1 si72019 EADA1O Exam Tutorial uae, | imutain Gos. | Eat ndoaos | Fone |. Sue ard Poston [five let. [eigen | nomen oa en espn Segmalbecress isrusteiecncts Degrees tes Seas Segoe: Deana act 6. The units have changed to meters in the 3G16MS7. STOSDOTI Meters ‘Status bar area, ‘Question No : 47 ‘An ArcGIS user is analyzing @ map containing several high quality data layers. The layers {are dafined in several diferent coordinate systems in the same data frame. However, due to the high qualty ofthe data, al features line up with each other almost exactly, \Whon the user adds a new dataset al features appear to shift te the north by a nearly Identical distance. The new dataset Is assigned to e efferent coordinate system than any of the layers that line up correct, ‘What are two possible reasons for the features shifting? (Choose two) A. Arctap's on-the-fly projection fs introducing random error in the new dataset ‘The new dataset is assigned to the wrong projected coordinate system C, The wrong geographic transformation s Used to protect the new dataset . The new datasets geometry is more accurate than the other layers in the map E. The map projection requires to project the new dataset is outdated tps si72019 EADA1O Exam Tutorial ‘Question No : 48 Which two actions taken by an ArcGIS user result in conflicts being detected curing @ reconcile operation? (Choos tw) ‘A. Changing the same feature in two separate versions of the geadatabase BB Changing the same feature in the sare version of the geacatabase in different edit sessions C deleting a feature ina child version of the geodatabase, but notin the parent version D. deleting a feature in one edit session and altering itn another inside the samme version of the geodatabase E. changing @ feature In a chilé version of the geodatabase and deleting it inthe parent version Answer: BE Reference: hit://webhelp.esr.comyarcsisserver/9.3/jave/inéex.himegeodatabases/on_overy- 60074501.htm (Recon, see the Duletea points) ‘Question No : 49 [An ArcGIS user wants to share layer and attribute information in a map document with a colleague who does NOT have ArcGIS Desktop ‘The ArcGIS user must export in which format in order fr the colleague to view the information? A.POF B.svG PNG D. amp newer: A Reference: htp:// nimi //00sm00000007000000 (tira paraeraph) ‘question No : 50 Given 2 feature lass of an advancing wildfire, which analysis should be used to prepare a ‘map showing the progression of wild fre? A. Proximity B. Overlay 1c. Temporal D, Statistcal Answer: © ‘Question No : 51 ‘An ArcGIS user has a feature class of utiity poles and a feature class containing transformers. If utliy pole is deleted the ArcGIS user wants all ofits associated transformers to be deleted as well ‘Which type of association wil allow the ArcGIS user to accomplish this task? A. join B. spatial join relate D- relationship class Answer: © ‘Question No : 52 [An ArcGIS user is working within a map document and has realized that the Table of Contents is no longer avalable. Which menu must the user choose to add the Table of Contents to his map document? ‘A Insert menu B. View menu. c. edit mena D. Windows menu Add menu tps 1901 si72019 EADA1O Exam Tutorial ‘Question No : 53 Which two methods are vald for calculating the values of a Fielé using a calculation ‘expression? (Choose two) [A.f more than one fed is selected, the calculation can be applied to each field For VB calculations, field names must be enclosed in square brackets [ ] CIF any records are currently selected in the table, only the selected records wil be calculated D. For Python calculations, feld names must be enclosed in double quotes” " Answer: BC ‘Question No : 54 [An ArcGIS user is creating @ new geadatabase feature dataset using the New Feature Data set Wizard, ‘Within the wizard, how can the user choose @ coordinate system for the new feature dataset from a Ist of predefined coordinate systems? ‘A. double-click Geographic or Projected Coordinate Systems and select the predefined coordinate system B. double click Import and select the predefined Geographic or Projected Coordinate System CC. click New and select the predefinec coordinate system D. click New and define the coordinate system ‘Question No : 55 Which action will keep the intermediate data of a model? ‘A. running the model from the command line B. running the model from a script CC. running the madel as 2 geoprocessing tool D. running the medel from the ModelBulldar window Reference: hit: //help aris. comfenarcgiscesktop/10.0/helpyindex Mtmit/A_quick tour ntermediate_data/002w00000002000000/ (rst parsaraph) {managing ‘Question No :56 ‘Which toa from the ArcGIS System toolbox allows the aption to create 2 schema-only ayer package (Ipk) in ArcGIS Desktop? A. Package Layer B. Export Replica Schema ¢-Package Map D. Create Schematic Folder ‘Question No : 57 \hen starting an edit session in ArcMap the ArcGIS user is unable to locate the ‘geodatabase feature class in the Start Ecitng Ist. ‘Why does the layer fall to show up inthe Start Ealing list? ‘A. The data layer is set as unselectable in the Table of Contents ‘The data leaded in the map Is from a read-only source (C. The data is in a diferent spatial reference than the data frame . A spatial index must frst be bult for the date newer: B ‘Question No +58 tps 20031 si72019 EADAMO Exam Tutorial [An ArcGIS user is creating an atrioute domain from values in a table using the Table to Domain tol. Which two fields are required in the table to utilize this teal? (Choose two) ‘A. field containing descriptions for the domain values B. a Felé containing the code values for the domain Ca field containing range values for the domain D. a field containing matadata information for the domain values Reference: http: // laye-tables- with-domaln-value (hid pos ‘Question No : 59 ‘Which element is requires for creating Data Driven Pages?” A. page number B. sot field C. spatial reference D. rotation Reference: htp:// 10.0/helpingex Mimi //00sr00000007000000 (Required elements for Data Driven Pages) ‘Question No : 60 Which limit is st for fle geodatabase name length for ArcGIS Desktop? Avo limit B. limited to 22 characters limited to 255 cnaracters D. limited to the number of characters the operating system allows in a folder narme Answer: © ‘Question No : 61 [An ArcGIS user Would like to share an .mxé fle with another co-worker without impacting the symbology of te layer. ‘hich two fle can be sent to ensure the symbology Is maintained? (Choose two) ‘A layer package Mle B. representation file calyr file D. style fle E. symbology fle Reference: https://ses. google. com/stelexnesis/labjlab-4~clgtzing-eatng-sharing-data (Osta Sharng, fst paragraph and Table 5) ‘Question No : 62 [An ArcGIS user performed a spatial transformation to adjust 2 less accurate Dataset A to match with @ more accurate Dataset 8, The Spatial Transformation tool reported a low root mean square error (RMS), ‘What coes this ingicate? 'A. The transformation between the control points is consistent B. Too many control points were selected ©The accuracy of Dataset Ais high . The accuracy of the output transformed dataset is high ‘Question No : 63 [An ArcGIS user is identifying specifc study areas to display in ArcMap that can be saved to ‘an mxd fle. Which functionality in ArcMap allows the creation of the study area views? tps 20st si72019 EADA1O Exam Tutorial A. Generate Overlay Create Bookmarks (C. Generate XY Area . Create Area Overlay Answer: © Reference: phics_and_features (third Darogroph on te pose) ‘Question No : 64 [An ArcGIS user Is creating @ 026, which will need to be snapped to the border ofa lane parcel. Which snapping option must be turned on? A. Point snapping B. End snapping C. Vertex snapping D. Edge snapaing Reference: http://webhelp.esr comarciSDEskto9/9.3/index.cfmPTopicName=Common_polygon_eit ng tasks (Reshaping 2 polygon, see the image one the bleed poi underneath ) ‘Question No : 65 What is the result of applying a relate In ArcMap to a stand-alone table and a layer attribute table? ‘A. {twill define the relationship between them I wll append the associated data to the layer's attribute table {Cit wil appenc the layer's attribute table to the associated data D. It will create a new feature class containing the layer's attnbutes and associated data ‘Question No \Whan shoulé an ArcGIS user change the reference scale of an existing map annetation? ‘A. when the user adds a scale bar to the map layout B. when the user brings data into the map that has a projected coordinate system C. when the user creates 2 new feature linked annotation feature class and adds it to @ new data frame for editing . when the user uses the same map template to create a second map that contains data from 2 eifferant geographic Answer: BC ‘Question No : 67 [An ArcGIS user wants to display only values forthe selected Features in an attribute table In reverse alphabetical order (z to A) using the values CityName field ‘Which metnod will give the desired results? [A. Right-click the CtyName field, choose Sort Descending, click Show Selected Records Right-click the CtyName field, choose Sort Descending, click Summarize C. Migniight the CityName fet, from General Tabular Operations menu, choose Sort Descending: click switeh Selection . Highlight the CutyName fel from General Tabular Operations menu, choose Sort Descending: choose Show Selection Answers A Explanation: Before going any further 1 can tell you now that there are no Sor options of any kind en the General Tabular (Operations Menu. Furthermore, there i ne Show Selection option on that menu ether. 2. Selec the cites In Span from te ESRL feature clase as te example tps 22st si172018 EADA1O Exam Tutorial ja) ene 2. Open the attrbute table and point out afew features germane to this question -ntps:inwww-oxamiabs.convexamvEADAI0 2600 33812De00 si72019 EADA1O Exam Tutorial Table feo eBie 0S on 5 FA County a (General Operations Menu Button CCity_Name fied in the attribute table d- B- BR O® x no] shave ‘ca aD FO) tatpse — [Gabe Bee atone emt atgoe | Goan 5e20 ittport — [canes Grane SGT enone — [sate se oars Fa —[oannaay Titpor: — [Pwr Preniderte Sores RVD [At Pa inepore —|Eearacon yar Thatport —[Ponaden REGUS [Meera Was fas eke ce ae ‘Show Selected Records button ‘The ces selected by the query are n blue on tre map. There are cles the Mediterranean and Northern Aiea Wet ere part of ‘Spal. 3. Now, let us see thase options on the General Operations Mena. So I highlighted the CITY_NAME eld; then opened the tps 2a si72019 EADA1O Exam Tutorial Fd &Replcen ‘Selection rope Sets fy te. ‘Cleor Selection | | 28008 ‘neh eso iki @ # aeore Sales! dd Fil. Turn Al Fess On fs] ‘range Totes ResoreDefaut Column ithe RasoreDefal Fld Order Join na Rates , Rete Tables , sib Cres Graph. ‘A Tablet Layt B Pine Reports , Epo. Appestance, no [Shape Tato atone ator Tatbote atpsee Tatbote iatgore iatbote manu and voll, Sort and Show Section are not on ths men pee wil rahtctek on the CITY_NAME atribute and open a ciferent menu, This Is where the Sort options are leate. a 4. Now L + /B-/R GOB x Sat Accnding| ‘Advanced Soring, es Feld Calculator, Calealiteeomety, TunField Of FeenUnfene Column Dak Fela Sot the valurin thi ald in descending A Drones 5. At this point the sequence of events isnot tps 2531 si72019 EADA1O Exam Tutorial lmgortant. You can sort rt and then clk the Show Selectes Records or vie vera, Here ls the result Tr (eS exes ag ‘Question No How is a coordinate system changed in a data frame to match the coordinate system of a desired layer contained within? [A. The desirad layer must be reloaded to the map document (.mxd) in order to inherit the coordinate system ‘The coordinate system must be saved as a projection file (.prj) and imported to the data frame (C. The layer can be selected in the Coordinate System tab and selected as the data frame spatial reference 1. The data frame can be set to inherit the coordinate system using the Project tool newer: € ‘Question No : 69 ‘The ArcGIS user works with @ map document that contains a very detalled image that takes several seconds to draw when panning \Which action can the ArcGIS user take that will improve the performance when panning In Archon? ‘A. put the image layer in group laver set the reference scale on the image layer put the image laver ina basemap layer . make the image layer selectable ‘Question No : 70 ‘hat can cause bitmapped, banded, or ow-qualty display printed maps? ‘A. high output resolution High Output Image Quality (019) . transparent symbology D. TrueType fonts tps 2601 si72019 EADA1O Exam Tutorial Answer: © Reference: http://supportesricom/anyknowledgebase/techartcles/detall 17332 ‘Question No: 71 ‘A contractor is hired to perform field data collection an¢ to upload data to the enterprise ‘geodatabase to synchronize the edits, Which metnod of data cisrbution can be used to accomplish this? ‘A. save to shapefile format and distribute ‘export to AreSDE XML replica and distribute C export to POF and distribute D. save to layer package and cistribute Answer: B ‘Question No : 72 ‘What can be used to ensure that an .mx¢ file can be opened in a previous version of Arcos? ‘A. Save As commane B. Create Map Package (©. Export Map D. Save a Copy command Reference: http://webnelp esr comyarisdesktop/9 2/ingex.cimTopicName~Saving_to_previous_versons_of Arcs (frst paragraph) ‘Question No :73 [An ArcGIS user Is creating @ label that contains records from two elds. The flelds will be stacked one on top of the ather, Which expression provides this result? ‘A. [FielsA}" vbNewLine "[FetdB}* B.[FieidA} "vbNewLine” (FelsB) [FlelaA] & voNewLine & [Field6)] D. [Fila] voNewtine [File] Reference: http://w. countyetdane,comylo/POF/Workng_with labels. pd (Side 234, see the text in blue under the mage) ‘Question No: 74 ‘An ArcGIS user wants editable text that can be added as a layer to many different map documents. Which type of text should be created? ‘A. dynamic labels feature-linkee annotation ‘C. map annotation D, stand-alone annotation Answer: © Reference: hit://webhelp.e.comyarcgisdesktop/9.2/index.cln?TopicName=ha_overview_of working _with text ‘Question No :75 [A client requests a map of a project area and wants to view the data in ArcReader. What Is ‘2 val way forthe ArcGIS user to share the project area with them? ‘A. save to shapefile and cistribute ‘export to AFCSDE XML replica and distribute C. export to PDF and distribute D. save as PMF and cistrioute Answer: B Reference: http://wnex.wiésong.bieindex.phpTttle=ArcReader (seconé bulleted pont onthe page) tps aris si72019 EADA1O Exam Tutorial ‘Question No :76 [An ArcGIS user wants to automate a process in ModelBulléer to determine the number of points that are located in polygons. ‘Which tool should be used for this process? [A Point Distance geoprocessing tool ‘Spatial Join geoprocessing tool . Select by Attributes ArcMap tool D. Intersect Points geoprocessing too! Answer: B Rererancs: http://www. glstutorcom/es-arcls/18-aévancod-arcls-tutorials/43-arcal rmode-bullderhtml ‘Question No : 77 [An ArcGIS user wants to load data into a point feature class, As the user loads the data he needs to be able fo honor the current snapping environment settings In ArcMap and also apply the existing topology validation rules. ‘Which toa allows the user to accomplish this task? ‘A. Simple Data Loader B. Object Loader ©. Add XY Coordinates D. Aopend Reference: httpi//webnelp er com/arcalsserver/9.2/java/index.ntm#geodatabases/loadin- 1827938510.num (fret bullted point ‘onthe page) ‘Question No +78 [An ArcGIS user has a highway polyline dataset and a school point dataset, The user needs to ind all schools that are within one mile of highways anc report the exact distance for ‘each point within that distance. Which tool should be used to create this dataset? A. Buer B. Point Distance . Ieentity D. Near ‘Question No :79 [A feature class In Coordinate System A is added to a data frame in ArcMap that is using CCoorcinate System B. The features are cisplayed accurately an the map. How is ArcMap able to dsplay the features accurately? [A. Arcltap temporary reassigns the coordinate system ofthe feature class to Coordinate System 8 B. ArcMap permanently reassigns the coordinate system of the feature class to Coordinate System B C, AreMap protects the features into Coordinate System 8 on-the-fly D, ArcMap redirects the user to project the data into Coordinate System B before t can be added to the map newer: © ‘Question No : 0 [An ArcGIS user has an amxd fle with layers referencing data from ArcSDE. ‘What should @ user do to cneck the ArcSDE geodatabase versioning information of & layer's feature class? A. select the Show Full Paths button B. select the List by Sources button select the View Metadata button D. select View Map Document Properties button tps 2031 si72019 EADA1O Exam Tutorial ‘Question No : 81 ‘An ArcGIS user has two feature classes. One is spatially inaccurate but contains accurate tabular data, the other is spatially accurate but contains inaccurate tabular data. The ArcGIS user needs a single feature class that is spatially and tabularly accurate Which too! should the ArcGIS user employ to accomplish this? A.Join Felé ‘tribute Transfer 1. Copy Features D. Load Data Answer: A ‘Question No : 82 [An ArcGIS user is creating a road polygon feature ata specified distance on each side of a road centerline, Which geoprocessing tool should be used to accomplish this? Av Intersect utter C,Feature to Polygon D.cip Answer: B ‘Question No : 83 {An ArcGIS user is creating @ road feature class that I 10 feet from the border of a polygon. ‘Which toa allows the user to create a road that follows the border ofthe polygon? Trace B. Constrain Perpendicular ¢-Right-angle . Reshape Features E. Copy Parallel ‘Question No : 84 ‘A map document references a local data source. ‘What must an ArcGIS user do before sending the map decument to another workstation? (Cneose two) set the sma file to store full paths provide associated data contained within the map document Update metadata for the map document set the «rnd file to store relative paths ‘Answer: B,D Reference: Pitps:// (lest two perearaphs onthe page) ‘Question No : 85 ‘Where isa relate between a layer attribute table and another table saved? ‘A the feature cass B. a table Ca map document D. an exported fle Reference: hem (Joins and relates botwoon layers and attrbute tables, 4th Guletes point) ‘Question No : 86 tps 20031 si72019 EADAMO Exam Tutorial [An ArcGIS user's plotter will only print up to 42 inches. However, the User i trying to print 2 large plot (84 inches x 60 incnes) for a wall map. ‘What must the ArcGIS user print the wall map? ‘A. divide the map data frames and tile them to measure 84x60 B. mocify the printer setings to apply a tile to match the 84x60 output size CC. in Layout view streten the data frame tothe 4x60 output size D. set up Data Driven Pages to match the page layout size ef 84x60 ‘Question No : 87 \Whan is a transformation required while projecting data? ‘A. when the input data source is a network B. when the inout and output geographic coordinate systems are clfferent C. when the input and outout spatial reterences are different D. when the input feature cass has an unknown spatial reference Angwert B Reference: htpif/resourcs.esr.comy/help/S-S/aregisdesktop/com/ep_tookret/sata_manegementtools/p foject_data, management htm (3th Bulleted point) ‘Question No : 88 Which effect does applying a join In ArcMap to a layer and a nd-alone table have? ‘A. [twill create a new output feature class containing the layer and associated data Bt wil temporarily append the associated data ta the layar's attribute table Ct will permanently append the associated data tothe layers attnbute table D. It wil create a new output layer containing the layer and associated data ‘Question No : 88 Under which two circumstances isi appropriate or an ArcGIS user to use Data Driven Pages? (Choose two) ‘A. when mapping campsite locat B. wen mappin jons along a river different sol types within a single region . when mapping study areas in a national park . wien creating a map that displays all tre count es of the world Answer: A ‘Question No : 90 ‘An ArcGIS user is creating @ map, and wants the point symbols used in @ feature layer scale as the user 200m in or out ‘Which property must the user set in order to enable this functionalty? [A the reference scale for the data frame B. the reference scale forthe layer CC. the reference scale for the map document D. the reference scale of the Layout view ‘Question No : 91 ‘An ArcGIS user is editing a shapefile and wants to modify the boundary between two polygon features, while ensuring thatthe boundaries remain coincident. Which too allows the user to achieve this goal? ‘A. Reshape Feature tool B. Reshape Edge tool {C. Cut Polygons tool D. Edit Vertis tool tps 30031 si72019 EADA1O Exam Tutorial ‘Question No : 92 ‘An ArcGIS user creates @ model that includes the Clip tool and wants the xy tolerance sot ‘28 500 feet in the environment setting What is the minimum environment setting evel to override the default settings? ‘A. application-evel settings tool-level settings C, mode!-level settings . program-level settings Angwort € Reference: htp://webbelp.esr.comyarcgisdeskton/92findex.cfm7TopieNeme=Environment_levels_ene hierarchy ‘Question No : 93 ‘What are three ways for an ArcGIS user to create @ new fle geodatabase in ArcGIS. Desktop? (Choose three) ‘A. Create new file geadatabase In ArcCatalog B. Use the New File Geodatabase tool from the Edtor toolbar ©. Use the Command Line window D. Create File GDB tool in ArcToolbox E. Create file geodatabase in Windows Explorer Answer: ACD Reference: hitp://,2/utorils/ hpswebhelp.esrcom/aregisserver/3Sjavo/index.ntm#gendstabases/eeat- £288284355.Nm ‘Question No : 94 [An ArcGIS user is working with a map document that contains two data frames, How can the user export a map image that contains data from both data frames? ‘export map from ArcCatalog ‘export map from Data view export map from Layout view export map from a Viewer window pop Answer: € ‘Question No : 95 ‘An ArcGIS user wants to create 2 stanc-alone table in a geodatabase that will contain ‘2ccltional information about land parcels, The parcels reside in an existing feature dataset. ‘Where wil this table reside in the geodatabase? within the same feature dataset asthe parcel feature class within the geodatabase at the rt level Within a newly created feature dataset within 2 new network dataset newer: A ‘Question No : 96 {An organization manages mukiple GIS projects and restricts data access to specific users. hich type of geodatabase should the organization use? ‘A. distributed geodatabase B. versioned geodatabase €. replice geocatebese 1. modular geodatanase Answer: B tps 30st

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