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1. Objective: defines contemporary arts in the Philippines.

Contemporary arts means = the term contemporary art refers to art—namely, painting, sculpture,
photography, installation, performance, and video art—produced today.

The art of the Philippines can be divided into two distinct branches, namely, traditional arts,
and non-traditional arts.

Objectives: Classifies various art form found in the Philippines

 (A) Traditional arts[1] - bearers of traditional arts can be nominated as Gawad Manlilikha ng
Bayan (GAMABA), equal to National Artist.
o Folk architecture - including, but not limited to, stilt houses, land houses, and aerial houses
o Maritime transport - boat houses, boat-making, and maritime traditions
o Weaving - including, but not limited to, basket weaving, back-strap loom weaving, headgear
weaving, fishnet weaving, and other forms of weaving
o Carving - including, but not limited to, woodcarving and folk non-clay sculpture
o Folk performing arts - including, but not limited to, dances, plays, and dramas
o Folk (oral) literature - including, but not limited to, epics, songs, and myths
o Folk graphic and plastic arts - including, but not limited to, calligraphy, tattooing, folk writing,
folk drawing, and folk painting
o Ornament, textile, or fiber art - hat-making, mask-making, accessory-making, ornamental
metal crafts,
o Pottery - including, but not limited to, ceramic making, clay pot-making, and folk clay
o Other artistic expressions of traditional culture - including, but not limited to, non-ornamental
metal crafts, martial arts, supernatural healing arts, medicinal arts, and constellation
 (B) Non-traditional arts[2] - bearers of non-traditional arts can be nominated as National Artist,
equal to Gawad Manlilika ng Bayan.
o Dance - including, but not limited to, dance choreography, dance direction, and dance
o Music - including, but not limited to, musical composition, musical direction, and musical
o Theater - including, but not limited to, theatrical direction, theatrical performance, theatrical
production design, theatrical light and sound design, and theatrical playwriting
o Visual arts - including, but not limited to painting, non-folk sculpture, printmaking,
photography, installation art, mixed media works, illustration, graphic arts, performance art,
and imaging
o Literature - including, but not limited to, poetry, fiction, essay, and literary/art criticism
o Film and broadcast arts - including, but not limited to, film and broadcast direction, film and
broadcast writing, film and broadcast production design, film and broadcast cinematography,
film and broadcast editing, film and broadcast animation, film and broadcast performance,
and film and broadcast new media
o Architecture and allied arts - including, but not limited to, non-folk architecture, interior
design, landscape architecture, and urban design
o Design - including, but not limited to, industrial design, and fashion design

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