Ms. Stewart 8 Grade English Language Arts

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8th Grade English Language Arts

Course Expectation: Students in this ELA class are expected to develop writing skills,
to keep up with reading assignments, and to begin the process of reading/writing
analysis critical to understanding and interpreting elements of literature. Students are
expected to come to class prepared and to complete assignments on time.

Class Materials:

 1 2-pocket folder*
 Writer’s Notebook (Composition notebook) *
 At least 3 different colored writing instruments for annotating
 Outside reading book (Student Choice)
 Pencils and Pens for Writing

*Provided by Ms. Stewart

Course Policies:

Student Work: Any work not completed during the daily lesson will need to be
finished at home. Any work done in class or at home should be placed in the student’s
folder, in the designated place that is outlined in class. At the end of each week, students
will turn in the assigned work.

Folders: Student folders will be stored in the class in bins labeled by class period. If a
student takes their folder home, the student needs to make sure to bring the folder to
class the next day. They will be expected to maintain a neatly organized folder for the
duration of the class.

Absences: If a student is absent, it is HIS/HER responsibility to get all late work from
the teacher and return it in a timely manner. There will be a bin in the classroom with
course work for at least a week previous. Also, there will be a brief description of what
the class did every day on the class website

Class Rules:

 Students are expected to treat the teacher and other students with respect at all
times. Offensive language and hatefulness is not acceptable in this class. I like to
use as a guideline Respect Yourself, Respect Others. Before any action,
think to yourself, “Does this hurt myself or other around me physically or
emotionally?” If the answer is yes, then DON’T DO IT!
 Student are to follow SLANT as soon as they walk into the class
o Sit Up and only move from your seats with permission
o Listen Close while Being Quiet when Someone speaks to the Class o Ask
Questions with Raise of Hands
o Nourish Everyone with Positivity
o Track the Speaker with your Eyes and Head
 Put any electronic devices away when class starts. Any device out after that will
go in a bin and be given back either after class (first time offense) or at the end of
the day (multiple offenses).


During the School year, we will watch clips from the following movies to go along with a
literature unit. These movies include Willow, Hotel Transylvania, The Diary of Anne
Frank, and The Outsiders.

If you would prefer your student NOT to watch either of these movies, please send me
an email or a written message. The student will receive an alternative assignment.

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