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Date Completed:
Colegio de San Juan de Letran
Intramuros, Manila 1015, PHILIPPINES
Signature of the

Capsule Research Proposal Prototype

Last Name First Name Middle Name

Field of
Accountancy and Business Management Commented [EV1]: Write your academic strand, either
Research Approach Quantitative
Commented [EV2]: Should be quantitative only.
Descriptive Analytic - Regression Commented [EV3]: Indicate the chosen methods
The data gathering tool that is going to be used in the study is a Commented [EV4]: Indicate the chosen design here
questionnaire which is adopted from the study of Asma Saleem,
Commented [EV5]: Indicate the chosen analytical tool
Abdul Ghafar, Muhammad Ibrahim, Muhammad Yousuf and
Research Naveed Ahmed which has the title of Product Perceived Quality Commented [EV6]: PART I.
Attributes and Purchase Intention with Consumer Satisfaction (2015). A You must adopt a tool or an instrument from the literature
Corpus of Data Likert scale was used to examine the product perceived quality and where you based your research topic. It can be a survey
purchase intention with customer satisfaction. 5 Likert scale questionnaire (for descriptive) or experiment procedure/
ranging from Strongly agree (1), Agree (2), Neutral (3), Disagree labwork (for experimental)
(4) Strongly disagree (5). The sample questions are as follows.: Commented [EV7R6]: You should answer and discuss the
1. How much they satisfy with that product? following:
2. Is that product is according to their perception or not? 1.How will the data be gathered?
2.When will the data gathered?
Research Domain Brand Loyalty 3.Where will the data gathered?
4.How will be data be analyzed?
Sales Promotion and Product Quality
Foci/Parameters Commented [EV8]: PART II.
For survey questionnaire, discuss the sample questions and
scales. For experiment, discuss the step by step procedure of
Project Title: A study on the influence of sales promotions and level of product quality on brand loyalty. the experiment/intervention and the materials.
Commented [EV9]: Indicate your study focus
Choong Lyong Ha, (1998) "The theory of reasoned action applied to brand loyalty", Journal of
Commented [EV10]: State the other key variables that
Product & Brand Management, Vol. 7 Issue: 1, pp.51-61 relates and surrounds your study focus

Dunk, Alan S. (2006), Product quality, environmental accounting, and quality performance, Vol. Commented [EV11]: The project title should be creative
15, issue 5, page 719- 732 yet formal.
Research Journals/
Euphemia FT Yuen, Sian SL Can (2010), The effect of retail service quality and product quality
to customer loyalty; Journal of Database Marketing & Strategy Management, Vol 17, issue 34,
pp. 222-240

Gedenk, The role of retail promotion in determining future brand loyalty and its effect on
Commented [EV12]: Enumerate all the references cited
purchase event feedback (Vol 75) (1999)
in the literature review.
Should be 30 to 40 articles.
Blindspots Blankspots Should follow the APA format.
Loyalty – 15 Age – 1 Commented [EV13]: In your references, determine the
various conceptual tags or variables found in each literature.
Satisfaction – 8 Social Class – 1 Afterwards, you categorize these tags as either blindspots
(studied many times) or blankspots (unexplored topic). Then
l Tags Synthesis Trust – 6 Packaging – 1 you tally each variable on how many times they appeared in
Tally the literature.
Promotion – 5 Customer Gratitude – 1 Commented [EV14]: Should follow the format:
Influence – 5 Design – 1 1.State – state the chosen the theory, who is/are the
proponent/s behind it, and the year it was developed.
2.Explain – describe what the theory is all about, its
Theoretical Framework historical background and the propositions it was able to
Review of prove.
Literature Theory of Reasoned Action 3.Contextualize – discuss the relevance of the theory to
the current study. It provides the basis as to how the
situation will be investigated.
(Synoptic and Martin Fishbein’s and Icek Ajzen’s theory of reasoned action (TRA)(1967) was used as the
Argumentative framework for this paper. The theory explains the connection between attitudes and behaviors in
a certain action. It is said that a person’s existing attitudes and behavioral intentions can be used
to determine how a person will behave. Basically, the theory suggests that the intention of to
perform a certain behavior precedes the actual behavior. TRA has also been applied to
researches about brand loyalty. For example, a research made by Choong Lyong Ha (1998)
suggests that consumers are brand loyal when both attitude and behavior are favorable to them.
This research paper will try to determine if the sales promotions of a brand and the brand’s
product quality are being considered or are a part of a person’s thought process when a person
becomes brand loyal

Review of Related Literature Commented [EV15]: Your literature review per variable
should 1 paragraph short only. In writing the RRL, you
Sales Promotions should highlight which is synoptic defining, synoptic stating,
and argumentation.
Promotions are either designed to induce consumers to purchase the marketer’s brand or designed Commented [EV16]: A variable or one of the category of
to motivate distributors and retailers to carry a product and make an extra effort to push it to their a literature review.
customers (Belch & Belch, 2008; Marife Mendez, 2012). Promotions like “Buy 2 Get 20% off”,
retail promotions, and brand involvement contributes greatly to brand loyalty (Marife Mendez,
2012; Gedenk, 1999; Zhorna Ali, 2015). Reward deliver of the said promotions can also lead to
better loyalty among customers according to Lena Stenhod and Rober Palmatier (2014). Also,
according to Pl, W.P. & Huang, H.H. (2011), relationship-oriented promotions lead to satisfaction
and trust from the customer, that also causes loyalty. Despite of this, according to Zhorna Sylcia
Ali (2015), sales promotions of other brands can also contribute to the brand switching of
customers. However, none of these studies has been made in the Philippines, meaning the effects
of sales promotions may differ due to the different economic and sociocultural circumstances
between the countries where previous studies have been made and. With all these literatures
considered, the researchers hypothesize that:

H1: Presence of sales promotions lead to presence of brand loyalty. Commented [EV17]: State the hypotheses you inferred out
of the literature review. It should be at the very end of each
Product Quality variable or category of the literature review.

The quality of product is what satisfies the needs of users which may include different
features and enhancements that improve the performance of the product (Dunk, 2002).
Product quality plays a significant role in influencing consumers to be to retain and be brand
loyal (Khraim, 2011; Mushtag Hussain and Pratibha Ranabhat, 2013; Grace Izeghe
Ndukwe, 2011; Halim P, et al., 2014) Also, product quality contributes greatly to customer
satisfaction that leads to loyalty (Euphema Yuen & Sian Can, 2010). Despite of these, there
are contradictions between literatures, some suggest that product quality is much more
important than service quality (Mushtag Hussain & Pratibha Ranabhat 2013) but others
says otherwise (Euphemia Yuen & Sian Can 2010). It has also been suggested that product
quality is not a major factor that contributes to brand loyalty according to Graze Ndukewe
(2011). From all the previous literatures, the researchers hypothesize as follows:

H2: Higher product quality leads to presence of brand loyalty.

(Indicate typologies: 1. Will the presence of sales promotions influence the presence of brand loyalty?
descriptive, exploratory, 2. Will the level of product quality affect the presence of brand loyalty? Commented [EV18]: This is the question form of all the
explanatory). Minimum of hypotheses mentioned in the literature review. Take note: the
3/Maximumof 5
number of hypotheses should be of the same number of the
This study will be significant to the following: research question.
1. To the companies of different brands, for them to know what their millennial consumers
consider when deciding on which brand they will be loyal to. They can use this this study to Commented [EV19]: Write the practical significance of
improve their products and services to gain more millennial brand loyal consumers. the study.
Significance of the 2. To the consumers, for them to be informed about product quality and promotions that they Explain exactly how you will extend the current literature
or to the field.
Proposed consider in a certain brand that makes them brand loyal. Also, this study could help them to be
Look into the general contribution of your study, such as
Research more guided on their behavior as a loyal consumer to a certain brand. its importance to society as a whole
3. To the future researches who are going to conduct identical studies in the future. This paper Determine who benefits from the study and how that
could provide them some information and knowledge about the impact of product quality and specific audience will benefit from its findings.
sales promotions to brand loyalty that would be helpful in conducting their researches.
Commented [EV20]: The simulacrum should illustrate the
relationship of each variable and the connection of the each
hypotheses to the whole. The hypotheses should indicate its
behavior (positive or negative).


H1: Presence of sales promotions lead to presence of brand loyalty.

H2: Higher product quality leads to presence of brand loyalty. Commented [EV21]: At the end of the simulacrum,
reiterate all the hypotheses formulated.

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