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Evolution is the most complex changes that expose the “dawn of humanity,”

which involve the features of fossils in respective places to prove the progress. The
history of the human evolution diverged to explain where humans came from. The
remarkable patterns in rock and caves can answer the curiosity of human minds.
Through different statements of people who search and present can explain further the
development in humankind. About 19th century ago Charles Darwin formulated the
scientific theory of evolution by natural selection, as one of the evidence.

The different creature that forms from fossils remain grows the question about
cradle of humankind. The Australophitecus Garhi, Australophitecus Africanus, Homo
Erectus are some of the examples of the fossils they found and built in searching,
hunting, and forming complete structure of it using modern technologies. Lee Berger,
Job Kobii and a team do an operation in Rising Star Cave to explain the way of living
things evolved over billions of year, a reflection of tree of life. The pieces of bone help
them to analyze more about the human existence.

Evolution means the changes that occur in a population, a process of inheriting

the characteristics of generation from generation, the dawn of humanity. The transition
of apes to human by the theory of evolution by Charles Darwin is a topic that increases
the curiosity of other researchers. The human-like fossils found out how development
forms through the concept of evolution are a chain of events that exist as evidence.
Deacon (1997) was right when he defined humankind as “symbolic species.” Being at
the very core of culture like two faces of the same medal, symbolism should be
considered as one expressing human abstract intelligence.

The rise of history plays a vital role that marks the product of development in
about decades. This arguments of evolution consist of learning on how from
Australophitecus then up to Homo Sapiens evolved. Human being emerged to produce
culture that explodes the meaning of existence from human-like fossils. According to a
researcher the oldest hominids, the Australopicine it was in the environment of the
African savannah, east of the great developed about 4.5 million years ago. The human
is a scheme of evolution, the product of our biological inheritance.

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