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What I want my Teacher to know about me

Name :

I learn best when?

● I learn best when I am moving around
● I learn best when I am reading a textbook
● I learn best when I am looking at a picture or graph
● I learn best when I hear something
● I learn best when things are repeated over and over to me

I want a teacher who

● Is kind
● Is real with me
● Is very smart
● Is funny
● Is energetic
● Knows me
● Is calm
● Is motivating

When it comes to turning things in I have a tendency to

● Always turn everything in on time
● Try my best to get stuff turned in
● I never turn stuff in
● Need frequent reminders to get stuff turned in

When I feel lost I

● Look for help from the teacher who I trust
● Try to figure it out on my own
● Ask my parents for help
● Ask a friend for help
● Just wait it will figure itself out

Keep Going
I feel uncomfortable when:

● I have to speak in front of people
● I have to talk to an adult
● Someone looks me in the eye
● I have to read/write in front of people
● I have a timed test
● I have to talk about my faith
● People around me are loud

To learn more about me you have to know:

When I get home from school I usually:

On the weekends I like to:

If I could have any job in the world I would:

My goal after high school is:

My goal for this year is:

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