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Member: St. Louise de Marillac Educational System of the Daughters of Charity.
Miagao, Iloilo



A Thesis

Presented to

The Faculty of SLMSM

In Partial Fulfilment

Of the Requirements for the English 10


Tommy Renz Ortaliz

Mary Joy Fabila

Kidd Michael Mobo

September 2015
Member: St. Louise de Marillac Educational System of the Daughters of Charity.
Miagao, Iloilo



Background of the Study

This study aims to help the students in their studies. This study can be your guide in your

way of life. The researchers can acquire learnings that can apply in our life. The researchers will

study about relationship affecting one’s students’ performance in school. The researchers will

help you learn how to balance and manage the time in your relationship and in your studies. The

researchers aim to reach out to all teenagers to tell and to explain to them what will be the

outcome of having relationship while they are studying.

Education is the process of facilitating learning. Knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and

habits of a group of people are transferred to other people, through storytelling, discussion,

teaching, training, or research. Education frequently takes place under the guidance of educators,

but learners may also educate themselves in a process called autodidactic learning. Any

experience that has a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels, or acts may be considered

educational. (

Education is a very important thing that matters in this world. Your parent educates you

through their stored knowledge while you’re a child until you grow up. They are the one who

really knows your feelings. You are schooling for your best future. This is the best place for

acquiring more knowledge. As a teenager you are prone to have knowledge while you are

studying. You are experiencing more intense feeling during your high school life. You can never
Member: St. Louise de Marillac Educational System of the Daughters of Charity.
Miagao, Iloilo

ignore it, and that’s why lot of students are in a relationship. There are factors that really affect

the daily life of a particular teenager.

Relating yourself to one another is building a relationship that lasts. Relationships of all

kinds are a distraction at this time, but in a way, studies are distractions to the most natural

growing up biological process as well. There is no “studies” designed by nature. But of course

relationships cause distraction so long as academics are concerned. You tend to waste a lot of

time daydreaming about that person and don’t realize how time quickly flies away, which

ultimately hampers your performance. Relationship can be a key to focus in your study but

nowadays we used it as a game however we don’t know the effects on our whole performance.

Good relationships improve all aspects of your life and strengthen your health and mind.

These tips can help you build relationships that are healthy, happy, and satisfying.


Statement of the Problem

1. Does the behaviour of the students pushed them to engage in an early relationship?

2. Do lack of parental guidance pushed them to engage in an early relationship?

3. Do the age affect the engagement of the students to the relationship?

4. Does the status of one student let the engage in a relationship?

5. Does having a relationship really affect the students’ studies?

Member: St. Louise de Marillac Educational System of the Daughters of Charity.
Miagao, Iloilo


The students’ behaviour does not affect the early engagement of the student in a

relationship. The lack of parental guidance is not the reason why their children are having a

relationship at a very young age. The students’ age does not affect the engagement of the

students to the relationship. The status of the student does not let them to be engaged in an early

relationship. There is no significant difference in the effects of relationship to one’s studies. All

of these are just normal and almost everyone at school may encounter this.

Conceptual Framework

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Age Effects

Sex Of

Students’ Performance in School Relationship

Theoretical Framework

High school students typically maintain a circle of friends who they depend on for

companionship, but the politics of relationships can alter these friendships. When a student gets

into a relationship with a guy or girl, that person’s friends may complain that the student isn’t

spending enough time with them anymore. Worse, the friendship group may become jealous, and

this envy might manifest in arguments between the student and his/her friends or even result in
Member: St. Louise de Marillac Educational System of the Daughters of Charity.
Miagao, Iloilo

the breaking of friendships. High school students have plenty to be stressed about. For a start,

they’re teenagers with all the emotional difficulties, such as mood swings, which this age brings.

Students also face pressure to succeed academically to get into the college they want and may be

expected to perform at extracurricular activities such as sports or music too. A relationship

introduces another source of pressure into a students’ life, taking up more of his time and

potentially adding to emotional upset in the case of relationship problems. As noted in the essay

“Effects of Romantic Relationships on Academic Performance” by Matthew E. Kopfler, pupils

involved in relationships are often subject to more stress as a result. The presence of a boyfriend

or girlfriend in a student’s life can have a positive effect on that individual, providing the

relationship is stable. The individuals in a relationship, even one based around a high school, can

become very close, which in turn allows each partner to support. (bams26,

Definition of Terms

For the proper interpretation of the study, the key terms are here under defined.

Relationship. is the condition or fact of being related; connection or association.

Connection by blood or marriage; kinship. A particular type of connection existing between

Person related to or having dealings with each other: has a close relationship with his siblings. A

romantic or sexual involvement. (

Teenage. is between 13 and 19 years old. It is relating to people who are between 13 and

19 years old. (

Member: St. Louise de Marillac Educational System of the Daughters of Charity.
Miagao, Iloilo

Effect. is something brought about by a cause or agent; a result. The power to produce

an outcome or achieve a result. (

Romantic. involving or characteristic of love affair or sexual love, especially when the

relationship is idealized or exciting and intense. It is characterized by or suitable for lovemaking

or the expression of tender emotions. (

In our own words, we defined the following:

Relationship. is relating you to one another and building more meaningful living that lasts.

Teenage. is a state of life that all people encountered and we start to be mature in our way of


Effect. is the result or the outcome that we done in our life.

Romantic. is a love between a girl and a boy.

Significance of the Study

Through this thesis, you can get benefits that you can acquire while you are facing

mistakes that you done in your life. Especially in dealing your studies as a student you should

give priority, perseverance and determination to make it the top. To study is a given task to each

and every one of you to live easy in this mysterious world. This study is not yet been felt or

focused by others and now you’ve done this because you are very curious about what was going

on in one’s life of a student while you are studying. You consider your life of a teenager as prone

to have a relationship with others while studying. You are so interested to know what would be

the effects of having an early relationship. The researchers can guide you through reading this
Member: St. Louise de Marillac Educational System of the Daughters of Charity.
Miagao, Iloilo

article. The researchers studied this because of the performance of some students that failed just

because of some reasons that effect on it. You can reflect and mesmerize a little time while

reading this study. The researchers will do some advices so that you can learn something big and

also can enlighten your mind. So that teenagers can make some adjustments and be aware of

some negative effects if they have early romantic relationship while studying.

Scope and Limitations

The respondents are the students of St. Louise de Marillac School of Miagao. It’s all

about the early romantic relationship of teenagers that affects the performance of SLMSM

students. It will be conducted inside the SLMSM campus.

The researchers are conducting this study because they can share their insights,

suggestions, and opinions regarding to this matter. They really want to know the real facts that if

one’s relationship really affects one’s studies. The researchers conduct this because this is today’s

generation’s problem. Assisting and helping in assessing their selves in their current life

situation. The researchers conduct through checklists.

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