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Science Summary

KS3 Cycle Curriculum Pack

Project one – Young Dragons

Page 1.1


Young Dragons
This curriculum resource is designed to use cycling and aspects
relating to it in order to understand how science works. The
materials use cycling and associated resources to explore
scientific knowledge, theories and models to provide a deeper
understanding of the scientific process.
Science. KS3 Cycle Curriculum Pack. Version 1. April 2009

Batteries not included

Students will use and develop their knowledge of electricity in developing a
safe lighting system for cycle users. This context requires them to explore
ways of accessing energy that does not include batteries. Once the scientific
aspects have been explored students will have the opportunity to develop
their business skills as they take their initial ideas of a lighting system and
go into production, then marketing, of this new product.
Science Teaching delivery map
KS3 Cycle Curriculum Pack
Project one – Young Dragons

Page 1.2


Young Dragons
teaching delivery map
Areas within government initiatives/programmes
Initiative/programme How the project links to this initiative/programme
Key Stage 3 (KS3) science Section 1 – How science works.
Section 4 – Energy, electricity and forces.

Science. KS3 Cycle Curriculum Pack. Version 1. April 2009

Every Child Matters (ECM) • Safe from accident, injury and death
• Develop enterprising behaviour
• Enjoy and achieve
Healthy Schools (HS) • Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)
Social and Emotional Aspects • Motivation
of Learning (SEAL) • Social skills
Sustainable Schools (SS) • Energy and water
• Traffic and travel
• Inclusion and participation
Science Teaching notes and
KS3 Cycle Curriculum Pack lesson plans
Project one – Young Dragons

Page 1.3


Young Dragons
lesson plans

Batteries not included!

Context: The Mayor of London bans batteries because of their environmental
damage. Students have to decide how they are going to overcome the
problems of cycling to school on dark mornings or home in the twilight by
Science. KS3 Cycle Curriculum Pack. Version 1. April 2009

using and/or developing a cycle lighting product that is more environmentally

sustainable. This will include an enterprise activity that will require students
to go through the processes of either developing a new product or selling
the new product.

Knowledge: Students will need to have some understanding of the history

of cycle lamps, how they developed and the types currently available.

Investigative science skills: Students will need to use their science skills to
investigate different types of electrical energy generation.

Business skills: Students will be required to develop their business skills in

the product development area or in the sales and marketing area.
Science Teaching notes and
KS3 Cycle Curriculum Pack lesson plans
Project one – Young Dragons

Page 1.4


Young Dragons
lesson plans

Batteries not included! (continued)

Activity 1
Setting the scene

Science. KS3 Cycle Curriculum Pack. Version 1. April 2009

Activity 2
History of cycle lamps and safety

Activity 3
What are the alternative sources of energy for cycle lamps?

Activity 4
Developing the cycle lamp business

Handout 1 History of cycle lamps
Worksheet 1 Solar experiment
Handout 2 Trevor Baylis
PowerPoint 1 Inducing an electrical current
Worksheet 2 Producing an induced current
PowerPoint 2 The traditional cycle dynamo
Handout 3 Developing the cycle lamp business
Science Teaching notes and
KS3 Cycle Curriculum Pack lesson plans
Project one – Young Dragons

Page 1.5


Young Dragons
activity 1 – structure

Setting the scene

The Mayor of London, in line with the need to help
save global resources, has banned all batteries!*
Why has he done this? Teacher-led discussion on the problem with
Science. KS3 Cycle Curriculum Pack. Version 1. April 2009

batteries and the benefits of using non-battery lights. Helpful information

is set out below:

• What takes 10 times more energy to produce than it gives out?

The answer is a domestic non-rechargeable battery
• Over 400 million batteries are thrown away each year
• Recycling facilities are very limited
• There are two main types of batteries: rechargeable and non-rechargeable,
each with their own physical and chemical properties. Batteries of all types
are made from various heavy metal compounds and do not biodegrade
after disposal
• In 1991, the European Union passed a directive to limit the pollution
potential of batteries. Since then, battery manufacturers have reduced the
amounts of heavy metals required to manufacture batteries and some,
such as mercury, have been almost eliminated entirely. Although this has
had the effect of reducing the pollution potential, the batteries are also
much less valuable, making recycling a more expensive proposition
• Non-rechargeable batteries disposed of through the normal household
waste stream are not classed as hazardous waste, as long as they are
not thrown away in bulk
• Rechargeable batteries including car batteries, mercury dry cell types and
so-called NiCd are classed as hazardous waste, no matter how small the
quantity. Once collected they can be recycled: the cadmium from NiCd
batteries is separated and refined so that it is 99.99 per cent pure and is
used again for battery manufacture. The salvaged nickel is used for the
production of stainless steel

* Note: This is a fictitious headline to set the scene for this activity. At the time of
writing the Mayor of London has not banned all batteries.
Science Teaching notes and
KS3 Cycle Curriculum Pack lesson plans
Project one – Young Dragons

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Young Dragons
activity 1 – structure

Setting the scene (continued)

• Some larger shops offer recycling facilities for rechargeable batteries,
although it is best to contact the manufacturer for guidance.
In terms of environmental benefit, it is best to avoid using disposable

Science. KS3 Cycle Curriculum Pack. Version 1. April 2009

batteries where possible
• See also the Bitesize website:
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KS3 Cycle Curriculum Pack lesson plans
Project one – Young Dragons

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Young Dragons
activity 2 – structure

History of cycle lamps and safety

Students investigate cycling safety issues with special reference to lights
and also review some of the history of cycle lighting.

Starter questions:
Science. KS3 Cycle Curriculum Pack. Version 1. April 2009

• Is it safe to ride home on your bike if you have no lights?

• Is it legal to do so?
• What did cyclists do before batteries were invented?

Advice for cyclists
Cyclists and drivers both have a right to use our roads – but sometimes
they need to give a bit more thought to each other. The following is taken
from the Department for Transport’s Think Road Safety website:
Dos and don’ts for cyclists
• Be visible. Ride well clear of the kerb, wear bright clothing and always
use lights after dark or in poor weather conditions
• Show drivers what you plan to do. Always look and signal before you
start, stop or turn
• Ride a straight line past parked cars rather than dodging between them
• Don’t jump red lights
• Don’t ride on pavements
• Don’t ride the wrong way up one-way streets, unless there’s a sign
saying cyclists can
• Don’t ride across pedestrian crossings

© Crown copyright 2009
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KS3 Cycle Curriculum Pack lesson plans
Project one – Young Dragons

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Young Dragons
activity 2 – structure

History of cycle lamps and safety (continued)

Dos and don’ts for motorists
• Expect sudden movements by cyclists, especially in windy weather and
on bad road surfaces

Science. KS3 Cycle Curriculum Pack. Version 1. April 2009

• Watch for cyclists on the inside when you turn left
• Always look for cyclists before opening a car door
• Give cyclists turning right extra consideration
• Don’t squeeze past cyclists – give them space, at least half a car’s width
• Don’t dazzle cyclists – use dipped headlights, the way you would with
another car
• Don’t get annoyed when cyclists ride away from the kerb – they need to
avoid drains and potholes, and be seen as they come to junctions with
side roads
© Crown copyright 2009

Further help is available at:

History of cycle lamps

Handout 1 shows some examples of old bicycles and bicycle lamps.
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KS3 Cycle Curriculum Pack lesson plans
Project one – Young Dragons

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Young Dragons
activity 3 – structure

What are the alternative sources of energy for

cycle lamps?
There are two key areas for consideration:
• Discuss the possible options and solutions. Include: wind, solar, wind-up
Science. KS3 Cycle Curriculum Pack. Version 1. April 2009

and dynamo. How do these work?

• Once electrical energy is generated how will the energy be stored if it
needs to be? Discuss this further with the students

1. Solar photovoltaic cells

Try using a solar panel to generate electricity – see Worksheet 1:
‘Solar experiment’.
Students should research what else solar power can be used for
at websites such as:
(click on ‘Energy’, then ‘Gadgets’, then ‘Educational toys’)
Encourage them to find as many novel uses as possible.

2. ‘Wind-up’ technology
How does this work? Look at Trevor Baylis and the wind-up revolution he
created with the wind-up radio. More information about Trevor is contained
in the box on Handout 2.
The clockwork radio is a radio powered by a clockwork wind-up mechanism
that powers an electrical generator inside the radio. How is the energy
stored? It’s not in batteries, so how? By using a constant velocity spring!
This stores the generated energy as potential energy.
Students could make a wind-up cycle lamp but please note that this
technology is not readily available for schools. You may only be able to
show the students a wind-up torch or radio.
Science Teaching notes and
KS3 Cycle Curriculum Pack lesson plans
Project one – Young Dragons

Page 1.10


Young Dragons
activity 3 – structure

What are the alternative sources of energy for

cycle lamps? (continued)
3. Dynamos

Science. KS3 Cycle Curriculum Pack. Version 1. April 2009

Students need to appreciate that there are two types of dynamos – the
traditional and the modern – although the scientific principles are the same.
They first need to understand the concept of magnetic induction.

Michael Faraday (1791-1867)

Faraday was a British chemist and physicist who contributed significantly
to the study of electromagnetism and electrochemistry.
In 1821 he published his work on electromagnetic rotation (the principle
behind the electric motor).
In 1831, Faraday discovered electromagnetic induction, the principle
behind the electric transformer and generator. This discovery was crucial in
allowing electricity to be transformed from a curiosity into a powerful new
technology. During the remainder of the decade he worked on developing
his ideas about electricity.

Magnetic induction
• View the PowerPoint presentation about induced current
• Carry out a traditional experiment with a voltmeter to show how induced
currents are produced
• For graphed data, use a voltage sensor and a datalogger to show the
voltage produced and simply move the magnet in and out of the coil.
Or drop a magnet through a coil in the traditional experimental procedure.
See Worksheet 2: ‘Producing an induced current’
• Go back to the PowerPoint questions to show how the voltage can
be altered
Science Teaching notes and
KS3 Cycle Curriculum Pack lesson plans
Project one – Young Dragons

Page 1.11


Young Dragons
activity 3 – structure

What are the alternative sources of energy for

cycle lamps? (continued)
Useful information can also be found on websites such as:
Science. KS3 Cycle Curriculum Pack. Version 1. April 2009
Traditional dynamos: How do they work?
See the PowerPoint presentation about dynamos.
Your science department apparatus will probably include a dynamo for the
students to see working. Demonstrate this to them.
A good working unit to demonstrate different forms of energy production
and transfer is available from the Science Enhancement Programme (SEP) at:
New dynamos
The new generation of cycle dynamos work on the same principle as the
traditional ones – using a magnet and a coil – but here a moving magnet is
encased inside the coil and a magnet is attached to the wheel of the cycle.
As the wheel magnet passes the internal magnet it causes it to move/rotate
and this movement creates the electric current.

The ‘new’ dynamo

Coil Coil Coil Coil Coil



See: for more information about no-battery

bicycle lights.
Science Teaching notes and
KS3 Cycle Curriculum Pack lesson plans
Project one – Young Dragons

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Young Dragons
activity 3 – structure

What are the alternative sources of energy for

cycle lamps? (continued)
Students could make a ‘new’ dynamo of their own in the lab. There is a
DIY kit available at: with instructions at:

Science. KS3 Cycle Curriculum Pack. Version 1. April 2009

Students will now understand the different ways in which low-voltage
electricity can be generated by simple, cost-effective methods. They will
next need to consider which method is best for a cycle lamp.
Science Teaching notes and
KS3 Cycle Curriculum Pack lesson plans
Project one – Young Dragons

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Young Dragons
activity 4 – structure

Developing the cycle lamp business

In developing the cycle lamp business there are two options for students:
1. Invent a new type of bicycle lamp – they will have to design the
mechanism and outer casing, have it manufactured and then offer it to
Science. KS3 Cycle Curriculum Pack. Version 1. April 2009

companies to sell (or sell it directly themselves).

2. They could market and sell a ‘ready-made’ product.

Outline of possible options

Make your own

or sell someone
else’s product?

Key points Key points

for building for franchise/
own product: supplier role:
Research and What to sell?
development (R&D)
Design of mechanism
Design of casing
Outlets: shop, direct,
Where to build web, exhibitions,
cycle events
Manufacturing costs
Excel sheets,
Assembly costs
Final costs
Sales, margins, VAT
Marketing and sales

See Handout 3 for more information about the two options.

Science. KS3 Cycle Curriculum Pack. Version 1. April 2009
KS3 Cycle Curriculum Pack
Project one – Young Dragons

Handouts and worksheets for photocopying
Science. KS3 Cycle Curriculum Pack. Version 1. April 2009
Science. KS3 Cycle Curriculum Pack. Version 1. April 2009
Science Activity 2
KS3 Cycle Curriculum Pack Handout 1
Project one – Young Dragons Page 1 of 1

Page 1.17

History of cycle lamps

Science. KS3 Cycle Curriculum Pack. Version 1. April 2009

Old cycle lamp Wind-up c

ycle lamp

Old dynamo lamp

Old cycle lamp

Carbide lamp
Modern cycle la
Science Activity 3
KS3 Cycle Curriculum Pack Worksheet 1
Project one – Young Dragons Page 1 of 3

Page 1.18

Name Date


Solar experiment
An activity to show how a solar
or photovoltaic cell functions

Use a solar panel to show how electricity can be produced by a photovoltaic cell.


Science. KS3 Cycle Curriculum Pack. Version 1. April 2009

You must a) Check all health and safety regulations relating to this activity, and
b) Carry out a risk assessment

Equipment list
Option 1: Voltmeter, solar cell, crocodile clips, 4mm leads, bench lamp or similar
light source
Option 2: PC with datalogging software, datalogger voltage sensor, solar cell,
crocodile clips, 4mm leads, bench lamp or similar light source

Option 1:
• Prepare the circuit as shown in the diagram
• Switch on voltmeter and face solar cell into window or use
a bench lamp. Vary light source to show change in voltage output.
Record maximum and minimum voltages in different conditions
• Try full sun/lamp, shaded and normal room light levels. Does a 50 per cent reduction
in cell surface area equal a 50 per cent reduction in voltage?
Option 2:
• Set up the apparatus as for Option 1 but connect a voltage sensor to the solar cell rather
than a voltmeter. Connect the sensor to the datalogger and then to the PC. Open software
• Start recording and vary the light source to show how the datalogging software graphs
the changes
• Use the PC to do an hour-long (or more) recording of the natural light changes within
the room. This can also be used to illustrate the diurnal rhythm changes in light
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Name Date


Solar experiment
An activity to show how a solar
or photovoltaic cell functions

Option 1 diagram
Science. KS3 Cycle Curriculum Pack. Version 1. April 2009

solar panel

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Name Date


Solar experiment
An activity to show how a solar
or photovoltaic cell functions

Option 2 diagram

Science. KS3 Cycle Curriculum Pack. Version 1. April 2009



solar panel


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Page 1.21

Trevor Baylis
Inventor of the wind-up technology

Trevor G Baylis was born in Kilburn, London, in 1937 and spent his
boyhood in Southall near London. Trevor was always an avid swimmer and
by the age of 15 he was swimming competitively for Britain. At 16 he
joined the Soil Mechanics Laboratory in Southall and began studying
mechanical and structural engineering at the local technical college.
Science. KS3 Cycle Curriculum Pack. Version 1. April 2009

At 20 years of age he began his National Service as a physical training

instructor, and he swam competitively for the Army and Imperial Services.
Upon leaving the army in 1961, Trevor joined Purley Pools as a salesman.
He quickly advanced in this firm and was soon involved in research and
development. He went on to start his own successful swimming pool
company. His love of swimming led Trevor to work as a stuntman on
various television shows, performing escape feats underwater. Trevor’s
house even has an indoor swimming pool where he can relax. His other
passion has been inventing, especially inventing products that might help
the physically handicapped. Another part of his house has a fully
equipped workshop.
In 1991, Trevor watched a programme about the
spread of AIDS in Africa, which observed that in
many regions radio was the only available means of
communication, but the need for batteries or
electricity made them too expensive or too
difficult to access. There was a need for an
educational tool that did not rely on electricity.
Trevor picked up on the word ‘need’. Need is the
catalyst for an inventor’s ‘raison d’être’ and Trevor
rose to the occasion. In his workshop at home
he experimented with a hand brace, an electric
motor and a small radio. He found that the brace
turning the motor would act as a generator that would supply sufficient
electricity to power the radio. The addition of a clockwork mechanism
meant that a spring could be wound up and that as the spring unwound
the radio would play. His first working prototype ran for 14 minutes on a
two-minute wind. Trevor had invented a clockwork (wind-up) radio!
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Trevor Baylis
Inventor of the wind-up technology

Trevor attempted to promote his invention, but manufacturers were not

convinced of its commercial value. After many rejections Trevor got lucky.
In April 1994 Trevor’s invention was featured on the BBC programme
Tomorrow’s World. The product’s potential was immediately recognised by
corporate accountant Christopher Staines and South African entrepreneur

Science. KS3 Cycle Curriculum Pack. Version 1. April 2009

Rory Stear. In South Africa, the details of the invention were broadcast
over a Johannesburg radio station. Hylton Appelbaum, head of the Liberty
Life Group, heard the broadcast and was immediately impressed by the
relevance the ‘Freeplay’ technology had to South Africa, a country where
the vast majority of people are rural and poor, and do not have access to
electricity. With funding from the Liberty Group, Staines and Stear in 1995,
Trevor set up BayGen Power Industries in Cape Town. Next, the possibility of
having disabled people do the radio assembly was considered. Dr William
Rowland, President of Disabled People South Africa endorsed the idea.
Liberty Life provided the funding to begin production in conjunction with a
group of organisations for the disabled, who became business partners in
the venture. Technical development was provided by the Bristol University
Electronics Engineering Department. Shortly thereafter production of the
radio began in Cape Town by BayGen Products PTY South Africa.
In June of 1996 the Freeplay radio was awarded the BBC Design Award
for Best Product and Best Design. Trevor Baylis met Queen Elizabeth and
Nelson Mandela at a state banquet and went to South Africa with the
Dutch Television Service for a programme that documented his life. He
took part in the BBC’s update of the QED programme ‘The Clockwork
Radio’, which was broadcast in September 1996.
In 1997, the new-generation Freeplay Radio 2 rolled off the production line in
South Africa. Smaller and lighter than the original model, the new radio had
been designed specially for the Western consumer market and would run for
up to an hour with a 30-second wind-up. Trevor participated in the Sky TV
programme Beyond 2000 featuring his inventions. He was awarded the
President’s Medal by the Institute of Mechanical Engineers and addressed
the Conference of Commonwealth Ministers in Botswana for the British
Council. In October, Trevor was awarded the OBE by the Princess Royal at
Buckingham Palace, and was featured in an edition of This Is Your Life.

Science Activity 3
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Page 1.23

Inducing an electrical current

Science Young Dragons Activity 3

Inducing an electrical current

Dynamos –

How they work.

Science. KS3 Cycle Curriculum Pack. Version 1. April 2009

Curriculum Focus on Cycling 2009 Transport for London

Science Young Dragons Activity 3

Inducing an electrical current

Induced current

Curriculum Focus on Cycling 2009 Transport for London

Science Young Dragons Activity 3

Inducing an electrical current

Induced current

– What happens when you move a magnet into a coil

of wire?
– What happens when you hold the magnet in the coil
of wire?
– In what direction is the current produced when you
push the magnet into the coil?
… and when you pull the magnet from the coil,
keeping the magnet pole in the same direction?
– What happens when you reverse the poles and
repeat the actions above?

Curriculum Focus on Cycling 2009 Transport for London

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Page 1.24

Inducing an electrical current

Science Young Dragons Activity 3

Inducing an electrical current

How can you increase the current?

– Move the magnet in and out faster?

– Use a stronger magnet?
– Increase the number of ‘turns’ on the coil?
– Increase the size of the coil?

Science. KS3 Cycle Curriculum Pack. Version 1. April 2009

Curriculum Focus on Cycling 2009 Transport for London

Science Young Dragons Activity 3

Inducing an electrical current


– Does it matter if the magnet is inside

the coil?
– Can the magnet be outside the coil?
– Can you move the coil, not the magnet?
– Can you use a magnetic field rather
than a bar magnet?

Curriculum Focus on Cycling 2009 Transport for London

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Name Date


Producing an induced current

Use a magnet and coil to show how a current can be induced.

You must a) Check all health and safety regulations relating to this activity and
b) Carry out a risk assessment
Science. KS3 Cycle Curriculum Pack. Version 1. April 2009

Equipment list
Option 1: Voltmeter, bar magnet, coil (or wire to make your own coil), crocodile clips,
4mm leads
Option 2: PC with datalogging software, datalogger voltage sensor, bar magnet, coil
(or wire to make your own coil), crocodile clips, 4mm leads

Option 1:
• Prepare the circuit as shown in the diagram
• Connect the voltmeter and move the magnet into the coil. Record what happens on the
voltmeter. Hold the magnet steady in the coil – what is happening to the voltmeter?
Pull the magnet out from the coil – record what is happening on the voltmeter
• Try moving the magnet in and out of the coil quickly; use a stronger magnet; increase
the number of turns on the coil. In each case record the changes that take place
Option 2:
• Set up the apparatus as shown in the diagram. Open the software
• Start recording and move the magnet into the coil. Any changes will be recorded on the
monitor screen. Hold the magnet steady in the coil then pull the magnet out from the coil.
Look at the graph to see the results
• Try moving the magnet in and out of the coil quickly; use a stronger magnet; increase the
number of turns on the coil. Look at the graphed data and explain the differences
• Use the fast-capture capacity of the PC and datalogger to show what happens when the
magnet is dropped through the coil – make sure you catch it! Repeat with different coils
and magnets and overlay the graphs to show the differences
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Producing an induced current

Option 1 diagram
Induced current using a voltmeter and produced by
simple movement of magnet into and out of coil

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Name Date


Producing an induced current

Option 2 diagram
Induced current produced by:
a) simple movement of magnet into and out of coil or
b) by dropping a magnet through the coil
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Page 1.28

The traditional cycle dynamo

Science Young Dragons Activity 3

The traditional cycle dynamo

Dynamos –

How they work.

Science. KS3 Cycle Curriculum Pack. Version 1. April 2009

Curriculum Focus on Cycling 2009 Transport for London

Science Young Dragons Activity 3

The traditional cycle dynamo

Cycle dynamo rotor


to rotor

soft iron core

coil of to the
insulated wire lighting

Curriculum Focus on Cycling 2009 Transport for London

Science Young Dragons Activity 3

The traditional cycle dynamo

Cycle dynamo rotor


magnet attached to rotor

soft iron core

coil of insulated wire to the lighting circuit

rear light front light


Curriculum Focus on Cycling 2009 Transport for London

Science Activity 4
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Page 1.29

Developing the cycle lamp business

Key points for building own product:

• Research and development of product type: You should use the
information gathered from the experimental activities to decide on the
energy source for the cycle lighting, for example, solar, dynamo, etc

• Design of mechanisms: You need to decide how you will design the
Science. KS3 Cycle Curriculum Pack. Version 1. April 2009

internal mechanisms to a size that will be ideal for a cycle lamp.

It must be small and light yet robust and durable

• Design of casing: The outer casing or enclosure will be determined

to some extent by the mechanism used. How big does it need to be?
Shape is important because it needs to be streamlined and attractive
to cyclists. Is it waterproof, strong and durable in case it is dropped or
knocked or the bicycle falls over?

• Talking to other specialists: Your cycle lamp business may be

responsible for and very good at research and development but is it
equally good at design, marketing and selling? You need to discuss the
development with the different teams involved, or use external help
if there is a small company nearby. Outside specialists may know
more about the market trend, design, what’s ‘cool’, etc. It is not just
a question of making a product but making sure that everyone wants
one (even if they do not need one!)

• Where to build: Will the cycle light be built in-house, or is it to be

made elsewhere? Many products are now manufactured in the Far East
to take advantage of lower labour costs. You need to decide if this is
something your business should do, or can the product be built in the
UK, or possibly Eastern Europe? You should consider what this means
in terms of monitoring quality and manufacturing

• Manufacturing costs: The manufacturing costs will be a major factor

in the final price of the cycle lamp. You should research what price your
‘competitors’ sell cycle lamps for
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Developing the cycle lamp business

Key points for building own product (continued):

• Assembly costs: The manufacturing costs relate to the actual production
of the lighting mechanism, but this then has to be fitted into the casing
and the casing put together to make the final lamp. Decide whether the
manufacturing and assembly can be done in the same place/factory,
or whether the parts need to be moved to the new business’s or your

Science. KS3 Cycle Curriculum Pack. Version 1. April 2009

own premises for assembly. What implications does this have?

• Final costs: The final cost is a combination of the manufacturing costs

plus the assembly costs, and possibly the cost of shipping if the product
is made overseas. How does this cost compare with competitors?
Have you included import taxes if the product is being made overseas?
Making a spreadsheet to list the different costs involved will be a helpful
exercise. If this is shared among the different ‘departments’ you will
be able to decide the final cost to the customer as a group exercise –
is the design too expensive, the right price or much cheaper than
the competition?

• Other factors: Once the product is made then it can be handed over to
the Marketing and Sales department to begin the process of marketing,
advertising and selling. Who is responsible for packaging and branding
of the product? Don’t forget about the cost of sales and delivery to
customers. Are these costs already included in the final product costs,
or do they need to be added?
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Developing the cycle lamp business

Key points for selling someone else’s product:

• Decision time: You need to decide what you intend to sell and why?
What product did you choose and what features made it attractive to
you? Did you choose it knowing there was going to be a big demand for
this product? Or simply because you are a cycle enthusiast with a shop?
Science. KS3 Cycle Curriculum Pack. Version 1. April 2009

• Sourcing the product: You also need to look at the arrangements

with the manufacturer. Are you the exclusive distributor of this product;
are you one of many sellers or is it a formal franchise? If you are exclusive
then can you sell via other outlets, for example cycle shops, car parts
retailers or garages

• Marketing the product – 1: What are the unique features of this

product? Why is it better than other similar products? Is it the design,
robustness, innovative technology or price? You can list the features of
the product and do some research into the competition’s specification
and price

• Marketing the product – 2: You must decide how you are going
to market the product – brochures, catalogues and mail order, flyers,
exhibitions, cycle events, the internet, radio and TV adverts are
all options

• Selling the product – 1: Price and costs! How have you priced your
product? Does your price include all the related costs of buying in,
delivery, marketing, advertising, sales, premises, delivery to the
customer, etc

• Selling the product – 2: Do you have your own retail outlet, for
example a cycle shop? Or will the product be sold by other methods,
or a combination of methods? Look again at Marketing 2 above and list the
ways in which you may wish to sell and the costs that this might incur.
For example, if you are selling via a website what does it cost to set up
and maintain the site and to provide a secure payment environment?
Or if you are targeting cycle events what is the cost of attending the
event, travel, hiring a stall, etc
Science Activity 4
KS3 Cycle Curriculum Pack Handout 3
Project one – Young Dragons Page 4 of 4

Page 1.32

Developing the cycle lamp business

Key points for selling someone else’s product

• Forecasts: Set up a spreadsheet to show the estimated costs and
overheads of the business and the margin you expect to make as profit.

Science. KS3 Cycle Curriculum Pack. Version 1. April 2009

From this, you can calculate how many products you need to sell to
first break even and then to make a profit

• VAT: Don’t forget this needs to be added to the product costs and
final selling price

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