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Part I Networking Fundamentals 3

Chapter 1 Introduction to Computer Networking Concepts 5

Chapter 2 The TCP/IP and OSI Networking Models 17
Chapter 3 Fundamentals of LANs 41
Chapter 4 Fundamentals of WANs 71
Chapter 5 Fundamentals of IP Addressing and Routing 93
Chapter 6 Fundamentals of TCP/IP Transport, Applications, and Security 129

Part I Networking Fundamentals 3

Chapter 1 Introduction to Computer Networking Concepts 5

Perspectives on Networking 5
The Flintstones Network: The First Computer Network? 8

Chapter 2 The TCP/IP and OSI Networking Models 17

“Do I Know This Already?” Quiz 18
Foundation Topics 21
The TCP/IP Protocol Architecture 22
The TCP/IP Application Layer 23
The TCP/IP Transport Layer 25
The TCP/IP Internet Layer 27
The TCP/IP Network Access Layer 28
Data Encapsulation Terminology 30
The OSI Reference Model 32
Comparing OSI and TCP/IP 32
OSI Layers and Their Functions 34
OSI Layering Concepts and Benefits 35
OSI Encapsulation Terminology 36
Exam Preparation Tasks 38
Review all the Key Topics 38
Complete the Tables and Lists from Memory 38
Definitions of Key Terms 38
OSI Reference 39

Chapter 3 Fundamentals of LANs 41

“Do I Know This Already?” Quiz 41
Foundation Topics 45
An Overview of Modern Ethernet LANs 45
A Brief History of Ethernet 48
The Original Ethernet Standards: 10BASE2 and 10BASE5 48
Repeaters 50
Building 10BASE-T Networks with Hubs 51
Ethernet UTP Cabling 52
UTP Cables and RJ-45 Connectors 52
Transmitting Data Using Twisted Pairs 54
UTP Cabling Pinouts for 10BASE-T and 100BASE-TX 55 1000BASE-T Cabling 58
Improving Performance by Using Switches Instead of Hubs 58
Increasing Available Bandwidth Using Switches 61
Doubling Performance by Using Full-Duplex Ethernet 62
Ethernet Layer 1 Summary 63
Ethernet Data-Link Protocols 63
Ethernet Addressing 64
Ethernet Framing 65
Identifying the Data Inside an Ethernet Frame 67
Error Detection 68
Exam Preparation Tasks 69
Review All the Key Topics 69
Complete the Tables and Lists from Memory 69
Definitions of Key Terms 69

Chapter 4 Fundamentals of WANs 71

“Do I Know This Already?” Quiz 71
Foundation Topics 74
OSI Layer 1 for Point-to-Point WANs 74
WAN Connections from the Customer Viewpoint 77
WAN Cabling Standards 78
Clock Rates, Synchronization, DCE, and DTE 80
Building a WAN Link in a Lab 81
Link Speeds Offered by Telcos 82
OSI Layer 2 for Point-to-Point WANs 83
Point-to-Point Protocol 85
Point-to-Point WAN Summary 85
Frame Relay and Packet-Switching Services 86
The Scaling Benefits of Packet Switching 86
Frame Relay Basics 87
Exam Preparation Tasks 91
Review All the Key Topics 91
Complete the Tables and Lists from Memory 91
Definitions of Key Terms 91

Chapter 5 Fundamentals of IP Addressing and Routing 93

“Do I Know This Already?” Quiz 93
Foundation Topics 98
Overview of Network Layer Functions 98
Routing (Forwarding) 99
PC1’s Logic: Sending Data to a Nearby Router 100
R1 and R2’s Logic: Routing Data Across the Network 100
R3’s Logic: Delivering Data to the End Destination 100
Network Layer Interaction with the Data Link Layer 101
IP Packets and the IP Header 102
Network Layer (Layer 3) Addressing 103
Routing Protocols 104
IP Addressing 105
IP Addressing Definitions 105
How IP Addresses Are Grouped 106
Classes of Networks 107
The Actual Class A, B, and C Network Numbers 109
IP Subnetting 110
IP Routing 114
Host Routing 114
Router Forwarding Decisions and the IP Routing Table 115
IP Routing Protocols 118
Network Layer Utilities 121
Address Resolution Protocol and the Domain Name System 121
DNS Name Resolution 122
The ARP Process 122
Address Assignment and DHCP 123
ICMP Echo and the ping Command 125
Exam Preparation Tasks 126
Review All the Key Topics 126
Complete the Tables and Lists from Memory 127
Definitions of Key Terms 127

Chapter 6 Fundamentals of TCP/IP Transport, Applications, and Security 129

“Do I Know This Already?” Quiz 129
Foundation Topics 133
TCP/IP Layer 4 Protocols: TCP and UDP 133
Transmission Control Protocol 134
Multiplexing Using TCP Port Numbers 135
Popular TCP/IP Applications 138
Error Recovery (Reliability) 140
Flow Control Using Windowing 141
Connection Establishment and Termination 142
Data Segmentation and Ordered Data Transfer 144
User Datagram Protocol 145
TCP/IP Applications 146
QoS Needs and the Impact of TCP/IP Applications 146
The World Wide Web, HTTP, and SSL 149
Universal Resource Locators 150
Finding the Web Server Using DNS 150
Transferring Files with HTTP 152
Network Security 153
Perspectives on the Sources and Types of Threats 154
Firewalls and the Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) 158
Anti-x 160
Intrusion Detection and Prevention 160
Virtual Private Networks (VPN) 161
Exam Preparation Tasks 163
Review All the Key Topics 163
Complete the Tables and Lists from Memory 163
Definitions of Key Terms 163

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