Human Behavior Organization Final Exam

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1. Introduction and overview (20 points)

1.1. In your own words, what is human behavior in organization? (10)
Human behavior in organization is how the employees conduct themselves while performing
their duties and responsibilities. It is as complex as the social system itself. People differ from each
other in their needs, values and cultures, which can be understood better with the help of other
studies. Human behavior improves people's understanding of interpersonal skills and so also their
ability to work together as a team to achieve organizational goals effectively. As well as it has become
a useful tool to analyze and investigate the impact that people, structures, technology and external
environment have on individual behaviour within an organization.

1.2. Identify one citizenship behavior in your organization and explain how this has influenced you?
Altruism is one of the citizenship behavior that has influenced me to be an effective and
efficient employee in our organization. Being in an agency that caters numerous clients (teachers
and students) , we should have the desire to help and assist them on their queries and problems
not only the clients but the other employees as well and not minding anything in return. This
influence me to be more productive, learn more ideas and knowledge to any situation or problems
that I encounter and gain relationships to other individuals. Thus, all of the things I’ve done gives
me a sense of purpose in my work place.

2. Theories and Application (80)

2.1. Among the different theories of motivation, choose one and cite how does this theory explain
your behavior in the organization. (10)

Maslow’s hierarchy is the earliest and most widely known theory of motivation. A theory
that develops personality and has influenced a number of different fields. This theory accurately
describes many realities of personal experiences. Hence, people can recognize some features of
their experiences and behavior in Maslow’s theory. Applying Maslow’s theory in our organization
ensure that employees reach their full potential. Providing basic needs to employees, comfortable
workspace, and job security, the employee is self-motivated to fulfill the higher-level needs, this
makes employees feel part of a team. Allowing employees training and professional development
and gives clear responsibilities. It also allows to interact to other individuals that forms into a basis
of a sense of belonging thru gender and development. Organizations can offer challenging and
meaningful assignments to encourage and explore employees’ creativity and innovation ability to
maximum extent.
2.2. What can be possible causes and effects of job satisfaction and organizational commitment?
Job satisfaction is a pleasurable feeling that results from the perception that one's job fulfills
or allows for the fulfillment of one's important job values. A person with a high level of job
satisfaction holds positive attitudes toward the job, while a person who is dissatisfied with his or her
job holds negative attitudes toward the job. Studies generally find that employee satisfaction
increases when the immediate supervisor understands the employees, is friendly, praises for good
performance, listens to employees' opinions, and shows a personal interest in them. Opportunities
for promotion, training programs, and capacity of career development are other factors that cause
job satisfaction. Individuals who perceive that promotion decisions are made in a fair and just
manner, therefore, are likely to experience satisfaction from their jobs. Employees are most satisfied
when they find their work interesting. Being able to retain a certain amount of autonomy allows
workers to develop their own challenges and find ways to overcome obstacles, leading to a more
satisfying work experience. Job satisfaction increases when employees can enjoy a stress free
environment in which they know they’re appreciated and they’re not in fear of losing their jobs if
they make a mistake. Workers can employ techniques to take care of themselves. As the same time,
as a manager you can maintain open and clear communication, give employees some control and
over their production and praise effective workers regularly.

2.3. Identify one type of leadership appropriate for Filipino employees. Discuss explicitly why this is
chosen. (15)
Participative leadership is appropriate for Filipino employees because as we all know, we
Filipinos want to engage or contribute to the development of the organization. And to get their
utmost performance and inputs we have to involve them in decision making to boosts their
morale. It causes them to feel as if their opinions matter. Unlike autocratic , this headship is
centered on subordinates’ contribution. The participative leader holds final responsibility, but he
or she is known to delegate authority to other people, who determine work projects.

3. Theory in Practice. In your field of work (no need to mention the name). Identify (2) issues or problems
facing the organization.
 Does not effectively communicate information and changes within the organization in a timely
 Lack of opportunities for professional growth.
3.1. What course concepts can be applied to understand why this problem is occurring?
Organizational Communication. It is a relatively common occurrence in almost every
organization for upper-level leadership to assume that because a communication was sent out,
that every individual in the organization got the message and they think that it is properly
disseminated, but it’s not. Thus, every employee should be taught on the organizational
communication to understand the right way of communicating.
Training. Some organizations never think of having a professional development in their
employees. Either they don't see a need to empower their employees or they give the privilege to
their preferred employees. This common error should be wipe off and the occurrence of trainings
and seminars should be open to all.
3.2. What recommendations, based on these course concepts, can you offer to help improve
organizational functioning and address the problems you identified?

Proper dissemination of information should be done in an organization. It is important

because it significantly impacts three very important areas of an organization, employee
engagement, customer satisfaction and public perceptions.

Provide trainings and seminars to employees that are aligned to their job is one way of
showing them that they are secured in the company. Employees that are equipped with trainings
are advantageous to organization because they help develop better organization and planning
skills, gain knowledge and insights, and continuous improvement that leads to the development of
their organization.

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