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Indo WSi

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Budi Utomo, The Noble
The first Indonesian nationalist organization. It was
founded on May 20, 1908, a day now designated by the
Indonesian government as the Day of National Awakening. Islamic Association AKA
Budi Utomo originated through the efforts of Mas
Wahidin Sudirohusodo (1852–1917), a
Sarekat Islam
retired Javanese physician who, attempting to elevate the
Javanese people through the study of Western knowledge as well The first nationalist political party in Indonesia to gain
as their own cultural heritage, sought to obtain support for a wide popular support. Founded in 1912 the party originated as
scholarship fund for Indonesian students. His efforts were an association of those Muslim merchants who wanted to advance
supported by Dutch-educated Javanese students in Batavia (now their economic interests in relation to Chinese merchants in Java,
Jakarta) and later by Javanese aristocrats and priyayi (elite). but the association became political. It quickly gained mass
They met in Yogyakarta in 1908 and founded Budi Utomo, support and started working for the self-government of the Dutch
which aimed at improving the cultural and economic status of the East Indies. The party’s most prominent leader was Omar Said
Javanese. Tjokroaminoto.
As a Javanese cultural organization, Budi Utomo Its religious appeal helped the Sarekat Islām to grow
grew rapidly, and by the end of 1909 it claimed to have 40 rapidly. By 1916 the organization claimed 80 branches
branches with 10,000 members, most of them students and civil throughout Indonesia with a total membership of about 350,000.
servants. Their expressed objectives went far beyond Wahidin’s The Dutch authorities did not attempt to suppress the
interest in improving educational opportunities for Indonesians; organization, presumably because they wanted to channel the
they called for the encouragement of agriculture and trade and the increasingly radical movement into a constitutional stream.
dissemination of humanistic thought. However much its members The Sarekat Islām, however, became more and more
emphasized Javanese culture, Budi Utomo assumed that involved in revolutionary activities. Communist elements entered
progress meant adopting the social and political institutions of the the organization, and the struggle for power between the religious
West. The leadership was held by conservatives who resisted leaders and the communists culminated in the division of the
political activity by the group, but they were increasingly opposed Sarekat Islām in 1921. Before the division the orthodox
by younger and more aggressive members. The effectiveness of Marxist party, the Indies Social Democratic Association,
Budi Utomo was finally undercut by the appeal of those who changed its name to the Indies (after 1924, Indonesian)
favoured direct action against the West and by more radical and Communist Party (PKI). In 1920 the communists tried to
expressly political organizations such as the Sarekat Islām, a draw the movement into the orbit of the international communist
proto-nationalist party. Membership in Budi Utomo fell off movement. The religious leaders of the Sarekat Islām, Agus
sharply after 1910, but the organization was important as a model Salim and Abdul Muis, aware of the communist activities, urged
for later nationalist groups. It was dissolved in 1935.
a motion, passed in 1921 at a national party congress, that no seized power in Madiun. The communist leaders, taken by
member of the Sarekat Islām could hold dual party membership. surprise, were trapped by their own propaganda and had
This led to the departure of the left wing of the party. The latter no alternative but to support the rebellion. The Hatta-Sukarno
group set up the Sarekat Islām Merah (Red Islāmic government took firm action. The rebellion was put down within
Association), which later changed its name to the Sarekat Rakjat three months, and most of the PKI leaders were killed or
(People’s Association), to serve as the mass organization of the imprisoned.
PKI. The split severely undermined the Sarekat Islām, which
eventually declined into a secondary party.

The rise of nationalism

Indonesian nationalism in the 20th century must be
Madiun Affairs distinguished from earlier movements of protest; the Padri War,
Communist rebellion against the Hatta-Sukarno the Java War, and the many smaller examples of sporadic
agrarian unrest had been “prenationalistic” movements, the
government of Indonesia, which originated in Madiun, a town in products of local grievances. By contrast, the nationalism of the
eastern Java, in September 1948. The Indonesian Communist early 20th century was the product of the new imperialism and
Party(PKI) had been declared illegal by the Dutch following was part of wider currents of unrest affecting many parts
uprisings in 1926–27; it was officially reestablished on Oct. 21, of Africa and Asia that remained the subjects of Western
1945, when an independent Indonesia was proclaimed colonialism. In Indonesia nationalism was concerned not merely
after World War II. The communists resumed political with resistance to Dutch rule but with new perceptions of
activities, and some of their leaders held high positions in the new nationhood—embracing the ethnic diversity of the archipelago and
republican government. In January 1948 the left-wing looking to the restructuring of traditional patterns of authority in
government was replaced by one headed by Mohammad Hatta. order to enable the creation of Indonesia as a modern state. It
Hatta’s government planned to demobilize those guerrilla units derived in part from specific discontents, the
under communist control. The communists opposed the program; economic discriminations of colonial rule, the psychological hurt
arising from the slights of social discrimination, and a new
the PKI propagated the formation of a communist national front
awareness of the all-pervading nature of Dutch authority..
and advised the armed units to challenge the demobilization. The
PKI also criticized the republican government’s concessions to The formation in 1908 of Budi Utomo (“Noble
the Dutch in the Renville Agreement (Jan. 17, 1948). While Endeavour”) is often taken as the beginning of organized
communist leaders were on a propaganda tour, a local communist nationalism. Founded by Wahidin Sudirohusodo, a retired
commander in Madiun took the initiative on Sept. 18, 1948, and Javanese doctor, Budi Utomo was an elitist organization, the
aims of which—though cultural rather than political—included a
concern to secure a mutual accommodation between the assembly, but others refused, insisting that concessions could
traditional culture and contemporary society. Numerically more be obtained only through uncompromising struggle.
important was Sarekat Islam (“Islamic Association”), founded In 1921 the tension within Sarekat Islam between its
in 1912. Under its charismatic chairman, Omar Said more conservativeleaders and the communists came to a head in a
Tjokroaminoto, the organization expanded rapidly, claiming a discipline resolution that insisted that members of Sarekat Islam
membership of 2,500,000 by 1919. Later research suggests that belong to no other party; this, in effect, expelled the communist
the real figure was likely to have been no more than 400,000, but “bloc within,” and there followed a fierce rivalry between the two
even with this greatly reduced estimate, Sarekat Islam was for control of the grassroots membership of the organization. The
clearly much larger than any other movement of the time. In 1912 PKI, once it had committed itself to independent action, began to
the Indies Party (Indische Partij)—primarily a Eurasian move toward a policy of unilateral opposition to the colonial
party—was founded by E.F.E. Douwes Dekker; banned a year regime. Without the support of the Comintern, and even without
later, it was succeeded by another Eurasian party, calling itself complete unanimity within its own ranks, it launched a revolt in
Insulinde, a poetic name for the East Indies. Java at the end of 1926 and in western Sumatra at the beginning
In the absence of firm party discipline, it was common for of 1927.
individuals to belong simultaneously to more than one The defeat of the communist revolt and the earlier decline of
organization, and, in particular, the presence of Indies Social Sarekat Islam left the way open for a new nationalist
Democratic Association members in Sarekat Islam enabled them organization, and in 1926 a “general study club” was founded
to work as a “bloc within” the larger movement. The idea that the in Bandung, with a newly graduated engineer, Sukarno, as its
time was not yet ripe for communist parties to assume secretary. The club began to reshape the idea of nationalism in a
independent leadership of colonial nationalism later led the manner calculated to appeal to Indonesia’s new urban elite. After
Soviet-founded Communist International (also known the failure of the ideologically based movements of Islam and
Comintern or the Third International) to formulate the strategy communism, nationalist thinking was directed simply to the idea
of cooperation with anti-imperialist “bourgeois” parties. of a struggle for independence, without any precommitment to a
At the end of World War I, the Dutch, in an effort to give particular political or social order afterward. Such a goal, it was
believed, could appeal to all, including Muslims and communists,
substance to their promise to associate the
who could at least support a common struggle for independence,
Indonesian community more closely with government, created the
even if they differed fundamentally about what was to follow.
People’s Council (Volksraad). Composed of a mixture of
Nationalism, in this sense, became the idea that the young
appointed and elected representatives of the three racial divisions
Sukarno used as the basis of his attempt to unify the several
defined by the government—Dutch, Indonesian, and “foreign
streams of anticolonial feeling. The ideas of the Bandung Study
Asiatic”—the People’s Council provided opportunities for debate
Club were reinforced by currents of thought emanating from
and criticism but no real control over the government of the East
Indonesian students in The Netherlands. Their organization,
Indies. Some nationalist leaders were prepared to accept seats in
restructured in 1924 under the self-consciously Indonesian (as
opposed to Dutch) name Perhimpunan Indonesia (Indonesian In 1933 Sukarno was arrested again and exiled to Flores;
Union), became a centre of radical nationalist thought, and in the
he later was transferred to Bengkulu in southern Sumatra.
mid-1920s students returning from The Netherlands joined
Repressive action followed against other party leaders, including
forces with like-minded groups at home.
Hatta and Sjahrir, who were also exiled. In the later 1930s
The new nationalism required a new organization for its
nationalist leaders were forced to cooperate with the Dutch, and
expression, and in July 1927 the Indonesian Nationalist
such moderate parties as Parindra accepted People’s Council
Association, later the Indonesian Nationalist Party (Partai
membership. In 1937 a more radical party, Gerindo, was formed,
Nasional Indonesia; PNI), was formed under the
but it considered support of The Netherlands against the threat
chairmanship of Sukarno. The PNI was based on the idea of
of National Socialism (Nazism) more important than the
noncooperation with the government of the East Indies and was
question of independence.
thus distinguished from those groups, such as Sarekat Islam,
that were prepared to accept People’s Council membership.
On Oct. 28, 1928, a number of representatives of youth
organizations issued the historic Youth Pledge (Sumpah
Pemuda), whereby they vowed to recognize only one Indonesian The Years Of Constitutional
motherland, one Indonesian people, and one Indonesian
language. It was a landmark event in the country’s history and Democracy
also is considered the founding moment of the Indonesian
The initial federal constitution of 1949 was replaced in
At the end of 1929, Sukarno was arrested with some of his 1950 by a unitary but still provisional constitution. It was
colleagues and was tried, convicted, and sentenced to four years in parliamentary in character and assigned an essentially figurehead
prison. He was released at the end of 1931, but by then the united role to the president. From the revolutionary period, Indonesia
movement he helped to create had begun to disintegrate. The had inherited a multiparty system. The main parties after
PNI dissolved itself and reformed as Partindo. A number of independence were the major Muslim party, Masyumi
other groups came together to form a new organization, the (Masjumi); the Muslim theologians’ party, Nahdlatul
Indonesian National Education Club, known as the New Ulama (NU), which seceded from Masyumi in 1952;
PNI. While Partindo saw itself as a mass party on the lines of the Nationalist Party (PNI); the Communist Party (PKI);
the old PNI, the New PNI, under the leadership the “national communist” party, Murba; the lesser Muslim
of Mohammad Hattaand Sutan Sjahrir, aimed at training cadres parties, Perti and Partai Sarekat Islam Indonesia (PSII);
who could maintain continuing leadership of the movement should and the Socialist Party (PSI). Until the first elections were
its leaders be arrested. held, in 1955, the parliament was filled by appointment under an
informal agreement between parties as to their probable electoral
strengths. The elections of 1955, a remarkable and technically In the early and mid-1950s, there was a rapid succession
successful experiment in the exercise of political choice by a
of governments under a series of prime ministers: Hatta
largely nonliterate population, confirmed the position of
(December 1949–August 1950), Mohammad Natsir (September
Masyumi, NU, the PNI, and the PKI as the country’s four
1950–March 1951), Sukiman Wirjosandjojo (April 1951–
leading political parties.
February 1952), Wilopo (April 1952–June 1953), Ali
With the exception of the PKI, the parties did not Sastroamidjojo (July 1953–July 1955), Burhanuddin Harahap
represent clearly opposing interests or programs, although some (August 1955–March 1956), and Ali once again (March 1956–
broad patterns of occupational, regional, and cultural support March 1957). This instability created a growing disillusionment
could be seen. The PNI was particularly strong in the ranks of with the fruits of independence and a sense of contrast between the
the civil service, while Masyumi tended to find its support in heroism of the revolution and the self-seeking party rivalry that
market towns and among the trading classes; NU was stronger followed it. In particular, conflict between the export-producing
in rural areas. The PSI, an influential party until it was outer islands and the heavily populated island of Java was
virtually eliminated in the elections, had strong support in the becoming more marked. In December 1956 these factors of
higher ranks of the army and bureaucracy. In terms of the discontent led to movements of regional dissidence, supported by
regional distribution of party strengths, the PNI, NU, and the local military commanders, in western Sumatra,
PKI were essentially Java-based parties, while Masyumi drew the Minahasa Peninsula of northern Celebes, and elsewhere.
most of its strength from outside Java, particularly from western
Sumatra and southwestern Celebes. Masyumi’s support within
Java was to be found mainly in the province of West Java (Jawa
Barat), the home of the Sundanese, as opposed to the EDITORIAL
ethnic Javanese population. (When resistance reached the point of
open revolt in 1958, the regional character of Indonesian political
Breaking the Mafia Generation
rivalry was especially important.) Party affiliations also to some
extent corresponded to a broad cultural opposition between the
hierarchical rice-based society of Java and the more strongly
Muslim areas where commerce rather than agriculture was (and The Antimafia's Task Force The National Police Ball
still is) dominant. Major social streams (aliran) in Indonesian has opened the veil of how dilapidated Indonesian football
society that spanned various interests, classes, and regions were governance is. The work of the National Police task force shows
similarly reflected in political parties and their suborganizations; that the mafia has long resided in the body of national football,
the division within Java between the santri (devout Muslim) from upstream to downstream.
and abangan (syncretic Muslim) orientations was integral to the Mafias have been free to organize and manipulate football in the
rivalry between NU and Masyumi on the one hand and the country is not a new story.They have for decades made the game
PNI and the PKI on the other. of national football an object to make profits through gambling.
This outbreak of match-fixing seems to be a chronic disease the voters. Reach cow trade practices in the selection of the
PSSI Chairperson. Transactional practices will only invite the
that is difficult to cure. Not only at the club level, the main body of
mafia to support the candidates, which in turn makes the PSSI
the national football organization, the Indonesian Football
fall back on the same mistakes.
Association (PSSI), is also inseparable from the diseases that
KLB must produce PSSI management who has the idea of
kill our sportsmanship and football achievements.
developing football. That way, it is not impossible that
Now, the highest leader of the PSSI is entangled in a case
Indonesian football will enter a new phase for the better.
related to the soccer mafia. Joko Driyono, Acting Chair of the
In addition, it is certainly necessary to revamp the national
PSSI, was named a suspect by the Antimafia Bola Task
football governance that can be started by conducting a thorough
Force for allegedly stealing, eliminating, and damaging evidence
and investigative audit of the finances and operations of PSSI,
in a match-fixing case.
including managing the club and organizing the league.
With the status of Joko Driyono, PSSI finally decided Of course we also have to continue to give full support to law
to hold an extraordinary congress. The KLB which will be held enforcement to clear up the national football mafia
has two agendas, namely forming an election committee (KP) network. Determining the status of the suspect Joko Driyono
and election appeals committee (KBP). The second agenda is the must be the key to eradicating the ball mafia to its roots. The
determination of the date of the congress selection of new police must arrest all parties involved in the case of setting scores
management. indiscriminately. Likewise with PSSI, which must open data
KLB is a vehicle for total reform, even if necessary the PSSI and information about anyone who plays.
revolution. Do not let KLB only replace the chairman as before,
while the mafia is still comfortable mastering national football.
With KLB at PSSI, as well as revamping governance
and law enforcement efforts against the soccer mafia, football
Not only this time, the outbreak was held in the spirit of lovers in the country should float optimism that someday this
reform, but in fact only the general chairman was replaced, while country's football will be full of achievements.
the ill-advised figures of the ball mafia network were never
completely eliminated.
As stated in this forum, that the PSSI in the future must be
clean of parties that have been entrenched for a long time because
the 'failed' stamp has been embedded in their performance.PSSI
must be run by a truly new, fresh, and free from the football mafia
circle that has been making PSSI a land for bribes or profit.
It's been too long for national football to bow at the feet of
the mafia. For this reason, all stakeholders must be firm in
deciding the generation of mobsters in national football, including
(September 13, 1916 –
February 8, 1967) was born in Sawahlunto, West Sumatra.
He was an Indonesian government minister and vice prime
SOCIETY PAGE minister during the Sukarno presidency. He was a close
confidant of Sukarno, whom he had helped persuade to declare
Chairul Saleh Indonesian independence in 1945. He lived in
the Netherlands from 1952–1953, but returned to Indonesia
after being expelled. He joined Sukarno’s circle of advisers in
1955. [1]
One week before the abortive coup on 30 September 1965, Saleh
went to China with a delegation of 45 to celebrate China's
national day on 1 October.[2] He is buried in Karet Bivak
Cemetery, Central Jakarta.

born Kusno Sosrodihardjo, ; (6 June 1901 – 21 June Japanese aid in spreading nationalist ideas. Upon
1970)[3] was the first President of Indonesia, serving Japanese surrender, Sukarno and Mohammad
from 1945 to 1967. Hatta declared Indonesian independence on 17 August
1945, and Sukarno was appointed as first president. He
Sukarno was the leader of his country's struggle led Indonesians in resisting Dutch re-colonization
for Independence from the Netherlands. He was a efforts via diplomatic and military means until the Dutch
prominent leader of Indonesia's nationalist movement acknowledgement of Indonesian independence in 1949.
during the Dutch colonial period, and spent over a decade Author Pramoedya Ananta Toer once wrote "Sukarno
under Dutch detention until released by the was the only Asian leader of the modern era able to unify
invading Japanese forces. Sukarno and his fellow people of such differing ethnic, cultural and religious
nationalists collaborated to garner support for the backgrounds without shedding a drop of blood."[4]
Japanese war effort from the population, in exchange for
After a chaotic period of parliamentary democracy, The military Head of Government, General
Sukarno established an autocratic system called "Guided Suharto, was named acting President until a new
Democracy" in 1957 that successfully ended the President is chosen after next year's general elections.
instability and rebellions which were threatening the
survival of the diverse and fractious country. The early To prevent trouble from Dr Sukarno's supporters,
1960s saw Sukarno veering Indonesia to the left by who are still numerous, Congress took a moderate line
providing support and protection to the Communist in ordering the President's dismissal. Although many of
Party of Indonesia (PKI) to the irritation of the the legislators wanted Sukarno put on trial, alleging that
military and Islamists. He also embarked on a series of he took part in the attempted coup 18 months ago,
aggressive foreign policies under the rubric of anti- Congress decided to leave the matter to General Suharto.
imperialism, with aid from the Soviet Union and China. He will decide later whether to order an investigation into
The failure of the 30 September Movement (1965) led to Dr Sukarno's role in the coup.
the destruction of the PKI and his replacement in 1967
by one of his generals, Suharto (see Transition to the
New Order), and he remained under house arrest until
Although the cautiously worded Congress resolution
his death. made no reference to Dr Sukarno's dismissal, it left no
doubt that he would have no political role to play. He
seems to have lost even his most cherished title, "Great
Leader of the Indonesian Revolution." The resolution
HEADLINE dropped all reference to him as President and referred to
him instead as "Doctor Engineer" Sukarno.
Sukarno Goes Quietly
President Sukarno's political career ended quietly today Dr Sukarno's political decline began in October,
1965, when a Communist attempt to seize power was
when the Indonesian People's Congress formally thwarted. Last month, facing strong pressure to resign,
stripped him of all powers. he signed away all powers to General Suharto.
Congress in effect simply ratified this agreement today.
In his first speech as acting President, General Edward HUGHES Seeks Author of Anonymous
Suharto told Congress that the decision of the session Letter Defamatory to Himself, 1853,
was the result of the unity of the new order. "With the NJ Hmmm...I wonder if the author ever
ending of the political conflict we can direct our effort to
realising the Cabinet programme in establishing political 'fessed up. Or did he convince the
and economic stability, and the welfare of the people." girl...? genealogy

For Sale
Classified Ads John F. DEWAR Sells Bullfinches & Tame
Employment Wanted Doves, Edinburgh, Scotland 1883

J. I. FISER of TN Want to Work in an Orange GARDNER Pony for Sale, TN, 1884
Grove, 1884
George RENTON Offers a Bargain Steam
FISHER Seeks Employment, NJ, Engine, 1854, New Jersey genealogy
1888 genealogy
G. B. PETERS is selling a horse, rockaway and
ARBURY Seeks Employment, Philadelphia, PA, bees. genealogy
Business Opportunities
Personal Notices
Mr. HOOK wishes to sell or exchange his
business and then retire.
Special Notices Land Warrants Lost Between Georgia &
Pension Office, 1857 COBB, HIX, SINIARD,
Mr. RABB places a special notice for the
Mechanics' Lyceum of Charleston, SC, 1870.
Abijah HUNT offers $8 reward for return of
Lost & Found
this lost letter - 1792.

Missing Memphis Strawberry Spotted

Please return this woman's handbag with 2
Cow TN, 1879 TERRY
letters addressed to Miss Lottie GILBERT.

John TWEEDIE Has Lost his Collie Dog, 1885

Scotland, 1883
For Rent
Have you seen Mr. KUHN's cow? $5 reward
Mrs. REICHARD Rents a House, PA, 1903
offered. TN, 1884
Acton YOUNG Rents Rooms at Whitemore
Mrs. WYATT Wants Her Poodle Back! TN,
House, Memphis, 1879
Mrs. BORDEN Offers Room & Board,
Lost Watch in Newark, NJ 1854 BROWN
Memphis, TN, 1879

Lost Notes in Macon, Bibb County, GA, 1886

Dr. J. G. HUNT of Cincinnati advertises rooms
at summer resort in KY, 1879.
Mr. A. J. McWHIRTER has a house for rent. required to take an oath of loyalty to the Dutch
government. Under the administration of forceful
governors-general, most notably Jan Pieterszoon
Coen (1618–23) and Anthony van Diemen (1636–45),
Business And Finance the company was able to defeat the British fleet and
largely displace the Portuguese in the East Indies.
Dutch East India Company In 1619 the company renamed Jacatra Batavia
(now Jakarta) and used it as a base to conquer Javaand
Updates the outer islands. By the late 17th century the company
had declined as a trading and sea powerand had become
more and more involved in the affairs of Java. By the
Dutch East India Company, byname of United 18th century the company had changed from a commercial
East India Company, Dutch Vereenigde Oost-Indische shipping enterprise to a loose territorial organization
Compagnie, trading company founded in the Dutch interested in the agricultural produce of the Indonesian
Republic (present-day Netherlands) in 1602 to protect archipelago. Toward the end of the 18th century the
that state’s trade in the Indian Ocean and to assist in the company became corrupt and seriously in debt. The
Dutch war of independence from Spain. The company Dutch government eventually revoked the company’s
prospered through most of the 17th century as the charter and in 1799 took over its debts and possessions.
instrument of the powerful Dutch commercial empire in
the East Indies (present-day Indonesia). It was
dissolved in 1799.
The Dutch government granted the company a trade
monopoly in the waters between the Cape of Good
Hope at the southern tip of Africa and the Straits of
Magellan between the Atlantic and Pacificoceans with the
right to conclude treaties with native princes, to build
forts and maintain armed forces, and to carry on
administrative functions through officials who were
as cinnamon, cassia, cardamom, ginger, pepper,
and turmeric were known and used in antiquity for
commerce in the Eastern World.[1] These spices found
their way into the Middle East before the beginning of the
Christian era, where the true sources of these spices were
withheld by the traders and associated with fantastic
tales.[1] Early writings and stone age carvings
of neolithic age obtained indicates that India's southwest
coastal port Muziris, in Kerala, had established itself as
a major spice trade centre from as early as 3000 BC,
which marked the beginning of the spice trade. Kerala,
referred to as the land of spices or as the "Spice Garden
of India", was the place traders and explorers wanted to
reach, including Christopher Columbus, Vasco da Gama,
and others.[2]

The Greco-Roman world followed by trading

along the Incense route and the Roman-India
routes.[3] During the first millennium, the sea routes
to Sri Lanka (the Roman – Taprobane) and India were
controlled by the Ethiopians who became the maritime
trading power of the Red Sea and the Indians.
The Kingdom of Axum (c. 5th-century BC–AD 11th
Spice Trade Routes century) had pioneered the Red Sea route before the 1st
century AD. By mid-7th century AD after the rise of
Islam, Arab traders started dominating the maritime
It refers to the trade between historical civilizations routes.
in Asia, Northeast Africa and Europe. Spices such
Arab traders eventually took over conveying important.[3] Indonesia's cuisine may include rice, noodle
and soup dishes in modest local eateries to street-side
goods via the Levant and Venetian merchants
snacks and top-dollar plates.
to Europe until the rise of the Ottoman Turks cut the
route again by 1453. Overland routes helped the spice Indonesian cuisine varies greatly by region and
trade initially, but maritime trade routes led to has many different influences.[2][4][5] Sumatran cuisine, for
tremendous growth in commercial activities.[1] During example, often has Middle Eastern and Indian
the high and late medieval periods Muslim traders influences, featuring curried meat and vegetables such
dominated maritime spice trading routes throughout the as gulai and curry, while Javanese cuisine is mostly
Indian Ocean, tapping source regions in East Asia and indigenous,[2] with some hint of Chinese influence. The
shipping spices from trading emporiums in India cuisines of Eastern Indonesia are similar to Polynesian
westward to the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea, from and Melanesian cuisine. Elements of Chinese cuisine
which overland routes led to Europe. can be seen in Indonesian cuisine: foods such
as noodles, meat balls, and spring rolls have been
completely assimilated.
Indonesian Cuisine
It consists of the various regional cuisines in parts
of Indonesia; there are a wide variety of recipes and
cuisines in part because Indonesia is composed of
approximately 6,000 populated islands of the total 17,508
in the world's largest archipelago,[1][2] with more than 300
ethnic groups calling Indonesia home.[3] Many regional
cuisines exist, often based upon indigenous culture and
foreign influences.[2] Indonesia has around 5,350
traditional recipes, with 30 of them considered the most
Throughout its history, Indonesia has been
involved in trade due to its location and natural
resources. Additionally, Indonesia’s indigenous
techniques and ingredients were influenced by India, the
Middle East, China, and finally Europe. Spanish and
Portuguese traders brought New World produce even
before the Dutch came to colonise most of
the archipelago. The Indonesian islands The
Moluccas (Maluku), which are famed as "the Spice
Islands", also contributed to the introduction of native Indonesia is the home of sate;
spices, such as cloves and nutmeg, to Indonesian and one of the country's most
global cuisine. popular dishes, there are many
Indonesian cuisine often demonstrates variants across Indonesia.
complex flavour,[6] acquired from certain ingredients Opor ayam (curry
and bumbu spices mixture. Indonesian dishes have rich style), gulai, ketupat, diced potatoes with spices, and
flavours; most often described as savory, hot and spicy, fried shallotsserved during Lebaran (Eid al-Fitr) in
and also combination of basic tastes such Indonesia
as sweet, salty, sour and bitter. Most of Indonesians
favour hot and spicy food, thus sambal, Indonesian hot Some popular Indonesian dishes such as nasi
and spicy chili sauce with shrimp paste, is a staple goreng, gado gado, Satay,and soto are ubiquitous in the
condiment at all Indonesian tables.[7] Seven main country and considered as national dishes. The
Indonesian cooking methods official national dish of Indonesia however, is tumpeng,
are frying, grilling, roasting, dry chosen in 2014 by Indonesian Ministry of Tourism and
roasting, sautéing, boiling and steaming. Creative Economy as the dish that binds the diversity of
Indonesia's various culinary traditions.[3] However,
later in 2018, the same ministry has chosen 5 national
dish of Indonesia; they are soto, rendang, satay, nasi The Indonesian archipelago is a collection of islands that holds untold
goreng, and gado-gado.[13]
treasures in its diversity of cultures, landscapes, and cities. With nearly

Today, some popular dishes that originated in 13,500 islands under its jurisdiction, Indonesia offers an adventure for
Indonesia are now common to neighbouring countries, everyone, from exploring ancient temples and hiking active volcanoes to
Malaysia and Singapore. Indonesian dishes such diving in largely untouched waters. You can wander the busy streets of
as satay, beef rendang, and sambal are favoured
Jakarta, or take a step back in time with a visit to the remote villages of
in Malaysia and Singapore. Soy-based dishes, such as
variations of tofu and tempeh, are also very popular. Tana Toraja;
Tempeh is regarded as a Javanese invention, a local indulge in the
adaptation of soy-based food fermentation and production. bliss of Bali,
Another fermented food is oncom, similar in some ways
or come face
to tempeh but using a variety of bases (not only soy),
created by different fungi, and particularly popular to face with
in West Java. the volatile

SBS Australia stated that Indonesian food is "one of Anak

the most vibrant and colourful cuisines in the world, full Krakatau.
of intense flavour."[14]Kira Jane Buxton
Whatever you
of Mashed described it as "eclectic" and "diverse"
choose, the

experience is
TRAVEL AND TOURISM sure to be one filled with awe and appreciation for a country as steeped in

history and natural beauty as this one.

Top Tourist Attractions In
Beaches of Bali
Indonesia For many people, Bali is beaches. Arguably Indonesia's most
popular vacation spot, Bali has a number of cultural landmarks and
traditions that make a visit here worthwhile. But anyone who travels
to Bali is going to have warm sand and blue water on their mind, and
Orangutans of Borneo
the island doesn't disappoint. Kuta is the best known beach, and is
great for those who like to combine sun, surfing, and socializing. No trip to
Indonesia would
Because of its popularity, you'll find no shortage of restaurants and
be complete
activities here. If you're looking for something a little quieter and less
crowded, Nusa Dua is still a beauty, but draws fewer without seeing
some orangutans,
tourists. Sanur is the place to go for a little more culture as well as
and Borneo is a
great water sports.
great place to visit
these beautiful and
Borobudur endangered
creatures. Though

This ancient temple is one of the most

famous and culturally significant
landmarks in Indonesia. Borobudur
orangutans still live in the wild,
was built in the 8th century and
several sanctuaries rescue and
constructed in the shape of a
protect orangutans as land
traditional Buddhist mandala. It is a
development infringes on their
UNESCO World Heritage site,
natural habitat. Tanjung Puting
and is considered one of the greatest
National Park in Kalimantan,
Buddhist sites in the world. The
Borneo, is home to the largest
massive temple was forgotten for
orangutan population in the
centuries, when it is believed that
world, as well as other primates,
much of the population moved to
birds, and reptiles. If you don't
eastern Java due to volcanic
make it to Borneo, you can also
eruptions. But it was rediscovered in
see orangutans at the Bohorok
the 1800s and, today, is one of the
Orangutan Centre in Bukit
main draws in Java. Visit at sunrise
Lawang, a tourism village in the Sumatran jungle.
for a torch-light climb up the temple and for the breathtaking experience
of watching as the complex is bathed in sunlight. Borobudur lies
near Yogyakarta, an old Javanese city known for its rich cultural and
historical offerings.
Gili Islands Komodo National
The Gili Islands are a major draw
in Lombok, which has risen in
popularity among backpackers and
tourists in recent years. These
picturesque islands offer beaches that
rival those of Bali in their beauty, as
well as opportunities for diving and
even snorkeling at a turtle sanctuary.
If you're looking for more turtle
action, you can check out a turtle
hatchery where hundreds of these
creatures are born each year.
Kayaking is also popular in the Gilis,
and if you're seeking a place to
reconnect with your mind and body, Park
you will find several options for yoga classes. The Gili Islands
provide a more relaxed, though still stimulating, alternative to popular Who hasn't dreamed of seeing a dragon at least once in their life? The
Bali. komodos of Indonesia are no mythical creatures, however they are
fierce and deadly animals. Komodo National Park, a UNESCO
World Heritage site, encompasses five main islands and a number of
smaller ones, as well as the surrounding marine areas. The waters
off these islands are some of the richest and most diverse in the world.
The komodo dragons are the stars of the show on any visit to the park,
but visitors can also hike, snorkel, go canoeing, or visit small villages
on the islands. Visitors must arrive by boat, and there is an entrance
fee plus additional costs for transportation, guide services, and other
Tana Toraja
Mount Bromo A visit to
Indonesia sits on the Ring of Fire, an area with
some of the most active volcanoes in the world.
Many of the country's volcanoes, such as Mount
Merapi, are famous for their violent eruptions and
their stunning, but dangerous beauty. Mount
Bromo is among the best known, thanks largely
to its incredible views, particularly when seen
standing over the caldera at sunrise. Bromo's
peak was blown off in an eruption, and you can
still see white smoke spewing from the mountain.
The volcano is part of Bromo Tengger Semeru
National Park, which also includes Mount Toraja in
Semeru, the highest peak in Java. The park is home to the Tengger South
people, an isolated ethnic group who trace their ancestry back to the Sulawesi Province will not only feel like you've stepped far back in
ancient Majapahit empire. time, but also offers a look at the richness and diversity of Indonesia's
long-standing cultures. The architectural style of Tongkonan, boat-
shaped houses and other buildings, are immediate standouts, but the
people are what make this piece of natural paradise so special. They
are, by many accounts, the friendliest and most welcoming people you
could hope to meet while traveling. The Toraja approach to death is
one of reverence and celebration. Funerals are elaborate ceremonies
involving plenty of food and traditional dance, and the dead are buried
in graves built into surrounding caves. Travelers to the area can visit
villages and connect with locals, or trek in the notoriously lush and
pristine countryside.
Lake Toba
Kalimantan, Borneo
Few places suggest wild, untamed adventure
like Borneo. One of the most ecologically
diverse places on earth, Borneo is home to
orangutans, exotic birds, Sumatran rhinos,
pygmy elephants, and an array of other
creatures. In Kalimantan, in Indonesian
Borneo, you can travel down the Kapuas River,
the longest in Indonesia; visit villages of the
indigenous Dayak people; and observe foreign Another of Indonesia's natural
influences from China, Malaysia, and wonders, Lake Toba is both a
even Europe in the ports and cities along the body of water and super volcano.
way. You can also go trekking in the rainforest for a chance to see The lake, which sits in a crater,
some of Borneo's famed wildlife in person. Bukit Baka-Bukit Raya was formed between 69,000 and 77,000 years ago and is believed to
National Park is a conservation area in West Kalimantan that have been the result of a catastrophic eruption. The lake is 1,145
includes two of the highest mountains in Borneo and supports wildlife square kilometers and 450 meters deep. Volcanic activity is still
such as orangutans, clouded leopards, slow lorises, sun bears, and regularly recorded here and has pushed some islands above the water's
many other species. surface. Lake Toba is a study in beauty and the powerful forces at
work on the planet. Here, you can go swimming, water skiing,
canoeing, or fishing, or stick to wandering the surrounding area on
foot or bike.
crested cockatoo, and other exotic species. Guided treks are available,
Mount Krakatau and you can camp overnight in the
park. The park does caution that
Surely, the eruption of Indonesia's most treks are strenuous, so if you plan
famous volcano, Krakatau, in 1883 was
to hike the mountain, you should be
the largest in recorded history. The
in good physical health and be
eruption severely impacted climate prepared with the appropriate
conditions around the world and took a
devastating toll on human life on nearby
Java and Sumatra. Anak Krakatau,
"Child of Krakatau," is the youngest of Pura Tanah Lot
the islands formed by the 1883 eruption,
and forced itself above the surface in 1930.
This young and volatile volcano continues
to rise higher out of the sea and have
significant eruptions. Anak Krakatau still
This is one of Bali's most popular
belches smoke and fire, and tourists can visit Krakatau's child for a
temples, built on a rock formation
reminder of the awesome, unseen power just beneath the surface at
in the sea. The original formation
every turn in Indonesia.
began to deteriorate at one point, so
a portion of the rock is now
Gunung Rinjani artificial. Still, Pura Tanah Lot
Another of Indonesia's famed volcanoes, people in droves, particularly in time to
Gunung Rinjani is a top attraction on catch the sunset. This temple compound is
Lombok. Rinjani itself does not see the found on the southern coast of Beraban
eruptions and activity that some of the others village, and you can walk out to the temple
have, but its caldera-forming eruption in the at low tide. Once the sun goes down,
late 13th century is believed to have been one browse the stalls at Tanah Lot market to
of the most powerful in human history. A purchase unique Balinese souvenirs.
lake sits in Rinjani's caldera, and within the
lake sits Mt. Baru, another active volcano.
In Rinjani National Park, you may spot
animals such as the rare black Ebony leaf
monkey, long-tailed macaques, the sulfur-
Banda Islands
Bali and Lombok are tried and true vacation spots
for a reason, but the lesser-known Banda Islands
have their own appeal as an off-the-beaten path
getaway. This cluster of 10 islands sits at the edge
of the Banda Sea, whose depths reach more than
6,500 meters. The Bandas have long been on the
radar of those involved in the spice trade, thanks to
their rich source of nutmeg. Called "Eastern
Indonesia's best kept secret," the Bandas hold
untold thrills for divers and sailors in particular.
Pristine dive sites offer a chance to spot sharks, sea turtles, whales,
the endemic Ambon scorpionfish, lobsters, and a plethora of other
creatures. You can book accommodations and tours yourself, or opt for
a live-aboard boat, which includes stops at many great dive sites
around the islands.

Jatiluwih Rice Fields, Bali

The beaches may be the first thing that
comes to mind when you think of Bali, but
the verdant rice fields are a close second.
So lush and life-giving are the terraces of
the Jatiluwih Rice Fields that they were
designated a UNESCO Cultural
Landscape as part of Bali's Subak
System. The meticulously cultivated and
irrigated fields are a testament to the
wealth of natural resources in Bali, as
well as the carefully honed skills of the
local farmers. No visit to Bali is
complete without seeing these rich acres.

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