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J. Phys. Chem.

B 2007, 111, 7897-7913 7897

A Lumry-Eyring Nucleated Polymerization Model of Protein Aggregation Kinetics:

1. Aggregation with Pre-Equilibrated Unfolding

Jennifer M. Andrews and Christopher J. Roberts*

Department of Chemical Engineering, 150 Academy Street, Colburn Laboratory, UniVersity of Delaware,
Newark, Delaware 19716
ReceiVed: January 10, 2007; In Final Form: April 2, 2007

A mathematical model is presented of the kinetics of non-native protein aggregation that combines Lumry-
Eyring and nucleated polymerization (LENP) descriptions. The LENP model is solved for cases in which
aggregation rates are slow compared to folding-unfolding equilibration and is shown to be a generalization
of a number of previously proposed nucleation-and-growth models for non-native and native protein
aggregation. The model solutions exhibit a number of qualitative kinetic regimes. Each regime has a
characteristic set of experimental signatures that are related to the relative rates of growth and nucleation as
well as to the threshold size at which aggregates condense to form higher-order structures or other phases.
Approximate model solutions provide practical rate equations that can be regressed against typical experimental
kinetic data to obtain mechanistic parameters characterizing the aggregation pathway. In all kinetic regimes,
it is found that observed rate coefficients (kobs) or half-lives (t50) obtained from extent-of-reaction measurements
are convolutions of more than one stage in the pathway unless purely seeded growth occurs. Despite this
convolution, the combination of apparent reaction order (time domain) and the scaling of kobs or t50 with
initial protein concentration provides a means to determine a value for the dominant nucleus size in each
case. Additional information, such as equilibrium unfolding thermodynamics and the limiting aggregate size
distribution, are required to further deconvolute kobs into intrinsic contributions from nucleation, growth, and
conformational changes. The model and analysis are expected to be generally applicable to a wide range of
proteins and polypeptides that form non-native aggregates.

1. Introduction native aggregation commonly occurs through (incomplete)

monomer unfolding combined with assembly via nucleated
Non-native aggregation is one of the primary routes by which growth,17,18,28,39-41 in which the rate-limiting step may or may
unwanted and potentially harmful degradants and impurities not be nucleation.33,42,43
form during the manufacture, transport, and storage of biop-
In many practical situations, the overall process of aggregation
harmaceutical products.1-8 The intermediates or the end products
is under kinetic control.31,42-46 The observed kinetics may,
in non-native aggregation are also increasingly implicated as
harmful species in the progression of numerous chronic however, be controlled in part by the thermodynamics of those
diseases.9-14 There also exist situations in which non-native steps or stages that precede the rate-determining step(s).33,45-49
aggregation is desirable.15,16 In addition, because a number of intermediates in the process
are often transient and/or thermodynamically disfavored, they
In general, non-native protein aggregation refers to the process
are fundamentally difficult to directly characterize via experi-
by which originally monomeric or unaggregated proteins or
ment. Together, these considerations help to motivate the need
polypeptides spontaneously self-assemble to form intermediate-
for accurate yet tractable mathematical models of non-native
to high-molecular-weight aggregates that have elevated levels
aggregation kinetics. When combined with experimental kinetic
of non-native secondary structure. These non-native structures
and thermodynamic data, such models can provide a relatively
are often, but not always, rich in intra- and inter-protein
unique and noninvasive means to gain qualitative and quantita-
β-sheets.11,17-19 Although significant β-sheet content may be
present in the native or non-native monomeric states for some tive details of the aggregation mechanism30-33,44-46 and can also
aggregation-prone proteins, there are also examples where aid in the design of experiments and additives to more accurately
β-sheet formation is not apparent until small to intermediate predict or control aggregation rates.46,50,51
size aggregates form. Therefore, it remains an open question A number of mathematical models for protein aggregation
as to what type and degree of structural perturbation must occur kinetics have been previously proposed and/or analyzed. Many
to the native state prior to early stage association to facilitate of these fall into one or more of the following categories
the later stages of the process.13,16-18,20-28 These obser- depending on the level of detail or approximation in the model
vations, together with kinetic signatures such as higher-order solution: (1) Lumry-Eyring models, in which folding-
concentration dependences29-33 and in some cases apparent unfolding transitions are treated in detail, with simplified or
lag phases that are seeding-dependent,34-38 suggest that non- qualitative treatment of assembly steps;21,43,47-49 (2) native
polymerization models, in which nucleation and polymer growth
* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Phone: 302- are treated in detail, but conformational changes prior to or
831-0838. E-mail: during assembly are not included;30,31,44,52-54 (3) extended
10.1021/jp070212j CCC: $37.00 © 2007 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 06/16/2007
7898 J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 111, No. 27, 2007 Andrews and Roberts

TABLE 1: Key Symbols

name definition section name definition section
Aj aggregate composed of j monomersa 2.6 N native state (monomer)a 1
Ax aggregate nucleusa 2.3 n* size at which condensation steps begin 2.6
AjR reversibly associated Aj and R a 2 R reactive monomera 1
aj [Aj]/C0 2.7 Ri reversible oligomer of i monomersa 2.2
C0 total protein concentration at t ) 0 on a monomeric basisa 2.7 Rx reversible aggregate prenucleusa 2.3
Cref reference protein concentrationa 2.7 SDagg aggregate size distribution variance 3.3
CM total uncommitted monomer concentrationa 2.7 T absolute temperatureh 2.1
cm CM/C0 2.7 t timei 2.7
fR reactive fraction of monomers 2.1 t50 half-life for monomer lossi 3
I intermediate state (monomer)a 2.1 U unfolded statea 1
KIU equilibrium constant for I T U 2.1 x nucleus size 2.3
Ki equilibrium constantb for iR T Ri 2.2 βgn τn /τg 2.7
KNI equilibrium constant for N T I 2.1 ∆G°IU standard Gibbs free energy change j for I T U 2.1
KRA equilibrium constantc for Aj + R T AjR 2.7 ∆G°i standard Gibbs free energy change j for iR T Ri 2.2
ka association rate coefficientd 2 ∆G°NI standard Gibbs free energy change j for N T I 2.1
ka,x ka for nucleation stepd 2.3 δ number of monomers in each growth event 2.4
kB Boltzmann’s constante 2.1 Φ m/cm 2.7
kd dissociation rate coefficientf 2 λ(1) first moment of soluble aggregate distribution 3.1
kd,x kd for nucleation stepf 2.3 θ dimensionless time 2.7
kg growth rate coefficientd 2.7 σ ∑[Aj]/C0 2.7
knuc nucleation rate coefficientf 2.7 σ0 σ value at t ) 0 3.5
kobs observed aggregation rate coefficientf 3 σss σ value at steady state 3.1
kr rearrangement rate coefficientf 2 σint σss value at log δβgn ) 0 3.2
kr,x kr for nucleation stepf 2.3 τg characteristic growth time scale 2.7
MWmon monomer MWg 3.1 τn characteristic nucleation time scale 2.7
〈MW〉w weight-averaged molecular weight 3.1 τ(0)
τg at [R] ) Cref 2.7
m ([N] + [I] + [U])/C0 2.7 τ(0)
τn at [R] ) Cref 2.7
a [mol/volume]. b [(mol/volume)1-i]. c [(mol/volume)-1]. d [(mol/volume)-1 time-1]. e [energy/kelvin]. f [time-1]. g [mass mol-1]. h [kelvin]. i [time].
j [energy/mol].

Lumry-Eyring models, in which both folding-unfolding and 2. Model Description and Derivations
assembly are treated in detail to varying degrees depending on
the nature of the experimental data and conditions con- Table 1 provides a brief definition of key symbols used
sidered;32,33,45,55-57 (4) aggregate condensation and polymeri- throughout the report and the section number in which each
zation models that primarily or exclusively treat higher-order symbol is first defined. Figure 1 provides a schematic depiction
assembly of the aggregates that form during the earlier stages of non-native aggregation in terms of a minimal set of five
of nucleation and/or polymerization;58-60 (5) statistical/structural stages needed to qualitatively capture experimental observables
models based on multivariate analysis of relative rates of fibril such as outlined in section 1 as well as to remain sufficiently
or filament growth across large databases of polypeptide variants general to self-consistently capture many of the models re-
with differing primary sequences but little or no secondary or ferred to above. Double arrows indicate reversible steps, while
tertiary structure.61-63 single arrows indicate effectively irreversible steps. The stages
Many of the models just cited30,31,33,44,45,54,58 are limiting cases are described in detail in subsections 2.1-2.5 and are trans-
of the Lumry-Eyring nucleated polymerization (LENP) model lated into a reaction network with corresponding parameters
developed and analyzed in this report or are mathematically (Figure 2).
equivalent to the LENP model with the appropriate parameter Figure 2 and the corresponding model equations are for the
or variable transformations. Some of these instances are case of a three-state monomeric protein in which the native state
highlighted as part of the model derivations or analysis in (N) undergoes a cooperative, all-or-none conformational transi-
sections 2 and 3, although not all cases are described in detail tion to form an intermediate (I) that undergoes a further
for reasons of space constraints. The derivations and model conformational transition to result in the unfolded state (U). The
solutions described in the remainder of this report therefore monomer conformation that is most prone or reactive with
provide a relatively comprehensive and general description of
respect to aggregation is denoted as R and may be any of N, I,
a large number of aggregation-prone protein and polypeptide
or U. By appropriately defining one of the model parameters
systems within a common framework. Our analysis of the model
(fR; subsection 2.1 and ref 33), the derivations below hold for
behavior provides a more global view of the range of experi-
R ) U, I, or N, as well as for multistate proteins that unfold
mentally observable kinetic behaviors captured by the LENP
through one or more intermediates but do not dissociate upon
model than has been previously available. It also provides the
only systematic investigation of the effects of aggregate unfolding.
insolubility beyond the case considered previously by one of 2.1 Conformational Transitions of Unaggregated Protein
us.45 Finally, it generalizes previous work33,45 providing quan- (Stage 1). The first stage in Figure 1 includes all transitions
titative relationships between kobs or t50 and experimental between conformational states that are thermodynamically
quantities such as initial protein concentration (C0) and unfolding distinct and are therefore separated by sufficiently high free
free energy, and extends the analysis to include aggregate size energy barriers that mass-action kinetic rate coefficients can
distributions and their quantitative relationship to nucleation and be reasonably defined for each transition step.64,65 Figures 1
growth rates. As such, it presents a more comprehensive, and 2 depict a scenario in which a true intermediate state
quantitative description of non-native aggregation kinetics than exists between the unfolded and native states. The simpler,
has previously been available. two-state case is recovered by setting [U] and KIU to zero.
LENP Model of Protein Aggregation Kinetics J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 111, No. 27, 2007 7899

Figure 1. Diagrammatic depiction of the protein aggregation process. Non-native, incompletely unfolded monomers are shown as reactive intermediates
for concreteness, although the model permits any monomeric conformational state to be the most prone to aggregation. The five stages noted in the
diagram are described in detail in the text.

The reversible unfolding transitions in stage 1 of Figure 2 for the conversion of i monomers of R to an oligomer of size
have equilibrium constants i (Ri, i ) 2, 3, ..., x, ...)

KNI ) exp - ( ∆G°NI

kBT ) ( )
[N] eq
(1a) Ki ) exp -( ) ( )
[R]i eq

KIU ) exp - ( ∆G°IU

kBT ) ( )
[I] eq
Table 1 provides symbol definitions. We assume that the
formation of Ri (i < x) from R is reversible and rapid compared
to later steps and therefore is pre-equilibrated.
2.3. Nucleation of the Smallest Irreversible Aggregates
In eq 1, the subscript eq indicates the quantity in parentheses is
(Stage 3). Stage 3 in Figure 2 is the initiation or nucleation
evaluated at conformational equilibrium; all other symbols are
step that essentially commits the prenucleus Rx to a net
defined in Table 1. The model assumes that only one of the
irreversible aggregate Ax. This step in the aggregation process
conformational states or subensembles is predominantly “reac-
is arguably the least well understood and the most difficult to
tive” with respect to non-native aggregate formation. The
characterize experimentally. For the sake of generality we permit
fraction of monomer that is reactive is given by
the possibility that a rearrangement step (Rx f Ax) is needed
to allow the monomers in Rx to change conformation or realign
[R] to create the secondary structure and/or interchain contacts
fR ) (2)
[N] + [I] + [U] needed to stabilize the nucleus. Treating the rearrangement
process as a single irreversible step with a well-defined rate
Equation 2 is easily generalized to cases with multiple inter- coefficient (kr,x) implicitly assumes either that the process
mediates by including their concentrations in the sum in the results in a significant stabilization of the x-mer or that
denominator. Under conditions where the dynamics of monomer subsequent growth is so rapid as to preclude Ax significantly
conformational transitions are rapid compared to the rate- reversing to Rx.
limiting step(s) in aggregation, fR is determined solely by the In the LENP model, the nucleus (Rx) is composed of x
relative free energies of N, I, U, etc. This is the assumption monomers. This is distinct from most previous models31,44,45,53,54,58
used in the remainder of this report; i.e., all monomer confor- that assume the forward association step Rx-1 + R f Rx
mational transitions are considered pre-equilibrated. For the case is rate-limiting and therefore use x - 1 as the nucleus size.
of two-state unfolding with K ) exp(-∆G°NU/kBT), fR is K/(1 The association-limited case is obtained in the LENP model
+ K) if R ) U, or 1/(1 + K) if R ) N.33,45 when kr,x . kd,x (subsection 2.7). The difference between these
2.2. Prenucleation (Stage 2). Stage 2 in Figures 1 and 2 two definitions of nucleus size becomes important only as x
depicts the reversible association of R chains up to some approaches 2.39,40
threshold or prenucleus size, x (where x is the number of chains 2.4. Growth of Soluble Aggregates via Polymerization
in the largest, reversible prenucleus). Typical values assumed (Stage 4). Stage 4 in Figures 1 and 2 is the growth of aggregates
or experimentally inferred for x range from 2 to 10 or by recruitment of one or more R monomers. The number of
more.29-33,39,40 We treat each oligomer of R as a thermodynami- monomers per growth step is denoted δ. Stage 4 includes
cally distinct species with a definable equilibrium constant (Ki) reversible association of δ monomers of R with preformed,
7900 J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 111, No. 27, 2007 Andrews and Roberts

distributions. Appendix A provides a version of the LENP model

that explicitly treats condensation kinetics.
2.6. General Material Balances. For the reaction scheme
in Figures 1 and 2 we define the total uncommitted or assayable
monomer concentration in solution (CM) on a number concen-
tration basis as
δ n*-1
CM ) [N] + [I] + [U] + ∑
i[Ri] + ∑
[AjRi] (4a)

With eq 3 and the assumption of pre-equilibrated Ri formation,

eq 4a can also be written as

CM ) [N] + [I] + [U] + x[Rx] + ∑

i[R]iKi +
δ n*-1

[AjRi] (4b)

Equation 4 is valid for any of the following conditions: (1)

assay by gel permeation chromatography and polyacrylamide
gel electrophoresis under native-favoring conditions such that
Ri and Rδ in AjRδ species are primarily reversed to N in the
assay itself; (2) assay by spectroscopies, such as far-UV circular
dichroism, ThT fluorescence, and infrared, that primarily detect
secondary structure changes upon conversion from Rx to Ax,
and AjRδ to Aj+δ; or (3) Ri and AjRδ species are relatively
unstable and therefore give an experimentally undetectable
contribution to CM. Any species with a number concentration
that can be accurately quantified in the selected assay does not
need to be included in eq 4.
We define dimensionless concentrations by scaling by the
Figure 2. Reaction scheme with associated model parameters for initial monomer concentration (C0) such that cm t CM/C0, aj t
the five key stages in the LENP model solved here. The steps shown
[Aj]/C0, m t ([N] + [I] + [U])/C0, and σ t ∑j)x n*-1
aj. Square
in each panel are treated as elementary, reversible (double arrow) or
irreversible (single arrow) steps in the reaction pathway when translating brackets denote number concentrations. Effective rate coef-
them to mass-action kinetic equations (additional details in section 2). ficients for nucleation and growth, respectively, are knuc t ka,xkr,x/
(kd,x + kr,x) and kg t kakr/(kd + kr). We define Φ as the fraction
soluble aggregates (Aj, x e j < n*), with a subsequent of CM that exists as free monomer, i.e., Φ ) ([N] + [I] + [U])/
rearrangement or secondary structure change to commit to the CM. In general, the value of Φ depends on the model parameters
growing aggregate. Similar to stage 3, the rearrangement step describing reversible association in stages 2-4 as well as the
is treated as irreversible and does not assume either association values of fR, C0, cm, and each aj. It is given by the real, positive
or rearrangement to be rate-limiting for growth. Rate coefficients root of the xth-order polynomial

[ ]
and association constants describing the growth stage are
independent of the size of Aj for j < n*. This approximation is Kx-1knucC0x-1
x fRx(cm)x-1 Φx +
expected to hold well for aggregates that have a spatial kr,x
dimensionality near one (e.g., linear polymers, filaments, and x-1
protofibrils).31,44 Treating the rearrangement steps in stages 3
and 4 as irreversible is anticipated to be valid when describing ∑ i[fRi(cm)i-1 KiC0i-1]Φi +

( )
aggregation kinetics at fixed pH, temperature, and solvent
δ δ-1
composition, as well as under conditions where the resulting
aggregate size distribution remains narrow.31,66
fRδ(cm)δ-1σ Φδ + ∑
[Ki-1 i i
RA C0 fR σ(cm)
]Φi +
2.5. Condensation: Aggregate-Aggregate Assembly (Stage Φ - 1 ) 0 (5)
5). Stage 5 includes any condensation or aggregate-aggregate
assembly processes, such as bundling of protofibrils or filaments where Φ implicitly depends on time because the coefficients
(i.e., each Aj species in stages 3 and 4 may represent a filament in eq 5 are functions of cm.
or protofibril) and aggregate agglomeration leading to noncrys- Equations 6-9 give the dimensionless, dynamic material
talline precipitation, gelation, or other phase separation. The balances that follow from balancing all forward and reverse
current LENP model treats stage 5 by assuming that condensa- terms for each of the species indicated in eq 4b and assuming
tion steps do not occur with appreciable rates for soluble local steady-state values for [Rx] and each [AjR]. Additional
aggregates below a threshold size n* and that aggregates with details are provided in Appendix B.
j g n* are no longer available to consume monomer. Thus,
stage 5 is treated only indirectly with respect to monomer loss ) -xΦxcmx - δβgnΦδcδmσ ) -xmx - δβgnmδσ (6)
and is primarily neglected with respect to aggregate size dθn
LENP Model of Protein Aggregation Kinetics J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 111, No. 27, 2007 7901

dθn | x<j<n*
) βgn(aj-δ - aj)Φδcδm ) βgn(aj-δ - aj)mδ (7)
) -xmx - δβgnmδσ (12)

) Φxcmx - βgnaxΦδcδm ) mx - βgnaxmδ (8)
dθn | x<j<n*
) βgn(aj-δ - aj)mδ (13)

dσ n*-1 daj ) mx - βgnaxmδ (14)
) ∑
j)x dθ
) Φ cm -
x x
βgnan*-1Φδcδm ) dθn

mx - βgnan*-1mδ (9) ) mx - βgnan*-1mδ (15)

The second equalities in eqs 6-9 follow from the identity m ) The solution to eqs 12-15 is a function of only four parameters
Φcm. βgn is defined as (x, n*, δ, and βgn) and the initial conditions (m ) 1, aj ) aj,0,
σ ) σ0 ) Σ aj,0). In eqs 12-15, the mx term is that for nucleation

( )
τn τ(0)
n C0 (1+δ-x) of Ax from x molecules of R. The terms containing βgnmδ
βgn ) ) (0) fR(δ-x) (10) correspond to polymer growth via addition of δ monomers per
τg τ Cref
g net irreversible growth event. Equation 15 indicates that new
aggregates form only via nucleation (the mx term) and that no
with the characteristic time scales τn ≡ τ(0) -x x-1, aggregates are lost unless they grow to n* or larger.
n fR (Cref/C0)
(0) -δ -1 Equations 12-15 are equivalent to the rearrangement-limited
τg ≡ τg fR (Cref/C0) , τn ≡ (knucKx-1Cref ) , and
δ (0) x-1
δ-1C δ)-1. Dimensionless time in eqs 6-9 is
aggregation scenario described briefly in ref 33. If one also
g ≡ (kgKRA
τ(0) ref
imposes the constraints that fR ) 1 and n* f ∞, then they
defined as θn ≡ t/τn. become mathematically equivalent to the model of native protein
τn and τg are the characteristic timescales of nucleation and polymerization analyzed by Ferrone44 and used to interpret
growth, respectively, for a given temperature, pressure, solvent experimental kinetics of non-native aggregation.39,40 They
composition, and C0. τ(0) (0)
n and τg are the intrinsic timescales of become formally equivalent to that earlier model if one also
nucleation and growth, respectively, for the reference or assumes nucleation and growth are association-limited (ka,x )
standard state conditions in which [R] ) Cref is imposed. ka, kr . kd, kr,x . kd,x) and therefore uses x - 1 as the nucleus
Defining intrinsic time scales in this way factors out the effects size. With a further assumption that nucleation consumes a
of differences in concentration of reactive monomer due to negligible amount of monomer before growth becomes ap-
changes in total protein concentration (C0) or unfolding free preciable (i.e., βgn . 1), eqs 12-15 can be reduced to the
energy (i.e., fR) at a particular solvent composition, temperature, nucleated polymerization model solved analytically by Oosawa
or pressure. and Asakura.31 Finally, eqs 12-15 are equivalent to the purely
2.7. Limiting Cases. In this subsection we briefly explain irreversible, association-limited, or downhill polymerization
how a number of previously proposed mathematical models of model considered previously by one of us45 if x ) 2, kr . kd,
protein aggregation kinetics30,31,44,45 occur as limiting cases of kr,x . kd,x, and one replaces ka,x and ka with k1,1 and 〈ki,j〉 in
eqs 6-9, including that explored in detail in the remainder of ref 45.
this report. We first consider the case where Equations 6-9 also reduce to a model that is very similar to
that presented by Lomakin et al.30 (Appendix C) if one assumes

[ ]
Kx-1knucC0x-1 that all free monomers exist in the reactive conformation (fR )
x fR (cm) x-1
Φx-1 + 1), all AjR concentrations and all Ri concentrations other than
kr,x Rx are arbitrarily small, kr,x , kd,x, n* f ∞, and x . 1. The
x-1 original model of ref 30 assumes that nuclei are irreversibly
∑ i[fRi(cm)i-1 kiC0i-1]Φi-1 + formed as subunits of much larger micelles, Ry (y . x). As
long as y and/or x are large (.10), there will be a threshold or

( )
critical micelle concentration (c*) for monomers. Below c*,
aggregation does not occur without seeding.30 If the assumption
δ fRδ(cm)δ-1σ Φδ-1 +
kr of large x is relaxed, then one can also recover a version of the
model equations similar to a case considered by Goldstein and

[KRAi-1C0ifRiσ(cm)i-1]Φi-1 , 1 (11)
Stryer53 and by Powers and Powers.54

3. Results and Discussion

This is mathematically equivalent to stipulating Φ ) 1 in eq 5. The model considered throughout most of this section is given
Experimentally, eq 11 is expected to hold under conditions that by eqs 12-15. It is relevant when Φ ≈ 1 holds, e.g., native-
favor native or unreactive monomer conformations (i.e., fR , favoring conditions or conditions where the total protein
1). Independent of fR, it also holds when initial protein concentration can be considered thermodynamically dilute.
concentrations are sufficiently low that the process of forming Simulations of eqs 12-15 were performed with the following
reversible oligomers Ri is thermodynamically unfavorable (i.e., ranges of model parameters: x ) 2, 4, 6; δ ) 1 or 2; βgn )10-1
KiC0i-1 , 1 for all i) and the total number concentration of to 104; n* ) 10 to 103 (effectively n* f ∞). Unless other-
irreversible aggregates is relatively low (σ , 1). wise stated, all results are for initial conditions of m ) 1, σ )
From eqs 5 and 11 it follows that Φ ) 1, cm ) m, and eqs 0, and therefore aj ) 0 (x e j < n*). Calculations were also
6-9 become performed for additional x and δ combinations at selected values
7902 J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 111, No. 27, 2007 Andrews and Roberts

TABLE 2: Summary of Key Experimental Signatures and Scaling Behaviors for Each Kinetic Type Produced by the LENP
kinetic type γb νc Rd intrinsic time scalee polydispersity m f 0 limitf
low βgn x-1 x x τ(0)
high βgn x/2 x/2 + 1 x/2 + 1 τ(0) (0) (0) 1/2
g (τn / τc )
Ib x-1 x x (0)
τn high
Ic x-1 x x τ(0)
monodisperse x
Id x-1 x x τ(0)
low 1/σss
II (x + δ - 1)/2 δ (x + δ)/2 (τ(0) (0) 1/2
n τg )
low σss-1 ≈ C0(x-δ-1)/2
IIIh x-1 x, 1 x, 1 (0) (0)
τn ,τg ppt ppt
IV (x + δ - 1)/2 δ (x + δ)/2 (τ(0) (0) 1/2
n τg )
low gn*

type physical scenario

Ia low βgn: condensation-dominated growth; nucleation-controlled kinetics
high βgn: competing condensation, polymerization, and nucleation
Ib polymerization to low-MW, soluble aggregates; condensation dominates thereafter
Ic nucleation only; negligible polymerization or condensation
Id nucleation-dominated; slow polymerization; negligible condensation
II slow nucleation, fast polymerization; negligible condensation
III type Ib with aggregates saturated at (finite) solubility limits
IV slow nucleation; fast polymerization; condensation appreciable after t > ca. t50
a Examples of full profiles for each type except45 Ia and III are given in Figures 4 and 6. b γ is defined by 1/t50 ∼ kobs ∼ (C0)γ. c ν is defined
by dm/dt ) -kobsmν over ca. one or more half-lives. d R is defined by kobs ∼ fRR. e τ(0) n ) 1/[knucKx-1Cref
(x-1)]; τ(0) ) 1/[k K (δ-1)C δ]; τ(0) )
g g RA ref c
1/[kcCref], kc ) 〈ki,j〉 in ref 45. f σss from solution to eq 27; log σss ∼ [(x - 1 - δ)/2] log C0 in type II; cases where the model does not provide
information have no entry; ppt indicates that precipitates are necessarily present. g References 33 and 45 and Appendix A. h Reference 45.

of n* and βgn to verify that the general behaviors reported extend denaturants that increase fR will tend to decrease βgn if R * N.
beyond those shown explicitly here. All time profiles are shown Equivalently, decreasing protein concentration and/or changing
with time scaled by t50, the time for 50% loss of initial monomer sample conditions to shift the folding-unfolding equilibrium
for that particular set of x, δ, n*, and βgn. This allows results away from R will increase βgn. Table 2 summarizes many of
with widely differing parameter sets to be more equitably the results from subsections 3.1-3.6 and may be useful to refer
compared in the figures provided. to when considering each section below.
The primary outputs of the model that are directly comparable 3.1. Model Behavior with Finite n*. This section presents
with experimentally accessible quantities are the monomer loss
the global behavior of the LENP model as a function of its
kinetics (or extent of reaction on a mass basis) and moments of
model parameters. The results are illustrated primarily with x
the soluble aggregate populations. The former are typified by
) 6 and δ ) 1. The same qualitative behaviors and underlying
m(t/t50) profiles and the corresponding values of kobs and
effective reaction order (V) with respect to reduced monomer causes are found for all other x and δ pairs investigated here.
concentration (dm/dt ≈ -kobsmV when considered over t/t50 > Figure 3 shows state diagrams illustrating the range of param-
ca. 1). The moments considered here are a dimensionless zeroth eters (x, δ, n*, βgn) over which different kinetic regimes or types
moment (equivalent to σ defined in section 2), a first moment were observed. Different symbols indicate qualitatively different
(λ(1), defined below), and a dimensionless second moment or kinetic behaviors explained in more detail below. Final working
weight-averaged molecular weight (〈MW〉w, defined below). The equations for each case are presented in subsection 3.6.
foremost of these is typically what is measured by any extent- Figures 4a and 4d show time profiles for the monomer
of-reaction-based assay (see also, discussion regarding eq 4). fraction remaining (m) and 〈MW〉w as a function of n* at βgn )
If accessible, the lattermost quantity is typically measured via 103. The 〈MW〉w scaled by the monomer molecular weight
static light scattering. (MWmon), assuming Φ ) 1, is
Additional physically relevant quantities are also calculable
in the LENP model, e.g., total aggregate mass precipitated (j g n*-1
n* if n* is determined by aggregate solubility limits). However,
certain types of experimental quantities, such as increases in 〈MW〉w
m(t) + ∑
the bound fraction of dye molecules are not unambiguously ) (19)
predicted by this or any mass-action model unless one makes MWmon n*-1

additional assumptions regarding the size-dependent molecular m(t) + ∑

structure and/or specificity of ligand-aggregate interactions.
Experimentally, the value of βgn for a given protein can be
manipulated by changing C0, temperature, pressure, or solvent The summations in eq 19 begin at j ) x rather than j ) 2
conditions. At fixed temperature and solvent composition, because the concentrations of each Ri)2,...,x are not experimen-
increasing C0 corresponds to decreasing βgn if x > δ + 1, as all tally appreciable for conditions where Φ ) 1. Figures 4b and
other parameters in βgn depend on only temperature and solvent 4c, respectively, show the corresponding time profiles for the
composition (cf. eq 10). Changing temperature or solvent dimensionless number concentration of soluble aggregates (σ)
composition will likely change more than one contribution to and the first moment of the soluble aggregate distribution with
βgn; however, increasing temperature or adding chemical j < n*. This moment, λ(1), is defined as
LENP Model of Protein Aggregation Kinetics J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 111, No. 27, 2007 7903
n*-1 n*-1

jaj(t) ∑ jaj(t)
λ(1)(t) ) ) (20)
n*-1 σ(t)


The second equality in eq 20 also provides the relationship

between σ and λ(1) at a given time t. This first moment may not
be experimentally accessible but is considered here because of
its utility in later sections of the report.
From Figure 4, three qualitatively different behaviors are
evident as a function of n* at this relatively high value of βgn.
The first occurs at low n*, with the following features (profiles
labeled Ib): m(t) follows kinetics that are xth-order in m; σ
increases rapidly to a sharp maximum at low extents of reaction
(t/t50 , 1), then declines with a scaling of σ(t) ∼ [m(t)]x-1 at
longer times; λ(1) increases rapidly to a plateau value near
(n* + x)/2. Physically, these profiles show that any nuclei that
form are quickly grown to j g n* where they are no longer
able to consume monomers. As a result, the concentration of
each aggregate species (aj) rapidly reaches an individual steady
state (see also Figure 5a). Applying a steady-state Bodenstein
approximation to eqs 13 and 14 and substituting the values for
ax,ss and aj,ss in eq 12 gives

= -n*mx (type Ib) (21a)

(n* - x) x-δ
σ) m (type Ib) (21b)

The δ in the denominator of eq 21b occurs because only

(n* - x)/δ terms in the aj distribution will be nonzero at any
time if all aj ) 0 at t ) 0.
Type Ib behavior is essentially steady-state polymerization
for short polymers. It is worth noting that although the
Bodenstein approximation is mathematically convenient the
results above and later in this section clearly indicate that this
is a reasonable approximation only at conditions of rather small
At the other extreme of n*, Figure 4 shows the following
features (profiles labeled II): m(t) follows kinetics that are
δ-order (δ ) 1 in Figure 4, see also inset to Figure 4a); σ
initially increases rapidly and achieves a nearly steady-state or
plateau value (σss) at relatively low extents of reaction (t/t50 ,
1); λ(1) initially increases linearly with time (t/t50 < ca. 1) but
approaches an asymptote at long t/t50. In this case, n* is
significantly larger than the largest appreciably populated soluble
aggregates even once all monomer has been consumed. Thus,
the profiles are independent of n* (limit of n* f ∞) as n*
becomes sufficiently large at a given βgn value.
Type II kinetics correspond to cases in which nuclei form at
early t/t50 and grow until they exhaust the available monomer
pool. However, the resulting aggregates do not reach sufficiently
large sizes to appreciably condense. As a result, the aj
distribution never achieves a steady state (cf. Figure 5c), but
the sum across that distribution (σ) does.
The relationship between σss and the remaining model
Figure 3. Kinetic state diagrams from the numerical solution of eqs parameters is the subject of subsection 3.2. For now it suffices
12-14 for (a) x ) 6, (b) x ) 4, and (c) x ) 2. The qualitatively different to note that eq 12 reduces to eq 22 for type II kinetics
kinetic profiles (types Ib, Ic, Id, II, and IV) are explained in section
3. Symbols represent the results from direct numerical simulation. The
boundaries between behavior types are derived from the simple = -δβgnmδσss (type II) (22)
theoretical considerations outlined in the Supporting Information. dθn
7904 J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 111, No. 27, 2007 Andrews and Roberts

Figure 4. Illustration of the effects of changing n* on the characteristic aggregation profiles versus time at fixed βgn ) 1000, x ) 6, and δ ) 1.
The panels show the time evolution of: (a) monomer loss; (b) total soluble aggregate (σ) with j < n*; (c) first moment of the aggregate size
distribution (eq 20); (d) weight-averaged molecular weight scaled by monomer molecular weight (eq 21). Types Ib (solid black), IV (solid gray),
and II (dashed black) correspond to n* ) 10, 50, and 100, respectively.

The remaining case in Figures 4 and 5 is denoted as type IV. There are two additional kinetic regimes exhibited by eqs
The profiles in Figure 4 display the following features: m(t), 12-15. These are denoted as types Ic and Id and are illustrated
σ(t), and λ(1)(t) profiles all overlay with those for type II at in Figure 6 by changing βgn at fixed n* ) 50. The panels are
early t/t50; however, at t/t50 > ca. 1, the monomer loss rate analogous to those in Figure 4. Curves labeled Ib, II, and IV
abruptly slows, σ(t) falls from the plateau level it had previously in Figure 6 all show the features described above, except that
achieved (Figure 4b), and λ(1)(t) decreases at large t/t50. λ(1) and 〈MW〉w/MWmon reach higher plateau values for Ib than
At low extents of reaction, type IV kinetics are exactly those for II because βgn is not held fixed in Figure 6.
of type II. However, unlike type II behavior, for type IV Type Ic behavior is independent of n* and manifests at low
scenarios the soluble aggregate size distribution overlaps n* ratios of the rates of aggregate growth versus nucleation, i.e.,
before the large majority of monomer is consumed (remaining βgn significantly less than 1. In this case the rate of aggregate
m ≈ 0.1 or higher, cf. Figure 5b). An approximate representation growth is negligible on the time scale of aggregate nucleation.
of the m(t) profile for type IV is Therefore, σ reaches a plateau value near (1 - m∞)/x because
all aggregates are x-mers. The long-time monomer fraction (m∞
dm ≡ m at t/t50 . 1) is significantly larger than zero when x is
= -δβgnmδσss for t < tIV (23a) significantly greater than 2. The lack of an n* dependence
follows because no Aj species with j > x are significantly
dm populated, and n* g x by definition. Equation 12 reduces to
= 0 for t > tIV (23b)
= -xmx (type Ic) (24)
The value of tIV is approximately that at which λ(1) reaches n*.
LENP Model of Protein Aggregation Kinetics J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 111, No. 27, 2007 7905

Types Ic and Ib are experimentally indistinguishable from their

respective monomer loss kinetics alone. It is only through
examining their aggregate size distributions at longer times that
one may distinguish them experimentally (see also subsection
3.3). Type Ib has a broad distribution with a relatively low
overall number concentration of aggregates (σ , 1), while type
Ic is essentially monodisperse with an average size slightly
below x.
Type Id behavior is intermediate to Ic and II. σ(t) is
qualitatively the same as Ic and II, while λ(1)(t) increases slowly
and essentially linearly over all t/t50 of practical interest. In terms
of monomer loss, it displays effectively mixed-order kinetics:
m(t) appears xth-order at t/t50 < ca. 1 and appears closer to
δ-order kinetics at larger t/t50 values

= -xmx for t < tId (25a)

= -δβgnmδσss for t > tId (25b)

In eq 25, tId is a somewhat arbitrary time at which the second

term in eq 12 tends to dominate over the first. To properly
capture type Id behavior over a number of half-lives, one should
use eqs 12 and 15 with the an*-1 term neglected in the n* f ∞
limit rather than eq 25.
For nucleus sizes with x > ca. 2 the qualitative m(t/t50)
profiles for types Ib, Ic, Id, and IV could be mistakenly
interpreted as showing biphasic kinetics if one factors in the
discrete nature and inherent statistical uncertainty in most
experimental aggregation data. Therefore, the qualitative
m(t/t50) profiles for types Ib, Ic, Id, and IV provide alternative
interpretations of experimental observations sometimes consid-
ered biphasic.67,68
In cases Ib and IV the residual pool of monomer left after
the initial rapid phase of monomer loss is not unreactive or
resistive to aggregation. Rather, it is not consumed on experi-
mental time scales simply because: (1) nucleation rates drop
dramatically as monomer concentration drops; (2) those ag-
gregates that were initially nucleated are grown rapidly and reach
n* before they consume all remaining monomers. Thus, the
monomers that remain after the apparent burst phase could be
readily consumed if reactive aggregates were still present. The
fact that new aggregates are not appreciably nucleated is simply
a consequence of the higher-order dependence of nucleation
rates on monomer concentration (∼mx in eq 12).
In type Ic and Id kinetics, the residual pool of monomer is
also no less reactive to aggregation than those monomers
consumed earlier in the reaction. In these cases the apparent
initial burst phase followed by a slower phase of monomer
consumption is a consequence of the combination of slow
growth kinetics and the higher than second-order dependence
of nucleation rates on monomer concentration.
3.2. Steady-State σ Values for Infinite n* Conditions
(Types Ic, Id, and II). As n* f ∞, eq 12 remains unchanged,
eq 15 becomes eq 26, and eqs 13 and 14 no longer need to be

) mx (26)
Figure 5. Evolution of the soluble aggregate size distribution, aj (x e
j < n*), with extent of reaction (1 - m) from each of the simulated
profiles in Figure 4: (a) Ib; (b) IV; (c) II. The number beside each aj From the discussion in subsection 3.1 it follows that this case
distribution indicates its corresponding value of fraction monomer produces only types Ic, Id, and II behaviors. The value of σss
remaining (m). is a function of x, δ, and βgn. It determines the observed m(t)
7906 J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 111, No. 27, 2007 Andrews and Roberts

Figure 6. Illustration of the effects of changing βgn on the characteristic aggregation profiles at fixed n* ) 50, x ) 6, and δ ) 1. The panels are
analogous to those in Figure 4. Types Ib (solid black), Ic (dotted black), Id (dashed gray), II (dashed black), and IV (solid gray) for this set of (n*,
x, δ) correspond to βgn ) 104, 0.1, 2, 100, and 1000, respectively.

and σ(t) profiles for type II kinetics as well as other experi- Figure 9 shows σss(βgn) profiles for a range of x with δ ) 1
mentally useful quantities (see also subsections 3.3 and 3.5). (main panel) and 2 (inset). The logarithm of σssx is plotted versus
Equations 12 and 26 can be combined to give that for δβgn to more closely align the profiles for different x
and δ values. It is apparent that the high and low βgn regimes
dσ 1 of σss can be reasonably described by common curves.
)- (27)
dm x + δβ mδ-xσ gn
σss = at low βgn (28)
with the initial condition of σ ) 0 at m ) 1. Profiles of σ(m) x
are shown in Figure 8 for a range of βgn values for x ) 6 and σint
δ ) 1. For most physically relevant values of βgn (i.e., βgn > σss = (δβgn)-1/2 at high βgn (29)
ca. 1), a plateau or steady-state value of σ is achieved (σss) before x
approximately 50% monomer loss in all cases. For a given x
and δ, σss is a function of only βgn. The inset to Figure 8 shows The parameter σint is the average value of σss if the linear, high-
σss(βgn) for x ) 6 and δ ) 1 obtained by integrating eq 27 βgn regions are extrapolated (on the log-log scale of Figure 9)
from m ) 1 to m ) 0.001 for a wide range of βgn values (10-3 to the intercept at log δβgn ) 0. Empirically, σint is ca. 2 for δ
to 106). The profile is plotted versus -log δβgn, as this ) 1 and ca. 3 for δ ) 2.
corresponds to increasing C0 when x > δ + 1 (see also section Equation 28 provides an upper limit for the value of the
3) and doing so permits collapse of multiple profiles when number concentration of aggregates (σ) and is that in which all
considering different x and δ values (cf. Figure 9). The vertical monomers have been converted to the smallest irreversible
lines in the inset correspond to the horizontal lines in Figure 3a aggregate, ax, without subsequent growth. This σss value is larger
delineating bounds between types Ic, Id, and II. than that in Figures 4, 6, and 7 under type Ic conditions because
LENP Model of Protein Aggregation Kinetics J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 111, No. 27, 2007 7907

Figure 8. Solution to eq 27 for σ as a function of m (σ0 ) 0 at m )

1) with x ) 6 and δ ) 1, as a function of βgn. Inset: Corresponding
behavior of the plateau values (σss) over a finer discretization of βgn.
The vertical lines in the inset correspond to the βgn values for the
horizontal boundaries between II, Id, and Ic in Figure 3a.

Figure 9. Scaling behavior of σss for βgn for a range of x with δ ) 1

(main panel) and δ ) 2 (inset). Note that σssx is plotted to scale out
the effect of x on the low-βgn (type Ic) limiting behavior.

eq 27 was solved for m f 0. The results in subsection 3.1 did

not extend beyond t/t50 ) 4 and so produced m∞ ≈ 0.4 for type
3.3. 〈MW〉w Profiles and Scaling with βgn. The dependence
of 〈MW〉w on time and (n*,βgn) was shown qualitatively in
Figures 4, 6, and 7. In this subsection we examine in more detail
the behavior of 〈MW〉w for conditions corresponding to type
II, Ic, and Id cases. Before doing so, a discussion of the other
two scenarios (Ib and IV) is first presented. These are cases in
Figure 7. Illustration of the effects of changing βgn on the characteristic which λ(1) reaches or approaches n* before monomers have been
aggregation profiles at n* ) 500 (effectively infinite n*) with x ) 6 effectively consumed (before m ≈ 0 or mx ≈ 0). Therefore, the
and δ ) 1. The panels show: (a) time evolution of monomer loss; (b) experimental 〈MW〉w profiles and limiting, long-time behavior
total soluble aggregate with j < n*; (c) weight-averaged molecular will depend on the physical basis for n*. As a result, care must
weight scaled by monomer molecular weight. The upper two curves be taken in interpreting experimental data in the context of the
in panels a and b are type Ic (dotted black) and Id (dashed gray) for
βgn ) 0.1 and 2, respectively. The lower three curves in panels a and
current LENP model in these scenarios.
b are all type II with different values for βgn ) 100 (dashed black), If aggregates remain soluble and/or suspended at j g n* such
1000 (solid gray), and 104 (solid black). The corresponding curves are that techniques such as light scattering accurately detect them,
indicated in panel c. then the 〈MW〉w profiles shown in Figures 4 and 6 will be
7908 J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 111, No. 27, 2007 Andrews and Roberts

incorrect for type Ib at essentially all times and incorrect for

type IV at long times. In such cases, one must explicitly account
for condensation steps (aggregate-aggregate association or ag-
glomeration).32,58,60 For the above reasons, we do not anticipate
that the present version of the LENP model will quantitatively
capture quantities such as 〈MW〉w for Ib even at early times.
For type IV behavior, the long-time behavior will be in error,
but the early-time behavior is unaffected by these caveats.
Independent of the preceding considerations, one can quali-
tatively anticipate rather broad (high polydispersity) aggregate
size distributions for Ib behavior beginning at early times
(m ≈ 1) (cf. Figure 5a). In contrast, for type IV behavior before
the plateau in m, the distribution will be relatively narrow (low
polydispersity), as illustrated in Figure 5b. Once the plateau in
m is reached, the size distribution will broaden significantly as
aggregate-aggregate condensation induces greater polydisper-
sity. Alternatively, if aggregates precipitate at j g n* the model
predicts that the soluble aggregate fraction will behave as shown
in Figures 4 and 6, provided the size distribution in the
supernatant can be accurately assessed experimentally. Figure 10. Ratio of SDagg to λ(1) as a function of t/t50 for x ) 6 and
δ ) 1 over a range of βgn values from 100 to 104 that fall in the type
Given the above discussion, we restrict our quantitative II regime (arrows indicate increasing βgn). Inset: Long-time value of
analysis to conditions where aggregate condensation or pre- SDagg/λ(1) as a function of x for δ ) 1. The variation of SDagg/λ(1) with
cipitation does not occur (types Ic, Id, and II); experimentally, time at larger t/t50 values for each x value is smaller than the size of
this would be evident from both a lack of visible precipitates the symbols in the inset.
and a relatively low polydispersity in light scattering, electron
micrographs, etc.
For types Ic, Id, and II, λ(1) , n* at all practical times. As
a result, the denominator in eq 19 is exactly 1, and eq 19

〈MW〉w n*-1

) m(t) + ∑
j2aj(t) (30)

For type Ic there is no significant growth, and only ax is

populated. Therefore, ax(t) ) x-1(1 - m) and

) x + (1 - x)m(t) (type Ic) (31)

In this case, 〈MW〉w/MWmon begins at 1 and increases to a near

constant value between 1 and x at long times. Recall from
subsection 3.1 that as x increases m does not reach zero until
t/t50 . 1. Therefore for practical purposes the long-time value
of m in eq 31 is not necessarily close to zero. Figure 11. Scaling behavior of 〈MW〉w with βgn in the limit of large
For type II kinetics growth is rapid compared to nucleation, n*. Symbols represent results from numerical simulation of eqs 12-
15 with n* ) 1000, x ) 6, and δ ) 1 for long times (t/t50 ) 4.0). The
and nucleation effectively ceases after a brief initial phase as
βgn values used in the simulations correspond to type II (open circles)
the value of mx falls significantly below 1 in eq 12. As a result and types Ic and Id (closed circles). The curves are analytical results
we find that after a short induction time (t/t50 , 1) the aj from eq 34 (solid black) and eq 33b (dashed black), respectively.
distribution has low polydispersity with a variance of SDagg ) Additional details are provided in subsection 3.3.
cxλ(1)(t), with cx ≈ 0.1-0.6 depending on x (see also Figure
11). The variance is related via eq 32 to the mean value 〈j〉 and
the expected value of j2 in the normalized aj distribution (E(j2))69 Substituting λ(1) ) (1 - m)/σ (eq 20) with n* . λ(1), eq 33a
can be expressed as

〈MW〉w (1 + cx2)(1 - m(t))2
SDagg ) E(j ) - 〈j〉 )
2 2 2
- (λ (t))
(1) 2
(32) ) m(t) +
MWmon σ(t)
(types Id, II, and early time IV) (33b)
Using eq 32 and the above proportionality between SDagg and
λ(1), eq 30 becomes
The term (1 + cx2) becomes important as x f 2 (see Figure 10
〈MW〉w inset for cx(x)). In the absence of knowledge of x, one can use
= m(t) + (1 + cx2)(λ(1)(t))2σ(t) (33a) the approximation (1 + cx2) ≈ 1. Finally, taking eq 33b in the
MWmon limit as m f 0 (t/t50 . 1) for types Id and II
LENP Model of Protein Aggregation Kinetics J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 111, No. 27, 2007 7909

MWmon |mf0
1 + cx2
(types Id and II) (34)

In eq 34 we have explicitly indicated the dependence of σss on

βgn, x, and δ. Figure 11 shows a comparison of eq 34 with values
for 〈MW〉w obtained at long time (t/t50 ) 4) from direct
simulation of eqs 12-14 with (n*, x, δ) ) (500, 6, 1). The
solid black curve is -log σss calculated from eq 27 with x ) 6
and δ ) 1. The small differences between the curve and the
values from the direct simulation under type II conditions (open
circles) are due to the fact that σss was calculated from eq 27
for m ) 0.001, while the symbols are for t/t50 ) 4. Therefore,
the corresponding m values are slightly higher than 0.001. The
differences between the solid curve and the direct simulation
for βgn < ca. 100 occur because at these low βgn values type Ic
and Id behaviors are found (cf. Figure 3a at high n*). Therefore,
the value of m is significantly greater than zero even at t/t50 )
4 (cf. Figures 6a and 7a). The dashed line corresponds to the
value for 〈MW〉w/MWmon obtained from eq 31 or from eq 33b
using m(t/t50 ) 4) from the solution to eq 24 and σ(t/t50 ) 4) ) Figure 12. Effect of seeding on σss vs δβgn profiles (large n*, x ) 6,
x-1(1 - m(t/t50 ) 4)). and δ ) 1) from numerical solution of eq 27 with different σ0 values.
We draw the reader’s attention to the result that 〈MW〉w at a Numbers by each curve indicate the value of s0 used as the initial
condition with m ) 1.
given fraction monomer loss scales as βgn1/2 for type II
conditions and thus scales with C0(x-δ-1)/2 at fixed temperature,
pressure, and solvent composition. This result indicates that away from R if x > δ and by decreasing the initial protein
larger limiting aggregate sizes are predicted as one decreases concentration if x > δ + 1. Interestingly, if x ) δ + 1 then βgn
C0 if x >δ + 1. If x ) δ + 1, then aggregate size distributions is unaffected by increases of initial protein concentration but
at a given m value are predicted to be independent of C0 with still increases under conditions that disfavor R. This is the case
all other conditions held constant. Further, this scaling relation- for association-limited or downhill polymerization (x ) 2 and
ship provides a means other than using initial rates or kobs versus δ ) 1).45 These observations offer additional consistency tests
initial protein concentration31,39,40,44 to infer the nucleus size x for experimental kinetics when attempting to identify which
from experimental data. It also highlights that models that kinetic regime applies and therefore which working equations
assume equal rate coefficients for polymer nucleation and should be used to interpret the kinetics.
growth (βgn ) 1)58,59 severely constrain the aggregate size 3.5. Effects of Seeding. Seeding experiments, in which low
distributions that can be described. levels of preformed aggregates are added to the solution at time
The monomer loss profiles generated by the LENP model t ) 0, can provide an additional means to separate nucleation
do not display a true lag phase, because aggregation begins at and growth kinetics. Starting with seeded solutions can increase
t ) 0. They do, however, display a region of acceleratory the observed aggregation rate of systems following type II or
kinetics for high values of βgn, such as those visible in Figure IV kinetics by providing seeds for growth and bypassing all or
7a. An acceleratory region is more apparent in 〈MW〉w versus part of the nucleation stage. The analyses in preceding sections
time profiles (cf. Figures 7a and 7c) because of (1 - m)2 indicate that seeding will have little or no perceptible effect on
dependence (eq 33b). The absence of a true lag phase is the observed aggregation kinetics for type Ib situations. This follows
result of the assumption of pre-equilibration of reversible x-mers because Aj species introduced as seeds will rapidly be swept to
to form the prenucleus Rx. If Rx were not immediately available j g n*, and therefore not have a large impact on m(t) or the
at t ) 0, then a true lag phase could in principle be observed resulting aj distribution.
corresponding to the time required to form Rx, with a time The remainder of this section focuses on types Ic, Id, and
constant determined by those of the forward association steps II. In terms of solutions to the LENP model, the effect of
in stage 2. seeding is to change the initial conditions for solving eqs 12-
3.4. Boundaries in Kinetic State Diagrams. The solid curves 15, i.e., by making some set of aggregate concentrations (aj)
in Figure 3 show predicted boundaries based on the consider- nonzero at t ) 0. In the case of large n*, the exact distribution
ations described in the Supporting Information. They compare of aj at t ) 0 is not needed; only the initial value of σ, defined
well with results from explicit simulations, indicating that one here as σ0, is needed. Figure 12 illustrates the effect of nonzero
may reliably use the predicted state diagrams in the absence of σ0 on the steady-state σ values obtained from the integration of
direct simulation. Qualitatively, both simulated and predicted eq 27 for a range of δβgn values for the same conditions as in
boundaries display a number of trends of use when interpreting Figure 5. Also shown is the curve for σ0 ) 0 indicating where
experimental aggregation kinetics. For large βgn (large τn/τg), σss would lie in the absence of seeding. Not surprisingly, the
only type Ib, II, or IV behavior occurs, and the range of n* results show that if σ0 is significantly smaller than the σss value
over which type Ib occurs expands with increasing βgn. The that would be achieved in the absence of seeding, then seeding
range of n* over which type IV occurs also expands with has no appreciable effect on the resulting σss value. However,
increasing βgn and shrinks with decreasing x. For x ) 2, the if σ0 is at least 10-fold greater than the value of σss in the absence
type IV regime is sufficiently small to have been overlooked of seeding, then σss ≈ σ0. In that case, σss does not scale with
in an earlier report.45 Recalling the definitions of βgn and n*, it βgn, and kobs is therefore fundamentally different for types II,
follows that types Ib, II, and IV are promoted by experimental Id, and Ic. Specifically, eqs 12 and 15 reduce to eq 35,
conditions that shift the monomer conformational equilibrium independent of βgn
7910 J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 111, No. 27, 2007 Andrews and Roberts

dm δfRδσ0(C0/Cref)δ δ be independently controlled in experiments is C0. In types Ib,

=- m ) -kobsmδ Ic, and early stage Id, kobs scales as C0x-1. In types II and IV,
dt τ(0) kobs scales as C0(x+δ-1)/2. The contributions from both x and δ
(seeded growth, high σ0) (35) in the exponent of C0 for types II and IV follow because the
majority of monomer consumption is aggregate growth via
The resulting expression for kobs in eq 35 shows that the only polymerization, but nucleation rates at early times dictate the
time scale probed by experimental kinetics is that for growth steady-state concentration of those aggregates. In other words,
g . To ensure purely seeded growth kinetics in experiments,
kobs in these cases is predominantly a measure of growth once
one needs to seed with σ0 ≈ 10σss. Experimentally, if one does one considers more than the first few percent monomer loss,31,44
not know the value of σss for a given population, then the most but the number concentration of aggregates upon which growth
conservative estimate is to assume σss ≈ 0.1 without seeding occurs is determined by nucleation.
(Figure 6) and therefore use a seed-to-monomer number The remaining model parameters within kobs cannot be
concentration ratio of 1:1. For large βgn, Figures 6 and 12 show independently varied in experiment. Any change in temperature,
σss , 1 in the absence of seeding. In such cases, a lower seed- pressure, or solvent conditions will potentially alter the free
to-monomer ratio may be sufficient to ensure that eq 35 holds. energy of unfolding, τ(0) (0)
g , τn , and possibly x and δ. These
3.6. Working Equations and Scaling Behavior. The fol-
considerations not withstanding, it should be noted that fR
lowing working equations for monomer loss and aggregate
depends exponentially on the free energy of unfolding under
growth kinetics correspond to eqs 21, 22-25, 31, and 33 after
conditions where R is not the dominant monomer state, and
converting from dimensionless time. The effective kobs parameter
kobs scales with fR to a power greater than 1 in all cases with
in each case is defined implicitly by inspection of its monomer
x > δ. Therefore, although folding-unfolding thermodynamics
loss rate equation. The expressions for 〈MW〉w each assume that
σ f σss. are never the sole determinant of kobs or t50, changing the free
Type Ib energy of unfolding can provide one of the most effective means
to quantitatively46 or semiquantitatively1 control relative ag-
n*fR (C0/Cref) x-1 gregation rates at fixed C0.
)- mx ) -kobsmx (36) Purely on the basis of monomer loss data, or equivalently on
dt τ(0) nuc mass converted or extent-of-reaction data, one finds from eqs
36-38 that kobs is necessarily a convolution of at least two
Type Ic and Early Time Type Id
contributions from among τ(0) (0)
g , τn , and fR for a given x, δ, and
C0/Cref. For type Ib, Ic, and Id kinetics, the intrinsic time scale
dm xfRx(C0/Cref)x-1 x
=- m ) -kobsmx (37a) of nucleation can be extracted from kobs provided that fR can be
dt τ(0) determined from folding-unfolding thermodynamics for the
conditions of interest. However, no information regarding
〈MW〉w x-1 growth rates or δ is obtainable. bG-CSF at near neutral pH and
=x- (37b) elevated temperatures46 provides an experimental example of
MWmon (1 + (x - 1)kobst)1/(x-1)
predominantly type Ib behavior in which x ) 2, and n* is low
due to limited aggregate solubility.
Type II and Early Time Type IV
For type II and IV kinetics in the absence of seeding, our

( ) x
analysis and those of previous workers with limiting cases of
dm C0 (x+δ-1)/2 δσint2
)- fR(x+δ)/2 mδ ) the present model31,33,44,45 indicate that τ(0) (0)
g and τn always
dt Cref x2τ(0) (0)
g τnuc occur as a product in kobs. This conclusion holds even for
-kobsmδ (38a) experiments in which apparent lag and growth phases occur,
as the magnitude of the rate in the growth phase depends on

[ ()
the number concentration of nuclei formed during the nucleation
〈MW〉w x(1 + cx2) xδ τ(0)
= m(t) + × phase. Thus, the same physics that cause the convolution of
MWmon σint (0)
τg τ(0) (0)
g and τn in the kinetics described in this work will be

( ) ]
operative in lag-and-growth experiments, independent of whether
C0 (1+δ-x)/2
fR(δ-x)/2 [1 - m(t)]2 (38b) the lag phase is a true nucleation phenomenon.32,44 On the basis
Cref of the results in subsection 3.4 we also conclude that extent-
of-reaction measurements alone cannot quantitatively decon-
Types Ib, Ic, and Id all show apparent reaction orders with
volute nucleation and growth time scales even if one seeds the
respect to m of ν ) x. For types II and IV over approximately
system, unless one knows the number concentration of the seeds,
the first half-life, the apparent reaction order for monomer loss
and assures it is sufficiently high compared to the value of σss
or conversion to aggregate is 1 when growth occurs by monomer
addition (δ ) 1). Comparing the βgn range in Figure 3 and the in the absence of seeding.
scaling of (〈MW〉w/MWmon)mf0 with βgn in Figure 10, it can be All of the above results and discussion hold for Φ ≈ 1. If
seen that types II and IV cover much of the physically relevant the monomers remain soluble to arbitrarily high concentration,
parameter space when the resulting aggregates are composed then at sufficiently large C0 values one will instead need to
of more than ca. 10 monomers. Together, these results highlight consider solutions of the more general LENP model (eqs 6-9)
that caution must be taken when assuming that observed first- in which Φ < 1 is possible. A detailed analysis of that model
order kinetics alone permit one to conclude that a monomo- is beyond the scope of this report. However, many of the
lecular step is rate-limiting in aggregation. conclusions from previous reports30,54 on limiting cases for Φ
From eqs 36, 37a, and 38a, it is apparent that kobs depends < 1 are expected to hold. For example, above some threshold
on several variables and parameters. The only variable that can protein concentration (c*) essentially all R monomers will exist
LENP Model of Protein Aggregation Kinetics J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 111, No. 27, 2007 7911

as part of larger, reversible oligomers. If the dominant oligomer with a size-independent forward rate coefficient for condensation
is Rx or Rx-1, and both x and n* are large, then eqs C2 and C3 (kc)
in Appendix C hold. For large βgn values, an analytical solution
to these equations at low extents of reaction30 shows that the kc
(0) -1/2 Ai + Aj 98 Ai+j (A1)
effective kobs ∼ (τ(0)
n τg ) but is independent of C0. The solu-
tion without fR ) 1 shows that kobs ∼ fR(x+δ)/2 (derivation not
shown). Thus, the above discussion regarding the convolution This parameter is equivalent to the average ki,j value (i,j > 1)
of nucleation and growth time scales in type II kinetics and the in ref 45. We show here the case of Φ ) 1 and δ) 1. A
dependence of kobs or t50 on folding-unfolding thermodynamics dimensionless rate coefficient for condensation steps, κc, is
is expected to quantitatively hold beyond the particular version
of the LENP model analyzed in detail here. However, the precise kcCref τ(0)
n -x
scaling with C0 can be significantly different at elevated C0.54 κc ) x-1 x
(C0/Cref) 2-x
) fR (C0/Cref)2-x
knucKx-1Cref fR τ(0)
Finally, examination of eqs 38a and 38b suggests a means to (A2)
determine separate values for τg and τn from experimental data.
If one independently combines an extent-of-reaction assay (e.g., For kr . kd and kr,x . kd,x, taking x ) 2, and equating ka,x )
monomer loss or mass percent converted to aggregates) with k1,1 and ka ) 〈k1,j〉, this dimensionless parameter reduces to the
corresponding, quantitative 〈MW〉w/MWmon data, it is possible product fR-2κij in ref 45 since K1 ) 1 by definition. As in ref
to deconvolute τg and τn since they occur as a product in kobs 45, with reasonably large n* (>ca. 20) one observes two
and as a quotient in the long-time value of 〈MW〉w/MWmon. different cases under steady-state conditions. If κc/βgn < ca. 1,
However, the convolution of multiple parameters from stages then one recovers type II behavior. However, for larger κc/βgn
1 and 4 in τg and from stages 1, 2, and 3 in τn remains (cf. each aj rapidly achieves a steady state (i.e., daj/dθn ) 0), and
definitions of τg, τn, τ(0) (0)
g , and τn in subsection 2.7). This one can approximate
analysis further highlights that information on both the kinetics
of (mass) conversion and the quantitative details of the aggregate βgn R
size distribution over a number of half-lives are needed to 0 ≈ mx - mσ - κcσ2 (A3)
n* - x 2
reliably extract both nucleation and growth time scales when
aggregates remain soluble. When aggregates are essentially Since βgn/κc , 1 and (n* - x) . 1 the term linear in σ is
insoluble at low n*, eq 36 shows that only τn is relevant to the neglected, and we have
experimental kinetics.
4. Summary σ ≈ κc-1/2mx/2 (A4)
We have presented a mathematical model of non-native
protein aggregation that generally and self-consistently incor- Therefore eq 12 becomes
porates monomer conformational changes, reversible self-
association, and (net) irreversible aggregate nucleation and ) -xmx - βgnκc-1/2m1+x/2 (A5)
growth via polymerization. The model provides a reasonably dθn
comprehensive, computationally simple framework for qualita-
tive and quantitative interpretation of experimental aggregation Converting from dimensionless form gives

[ ]
kinetics under conditions where detailed kinetics of folding or

( )
unfolding can be neglected. A number of previously reported xfRx C0 x-1
models for protein or polypeptide aggregation are shown to be ) - (0) mx (for βgn < ca. 1) (A6)
simpler limiting cases of this LENP model. dt τn Cref

[ ]
The global model behavior under the assumption of pre-

( ) xτ(0)c /τ(0)n m1+x/2

equilibrated folding-unfolding displays a number of qualita- C0 x/2
tively distinct kinetic regimes that depend primarily on two ) - fR(1+x/2)
model parameters: the ratio of nucleation to growth time scales, dt Cref τ(0)
βgn, and the threshold size n* at which aggregate condensation (for βgn . 1) (A7)
becomes appreciable. The different kinetic types are distin-
guished experimentally in terms of: (1) apparent reaction order;
In eqs A6 and A7, the bracketed terms indicate the kobs
(2) dependence on initial protein concentration and folding-
coefficients that one would observe for kinetics measured at
unfolding thermodynamics; (3) the qualitative and quantitative
fixed temperature, pressure, solvent composition, and a given
features of the resulting aggregate size distributions.
C0. Equation A6 is mathematically and physically equivalent
The working equations for each kinetic regime provide
to type Ib behavior. For eq A7, if x ) 2, then it is equivalent
expressions for estimating the dominant nucleus size from
to type Ia kinetics in ref 45 except that ref 45 used a simpler
aggregation kinetics over a range of initial protein concentra-
limiting case in which knuc ) ka,x ) k1,1. For x ) 2, both eqs
tions. For certain cases, the intrinsic time scale for nucleation
A6 and A7 produce kobs with the same dependence on fR (or
can also be determined if monomer unfolding thermodynamics
∆G°un) and C0.
are known. In other cases, intrinsic time scales for both
nucleation and growth can be obtained by combining extent- 5.2. Appendix B
of-reaction kinetics and one or more moments of the resulting
aggregate size distribution. The derivation below employs δ ) 2 for concreteness, while
illustrating the general procedure for incorporating δ > 1.
5.1. Appendix A Taking the derivative of eq 4 with respect to time and realizing
Here we allow aggregate-aggregate association for j < n* that all reversible steps will cancel when summed over all i
and treat each Ai + Aj reaction step as effectively irreversible and j indices gives
7912 J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 111, No. 27, 2007 Andrews and Roberts

) -xkr,x[Rx] - kr

2[AjR2] (B1) mx ()C0
+ m ) cm (C1)

The individual balance equations for those species not assumed In eq C1, c* ≡ [xKx]-1/(x-1) effectively defines a threshold
to be pre-equilibrated are monomer concentration at which [Rx] ) [R]. Imposing x . 1
yields distinctive behaviors of this model.30 For example, at low
dt |
) ka[R]([Aj] - [AjR]) - kd([AjR]
initial protein concentrations (C0 < ca. c*) the first term in eq
C1 is essentially zero; cmC0 therefore equals the free monomer
concentration mC0, and the concentration of nuclei at any given
- [AjR2]) (B2)
time is negligible. Significant aggregation therefore occurs only
via seeded growth.30
dt | xej<n*
) ka[R][AjR] - kd[AjR2] - kr[AjR2] (B3) In the alternative regime of high initial protein concentration
(C0 > c*), at early times (i.e., cm ≈ 1) the first term dominates
the second in eq C1, m ≈ c*/C0, and eqs 6 and 9 become
dt | x<j<n*
) -ka[R][Aj] + kd[AjR] + kr[Aj-2R2]
cm - βgnc*C0-1σ (C2)
dθn K C x-1 x 0
) kr,x[Rx] - ka[R][Ax] + kd[AxR] (B5) dσ 1
dt ) cm (C3)
dθn xK C x-1
x 0
) ka,x[Rx-1][R] - (kr,x + kd,x)[Rx] (B6)
dt Acknowledgment. The authors gratefully acknowledge
financial support from the National Institutes of Health (Grant
Taking [Rx] and each [AjR] and [AjR2] to be at steady state No. P20 RR-015588), Boehringer-Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals,
gives eqs B7-B9 with the substitution of KRA ) ka/kd and the University of Delaware Research Foundation.
ka,x[R][Rx-1] Supporting Information Available: Locations of bound-
[Rx]ss ) (B7)
kd,x + kr,x aries in state diagrams. This material is available free of charge
via the Internet at
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