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Offer Type: Offered | Posted by: admin | Created Date: 2012-03-22 | Expiry Date: 2020-01-01

Knowledge Description:

This discussion on advantages and disadvantages of networking applies for both networking conducted
electronically (ie: via internet portal, email, mobile devices) or manually (ie: face-to-face events,
activities, participating and / or joining an organization/club/society).

Advantages of Networking Disadvantages of Networking

Connections Make valuable connections Too many connections,

You may be able to find business
contacts (customers or You may initially feel the
suppliers), business partners warmth and touch of a network
(investors, shareholders) or when it is small. However, as it
personal contacts (future grows big in membership size,
spouses, friends, distant rules and guidelines cannot be
relatives). avoided. This may be to combat
abuses, misuses, frauds and
scams, resulting in more
legislation and governance.

Contents Forum to share and learn from Not up to expectation

For those who enter a network
You may be able to learn, share with preconceived idea or
and exchange advice and ideas. expectation, there may be times
It also provides a formal mode in when the outcome, results or
an informal setting to function of the network is
implement and follow up with disappointing. This is an
those you meet, outside of your occupational hazard of the
regular day job. business networking when
business networking events fail
to meet its objectives.

Communication Networking provides a regular Spreading negative information

opportunity to talk, listen and
Conversely, a network makes it
easy for anyone to spread
In your network, you have the negative information or negative
opportunity to share and to sentiments among its members,
listen to others share about and most times it spreads faster
their interests, happenings, self and wider.
and other topics permissible in
that network. This situation
makes you feel more awake and
aware of yourself and your

Credibility Builds Credibility Networking does not work for

Getting yourself involved in a
well-known community or Yes, there are some people out
associations will help you in there, so rare they may be, in
upgrading your reputation where which the network and building
once you joined you have a relationships with other people
ready-made reputation to start is just not their cup of tea. This
with. By associating with such a may be due to personality,
network may provide character, conflicts,
opportunity for other areas of incompatible goals, or any other
growth. personal traits that does not
match the network.

Cost Inexpensive means of socializing Cost of time as a resource

Either online or offline social The key to networking is

networking, the main purpose is supposed to be enjoyable, fun
to serve as a platform where and beneficial. However, the
people can reunite with friends, minimum required of you is your
stay connected with current time. As time is a perishable and
ones, make new acquaintances depleting resource, you must
or “hang-out”. Social networks invest in it by allocating time to
are by far the cheapest, be active in any network you
followed by business networks join.
and professional networks.

Confidentiality Confidentiality Assured Within Privacy and Fraud Issues remain

the Network a Risk

Most networks have their As many networks are mostly

respective code of conduct and run as non-profit, it is inevitable
guidelines towards privacy and that occasional threats, frauds,
confidentiality of topics scams and abuses occur within
discussed. Rules are often the network. Here, the powers
available to ensure compliance of the network and its members
and breach of confidentiality come into play, as they
may result in expulsion from the collectively work together to
network. This sort of reduce this challenge.
environment may help members
develop trust, bonding and



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