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Department of Education

Region III
Division of Zambales
District of Subic
SY 2018-2019

To meet indicator 7 in COT-RPMS the teacher organized sequence of activities intentionally to lead
the pupils in achieving the objectives. The teacher motivates the pupil by activating their prior knowledge.
Then, teacher show pictures/models to get the attention and the interest of the learners. The teacher starts
the discussion with the integration of ESP in establishing the lesson and improves their literacy skills. After
that, teacher asks the pupils what their insight on the signs showed. Ask them using their higher thinking
skills to how can pedestrian safe while on the street. The pupils have their group collaboration to act out
while crossing the street. Let their classmates ask questions and give comments on each skit. The teacher
test the learners behavior in doing their group activities. For developing mastery the teacher test the
learners and use higher order thinking skill with the integration of English and literacy skills. The class had
a short broadcasting about the the different tips and importance of knowing how to cross a street properly.
In formative test the pupils match the following traffic signs which explain them.This is how the lesson was

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