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Minggu 30 18/08/2019 (Ahad)

Andalas 7.45-8.45

Form 5 Azalea 10.05-11.05

Content Standard : Speaking 2.1

Communicate information,ideas,opinions and feelings intelligibly on familiar topics


Express opinions about simple spoken or written advice given to themselves or



CORE VALUE Responsibility

TOPIC Citizens with Integrity

By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

1. Explain the importance of being citizens with integrity

2. Express gratitude for being citizens of integrity
3. List ways on how to be a citizen with integrity.
1. Ss brainstorm on the idea of intergrity.
2. Identify the criteria of having intergrity.
3. Pupils are divided into 3 big groups
4. Teacher asks the pupils to scan different newspaper article on the topics
5. Students display their findings and the n everyone does gallery walk.
6. Ss give feedback
7.SS discuss on having integrity to live in peace and harmony.

Activities 8. SS share their take on being a citizen with integrity.

Form 4 Allysum 11.05-12.05

Content Standard : Speaking 2.1

Communicate information,ideas,opinions and feelings intelligibly on familiar topics


Express opinions about simple spoken or written advice given to themselves or



CORE VALUE Responsibility

TOPIC Time management

LEARNING OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

1. eplain the impotance of time management

2. share the feelings of completing something in/before the deadline
3. ss express how they need to manage time well

1. Ss brainstorm on time management

2. Pros and cons of time management
3. Pupils are divided into 3 big groups
4. Teacher asks the pupils to complete task with different sets of instructions and
5. The rest of the pupils will be asking the person questions based on the 5W 1H
questions (What, where, when, who, why, and how)
6. Ss give feedback on the time frame given
Activities 7. Ss share ways to manage time


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