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A Lesson Plan in Humanities and Social Sciences – HUMSS

Content Standard/Performance Standard The learners demonstrate an

understanding of the disciplines of the of the counseling.

II. Objectives:

At the end of the discussion the students must be able to: a. identify the goals
and scope of counseling b. demonstrate comprehension of the principles of

III. Subject Matter:

a. Topic: Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences: Counseling

b. References: Guidance and Counseling Today, p. 1-10
c. Materials: Laptop, Projector, video clips from you tube
d. Value: Give hope to as many people as possible

IV. Learning Activities:

a. Prayer
b. Greetings
c. Checking of Attendance
d. Review of the previous lesson
e. Motivation

Let the class watch the video clip presentation entitled the “Heart of a Teacher”.
Let them have the reflection and process the following questions?

1. What are the characters that the teacher in poem has?

2. Why do you think the author entitled the poem “The Heart of the Teacher”
3. What do you think the relevance of that poem to counseling?

Discussion of the topic: Counseling

1. Definition
2. Goals
3. Scope
4. Core Values

Activity: (to have a brief background on the topic stated)

1. Have the students played/practice a counseling session, they will ask to

choose their partner and have a conversation regarding their life experience.
The 1st student will act as a counselor and the 2nd student will act as a
2. Let them repeat the process having the 1st student to be the counselee and
the 2nd student to be the counselor.

Processing questions:

1. How do you feel about being a counselor? Being a counselee?

2. Do you think that you have solved the problem of your classmate? How?
3. As a counselee is it very easy for to confide your stories to your classmate?
Why Yes? Why No?
4. What do you think are the core values that you have considered in dealing
with your classmate’s problem?

f. Evaluation:

Instruction: Analyze the following by stating your own assessment of the cases
given. If you are the counselor, how are you going to handle the following
considering the following:

a. scope
b. core values
c. goals of counseling.

1. Bert, a young employee of few years was fired from his job for no apparent
reason at. All. He sought the help of a counselor.
2. Betty planned to buy insurance. She arranged a schedule with the
company’s sales counselor to know the conditions and terms of the policy. 3.
Benny and Beth had finally decided to settle down for good. They went to a
premarital counselor for their required pre marriage counseling seminar.

V. Application
Answer the following.

1. Cite at least two (2) examples of problem and conflict that most of the
teenagers like you had experience and state what scope of counseling they are
2. If you are their counselor, how are you going to handle/manage their case?
3. What are the core values that you need to have to be able to help them?

VI. Assignment:

Instruction: Interview at least two (2) of the following (child with broken family,
runaway teenager, student with failing grades, girl/boy who broke up with her
gf/bf) and try to assess their dilemmas and conflict by answering the following

1. How would you describe their current situation?

2. What is their main concern?
3. What do you think originally caused these problems?
4. What do you think would help solve the problems?

The Discipline of Counseling

Core values

COUNSELING DEFINITION – derived from the word “cons ilium” meaning to

give and advice. - creating a wholesome relationship between the counselor and
counselee; a collaborative process wherein the counselor takes a passive
position of listening, as the counselee is encouraged to articulate himself until
he clarifies his thinking to consider various steps in solving his own problem.


Provides a change in attitude or behavior in a person

Helps in preventing the development of a problem into a more complicated
Encourages expression, release of emotion while there is a provision of
support in times of problem in order to stimulate growth of ideas from the
Helps the counselee/client to feel relieve and his emotional burden lightened
as he clarifies his thoughts.
Helps the client/counselee to come up with a solution to his pressing

COUNSELING: SCOPE Individual Counselling

Adolescent identity, concerns, teen-parent relationships, peer relationships

Anger management
Children’s concerns within the family unit, sibling relationships, school
experiences, peer relationships
Family of origin dynamics and issues
Gender: identity, sexuality, homosexuality Marital and Pre-marital
Marital and relational dynamics
Extended family relationships
Fertility issues Family Counselling
Adolescent and child behaviors within family dynamics
Adult children
Divorce and separation issues and adjustment
Family dynamics: estrangement, conflict, communication
Family of origin / extended family issues
Life stages and transitions
Parenting patterns: blended, single, co-parenting families
Remarriage relationship counselling


Professional-offer a safe, empathic, professional and ethical service for the

alleviation of personal distress and suffering and promotion of your personal
growth and well-being.
Respectful: I am consistently respectful of your human rights, dignity and
accepting of the diversity of your culture and life experiences without prejudice
Responsive: I work with you holistically and uphold your autonomy to be self
directing inside and outside of the therapy room.
Fairness: treat the client fairly with the utmost integrity for the therapeutic
relationship, personal safety, and access to the services offered.
Confidential: professionally manage and respect the right to privacy and
confidentiality and consider client’s own autonomy and legal frameworks for
managing disclosure.
Commitment: committed to partaking in activities for own continuous
professional and personal development, developing good practice and moral
qualities as a therapeutic practitioner including, empathy, sincerity, integrity,
resilience, respect, humility, competence, fairness, wisdom and courage.
Maintaining the best interest of the client.

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