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Basic Principles

Writing Reports

Chapter 24
Accuracy is absolutely essential and the only
way to ensure it is to be meticulous and
painstaking in collecting and recording facts;
and handling them. Information and facts
can be collected from library, subject
catalogue, people working in areas related
to subjects and personal observation.
Chapter 24
The art of speaking and listening to
people, the skills of note-taking,
summarizing and looking up
reference material, are invaluable in
preparing for writing report.

Chapter 24
The English language is capable of many
different styles which must be suitable to the
purpose and the readership of the report..
The report should be simple, concise and

Chapter 24
Understanding the report depends on its preparation,
layout and step by step presentation. Words,
phrases, sentences, paragraphs and chapters are
the units of expression which must be handled
skillfully in order to have a good and appropriate

Chapter 24
Short and simple words are commonly used
and easily understood. Long words are used
for fine, subtle effects which give life and
flair to the style. Besides meaning, the
usage and context must be taken into

Chapter 24
Phrase is a cluster of words which is a unit
of meaning

It’s a discrete statement which expresses one

idea and sometimes several ideas which need
to be combined in a proper relationship.
Sentence can be simple, compound and
Chapter 24
A simple sentence is used for giving instructions,
making observations; compound sentences are
used to convey coordinate ideas which imply
progression, balance, comparison or contrast;
complex sentences are used for the expression
of fine, subtle and complicated ideas. In repots it
is better to write simple and compound
Chapter 24
It’s a group of associated sentences
defining and developing an aspect of a

It is used for introducing, developing,

explaining, classifying, describing, comparing,
summarizing and concluding.

Chapter 24
It is the main division

The length of chapter depend on the

length of the report, the number of
aspects investigated, the layout and the
style of presentation. Its plan should be

Chapter 24
Technical writing needs the facts, logical
sequencing of facts and arguments,
statement of facts in plain,
grammatically correct and properly
punctuated English and adequate
information and illustration to support
the facts
Chapter 24
Business writing requires a bare, clear
style for statement of facts. Clarity
and concise are the most important
qualities of style.

Chapter 24
Working principles to be followed which are:
•Always keep the reader and his needs
in mind
•Choose simple words, short sentences,
short paragraphs
•Avoid adverbs, adjectives, emphatic
words unless necessary

Chapter 24
Working principles to be followed which are:
•Be specific and precise

•Never exaggerate

•Write to inform not to impress

•Observe the 3 fys (Simplify, justify and Quantify)

Chapter 24
Working principles to be followed which are:
The 3 fys (Simplify, justify and Quantify)

Simplify : keep the essentials

Justify : support every statement/assertion with
Quantify : give dimensions, weights, amounts,
volumes as required

Chapter 24
The writing should be in order as
main body, conclusion,
recommendations, introduction,
ancillary parts, summary or

Chapter 24
The impact of the
presented facts on
members of the
organization must be

Chapter 24
Tact, diplomacy and
persuasiveness will be needed.
Stating defects and
shortcomings requires careful
handling especially if they reflect
on a person’s ability

Chapter 24
must be
Chapter 24

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