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Tugas Modul : Reflective Summary M1 LA2

Nama : Hilda Hosfia, S.Hum

Sekolah : SMPN 32 Kab. Tebo

Now that you have learnt all the materials in this activity, please write your reflection on the
sheet provided.

In this activity, I have learned to understand, apply, and compare the social functions,
text structures, and lexico-grammatical features of a number of announcements in regard to
the contexts of situation, and to apply the knowledge to engage in social functions with
announcement, in contextually acceptable text structures and lexico-grammatical features.

The key features of announcements include Social Function in which to share

planned / arranged activities/agenda arranged by Generic Structure which has
Headings/Purposes, Detail information, Significant Lexico-grammatical Feature, Common
expressions in announcement, Singular and plural nouns with or without articles a, the, this,
those, my, their, etc. Pronunciation, Intonation, spellings, and punctuation marks.

What I like most about this activity is/are is create an announcement and tape my
performance eventhough it is not such a good performance .

What I need to improve/learn more is/are an ability to analyze the text by considering
the structure and language feature, and to understand the spoken announcement.


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