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DIOCESE OF BACOLOD vs COMELEC court through the expanded jurisdiction granted to this

court through Article VIII, Section 1 of the Constitution..

On February 21, 2013, petitioners posted two
(2) tarpaulins within a private compound housing the
The concept of a political question never
San Sebastian Cathedral of Bacolod. Each tarpaulin
precludes judicial review when the act of a
was approximately six feet (6′) by ten feet (10′) in size.
constitutional organ infringes upon a fundamental
They were posted on the front walls of the cathedral
individual or collective right. Even assuming arguendo
within public view. The first tarpaulin contains the
that the COMELEC did have the discretion to choose
message “IBASURA RH Law” referring to the
the manner of regulation of the tarpaulin in question, it
Reproductive Health Law of 2012 or Republic Act No.
cannot do so by abridging the fundamental right to
10354. The second tarpaulin is the subject of the
present case. This tarpaulin contains the heading
“Conscience Vote” and lists candidates as either “(Anti-
RH) Team Buhay” with a check mark, or “(Pro-RH) Also the Court said that in our jurisdiction, the
Team Patay” with an “X” mark. The electoral determination of whether an issue involves a truly
candidates were classified according to their vote on political and non-justiciable question lies in the answer
the adoption of Republic Act No. 10354, otherwise to the question of whether there are constitutionally
known as the RH Law. Those who voted for the imposed limits on powers or functions conferred upon
passing of the law were classified by petitioners as political bodies. If there are, then our courts are duty-
comprising “Team Patay,” while those who voted bound to examine whether the branch or
against it form “Team Buhay.” instrumentality of the government properly acted within
such limits.
Respondents conceded that the tarpaulin
was neither sponsored nor paid for by any candidate. A political question will not be considered
Petitioners also conceded that the tarpaulin contains justiciable if there are no constitutionally imposed limits
names ofcandidates for the 2013 elections, but not of on powers or functions conferred upon political bodies.
politicians who helped in the passage of the RH Law Hence, the existence of constitutionally imposed limits
but were not candidates for that election. justifies subjecting the official actions of the body to the
scrutiny and review of this court.
In this case, the Bill of Rights gives the
utmost deference to the right to free speech. Any
1. Whether or not the size limitation and its
instance that this right may be abridged demands
reasonableness of the tarpaulin is a political question,
judicial scrutiny. It does not fall squarely into any doubt
hence not within the ambit of the Supreme Court’s
that a political question brings.
power of review.
2. Whether or not the petitioners violated the principle of
exhaustion of administrative remedies as the case was SECOND ISSUE: No.
not brought first before the COMELEC En Banc or any
if its divisions. The Court held that the argument on
3. Whether or not COMELEC may regulate expressions exhaustion of administrative remedies is not proper in
made by private citizens. this case.
4. Whether or not the assailed notice and letter for the
removal of the tarpaulin violated petitioners’ Despite the alleged non-exhaustion of
fundamental right to freedom of expression. administrative remedies, it is clear that the controversy
5. Whether the order for removal of the tarpaulin is a is already ripe for adjudication. Ripeness is the
content-based or content-neutral regulation. “prerequisite that something had by then been
6. Whether or not there was violation of petitioners’ right accomplished or performed by either branch or in this
to property. case, organ of government before a court may come
7. Whether or not the tarpaulin and its message are into the picture.”
considered religious speech.
Petitioners’ exercise of their right to speech,
HELD: given the message and their medium, had
understandable relevance especially during the
FIRST ISSUE: No. elections. COMELEC’s letter threatening the filing of
the election offense against petitioners is already an
The Court ruled that the present case does actionable infringement of this right. The impending
not call for the exercise of prudence or modesty. There threat of criminal litigation is enough to curtail
is no political question. It can be acted upon by this petitioners’ speech.
In the context of this case, exhaustion of their regulation includes controls merely on the incidents of
administrative remedies as COMELEC suggested in the speech such as time, place, or manner of the
their pleadings prolongs the violation of their freedom speech.
of speech.
The Court held that the regulation involved at
THIRD ISSUE: No. bar is content-based. The tarpaulin content is not easily
divorced from the size of its medium.
Respondents cite the Constitution, laws, and
jurisprudence to support their position that they had the Content-based regulation bears a heavy
power to regulate the tarpaulin. However, the Court presumption of invalidity, and this court has used the
held that all of these provisions pertain to candidates clear and present danger rule as measure.
and political parties. Petitioners are not candidates.
Neither do they belong to any political party. Under this rule, “the evil consequences
COMELEC does not have the authority to regulate the sought to be prevented must be substantive,
enjoyment of the preferred right to freedom of ‘extremely serious and the degree of imminence
expression exercised by a non-candidate in this case. extremely high.’” “Only when the challenged act has
overcome the clear and present danger rule will it pass
FOURTH ISSUE: Yes. constitutional muster, with the government having the
burden of overcoming the presumed
The Court held that every citizen’s unconstitutionality.”
expression with political consequences enjoys a high
degree of protection. Even with the clear and present danger test,
respondents failed to justify the regulation. There is no
Moreover, the respondent’s argument that compelling and substantial state interest endangered
the tarpaulin is election propaganda, being petitioners’ by the posting of the tarpaulin as to justify curtailment
way of endorsing candidates who voted against the RH of the right of freedom of expression. There is no
Law and rejecting those who voted for it, holds no reason for the state to minimize the right of non-
water. candidate petitioners to post the tarpaulin in their
private property. The size of the tarpaulin does not
The Court held that while the tarpaulin may affect anyone else’s constitutional rights.
influence the success or failure of the named
candidates and political parties, this does not SIXTH ISSUE: Yes.
necessarily mean it is election propaganda. The
tarpaulin was not paid for or posted “in return for The Court held that even though the
consideration” by any candidate, political party, or tarpaulin is readily seen by the public, the tarpaulin
party-list group. remains the private property of petitioners. Their right
to use their property is likewise protected by the
By interpreting the law, it is clear that Constitution.
personal opinions are not included, while sponsored
messages are covered. Any regulation, therefore, which operates as
an effective confiscation of private property or
The content of the tarpaulin is a political speech constitutes an arbitrary or unreasonable infringement
of property rights is void, because it is repugnant to the
Political speech refers to speech “both intended and constitutional guaranties of due process and equal
received as a contribution to public deliberation about protection of the laws.
some issue,” “fostering informed and civic minded
deliberation.” On the other hand, commercial speech The Court in Adiong case held that a
has been defined as speech that does “no more than restriction that regulates where decals and stickers
propose a commercial transaction.” The expression should be posted is “so broad that it encompasses
resulting from the content of the tarpaulin is, however, even the citizen’s private property.” Consequently, it
definitely political speech. violates Article III, Section 1 of the Constitution which
provides that no person shall be deprived of his
FIFTH ISSUE: Content-based regulation. property without due process of law.

Content-based restraint or censorship refers SEVENTH ISSUE: No.

to restrictions “based on the subject matter of the
utterance or speech.” In contrast, content-neutral The Court held that the church doctrines
relied upon by petitioners are not binding upon this
court. The position of the Catholic religion in the After a scrutiny of the various arguments and
Philippines as regards the RH Law does not suffice to contentions of the parties, the Court has synthesized
qualify the posting by one of its members of a tarpaulin and refined them to the following principal issues:
as religious speech solely on such basis. The 1. PROCEDURAL: Whether the Court may exercise
enumeration of candidates on the face of the tarpaulin its power of judicial review over the controversy.
precludes any doubt as to its nature as speech with 1. Power of Judicial Review
political consequences and not religious speech. 2. Actual Case or Controversy
3. Facial Challenge
Doctrine of benevolent neutrality 4. Locus Standi
5. Declaratory Relief
With religion looked upon with benevolence 6. One Subject/One Title Rule
and not hostility, benevolent neutrality allows
accommodation of religion under certain 2. SUBSTANTIVE: Whether the RH law is
circumstances. Accommodations are government unconstitutional:
policies that take religion specifically into account not 1. Right to Life
to promote the government’s favored form of religion, 2. Right to Health
but to allow individuals and groups to exercise their 3. Freedom of Religion and the Right to Free
religion without hindrance. Their purpose or effect Speech
therefore is to remove a burden on, or facilitate the 4. The Family
exercise of, a person’s or institution’s religion. 5. Freedom of Expression and Academic Freedom
6. Due Process
7. Equal Protection
As Justice Brennan explained, the
8. Involuntary Servitude
“government may take religion into account . . . to
9. Delegation of Authority to the FDA
exempt, when possible, from generally applicable
10. Autonomy of Local Governments / ARMM
governmental regulation individuals whose religious
beliefs and practices would otherwise thereby be
infringed, or to create without state involvement an
1. Before delving into the constitutionality of the RH
atmosphere in which voluntary religious exercise may
Law and its implementing rules, it behooves the
Court to resolve some procedural impediments.
Lemon test 1. The petition no doubt raises a justiciable
controversy. Where an action of the legislative
A regulation is constitutional when: branch is seriously alleged to have infringed
the Constitution, it becomes not only the right
1. It has a secular legislative purpose; but in fact the duty of the judiciary to settle the
2. It neither advances nor inhibits religion; and dispute. “The question thus posed is judicial rather
3. It does not foster an excessive entanglement with than political. The duty (to adjudicate) remains to
religion. assure that the supremacy of the Constitution is
upheld. Once a controversy as to the application or
IMBONG vs OCHOA interpretation of constitutional provision is raised
before this Court (as in the instant case), it
Shortly after the President placed his becomes a legal issue which the Court is bound by
imprimatur on Republic Act (R.A.) No. 10354, constitutional mandate to decide. In the scholarly
otherwise known as the Responsible Parenthood and estimation of former Supreme Court Justice
Reproductive Health Act of 2012 (RH Law), Florentino Feliciano, “judicial review is essential for
challengers from various sectors of society came the maintenance and enforcement of the
knocking on the doors of the Court, beckoning it to separation of powers and the balancing of powers
wield the sword that strikes down constitutional among the three great departments of government
disobedience. Aware of the profound and lasting through the definition and maintenance of the
impact that its decision may produce, the Court now boundaries of authority and control between
faces the controversy, as presented in fourteen (14) them.” To him, judicial review is the chief,
petitions and two (2) petitions-in-intervention. indeed the only, medium of participation – or
instrument of intervention – of the judiciary in
The petitioners are one in praying that the entire
that balancing operation. Lest it be
RH Law be declared unconstitutional.
misunderstood, it bears emphasizing that the Court
does not have the unbridled authority to rule on just
any and every claim of constitutional violation.
Jurisprudence is replete with the rule that the
power of judicial review is limited by four exacting designed to hinder or delay, but to facilitate and
requisites, viz : (a) there must be an actual case or promote the administration of justice. Their
controversy; (b) the petitioners must possess locus strict and rigid application, which would result
standi; (c) the question of constitutionality must be in technicalities that tend to frustrate, rather
raised at the earliest opportunity; and (d) the issue than promote substantial justice, must always
of constitutionality must be the lis mota of the case. be eschewed. Considering that it is the right to life
of the mother and the unborn which is primarily at
2. Even a singular violation of the Constitution issue, the Court need not wait for a life to be taken
and/or the law is enough to awaken judicial away before taking action.
duty.In this case, the Court is of the view that an
actual case or controversy exists and that the same 5. Where the case has far-reaching implications and
is ripe for judicial determination. Considering that prays for injunctive reliefs, the Court may consider
the RH Law and its implementing rules have them as petitions for prohibition under Rule 65.
already taken effect and that budgetary measures
to carry out the law have already been passed, it is 6. The RH Law does not violate the one subject/one
evident that the subject petitions present a bill rule. It is well-settled that the “one title-one
justiciable controversy. When an action of the subject” rule does not require the Congress to
legislative branch is seriously alleged to have employ in the title of the enactment language of
infringed the Constitution, it not only becomes a such precision as to mirror, fully index or catalogue
right, but also a duty of the Judiciary to settle the all the contents and the minute details therein. The
dispute. rule is sufficiently complied with if the title is
comprehensive enough as to include the general
3. The Court is not persuaded. In United States (US) object which the statute seeks to effect, and where,
constitutional law, a facial challenge, also known as here, the persons interested are informed of the
as a First Amendment Challenge, is one that is nature, scope and consequences of the proposed
launched to assail the validity of statutes law and its operation. Moreover, this Court has
concerning not only protected speech, but also all invariably adopted a liberal rather than technical
other rights in the First Amendment. These include construction of the rule “so as not to cripple or
religious freedom, freedom of the press, and the impede legislation.” In this case, a textual analysis
right of the people to peaceably assemble, and to of the various provisions of the law shows that both
petition the Government for a redress of “reproductive health” and “responsible parenthood”
grievances. After all, the fundamental right to are interrelated and germane to the overriding
religious freedom, freedom of the press and objective to control the population growth.
peaceful assembly are but component rights of the
right to one’s freedom of expression, as they are 2. SUBSTANTIVE ISSUES:
modes which one’s thoughts are externalized. In
this jurisdiction, the application of doctrines 1. The Court cannot subscribe to the theory
originating from the U.S. has been generally advocated by Hon. Lagman that life begins at
maintained, albeit with some modifications. While implantation. According to him, “fertilization and
this Court has withheld the application of facial conception are two distinct and successive stages
challenges to strictly penal statues, it has in the reproductive process. They are not identical
expanded its scope to cover statutes not only and synonymous.” Citing a letter of the WHO, he
regulating free speech, but also those involving wrote that medical authorities confirm that the
religious freedom, and other fundamental rights. implantation of the fertilized ovum is the
Verily, the framers of Our Constitution commencement of conception and it is only after
envisioned a proactive Judiciary, ever vigilant implantation that pregnancy can be medically
with its duty to maintain the supremacy of the detected. This theory of implantation as the
Constitution. beginning of life is devoid of any legal or scientific
mooring. It does not pertain to the beginning of life
4. The transcendental importance of the issues but to the viability of the fetus. The fertilized
involved in this case warrants that we set aside the ovum/zygote is not an inanimate object – it is a
technical defects and take primary jurisdiction over living human being complete with DNA and 46
the petition at bar. One cannot deny that the issues chromosomes. Implantation has been
raised herein have potentially pervasive influence conceptualized only for convenience by those who
on the social and moral well being of this nation, had population control in mind. To adopt it would
specially the youth; hence, their proper and just constitute textual infidelity not only to the RH Law
determination is an imperative need. This is in but also to the Constitution. It is the Court’s position
accordance with the well-entrenched principle that life begins at fertilization, not at
that rules of procedure are not inflexible tools implantation. When a fertilized ovum is
implanted in the uterine wall, its viability is religious freedom. Consequently, the petitioners
sustained but that instance of implantation is are misguided in their supposition that the State
not the point of beginning of life. cannot enhance its population control program
through the RH Law simply because the promotion
2. A component to the right to life is the constitutional of contraceptive use is contrary to their religious
right to health. In this regard, the Constitution is beliefs. Indeed, the State is not precluded to
replete with provisions protecting and promoting pursue its legitimate secular objectives without
the right to health. These provisions are self- being dictated upon by the policies of any one
executing. Unless the provisions clearly express religion. One cannot refuse to pay his taxes simply
the contrary, the provisions of the Constitution because it will cloud his conscience. The
should be considered self-executory. There is no demarcation line between Church and State
need for legislation to implement these self- demands that one render unto Caesar the
executing provisions. In Manila Prince Hotel v. things that are Caesar’s and unto God the
GSIS, it was stated: things that are God’s. The Court is of the view
1. x x x Hence, unless it is expressly provided that the obligation to refer imposed by the RH Law
that a legislative act is necessary to enforce a violates the religious belief and conviction of a
constitutional mandate, the presumption now is conscientious objector. Once the medical
that all provisions of the constitution are self- practitioner, against his will, refers a patient
executing. If the constitutional provisions seeking information on modem reproductive health
are treated as requiring legislation instead products, services, procedures and methods, his
of self-executing, the legislature would conscience is immediately burdened as he has
have the power to ignore and practically been compelled to perform an act against his
nullify the mandate of the fundamental law. beliefs. As Commissioner Joaquin A. Bernas
This can be cataclysmic. That is why the (Commissioner Bernas) has written, “at the basis
prevailing view is, as it has always been, that – of the free exercise clause is the respect for the
… in case of doubt, the Constitution should be inviolability of the human conscience.
considered self-executing rather than non-self- 1. The Court is of the strong view that the religious
executing. . . . freedom of health providers, whether public or
2. Unless the contrary is clearly intended, the private, should be accorded primacy.
provisions of the Constitution should be Accordingly, a conscientious objector should
considered self-executing, as a contrary rule be exempt from compliance with the mandates
would give the legislature discretion to of the RH Law. If he would be compelled to act
determine when, or whether, they shall be contrary to his religious belief and conviction, it
effective. These provisions would be would be violative of “the principle of non-
subordinated to the will of the lawmaking body, coercion” enshrined in the constitutional right to
which could make them entirely meaningless free exercise of religion.
by simply refusing to pass the needed 2. The same holds true with respect to non-
implementing statute. maternity specialty hospitals and hospitals
owned and operated by a religious group and
3. It is not within the province of the Court to health care service providers. Considering that
determine whether the use of contraceptives or Section 24 of the RH Law penalizes such
one’s participation in the support of modem institutions should they fail or refuse to comply
reproductive health measures is moral from a with their duty to refer under Section 7 and
religious standpoint or whether the same is right or Section 23(a)(3), the Court deems that it must
wrong according to one’s dogma or belief. For the be struck down for being violative of the
Court has declared that matters dealing with freedom of religion.
“faith, practice, doctrine, form of worship, 3. The same applies to Section 23(a)(l) and (a)(2)
ecclesiastical law, custom and rule of a church in relation to Section 24, considering that in the
… are unquestionably ecclesiastical matters dissemination of information regarding
which are outside the province of the civil programs and services and in the performance
courts.” The jurisdiction of the Court extends of reproductive health procedures, the religious
only to public and secular morality. Whatever freedom of health care service providers
pronouncement the Court makes in the case at should be respected. The punishment of a
bench should be understood only in this realm healthcare service provider, who fails and/or
where it has authority. Stated otherwise, while the refuses to refer a patient to another, or who
Court stands without authority to rule on declines to perform reproductive health
ecclesiastical matters, as vanguard of the procedure on a patient because incompatible
Constitution, it does have authority to determine religious beliefs, is a clear inhibition of a
whether the RH Law contravenes the guarantee of
constitutional guarantee which the Court free medical care to paupers. It should be noted
cannot allow. that Section 7 of the RH Law prioritizes poor and
4. The State cannot, without a compelling state marginalized couples who are suffering from
interest, take over the role of parents in the care fertility issues and desire to have children. There is,
and custody of a minor child, whether or not the therefore, no merit to the contention that the RH
latter is already a parent or has had a miscarriage. Law only seeks to target the poor to reduce
Only a compelling state interest can justify a their number. While the RH Law admits the use of
state substitution of their parental authority. contraceptives, it does not, as elucidated above,
sanction abortion. As Section 3(1) explains, the
5. Any attack on the validity of Section 14 of the RH “promotion and/or stabilization of the population
Law is premature because the Department of growth rate is incidental to the advancement of
Education, Culture and Sports has yet to formulate reproductive health.”
a curriculum on age-appropriate reproductive
health education. One can only speculate on the 8. The notion of involuntary servitude connotes the
content, manner and medium of instruction that will presence of force, threats, intimidation or other
be used to educate the adolescents and whether similar means of coercion and compulsion. A
they will contradict the religious beliefs of the reading of the assailed provision, however, reveals
petitioners and validate their apprehensions. Thus, that it only encourages private and non-
considering the premature nature of this particular government reproductive healthcare service
issue, the Court declines to rule on its providers to render pro bono service. Other than
constitutionality or validity. non-accreditation with PhilHealth, no penalty is
imposed should they choose to do otherwise.
6. A statute or act suffers from the defect of Private and non-government reproductive
vagueness when it lacks comprehensible healthcare service providers also enjoy the liberty
standards that men of common intelligence to choose which kind of health service they wish to
must necessarily guess its meaning and differ provide, when, where and how to provide it or
as to its application. It is repugnant to the whether to provide it all. Clearly, therefore, no
Constitution in two respects: (1) it violates due compulsion, force or threat is made upon them
process for failure to accord persons, especially to render pro bono service against their will.
the parties targeted by it, fair notice of the conduct While the rendering of such service was made a
to avoid; and (2) it leaves law enforcers unbridled prerequisite to accreditation with PhilHealth, the
discretion in carrying out its provisions and Court does not consider the same to be an
becomes an arbitrary flexing of the Government unreasonable burden, but rather, a necessary
muscle. Moreover, in determining whether the incentive imposed by Congress in the
words used in a statute are vague, words must not furtherance of a perceived legitimate state
only be taken in accordance with their plain interest. Consistent with what the Court had earlier
meaning alone, but also in relation to other parts of discussed, however, it should be emphasized that
the statute. It is a rule that every part of the statute conscientious objectors are exempt from this
must be interpreted with reference to the context, provision as long as their religious beliefs and
that is, every part of it must be construed together convictions do not allow them to render
with the other parts and kept subservient to the reproductive health service, pro bona or otherwise.
general intent of the whole enactment.
9. The Court finds nothing wrong with the delegation.
7. To provide that the poor are to be given priority in The FDA does not only have the power but also the
the government’s reproductive health care competency to evaluate, register and cover health
program is not a violation of the equal protection services and methods. It is the only government
clause. In fact, it is pursuant to Section 11, Article entity empowered to render such services and
XIII of the Constitution which recognizes the highly proficient to do so. It should be understood
distinct necessity to address the needs of the that health services and methods fall under the
underprivileged by providing that they be given gamut of terms that are associated with what is
priority in addressing the health development of the ordinarily understood as “health products.” Being
people. Thus: Section 11. The State shall adopt an the country’s premiere and sole agency that
integrated and comprehensive approach to health ensures the safety of food and medicines
development which shall endeavor to make available to the public, the FDA was equipped
essential goods, health and other social services with the necessary powers and functions to
available to all the people at affordable cost. There make it effective. Pursuant to the principle of
shall be priority for the needs of the necessary implication, the mandate by Congress to
underprivileged, sick, elderly, disabled, women, the FDA to ensure public health and safety by
and children. The State shall endeavor to provide permitting only food and medicines that are safe
includes “service” and “methods.” From the Petitioner also claimed that the Assailed Resolutions
declared policy of the RH Law, it is clear that contravened its constitutional rights to privacy, freedom
Congress intended that the public be given only of speech and assembly, and equal protection of laws,
those medicines that are proven medically safe, as well as constituted violations of the Philippines’
legal, non-abortifacient, and effective in international obligations against discrimination based
accordance with scientific and evidence-based on sexual orientation.
medical research standards. The philosophy
behind the permitted delegation was explained In its Comment, the COMELEC reiterated that
in Echagaray v. Secretary of Justice, as follows: petitioner does not have a concrete and genuine
1. The reason is the increasing complexity of the national political agenda to benefit the nation and that
task of the government and the growing the petition was validly dismissed on moral grounds. It
inability of the legislature to cope directly with also argued for the first time that the LGBT sector is not
the many problems demanding its attention. among the sectors enumerated by the Constitution and
The growth of society has ramified its activities RA 7941, and that petitioner made untruthful
and created peculiar and sophisticated statements in its petition when it alleged its national
problems that the legislature cannot be existence contrary to actual verification reports by
expected reasonably to comprehend. COMELEC’s field personnel.
Specialization even in legislation has become ISSUE:
necessary. To many of the problems attendant
upon present day undertakings, the legislature 1. WON Respondent violated the Non-
may not have the competence, let alone the establishment clause of the Constitution;
interest and the time, to provide the required
direct and efficacious, not to say specific 2. WON Respondent erred in denying
solutions. Petitioners application on moral and legal grounds.

10. A reading of the RH Law clearly shows that HELD:

whether it pertains to the establishment of health
care facilities, the hiring of skilled health Respondent mistakenly opines that our ruling
professionals, or the training of barangay health in Ang Bagong Bayani stands for the proposition that
workers, it will be the national government that will only those sectors specifically enumerated in the law
provide for the funding of its implementation. Local or related to said sectors (labor, peasant, fisherfolk,
autonomy is not absolute. The national urban poor, indigenous cultural communities, elderly,
government still has the say when it comes to handicapped, women, youth, veterans, overseas
national priority programs which the local workers, and professionals) may be registered under
government is called upon to implement like the the party-list system. As we explicitly ruled in Ang
RH Law. Bagong Bayani-OFW Labor Party v. Commission on
Elections, “the enumeration of marginalized and under-
ANG LADLAD vs COMELEC represented sectors is not exclusive”. The crucial
element is not whether a sector is specifically
Petitioner is a national organization which enumerated, but whether a particular organization
represents the lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and trans- complies with the requirements of the Constitution and
genders. It filed a petition for accreditation as a party- RA 7941.
list organization to public respondent. However, due to
moral grounds, the latter denied the said petition. To Our Constitution provides in Article III, Section
buttress their denial, COMELEC cited certain biblical 5 that “[n]o law shall be made respecting an
and quranic passages in their decision. It also stated establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free
that since their ways are immoral and contrary to public exercise thereof.” At bottom, what our non-
policy, they are considered nuissance. In fact, their establishment clause calls for is “government neutrality
acts are even punishable under the Revised Penal in religious matters.” Clearly, “governmental reliance
Code in its Article 201. on religious justification is inconsistent with this policy
of neutrality.” We thus find that it was grave violation of
A motion for reconsideration being denied, the non-establishment clause for the COMELEC to
Petitioner filed this instant Petition on Certiorari under utilize the Bible and the Koran to justify the exclusion
Rule 65 of the ROC. of Ang Ladlad. Be it noted that government action must
have a secular purpose.
Ang Ladlad argued that the denial of
accreditation, insofar as it justified the exclusion by Respondent has failed to explain what societal
using religious dogma, violated the constitutional ills are sought to be prevented, or why special
guarantees against the establishment of religion. protection is required for the youth. Neither has the
COMELEC condescended to justify its position that HELD: No. The State could not penalize respondent
petitioner’s admission into the party-list system would for she is exercising her right to freedom of religion.
be so harmful as to irreparably damage the moral fabric The free exercise of religion is specifically articulated
of society. as one of the fundamental rights in our Constitution.
AsJefferson put it, it is the most inalienable and sacred
We also find the COMELEC’s reference to of human rights. The State’s interest in enforcing its
purported violations of our penal and civil laws flimsy, prohibition cannot be merely abstract or symbolic in
at best; disingenuous, at worst. Article 694 of the Civil order to be sufficiently compelling to outweigh a
Code defines a nuisance as “any act, omission, free exerciseclaim. In the case at bar, the State has not
establishment, condition of property, or anything else evinced any concrete interest in enforcing the
which shocks, defies, or disregards decency or concubinage or bigamy charges against respondent or
morality,” the remedies for which are a prosecution her partner. Thus the State’s interest only amounts to
under the Revised Penal Code or any local ordinance, the symbolic preservation of an unenforced
a civil action, or abatement without judicial prohibition.
proceedings. A violation of Article 201 of the Revised
Penal Code, on the other hand, requires proof beyond Furthermore, a distinction between public and secular
reasonable doubt to support a criminal conviction. It morality and religious morality should be kept in mind.
hardly needs to be emphasized that mere allegation of The jurisdiction of the Court extends only to public and
violation of laws is not proof, and a mere blanket secular morality.
invocation of public morals cannot replace the
institution of civil or criminal proceedings and a judicial The Court further states that our Constitution adheres
determination of liability or culpability. the benevolent neutrality approach that gives room for
accommodation of religious exercises as required by
As such, we hold that moral disapproval, the Free Exercise Clause. This benevolent neutrality
without more, is not a sufficient governmental interest could allow for accommodation of morality based on
to justify exclusion of homosexuals from participation religion, provided it does not offend compelling state
in the party-list system. The denial of Ang Ladlad’s interests. Assuming arguendo that the OSG has
registration on purely moral grounds amounts more to proved a compelling state interest, it has to further
a statement of dislike and disapproval of homosexuals, demonstrate that the state has used the least intrusive
rather than a tool to further any substantial public means possible so that the free exercise is not
interest. infringed any more than necessary to achieve the
legitimate goal of the state. Thus
ESTRADA vs ESCRITUR the conjugal arrangement cannot be penalized for it
constitutes an exemption to the law based on her right
Escritor is a court interpreter since 1999 in the to freedom of religion.
RTC of Las Pinas City. She has been living with
Quilapio, a man who is not her husband, for more than AGLIPAY vs RUIZ
twenty five years and had a son with him as well.
Respondent’s husband died a year before she entered The 33rd International Eucharistic Congress
into the judiciary while Quilapio is still legally married to organized by the Roman Catholic Church took place
another woman. sometime in 1936. In commemoration thereof. then
Director of Posts, Juan Ruiz, initiated the production of
Complainant Estrada requested the Judge of said RTC certain stamps the design of which would have in their
to investigate respondent. According to complainant, center a chalice, with grape and stalks of wheat as
respondent should not be allowed to border design. Eventually, the stamps were produced
remain employed therein for it will appear as if the and some were sold pursuant to Act No. 4052, which
court allows such act. provides for appropriation.
Gregorio Aglipay, the head of the Philippine
Respondent claims that their conjugal arrangement is Independent Church, assailed the production and sale
permitted by her religion —the Jehovah’s Witnesses of such stamps. Aglipay contends that the funding of
and the Watch Tower and the Bible Trace Society. said stamps commemorative to a particular religious
They allegedly have a ‘Declaration of Pledging event is in violation of Sec 13, Article 6 of the Philippine
Faithfulness’ under the approval of their congregation. Constitution which prohibits the appropriation or usage
Such a declaration is effective when legal impediments of public money for the use or benefit of any church or
render it impossible for a couple to legalize their union. denomination.

ISSUE: Whether or Not the State could penalize ISSUE: Whether or not the production of the said
respondent for such conjugal arrangement. stamps violate the Constitution.
HELD: No. The sale of stamps is not in violation of the The priest with Andres Garces, a member of the
Constitution. In fact, what was emphasized on the Aglipayan Church, contends that Sec. 8 Article IV1 and
stamps was not the religious event itself but rather the Sec 18(2) Article VIII) 2 of the constitution was
City of Manila as being the seat of such event. Act No. violated.
4052 on the other hand did not appropriate any public
money to a religious event. Act No. 4052 appropriated ISSUE: Whether or Not any freedom of religion clause
the sum of P60,000.00 for the cost of plates and in the Constitution violated.
printing of postage stamps with new designs and other
expenses incident thereto, and merely authorizes the HELD: No. As said by the Court this case is
Director of Posts, with the approval of the Secretary of a petty quarrel over thecustody of the image. The
Public Works and Communications, to dispose of the image was purchased in connection with the
amount appropriated in the manner indicated and “as celebration of the barrio fiesta and not for the purpose
often as may be deemed advantageous to the of favoring any religion nor interfering with religious
Government”. The fact that the fund is being used for matters or beliefs of the barrio residents. Any activity
such is only incidental to the function of Director of intended to facilitate the worship of the patron
Posts and under his discretion. saint(such as the acquisition) is not illegal. Practically,
On religious freedom the image was placed in a layman’s custody so that it
The Supreme Court noted however that the elevating could easily be made available to any family desiring to
influence of religion is recognized here as elsewhere. borrow the image in connection with prayers and
Evidence would be our preamble where we implored novena. It was the council’s funds that were used to
the aid of divine providence to establish an ideal buy the image, therefore it is their property. Right of the
government. If should also be further noted that determination of custody is their right, and even if they
religious freedom as a constitutional mandate is not an decided to give it to the Church, there is no violation of
inhibition of profound reverence to religion. the Constitution, since private funds were used. Not
every government activity which involves the
GARCES vs ESTENZO expenditure of public funds and which has some
religious tint is violative of the constitutional provisions
Two resolutions of the Barangay Council of Valencia, regarding separation of church and state, freedom of
Ormoc City were passed: worship and banning the use of public money or
a. Resolution No. 5- Reviving the traditional socio-
religious celebration every fifth of April. This provided INK vs GIRONELLA
for the acquisition of the image of San Vicente Ferrer
and the construction of a waiting shed. Funds for the It is easily understandable why Mr. Teofilo C. Ramos,
said projects will be obtained through the selling Sr. on behalf of the Iglesia ni Cristo would take
of tickets and cash donations. umbrage on the portion of the opinion of respondent
Judge Leopoldo B. Gironella in the course of acquitting
b. Resolution No. 6- The chairman or hermano mayor the defendants accused of Triple Rape. Thus: "it will
of the fiesta would be the caretaker of the image of San also be observed that Florencio Ola was released on
Vicente Ferrer and that the image would remain in his July 27, 1979, yet no action was taken by him from July
residence for one year and until the election of his 28, 1979, to August 21 to denounce to the proper
successor. The image would be made available to the authorities what allegedly had happened to his wife
Catholic Church during the celebration of the saint’s Merlinda Ola. Merlinda Ola, however, is a member of
feast day. the Iglesia ni Cristo. Her husband Florencio Ola and
her in-laws were still in the process of being convinced
These resolutions have been ratified by 272 voters, to become members of the Iglesia ni Cristo. As testified
and said projects were implemented. The image was to by complainant Merlinda Ola, she also consulted her
temporarily placed in the altar of the Catholic Church brothers of the Iglesia ni Cristo as it was thru their
of the barangay. However, after a mass, Father Sergio assistance that made possible the institution of this
Marilao Osmeña refused to return the image to the action. Her husband and in-laws are now members of
barangay council, as it was the church’s property since the Iglesia ni Cristo. It cannot, therefore, be discarded
church funds were used in its acquisition. that the filing of the charge was resorted to as a
gimmick of showing to the community of La Paz, Abra
Resolution No. 10 was passed for in particular and to the public in general that the Iglesia
the authorization of hiring a lawyer for the replevin ni Cristo unhesitatingly helps its member of his/her
case against the priest for the recovery of the image. problem." 1 There was absolutely no need for the last
Resolution No. 12 appointed Brgy. Captain Veloso as sentence therein being included. Respondent judge
a representative to the case. The priest, in his answer was charged with ignorance of the law and conduct
assailed the constitutionality of the said resolutions. unbecoming a member of the bench. While the
offending portion of such opinion is not impressed with the sensibilities of the members of Iglesia ni Cristo. It is
such gravity, disciplinary action nonetheless is not inaccurate to state that as understood in the
warranted. popular sense, it is not exactly complimentary. It may
indicate lack of sincerity. It is a ploy or device to
As noted in the report of Court Administrator Lorenzo persuade others to take a course of action, which
Relova, adopting the memorandum of Deputy Court without it may not be acceptable. While it would be
Administrator Romeo D. Mendoza: "Respondent going too far to assert that intentional deceit is
judge, in his comment dated January 20, 1981, alleged employed, it could have that effect. The Latin
that the charges made against him by herein maxim, Suggestio falsi est suppressio veri, comes to
complainant are unfair and unfounded as the decision mind. It is to be expected that a religious sect accused
rendered by him in Criminal Case No. 2003, acquitting of having to resort to a "gimmick" to gain converts
the three cranad(3) accused of Triple Rape, was would certainly be far from pleased. Freedom of
prepared by him in the honest conviction that the religion 5 implies respect for every creed. No one,
evidence adduced at the trial of said case was not much less a public official, is privileged to characterize
sufficiently clear to establish the guilt of the accused the actuation of its adherents in a derogatory sense. It
beyond reasonable doubt. Respondent judge further should not be lost sight of either that the attendance at
contended that the statements complained of are his a trial of many members of a religious sect finds
honest appraisal and evaluation of the evidence for the support in the Constitution. The right to a public trial is
prosecution, particularly the statement of the safeguarded by the fundamental law. 6 No adverse
complainant witness cranad(Merlinda Ola), in addition implication can arise from such an occurrence. It goes
to the fact that she had always been accompanied in without saying that if their presence would create
court during the trial by Ministers of the Iglesia ni Cristo disorder, it lies within the power of a trial judge to
and numerous members of the sect." 2 There was a maintain the proper decorum.
reply on the part of complainant, Teofilo Ramos, Sr.
who, according to the report, "claimed that the The Court, however, takes into consideration the fact
statement made by the herein respondent judge that that the right of a court to give expression to its views
the complaining witness had always been is equally deserving of protection. At any rate, it is not
accompanied in court during the trial by Ministers of the an affront to rationality if note be taken that not all
Iglesia ni Cristo and numerous members of said sect, members of the bench are possessed of such an
was uncalled for and intended to further malign the extensive vocabulary in the English language that the
Iglesia ni Cristo, thereby seriously putting under doubt misuse of a word is to be followed automatically by
respondent judge's competency and integrity as a reprisal of a severe character. While under the
magistrate of the law. He also claimed that the circumstances, some members of the Court are of the
inconsistencies in the testimony of the rape victim in opinion that censure is warranted, it is the view of the
the said criminal case were minor matters that did not majority that an admonition would suffice.
disprove the commission of the crime of rape by the
members of the police authorities as well as their WHEREFORE, Judge Leopoldo B. Gironella is hereby
identities. Complainant proferred as an excuse for said admonished to be much more careful in the use of
inconsistencies the fact that the victim is a simple and language likely to offend an individual or religious sect.
unlearned housewife and no malicious motive or evil
intent had been shown at the trial which had impelled AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY vs CITY OF MANILA
said victim to point an accusing finger against the
three cranad(3) accused in the subject criminal case." Plaintiff-appellant is a foreign, non-stock, non-
3 In the state of the record, it was submitted in such profit, religious, missionary corporation duly registered
report that "on the basis of the pleadings and other and doing business in the Philippines through its
documents of record, respondent judge's liability or Philippine agency established in Manila in November,
lack of it can already be determined without need of 1898. The defendant appellee is a municipal
further investigation. Accordingly, the undersigned corporation with powers that are to be exercised in
finds it unnecessary to refer this case to a Justice of conformity with the provisions of Republic Act No. 409,
the Court of Appeals for investigation. This Court, in the known as the Revised Charter of the City of Manila.
case of Sta. Maria. v. Ubay, held that 'cumbersome,
time-consuming procedure of investigation need not be During the course of its ministry, plaintiff sold bibles
resorted to if the allegations in the complaint, the and other religious materials at a very minimal profit.
comments thereon, and the documents presented On May 29 1953, the acting City Treasurer of the City
provide ample basis for a resolution of the of Manila informed plaintiff that it was conducting the
complainant's charges.'" business of general merchandise since November,
1945, without providing itself with the necessary
This administrative complaint, therefore, is ripe for Mayor's permit and municipal license, in violation of
resolution. The use of the word "gimmick" could offend Ordinance No. 3000, as amended, and Ordinances
Nos. 2529, 3028 and 3364, and required plaintiff to …in no case shall there be elected or appointed to a
secure, within three days, the corresponding permit municipal office ecclesiastics, soldiers in active
and license fees, together with compromise covering service, persons receiving salaries or compensation
the period from the 4th quarter of 1945 to the 2nd from provincial or national funds, or contractors for
quarter of 1953, in the total sum of P5,821.45 (Annex public works of the municipality.
A). In this case, the elected mayor is a priest. However,
Judge Victorino Teleron ruled that the Administrative
Plaintiff now questions the imposition of such fees. Code is repealed by the Election Code of 1971
which now allows ecclesiastics to run.
ISSUE: Whether or not the said ordinances are
constitutional and valid (contention: it restrains the free ISSUE: Whether or not Section 2175 of the Revised
exercise and enjoyment of the religious profession and Administrative Code of 1917 is no longer operative?
worship of appellant).
HELD: The Supreme Court decision was indecisive.
HELD: Section 1, subsection (7) of Article III of the Under the 1935 Constitution, “No religious test shall be
Constitution, provides that: required for the exercise of civil or political rights.” If the
(7) No law shall be made respecting an establishment the doctrine of constitutional supremacy is to be
of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, and maintained, then Section 2175 shall not prevail, thus,
the free exercise and enjoyment of religious profession an ecclesiastic may run for elective office. However,
and worship, without discrimination or preference, shall this issue proved to have divided the Supreme Court
forever be allowed. No religion test shall be required for because it failed to obtain the majority vote of eight (8)
the exercise of civil or political rights. The provision which is needed in order to declare Section 2175 of the
aforequoted is a constitutional guaranty of the free RAC to be unconstitutional. For this, the petition filed
exercise and enjoyment of religious profession and by Pamil must be granted and the decision of the lower
worship, which carries with it the right to disseminate court reversed and set aside. Fr. Gonzaga is hereby
religious information. ordered to vacate the mayoralty position.
It may be true that in the case at bar the price asked
for the bibles and other religious pamphlets was in It was also pointed out (in the dissenting opinions) that
some instances a little bit higher than the actual cost of how can one who swore to serve the Church’s interest
the same but this cannot mean that appellant was above all be in duty to enforce state policies which at
engaged in the business or occupation of selling said times may conflict with church tenets. This is in
"merchandise" for profit. For this reason. The Court violation of the separation of the church and state. The
believe that the provisions of City of Manila Ordinance Revised Administrative Code still stands because there
No. 2529, as amended, cannot be applied to appellant, is no implied repeal.
for in doing so it would impair its free exercise and
enjoyment of its religious profession and worship as VICTORIANO vs ELIZALDE ROPE
well as its rights of dissemination of religious beliefs.
With respect to Ordinance No. 3000, as amended, the Benjamin Victoriano, an Iglesia ni Cristo (INC)
Court do not find that it imposes any charge upon the member, has been an employee of the Elizalde Rope
enjoyment of a right granted by the Constitution, nor Factory (ERF) since 1958. He was also a member of
tax the exercise of religious practices. the EPWU (Elizalde Rope Workers’ Union). Under the
collective bargaining agreement (CBA) between ERF
It seems clear, therefore, that Ordinance No. 3000 and EPWU, a close shop agreement is being enforced
cannot be considered unconstitutional, however which means that employment in the factory relies on
inapplicable to said business, trade or occupation of the membership in the EPWU; that in order to retain
the plaintiff. As to Ordinance No. 2529 of the City of employment in the said factory one must be a member
Manila, as amended, is also not applicable, so of the said Union. In 1962, Victoriano tendered his
defendant is powerless to license or tax the business resignation from EPWU claiming that as per RA 3350
of plaintiff Society. he is an exemption to the close shop agreement by
virtue of his being a member of the INC because
PAMIL vs TELERON apparently in the INC, one is forbidden from being a
member of any labor union. It was only in 1974 that his
In 1971, Fr. Margarito Gonzaga, a priest, won resignation from the Union was acted upon by EPWU
the election for mayoralty in Alburquerque, Bohol. He which notified ERF about it. ERF then moved to
was later proclaimed as mayor therein. Fortunato terminate Victoriano due to his non-membership from
Pamil, a rival candidate filed a quo warranto case the EPWU. EPWU and ERF reiterated that he is not
against Gonzaga questioning the eligibility of Gonzaga. exempt from the close shop agreement because RA
He argued that as provided for in Section 2175 of the 3350, which provides that close shop agreements shall
1917 Revised Administrative Code: not cover members of any religious sects which
prohibit affiliation of their members in any such labor plight and requested to reinstate their children. This
organization, is unconstitutional and that said law was denied.
violates the EPWU’s and ERF’s legal/contractual
rights. 2. As a result, the petitioners filed for a writ of
preliminary injunction against the Secretary and
ISSUE: Whether or not RA 3350 is unconstitutional. Director of Public Schools to restrain them from
implementing said DO No. 8.
HELD: No. The right to religion prevails over
contractual or legal rights. As such, an INC member
may refuse to join a labor union and despite the fact 3. The lower court (RTC) declared DO 8 invalid and
that there is a close shop agreement in the factory contrary to the Bill of Rights.
where he was employed, his employment could not be
validly terminated for his non-membership in the ISSUE: Whether or not DO 8 is valid or
majority therein. Further, the right to join a union constitutional
includes the right not to join a union. The law is not
unconstitutional. It recognizes both the rights of unions DO 8 is valid. Saluting the flag is not a religious ritual
and employers to enforce terms of contracts and at the and it is for the courts to determine, not a religious
same time it recognizes the workers’ right to join or not group, whether or not a certain practice is one.
to join union. RA 3550 recognizes as well the primacy
of a constitutional right over a contractual right. 1. The court held that the flag is not an image but a
symbol of the Republic of the Philippines, an emblem
GERMAN vs BARANGAN of national sovereignty, of national unity and cohesion
and of freedom and liberty which it and the Constitution
One afternoon in October 1984, Reli German et al went guarantee and protect. Considering the complete
to JP Laurel Sreet to pray and worship at the St. Luke separation of church and state in our system of
Chapel. But they were barred by General Santiago government, the flag is utterly devoid of any religious
Barangan from entering the church because the same significance. Saluting the flag consequently does not
is within the vicinity of the Malacañang. And involve any religious ceremony.
considering that German’s group is expressively
known as the August Twenty One Movement who were After all, the determination of whether a certain ritual is
wearing yellow shirts with clench fists, Barangan or is not a religious ceremony must rest with the courts.
deemed that they were not really there to worship but It cannot be left to a religious group or sect, much less
rather they are there to disrupt the ongoings within the to a follower of said group or sect; otherwise, there
Malacañang. would be confusion and misunderstanding for there
might be as many interpretations and meanings to be
ISSUE: Whether or not the bar disallowing petitioners given to a certain ritual or ceremony as there are
to worship and pray at St. Luke’s is a violation of their religious groups or sects or followers.
freedom to worship and locomotion.
2. The freedom of religious belief guaranteed by the
HELD: No. In the case at bar, German et al were not Constitution does not and cannot mean exemption
denied or restrained of their freedom of belief or choice form or non-compliance with reasonable and non-
of their religion, but only in the manner by which they discriminatory laws, rules and regulations promulgated
had attempted to translate the same into action. There by competent authority. In enforcing the flag salute on
has been a clear manifestation by Barangan et al that the petitioners, there was absolutely no compulsion
they allow German et al to practice their religious belief involved, and for their failure or refusal to obey school
but not in the manner that German et al impressed. regulations about the flag salute they were not being
Such manner impresses “clear and present danger” to persecuted. Neither were they being criminally
the executive of the state hence the need to curtail it prosecuted under threat of penal sacntion. If they
even at the expense of curtailing one’s freedom to chose not to obey the flag salute regulation, they
worship. merely lost the benefits of public education being
maintained at the expense of their fellow citizens,
GERONA vs SEC. OF EDUCATION nothing more. According to a popular expression, they
1. Petitioners belong to the Jehova’s Witness whose could take it or leave it. Having elected not to comply
children were expelled from their schools when they with the regulations about the flag salute, they forfeited
refused to salute, sing the anthem, recite the pledge their right to attend public schools.
during the conduct of flag ceremony. DO No. 8 issued
by DECS pursuant to RA 1265 which called for the 3. The Filipino flag is not an image that requires
manner of conduct during a flag ceremony. The religious veneration; rather it is symbol of the Republic
petitioners wrote the Secretary of Education on their of the Philippines, of sovereignty, an emblem of
freedom, liberty and national unity; that the flag salute demoralize the rest of the school population which by
is not a religious ceremony but an act and profession far constitutes the great majority. The freedom of
of love and allegiance and pledge of loyalty to the religious belief guaranteed by the Constitution does not
fatherland which the flag stands for; that by authority of and cannot mean exemption from or non-compliance
the legislature, the Secretary of Education was duly with reasonable and non-discriminatory laws, rules and
authorized to promulgate Department Order No. 8, regulations promulgated by competent authority.
series of 1955; that the requirement of observance of
the flag ceremony or salute provided for in said ISSUE: Whether or not the expulsion of petitioners
Department Order No. 8, does not violate the violated their freedom of religion?
Constitutional provision about freedom of religion and
exercise of religion; that compliance with the non- HELD: YES. The Court held that the expulsion of the
discriminatory and reasonable rules and regulations petitioners from the school was not justified.
and school discipline, including observance of the flag Religious freedom is a fundamental right of highest
ceremony is a prerequisite to attendance in public priority and the amplest protection among human
schools; and that for failure and refusal to participate in rights, for it involves the relationship of man to his
the flag ceremony, petitioners were properly excluded Creator. The right to religious profession and
and dismissed from the public school they were worship has a two-fold aspect, vis., freedom to
attending. believe and freedom to act on one’s belief. The first
is absolute as long as the belief is confined within
EBRALINAG vs SUPT. OF CEBU the realm of thought. The second is subject to
regulation where the belief is translated into
Two special civil actions for certiorari, external acts that affect the public welfare. The
Mandamus and Prohibition were filed and consolidated only limitation to religious freedom is the existence
raising the same issue whether school children who of grave and present danger to public safety,
are members or a religious sect known as Jehovah’s morals, health and interests where State has right
Witnesses may be expelled from school (both public to prevent.
and private), for refusing, on account of their religious Petitioners stress that while they do not take part in the
beliefs, to take part in the flag ceremony which includes compulsory flag ceremony, they do not engage in
playing (by a band) or singing the Philippine national “external acts” or behavior that would offend their
anthem, saluting the Philippine flag and reciting the countrymen who believe in expressing their love of
patriotic pledge. country through the observance of the flag ceremony.
All of the petitioners in both (consolidated) cases were They quietly stand at attention during the flag
expelled from their classes by the public school ceremony to show their respect for the right of those
authorities in Cebu for refusing to salute the flag, sing who choose to participate in the solemn proceedings.
the national anthem and recite the patriotic pledge as Since they do not engage in disruptive behavior, there
required by Republic Act No. 1265 (An Act making is no warrant for their expulsion.
flagceremony compulsory in all educational
institutions) of July 11, 1955 , and by Department Order FR. ROBERT REYES vs CA
No. 8 (Rules and Regulations for Conducting the Flag
Ceremony in All Educational Institutions)dated July 21, Petitioner, Rev. Reyes was among those arrested in
1955 of the Department of Education, Culture and the Manila Peninsula Hotel siege on November 2007
Sports (DECS) making the flag ceremony compulsory and together with fifty (50) others, they were brought to
in all educational institutions. Camp Crame to await inquest proceedings. On
December 2007, a Hold Departure Order List was
Petitioners are Jehovah’s Witnesses believing issued ordering the Immigration to include the name of
that by doing these is religious worship/devotion akin petitioner and 49 others for the alleged crime of
to idolatry against their teachings. They contend that to Rebellion, in the interest of national security and public
compel transcends constitutional limits and invades safety.
protection against official control and religious
freedom. The respondents relied on the precedence of Petitioner’s counsel wrote the DOJ Secretary
Gerona et al v. Secretary of Education where the Court requesting the lifting of HDO, in view of the dismissal
upheld the explulsions. Gerona doctrine provides that of his client’s criminal case on rebellion. That, the DOJ
we are a system of separation of the church and state Secretary has not acted on their request, petitioner
and the flag is devoid of religious significance and it then next recourse was for the availment of the writ of
doesn’t involve any religious ceremony. The children of amparo because of his alleged continued restraint of
Jehovah’s Witnesses cannot be exempted from right to travel.
participation in the flag ceremony. They have no valid
right to such exemption. Moreover, exemption to the ISSUE: Whether petitioner’s right to liberty has been
requirement will disrupt school discipline and violated or threatened with violation by the issuance of
the HDO, which would entitle him to the privilege of the travel documents and prevent the implementation of
writ of amparo. President Aquino’s decision to bar Marcos from
returning in the Philippines. Petitioner questions
HELD: No. The right to travel refers to the right to move Aquino’s power to bar his return in the country. He also
from one place to another. Here, the restriction on questioned the claim of the President that the decision
petitioner’s right to travel as a consequence of the was made in the interest of national security, public
pendency of the criminal case filed against him was not safety and health. Petitioner also claimed that the
unlawful. Petitioner has also failed to establish that his President acted outside her jurisdiction.
right to travel was impaired in the manner and to the According to the Marcoses, such act deprives them of
extent that it amounted to a serious violation of his right their right to life, liberty, property without due process
to life, liberty and security, for which there exists no and equal protection of the laws. They also said that it
readily available legal recourse or remedy. deprives them of their right to travel which according to
Section 6, Article 3 of the constitution, may only be
The writ of amparo was originally conceived as a impaired by a court order.
response to the extraordinary rise in the number of
killings and enforced disappearances, and to the Issue:
perceived lack of available and effective remedies to 1. Whether or not, in the exercise of the powers
address these extraordinary concerns. Where, as in granted by the Constitution, the President may
this case, there is no clear showing that the right to life, prohibit the Marcoses from returning to the
liberty or security of the petitioner is immediately in Philippines.
danger or threatened, or that the danger or threat is 2. Whether or not the President acted arbitrarily
continuing. Petitioner’s apprehension is at best merely or with grave abuse of discretion amounting to
speculative. lack or excess of jurisdiction when she
determined that the return of the Marcoses to
Petition is dismissed. the Philippines poses a serious threat to
national interest and welfare and decided to
bar their return.
MANGLAPUS No to both issues. Petition dismissed.
Former President Ferdinand E. Marcos was Ratio:
deposed from the presidency via the non-violent Separation of power dictates that each department has
“people power” revolution and was forced into exile. exclusive powers. According to Section 1, Article VII of
Marcos, in his deathbed, has signified his wish to return the 1987 Philippine Constitution, “the executive power
to the Philippines to die. But President Corazon shall be vested in the President of the Philippines.”
Aquino, considering the dire consequences to the However, it does not define what is meant by
nation of his return at a time when the stability of “executive power” although in the same article it
government is threatened from various directions and touches on exercise of certain powers by the
the economy is just beginning to rise and move President, i.e., the power of control over all executive
forward, has stood firmly on the decision to bar the departments, bureaus and offices, the power to
return of Marcos and his family. execute the laws, the appointing power to grant
Aquino barred Marcos from returning due to possible reprieves, commutations and pardons… (art VII secfs.
threats & following supervening events: 14-23). Although the constitution outlines tasks of the
1. failed Manila Hotel coup in 1986 led by Marcos president, this list is not defined & exclusive. She has
leaders residual & discretionary powers not stated in the
2. channel 7 taken over by rebels & loyalists Constitution which include the power to protect the
3. plan of Marcoses to return w/ mercenaries general welfare of the people. She is obliged to protect
aboard a chartered plane of a Lebanese arms the people, promote their welfare & advance national
dealer. This is to prove that they can stir trouble interest. (Art. II, Sec. 4-5 of the Constitution). Residual
from afar powers, according to Theodore Roosevelt, dictate that
4. Honasan’s failed coup the President can do anything which is not forbidden in
5. Communist insurgency movements the Constitution (Corwin, supra at 153), inevitable to
6. secessionist movements in Mindanao vest discretionary powers on the President (Hyman,
7. devastated economy because of American President) and that the president has to
1. accumulated foreign debt maintain peace during times of emergency but also on
2. plunder of nation by Marcos & cronies the day-to-day operation of the State.
The rights Marcoses are invoking are not absolute.
Marcos filed for a petition of mandamus and They’re flexible depending on the circumstances. The
prohibition to order the respondents to issue them their request of the Marcoses to be allowed to return to the
Philippines cannot be considered in the light solely of They can impose limits only on the basis of "national
the constitutional provisions guaranteeing liberty of security, public safety, or public health" and "as may be
abode and the right to travel, subject to certain provided by law," a limitive phrase which did not appear
exceptions, or of case law which clearly never in the 1973 text (The Constitution, Bernas, Joaquin
contemplated situations even remotely similar to the G.,S.J., Vol. I, First Edition, 1987, p. 263). Apparently,
present one. It must be treated as a matter that is the phraseology in the 1987 Constitution was a
appropriately addressed to those residual unstated reaction to the ban on international travel imposed
powers of the President which are implicit in and under the previous regime when there was a Travel
correlative to the paramount duty residing in that office Processing Center, which issued certificates of
to safeguard and protect general welfare. In that eligibility to travel upon application of an interested
context, such request or demand should submit to the party (See Salonga vs. Hermoso & Travel Processing
exercise of a broader discretion on the part of the Center, No. 53622, 25 April 1980, 97 SCRA 121).
President to determine whether it must be granted or
denied. Holding an accused in a criminal case within the reach
For issue number 2, the question for the court to of the Courts by preventing his departure from the
determine is whether or not there exist factual basis for Philippines must be considered as a valid restriction on
the President to conclude that it was in the national his right to travel so that he may be dealt with in
interest to bar the return of the Marcoses in the accordance with law. The offended party in any
Philippines. It is proven that there are factual bases in criminal proceeding is the People of the Philippines. It
her decision. The supervening events that happened is to their best interest that criminal prosecutions
before her decision are factual. The President must should run their course and proceed to finality without
take preemptive measures for the self-preservation of undue delay, with an accused holding himself
the country & protection of the people. She has to amenable at all times to Court Orders and processes
uphold the Constitution.
SILVERIO vs CA Facts: This is an action for habeas corpus brought by
Petitioner was charged with violation of Section 2 (4) of Bartolome Caunca in behalf of his cousin Estelita
the revised securities act. Respondent filed to cancel Flores who was employed by the Far Eastern
the passport of the petitioner and to issue a hold Employment Bureau, owned by Julia Salazar,
departure order. The RTC ordered the DFA to cancel respondent herein. An advanced payment has already
petitioner’s passport, based on the finding that the been given to Estelita by the employment agency, for
petitioner has not been arraigned and there was her to work as a maid. However, Estelita wanted to
evidence to show that the accused has left the country transfer to another residence, which was disallowed by
with out the knowledge and the permission of the court. the employment agency. Further she was detained and
her liberty was restrained. The employment agency
Issue: Whether or Not the right to travel may be wanted that the advance payment, which was applied
impaired by order of the court. to her transportation expense from the province should
be paid by Estelita before she could be allowed to
Held: The bail bond posted by petitioner has been leave.
cancelled and warrant of arrest has been issued by
reason that he failed to appear at his arraignments. Issue: Whether or Not an employment agency has the
There is a valid restriction on the right to travel, it is right to restrain and detain a maid without returning the
imposed that the accused must make himself available advance payment it gave?
whenever the court requires his presence. A person
facing criminal charges may be restrained by the Court Held: An employment agency, regardless of the
from leaving the country or, if abroad, compelled to amount it may advance to a prospective employee or
return (Constitutional Law, Cruz, Isagani A., 1987 maid, has absolutely no power to curtail her freedom of
Edition, p. 138). So it is also that "An accused released movement. The fact that no physical force has been
on bail may be re-arrested without the necessity of a exerted to keep her in the house of the respondent
warrant if he attempts to depart from the Philippines does not make less real the deprivation of her personal
without prior permission of the Court where the case is freedom of movement, freedom to transfer from one
pending (ibid., Sec. 20 [2nd place to another, freedom to choose one’s residence.
par. ]). Freedom may be lost due to external moral
compulsion, to founded or groundless fear, to
Article III, Section 6 of the 1987 Constitution should be erroneous belief in the existence of an imaginary power
interpreted to mean that while the liberty of travel may of an impostor to cause harm if not blindly obeyed, to
be impaired even without Court Order, the appropriate any other psychological element that may curtail the
executive officers or administrative authorities are not mental faculty of choice or the unhampered exercise of
armed with arbitrary discretion to impose limitations. the will. If the actual effect of such psychological spell
is to place a person at the mercy of another, the victim national tribunals for acts violating the fundamental
is entitled to the protection of courts of justice as much rights granted him by the Constitution or by law. While
as the individual who is illegally deprived of liberty by such right is not absolute but must yield to the State's
duress or physical coercion. inherent police power upon which the Hold-Orders
were premised, no 'good reasons' have been
KWONG vs PCGG advanced which could justify the continued
The petitioners had been barred by the government enforcement of the Hold-Orders." Thus, the Court held
from leaving the country. This was done through a that the government had abused its discretion in
Hold-Order. The petitioners argued that this was maintaining the Hold-Orders for an indefinite length of
violative of their right to travel. time, as to do so arbitrarily violated the petitioners'
fundamental right to freedom of movement.
Petitioners are foreign nationals who are the
representatives of the Hongkong-Chinese investors
who own 33% of the shares of stock in two domestic MANOTOC vs CA
garment corporations, namely, De Soleil Apparel
Petitioner was charged with estafa. He posted
Manufacturing Corporation and American Inter-
bail. Petitioner filed before each of the trial courts a
Fashion Manufacturing Corporation, which firms were
motion entitled, "motion for permission to leave the
ordered sequestered by the PCGG on 25 March 1986
country," stating as ground therefor his desire to go to
on the thesis that the Marcoses, through nominees and
the United States, "relative to his business transactions
dummies, appear to control 67 % of the firms'
and opportunities." The prosecution opposed said
motion and after due hearing, both trial judges denied
On 13 February 1987 respondent Ramon A. Diaz, then
the same. Petitioner thus filed a petition for certiorari
Secretary of the PCGG, wrote the Minister of Public
and mandamus before the then Court of Appeals
Information advising the latter that petitioners had been
seeking to annul the orders dated March 9 and 26,
included in the Hold-Order list of the PCGG (Annex "L"
1982, of Judges Camilon and Pronove, respectively, as
well as the communication-request of the Securities
and Exchange Commission, denying his leave to travel
On 12 March 1987 petitioners filed before the PCGG
abroad. He likewise prayed for the issuance of the
an Urgent Motion to Lift Hold-Order with the request
that the Motion be set for hearing on 16 March 1987 appropriate writ commanding the Immigration
Commissioner and the Chief of the Aviation Security
(Annex "M," Petition). The Motion, however, was not
Command (AVSECOM) to clear him for departure. The
calendared for hearing on said date. On 19 March 1987
Court of Appeals denied the petition.
the PCGG denied the Motion to Lift in an Order reading
as follows
Petitioner contends that having been admitted to bail
Issue: A. The Hold-Order issued against the petitioners
as a matter of right, neither the courts which granted
is a gross and unlawful violation of their constitutional
him bail nor the Securities and Exchange Commission
right of travel and locomotion.
which has no jurisdiction over his liberty could prevent
him from exercising his constitutional right to travel.
Ruling: In the interest of the early and full restoration of
petitioners' right to travel, the Court hereby LIFTS the Issue: Whether or Not his constitutional right to travel
Hold-Orders issued by respondent Presidential has been violated.
Commission on Good Government against petitioners,
effective immediately, upon the condition that they Held: A court has the power to prohibit a person
shall hold themselves available if and whenever admitted to bail from leaving the Philippines. This is a
needed by said Commission in the performance of its necessary consequence of the nature and function of
task. a bail bond. The condition imposed upon petitioner to
make himself available at all times whenever the court
requires his presence operates as a valid restriction on
The Court held that the Hold-Orders impaired his right to travel. Indeed, if the accused were allowed
the petitioners' constitutional right to travel. The Hold- to leave the Philippines without sufficient reason, he
Orders had already expired and the grounds for their may be placed beyond the reach of the courts.
issuance had become moot. The Court said, "The right Petitioner has not shown the necessity for his travel
to travel and to freedom of movement is a fundamental abroad. There is no indication that the business
right guaranteed by the 1987 Constitution and the transactions cannot be undertaken by any other person
Universal Declaration of Human Rights to which the in his behalf.
Philippines is a signatory. That right extends to all VILLAVICENCIO vs LUKBAN
residents regardless of nationality. And everyone has
the right to an effective remedy by the competent
: One hundred and seventy women were isolated from Afterwards, he subscribed and swore to the same
society, and then at night, without their consent and before him.
without any opportunity to consult with friends or to
defend their rights, were forcibly hustled on board ISSUE: Whether the Respondent Judge failed to
steamers for transportation to regions unknown. comply with the proper procedure in issuing the Search
Despite the feeble attempt to prove that the women left Warrant.
voluntarily and gladly, that such was not the case is
shown by the mere fact that the presence of the police HELD: Yes, mere affidavits of the complainant and his
and the constabulary was deemed necessary and that witnesses are thus not sufficient. The examining Judge
these officers of the law chose the shades of night to has to take depositions in writing of the complainant
cloak their secret and stealthy acts. Indeed, this is a and the witnesses he may produce and attach them to
fact impossible to refute and practically admitted by the the record. Such written deposition is necessary in
respondents. order that the Judge may be able to properly determine
the existence or non-existence of the probable cause,
ISSUE: WON Mayor Lukban has the right to deport to hold liable for perjury the person giving it if it will be
women with ill repute. found later that his declarations are false.
We, therefore, hold that the search warrant is tainted
HELD: Law defines power. No official, no matter how with illegality by the failure of the Judge to conform with
high, is above the law. Lukban committed a grave the essential requisites of taking the depositions in
abuse of discretion by deporting the prostitutes to a writing and attaching them to the record, rendering
new domicile against their will. There is no law the search warrant invalid. (See Rule 126, Sec 4)
expressly authorizing his action. On the contrary, there The respondent judge also declared that he "saw no
is a law punishing public officials, not expressly need to have applicant Quillosa's deposition taken
authorized by law or regulation, who compels any considering that he was applying for a search warrant
person to change his residence Furthermore, the on the basis of the information provided by the
prostitutes are still, as citizens of the Philippines, witnesses whose depositions had already been taken
entitled to the same rights, as stipulated in the Bill of by the undersigned.
Rights, as every other citizen. Thei rchoice of In other words, the applicant was asking for the
profession should not be a cause for discrimination. It issuance of the search warrant on the basis of mere
may make some, like Lukban, quite uncomfortable but hearsay and not of information personally known to
it does not authorize anyone to compel said prostitutes him, as required by settled jurisprudence.
to isolate themselves from the rest of the human race.
These women have been deprived of their liberty by SALONG vs HERMOSO
being exiled to Davao without even being given the
opportunity to collect their belongings or, worse, During the time of Martial Law, Jovito Salonga filed a
without even consenting to being transported to case for mandamus against Rolando Hermoso of the
Mindanao. For this, Lukban etal must be severely Travel Processing Center to compel the latter to issue
punished a certificate of eligibility to travel in favor of Salonga.

ROAN vs GONZALES ISSUE: Whether or not the right to travel may be

prohibited during martial law.
The challenged search warrant was issued by the
respondent judge on May 10, 1984. The petitioner's HELD: No. This issue became moot and academic
house was searched two days later but none of the because it appears that Hermoso did issue and did not
articles listed in the warrant was discovered. However, deny Salonga’s request for a certificate of eligibility to
the officers conducting the search found in the travel.
premises one Colt Magnum revolver and eighteen live
bullets which they confiscated. They are now the bases The issuance of the certificate was in pursuant to the
of the charge against the petitioner. Universal Declaration of Human Rights on the Right to
Respondent Judge said that when PC Capt. Mauro P. Travel. The Philippines, even though it is under martial
Quinosa personally filed his application for a search law, shall in no instance facilitate the erosion of human
warrant on May 10, 1984, he appeared before him in rights. The Travel Processing Center should exercise
the company of his two (2) witnesses, Esmael Morada the utmost care to avoid the impression that certain
and Jesus Tohilida, both of whom likewise presented citizens desirous of exercising their constitutional right
to him their respective affidavits taken by Pat. Josue V. to travel could be subjected to inconvenience or
Lining, a police investigator. As the application was not annoyance – this is to avoid such similar cases to face
yet subscribed and sworn to, he proceeded to examine the Court which needlessly expire the Court’s effort
Captain Quillosa on the contents thereof to ascertain, and time.
among others, if he knew and understood the same.
resolved to let the parties first adduce evidence, and to
have PRC air its side of the case. The RTC also
23. hazel antolin vs domondon ordered the PRC to preserve and safeguard the
questionnaire, petitioner’s answer sheets, and the
Facts: Hazel Ma. C. Antolin (Petitioner) failed the answer keys for the October 1997 CPA Licensure
Certified Public Accountant (CPA) Licensure Exam she Exam. When their motion for reconsideration was
took in October 1997. Convinced she deserved to pass denied, respondents brought the case to the Court of
the Exam, she wrote to the Board of Accountancy Appeals (CA) which set aside the RTC’s decision and
(Board), requesting that her answer sheets be re- ordered the dismissal of the case because: (1) the
corrected. She was shown her answer sheets but since petition was mooted when petitioner passed the May
these showed only shaded marks, she was unable to 1998 CPA exam; (2) Section 20, Article IV of PRC
determine why she failed the Exam. Consequently, she Resolution No. 338, series of 1994, constituted a valid
asked the Board for copies of the questionnaire, her limitation on her right to information and access to
answer sheets, the answer keys and an explanation of government documents; (3) the Examination
the grading system (collectively, the Examination Documents were not of public concern, because she
Papers). Her request was denied on two grounds: (1) merely sought review of her failing marks; (4) it was not
Section 36, Article III of the Rules and Regulations the ministerial or mandatory function of the
Governing the Regulation and Practice of respondents to review and reassess the answers to
Professionals, as amended by Professional Regulation examination questions of a failing examinee; and (5)
Commission (PRC) Resolution No. 332, series of 1994, she failed to exhaust administrative remedies when
only allowed access to her answer sheets, and she did not elevate the matter to the PRC before
reconsideration of the result of her examination can be seeking judicial intervention. Petitioner, thus, brought
made only on grounds of mechanical error in the the matter to the Supreme Court.
grading of the answer sheets, or malfeasance; and (2)
the Board was precluded from releasing the Issues: (1) Whether or not petitioner may seek judicial
Examination Papers (other than the answer sheets) by intervention to compel the re-correction of her
Section 20, Article IV of PRC Resolution No. 338, examination; (2) Whether or not petitioner failed to
series of 1994. The Board later informed her that her exhaust the administrative remedies; (3) Whether or
exam was investigated and no mechanical error was not the case was mooted by petitioner’s passing the
found in the grading. Petitioner filed a Petition for May 1998 CPA Licensure Examination; and (4)
Mandamus with Damages, with application for Whether or not petitioner has the constitutionalright to
preliminary mandatory injunction, against the Board have access to the Examination Papers.
and its members before the Regional Trial Court
(RTC), praying that the Board provide her with all Held: (4) Like all the constitutional guarantees, the right
documents that would show whether the Board fairly to information is not absolute; it is limited to “matters of
administered the exam and correctly graded her public concern” and is further “subject to such
answers, and if warranted, to issue to her a certificate limitations as may be provided by law” (Section 7,
of registration as a CPA. She later amended her Article III, 1987 Constitution). Similarly, the State’s
Petition to clarify that she only wanted access to the policy of full disclosure is limited to “transactions
documents requested, not recorrection of her exam, involving public interest,” and is “subject to reasonable
deleting in the process her original prayer for issuance conditions prescribed by law” (Sec. 28, Art. II, 1987
of a certificate of registration as CPA. Petitioner passed Constitution). The Court has always grappled with the
the May 1998 CPA Licensure Exam and took her oath meanings of “public interest” and “public concern”
as a CPA. Consequently, the RTC denied her which “embrace a broad spectrum of subjects which
application for mandatory injunction for being moot. the public may want to know, either because these
She amended her Petition a second time to implead directly affect their lives, or simply because such
the PRC and to ask, in addition to access to the matters naturally arouse the interest of an ordinary
documents she had requested, that if warranted, citizen,” and which are, in the final analysis, up to the
appropriate revisions in the October 1997 Exam results courts to determine on a case by case basis [Legaspi
be made by the Board and the PRC. The RTC v. Civil Service Commission, 234 Phil. 521, 535
considered the matter moot and dismissed the petition. (1987)]. National board examinations such as the CPA
On her motion, however, the RTC reconsidered the Board Exams are matters of public concern. The
dismissal, holding that her passing of the subsequent populace in general, and the examinees in particular,
CPA examination did not render the petition moot would understandably be interested in the fair and
because the relief “and if warranted, to issue to her a competent administration of these exams in order to
certificate of registration as Certified Public ensure that only those qualified are admitted into the
Accountant” was deleted from the original petition. As accounting profession. And as with all matters
regards whether she had the constitutional right to pedagogical, these examinations could be not merely
have access to the documents she requested, the RTC quantitative means of assessment, but also means to
further improve the teaching and learning of the art and
science of accounting. The Court, nonetheless, (Art 2, Sec 28) including public consultation under RA
realizes that there may be valid reasons to limit access 7160 (Local Government Code of 1991).
to the Examination Papers in order to properly
administer the exam. More than the mere convenience (Sec 7 ArtIII) The right to information guarantees the
of the examiner, it may well be that there exist inherent right of the people to demand information, while Sec 28
difficulties in the preparation, generation, encoding, recognizes the duty of officialdom to give information
administration, and checking of these multiple choice even if nobody demands. The complete and effective
exams that require that the questions and answers exercise of the right to information necessitates that its
remain confidential for a limited duration. The PRC, complementary provision on public disclosure derive
however, had not been given an opportunity to explain the same self-executory nature, subject only to
the reasons behind their regulations or articulate the reasonable safeguards or limitations as may be
justification for keeping the Examination Papers provided by law.
confidential. In view of the far-reaching implications of The contents of the MOA-AD is a matter of paramount
this case, which may impact on every board public concern involving public interest in the highest
examination administered by the PRC, and in order order. In declaring that the right to information
that all relevant issues may be ventilated, the Court contemplates steps and negotiations leading to the
deemed it best to remand the case to the RTC for consummation of the contract, jurisprudence finds no
further proceedings. distinction as to the executory nature or commercial
character of the agreement.

24. province of north cotabato vs government of the E.O. No. 3 itself is replete with mechanics for
republic of Philippines peace panel continuing consultations on both national and local
levels and for a principal forum for consensus-building.
FACTS: In fact, it is the duty of the Presidential Adviser on the
Peace Process to conduct regular dialogues to seek
On August 5, 2008, the Government of the Republic of relevant information, comments, advice, and
the Philippines and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front recommendations from peace partners and concerned
(MILF) were scheduled to sign a Memorandum of sectors of society.
Agreement of the Ancestral Domain Aspect of the GRP
- MILF Tripoli Agreement on Peace of 2001 in Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia.
25. akbayan vs Thomas Aquino
Invoking the right to information on matters of public
concern, the petitioners seek to compel respondents to FACTS:
disclose and furnish them the complete and official Petition for mandamus and prohibition was filed by the
copies of the MA-AD and to prohibit the slated signing petitioners, as congresspersons, citizens and
of the MOA-AD and the holding of public consultation taxpayers, requesting respondents to submit to them
thereon. They also pray that the MOA-AD be declared the full text of the Japan-Philippines Economic
unconstitutional. The Court issued a TRO enjoining the Partnership Agreement (JPEPA).
GRP from signing the same.

Petitioner emphasize that the refusal of the

ISSUES: government to disclose the said agreement violates
2. Whether or not there is a violation of the people's there right to information on matters of public concern
right to information on matters of public concern (Art 3 and of public interest. That the non-disclosure of the
Sec. 7) under a state policy of full disclosure of all its same documents undermines their right to effective
transactions involving public interest (Art 2, Sec 28) and reasonable participation in all levels of social,
including public consultation under RA 7160 (Local political and economic decision making.
Government Code of 1991)

Respondent herein invoke executive privilege. They

RULINGS: relied on the ground that the matter sought involves a
diplomatic negotiation then in progress, thus
constituting an exception to the right to information and
the policy of full disclosure of matters that are of public
2. Yes. The Court finds that there is a grave violation concern like the JPEPA. That diplomatic negotiation
of the Constitution involved in the matters of public are covered by the doctrine of executive privilege.
concern (Sec 7 Art III) under a state policy of full
disclosure of all its transactions involving public interest
Issue: Whether the information sought by the The right to information is not absolute. It is further
petitioners are of public concern and are still covered subject to such limitations as may be provided bylaw.
by the doctrine of executive privilege? Jurisprudence has provided the following limitations to
that right:(1) national security matters andintelligence
information;(2) trade secrets and banking
Held: transactions;(3) criminal matters; and(4) other
confidential information such as confidential or
classified information officially known to public
officersand employees by reason of their office and not
Moving on to the second issue, The Supreme Court made available to the public as well as
Ruled that Diplomatic negotiations, therefore, are diplomaticcorrespondence, closed door Cabinet
recognized as privileged in this jurisdiction, the JPEPA meetings and executive sessions of either house of
negotiations constituting no exception. It bears Congress, andthe internal deliberations of the
emphasis, however, that such privilege is only Supreme Court.
presumptive. For as Senate v. Ermita holds,
recognizing a type of information as privileged does not
mean that it will be considered privileged in all
instances. Only after a consideration of the context in 27. sabio vs Gordon (repeated)
which the claim is made may it be determined if there On February 20, 2006, Senator Miriam Defensor-
is a public interest that calls for the disclosure of the Santiago introduced Senate Res. No. 455 “directing an
desired information, strong enough to overcome its inquiry in aid of legislation on the anomalous losses
traditionally privileged status. incurred by the Philippines Overseas
The court adopted also the doctrine in PMPF v. Telecommunications Corporation (POTC), Philippine
Manglapus, Wherein petitioners were seeking Communications Satellite Corporation
information from the President’s representatives on the (PHILCOMSAT), and PHILCOMSAT Holdings
state of the then on-going negotiations of the RP-US Corporation (PHC) due to the alleged improprieties in
Military Bases Agreement. The Court denied the their operations by their respective Board of Directors.”
petition, stressing that “secrecy of negotiations with Pursuant to this, on May 8, 2006, Senator Richard
foreign countries is not violative of the constitutional Gordon, wrote Chairman Camilo Sabio of the PCGG
provisions of freedom of speech or of the press nor of inviting him to be one of the resource persons in the
the freedom of access to information. public meeting jointly conducted by the Committee on
Government Corporations and Public Enterprises and
Committee on Public Services. Chairman Sabio
declined the invitation because of prior commitment. At
26. re: request for a copy of the 2008 statement of the same time, he invoked Section 4(b) of E.O. No. 1
assets “No member or staff of the Commission shall be
Facts: required to testify or produce evidence in any judicial,
legislative or administrative proceeding concerning
Rowena Paraan, Research Director of the PCIJ, matters within its official cognizance.” Apparently, the
sought copies of the SALN of the Justices of the purpose is to ensure PCGG’s unhampered
SupremeCourt for the year 2008. She also requested performance of its task. Gordon’s Subpoenae Ad
for copies of the Personal Data Sheet of the Justices Testificandum was repeatedly ignored by Sabio hence
of thisCourt for the purpose of updating their database he threatened Sabio to be cited with contempt.
of information on government officials.
ISSUE: Whether or not Section 4 of EO No. 1 is
Issue #1: constitutional.
Can the SALN of justices be accessed via the right to HELD: No. It can be said that the Congress’ power of
information? inquiry has gained more solid existence and expansive
construal. The Court’s high regard to such power is
Ruling: rendered more evident in Senate v. Ermita, where it
Yes. The right to information goes hand-in-hand with categorically ruled that “the power of inquiry is broad
the constitutional policies of full public disclosureand enough to cover officials of the executive branch.”
honesty in the public service Verily, the Court reinforced the doctrine in Arnault that
“the operation of government, being a legitimate
Issue #2: subject for legislation, is a proper subject for
investigation” and that “the power of inquiry is co-
What are the limitations on the constitutional right to extensive with the power to legislate”. Subject to
information? reasonable conditions prescribed by law, the State
adopts and implements a policy of full public disclosure should be. Under our system of government, policy
of all its transactions involving public interest. issues are within the domain of the political branches
of the government, and of the people themselves as
Article III, Section 7 the repository of all State power. The concerned
The right of the people to information on matters of borrowers themselves may not succeed if they choose
public concern shall be recognized. Access to official to invoke their right to privacy, considering the public
records, and to documents, and papers pertaining to offices they were holding at the time the loans were
official acts, transactions, or decisions, as well as to alleged to have been granted. It cannot be denied that
government research data used as basis for policy because of the interest they generate and their
development, shall be afforded the citizen, subject to newsworthiness, public figures, most especially those
such limitations as may be provided by law. holding responsible positions in government, enjoy a
more limited right to privacy as compared to ordinary
These twin provisions of the Constitution seek to individuals, their actions being subject to closer public
promote transparency in policy-making and in the scrutiny The "transactions" used here I suppose is
operations of the government, as well as provide the generic and, therefore, it can cover both steps leading
people sufficient information to enable them to exercise to a contract, and already a consummated contract,
effectively their constitutional rights. Armed with the Considering the intent of the framers of the Constitution
right information, citizens can participate in public which, though not binding upon the Court, are
discussions leading to the formulation of government nevertheless persuasive, and considering further that
policies and their effective implementation. government-owned and controlled corporations,
whether performing proprietary or governmental
functions are accountable to the people, the Court is
28. valmonte vs Belmonte convinced that transactions entered into by the GSIS,
a government-controlled corporation created by
FACTS : Petitioners in this special civil action for special legislation are within the ambit of the people's
mandamus with preliminary injunction invoke their right right to be informed pursuant to the constitutional policy
to information and pray that respondent be directed: (a) of transparency in government dealings. Although
to furnish petitioners the list of the names of the citizens are afforded the right to information and,
Batasang Pambansa members belonging to the pursuant thereto, are entitled to "access to official
UNIDO and PDP-Laban who were able to secure clean records," the Constitution does not accord them a right
loans immediately before the February 7 election thru to compel custodians of official records to prepare lists,
the intercession/marginal note of the then First Lady abstracts, summaries and the like in their desire to
Imelda Marcos; and/or (b) to furnish petitioners with acquire information on matters of public concern.
certified true copies of the documents evidencing their
respective loans; and/or (c) to allow petitioners access
to the public records for the subject information On 29. Legaspi vs csc
June 20, 1986, apparently not having yet received the
reply of the Government Service and Insurance FACTS : The fundamental right of the people to
System (GSIS) Deputy General Counsel, petitioner information on matters of public concern is invoked in
Valmonte wrote respondent another letter, saying that this special civil action for mandamus instituted by
for failure to receive a reply, "(W)e are now considering petitioner Valentin L. Legaspi against the Civil Service
ourselves free to do whatever action necessary within Commission. The respondent had earlier denied
the premises to pursue our desired objective in Legaspi's request for information on the civil service
pursuance of public interest." eligibilities of certain persons employed as sanitarians
in the Health Department of Cebu City. These
government employees, Julian Sibonghanoy and
ISSUE : WON Valmonte, et. al. are entitled as citizens Mariano Agas, had allegedly represented themselves
and taxpayers to inquire upon GSIS records on behest as civil service eligibles who passed the civil service
loans given by the former First Lady Imelda Marcos to examinations for sanitarians.
Batasang Pambansa members belonging to the
UNIDO and PDP-Laban political parties.
ISSUE : WON the petitioner has legal to access
government records to validate the civil service
HELD : Respondent has failed to cite any law granting eligibilities of the Health Department employees
the GSIS the privilege of confidentiality as regards the
documents subject of this petition. His position is
apparently based merely on considerations of policy. HELD : The constitutional guarantee to information on
The judiciary does not settle policy issues. The Court matters of public concern is not absolute. It does not
can only declare what the law is, and not what the law
open every door to any and all information. Under the 30. brilliants vs chang
Constitution, access to official records, papers, etc.,
are "subject to limitations as may be provided by law" Facts:
The law may therefore exempt certain types of In December 1989, due to coup d' etat attempt
information from public scrutiny, such as those President of the Philippines created a fact finding-
affecting national security It follows that, in every case, commission which would be chaired by Hilario Davide.
the availability of access to a particular public record Consequently, he has to leave his chairmanship in the
must be circumscribed by the nature of the information Commission on Elections. Haydee Yorac, an associate
sought, i.e., (a) being of public concern or one that commissioner in the COMELEC, was appointed by
involves public interest, and, (b) not being exempted by then President Corazon Aquino as an Acting
law from the operation of the constitutional guarantee. Commissioner of CCOMELEC. Sixto Brillantes, Jr.,
The threshold question is, therefore, whether or not the petitioner herein questioned such appointment urging
information sought is of public interest or public Commission on Elections as an independent
concern. This question is first addressed to the constitutional body and the specific provision of Article
government agency having custody of the desired IX-C, Section 1(2) of the Constitution that "(I)n no case
information. However, as already discussed, this does shall any Member (of the Commission on Elections) be
not give the agency concerned any discretion to grant appointed or designated in a temporary or acting
or deny access. In case of denial of access, the capacity." The petitioner further contends that the
government agency has the burden of showing that the choice of the Acting Chairman of the Commission on
information requested is not of public concern, or, if it Elections is an internal matter that should be resolved
is of public concern, that the same has been exempted by the members themselves and that the intrusion of
by law from the operation of the guarantee. To hold the President of the Philippines violates their
otherwise will serve to dilute the constitutional right. As independence. He cites the practice in this Court,
aptly observed, ". . . the government is in an where the senior Associate Justice serves as Acting
advantageous position to marshall and interpret Chief Justice in the absence of the Chief Justice. No
arguments against release . . ." (87 Harvard Law designation from the President of the Philippines is
Review 1511 [1974]). To safeguard the constitutional necessary.
right, every denial of access by the government agency
concerned is subject to review by the courts, and in the ISSUE:
proper case, access may be compelled by a writ of
Mandamus Public office being a public trust it is the Whether or not the designation made by the President
legitimate concern of citizens to ensure that violates the constitutional independence of the
government positions requiring civil service eligibility COMELEC.
are occupied only by persons who are eligibles. Public HELD:
officers are at all times accountable to the people even
as to their eligibilities for their respective positions. In Yes,
the instant, case while refusing to confirm or deny the
claims of eligibility, the respondent has failed to cite any Yorac’s designation as acting chairman is
provision in the Civil Service Law which would limit the unconstitutional. The Supreme Court ruled although
petitioner's right to know who are, and who are not, civil essentially executive in nature, they are not under the
service eligibles. We take judicial notice of the fact that control of the President of the Philippines in the
the names of those who pass the civil service discharge of their respective functions. Each of these
examinations, as in bar examinations and licensure Commissions conducts its own proceedings under the
examinations for various professions, are released to applicable laws and its own rules and in the exercise of
the public. Hence, there is nothing secret about one's its own discretion. The designation made by the
civil service eligibility, if actually possessed. president has dubious justification as it was merely
Petitioner's request is, therefore, neither unusual nor
unreasonable. And when, as in this case, the grounded on the quote “administrative expediency” to
government employees concerned claim to be civil present the functions of the COMELEC.
service eligibles, the public, through any citizen, has a
right to verify their professed eligibilities from the Civil In the choice of the Acting Chairman, the members of
Service Commission. The civil service eligibility of a the Commission on Elections would most likely have
sanitarian being of public concern, and in the absence been guided by the seniority rule as they themselves
of express limitations under the law upon access to the would have appreciated it. In any event, that choice
register of civil service eligibles for said position, the and the basis thereof were for them and not the
duty of the respondent Commission to confirm or deny President to make. To
the civil service eligibility of any person occupying the emphasize the importance of the COMELEC’s
position becomes imperative. Mandamus, therefore constitutionally guaranteed independence, the
Court said that the choice of a temporary Chairman is
an internal matter which comes under their discretion
of the Commission a body and that such discretion
cannot be exercised for the Commission by anybody

31. canlas vs Vazquez (lot of cases)

32. Aquino-sarmiento vs manuel morato

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