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Department of Education

Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Agusan, Cagayan de Oro City

Midterm Examination

Name: ________________________________ Date: ____________

Year & Section: __________________________ Score: ___________
I. Multiple Choice: Write the letter of the correct answer in each of the given question.
______1. __________refers to all technology that is used to handle telecommunication and access information. Primary
focus is on the access and sharing of information and communications.
______2. data networking services for mobile phones.
A. Dial-up services B. Data services C. Virtual Private Network D. Wi-Fi
______3. uses packet-based transmission over short range radio signals.
A. Wi-Fi B. ICT C. Bluetooth D. Virtual Private Network

______4. ICT stands for __________.

A. Information for Communist Technology C. Information and Computer Technology
B. Information and Complex Technology D. Information and Communications Technology
______5. data networking services using modems and telephone lines.
A. Dial-up Services B. Wi-Fi C. Bluetooth D. Data services
______6. __________ group of technologies that are used as a base upon which other applications, processes or
technologies are developed.
A. ICT B. Platform C. ISP D. Virtual Private Network
______7. It is web-based technology that allows the development, deployment and management of social media
solutions and services. It provides solutions to creating social media websites.
A. Social media platform C. Online Learning platform
B. E-Commerce platform D. Online Video platforms
______8. It is a collection of software technologies that allows merchants to create a storefront on the internet.
A. Social media platform C. Online Learning platform
B. E-Commerce platform D. Online Video platforms
______9. It is a service providing end to end tools to create, customize, publish and manage videos online.
A. Social media platform C. Online Learning platform
B. E-Commerce platform D. Online Video platforms
______10. the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or
threatening nature.
A. Cyberbullying C. Identity Theft
B. Hacking D. Plagiarism
______11. the gaining of unauthorized access to data in a system or computer.
A. Cyberbullying C. Identity Theft
B. Hacking D. Plagiarism
______12. the fraudulent acquisition and use of a person's private identifying information, usually for financial gain.
A. Cyberbullying C. Identity Theft
B. Hacking D. Plagiarism
______13. the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.
A. Cyberbullying C. Identity Theft
B. Hacking D. Plagiarism
______14. focuses on the acceptable use of online resources in an online environment.
A. Online Ethics C. Online Aesthetics
B. Online Philosophy D. Online Platforms
______15. It is a software system that is designed to carry out web search (Internet search), which means to search the
WWW in a systematic way for particular information specified in a textual web search query.
A. Turbo Engine C. Car Engine
B. Search Engine D. Petrol Engine
______16. WWW stands for?
A. Wild West World C. Web Wide World
B. World Wide Web D. West Wide Web
______17. Widely used search engine.
A. Google Search Engine C. Yahoo Search Engine
B. Bing Search Engine D. DuckDuckGo Search Engine
______18. _______ is an application software used for creating digital content.
A. Productivity Software C. Freeware
B. Shareware D. Proprietary Software.
______19. It is a commercial software that is copyrighted but which may be copied for others for the purpose of their
trying out with the understanding that they will pay for it if they continue to use it.
A. Productivity Software C. Freeware
B. Shareware D. Proprietary Software.
______20. It is a copyrighted software and is made available for use, free of charge for an unlimited time.
A. Productivity Software C. Freeware
B. Shareware D. Proprietary Software.
______21. ______ is a connection between an element in a hypertext document and a different element in the
document, another hypertext document, a file or a script.
A. Mail Merge C. Slide Animation
B. Transition D. Hyperlink
______22. ______ is a useful tool that allows you to quickly produce and send information, newsletter, resumés or
brochures to many people.
A. Mail Merge C. Slide Animation
B. Transition D. Hyperlink
______23. _______ and transition make your presentation dynamic and interactive.
A. Mail Merge C. Slide Animation
B. Formulas and function D. Hyperlink
______24. __________help you generate electronic spreadsheet and computations easier.
A. Mail Merge C. Slide Animation
B. Formulas and function D. Hyperlink
______25. A ________ source may contain name, address, telephone, and other information you want to include.
A. Information C. Mail
B. Data D. Datum
______26. Calculates the sum of the values of a range of cells.
______27. Calculates the arithmetic mean of a range of cells.
______28. Gives the maximum value in a range of cells.
______29. Gives the minimum value in a range of cells.
______30. Counts the number of cells in a range of cells.
______31. It describes the placement of elements of equal weight on the page. The three types of balance are
symmetrical, asymmetrical and radial.
A. Balance C. Unity
B. Movement D. Contrast
______32. It is the sense of oneness of the elements that creates balance and harmony.
A. Balance C. Unity
B. Movement D. Contrast
______33. It is the combination of opposing characteristics of an element like color, size, thickness, etc. It allows
emphasis on key elements.
A. Balance C. Unity
B. Movement D. Contrast
______34. ______makes the data easily understood at a glance and quickly communicates a message especially to
simplify the presentation of large amounts of data. It is also used to easily compare data patterns and relationships.
A. Research Project C. Infographic
B. Presentation D. Tarpographic
______35. The most popular image format used on the web. This image format are very “lossy” files where much of the
information about the image is lost from the original state to keep the image file small.
______36. This image format supports full color images and used for photographic images. This image format does best
with line art, text and logos.
______37. It is a process of removing unwanted parts of the image focusing only on the subject.
A. Cutting C. Cropping
B. Removing D. Breaking Up
______38. A system that can be programmed and therefore customized by outside developers –users- and in that way,
adapted to countless needs and niches that the platform’s original developers could not have possibly contemplated,
much less had time to accommodate.
A. Template C. Platform
B. WYSIWYG D. Website
______39. API stands for.
A. Application Platform Interface C. Application Platform Intersection
B. Application Programming Interface D. Application Programming Intersection
______40. What law states that “with every additional choice, the time required to make a decision increase”.
A. Merriam Law C. Fitts’ Law
B. Hick’s Law D. 3rd Law of Motion
______41. According to this law, the time needed to move to a target is dependent upon the size of the target.
A. Merriam Law C. Fitts’ Law
B. Hick’s Law D. 3rd Law of Motion
______42. Type of form validation that informs the user as quickly as possible of any problems with the data they
A. Required Fields C. Post-back Validation
B. Real-time Validation D. Relationship Validation
______43. Default state of link.
A. Normal C. Active
B. Visited D. Hover
______44. Forms typically collect personal data that users are reluctant to give out. As such, properly informing users of
the exact purpose of the form is wise.
A. Form Label C. Form Errors
B. Form Validation D. Form Data
______45. _________ lets a group of people work together in real-time using the internet. People in an online
collaboration can work together on word processor documents, presentations, and even for brainstorming, all without
needing to be in the same room at the same time.
A. Online Collaboration C. Online Reassurance
B. Online Party D. Online Dating
______46. A good user interface is key to a great online collaboration tool. Applications that are simple and intuitive are
much easier to learn to use, so you and your team would not have to waste time in long tutorials.
A. Easy and Clean Interface C. Permissions control.
B. File Storage with Document Versioning D. Whiteboard
______47. Users need to be able to easily add people to workspaces and control what they are able to do in each
workspace or document.
A. Easy and Clean Interface C. Permissions control.
B. File Storage with Document Versioning D. Whiteboard
______48. This will make it easy to track the progress of a document, and if any past versions need to be referenced, it is
easy to do so.
A. Easy and Clean Interface C. Permissions control.
B. File Storage with Document Versioning D. Whiteboard
______49. They let the team members communicate in a more informal way like brainstorming session, so the flow
never stops. You can also refer back to the ideas that were added by your colleagues.
A. File Storage with Document Versioning C. Permissions control.
B. Whiteboard D. Document Locking
______50. This feature ensures that only one person is working on a document at a time. This is very important if you
work in a large team with several document editors.
A. File Storage with Document Versioning C. Permissions control.
B. Whiteboard D. Document Locking

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