Viscosity in Fluids: By: Rahim Hassanzadeh

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Viscosity in Fluids

(Theoretical & Experimental approach)


Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Cukurova University


All fluids offer resistance to any force tending to cause one layer to move
over another. Viscosity is the fluid property responsible for this resistance.
Since relative motion between layers requires the application of shearing
forces, that is, forces parallel to the surfaces over which they act, the
resisting forces must be in exactly the opposite direction to the applied
shear forces and so they too are parallel to the surfaces.
It is a matter of common experience that, under particular conditions,
one fluid offers greater resistance to flow than another. Such liquids as
tar, treacle and glycerine cannot be rapidly poured or easily stirred, and
are commonly spoken of as thick; on the other hand, so-called thin liquids
such as water, petrol and paraffin flow much more readily. (Lubricating
oils with small viscosity are sometimes referred to as light, and those with
large viscosity as heavy; but viscosity is not related to density.)
Gases as well as liquids have viscosity, although the viscosity of gases is
less evident in everyday life.

Table2-1:Units of dynamic viscosity

Kinematic viscosity and its units
In fluid dynamics, many problems involving viscosity are concerned
with the magnitude of the viscous forces compared with the magnitude
of the inertia forces, that is, those forces causing acceleration of particles
of the fluid. Since the viscous forces are proportional to the dynamic
viscosity µ and the inertia forces are proportional to the density ρ , the
ratio is frequently involved. The ratio of dynamic viscosity to density

is known as the kinematic viscosity and is denoted by the symbol υ so that:

υ =

Table2-2:Units of kinematic viscosity

Figure 2.2 Variation of shear stress and velocity gradient (deformation rate) for
Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids.

In Newtonian fluids the variation between shear stress and velocity
gradient is linear.

τ =µ

But in non-Newtonian fluids it is non-linear.

 ∂u 
τ = K  
 ∂y 
in which K is the consistency index and n is the flow behavior index.
n<1 : pseudoplastic fluids (examples: gelatin, milk, blood, liquid cement)
n>1: dilatant fluids (examples: concentrated solution of sugar in water)
n=1:(and k = µ ) Newtonian fluids.

The causes of viscosity
i) Liquids : In a liquid, the viscosity is due to cohesive forces.
ii) Gases : In a gas, it is due to collisions of molecules.
Effects of temperature and pressure on the dynamic viscosity :
i) Temperature effects : In a liquid cohesive forces decrease with
increasing of temperature . So, when temperature of a liquid increases ,
its dynamic viscosity decreases. On the other hand, In a gas accidents
and collisions between molecules increase with increasing of
temperature. So, when temperature of a gas increases , its dynamic
viscosity increases.
ii) Pressure effects: T he dynamic viscosity of fluids consist of liquids and
gases changes marginally with pressure , therefore, the variation of
dynamic viscosity with pressure is generally neglected in most
engineering applications.
Note: The kinematic viscosity of a gas depends to pressure because its
density changes with pressure changing strongly.

µ ≠ f ( p) µ ≠ f ( p)
Liquids  Gases 
υ ≠ f ( p ) υ = f ( p )


The basic of the measurement of the shear stress with rotational

viscosimeter depends up on the principle of measurement of the shear
stresses and velocity gradient by creating a Couette flow. This principle
is shown schematically in figure 3a. Couette flow which has a maximum
velocity of wR is given in figure 3b. The indicator capable of rotating
240o is a measure for the moment effecting on the piston.
The period number of piston can be adjusted by turning the
adjusting lever clockwise or in opposite direction.
The water necessary for the temperature-controlled vessel is
provided by a water bath attached on the experimental set up.


A Pump

P : Piston
S : Cylinder
A: fluid which will be measured
T.C.V: Temperature controlled vessel

Figure 2-3a.Schematic diagram of the measurement technique.


Figure 2-3b.Velocity gradient between Piston-Cylinder

The water cycle between the constant temperature-container and water

bath is supplied by a pump behind the panel of experimental set up.


It is essential to obey the following procedure.
a) The water level in the temperature controlled vessel and water
bath should be checked. If there is lacking water, water should be added.
b) The plug of the experiment set up should be connected to the city
network (220 volt, 50 Hz) and the main switch should be on. It must be
controlled that the circulation between the temperature controlled vessel
and water bath is continuous. If there is no water circulation, the air
bubbles in the system should be released.
c) The appropriate cylinders and pistons must be chosen from Table
2-3 for the measured fluid.

Table 2-3. Choosing the appropriate cylinder and pistons for experimental fluids.
Name of Name of Shear Stress (N/m2) Velocity Dynamic Viscosity
Cylinder Piston Gradient (1/s) (cp)

N1 5……………………50 49.6……….496 10………….….1000

N2 5.6………………….56 18.8……….188 30..……………3000
M1 19…………………190 19.0……….190 100……….….10000
M2 26…………………260 8.56……….85.6 3000…………30000
H1 83…………………830 8.28……….82.8 10000………100000
H2 150……….……...1500 5.0………...50.0 25000………250000

d) Amount of liquid which has been determined at table 2-4 should

be put into the cylinder. The piston, cylinder and the temperature-
controlled vessel should be mounted to the experiment set up.

Table 2-4. Amount of liquid put in the cylinders

Name of Cylinder

Name of Piston N1 N2 M1 M2 H1 H2
Amount (cm3)%± 13.5 18 7.5 10.5 3.0 4.5

e) Thermometer must be connected to temperature-controlled vessel

and the thermometer of water bath must be adjusted to the temperature
which will be measured. By turning the speed lever, position of velocity
which is required must be chosen and experimental set up can be turned

NOTE : While the velocity is changed, the experiment should be
f) The values on the indicator should be read after 10 or 20 sec.
Starting the experiment to run. If any value can not be read from the
indicator, it means that the chosen piston or cylinder isn’t suitable for
liquid whose viscosity is measured. In this case, you should continue
with (c).

g) Dynamic viscosity should be calculated using table 2-5 and

eq.2.3; Here, (skt) is indicated value by system.
µ = K N α ( kg/ms) (2-3)
Table 2-5. Determining the coefficient K, N and Z

Name of N velocity factor for velocity gradient

Name of
Cylinder K (Pa.s/skt) Z (Pa/skt)
Piston 10 4 2 1
N1 0.99 10-3 0.491 49.6 124 248 496
N2 2.84 10-3 0.533 18.8 47 94 188
M1 9.40 10-3 1.786 19.0 47.5 95 190
M2 2.745 10-2 2.349 8.56 21.4 42.8 85.6
H1 8.197 10-2 6.787 8.28 20.7 41.4 82.8
H -2
H2 22.779 10 11.390 5.0 12.5 25 50

τ=Zα (Pa) (2-4)

Shear stress must be calculated with the help of table 2-5 and eq.2.4.
h) After finishing the experiments, temperature controlled vessel,
cylinder and piston must be disassembled from the experimental set up.
After the experiment set must be dried with soft cloth or pressured air.

i) All buttons on apparatus and the main switch are to turn off and
plug of apparatus is to be disconnected from the socket.

5.1. Evaluation
a) Determine the experimental results calculate the required values from
table 2-6.
Table 2-6. Sample of utilizing of experimental results.

Name of Name
Kind of K Z du/dy T α µ τ
Cylinder of N
Fluid (Pas/skt) (Pa/skt) 1/s (°°C) (skt) (Pas) Pa

b) Draw the relationship between dynamic viscosity-temperature of

measured fluid on the diagram.
c) Draw the relationship between shear stress-velocity gradient of
measured fluid on the diagram.

a) Is the measurement fluid in accordance with Newton’s shear stress
b) How is the variation between viscosity and temperature? Why?
c) Consider Figure 2-3b ,with implementation of suitable coordinates
,calculate the variation of velocity gradient and sheer stress


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