Leitura em Lc3adngua Inglesa Uma Abordagem Instrumental Adriana Grade Fiori Souza Conceic3a7c3a3o A Absy Compressed PDF

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ADRIANA GRADE FIORI SOUZA | erase) A. ABSY GISELE CILLI DA COSTA | LEONILDE FAVORETO DE MELLO Tan inst ira GISELE CILLI DA COSTA | LEONILDE FAVORETO DE MELLO LEITURA ac LINGUA INGLESA UMA ABORDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL @ reimpressic ATUALIZADA °e BURA joteca Central + uma ubordagem 1a om lingua inglesa ‘Ac. 160046 R. 10165314 a © 2010 Adriana Grade Fiori Souza, Cenceigiio A. Absy, Gisele Cili da Costa © Leoniide Favoreto de Mello Assistente de predugtio: Nolza Patricia Martins Producdio: Crayon Editorial Capa e projeto aréfico: Alberto Mateus Edigtio de arte e dlagramacio: Lals Soriano liustragGes: Carlos da Cunha Deoelécio G. Fonseca - ME Compra - 00 - 07/10/2011 Nf: 000.000.159 RF 60, SECRETARIADO EX! CUTIVO BACHARELADO Don ‘Todos 0s direitos reservados om nome de: Bantim, Canato e Guazzelli Editora Lida, Dados itomacionais do Catalogacia na Puneacto (CIF (Camara Greil dotie, 5, ros {etre em ingueinglesa | ume obordagem instrumental ‘horiana Grede For Soura._[et sl] Ste Paulo: ‘sah 2008. 2 edi atuazada, iros autores: Conceigao A, Absy Gisele Cl da ‘costa, Lavage Fovoreto de Meta. Biolog IsoN 978-95-708¢.082.6 4. Inglés Estdo @ensino 2.tenura t Seuze, arnna Grea Fett Absy, Conemes A I Et, Gisele cillda, W. Well, Leanida Favereio de, ossis epp.1286 Indices para ctiiogo sstmstca ‘inglés :Letura: Teens Linguislen picaca 4206 ‘Al. Mamoré, 911 sala 107, Alphaville 06454.040, Barueri- SP. Tol/Fox: 55 11 4195-2811 Visite nosso site: wervedisaleditora.com.br VENDAS ‘elevendas: (1) 3226-3101 Fax gratuito: 0800 7707 195/106 E-mail para pedides: comercialdisslgdisal.com br Nennuma parte desta publicacto pode ser reprodtuiziaa, arquivada ou transmits Ge nenhurna forme ou mate sem permissto axpressa a por escrito de Eaftora. E3 SUMARIO APRESENTACAO oe ee re vwipave + Reconhecimento de géneros textuais. .. . . . , 1 uipace 2 Objetivos da leiturs e niveis de comprecnsio...... . 15 vuipace > Cognatos heey umipave ¢ Conhecimento previo net umpape 8 Skimming ces Feta sis ae unipass 6 Scanning ee eee < 34 unipaoe 7 Informagso néo-verbal or i 38 umipave 8 Inferéncia contextual . . Z ees unipape » Polavras-chave an ‘ Er teres) umipape 40 Grupos nominais. . i 5 Fee eS) umipape 11 Referéncia pronominal Fl meee 58 umigane 12 Marcadores discursivos. ... . . ee TeeEIa umipage 43 Afmos. . : Foi umipave 14 Sufixos“Ing™e “ed... sas east BE umipave 15 Grau de adjetives e advérblos. F)sest aes unipans t6 Formas verbais i. Dero ee ‘01 vuipape 17 Formas verbaisii 38 = see aOR: umipace 18 Formas verbs ji ave 2: 18 umipace 19 Apostos Sale: aera 124 umtpave 20 Uso do diclonério . ries gerne 2B, umipape a1 OGEnero Académico .... . . ses. 135 FORMAS VERBAIS. 145 ROTEIRO DE LEITURA. eee 187 GLOSSARIO Fb BE Te ela . 159 SUGESTOES DE RESPOSTAS...... Oo - 163 BIBLIOGRAFIA..- Eee 2a SOBRE AS AUTORAS. 203 a VW APRESENTACGAO 1m 1998 implantamos na Universidade Estacual de Lenctina um projeto de extensio pera pés-graciuandos com o objetivo de desenvolver a habilicade de leiture em lingua estran- ‘geira através de estratéclas © atividades que auxllassem na compreenséo e contribu sem para a formacgo de leitores mais eficientes e eutdnomas. Ao fongo cesses onze anos foram oferecidos, entre outros, cursos de leitura em ingua inglesa a fim de atender as especificidades des: sa comunidade académica. Esses cursos foram norteados pele abordagem instrumental, isto é, aque- Ja que leva em conta as necessidades dos alunos como elemento essencial ne determinagio dos cbjetivos a atingir Peralelamente, iniciamos a elaboracSo de nosso préprio material cidtico, o qual fol apiicado nos cursos de leitura ofertados pelo projeto e gradativamente reformulado, Tal material esta poiado em pesquises que investigam 0 processo de le'ture em lingua estrangetra |v. bibliografia), Tondo em vista que o objetivo do leltor é a constiucio de significado e no a pratica de es- {rutures da lingua, a linguagem do texto passa a ser um melo para se elcangar tal fim, ou see, a compreensio. Para chegar & compreenséo, 6 leltor executa um processo ativo de construcéo de sentido, relacionando a informagSo nova obtida ao conhecimento adquiride ao longo de sua vida. E mediante a interacdo de diversos niveis de conhecimento, a saber: linguistico, textual, prévio, ¢ estratégico, que © leltor consegue construir 0 sentido do texto, © conheciment linguistico abrange o conh © do uso de determinade lingua. Como exempios de aspectos linguisticos enfocados neste me- teriel, pode-se citar, entre outros, 0 reconhecimento de cognatos, grupos naminais, comparat- vos e superlativos, afixos, referéncia pronominal, apostos ¢ formas verbals. (© conhecimento textual refere-se ao coniunto de nagies e conceltos sobre o texto, Sabe-se: que a capacidade de compreenséo 6. em grande parte, determinada pela exposicdo e diferentes 1ipos de texto, fato que resulta em maior conhecimento das diversas estruturas textuais e tipos de Gscurso, Esse conhecimento, por sua vez, determina as expectativas co leltor em relacso 20s tex- tos — expectativas que desempenham um papel importante na compreeniséo. Como exempio de =spectos relatives & organizagéo textual aqui explorados, esta 0 reconhecimento de diferentes céneros textuais, assim como o do layout, dos marcadores discursivos e das palavras-chave. lento de vacabulario, das relacdes sintéticas LEITURA EM LINGUA 1 © conhecimento prévio diz respeito as redes de conhecimento que devem ser ativadas due rante a leitura, 2s quals estéo ditetamente relacionadas a construc de significados © a inter- Pretagao do texto. Através de nossas lelturas prévas (e., experiéncias anteriores), bem como de nosso conhecimento do assunto tratado, € possivel estabelecer ligagdes e, assim, fazer as Inferéncias necessérlas para relacionar as diferentes partes do texto, percebendo-o como um todo coerente, ¢ até mesmo lendo-o nas entrelinvas. O conhecimento prévio € tratado espect ficamente na unidade 4, mas sua utlizacdo é incentivada ao longo de todo o material Por fim, « conhecimento estratégico envoive a utlizaglo de estratégias de leitura para fa tar a construgio de sentido do texto, Como exempio de estratégias trabalhadas neste meterial, podem ser citadas: skimming, scanning, inferéncia contextual, informagao ndo-verbal, ¢ 0 uso do dicionétio, Ne verdace, tocios as conhecimentos previamente citados podem, a nosso ver, set entendides como estratégias na medida em que possibiiitem ao leitor realizar uma leitura mais direcionada ¢ eficaz E importante enfatizar que entendemos a leitura nda como uma experiéncia monolégica, a qual fevorece a crenca de que hd apenes uma leitura possivel para o texto, mas como um pro- cesso passivel de miltiplas interpretagGes, jé que cada texto contém dentro dele vérlos outros textos, resultantes de uma série de sistemas de valores implicites inerentes ao escritor @ 20 leitor. Partindo desse pressupasto, nosso material — aqui organizado em livio — foi elaborado com base em textos extraicies em sua grande maioria de sites da Inteinet, por fornecerem gran- de numero de informacées dliretamente ligadas & realidade do leitor. Nesta sequnda edicio, @ organizagio das lictes permanece inalterada: cada unidade cons- titul-se de trés etapas, denominadas respectivamente: familiarizacéio com o texto; apresenta- go € pritica de estratégia ou aspecto linguistico; consolidago. A primeira etapa adjetiva familiarizar o leitor com 0 essunto tratado, bem como propiciar sua interagio com o mesmo a partir de atividades que visem a reconstrucio do sentido do texto. A segunda etapa, por sua vez, tem por finalidade apresentar e praticar uma determinada estratégia ou aspecto ling) relevarte & compreens consolidar estratégies e/ou aspectos linguisticos apresentados nas unidades anteriores. O livro também traz os seguintes itens em anexo: um resume das formas verbais da lingua inglesa, com explicacdo e exemplos; um roteiro de leitura, para incentivar o uso sistemético de estratégias de leitura; um glossério de termos técnicos utlizados nas 21 unidades; e sugestées de respostas as atividades propostas. Vale mencionar que a decisao de incluir este ‘iltimo item teve por objetivo apenas epresenter nossas préprias leituras des textos trabalhados e, em mo- ico 0 do texto lido na primeira etapa, Finalmente, a terceira etapa busca mento algum, passar uma imagem dos mesmos como sendo objetos acebades, cujos sentudos devam ser recuperados. Acteditamos que tanto 9 leltor quanto 0 texto séio fundamentals ne construgéo de significados durante © processo de leitura, ‘Ao longo desses cinco anos de utilizagao do material em diferentes cantextas (eventos de extenséo universilaria, cursos de graduagao, cursos de leitura instrumental em escolas de idio- mas, aulas particulares) sentimos a necessidade de fazer as seguintes alteragées: | = | certuna cm tincua ivetesa | uma aBonDacew INSTRUMENTAL + renovacéic dos textos que compéem cada unidade. Por esta razio, as atividades relaciona- as 0s respectivos textos tiveram que ser modificadas: + reformulagdo de alguns quadros ¢ tabeles ~ com a inclustio de exemplos, visando & contex- ‘twalizagdo dos aspectos linguisticos sob enfoque; + acréscimo de uma unidade intitulade © Género Académice — assunto que néio havis sido trabalhedo na primelra edig8o, no sentido de atender a uma relvindicacéio de nossos alunos; + Inclusdio do item Nota Mo Leiter, nas sugestbes de respostas apresentadas no final do livro, a fim de fornecer esciarecimentos adicionais sobre questées aborciacias nos textos. Para finalizer, gostariamos de selientar que nossa intencéa com esta publicagéo € contibuir com idelas € sugestdes que venham beneficiar as pessoas envolvidas com o ensine e a apren- dizagem de leiturs em lingua inglesa. AS AUTORAS Ei RECONHECIMENTO DE GENEROS TEXTUAIS +1'V2 cups flour +3/4 cup sugar +11V2t baking powder “1-ennamon +V2.cup milk +8 cup butter, melted” “1699, slightly beaten +1cup finely chopped apples Heat oven to 375°. ‘Combine flour, suger, baking powder and cinnamon in medium bow Ade all remaining Ingredients. Stryust unt our is molstened, Spoon batter into mun liners, Blake 18-23 minutes, Cot stand 5 minutos, (Depa! ane ents ynencones comectucs0: 756728177 809700. Acesso on 8 syoste 2009) ai Date: Tuesday, January 27, 2008 635 PM To: Laura ‘Subject: Re: Hi Hi Laura, It's so goce te hear from yout | wish we could live in one place lice you do! tim ‘getting very tred of moving al the time, but in enother year Roger will retire and we'll hopefully stay in one place after that. Frm glad te hear that life has gotten simpler and less stressful for you. We'e looking ‘forward to that doy! Right now aur teenage boys Keep Us vary busy, but we are very much enjoying our time here in North Carona, We live in a much smaller community ‘and everyone is much more relaxad here than in the D.C. area, Take care, and keep in touch! Love, Janet Font Ber peal etrura ew Lingua netesa | uma azonnacem wsrmumenral | 1 | uicane 1 | RECONHECIMENTO DE GENEROS TEXTUAIS ‘successful sa Bo | successful opevaton My second attempt at matang flaky postry wes o bit more successful This year’s harvest was one of the most successful since the record crop of 985. NOTE: The opposite is unsuccessful having acheved o lot, become poplar andlor mace e lot of money: | ‘She vans @ very Successhd! computer business He's the author of several hugely success children's books f= books which have been bough! by aot of people). | The Bimingbam Roya! Baler has had a highly successful seeson, NOTE: The opoosite is unsuccessful J ‘Dieariva em np atonany conbdge og sefne artes PSEBTadi=- CARD Aseuso er DW agots 2009), Inglés no mundo contemporaneo: ampliando oportunidades soci por meio da educacio” Wiz FAULOBA HOTA LOPES NEDA Fa ABSTRACT: in view of the role played by English as the language of empre of globalzation in the: Present | cique that t fs paramount thet leaming Engiish becomes one af the onicial concerns on the Bortof govemmental and non governmental ogenciee m order to foster soci! mabllty. These!s a need Tor ivestment in research and in projects (9 citcal janguage edtication, m particular in English, atasme when discourse has become turidamenta! ta is, to work and to Jearn ip she highly semictzed societies fi which we foe. Englch con be used! cs common fangudge trough which we can read the word tically ana pactisate nis constractions Introsugao. Em um mundo cada vee mais cividide entre aqueles que tm acesse @ informacée ¢ # conhecimento fem escale mundial, e, portato, a matores oportunidades de aprender, e aqueles cue vivem jimitados alinfommactes © corhecmentes locals. , portanto, a menores chances da ampliar seus horizontes, a ‘prenclzagem de inglés se transformiou em um dos insttumentos centreis da educageo contemporarien. Eumdos hens simbolcos maisvalorizacos ne Brasil eem grancie parte do mundo, teide emvista pope ‘que tal ingua deserpenha come meio de caminicagiio planetrin, Com asavancos tecnolégicos, alguns vivam mals e melhor, com mels chances de realizagc individual e social, com muitos esti, cortudo, axcluidos esses ayengos devido a liritagoes ecnndinieas, Fxclustin & um sinorime ranternporanes para pobreza em um mundo no cual as desiqualdades aumentam vertiginosament ‘dpc de: Moa Tops Le Pel (33) "lees tuo ooterporinen: mpi prude soci poe ko da ca? desu feta co a de 0 TES. krona! Recah Feet (IRE), Man, pp 3) 42 | Lerrura em Lingua inctesa | UMA ABORDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL RECONHEGIMENTO DE GENEROS TEXTUAIS | UNIDADE1 + Opened August 21, 200911 Runtime, The, 29 min. Peg sexual situations and brief strong language Recent college graduate Ryden Malby (Gilmore Girls ‘star Alexis Blede!) has Just survived four years of higher ‘education, but when she's forced fo move back into her childhood hame, the stress of dealing with her eccentic ‘amily landing = jab, and finding the tight guy ieeves her ‘with precious ite time to ponder where her life fs ‘uly heading. Cast: Alex's Bicde!, Zach Gilford, Michiel Keaton, ‘Carot Bumeit, Rodrigo Santoro, Jene Lynch, DIRECTOR: Viciy Jonson (GENRE: Comecy (Ciporivel em. hifi corer Clas Mave Smaps page cpa 7B PEASE wt ‘ancangacomltspeed:ient vatGsarsunmary Aevaso em 24 a9ex6 2008) | sECOWHECIMENTO DE GENEROS TEXTUAIS UNIDADE FAMILIARIZAGAO COM O TEXTO 4 Observe os recortes acima e identifique os diferentes tipos de texto. 2 O que nos permite identificé-los? Ci o formato (layout) Dos recursos tpograficos inegrito, itélico, etc.) Clas palavras caracteristicas de cada tipo de texto. Do tipo de letra (fonte) Clas tguras 3 Com base nos diferentes textos, liste o que vocé espera encontrar em cada um deles. Observe © exemplo abaivo: a Lista de ingredientes e mocio de fazer APRESENTAGAO DE ESTRATEGIA RECONHECENDO GENEROS TEXTUAIS Géneros Textusis so tipos de textos cuja fungSo comunicativa ¢ reconhecida social ¢ cultural: mente por uma determinada comuniciade. Além de terem essa funcdo comunicative especfica, 0s géneros textuais se caracterizam por organtzacéo, estrutura gramatical e vocabulério espect ficos — assim come pelo contexto social em que ocorrem. Reconhecer 0 género de um texto significa ter conhecimento de seu layout formato), isto 6, das caracteristicas préprias a ele, as quais o distinguem de outros géneros, Por exemplo, 0 género textu- alreceita cutindria contém uma lista de ingredientes eo modo de fazer. Jé 0 género resumo (ou abs: tract) de artigo de revista cientifica em geral apresenta ofs) objetvors) da pesquisa, a metodologia, 05 resultados elcancados ¢ a cancluséo. A familiaridade com o genero textual possibilita a0 leita efett: ar leituras mals eficientes e direcionacas, pois permite localizar informacées mais rapidamente. ta | vertura em tincua inctesa | UMA ABORDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL Fi OBJETIVOS DA LEITURA E NIVEIS DE COMPREENSAO | ONE CITY, TWO BROTHERS ‘By Coris Suri - BLaisTRATED BY AURGLIA FRONTY * BAREFOOT BoOKs * 16.99 * (Aus 47020) ‘A beautifully illustrated folk tale, with both Jewish and Arabic roots, tells of the origins of the city of Jerusalem: two brothers bring cach other a gift in secret nor less than the day before. The brothers travel up and down the valley by night, until they surprise each other in the middle. “That blessed spot, where the two brothers met, became the site of the holy temple.” A wistful reminder of the shared traditions of an extraordinary and turbulent city. three bags of grain — so each finds himself having neither more {Pipl ee iyi comis als aes HE osTDDNG GEORG SaUGAGGE.> Aeneas ep) Jonathan Yo and Robert Blank (mentor), Endocrinology ABSTRACT: he purbose of this study Is to Kientif relationships between the physical and yenetic characteristics of bones in mice. The physical characteristics include size, density, and the force required to break the bone, while the genetic ones are the genes of he marker foci associuted with the genes that affect these qualities. This study uses strains of mice with reduced genetic variation. The two strains of mice that are the most phenowypiccily extreme, meaning those withthe strongest and weakest bones, are crossed. The F2 generation from that cross is than onalyzad. The results of ths analysts can be used {ovfind which genoyypes comeiote with spectic bone properties Ike size, density, and failure oud. The ‘antijpeted outcome ofthis la the Identiication ofthe genotypes that affect bone strendth fn mice. The fincings may be useful in treating medical conditions that are related to bone strenath. (Desperfel om : cess om: 24 tu 2000) LEITURA Em LINGUA INGLESA | UMA AmoRUAGEM insrRUMENTAL | 15 — _ NIDADE 2 | OBJETIVOS DA LEITURA E NIVEIS DE COMPREENSAO From: Enc Cols Ter cornie Spence Sent: Sunday, Apel 04,1095 1135 PM ‘Subject Happy Easied HiConsie! ‘Than you so much for the Easler cate! How have you been? We stil have quite @ ot ofsnon here, and we're getting alte tred of.’ funny how the boys have adsared, ‘trough. gets sneve 40 degrees (Farennety they tink fs warm sha they go aussie to play baseval (even in te snow), Bebeve ora, Justin vel be TD June, ans out tripits wat be & in May How hes your teaching been gohg? Wil you be making any more tiga ta the US. any “me Soo"? Every ime we have lets and ree, we hr of yu, Hope you hed a wonderful Easter! Tae care, and keepin touch! Love, Judy tand Ec 8 the 4 Js) ‘Fonte’ acer Besson! OD REAL ESTATE NORTH ARLINGTON HOUSE FOR RENT, VIRGINIA Furnished two story available July 1, for one year: $2,300 per month, Three bedrooms (or 2 w/den), two baths, office. Fenced backyard, Pets (OK. Excellent school system: Tuckahoe Elementary, Williamsburg, Yorktown. Five blocks to Metro, convenient to Hoy 66, GW Pkory. Tel: (703) 536-8189. E-mail: dayanaslane@aol.com Fonte: Forcign Sener Journal June 2008, Page FAMILIZARIZAGAO COM O TEXTO 4 Identifique os géneros dos textos utiizados nesta unidade: Texto A Ucarte 20 leitor Texto B Oresume de artigo clentitico (abstract) Texto C OJ antincia / classificado Texto D U divutgagio/resenha de iva Demat Tlsinopse de time 2 Cite os textos (A, B, C, ou D) que apresentam as seguintes informacées: Objetivo fhustracior(a) Descricéo. Localizacéo No. de telefone Noticias/novidades Resultados Perguntas 16 LEITURA EM LINGUA INGLESA | UMA ABORDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL (OBJETIVOS DA LEITURA E NIVEIS DE COMPREENSAD | UNIDADE 2 APRESENTAGAO E PRATICA DE ESTRATEGIA ESTABELECENDO OBJETIVOS E NIVEIS DE COMPREENSAO Topa Lerrura deve ter um objetivo, Lemos porque queremos algo de leitura. As vezes, somos levados a ler por motivos préticos e bem definidos, como quando consultamos o dicionéiio pare encontrar o significedo de uma palavra. Outras vezes, nossos objetivos se definem de modo inconsclente; assim, por exemplo, lemas em busca de fatos quando olhamos 0 neticidtio do Jornal. Também lemos textos sobre assuntos relacionados a nossa ae de interesse, em busca de novas ideias. E, muitas vezes, lemos simpiesmente pelo prazer que a leitura nos traz. Alguns dos objetives mais comuns da lettura sé: a Aplicacéo pratica b Aprendizagem © Entretenimento 4 Relacione os objetivos acima as suas descricées: C1 Leitura motivads principeimente pelo prazer cue ela traz ao leitor. [1 Leitura utiitétia, em que buscamos informacées necessérias a nossa sobrevivéncie. CO Leitura destinaca a expandir nosso conhecimento de mundo. 2 Com que objetivos vocé faria a leitura dos textos desta unidade? Utilize as letras A, B, Ce D para indicar os respectivos textos. a pare obter noticias de amigos, familiares, etc. ~ bb para verificar se 6 estudo realizado seré ttl para o desenvolvimento de sua pesquisa — € pare obter informacées sobre algo que deseja adquirir — 4 para manter contato social — ‘© pare obter meiores informac&es sobre um possivel livre a ser lido para decidir se um determinado artigo é de seu interesse — @ para saber o significado de uma palavra ~ pare conhecer e opinido de outros leltores de uma revistaljomnal ~ Como vimos, nossos objetivos tém grende influéncia sobre como realizamos a leitura. A me neira como corremas os olhos pela lista telefénica em busca de um numero € bem diferente do modo culdedoso que adotamos para a lelture de uma procuracio. Pela mesma 1azao, hé graus diferentes de compreenséo de um texto. O nivel de compreen- sstio pode variar de acordo com nossas necessidades ¢ objetivos ¢ com as dificuldades que 0 texto apresenta. Assim, temos: LEITURA EM LINGUA INGLESA | UMA ABORDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL | 47 wi DA LEITURA E NIVEIS DE COMPREENSAO + Compreenséo geral ‘Quando apenas observamos um texto rapidamente para obter uma ideia geral, focalizando de modo especial os titulos subtitulos, tabelas, figuras, énfases tpogréficas, cognates (palavres semelhantes ao portuqués) ete. Para identiicar o tema, pociemos utilizar a estratégia skimming uma leitura rapids, sem interrupgoes, feita apenas para obter a ideia geral, como na lettura de um jomel pera decidir sobre o posaivel interesse em determinada matéria, + Compreensao das idéias principais Quando buscamos nao $6 identiticar a idéia geral, mas também compreender os ergumentos 0u Idelas principais, sem contudo nos determos em detalhes. Para obter as ideias principals, podemos utilizar a estratégia scanning — ume leitura répida na qual nos concentramos na busca de uma informacdo espectfica, E 0 caso, por exemplo, da consulta a ume enciclopédia, catélogo ou lista telefGnica, + Compreensao detalhada Quando buscamos néo s6 identificar a ideia geral e compreender os argumentos ou ideias prin- cipais, mas também conhecer os detalhes do texto, Por exemplo, ao selecionarmes uma matérla de interesse no jomal, prestamos atengde aos deielhes e estabelecemos comparagées com o que jé sabemos @ respeito do assunto, 8 No exercicio a seguir, 0 enfoque estd na compreensdo das Idéias principais dos textos desta unidade. Releia-os rapidamente para buscar informagées que identifiquem os itens abaixo: TEXTO A: a Chris Smith b Barefoot Books __ © $16.99 d (Ages 4 to 10) Texto B: a Jonathan Vu and Robert Blank b Robert Blank « Endocrinology dmice | 12 | Letrusa cm cinsuainctesa | uma asorbacem instRUMENTAL OBJETIVOS DA LEITURA F NIVEIS DE COMPREENSAO | UNIDADE 2 ‘Texto C: a April 04, 1999 1136 PM B40 10 as ethe ass ‘estworstory ee ki COGNATOS Physical fitness itness problems such as obesity and overweight F- reached truly epidemic proportions in the United States. In the last 10 years, obesity rates have increased by more than 60 percent among adults. In 1999, 61 percent of the adult population was either ‘overweight or obese. The obesity epidemic impacts other diseases as well. For example, the incidence of lype 2 diabetes, a major consequence of obesity is on the rise, Among U.S, adults, diagnosed diabetes increased 49 percent from 1990 to 2000. ‘The tate of increase in overweight among young people has been even steeper. This is particularly troubling since many of the behaviors that lead to adult obesity are established during childhood. Just 10 years ago, type 2 diabetes was virtually unknowa in children and adolescents. Indeed, the medical community commonly referred to the condition as “adult onset diabetes." Today, it accounts for almost 50 percent of new cases of pediatric diabetes in some communities, Medical complications associated with obesity in chileren ean lead to hospitalizations for type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, and asthma. Since 1980, the percentage of children who are overweight has nearly doubled, and the percentage of adolescents who are ‘overweight has nearly tripled. Almost 9 million young Americans, or about 15 percent of all children, are overweight. ‘Americans young and old should incorporate regular physical activity into their everyday lives, This does not necessarily mean joining an expensive gym or committing to a rigorous exercise or training routine, It is sufficient to choose activities that fit into your daily routine that speed your heart rate and breathing, or increase your strength and flexibility. Examples include walking to work, gardening, taking extra stairs, or mowing the lawn with a push mower, Besides building strength and aerobic fitness, regular exercise relieves stress, | 20 | Lerrura ew Lingua inctesa | UMA ABORDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL Zocnaros | unina provides motivation, promotes relaxation, and facilitates sleep, Such activity reduces the tisk ‘of dying of coronary heart disease andl decreases the risk for colon cancer, diabetes, and high blood pressure Regular physical activity is important throughout life, Healthy lifestyles are more {influential than genetic factors in avoiding deterioration traditionally associated with aging. ‘The growing number of older Americans places increasing demands on the public health system and on medical and social services, Currently, almost one-third of total U.S. health care expenditures are for older adults. These expenditures are largely due to treatment and care of chronic diseases, and the cost associated with many of these conditions could be reduced through regular physical activity. For childcen, almost any physical activity s sufficient as long as they are moving. Playing actively or participating in athletic or physical fitness activities during school, running, biking, jumping rope, and dancing — instead of watching television or playing video gamnes-— all provide children with the kinds of activity they need. (Disponivel ens «hntp:/menbersome.lvedhui/Abeterwoldieuwe pagina shes» Aesso em: 02 outubro 2008) FAMILIARIZAGAO COM O TEXTO 4 Retire do texto acima: ‘a Dez exemplos de palavras idénticas ou semoinantes aos vocabulos da lingua portuguesa (exempios: chocolate, bicycle) b Cinco exemplos de palavras née cognatas da lingua inglesa cujos significados voce |é conhe- Gia antes da leltura do texto. € Com base no contexto, deduza © significado das pslavres sublinhadas Alt's sufficient to choose activities that fitinto your dally routine that speed your heart rate and breathing, or increase your strength and flexibility, LEITURA EM LINGUA INGLESA | uma ABoRDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL | 21 OGNATOS 2 Besides building stength and aerobic fitness, regular exercise relieves siress, provides motivation, promotes relaxation, and facilitates sleep. 3 The growing number of older Americans places increasing demancs on the public health system and on medical and social services, APRESENTACAO E PRATICA DE ESTRATEGIA IDENTIFICANDO COGNATOS A SEMELHANGA EXISTENTE entre a lingua portuguesa e a lingua inglesa em terms de vocabu- lério deve-se principalmente a0 fato de o portugués ser uma lingus latine € de grende parte do vocabulério inglés pravir do latim. Por essa razéo, até os leftores que julgam nada saber sobre a lingua inglesa conseguem reconhecer muitas palavras em textos nesse idioma. Por exemplo: im- portant, necessary, modem, dictionary, manual, interpretation, vocabulary, radio, cinema, mop, etc. Tais palavras S80 denominedas COGNATOS. CONSOLIDACAO COMPREENSAO GERAL E COMPREENSAO DE PONTOS PRINCIPAIS 4 Compreensio geral Descreva em poucas palavras o assunto do texto. 2 Compreensao das idelas principais Relacione a coluna da esquerda & coluna da cirelta, com base em informagies retiradas do texto: Nos titimos dez anos, 1] 41a porcentagem de criangas que esto acima do peso dobrou © a porcentagem de adolescentes que esto acima do peso tripticou. bem 1999, L} 2 as texas de cbesidade aumentaram mais de 60% entre os adultos. € De 1990 a 2000, [1] 3 complicagdes médicas associadas 8 obesidade em criancas podem levar & morte. 4 H6 10 anos atrés, 4.a diabetes tipo 2 era desconhecida em criangas e adolescentes. 22 | LerTuRA EM Lineua ineLesa | Uma AsORDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL eAtuaimente, 1] 5 surgiram aproximedamente 50% de novos casos de diabetes infantil em algumas comunidades. fDesde 1980, 1] 6 aproximadamente 9 milhdes de americanos jovens ou em tor no de 15% de todas as criangas, estéo acima do peso. 7 a diabetes diagnosticada entre adultos americanos eumentou 49%. 8 atualmente 60% da populacdo tem diabetes. 9 61% da populacdo adulta estava acima do peso ou obesa. 3 Retire do 3° Liltimo paragrafos do texto: a Exemplos de atividades fisicas que podem ser -ealizadas por adultos. b Os beneficios que estas atividades podem trazer. d Exemplos de atividades fisicas que podem ser realizadas por criangas. E3 CONHECIMENTO PREVIO FAMILIARIZAGAO COM O TEXTO 1 Vocé leré a seguir um texto intitulade Why is Recycling Important? Antes de iniciar é leitura, refiita sobre o que vocé j leu ou sabe & respelto do assunto (0 que é recycling; materiais; processos; beneficios/vantagens, etc) 2 Agora lela o texto a seguir e verifique se ele apresenta informagées que no foram mencio- nadas na questéo anterior. Why is Recycling Important ? jd you know that you cam help the lenvironment in a lot of ways by recycling various materials. Read on to know how recycling can help protect and preserve the natural resources of our mother nature. ‘>What is Recycling Before you know about the importance and benefits of recycling and its relation to a better environmental condition, itis essential to understand what is recycling. Recycling refers to the process of collecting used materials which is, usually considered as waste! and reprocessing them. In this process these used materials are sorted and processed to be used as ‘raw materials’ for the production of new products Recycling varies from ‘re-use’ in the sense that while re-use just means using old products repeatedly, recycling means using the core elements of an old product as raw material to 24 | Lertura em Linoua inctesa | uma ABORDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL = eeicmsrsittetseseaesaeman — manufacture new goods. Some of the most common items that are re yeled are plastic, glass, Juminum etc paper, batteries, ~Process of Recycling The recycling process involves three stages. In the st stage the old products are collected and processed, where they are sorted, cleaned and made ready for recycling. or manufacturing new products. The second stage involves the manufacturing of new products from the raw material obtained by the processing of the old products. Finally, the process ends with the purchasing of recycled goocis by the consumers. The more people step forward to buy recycled products the better the success of the recycling process can be censured, Buying recycled products will only inerease when every individual will develop an. awareness of the difference that can be made by utilizing their old household objects as raw materials to produce new goods and help the environment by recycling. + Why is Recycling Important ‘The importance of recycling can be observed in multiple ways. If you are wondering in ‘your mind as to “why I should recycle" then here are some causes which should convince you to do so. + Recycling Saves Energy ‘When new products are manufactured from the raw material obtained from recycled products it saves a lot of energy which is consumed for the production. When new products are manufactured from ‘virgin materials, the amount of energy consumed is much higher. Besides, the energy required to acquire and transport the ‘virgin’ raw ‘materials from their origins or natural sources is also saved. Add to that the energy which is required to clean and protect the environment from the pollutant waste products, especially those which are non-biodegradable (plastic) and fill up the landfill areas. + Recycling Saves Environmental Conditions and Reduces Pollution Recycling helps in preventing global climate change to a great extent, By minimizing the energy spent on industrial production, recycling also helps in reducing greenhouse {gas emission. Some of the major fossil fuels used in most industries include coal. diesel, gasoline etc, All these emit harmful gases such as methane, sulfur dioxide, catbon-dioxide to the environment. The processing of fresh raw material also creates toxic materials which pollute the environment. By reducing the energy used, reeyeling, also minimizes the amount of fuel usage which in turn reduces the amount of harmful pollutants in the environment LEITURA Em LINGUA INGLESA | UMA ABORDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL | 26 unipabe 4 | coNHeciNENTO PREVIO + Recycling Saves Natural Resources ‘We know that recycling involves the processing. and usage of the core elements of an old ‘product for the production of new products. This helps in saving our natural resources to a great extent. For example, once an old newspaper is recycled we do not need to use the resource of another tree to produce new paper products, This way, proper recyeling can help us preserve our natural resources for our future generations and maintain the valance of the nature, + Economic Benefits ‘Similar to energy and natural resource, recycling also helps in saving a lot of expense, demanded for the production of new products from ‘virgin’ materials, These expenses include the entire production cycle starting from acquiring the raw materials, transferring ‘them from their origin to production places, processing and manufacturing costs, Recycling process creates employment opportunities for alot of people, involved in the ‘various stages of the process. This in turn contributes to the economic development of the state or country. + Recycling Saves Space for Waste Disposal ‘Most of the landfill sites are filled up with a lot of waste products that could have been recycled effectively. Some of these waste materials belong to nom-biodegradable category which takes a Jong time to decompose. Recycling enables proper usage of these waste products and saves space for landfills. The pace with which Tandfills are getting filled up, soon we might run short of landfills unless we start following recyeling at our awn home and spread the word to others, (Dsponivel em hulpyswuzzle comyarticlenhy is eeytlng important ml. eso em 08 lho 2008) ‘3 Volte ao trecho “What is Recycling” € responda: Como autor define Recycling? b Que materials podem ser reciclados? 26 | LEITURA EM LINGUA INGLESA | Uma ABORDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL UNIDADE 4 4 Qual 6 0 significado das seguintes palavras retiradas do texto: a Recycling refers to the process of collecting used materials which is usually considered as ‘waste’ and reprocessing them Oiresiduos OD materias LD aesperdicio bin this process these used materials are sorted and processed to be used as ‘raw materials’ for the production of new products, OD materiais raros OD materia-prima Ui materiais recicléveis €.... recycling means using the core elements of an old product as raw material to manufacture new goods, O dispenaiosos C1 descanavers Oe nciats. 4... recycling means using the core elements of an old product as raw material to manufacture new goods. DO processos LU benfettorias UO produtos e Buying recycled products will only increase when every individual will develop an awareness of the difference that can be made by utilizing their old household objects as raw materials to produ new goods and help the environment by recycling, C1 conseiéneia UO conceito Oaiens 5 Abalxo esto representadas, em forma de desenho, as etapas descritas no trecho Process of Recycling. Enumere-as de acordo com 2 sequéncia cronolégica descrita no texto. LeITURA EU LingUA INGLESA | Uma aboRDAGEM INsteumeNtat | 27 UNIDADE 4 | CONHECIMENTO PREVIO Ligue os titulos aos fatos: ia] ipecycing seveseneray, al 2 Recycling saves environmental conditions and reduces pottution L] 3 Recycling saves noturai resources L] 4 Economic benefits L] 5 Recycling soves space for waste alsposai [] ao espaco destinado aos aterros sanitérios deveria ser utiizado priortariamente para ecomodar produtos biodegradaveis, uma vez que produtos no-biodegradaveis levam muito tempo para se decompor, b o proceso de reciclagem gera noves cportunicades de emprego contribuindo para o desen- volvimento econémico do pais. €. preservacéo de recursos naturais e a manutencdo do ecuilbrio da natureza se faz através da reutlizacdo de produtos descartacos. a diminuigéio do gasto de energie utlizada leva a um menor uso de combustivel, contribuindo assim para a reducdo de poluentes no meio ambiente @ a utlizacdo de matérie prima a partir de produtos reciclados para a fabricagio de novos pro- dutos economiza energia 7 Vocé concorda com o texto? © que tem sido feito na sua casa, escola, no seu ambiente de trabalho com relacao ao assunto tratado? APRESENTACAO DE ESTRATEGIA ACIONANDO CONHECIMENTO PREVIO A COMPREENSAO DE UM TEXTO depende em grande parte do conhecimento que 6 leitor j& possulie que se encontra armazenado em sua meméria ~ ou seja, de seu conhecimento prévio. Esse conhecimento results da aprendizagem acumulada com base nas experiéncias vivenciadas elo individuc ao longo do tempo e pode ser acessado para auxiliar na assimilag’o de informe- ‘Gdes novas. © conhecimento prévio é um recurso fundamental no proceso de compreensic, pois possibilita a formulacBo de hipsteses e inferéncias pertinentes ao significado do texto. 20 | Leiura ew Lineua Instesa | UMA ABORDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL CONSOLIDAGAO cosnatos CONHECIMENTO PREVIO | 4 Volte a0 texto ¢ encontre o equivalente em Inglés das sequintes palavras: Iimportancla essencial materiais elementos _ papel aluminio cousas eee proteger __ poluicdo __ preservar relagéo processo producto pléstico baterias beneficios energie blodegradével emissio decompor coe UNIDADE 4 i SKIMMING 6 Signs of Caffeine Addiction CAFFEINE WITHDRAWAL TYPICALLY SETS IN AFTER 12 TO 24 HOURS OF ABSTAINING FROM CAFFEINATED DRINKS Caffeine alters mood and behavior, and it can also result in physical dependence, says Roland Griffiths, a professor in the departments of psychiatry and neuroscience at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. "People are hesitant to think of it as a drug of addi because it doesn’t have a lot of the health and adverse social consequences associated with. ‘our classic drugs of addiction, yet the basic mechanisms by which it hooks people are very much like our classic drugs of addiction,” he says. ‘Most people experience mild to modest withdrawal, Griffiths says, which is relieved by drinking coffee in the moming after abstaining from it overnight. Many people say, "T really don't get going until I bave coffee, [and] then I feel great What they’te not recognizing is that if they didn't consume coffee [at alll, they would wake up feeling great,” Griffiths says. Here are some of the signs of caffeine withdrawal, which typically appear 12 to 24 hours after abstaining from coffee. + Headache + Lethargy “+ Depressed mood + Nausea Vomiting Muscle pain and stiffness {Disganivel em hip health enews comarca nes] 2on9/3t/25(6signs of ealfeineadetion- ‘Acesso em: 90 juno 2009.) 20 | Leiruaa eM Lingua inciesa | UMA ABORDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL SKIMMING | UNIDADE 5 Bullies and Their Victims: Wanna Fight? by Ce Tuan and Joun Eowaan Gi sk a twelve year old what he or she hates most about school, and you might be surprised to ‘arn that the school bully outranks homework and tests on the fear factor scale. A bully is a child who deliberately and continuously uses physical assault or verbal abuse to harm another child that he or she sees aas more vulnerable, Bullies and their victims can be as ‘young as eight years old, and school bullying peaks in the high school years, Bullies and their victims can be boys or girls, and bullying can take place in cyberspace as well as the schoolyard. Both the bully and his ar her vietim suffer, and some are driven to extreme or suicidal behavior According to a survey done by the American Academy ‘of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 50 percent of school age children report being bullied at some point during their school years, and 10 percent report being bullied continuously. Children in this age group are mos intensely aware of, their peers’ opinions, acceptance, and rejection. The experience of being singled out and picked on can turn into an ever more emotionally devastating downward spiral, and the experience of power felt by a bully can also become a dangerous emotional high that pushes him or her to more extreme behavior, Bullying takes place anywhere children gather: the playground, the cafeteria, the school hallways, the schoo! bus, the mall, online on web sites such as My Space, or on cell phones via calls and text messaging. Bullying takes the form of punching, hitting, tipping, name calling, posting embarrassing messages or photographs, or sending nasty messages. Bullies can be boys or Is, known or unknown to their victims, (Disponivl em:< hep wwe fathermagecomys bully cms em 39 Junho 2208) LeITuRA ew LINGUA INcLESA | UMA ABORDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL unioave 5 | skimming FAMILIARIZAGAO COM O TEXTO 4 Leia os textos da pagina anterior, observando titulos, cognatos, gravuras, bem como as pri- meiras e tltimas linhas de cada parégrafo. Leve em conta também seu conhecimento prévio dos assuntos tratados. Em seguida, tente resumir, com suas palavras, a idéia central de cada um deles. & B: 2 Em sus opiniée, quem séo os provaveis leitores desses textos? a‘ B: APRESENTAGAO DE ESTRATEGIA BUSCANDO A IDEIA GERAL DO TEXTO (SKIMMING) eta esTRATEGIA DE LEITURA consisie em observarmos 0 texto rapidamente apenas para de- tectar 0 assunto geral do mesmo, sem nos preecuparmos com os detalhes. Para tanto, € neces- sério prestar atencic 80 layout do texto, titulo, sub-titulo (se houver), cognatos, primelras e/ou Ge timas linhas de cada pardgrafo, bem como a Informagao no-verbal (figuras, gréficas e tabelas} Skimming & muito utlizada em nosso dia-e-dia, quando folheamos um Jornal ou revista pare obter uma dela geral das principais matériasreportagens, No contexto académico é bastante compregada na selectio de material bibliogrético para trabaihos de pesquisa CONSOLIDAGAO COMPREENSAO DETALHADA \Volte a0s textos e relela-os, desta vez para ir além do nivel de compreenséo geral dos mesmos. 4 Leia os textos novamente ¢ assinale verdadeiro (V) ou falso (F) para as seguintes afirmagbes: Texro A: a Acefeina, além de alterar 0 comportamento, pode causar dependéncia, | | BA cefeina também & considerada, pela maioria das pessoas, uma droga que vicia, pois acarre- ta os mesmos sintomas que outras drogas. L] € A maioria das pessoas sofre de abstinéncia leve a moderada, a qual é superads logo apés beber café na manhé seguinte. C1] Dr. Grifiths afirma que as pessoas s6 acordam se sentindo bem se tomarem café, L] € Aiguns dos sintomas relacionedios a falta de cafeina so: dor de cabeca, depresséo € visio turva. 32 | LelTURA cM Lingua inctesa | Uma ABORDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL MING | UNIDADE 5 TEXTO B: a As tarefes e provas sdo os fatores que mals amedrontam as criancas de 12 anos. [1 b Em toro de 10% das criencas sofrem ameacas durante 0 periodo escolar. [] As vitimas da perseguic8o ne fase escolar podem ter problerrias emociona's C] 4 0s bullies, isto é, aqueles que emeacam/perseguem, sé, na maloria das vezes, conhecides de suas vitimas, [] As agressées podem ser de varios tipos: socos, surtas, restelras, xingamentos, mensagens abusivas e fotos comprometedoras. L] x LermuRA EM Lingua ineiesa | Uma AporDacem instrumental | a3 | [-1 SCANNING 12 "The Women" is a remske of the 1839 George Cukor dssic. ‘Tho undated version flows group oF female foencs hon tho lone they envied most dscovers ner husband's eating an her the 54m. MPAA Rarina: PG-13 for sexelated materi languege, some ‘dug uso and bro smoking. ‘Srannine: Meg Ryna, Anvette Beng, bxa Mendes, Bola Messing Jada Prket-Smth “+ftasec on a Greek sland by 3 fomery ebelious nom whe never ‘dseiosed the cent of er father o unide-to-be locates three men ‘ho might te hee father and Ines them to her wedding, 708 Minutes, MPAA RATING: PG-1 for soma sexreletes comments. SSraRRING: Men Srcep,Pleos Srosnan, Amanda Seyired Ccln Fit Stolen Skarsgate ++ The Caped Crusade ratuns, protecting Gotham iy from the ‘ad enninal mesterming, The Joker #21. 32 min. [MPAA RATING: PC-13 for Intense sequences of violence and soTe ‘Srannine: Chron Baie, Heath Lecgar, Aaron Ecko, Maan Gyllenhaal, Michael Gane, Gary Omen, Morgan (Dispnivel em: "Acesso emt: 22 never 2008.) FAMILIARIZAGAO COM O TEXTO 4 Observe rapidamente os textos A e B acima e indique seus respectivos géneros: bula de remédios antincio de pacote turistico seco do clasificados O tirinha humoristica Dlainopses de times 2 Agora localize as seguintes informacSes no texto-A: a0 filme de mator duractio bo filme de menor duracgée Lerrura EM LINGUA INLESA | UMA AvoRDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL 38 unipape 6 | SCANNING a Idade minima exigids pela censura para assistir 0s filmes 05 filmes que contém assunto relacionado a sexo 0 flme que se passa em uma ihe grega do filme que tem a atriz Meg Ryan no elenco = ae eae 0 género a que pertence o filme “The Datk Night” fo filme que é ume refilmagem de um cléssico 3 Observe o texto-B e explique a que se referem os itens abaixo: a4 hours: b32 EUR = ¢ info@sightseeingtoursbudapestcom; April-October: Tue, Thur, Fri, Sat. 19.00 4 Localize no texto-B as seguintes informacées: ‘@ Cidade européia comparada @ Budapeste Bb Trés atividades includes na excursdo _ 0 més em que a excursao nao € oferecida APRESENTACAO DE ESTRATEGIA BUSCANDO INFORMAGOES ESPECIFICAS NO TEXTO (SCANNING) COMO VIMOS ANTERIORMENTE, 05505 objetivos deteminam © modo pelo qual realizamos a lelture. Quando buscamos uma informacéo espectfica, concentramos a atencdo apenas em Identficé-a, ignorando outros detaines do texto, Essa técnica de leiture, conhecida como scan- hing, consiste em correr rapidamente 05 olhos pelo texto até localiza’ a informacSo desejeds. © scanning & prétice rotineira na vida das pessoas. Alguns exemplas tipicos s8o 0 uso do di lonétio pers obter intormagiio sobre o significado de palavies, a busca de um nimero na Ista telefOnics ou a utlizagtio da indice de ume revista ou livia para encontrar um artigo ou caprtulo de interesse, Essa técnica no exige leltura completa nem detalhada do texto. | 6 | tetrona ew Unteus motesa, | uw anSwoden iNSTAUMENTAL INNING | UNIDADE 6 CONSOLIDACAO SKIMMING E GENEROS TEXTUAIS HAIR CARE For a long while, | thought about donating my hait. I'd always been told! | had perfect nair — it’s super- long, really thick, and it has beautiful natural blonde highlights. | decided | just wasn't able to give that up yet. Then my amazing guy fiend got leukemia — for the third time! His closest guy friends always shave their heads in support whenever he goes through chemo. | went to seventeen.com, saw your Locks of Love video, and realized it was just hair — other people need it more than | do, So had It cut off (which feels really weird}. | wanted to let you know your video Inspired me to be a better person. ‘1Observando o layout, a fonte, cognatos e dicas tipogréficas (negrito, itélico, etc), faca uma leitura répida do texto (skimming) para ide -ar o assunto tratado. 2A que género pertence o texto Halr Care? Diretato de pesquisa O segio “Carta ao Letter” O segao "Carta ao Editor” Dentrevista 2B Cite elgumas caracteristicas do texto que o auxiliaram na identificacio do género. Cava EW UVGUA Walesa | "URA KecHOAGEW Weermowenrae | a7 | 4 INFORMAGAO NAO-VERBAL Internet video threatens TV embers of the Baby-Boom generation are increasingly shifting away from M aditional TV in favor of online services and entertainment, and now spend ‘more froe time online than they do waiching TY, according to a study by ChangeWave Research. ‘The May benchmark survey of business professionals ages 45-63, focused on TV vi habits vs. home internet usage. It found that Boomers spend an average of 12.9 hes/week online, compared with only 11.8 hours/week watching traditionel TY, It also found that many Boomers would be willing to give up their subscription TV service if they could get the same programming online GRARICOT Traditional TV Viewings vs. Online Activities (May 2003) Average of non-business hours per week boomers spend online vs, Average of hours per week boomers spend watching traditional TV. Non- Business, Hours Online Hours Watching. ns Traditional TV 0% ‘Conyrigh "2008 ChansaWave Research Moreover, by a five-to-one mangin Boomers are watching less traditional TV than they did a ‘Year ago. Among this group, 62% say it's because theyre not as interested in what's on TV these days, and another 26% say they're spending more time surfing the web, ChangeWave said. a0 | Leiruna ew tincuainatesa | uma aponoacew INSTRUMENTAL [_omioane 7 + Traditional TV vs. Alternative Programming Among traditional TV viewers, 20% of survey respondents say they would be likely to downgrade or cancel their current TY service package in the next six months, The likelihood of canceling is highest among cable (22%) and satellite subscribers (22%), and lowest among fiberoptic TV subseribers (7%). ‘When asked which one paid subscription - among all media choices - they'd be most ‘willing to give up, 44% selected TV service, which fared significantly worse than any other subscription service, RAFICO2 ‘Subscription Services Most Likely To Be Given Up (May 2009) Ifyou nad to give up one subscription service you currently pay for, ‘hich subscription service would It be? TV Home DYDNfove seer _Newieaper Magazines Cal Phone Service Telephone "Rents! Serve Centr ‘Senco Sewice ‘ConyiGh “2008 ChangeWinme Rare ChangeWave said that the vulnerability of TV subscription services is direct result of the growth of internet video, which is providing a direct threat to traditional TV. More than ‘two thirds of Boomers (69%) say they've watched video content on their computer over the past 90 days and 48% say they'd be willing to pay a monthly fee for a subscription to an internet video service if it provided the same programming currently available on TY. In terms of the top'TV websites, YouTube.com (79%) is the leading online website Boomers, ‘use to watch video, followed by TV network websites (39%), Hulu.com {16%} and iTunes (21%). + Some Ads Okay In terms of willingness to watch ads associated with internet video, the survey found, not surprisingly, Boomers clearly want to see fewer ads than they do with conventional broadcasting. However, more than two thirds (68%) say they are willing to view at Teast some ads onl LEITURA EM LINGUA INGLESA | UMA ABORDAGEM isTRUMENTAL | 39 UNIDADE 7 | INFORMAGAO NAO-VERBAL Video Advertising vs. Broadcast Advertising (May 2008) Compared to conventional broadcasting, how many advertisements - ifany are you willing to view when you watch video through your computer? 60% 47% ‘Copyight 2009 CheraWinve Rezarch About the research; The survey was conducted by polling members of the ChangeWave Alliance Research Network, a group of 20,000 business, technology and medical professionals and early-adoptest, ChangeWave surveys this network of members weekly ‘on a range of business and consumer topies, and converts the information into a series of Proprietary quantitative and qualitative reports. (Dispocivel em: hip www marketingehartscom/elevisloryoalinevideo threatens \-unong boners 9935) ‘uangewavetelerancecnline vidoo advertising may’ 200g Aces ede asta 2600) FAMILIARIZAGAO COM O TEXTO 4 Observando apenas 0 titulo e gréficos, descreva em poucas palavras © provavel assunto do texto. 2 Com base nos cognates e palavras/expressées que vocé jé conhece, confirme ou refaga a resposta dada no exercicio anterior. INFoRMAGAO NAo-versa: | UNIDADE 7 identifique o grafico (1, 2 ou 3) que apresenta as seguintes informacdes: aL Otelefone fixo j4 néo é um servigo indispensével SLT Atr poneasinatlim liter enfre oxzervicnsque'se.deseiacancelar LJ As pessoas gastam mais horas do seu tempo livre on line do que assistindo televisio. aL 22% dos entrevistados nao gostariam que comercieis fossem exibidos na Intemet. eLJ4s pessoas ainde valorizam a informacéio em papel como jomais e revistas. 4 110s servicos de telefonia movel estiio entre os preferidos entre as pessoas entrevistadas. 91 65% dos entrevistados afirmeram que gostariom de ver menos comerciais na Intemet, APRESENTAGAO E PRATICA DE ESTRATEGIA EXPLORANDO A INFORMACAO NAO-VERBAL ‘Como © PROPRIO TituLO sUGERE, informacéo néo-verbal & toda informagéo fornecide por meio de figuras, gréficos, tabelas, mapes ete. 0 leitor poderé se concentrar neles a fim de obter 2 informagiio que deseje ou necessita No entanto, sabe-se que, néo raro, a informacio néo-verbal é ignorads ou considerada su- pérfiua pelo leitor. Contudo, se 0 autora calocou & disposi¢o, é porque ela deve ser observada. De fato, em muitos textos que combinamn informagao verbal e néo-verbal, aquilo que se busca pode estar apenas no grafico ou tabela, por exemplo. Nesse caso, a leiture do texto passa a ser apenas a confirmacso des informacées obtidas por meio de tals recursos. ‘Volte aos gréficos e retire pelo menos mais trés informacdes apresentadas pelo autor. CONSOLIDAGAO CONHECIMENTO PREVIO, SCANNING 4Vocé conhecia as idéias tratadas no texto? Se sua resposte for afirmativa, pense em come esse conhecimento prévio do assiinto facilitou sua leltura. 2Utilizando a estratégia scanning, localize as seguintes informagées no texto: a. faixa etdria ces pessoas entrevistades: LecTURA EM LINGUA INGLESA. UNIDADE 7 | INFORMAGAO NAO-VERBAL bo ndmero de horas que as pessoas passam on line nas suas horas de folga: € 2 porcentagem de pessoas que disseram nc ter multe interesse pelos programas exibides na televisdo atualmente: do tipo de servica de TY por assinatura que os entrevistados mais gosteriam de cancelar: 2 0 motivo pelo qual o hébto tradicional de assistir televiséo esté sendo ameagado pela Internet: | 42 | erruana/lneus inauesa ua AORN NTREMENTA E-3 INFERENCIA CONTEXTUAL Food Pyramid = ols + Most fats should be from fish, nuts and vegetable oils + Limit solid fats such as butter, margerine or lard + Keap consumption of saturated fets, trans fats and sodium low + Choose foods low in sugar The Food Guide Pyramid |he Food Guide Pyramid is one way for people to understand how to eat healthy. A I rainbow of colored, vertical stripes represents the five food groups plus fats and oils, Here’s what the stripes stand for: 4 grains 2 vegetables 2 fruits 4 fats and oils + milk and dairy products 6 meat, beans, fish, and nuts ‘The US. Department of Agriculture (USDA) changed the pyramid in 2005 because they ‘wanted to do a better job of telling Americans how to be healthy. The agency later released «a special version for kids. Notice the girl climbing the staircase up the side of the pyramid? ‘That's a way of showing kids how important it is to exercise and be active every day. In other words, play a lot! The steps are also a way of saying that you can make changes little by little to be healthier. One step at atime, get it? = The Pyramid Speaks Let's look at some of the other messages this new symbol is trying to send: Eata variety of foods. A balanced diet is one that includes all the food groups. In other words, have foods from every color, every day. Eat less of some foods, and more of others. You can see that the bands for meat and protein (6) and oils (4) are skinnier than the others, That's because you need less of those kkinds of foods than you do of fruits, vegetables, grains, and dalry foods, LerTURA EM Lingus INGLESA | UMA ABORDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL INFERENCIA CONTEXTUAL | UNIDADE 8 ‘You also can sce the bands start out wider and get thinner as they approach the top. That's designed to show you that not all foods are created equal, even within a healthy food ‘group like fruit, For instance, apple pie would be in that thin part of the fruit band because ‘thas a lot of added sugar and fat. A whole apple — crunch! — would be down in the wide ‘part because you can eat more of those within a healthy diet. (Disponivel em: https/kidshealth org/kidstay_healthy/food/pyramid html>. Acessa ere: 0607/3009.) FAMILIARIZAGAO COM O TEXTO ‘1Observando as ilustracdes eo titulo descreva o que vocé pode antecipar sobre o contetido do texto. 2 Faca uma leitura répida para confirmar/descartar suas hipsteses. O texto correspondeu 4s suas expectativas? 3 Utiizando a estratégia scanning, localize as seguintes informacées. ‘@ Os 3 grupos de alimentos representados na pirémide: 'bO grupo que 0 artigo coloca 8 parte em relacéio aos outros cinco: € Uma dieta balanceada deve inclulr: 4 A sigla USDA refere-se 20: @ Esta verséo da pirdmide € dirigida a: 4 Apés uma segunda leitura do texto, procure deduzir 0 significado das palavras/expressbes destacadas: ‘a Keep consumption of saturated fats, trans fats and sodium low b A rainbow of colored, vertical stripes represents the five food groups plus fats and ol ¢ (5) — milk and dairy products 1d You can see that the bands for meat and protein (6) and oils (4) are skinnier than the others. ‘@ You alse can see the bands start out wider end get thinner as they aporoach the top. £ ceirura ew uivaua micas | uate asonoaseie nareomenrat | a | UNIDADE @ | INFERENCIA CONTEXTUAL APRESENTACAO E PRATICA DE ESTRATEGIA FAZENDO /TECENDO INFERENCIAS CONTEXTUAIS ‘Ampenéneia 6 una estreiégia de grande valor na compreenséio de textos; muitas adivinha- ‘GGes/ suposicbes, que podem ser rejeitadas ou confirmadas, ocorem até o leltor chegar a inter- pretago da mensagem. Ao encontrar uma palavra desconhecide, podemos tentar adivinhar seu significado fazendo uso do contexto, isto & observando a sentenga em que a palevra aparece ou as sentences anteriores € posteriores. A habilidade de inferir é utilizada também para res- gatar mensagens que no séo indicadas explicitamente no texto. Esse processo € conhecido como ‘ler nas entretinhas Para ler nes entrelinhas & necessério ter em mente as ideias expressas pelo texto, a0 inves de palavras Isoladas. Consequentemente, os enunciados devem ser idos por inteiro © no palavra por palavra Para inferir palevras cu ideias de um texto, podemos utilizar os Sequintes recursos: > Consecinsento eetvio (background knowledge) ~ 0 conhecimento que o leitor j4 possui sobre ‘oassunto tratado, + Conrexio stsssnico ~ 0 significado do texto como um todo [ou sea, descobrir 0 significado de palavras/ideias a partic do contexto em que estao inseridas, aproveitando as informacoes contidas em palavras/sentengas que vém antes ¢ depois e que contribuem para a construgéo do sentido global do texto) +» Cowreero LiNevismico ~ pistas que indicam se & palavra é um substantive, um adjetivo, um verbo, ete. + Coxrexr0 nAosincutsrico (ou informacao nao-verbal) — pistas cor graficos, tabelas, etc “+ ConFTCIMENTO SoBKE A ORGANIZACAO THXTUAI.— pistas Contidas no titulo, subtitulo, divisao em das em gravuras, pardgrafos, ete, 4 Nos exemplos abaixo, faga inferéncias para completar as sentencas: ‘a Em uma biblioteca, os livros so de acordo com 0 assunto, ttulo © autor. B Uma longa exposicéioa pode prejudicar a audicéo. A poluicfo quimica pode ser muito prejudicial porque pode afetar a terra, o mare 4 E impossivel cortar com esta faca porque ela esté totalmente ‘Como vocé péde perceber, a0 nos depararmos com algo pouco legivel, apagado ou incom- pleto, automaticamente procuramos utilizar essa habilidade para adivinhar o que falta e en- tender 0 texto. 2 Com base nas informacées acima, procure inferir os nomes dos filmes a seguir. | +8 | uerruna/ew uivova inecesh | uaa asSneKeciwsrauneNal O__nafl_reseus_oi_m___id_s. Ob___Jodam__her ar___ha. (Os exemplos seguintes mostram que o mesmo proceso acontece em inglés (assim como em qualquer outra lingua). 3 Se a palavra weight for desconhecida, o seu significado poderd ser Inferide quando a mes- ma for apresentada em contexto: Many people are worried about their weight. To reduce weight, they eat less, eliminate carbo- hydrates from thelr diet, do @ lot of exercises to burn calories, etc. 4.No texto abaixo, a palavra substituida por “tock (palavra inexistente, sem sentido) também pode ser deduzida pelo contexto. She poured coffee into a tock. Then, holding the tock, she drank. Unfortunately, as she was pls- ‘cing it on the table, the tock fell from her hand and broke. '5Do mesmo modo, nao é dificil deduzir o significado de “Mazda”, na sentenca abaixo: ve just bought a Mazda so | drive to work. 6 Utilize a mesma estratégia, inferéncia, é usada para descobrir as palavras em inglés que estdo faltando nas seguintes sentengas: ‘al removed the fromthe shetf and began to read. Rachel is very hard working. On the other hand, her sister is very ¢ Everyone knows that if you step on an egg, It wil ‘TObserve o comercial publicado para divulgar 05 30 anos da DISAL. Ao Interpreté-io procure ler nas entrelinhas e encontrar significado além do que esté expresso explicitamente pelo autor. &Com base nos conceitos apresentados na pagina anterior, identifique, os tipos de conheci- mento e contexto que vocé utilizou para chegar a interpretacéo do comercial. LeiTuRA Em LINGUA INcLEsa | UMA ABORDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL | 47 usioae @ | rene the older it is The oldest book distributor in Brazil INFERENCIA CONTEXTUAL | UNIDADE 5 CONSOLIDACAO INFORMACAO NAO-VERBAL E OBJETIVOS DA LEITURA ‘1 Observe o layout do texto “The Food Guide Pyramid” e o subtitulo: The Pyramid Speaks. ‘Voeé concorda com essa afirmativa? © que a piramide tem a dizer? 2 Qual o objetivo dos degraus na parte lateral da pirdmide ? ® Como vocé avalia a contribuicéo das ilustracdes (informac&o no — verbal) para a compre- enséo da mensagem do texto? 4 Assinale o provavel objetivo do leitor ao let 0 texto? D diversso Oi epticecio pratica D enriquecimento intelectual LEITURA EM LINGUA INGLESA E-1 PALAVRAS-CHAVE Car Talk COULD CARS TALK TO EACH OTHER DIRECTLY TO MAKE THE STREETS SAFER? ar accidents kill 115 people a day in the U.S. and cost an annual $230 billion. Cautious drivers can avoid only so much danger, especially when it’s a car running ‘a red light, or a truck that pops out of a blind spot. But commuting could get safer with new in-car technology that wams you of that vehicle just around the corner — and oven hits the brakes for you. so | LeITURA EM LINGUA INGLESA | UMA ASORDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL ‘Most car communication networks in development use the same WiFi chips found in your laptop. But those units were made to pick up @ signal from the router on your bookshelf, not dozens of signals zipping by at 55 mph and creating “digital echoes" as they zeflect off buildings. So the Australian company Cohda Witeless designed a WiFi chip with a receiver that better ‘racks a moving signal and algorithms that filer out interference. The radio broadcasts a cas location and speed to every similarly equipped vehicle within at least 529 feet. Thinking about passing an 1S.wheeler? The chip detects an oncoming car's signal and sounds a warning. In 760 twocar trials, the company’s radio warned drivers of oncoming danger 21 seconds in advance — 18 seconds faster than similar systems, Ifa large-scale test later this year in Australia goes well, the tech could reach consumers by 2012. In the future, says Paul ‘Alexander, Cohda's chief technical officer, it could integrate with automatic steering and braking to respond to immediate hazards. ‘Auto-safety experts estimate that the system could reduce caraccident deaths by up to 50 percent. “It’s a bold claim,” Alexander says, “but people's inattention is « big factor in road accidents, Technology is always on — always thinking and always aware.” Collision Avoidance: Vehicles transmit their speed and position to cars within at least 500 fect, 10 times per second [A]. Onboard computers analyze the data and warn the driver of, for example, imminent collision with a car running a red light [B}, ‘Traffic Updates: Each car's radio unit records road conditions and backed-up traffic [C] ‘a it travels and uploads the data to light-pole mounted units [D], which relay real time conditions to tralfie-control centers and suggest detonrs fF] 10 drivers. (Disponivel ens: vewwpopsci.com/ears/articie/scoy-ogicartalk/>. Acesso ea 05 de mato 2609) UNIDADE 9 | PALAVRAS-CHAVE FAMILIARIZAGAO COM O TEXTO 4 Observande o titulo, subtitulo e as gravuras, faca previsdes sobre o provavel assunto do texto. 2 Utlizando seu conhecimento prévio e apoiando-se de modo especial nos cognatos ¢ nas palavras/expressdes que voce conhece, fac um skimming do texto para confirmar ou refa- zer a previsio feite anteriormente. 13 Relacione as idélas abaixo com os paragrafos nos quais elas aparecem (I Ih Il, IV, V, Vi: a Nos Estados Unidos, os acidentes ce carro matam centenas de pessoas dlerlamente e causam grande prejuizo fnanceiro. [1 b A unidade de rddio instalada nos cartos registra 3s condicSes des estradas € lo transite du rante 0 trajeto, transmite tais informacBes para os centros de controle de tréfego, sugerindo atalhos aos motoristes. 1 ¢ O chip WEFi encontrado em laptops ndo ¢ apropriado para o novo sistema, uma vez que os edificios interferem na trensmisséo dos sinals, criando o que os especialistas chamam de “ecos digitais”. 1 A calisio de veiculos pode ser evitada, uma vez que computadores ce bordo transmitem a velocidade e posicao dos carros em umn porimetro de no minimo 150 metros. L] elre-virdo trebslho de carro pode ficar mais seguro com a nova tecnologia digital instalada nos carros. a qual alerta sobre 0 perigo iminente e até mesmo execute acdes defensivas. L] 0s especialistes acreditam que a nova tecnologia reduziré sensivelmente o ndmero de mortes por acidentes de carro. 90 chip desenvolvico pela emprese eustraliana Cohda Wireless tem um receptor que rastreia melhor um sinal em movimento, bem come algoritmos que fitram a interferéncia causade pelos “ecos digttais”. C1 fk A nova tecnologia estara disponivel pare o consumidar multe em breve se o teste a ser reall- zado na Austrélie for bem sucedido. L) @ A que se referem as seguintes informagées destacadas em negrito? ‘8 Car accidents kill 15 people a day in the U.S. and cost an annua $230 billion. 'b In 700 two-car trials, the company’s radio warned drivers of oncoming danger 21 seconds in advance — 18 seconds faster than similar systems. | 52 | terruma em Lina inciesa | UMA ABORDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL ¢ Ifa large-scale test later this year in Australie goes well, the tech could reach consumers by 2012, d Auto-safety experts estimate that the system could reduce caraccident deaths by up to 50 percent APRESENTAGAO DE ESTRATEGIA IDENTIFICANDO PALAVRAS-CHAVE (AS PALAVRAS-CHAVE $50 imiprescindivels para a compreensée do texto porque tém relacdo di- reta com 0 assunto tratado. Tals palavras so de fécil identiticagio, pois uma de suas caracteris- {icas € @ repeticao a0 longo do texto. Além disso, séo em geral substantivos ~ classe de palavras que contém muito significado. © reconhecimento des palavras-chave nos auxiia a identificar o assunto e constuir significado do texto, Portanto, devemos sempre procurar identiicéles para facilitar/otimizer a compreensio durante o proceso de leitura. ‘Complete o diagrame abalxo com as palavtes © expressGes que, em sua opiniée, forem es- sencials para a compreenséo do texto, "LEITURA EM LINGUA INGLESA | uma asonDaGeM instaumenta | 53 | CONSOLIDAGAO INFORMACAO NAO-VERBAL E INFERENCIA CONTEXTUAL 4 Qual a relacdo das figuras com a mensagem do texto? 2 Utilizando @ estratégia de inferéncia, deduza o significado das palavras em negrito nas sentencas abalxo retiradas do texto: a ..especially when it's 8 car running a red light, or @ truck that pops out of a blind spot, CO desaparece U surge Opuia b ..designed a Wi-Fi chip with a rece'ver thet better tracks a moving signal and algorithms that filter out interference, Oi movimenta Ditraga DO restreia ¢ The radio broadcasts a car's location and speed to every similarly equipped vehicle within at leest 500 feet Odetecta Citransmite C1 localiza sa | Lerrura em LINGUA iNeLess | UMA ABORDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL "EN / UFS REG .__ 10169314 Ei GRUPOS NOMINAIS Don’t write off organic food THE FOOD STANDARDS AGENCY'S REPORT COMPLETELY FAILED TO ADDRESS THE LONG-TERM EFFECTS OF FARMING CHEMICALS ON HUMAN HEALTH, WRITES MOLLY CONISBEE id -you know that the average been sprayed up to 16 times with 30 different chemicals? Or that exposure to pesticides has been linked to birth defects, male infertility and nervous system disorders? Well, the Food Standards Agency’s report on organic farming ‘would leave you none the wiser. It completely failed to address the long-term effects of farming chemicals on human health. Se. cane aes ad oven aia The study, which concentrated on the mutritional content of organic food compared to non-organic food, claimed there was little difference between the two. But with closer reading the researchers do report in their analysis that there are higher levels of beneficial nutrients, such as flavonoids and beta carotene, in organic compared to non-organic foods. But the FSA don't consider these differences to be important’ | LEITURA EM LINGUA INcLEsA | Uma aBoRDAGEM INstRUMENTAL | 66 ‘The study conchided that there was no need for people to buy organic food for health benefits, but people don't only buy organic food because they think it will make them, healthier. The EU’s Quality Low Input Food project has found that regular buyers of organic food have'a much more sophisticated understanding of the range of benefits that organic farming and food deliver, which stretch well beyond the nutritional. The environmental advantages are self evident: organic farms have on average 30 per cent more species and 50 per cent more overall numbers of wildlife such as birds, butterflies and bees. Compassion in World Farming, the recognized experts on animal welfare, says organic farsning has the potential for the highest animal welfare standards. Artificial nitrogen fertilizer is banned in organic farming, so there are fewer run-offs of nutrients that ‘cause the algae blooms in coastal waters which can have severe impacts on wildlife, There is also less dangerous waste on organic farms than on non-organic farms. Our future will be dominated by climate change. Here organic farming is leading the ‘way, by using solar powered fertility through crops like red clover that fix nitrogen into the soll for subsequent crops. For our own health and the health of the planet, organic food and farming will play a big part in a sustainable food and farming future. Molly Conisbee is Director of Campaigns and Comamamications at the Soil Association. (Disponivel em: Acesso em: 28 de agosto 2000,) FAMILIARIZACAO COM O TEXTO 4 Observe o titulo, a figura que ilustra o texto ¢ a legenda ¢ diga qual o provavel assunto do texto: 2 Faca uma leitura répida do texto (skimming) e confirme ou refaca a predicéo feita na ques- to anterior. 3 Relacione os paragrafos do texto (| Ih Ill, IV ou V) ds sues respectives ideias principais. 1 Relato de um estudo feito sobre as diferencas nutricionals entre os produtos organicos e néo-orgéinicos. U0 Os beneficios do cultive dos produtos orgénicas para o bem-estar dos animais € do meio-ambiente, GRUPOS NOMINAIS | UNIDADE 10 C1 Os efeitos dos produtos quimicos usados na agricultura tradicional para a sadde. CA impertancia da agricultura de produtos orgénicos para o futuro do planeta. CAA opsie por produtes organicos vai além da questée nutricional. 4 Agora volte ao texto ¢, utlizando a estratégia scanning, encontre as seguintes informagée: ‘8 Alguns dos efeitos colaterais dos pesticidas para o homem BA diferenca nutricional entre produtos orgénicos e néo organicos. € Os motivas pelos quais as pessoas proferem os produtos orgénicos, @ As vantagens que © cutive de produtos orgadnicos traz a0 meio ambiente. APRESENTAGAO E PRATICA DE ASPECTO LINGUISTICO GRUPOS NOMINAIS (OS GRUPOS NOMINAIS S40 formados de um niicleo (substantivo) e um ou mais modificadores {que podem ser adjetivos ou outros substantivos). Em portugues, os modificadores geraimente aparecem DEPOIS do niicieo (exemplo: escindalos financeiros). Em inglés, porém, os modifi cadores quase sempre aparecem ANTES do ncicieo: financial scandals. Por isso, € importante observar que, em inglés, o niicleo seré quase sempre a Litima palavra do grupo nominal. Nos {1s grupos nominais a seguir, os niicleos si, respectivamente, complex, teacher e women: a. the biggest industrio! Latin American complex, b. my new Mathematics teacher, c. three beautiful women, Aigumas vezes, entretanto, © grupo nominal poderd incluir uma preposig8o (in, on, at, of for, ic) nesses cases, 0 nticleo seré a palevra que precede a preposic#o. Exemplos: the colour of his hair; the funny picture on the blackboords the fear in her voice. 41s siglas abaixo so grupos nomineis. Com base na informacéo fornecida em inglés, procu- re deduzir o significado de seus correspondentes em portugués: IMF (International Monetary Fund) ME EU (European Union) UE: as UNO [United Nations Organization) ONU: CeivUbalew ceva inetesa [Ua ABononcen wsrnumenrat | a7 | unipape 10 | @kuPOS NoMINaIS 2 Identifique os nticleos dos grupos nominais abaixo, retirados do texto, e traduza-os: a the average industrially_produced apple bb the long-term effects of farming chemicals on human _ ¢ the nutritional content of orgenic food non-organic food @ higher levels of beneficial nutrients regular buyers of organic food 9 The environmental advantages bh Artificial nitrogen fertilizer i severe impacts on wildlife 3 Sublinhe 0s grupos nominais do parégrafo abaixo, extraido do texto, ¢ circule seus respec- tivos niicleos: (Our future will be dominated by climate change. Here organic farming is leading the way, by using solar powered fertility through crops like red clover that fix nitrogen into the soil for subse- quent crops. For our own health and the health of the planet, organic food and farming will play ‘a big part in a sustainable food and ferming future. CONSOLIDAGAO PALAVRAS-CHAVE E INFERENCIA 4 Identifique as palavras que foram importantes na construgdo do significado do texto. 2 Utilizando a estratégia inferéncia, deduza o significado das palavras em negrito nas sen- tencas abaixo: a lt completely failed to address the long-term effects of farming chemicals on human heatth Ci direcionar O enderegar OD abordar 'b The EL’s Quality Low Input Food project has found that regular buyers of organic food have a much more sophisticated understanding of the range of benefits that organic farming and food deliver, which stretch well beyond the nutritional Osuperam Llestendem [letongam «€ Attifcial nitrogen fertiizer is banned in organic farming, so there are fewer run-offs of nutrients that cause the algae blooms in coastal waters UO corenteza Cl escoamento Dieorrida organic food and farming will play a big part in 2 sustainable food and farming future. CO iterao um papel importante C1] fardo uma grande partida O serdo ampliados | se | cairunn nua woueen [Una MSHS RAND ST 0 ee ees Kil REFERENCIA PRONOMINAL UK couple defend son’s assisted suicide at Swiss clinic STORY HIGHLIGHTS + Young rugby player, paralyzed after accident, commits suicide in Switzerland + Police interview man and wornan about the death of Daniel James, 23 ‘ Ihis illegal in UK and much of Europe to assist with suicide + Assisted suicide is legal in Switzerland, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg LONDON, ENGLAND (CNN) ~ POLICE HAVE LAUNCHED AN INVESTIGATION AFTER A YOUNG DISABLED SPORTSMAN TRAVELED TO SWITZERLAND TO COMMIT SUICIDE, UK MEDIA REPORT. aniel James, 23, from Sinton Green in western England was paralyzed from the [chest down in March 2007 when a rugby scrum collapsed on top of him during match practice, dislocating his spine, the UK's Press Association has reported. ‘Worcestershire Coroner's Service, which is conducing an inquest into the circumstances of his death, states on its Web site that James died on September 12 after he“traveled to Switzerland with a view to ending his own life. He was admitted to a clinic where he died.” ‘The inquest was adjourned on September 19 for reports. ‘West Mercia police say that a man and a woman are helping the force with their enquiries. Assisting someone to commit suicide is illegal in the UK, as it i in most other European countries. James, who played rugby for England under-r6s, was a university student at the time of his injury last year. He is believed to be the youngest person from the UK to have traveled to Switzerland to commit suicide. LeITURA EW LINGUA INGLESA | UMA ABORDAGEM iwsrRUMeNTAL | 59 | UNIDADE REFERENGIA PRONOMINAL Ina statement Friday, reported by PA, James’ parents said that he had attempted to kill himself several times already. “His death was an extremely sad loss for his family friends and all those that care for |him but no doubt a welcome relief from the ‘prison’ he felt his body had become and the ‘day-to day fear and loathing of his living existence, asa result of which he took his own life “This is the last way that the family wanted Dan's life to end but he was, as those who know him ere aware, an intelligent, strong-willed and some say determined young man” PA reported James’ parents as saying. “The family suffered considerably over the last few months and do wish to be left in peace to allow them to grieve appropriately” James’ parents added that their son, “an intelligent young man of sound mind,” had never ‘come to terms with his condition and was “not prepared to live what he felt was a second- class existence’. Adrian Harling, the family solicitor, would not comment on the investigation, PA reported, More than 100 people from the UK who have committed suicide in Switzerland have traveled to the Dignitas Clinic in Forch, {tis not know if James attended the clinic. Switzerland, along with Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands, are the only European countries where auth ies will not prosecute those who assist with su (Disponive em: . Acesso em: 06/27/2009) FAMILIARIZAGAO COM O TEXTO 4 Identifique a fonte do texto. 2A sequir, faca uma leitura répida do mesmo prestando atencao ao seu “layout”. ‘3 Que caracteristicas o distinguem dos demais textos apresentados até agora? 4 Qual a fun das aspas no caso especifico deste texto? 5 Identifique duas fontes de informacéo citadas ne matéria do jornal. so | terrura em Lineua instesa | uma AdcROAGEM INSTRUMENTAL REFERENCIA PRONOMINAL | UNIDADE 11 6 Através da estratégia scanning, localize as seguintes informacées: 2 O nome ¢ idade do jovem que cometeu suicilio: b O pais onde ele faleceu: © Ontimera de pessoas do Reine Unide que cometeram suicidio na Suica: 5 paises europeus onde 0 suicidio assistido é legat 7 Lela o texto mais detalhadamente e numere os acontecimentos na ortiem em que ocorreram. aL] James viajou para a Suigs para por fim a sua vida. LI Apolicia esta investigando as circunstancias da morte de James. e [1 Danie! James, estudante universitdrio, era jogador de rugby. El ia Sa ox ferries teen Se em uitie clita nonde velcia Taléeer eC] James ficou parapiégico apds um acidente durante uma partida de rugby. 8 O termo eutandsia é bastante conhecido. Contudo ele nao é mencionado no texto. Ha dife- renca entre suicidio assistide e eutandsia? 8 Discussdo: Qual é a sua opiniao sobre o suicidio assistido/eutandsia? APRESENTAGAO E PRATICA DE ASPECTO LINGUISTICO REFERENCIA PRONOMINAL A REFERENCIA PRONOMINAL ¢ Uin dos recursos ulilizedos para dar coeréncia & lingua; esse recutso leva a uma Interigagiio logica das sentencas que compdem um texto, Ao Invés de repetir algo mencionado anteriormente, pode-se utlizer elementos de referéncia tals como os pronomes pessoais: |, you, he, she, it, we, you, they (eu, vocé, ele, ela, nés, vocés, eles/elas): 0s pronomes demonstrativos: this (isto/este/esta, that (aquilo, aquelefaquela), these (estes, estas), those (aqueles/aquelas); os pronomes relatives: who, that, which (que); € os pronomes interroga- tives: who, what, which (quem, o que, qual). (Os elementos de referéncia tém a funcéo de evar 0 pensamento do leltor de volta para algo que foi mencionado anteriormente, ligando’as idéias e tomando o texto menos repetitive. Um texto pode ser mal compreendide se 0 leilor nao estiver ciente de ligaco existente entre 08 elementos de referéncla © as palavias que eles substituem. PRONOMES Pronomes so palavras que substituem substantivos, “antecedente” de uml pronome é a pa- layra que ele substitu ; Exemplo: John hes a cay. He drives to work. Aqui o antecedente de he & John. He, portanto, refere-se a John. LEITURA EM LINGUA INGLESA | UNA ABORDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL unioane n | Entre as categorias de pronomes, temo: Pronomes Pessoais (|, he, she, we, they) que geralmente se referem a algo ou alguém especifico. Exemplo: Lions are oppertunists; they prefer to eat without having to do much work Pronomes Demonstratives ithis, that, these, those) que se referem a substantivos. Exemplos: A dog's intelligence is much greater than that of a cat These cards are mine, Those are yout Powerful people frequently are tempted to crop old fiends in favor of those who ere more powerful, They prefer to socialize with those of equal ot superior power. Observagio: this © thot podem se referir a idelas completes. Exemplo: She decided to sell the house, This really upset her neighbors, Pronomes Relatives que ligam oragées. Who e that referemese a pessoas; which e that re- ferem-se a animals e objetos; where refere-se a lugares. Exemplos: That's the teacher who/that voted against the proposition The taisle which/that had a marble top cost too much, This Is the place where the accident happened, Pronomes Interrogativos (to, what, which} s8o usados em perguntas. Exemplos: Who do you think you ate? What ate you doing? Which color do you prefer, red or yellow? Geen sesso nak ies enone sence My You You Your eo He Him Se Ne ‘She ‘Her Her Hers | it tt Its, 2 ‘seeing | We Us Our esa You You a pours | They Then Their =a sea) 62 | LeiTusa eM Lingua IncLesa | UMA ASORDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL REFERENCIA PRONOMINAL | UNIDADE tt Pronomes pessoais retos t8m a funco de sujelto da oracéio, portanto, aparecem antes do verbo. Exemplos: The boy has a dog, It follows him everywhere, Julia is my friend. She geve me a birthday present. John and ! watched some videos. We love watching science fiction, Observaco: em oracdes como, I's raining ou t's 4 o'clock, a palavra it no contém informa- Gio. Nesses casos, ela € usada porque, em inglés, tode a oragao deve ter um sujeito expresso. Pronomes pessoais obliques tém a fungSo de objeto direto ou indireto. Desse modo, ocor fem ap6s 0 verbo da oracéo. Exemplos: The boy has @ dog. It follows him everywhere. Julia is my friend. She gave me a birthday present. Adjetivos possessivos © pronomes possessivos indica posse. Os adjetivos possessi- vos sempre precedem o substantive que modificam. Jé os pronomes possessivos substituem o substantivo a que se referem, evitando a repeticéo de palavras Exemplo: This is my umbrella, Yours is in the car. (adjetivo possessivo/pronome possessivo) ‘One (plural: ones) é outra palavra de referéncia, pois pode estar no lugar de um substantive. Exemplos: Which is your boyfiiend? The one in the blue shirt. I'd like to try on those shoes. Which ones? The black ones, Observat tra fungéo da pelavra one € se referir a pessoas em geral, no sentido de “a gente”. You pode ser usado com a mesma finalicade, Exemplos: ‘The moment one gets into the mountains, one has to rely on oneself for everything. ‘The moment you get into the mountains, you have to rely on yourself for everything 4 Nos trechos do texto “UK couple defend son’s assisted suicide at Swiss clinic” a seguir, al- guns exemplos de referéncia pronominal estéo em negrito. Indique @ que/quem se referem. Worcestershire Coroner's Service, which is conducing an inquest into the circumstances ot his death, states on its Web site that James died on September 12 after he “traveled to ‘Switzerland with @ view to ending his own life. He was admitted to a clinic where he died.” Lemurs ew uncua mcesa | ua xnonoaeem merauuenrar |e | 11 | REFERENCIA PRONOMINAL unipant alts Web site: — he: __ his own life: = da clinic where he died: West Mercia police say that a man and a woman are helping the force with their enquiries. Assisting someone to commit suicide Is illegal in the UK, as itis In most other European countries, @ their enquiries: fit “This is the last way that the femily wanted Dan's life to end bul he was, as these who know hhim are aware, an intelligent, strong-willed and some say deter James’ parents as saying. This: ined young man,” PA reposted hh... those who know him are aware, — Agora, lela o texto abaixo (parte de uma matéria intitulada “The Execution of Timothy McVeigh") e faca o exercicio. The science behind executions June 8 ~ The execution of Timothy MeVeigh spotlights an interesting trend in the ways we take society's ultimate revenge against our most notorious criminals. Over the years, we have looked more and more to science to help us find methods to terminate allife that are not, as the law says, “cruel and unusual’. Of the five methods still used in various states {eth ijn sth east crcl Seemetbocs mle. For executing prisoners, lethal injection is arguably the least cruel. As a result, it has tec, wher Tiwity Meveyhisscedledwoda ont.” also become the least unusual. ‘The exec ale nthe US. federal pan a Te aut, Fone worwsusbecomnewalsh7ehaap 2 Leia as perguntas e, com base nas respostas, deduza o significado de cada pronome inter rogativo: a Who Is going to be executed? Timothy McVeigh, b Why ? Because he is a criminal ¢ When ? Monday. e4 | Leiura ew Lincua INGLESA | UMA AsoRDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL REFERENCIA PRONOMINA uMipade 11 @ How ? By lethal injection @ What is lethal injection? A methos to terminate life. # How many methods are stil used for executing prisoners in the US.? Five 9 Which is the least cruel? Lethal injection CONSOLIDAGAO PALAVRAS-CHAVE E INFERENCIA CONTEXTUAL EXACTLY WHAT YOU'D EXPECT TO FIND INSIDE AN OYSTER! A PEARL. cave cles ost soe, Rhea a te We don't call them Oysters for ae ne nothing. Carved from a solid ingot of metal, the case of a Rolex is 10 create the movement af » Rolex massively strong. It has to be, for crronometer Ever anes one oF ts | within lies a thing of beauty: the flow parte wi hava been tested ond | delicate selfwinding movement. sneoectec, hen cleaned utrasonicly | Just as it takes time for a peari ue parks Hh Jsttlar. 60, net | to form within an oyster, so it time You fine yourself admiring th | __ takes about a year to create the tterna eterer con Over vaambes |_- movement of a Rolex chronometer. thist ine Ratan, Beauty we Every single one of its tiny parts will pes have been tested and inspected, then cleaned ultrasonically until it sparkles like jewellery. So, next time you find yourself admiring the glittering exterior of an Oyster, Femember this: in a Rolex, beauty is never only skin-deep. Teas Reward nary 2 Soc aap 4 Observando as ilustragées € o titulo desse texto, procure antecipar 0 assunto de mesmo. UNipabe 11 | REFERENCIA PRONOMINA: 2 Leia © texto para confirmar ou descartar suas hipéteses. Como vocé o classifica em relacéo ao género textual? a relato de pesquisa & receita culingria © comercial cana 3 Qual o nome dado ao modelo Rolex anunciado? 4 No texto, 0 autor compara o Rolex a uma ostra, descrevendo seu proceso de fabricagdo como se fosse semelhante 20 processo de formacéo de ume pérola. Utilizando sua capa- cidade de fazer inferéncias, diga qual € @ provavel intenc&o do autor ao estabelecer essa comparacao. 5 O que o autor diz sobre os sequintes itens do Rolex? a Acaixa 6 - = b O movimento da corda automatica é © Apés a limpeza, cada peca do cronémetro _ @ Abeleza do Rolex 6 Selecione algumas das palavras/expressées que mais contribuiram para a sua compreen- da mensagem do texto. 7 © que 0 texto recomenda como mensagem final ao leitor? 66 | LeiTURA EW LINGUA INGLESA | UMA ABOHOAGEM INSTRUMENTAL ErFIMARCADORES DISCURSIVOS Exploding the myth of cultural stereotypes ‘mericans are pushy and the English are reserved, right? Wrong, says a new study, which reveals there is no truth in this sort of national stereotyping. ‘An intemational group led by Antonio Terracciano and Robert McCrae at the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) surveyed more than 40,000 adults from 49 cultures, Participants were questioned about how neurotic, extroverted, open, agreeable, and conscientious typical members of their own culture are. This data was then compared with participants’ assessments of their own personalities and those of other specific people they. hhad observed. ‘The researchers found that there was no correlation between perceived cultural characteristics and the actual traits rated for real people In contrast, previous studies have shown that some gender stereotypes, such as the idea that women are warmer and men are more assertive, do reflect real trends. In many cases, cultures had overly harsh views of themselves, “The Swiss believe that they are closed off to new experiences,” says Antonio Terracciano. “But in fact they are the ‘most open culture to new ideas in art and music.” = Czech mates Brits rank themselves as introverted, while Argentineans proclaim to be uniformly disagreeable, neither of which is held up by the data. Czechs think they are antagonistic, but ‘they actually score higher in modesty and altruism than other people UNIDADE 12 | NARCADORES DISCURSIVOS Richard Robins, a psychologist at the University of California at Davis, US, says that the study pulls the plug on claims that perceived differences in national character reflect genetic differences between ethnic groups. ‘Stereotypes about national character seem to be largely cultural constructions, transmitted through the media, education, history, hearsay, and jokes," he explains. ‘Terracciano hopes that the results will make people address their own misconceptions. “People should trust less in their own beliefs about national character,” he says. “These can be dangerous and the basis for discrimination.” {Disponivel em: . Acesio ex: 27 julho 09.) FAMILIARIZAGAO COM O TEXTO 4 Com base apenas no titulo do texto, faca previsées sobre o provavel assunto do mesmo, 2 Agora leia 0 texto rapidamente, observando cognatos e palavras/express6es que vocé jé conhece, e descreva em poucas palavras 0 assunto tratado. 3 Verifique se as afirmacées abaixo sdo verdadeiras ou falsas. Seja seletivo, isto 6, no relela © texto todo, mas concentre-se apenas nos trechos necessérlos para realizar a atividade. 18 estudo realizado buscou contrastar as concepgbesimpressées dos participantes sobre membros tipicos de sues respectivas culturas com as avaliagées pessoals de suas préprias per- sonelidades ¢ as de outras pessoas especificas que tinham observado. [] b O estudo teve por objetivo demonstrar que diferengas culturals refletem eiferencas genéticas entre grupos étnicos. [] «€ Alguns esterodtipos de género (Le. relativo 60 sexo masculine e/ou feminino) corespondem 4 realidade: as mulheres em geral s8o ma's calorosas/afetuosas © os hamens mais essertivos! decididos. [] As impressées cuitursis analisadas revelaram uma tendéncia a auto-promogéo, isto é, mem- bros de diferentes nagtes analisarem suas préprias culturas apenas positivamente. [_] | 62 | verrura ew vincua inctesa | uma aboRoAGEM INSTRUMENTAL = | UNIDADE 12 MARCADORES # Os esteredtipas culturais séo transmitidos através dos meios de comunicaco, educacéo, histéria, beatos ¢ piadas, [] # O estudo realizado revelou que os esterestipas cullurais sdio falsos @ perigosos, pois encora- Jam a discriminagao. C) 4 No final do texto, © autor inclui um comentario de Antonio Terracciano, sobre suas expec- ‘tativas em relacdo aos resultados obtides com o estudo. Vocé concorda com tal comentario, Feproduzido abaixo? Justifique. “People should trust fess in their own betfefs about national character" he says, “These can be dangerous and the basis for discrimination? APRESENTACAO E PRATICA DE ASPECTO LINGUISTICO MARCADORES DiscuRSIVoS MaRCADORES DISCURSIVOS, frequentemente representados por conjungées, so termos uti- ‘izados para ligar oragbes € idéias, indicando como elas se relacionem. Através cesses ele- Mentos de |igagéo, 08 autores mostram com maior clareza a organizago de suas idéias. Eles constituem, portanto, importante recurso de coestio textual. Qs marcadores discursivos podem sinalizar: adictio, contraste, causalconsequéncia, tempo, Sequénoig cronotégica, etc, Observe, nos quacros a seguir, alguns exemplos de marcadores discursivos oastante utilzados na lingua inglesa both...and F re, Seca (tanto ... quanto) Inaddition, | in addition to... Moreover, / as well as... Besides, (olém de.) (Alem disso.) also; too/as well not only... but (tombém) also (ndo apenas. mas também) LEITURA EM LINGUA INGLESA | UMA ABORDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL | 69 ‘There's stil a tendency ta see the issues in black and white. The source of the information fs relevant. Moreover, the information need not be coniidential John, Jack and Sam are coming as welll as our friends from Boston. Peter is a photographer and also writes books. She (s ¢ valued colleague and a greet fiend too/as well. Sometimes itis not only wise to listen to your parents but also interesting. Yet, / Sil, / o L Nevertheless, Although, ie ae but (mos) Despite / In spite of. ‘though... pleas (aoesor assay {embora) Onithe omer rand (Por outro edo.) ‘gpesar de.) ther than. , rather than, whitetwhereas | Mconeast tofwith) However, instead of .. aan Unlike (Entretoato /Porém) (0 inves doy a is Differently from... em vez de] nose (a0 contrério de...) Id ike to. go but 'm too busy, He's overvreight and bald: yet someniovs he's incredibly attractive. Despite all our efforts to save the Schoo), the authorties decided to close it She walked home by herseft although she kirew thot it was dangerous (On the one hand I like o job which pays more. but on the other hand enjoy the work doing at the moment Rether than go straight on to university why not get some work experience fst? He must be about sixty, whereas his wife looks about try: In contrast to Cufahs, Cunibo has a cold winter 70 | vervuna ew Lincua inctesa | ORES bIScURSIVOS | UNIDADE 12 een sacs ‘Therefore, /Thus, Because of thi singe (visto que/ uma vez que) 50 (00risso/assin) For this/that reason, oo Consequently/As a result, so that (0 fim de que) (Portante) Exs: Iwas feeling hungry, so] madie mysetfa sandwich Progress so far has been very good. Therefore, we ore confident that the work wil! be comaleted on time, Since you are unable to answer, perhaps we should ask someone else. We dicin't enjoy the day because the weather wos so avful Liauaeauacone ein First(ly)/To start with, (Primeiramente,) s the former ‘Second(ly),/Thirdily), de i. before/prior to... (oa when (€m segundoterceiro ao {entes de) | primetrarey | (quando) tugan) Then /Next/after that | Towadeys/ after. the latter | white Afterwards, (A seguir) (depois queyde) love {enquanto) (otuaimente) Finally, segundo/a) (Finalmente, Por titime) Exs: We hod tec, ond afterwards we sat in the garden fora while The European Union was formerly colfed the European Community. Most people nowadays are aware of the Importance ofa healthy diet. All the orrangements should be completed prlor to your departure. Zimmerman changed his name after he left Germany, Of the two suggestions, | prefer the former. She offered me more money or a cor and | chose the latter Iwent there when Iwas a chil. White | was in italy, I went to see Alessanato. LeITURA EM LINGUA INctes, | Uma AvoRDA NsTRUMENTAL | 7 | EXEMPLIFICAGAO CONCLUSAO for example, / for instance, / 2.9. / Le. In short, / In conclusion,/in summary, Ue oan Finally/To sum up, sae ne (Fnolmente/Em resumo) like (como) : Exs: That sum of money is to cover costs such as travel ond accommodation. To sum up, for a healthy heart you must take reguior exercise und stop smoking. Eyes COMPARAGAO Asa matter of fact, / In fact’ Actually, / Indeed, (De fato, /Na verdade,) In the same way,/ Likewise,/ Similarly,/ Correspondingly, (Da mesma forma} Exs: ive knovm Barbora fer years. Since we were babies, actually. real The cost af living, jn the city is more expensive, but solarles are supposed to be “ correspondingly higher Fontes: hip fictionary-cambridgeorg e hitpy/wwvsldoeeonline.com dictionary 4 Nos trechos abaixo, retirados do texto, os marcadores discursivos foram sublinhados. In- dique a idéia que cada um deles sinaliza (adicéo; contraste; tempo; sequéncia cronologica; exemplificacéo; énfase; comparacéo; conclusao). ‘The researchers found that there was no correlation between perceived cultural characteristes and the actual traits rated for real people. In. contrast, previous studies have shown that some gender stereotypes, such as the Idea that women are warmer and men are more assertive, do reflect real trends, Brits rank themselves as introverted, while Argentineans proclaim to be uniformly disagreeable (.) Czechs think they are antagonistic, but they actually score higher in modesty and altrulsm than other people. aand such as ebut bs bin contrast while factually 7a | Lerrura em Lincua inctesa | uma ABORDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL MARCADORES DISCURSIVOS | UNIDADE 12 CONSOLIDAGAO INFERENCIA CONTEXTUAL E REFERENCIA PRONOMINAL 4 Indique os referentes dos pronomes sublinhados nos trechos a seguir: + Americans are pushy and the English are reserved, right? Wrong, says @ new study, which reveals there is no truth in this sort of national stereotyping. + Paiticipants were questioned about how neurctc, extroverted, open, agreeable, and conscientious typical membersofthelr own culture are. This data was then compared with participants’ assessments of thelr own personalties and those of other specific people they had observed. + In many cases, cultures had overly harsh views of themselves. awhich e thelr (2) ethey bthis those ‘f themselves 2.No texto “Exploding the myth of cultural stereotypes’, o autor emprega uma série de pala- vras/expressées para descrever as diferencas culturais. Classifique-as conforme o significa- do que expressam, isto é, positive (P) ou negativo (N) e, com base no contexto em que esto Inseridas, traduza-as. + Americans are pushy and the English are reserved, right? + Participants were questioned about how neurotic, extroverted, open, agreeable, and conscientious typical members of their own culture are, + In many cases, cultures had overly harsh views of themselves. “The Swiss believe that they are closed-off to new experiences,” says Antonio Terracciano, “But in fact they are the most open culture to new ideas in art and music.” + Brits rank themselves as introverted, while Argentineans proclaim to be uniformly disagreeable, neither of which is held up by the data. Czechs think they are antagonistic, but they actually score higher in modesty and altruism than other people. Suet, ele eee reserved L] neurotic] ____ extroverted [] open [1] agreeable [J se nace cerruen ew Uvaua wstesa | vies asoroaoen wsrnumenras | 2 | g conscientious CL] bh harsh CI) ta 4 closed-off 1) J introverted 1 : k disagreeable 1 antagonistic] __ m modesty 1] altruism (] Encontre, na lista acima, 3 pares de anténimos e 2 pares de sinénimos. KE AFIXOS = ? Michelangelo’s first painting bought AUTHENTIC FOR MORE THAN A CENTURY. Published: 7:00AM BST 14 May 2009 fhe mnscum declined to disclose how smuch. it paid for “The Torment of Saint Anthony" a 1sth-century oil and tempera painting on wood panel that depicts scaly, horned, winged demons trying to pull the saint out of the sky: Experts believe he painted it when he was only 12 or 33 years old. Only four such works ~ including this one ~ by the artist exist, and two of them are unfinished. Most of his paintings are frescoes, the famous scenes on the ceiling and wall of Rome's Sist we Chapel "This is one of the greatest rediscoveries in the history of art,” Eric M Lee, the Fort Worth “ie eet fut Anny’ rhein : : cncdiniot nics tums thee a museum's director, said, “The evidence could not be terTuRa ew LinGuA inGtesa | Uma aBoRDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL | 75 stronger. It's like a detective story, like a mystery, and it involves one of the greatest artists of all time” ‘The painting was exhibited as late as 1874 in Paris. But some questions about its authenticity had surfaced through the years, and after a London fatoily acquired it in the 1900s, the painting was kept privately and largely forgotten in the art world, Mr Lee said. Last summer an art dealer bought it for nearly $2 million at a Sotheby's auction and then took it to New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art, where one department chairman shared his hunch that it was the work of the Renaissance artist, Lee said. Experts in the Met's paintings conservation department carefully cleaned it by removing decades of ditt, as well as paint layers that art restorers had applied through the ages to fill in chips or dull areas, Mr Lee said. ‘When they examined the painting further using X-rays and infrared technology, they ‘were able to see how the artist made certain brush strokes, scraped paint layers to achieve detail and even changed elements of the painting before the final version, Mr Lee said. ‘Museum experts said they determined it not only was Michelangelo's ~ based on similarities to his other works and the artist’ stories of the piece as told to biographers —but also that it was his carliest work — based on its age and details in the painting. The confirmation came a few months ago, and then the Kimpell decided to buy it, Mr Lee said. “The generations of dirt and paint build-up had obscured the painting's identity, and some doubted its authenticity because a similar painting existed, Mr Lee added. But an art expert who extensively studied both paintings said the other was done in the 17th century. ‘Michelangelo's piece has previously been known as "The Temptation of Saint Anthony” because he was inspired by a similar engraving of that name while learning to be an artist But after the Kimbell acquired the oil painting, Lee decided to change its name because that engraving depiets a different scene, he said, The painting will be displayed at the Kimbell starting this fall after a summer exhibit at the Metropolitan Muscum of Art in New York. Lee said he may loan the painting to other ‘muscums later for travelling exhibits, “This could not be a rarer object.” Mr Lee said. “That's why this is such an extraordinary opportunity: (Disponivel ems hntpy/vwwutelegraph.cok/acws)worldnevssnorthamerica/use/5324421/ Michelangelos first painting bought-tml> Acesso em: 20 julho 09) 76 | LEITURA Ew LINGUA INGLESA | UMA ABORDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL FAMILIARIZAGAO COM O TEXTO 4 Vocé ler um texto sobre um dos trabalhos de Michelangelo. Antes de comegar a leitura, orém, Ieia 0 paragrafo abaixo sobre esse famoso artista: Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni (March 6, 1475 - February 18, 1564) wes 6 Renaissance painter, sculptor, poet and architect. He is famous for creating the fresco celling ofthe Sistine Chapel, one of the most stupendous works in all of Western an, as well as the “Last Judgment” over the altar, and “The Martyrdom of St. Peter” and“ The Conversion of St. Paul” in the Vatican's Cappella Paolina; among his meny sculptures are those of the Pieta and David, again, sublime masterpieces of their field: he also designed the dome of St Peter’s Basilica, {Dispomivel ex: chit /vwartinthepieture.com/atists/Michelangelo/Biography)> ‘Acesso em 23 julho 2909.) @ Dentre as informagées apresentadas acima, ha alguma que vocé desconhecia sobre Michelangelo? Voce sabe de outros fatos sobre o artiste, que néo foram mencionads no péragrafo acima? 2 Agora leia o texto da pagina anterior, observando de modo especial o titulo, 1° paragrafo em negrito, figura e legenda, além de cognatos e palavras/expressées que vocé jé conhece em inglés. Em seguida, descreva em uma sentenca o assunto tratado. 3 Volte a0 texto, desta vez para localizar as informacées abaixo. Nao se esqueca de usar a estratégia scanning, isto é, leia seletivamente, buscando apenas os dades necessérios para realizar a atividade. a nome do museu que comprou a obra de Michelangelo uNipabe 13 | AFIXOS 'b quantia paga pelo museu para adquitir a obra € titulo da obra descoberta periodo em que a obra fol realizada @ tipo de pintura que caractoriza os trabalhos de Michelangelo motivo pelo qual a obra ficou desaparecida por mais de um século, desde a sua titima exibigio publica em Paris, em 1874 sg quantie paga pela obra, adquitida em um lello na Sotheby (tradicional casa de leildes inglesa) fh tecnologia utilizeda gor peritos do Museu de Arte Metropolitana, em Nova lorque, para desco- bir a identidade do auter da obra {titulo original da cbra de Michelangelo Jrazo pela qual Eric Lee (diretor do Museu em Fort Worth, no Texas), decidiu mudaro titulo original APRESENTAGAO E PRATICA DE ASPECTO LINGUISTICO AFIXOS APIXO UMA LETRA ou grupo de letras que se acrescenta ao comeco (prefixo) ou final (sufxo) da reiz de uma palavra para formar noves palavras. Por exemplo, quando a reiz comfort é acres- Cid do prefixo un- € do sufxo -able, forma-se uma nova palavra: uncomfortable. © conhecimento dos afixos & muito importante porque facilta a identificagéo dle novas pala- vras ©, em consequéncia, 8 compreensio durante o proceso de leitura, Além disso, possibilta 20 leitor ampliar seu vocabulério pessoal \Vela. a seguir, alguns exemplos de prefixos com seus respectivos significados: negagéo; demais/em excesso; menos que 0 necessdrio/desejado; erro: 7s | LEITURA EW LINGUA INGLESA | UMA ABORDAGEM inSTRUMENTAL AFIXOS | UNIDADE 13 i a Eee + Never | 2 Children ote ee ee your | 7! thought we had become tearful when Tee ae + Do you disapprove of advertisements for YO" | enough plates or the enemy! neve overes. raat phen cigerenes? e 7 He looks ‘hata that miscounted. scocaine.ts0 ard | gacueccrieyre | Késoing i be heroin areal egal | “Nemoreng nin, | bar? He's leary | ~ Unotuneteh, your drugs. underage. Maaadeties been > We all tend to misdirected to a ‘=| had to leave the cu 1 covenuse certain | * ae Sareea ifferent airport. job because my boss underpaid, especialy expressions. 28h was Impasse, | ing | asthe works 50 Fees aes = I'm only afew kilos of professional 1» She suffers fr dangerous. mt eaiitots aa overweight, misconduct when Imegular heartbeat, = Without a Jacket orate, | felt rather underdvessed at their wedding, butthere are drugs | _* your luggage eas is overweight, you have to pay extra. her love affair with a student became public. Os sufixos, por sua vez, apresentam-se em malor numero que 0s prefixes. Veja, a seguir, a- guns exemplos de sufixos ¢ a classe grematical que sinalizam, Btn ani an ‘+ Could you please speak more slowly? (slows slowly) + He lived happily with his wife. | +My mum gives me so much food I think she \fepeyshapaw) wants to fatten me up. (fat » fatten) + Most of these people are paid monthly.” + Could you simplify what've you just said? (month » monthly) (simple » simptify) + Do you find it dificult to exercise daily? | Let's modemize the kitchen, shall we? (oay 2 daily) | (modem » modernize) “fyearly / monthly / weekly / daily / hourly | Inightly também pocem ser clasificados | como adjetivos, quando se referem & substantivos] UNIDADE 12 | AFIXOS In our talk shove, we try to make Interviewees feel as relaxed as possible. (interviews + interviewee) *fee indica a pessoa que sefre a agéo do verbo “interview"] | wish TV interviewers would make polticians answer their questions properly. (interview » interviewer) Ler indica a pessoe que faza aco do verbo "interview] ‘I's important for children to get a good education. (educate » education) + Asecretary would be a welcome addition to our staff. (add » adaltion) ++ Two drivers were killed in a collision ‘oetween a car and @ taxl last night. (collide » colision} + Alan is someone wio always needs the approval of other people. (approve > approve Lal também pode formar adjetivos.] ~ Her friends take advantage of her generosity. (generous » generosity) >What this state needs is, really strong government, (govern 2 government + Everyone wants to find true happiness, right? (happy » happiness) + Did you form any lasting tiene: you were at college? (fiend » frtenctship) while + Folha de Londrina is a daily newspaper. ay » dary) + At school, we now have monthly tests. (month » monthly) '* She has a friendly smile. (fiend » friendly) + It was @ good party and the food was heavenly. (heaven » heavenly) ‘+ Britain has more than ten national newspapers. (nation » national *Lal também pode formar substantivos | + The house is in @ very desirable area of the | ily, (desire » desirable) + They made me an irresistible offer so we closed the deal. (esist» iresistible) He is. very careless driver, that's why | never ride with him. (care » corefess) + He had a painless deeth. (pain » painless) [ess sinaliza auséncle: careless » sem cuidado, descuidado: painless » sem dor, indolor] + Be careful to look both ways when you cross the road. {care » carefth Is your arm very painful? (pain » paint *Lful sinaliza o oposto ce -less: cereful- com cuidado, culdadoso: painful - com dor, dolorido/doloroso] [Disponivel emsbitp/dictionarycambridgeorg/) UMA ABORDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL 4'No diagrama abaixo, encontre os equivalentes em inglés das seguintes palavras: nao-atraente infelicidade —co-autor —desonesto inesquecive| supermercado —_governo imoral Internacional —_invisivel psicologia informagéo lider investimento __poderoso LEITURA EM LINGUA INGiesa | Uma ABORDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL | #1 2 Todas as palavras do exercicio anterior s80 compostas de uma raiz + afixo (prefixo/sutfixo) Classifique-as conforme a tabela abaixo: PREFIX Gaus un attract ve super market 3 Todos os vocabulos sublinhados nos trechos abaixo, retirados do texto, contém prefixes ef ou sufixos. Classifique e traduza-os de acordo com 9s significados que expressam, utilizando ‘© quadro que segue: PREFIXOS: (R) repeticao (N) negagso. SUFIXOS: (5) substantivo (M) advérbio de modo () edvérbio de intensidace (7) adverio de tempo. (AC) adjetivo na forma comparativa (AS) adjetivo na forma superlative + The museum declined to disclose how much i pald for "The Torment of Salnt Anthony" + Only four such works (.. by the artist exist, end two of them are unfinished. nis Is one of the greatest rediscoveries in the history of art. + The evidence could net be stronger. But some questions about ts authenticity hed surfaced through the years The painting was kept privately and largely forgotten in the art world, Mr Lee said + Last summer an art dealer bought i for nearly $2 milion. | #2 | verrura ew tiveua incuesa | uma asoRDAGEM iInsTRUMENTAL + Experts in the Met's paintings conservation department carefully cleaned It. + Museum experts said they determined it nol only was Michelangelo's — based on similares to his other works and the artist's stories ofthe piece as told to biographers ~ butalso that was his carest work — based on its age and details in the painting. The confirmation came a few months ago + Michelangelo's piece has previously been known as “The Temptation of Saint Anthony* because he was inspired by a similar engraving of that name while learning to be an artist. + "This could not be a rarer object” Mr Lee sale. D disciose CJ untinishea ota Ci greatest 1 reciscoveries CO stronger O authenticity in Cprivatery Olergey O dealer aaa Ui conservation O carefully CO simiarities Bs O biographers U earliest O painting Cconrmation O previously Ui temptation CD engraving = Orarer CONSOLIDAGAO MARCADORES DISCURSIVOS E INFERENCIA CONTEXTUAL 4 No texto sobre a descoberta do primeiro trabalho de Michelangelo, 0 autor utiliza varios marcadores discursivos para melhor organizar as informagées apresentadas. Observe os pa- régrafos a seguir e identifique os marcadores discursivos empregados, bem como as ideias que expressam. + Experis in the Met's paintings conservation department carefully cleaned it by removing decades of dirt, as well as paint layers thot art restorers had applied through the ages to fil in chips or dull areas, Mr Lee said. + Museum experts said they determined it not only was Michelangelo's ~ based on similarities to his other works and the artists stories of the piece as told to biographers — but also that It wes his earliest work — based on its age and details in the painting. The confirmation came @ few months ago, and then the Kimbell decided to buy i, Mr Lee sci, + The generations of dirt and paint build-xyp had obscured the painting’s identity, and some doubted its cuthenticiy because a similar pointing existed, Mr Lee added But an art expert who extensively studied both paintings soid the other was done in the 17th century. a TENNENT SSS RRS RARER] os | unipape 13 | Arixos Oposicéo Causa/consequancia Adigio Sequéncia crenologica 2 Qual o significado dos vocébulos destacados abaixo? ‘a The Kimbell Art Museum will soon be the only US museum to display a Michelangelo painting after acquiring his earliest known work.. DO adauirir Oexibir O buscar b....arare treasure that was tucked away and dlouibted as authentic for more than a century. Diaesprezado 11 violaco CO restaurado ¢... I's like a cetective story, ike a mystery, and it involves one of the greatest artists of all time” O gosta Ddiere D1 como d Lee said he may lean the painting to other museums later for travelling exhibits. O vender Uemprestar Olevar ea | LEITURA EM LINGUA INGLESA | UMA ABORDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL | | l | ELS SUFIXOS “-ING” E “-ED” Following the rules GULF TRAVEL PRESENTS A SEPARATE SET OF CHALLENGES FOR WOMEN. ‘Sori Grove NEWSWEEK, Updated: 1:19 PM ET Apr 12, 2008 jamara Kosta doesn't usually wear her wedding ring at home in London. But when she's in Oman her conjugal band sends an important message. “Most people in Europe wouldn't notice a wedding ring, but in a traditional society it can make a real difference,” says the Lebanese bom shoe designer, who has traveled widely throughout the UA.E.and Oman. “There isa different set of rules here.” A trip to the Middle East can present some significant challenges for women, “What is ‘viewed as the norm in Western society can be seen quite differently in the Gulf adds Kosta. "Even an enthusiastic chat can be interpreted the wrong way. You have to remember that ‘these men’s wives are covered from head to toe. Try and keep disereet—even at times aloof It’s almost like taking your femininity away, or at least toning it right down. Remember, it's not St Tropez.” Apart from some supermodern enclaves like Dubai, most of the Middle East is governed by a strict Islamic cnde that dietates modesty for women. Lone female travelers are unusual in Arabic culture, where the patriarchal family plays # strong role. Some ‘countries, like Bahrain, have specific visa requirements for single women, who are typically viewed with suspicion, “To be sure, travel in the Gulf is relatively safe—personal-crime rates there are among ‘the lowest in the world—and men tend to be respectful toward women. But single ‘women can still elicit unwanted attention, “Men here see such astonishing liberal images of Western women,” says Rebecca Stephenson, a British language student in Cairo who has traveled throughout the Middle East. "You are going to get some hassle. Sometimes LeITURA EM LINGUA INeLESA | UMA ABORDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL | a8 25 30 35 48 6 UNIDADE 14 | SUFIXOS “ING” E ED" it's more of a cultural misunderstanding than anything else, My advice is to ignore them. Be firm, of course, but don’t engage too much. A hiss or a heckle might make you feel furious but it’s best to ignore it rather than get itant; you'll only become more embroiled in an argument.” Jessica Moxam, a British architect living in Doha, agrees. “It might not sit too well with, feminists, but often find that being slightly more submissive than I would be at home helps," she says. “Now, when I travel with my husband I often let him deal with people I don't want to talk to.” ‘To ensure that women travelers have a safe and rewarding trip, experts advise following. a few basic guidelines: DONT wear short skirts or vest tops. Wear loose fitting clothes and be sure to cover knees, arms and shoulders. Avoid see-through garments. DO travel light; the less luggage you have the more mobile and independent youl be. DON'T flirt with Gulf men. It might be innocent but can easily be interpreted as something else DO learn some Arabic, however minimal. A firm “no” (‘lak”| or “go away” (‘emshi’) can goa long way. DONT drink too much, Apart from leaving women vulnerable, drunkenness in public is ‘legal in most Gulf states including the U.A.E.—and carries a jail sentence. DO avoid too much eye contact. In some Gulf states, staring directly at a man is considered flirtatious. Dark glasses can reduce harassment, but be sure to take them off when you speak co people directly. In many cultures, hiding the eyes can be seen as rade, DO read up on the cultural codes of the country you're visiting. In Saudi Azabia, for instance, itis illegal for women to drive, vote or travel independently without pecmission from a husband, brother or father. Saudi law stipulates that all women including foreigners—must wear an abaya. DON'T get in the front seat of a taxi. You will give the driver the wrong idea DO walk with purpose and ty to ignore any comments you might hear, DO try to travel in pairs. DONT wander around on your own at night. Always tell a friend, hotel or tour geoup where you're going. DO wear a wedding ring, Whether or not you're married, sporting a wedding band can temper male advances. If asked, single women are advised to claim to be married, (Disponivel em: URL: Acesso em: 17 de outubro 2008.) 26 | LeiTURA EM LinGUA IncLesa | UMA ABORDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL [ vsipane 14 SUFIXOS "ING" E ED" FAMILIARIZAGAO COM O TEXTO 4 Observando titulo, subtitulos, legenda e ilustracdo, descreva 0 provvel assunto do texto. lela o texto rapidamente, confirme suas previsGes e acrescente alguma informa- go extra que vocé obteve durante esta primeira leitura. 3 Utilizando seu conhecimento de mundo, responda: Que pais é representado pela sigla UAE? O que vocé sabe sobre os UAES? (localizacio, eco- nomia, religido, cultura, tradigdes, etc.) 4 Scanning: localize as seguintes informagées no texto: a as profissdes © respectivas nacionalidades de Tamara Kosta , Rebecca Stephenson Jessica Mexam, € 0 significado cos termos drabes “lah” @ “emsh! '5 Por que a autora menciona especificamente “lah” e “emshi" como exemplos de expressées na lingua érabe que podem auxil E LEITURA EM LINGUA INGLESA | UMA ABORDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL | 87 UNIDADE 14 | SUFIKOS “ING” E “ED 7 Na parte final do texto, a autora inicia as oragées com “DO” e “DONT” em negrito ¢ caixa alta. Por qué? 8 Releia rapidamente os “DOs” e “DON'TS” listados pela autora, e cite quatro que mais the chamaram a atenco. ‘9 Tamara, Rebecca e Jessica sé citadas no texto porque jé viajaram pelo Oriente Médio. Releia os trechos abaixo € resuma em uma frase os conselhos que cada uma delas da as mulheres que pretendem passar pela mesma experiéncia: Tamara: “Even an enthusiastic chat can be interpreted the wrong way. You have to remember that these men’s wives are covered from head to toe. Try to keep discreet ~ even at times aloof. Rebecca: “Sometimes it's more of 8 cultural misunderstanding than anything else. My advice 's to ignore them. Be firm, of course, but don't engage too much. & hiss or a heckle might meke you feel furious but i's best to ignore it rather than get miltant; you'll become more embroiled in an argument” Jessica: "It might net sit too well with feminists, but | often find that being slighty more submissive than | would be at home helps.” LelTURA EM LINGUA INGLESA | UMA ABORDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL SUFIKOS “INGE “-ED" | UNIDADE 14 APRESENTAGAO E PRATICA DE ASPECTO LINGUISTICO SUFIXOS -ING E -ED NA UNIDADE ANTERIOR (sobre afixos). voce pode observer que o acréscimo de prefixos e/ou sufixos a palavras de determinedas classes gramaticais leva & formagSo de palavras de outres classes gramaticeis. Por exemplo: o verbo io teach, quando acrescido do sufixo -er tansforma- se No substantive teacher. Os sufixos -ing @ -ed pelo fato de possibiitarem a formacéo de diversas classes gramaticais, so aqu! tratados separadamente dos outros afxos. Veja, @ seguit, a funcéo gramatical dos te~ mos que recebem esses sufbios: Gertindio, quando precedido do verbo te be. Exemplo: He Is working hard on his project. A: Hello, Cen | talk to Linda? B: Sorry but she’s taking a shower A: What's happening? B: Theyre having a party. Substantivo, quando precedices de adjetivo, adverbio ou artigo e, em alguris casos, quando nniciam oracdes Exempios: Nursing is hard work, but it can be very fulfiling, Lasers provide good quality printing It's your tum to do the cleaning. Itwas @ blessing that no one was killed in the eecident. Bookings a'e still available for that fight. Infinitive, quando compiementam a ideia expressa pelo verbo anterior, quando sucedem uma preposi¢&o, ou quando sio 0 sujelto da oracéo. Exemplos: | stopped smoking fast year. She had difficulty in accepting his explanation. Drinking and driving fs dangerous. E SORENSEN MA NSHORen ERAGE o» Observacdo: @ preposicdo by foge a regra acima, Na verdade, ela tunciona apenas) como sinalizador de que o trecho que vem logo em seguida uma explicagio de como algo ocorre, Nesses ces0s, a preposicdo By pace simplesmente serignorada, ea palavra que a sucede pode ser entendide como gertincl, Exemplo He learnt English by tstening tothe redio. (Ele eprendeu inglés ouvindo o rio.) Adjetivo, quenco fazem referéncia a um substantvo. Exemplos: That git! has a promising future. Is there a shop round here that sells camping ecuipment? I dida'tfind the end ofthe film very convincing, The doctor tole me to change my drinking habits, Passado (pretérito), quancio si 0 verbo da orago. Exemplos: He worked hard on his project We watched a great film on TY last Saturday. Adjetivo, quando se referem a um substantive. Exemplos A balanced diet is essential for good health, Do you prefer canned or bottled beer? [had a very avilized conversation with your mather. This newspaper is made of recycled paper Participio, quando acompanham os verbos to be ou to have. Exemplos: ‘This financial crisis means that the government's economic policy is finished (-destroyed), Some people are influenced by strange factors, Although she had studied a lot for the test, she dicin’t do well in It Com base nas informacdes apresentadas, identifique as fungSes das palavras em negrto, observando © centexto, © traduza os Lechos abalxo, todos retirados da texto “Following the Rules". (As linhas estéo indicadas entre parénteses.) 90 | LeiruRA eM Lingua inctesa | UMA ABORDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL SUFIXOS “ING” € ~-0" | UNIDADE 14 a “Most people in Europe wouldn't natice a wedding ring, |" dinhes 2-3) b “Whatis viewed as the norm in Western society can be seen quite differently in the Gul (inhas 7-8) ¢ “But single women can still elicit unwanted attention” linhas 19-20) 4 “Sometimes it’s more of cultural misunderstanding than anything else. (inhas 22-23) [you'll only become more embroiled in an argument. linhas 25-26) "In many cultures, hiding the eyes can be seen as rude” (linha 44) g“Doread up onthe cultural codes of the country you're vist 19" (linha 45) h “Whether or not you're married, sporting @ wedding band can temper male advances” (linhas 54-55) CONSOLIDAGAO GRUPOS NOMINAIS E AFIXOS 4 Sublinhe os grupos nominals e circule seus respectivos niicleos nos trechos abaixo, retira- dos do texto, Em seguida, dé o correspondente em portugués das expressées sublinhadas: a Gulf travel presents a separate set of challenges for women, bb Apart from some supermodem enclaves like Dubai, most of the Middle East is governed by @ strict Islamic code that dictates modesty for women, LeiTURA ew Lincua Inetesa | Uma aBoRDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL | of € Some countries, like Bahrain, have specific vise requiremen single women. To ensure thet women travelers have a safe and rewarding trip, experts advise following af basic guidelines. 2 Analise as palavras em negrito absixo e classifique-as em substantivos, jos. Em seguida, traduza-as. a Lone female travelers are unusual in Arabie culture [.] adietivos e advér- b[..] and men tend to be respectful toward women. But single women can still elicit unwan- ted attention Apart from leaving women vulnerable, drunkenness in public is illegal in most Gulf states f In some Gulf states, staring directly at a man is considered flirtatious. Dark glasses can re- cuce harassment [ | o2 | cerrura em cincua metesa | una ABoRDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL Ei GRAU DE ADJETIVOS E ADVERBIOS Your Amazing Brain Texr sy Douetas A. Rictanns ‘ou carry around a three-pound mass of wrinkly. Y material in your head that controls every single thing you will ever do, From enabling you to think, lear, create, and feel emotions to controlling every. blink, breath, and heartbeat—this fantastic control center is your brain. It is a structure so amazing that a famous scientist once called it“the most complex thing we have yet discovered in our universe” ‘our ain conse every jeud + Your brain is faster and more powerful than a supercomputer. Your kitten is on the kitchen counter. She's about to step onto a hot stove, You have only, seconds to act. Accessing the signals coming from your eyes, your brain quickly calculates ‘when, where, ancl at what speed you will need to dive to intercept her. Then it orders your muscles to do so. Your timing is perfect and she's safe. No computer can come close to your brain's awesome ability to download, process, and react to the flood of information coming from your eyes, ears, and other sensory organs. + Your brain generates enough electricity to power a lightbulb. ‘Your brain contains about 200 billion microscopic cells called neurons—so many it would take you over 3,000 years to count them all. Whenever you dream, laugh, think, see, or move, LeITuRA ew LiNcUA INGLESA | UMA asceDaGEM InsTaUMENTAL | 98 UNIDADE 15 | GRAU DE ADJETIVOS & ADVERBIOS it’s because tiny chemical and electrical signals are racing between these neurons along billions of tiny neuron highways. Believe it or not, the activity in your brain never stops. Countless messages zip around inside it every second like a supercharged pinball machine. ‘Your neurons create and send more messages than all the phones in the entire world. And “while a single neuron generates only a tiny amount of electricity, all your neurons together can generate enough electricity to power a low wattage bulb. “+ Neurons send information to your brain at more than 150 miles (241 kilometers) per hour A bee lands on your bare foot: Sensory neurons in your skin relay this information to ‘your spinal cord and brain at a speed of more than 150 miles (241 kilometers) per hour ‘Your brain then uses motor neurons to transmit the message back through your spinal cord. to your foot 10 shake the bee off quickly. Motor neurons can relay this information at moxe than 200 miles (322 kilometers) per hour. = When you leam, you change the structure of your brain. Riding a bike seems impossible at first, But soon you master it, How? As you practice, your brain sends “bike riding” messages along certain pathways of neurons over and oves, focming new connections. In fact, the structure of your brain changes every time you learn, as well as whenever you have a new thought or memory. ~ Exercise helps make you smarter. itis well known that any exercise that makes your heart beat faster, ike running or playing basketball is great for your body and can even help improve your mood. But scientists have recently learned that for a period of time after you've exercised, your body produces a chemical that makes your brain more receptive to learning. So i ‘you're stuck on a homework problem, go out and play a game of soccer, then try the problem again. You just ‘might discover that you're able to solv (Disponivel em: -http/kds nationalgeographie.com,/Storles/SpaceSciene(Brain>. Aces em o6fo7/3009) FAMILIARIZAGAO COM O TEXTO: 4 Observando a ilustragao ¢ 0 titulo, descreva o que vocé pode antecipar sobre o contetido do texto. oa | ueiruna Eu Lincua inctesa | UNA ABORDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL GRAU DE ADJETIVOS & ADVERBIOS | UNIDADE 15 2 Utilizando a estratégia skimming, faca uma leitura répida do texto e confirme ou descerte suas hipéteses. 3 Observe 0 layout do texto. A apresentaco difere de outros textos vistos anteriormente? Em sua opinigo, esse layout favorece @ compreensdo do texto? 4 Utilize a estratégia scanning para localizer as seguintes informacées: + Pardgrafo © peso do cérebro: pea e A holo Ce ana 2 Parégrafo ‘Os 6rgos que passam informagio eo eérebro: lasek Rs scan 2° Parégrafo ‘Ondimero aproximado de neurénios no cérebra: 4° Parégrafo Os neurnies podem retornar a informaco para o pé a velocidade de: 6° Pardgrafo . As atividades fisicas que podem facilitar a aprondizagem: 5 Apés ler o texto mais detalhadamente, responda as perguntas a seguir: ‘a No 1. pardgrafo, 0 autor ressalta a incrivel capacidade do cérebro em controlar tudo 0 que “azemos. Ao concluir, como ele define 0 cérebro? 'B No 2°. e 3°, pardgrafos, para melhor ilustrar o funclonamento Go cérebro, © autor compara o mesmo a trés objetes de nosso conhecimento, Quals si eles? ‘¢ No 5° pardgrafo, © autor afirma que a estrutura do cérebro muda, Em que circunsténcia isso econtece? LEITURA EM LINGUA INGLESA | UMA ASOROAGEM INSTRUMENTAL | 95 UNIDADE 15 | GRAU DE ADJETIVOS & ADVERBIOS 6 Numere as oracdes absixo de acordo com a seqiléncia descrita no 4°, parégrafo: a C1 Uttizando neurdnios motores, o cérebro trensmite a mensagem de votte através da me- ula espinhal. b Cum inseto pousa em nosso pé. ¢ [10 cérebro processa a informagéo e reage. dl Emresposta ao comando do cérebro, o pé movimenta-se para afugentar o inseto. ee (CT Neurénios sensoriais passam a informacao 4 meduta espinhal e esta ao cérebro, APRESENTAGAO E PRATICA DE ASPECTO LINGUISTICO COMPARATIVOS E SUPERLATIVOS Reconhecer comparetivos e superlativos permite 80 leitor perceber como o autor estabelece com- paracbes (de igualdade, superioridade ou inferioridade) entre os elementos expressos no texto. Observe as palayras em negrito na oragio que precede o 2° pardgrafo do texto: Your brain 's faster ond more powerful than a supercomputer Quando comparamos duas nessoas, objetos, ages, eventos, conceitos, etc. e dizemos que um 6 superior ou inferior (less) ao outro em relaciio a uma qualidade, usemos o adjetivo em sua forma comparativa, No exemplo citado, 2 forma comparativa do adjetive fast tem 0 sufixo -er & © adjetivo powerful é precedido por more. Agora observe a iitima orago do 1°. parégrafo: “itis @ structure so amazing a famous scientist once called it “the most complex thing we have yet discovered in our universe.” A construgéo em negrito € a forma superlativa do adjetivo complex. O superiativo & usado quando destacamos uma pessoa, objeto, agéo, evento, conceito, etc. como superior ou inferior (the feast) 2 todos os outros do mesmo grupo. No exemplo do texto, 0 adjetivo complex é pre- cedido por the most. Vela a forma comparativa e superlative de adjetivos e advérbios, a sequir: 96 LEITURA EM LINGUA INGLESA | UMA ABORDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL GRAU DE ADJETIVOS E ADVERBIOS | UNIDADE 15 rel Mee GUMS ea eNOS a Corel Adjetivos/advérbios curtos: acrescente os sufixos -er (comparativo) € -est (superlativo) [ADJETIVOIADY. ‘cOMPARATIVO SUPERLATIVO tall taller (the) tallest eatly earlier (the) earliest hot hotter {the} houest ‘Exemplas: Size reatly doesnt matter: AnoWvsts of theoretical physicist Albert Einstein's brain revealed that it was slightly smaller than the average human brain. The quickest solution io deforestation would be to simply stop cutting down trees. Adjetives/advérbios longos: se more + adj./adv. [comparativo) ¢ most + adj./advy. (superlative) ADIETIVO/ADY. ‘compararivo ‘SUPERLATIVO Interesting mare interesting {the} most interesting easily more easily (the) most easily Exemplos: Healthy itestyles are more influential than genetic factors in avoiding deterioration traditionally associated with aging. Looming occurs most easily when learners fee! comfortable: Formas irregulares: ‘ADIETIVO comparsrivo SUPERLATIVO good better {the} best bad worse {the} worst far fariner (the) farthest ‘ite less (the) least muchimeny more (the) most Exemplos: Leading scientists warn that global warming is worse than predicted Vegetobles and fruit are two of the best foods known to man. _Construgées comparativas de inferioridade so fornacas com less (comperativo) e feast (supeiiative). ADJETIVO ‘COMPARATIVO SUPERLATIVO colorful less colerful {the} least colorful happy less happy {the) least happy Exempios:4 fund was established to support a work program to assist less developed couritries. Lethal injection fs the least cruel of five methods employed in US LeiTURA EM Lingua etesa | uma anoroacem instaumentat | 97 | GRAY DE ADJETIVOS & ADVERBIOS ‘As formas comperativas tornam-se mais enfétices quando precedidas de much/far: much bigger, far more expensive, much less satisfied. Exempio: The technology (DNA fingerprinting) is far more specific than earlier tests of antibodies in blood or semen, Construgées comparativas de igualdade so formadas com as .. Exemplo: She is as tall as his brother but not as intelligent as he is. Observe a construg&o com dois comparativos. Nés a usamos quando queremos dizer que uma colse depende de outa. Exemplos: When shall we leave? The sooner the better. ‘The longer | walled the more impatient | became. ‘Agora, identifique as formas comparativas/superlativas de adjetivos nos textos abai a Exercise helps make you smarter. itis weil known that any exercise that makes your heart beat faster, ike running or playing basketbal, is great for your body and can even help improve your mead. But scientists have recently learned thot fr a period oftime after you've exercised, your body produces @ chemical thst makes your brain more receptive to leerring. b The worlds largest rver in watershed area, number of tibutaries and volume of water discharged, the Amazon has only one rival as the world’s longest: the Nile. ¢ The river’s watershed includes the world’s largest and wettest tropical plain, '@ In 2008 the perormance of the economy wes less satisfactory than in the previous year, | as | csiruea ew uineun maésn | Ua AsoHOaGeM NaTRUMENTAL GRAU DE ADJETIVOS E ADVERBIOS | UNIDADE 15 CONSOLIDAGAO REFERENCIA PRONOMINAL E GRUPOS NOMINAIS 4Em todo 0 texto, “Your Amazing Brain", o autor usa 0 pronome you. Obsarve, por exemplo, a P linha: You carry around a three-pound mass of wrinkly material in your head that controls every single thing you will ever do. A quem o autor se refere?__ 3 A que/quem se referem as palavras em negrito nos trechos transcritos abalxo: a Segmento extraido do texto: Your Amazing Brain Your kitten is on the kitchen counter, She's sbout to step onto a hot stove. You have enly seconds te act. Accessing the signals coming from your eyes, your brain quickly calculates when, where, and at what speed you will need to dive to intercept her. Then it orders your muscles to do so, Your timing is perfect and she's safe. Her: b Segmentos extraidos do texto “Following the Rules" (Unidade 14) “Most people in Europe wouldn't notice @ wedding ring, but ina traditional society it can make a real cifference;* says the Lebanese-bomn shoe designer, whe has traveled widely throughout the UAE. anc Oman. "There ate a different set of rules here” Its ane who: Dark glasses can reduce harassment, but be sure to take them off when you speak to people directly. Them: “Now, when I travel with my husband | often let him deal with people | don't want to talk to.” Him ETPURRTEN LIWSURiataSa 06 Aecnoncew ineTROMETE 0 | UNIDADE «5 | GRAU DE ADJETIVOS F ADVERDIOS 4 Sublinhe 0 grupos nominais e circule seus respectivos nuicleos nos trechos extraidos do texto “Your Amazing Brain’ No computer can came close to your brain’s awesome ability to download, process, and react to the flood of Information coming from your eyes, ears, and other sensory organs. ‘Whenever you dream, laugh, think, see, or move, it's because tiny chemical and electrical signals are racing between these neurons along billions of tiny neuron highways. Believe it or not, the activity in your brain never stops, Countless messages zip around inside it every second like @ supercharged pinball machine. | 00] Lertuna dW Leva insiesa || a Mao wen ins HRUMENTAE EKG FORMAS VERBAIS | The 26 major advantages to reading more books and why 3 in 4 people are being shut out of success By Bian Isaaccon December 5, 2007 read no books last year. Yes, that's 25% of the adults out there are reading zero books. This is sad. 1 knew intuitively the number of books read each year had. gone down but to zero? Ridiculous! ‘And what about the adults who are zeading more than zero books a year. How many are they reading in all? One? Five? Actually, the same poll reveals the average adult reads only four books per year. Half of those people read less than four. Af you are one of the non-book readers who feels you "don't need no stinking books’ here are 26 great reasons to start the habit.-before you are left behind! | read an Associated PressIpsos poll revealing that 1 in 4 adults {Reading is an active mental process: Unlike TV, books make you to use your brain. By reading, you think more and become smarter. 2 Itisa fundamental skill builder: Every good course on the planet has a matching book to go with it. Why? Because books help clarify difficult subjects. Books provide information that goes deeper than just classroom discussion. 3 Improves your vocabulary: Remember in elementary school when you learned how to infer the meaning of one word by reading the context of the other words in Letturs em LinGuA inctesa | Uma anoRDaseM InsTaUMENTAL | 101 unipaoe 6 | Formas verwais 1 the sentence? You get the same benefit from book reading. While reading books, especially challenging ones, you will find yourself exposed to many new wards you ‘wouldn't be otherwise. 4 Gives you a glimpse into other cultures and places: What is your favorite vacation spot? L would bet you read a lot about that destination. The more information the better. Books can expand your horizons by letting you see what other cities and countries have to offer before you visit them, 5 Improves concentration and focus: Like I pointed out before, reading books takes brain power. It requires you to focus on what you are reading for long periods. Unlike magazines, Internet posts or ¢ Mails that might contain small chunks of information, books tell the whole story. Since you must concentrate in order to read, like a muscle, ‘you will get better at concentration. 6 Builds self-esteem: By reading more books, you become better informed and more of an expert on the topics you read about, This expertise translates into higher self esteem. Since you are so well read, people look to you for answers, Your feelings about yourself can only get better. 7 Improves memory: Many studies show if you don’t use your memory, you lose it. Crossword puzzles are an example of a word game that staves off Alzheimer's. Reading, although not a game, helps you stretch your memory muscles in a similar way. Reading requires remembering details, facts and figures and in literature, plot lines, themes and characters, 8 Gives you something to talk about: Have you ever run out of stuff to talk about with your best friend, wife or husband? This can be uncomfortable. It might even make married couples wonder if their marriage is in trouble. However, if you read a lot of books, you'll always have something to talk about. You can diseuss various plots in the novels you read, you can discuss the stuff you are learning in the business books you are reading as well. The possibilities of sharing are endless. 2 You'll discover surprises: As you read more books as a source of information, you'll learn stuff you weren't looking for. I've read many great quotes on life and love by reading books on marketing. I've learned facts about biology from reading about chemistry. Heck, I've picked up some facts about history while reading about programming. Since so many subjects intertwine its almost impossible not to learn something other than the book's subject. 40 Can change your life: How many times have you heard of a book changing someone's life? For me, it was Your Erroneous Zones (Link) by Wayne Dyer ~ which, is the first self-development book I read. It opened my eyes to awhole new way of FORMAS VERBAIS thinking that was not depressing end dull. It was the first step in my path of choosing my own life and being free of old habitual thought patterns. 41 Can help break a stump: Being in a slump is uncomfortable. If you are a writer, you call it writer's block. If you are a salesperson, it's called ~ not making a sale in 23 days. But a slump can be a crossroads, It might be you are wavering on your commitment to a particular project or (with marriage) person. Or a shamp can be simply a lack of new ideas. Books are a great source of ideas, big and small. So if'you find yourself in a slump, pick a book on the portion of your life you are slump ing and get to reading! 412 Reduces stress: Many avid readers (including me] unwind by reading. Compared with the person who gets home from work and immediately turns on the TV news, you are going from work stress to crime stress. But i’s not just news. TV as a source of selaxation is too full of loud commercials and fast moving (often violent) images. If relaxation is something you want, turn off the TV or computer and pick up a book. 48 You'll make more money: If you make a serious effort to read in your chosen career, your expertise in that specialty will increase. As you become more specialized and learned, you join a smaller group of more qualified people. By being part of the small few with the highest level knowledge your pay will increase. It's simple supply and demand. “16The book is always better than the movie: except for perliaps No Country for Old Men. © “Texto editado, (Versio original disponivel em . Acesso em: 19 agost® 2008.) soa| Lerrura em Lingua inciesa | UMA ABORDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL FORMAS VERBAIS | | UNIDADE 16 APRESENTACAO E PRATICA DE ASPECTO LINGUISTICO TEMPO PRESENTE (SIMPLES E PERFEITO) No PROCESO DE LerTURA, 05 verbos 1ém grande importancia para a compreenstio, Na oracéo, so eles que exprimem a¢do (oullar, correr, fazer. etc.) ou estado (ser, estar, mora, etc) De fato, 2 estrutura sintétice das frases fica bem mais clara quando somos capazes de iden- tificar seuls) verbo(s). Com hase nele(s), podemos também em geral localizar o sujeito (que nor maimente precede 0 verbo e determina quem cu o cue pratica a ago) € 0 objeto ou comple- mento (que costumam vir ap6s 0 verbo e complementam a ideia expressa por ele}. Os verbos também séo essenciais pare estabelecer o tempo em que se dé a acdo (presente, passado ou futuro}. Conhecer os tempos verbais nos possibilita entender com maior clareza as, Idelas expressas pelo autor, uma vez que conseguimos situar a ago no tempo em que é descri- 13, Observe agora as descricdes dos tempos verbais presente simples e presente perfeito. Para conhecer os outros tempos verbals, vd aos Anexos, pagina 145). O Presente Simples é formado do in- fintvo do verbo, sem a particula ‘to’ A terceira pessoe do singular (hefshe/i recebe -S, -ES ou IES, dependendo da forma do verbo. Exemplos: piay— plays; catch — catches: study — studies. Geralmente, refere-se a: + fatos imutévels. Exempla: Water bolls at 100 degrees Celsius. + acGesisituagées habituals. Exemplos: My sister goes to work at 7:30 am. Brtish people drink a jot of tec. > estados. Exemplo My father Hives in tly + opiniBes e sentimentos Exemplo: don't like science-fiction fins. LEITURA EM LINGUA INGLESA Pode também ser utilizado: + para indicar 0 tempo futuro, especial mente quando precedido por ife con- JungSes de tempo (when, while, before, artes etc.) ou quando se referir a hora- ros regulares de trens, Gnibus ou voos Exemplos: Ii) be glad if rains soon. What are you going to do when you leave school? The vain anrives ot 7:45, ~emresenhas de fives e filmes, bern como ‘em resumos de acontecimentos histories, Exemplos May 1945: The war in Europe comes io onend. At the end of the play both fernites realise thot their hatred hod caused the death of the lovers > em narrativas informais (para tomné-las mats daméticas elou reeis). Exemplo: “So fopen the doos and Ifook oust into the garden, ond whot do 1see? A man weanng pink shit and ¢ polceman’s helmet” UNIDADE 16 | FORMA Por sua ve2, 0 Presente Perfeito Simples 6 formado da Jungio do verbo havefhas (que: funciona como verbo auxilies) com 0 participlo passado do verbo principal. Exemplos: Ihave finished. She hasn't arrived Pode fazer referénci « acontecimentos recentes, sem indicagao explicita de tempo. Exemplos: can't go on holiday because I've broken my ieg According to latest reports, goverment forces have pushed back tre rebe’s and retaken the town. ve just seen Mary + acontecimentos num tempo indefinida no passado. Exemplos ve travelled a iat in America. Jin has had three car accidents Paul has never read “War and Pex - acontecimentos num tenipo Indefinica no passado, com consequéncies no presente. Exemplos: ve twisted my ankte. (That's why 'm limping) Thave bought myself 0 car (Thor's why !am always on time for classes now) « situagdes que tiveram inicio no passado e continuam até o momento presente. Exemplos: Ive lived here for the past 10 years. We have had this flat since 1985. No texlo “The 26 Major Advantages to Reading More Books... 0 autor utiliza 0 tempo pre- sente (simples e perfeite) diversas vezes para expor as razes pelas quals 0 leitor deve adotar o habito da leitura. 4 Observe os trechos a seguir, retirados do texto, e sublinhe os verbos nos tempos presente simples e presente perfeito, (Os tépicos de onde eles foram extraidos esto indicados entre parénteses). tos| Leirura ew cineua inctesa | ow a By reading, you think more and become smarter. (1) 'b Books provide information that goes deeper than just classroom discussion. (2) ¢ You get the same benefit rom book reading. (2) 4. reading books takes brain power. It requires you to focus on what you are reading for long periods. (5) € This expertise translates into higher selfesteem. (6) Many studies show if you don’t use your memery, you lose it. (7) ‘e Have you ever run out of stuff to talk about with your best friend, wife or husband? (8) f I've learned facts about biology from reeding about chemistry. (@) 1g How many times have you heard of a book changing someone's life? (10) As you become mare specialized and leamed, you join a smaller group of more qualified people. (13) CONSOLIDAGAO MARCADORES DISCURSIVOS & GENERO TEXTUAL 4 Localize os marcadores discursivos contidos nos trechos abaixo, extraicos do texto. Em se- guida, indique as idelas que eles expressam (adi¢do; contraste: causa/consequéncia; tempo, -sequéncia cronolégica; exemplificacao; énfese; comparacéo; conclusac). a Actually, the seme poll reveals the average adult reads only four books per year, b (.)hete are 26 great reasons to start the habit .. before you are left behind! € While reading books (.). you will find yourself exposed to many new words you wouldn't otherwise. Unlike magazines, internet posts or ¢-Mails that might contain small chunks of information, books tell the whole story. e Since you ate 30 well read, people look to you for answers. £ Reading, although not a game, helps you stretch your memory muscles in @ similar way, § Have you ever run out of stuff to talk about with your Best friend, wife or husband? (..) However, if you read a lot of books, you'll always have something to talk about. LEITURA EM LINGUA INGLESA | Uma ABORDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL | 107 UNIDADE 16 | FORMAS VERBAIS | hh Books are a great source of ideas, big and small So ifyouInd yoursetfin a slump, pick a book (.J and get to reading! 2 No texto “The 26 major advantages to reading more books...", 0 autor Brad Isaac adota um estilo bastante informal para apresentar suas ideias. Releia a introducao e os topicos 9 ¢ 14, @ Indique as marcas que denotam essa informelidade, tos | urruna si uous wetise | s anooastie araomentAl kr4 FORMAS VERBAIS II The shame of drink-driving By Mario Cacciorroto BBC NEWS: T: ‘Christmas anti-drink drive campaign is T: full swing, but there will always be those. ‘who think they can get away with It. Beyond. the points, the driving ban and the criminal record, how do those caught handle the shame? Another Christmas, another warning about getting behind the wheel while under the influence of alcohol. The theme of the 2007 campaign is that a conviction can ruin a driver's life. “That pint could come between you and Christmas” is the slogan. The criminal record and driving ban are antomatic and for those who rely on their cars that can be punishment enough. But what about the stigma and the shame? aire, a 27-year-old eare co-ordinator from Torquay in Devon, found that being convicted even affected her relationship with her mother. “She made me feel really, really bad. She didn't want to see me and shut the door in my face and told me to go away. That was the worst feeling ever” Claire, which is not her real name, says the incident that changed her life came at the end. of a “rubbish” day at work last year, close to the anniversary of her grandmother's death. ‘She began drinking a bottle of wine at home and then went into town to continue drinking, bbut on the way she hit a parked car failed a breath test and spent a night ina police cel. “That was lonely and horrendous. You feel very bad about yourself, she says ile tet Take we tosh the gr let Lerruga ew Lincua inctesa | Uwa asorDacem instRuMENTAL | 109 umipape 17 | FoRMAS VERBAIS II > Lessons “Tt gives you time to think things over and how you could have killed someone, You feel embarrassed because you don't think you could even end up in a cell.” ‘She was given a £300 fine and a 1 -month driving ban. The ban was reduced to a year because she signed up for a course with the Devon Driving Course run by Devon County ‘Council, which aims to educate drink-drivers about their crime. ‘The court case meant she had to tell her parents the truth and endure her mother’s cold shoulder, having previously told her the accident had not been her fault. ‘don't want people to make the same mistakes as I did. People’s silence and the looks on ‘their faces says it all. It makes you never want to do anything so stupid again.” ‘She learnt many things from the £145 course but among them was the fact her shame, criminal record and costs could have been avoided had she paid £20 for a taxi. [Dixponivel em: . ‘Acesso em: 22 agosto 2009) FAMILIARIZAGAO COM O TEXTO 4 Observando o titulo, a figura e o pardgrafo introdutério de modo especial, leia 0 texto rapi damente e descreva 0 assunto do mesmo em uma sentenca. 2 Scanning: volte ao texto pare localizar as informagées abaixo: a tema da campanha natalina de 2007 - A b nome fficticio), idade e profisso da motorista condenada por dirgir embriagada € fatos que levaram a sua condenagiio- _ @ punigdo recebida - _ e ligdo aprendida pela moterista - _ FORMAS VERBAIS Ii | UNIDADE 17 3 Ao longo do texto, o autor apresenta algumas informagées entre aspas. Identifique as ra- 26es para a utilizacdo de tal recurso nas orades abaixo, retiradas do texto: (@) discurso direto (b) énfase a um trecho da oracéo (cl ndicaggo de giria, expressio ndo-pertencente & norma culta (Ci “That pint could come between you and Christmas’ is the slogan. (Obs: pint= meds que enuivele » -aproximadamente ¥ tro de cervejo 047 ites nos EUA e O57 ltros na Gré-Bretanhs) 1 iaire (..) says the incident that changed her life came at the end of a “rubbish” dey at work last year, close to the anniversary of her grancmother’s death (1 “That was lonely and horrendous. You feel very bad about yourself” she says. Vocabulrio. No texto, o autor emprega uma série de expressGes para apresentar e discutir ‘0s temas “dlcool e direcdo” (A/D) “punic¢ao” (P). Observe as expressées abaixo e classifi- que-as segundo 0 campo seméntico ao qual pertencem. Ci anti-drink drive campaign O atink-drivers a conviction can ruina drivers life (the stigma and the shame CO people's silence and the looks on their faces lasz00 fine (ito get behind the wheel under the influence of alcohol ~ C1 costs Cito spend the night in a police cell U court case Oto hit’a parked cer Opoints Dito fail a breath test Oa t6-month driving ban Dito sign up for a £145 course C1 criminal record APRESENTAGAO E PRATICA DE ASPECTO LINGUISTICO PASSADO SIMPLES FORMADO POR VERBOS REGULARES (ed OU -6) OU irregulares (que tém forma propria). Exem- los: to play ~ played; to joke — joked: to write — wrote; to take — took. Geralmente, é utilizado pare descrever: + aces concluldas Hived tn London until was fourteen. He walked into the bar and ordered ¢ vodka and tonic LerTura em LiNcuA inctesa | UMA ABoeDAGeM insteuMeNTAL | 211 unioape 17 | FORMAS VERBAIS II + haoitos passados Every day ! went io the park When | was 0 child we aways went to the seaside in August + estados passados In those days, | didn’t like reading Em alguns tipos de oragéo, 0 verbo na forma passade pode também ser utlizado para fazer referéncia 2o presente ou futuro. Exemplos: If] had the money nov, fd buy a.car Suppose we spent next weekend in Brighton? Aestrutura used to + infinitive também pace ser utlizada em referéncia ao tempo pasado, mas somente para descrever habitos e situagbes/estados, nunca ages isoladas ~ nesse atimo caso, usa-se 0 passado simples. Compare estes exemplos: J used to play tannis a fot (out | don't play very often new), | played tennis last weekend. Fused to think he was unfriendly (but now | realize he’s @ very nice person), J thought fie wos very rude to her over dinner last night, voz PASSIVA Formada pela junco do verbo 7@ BE (em tempos verbais diversos) com o participio passado do verbo principal. E utilizada quando: + no se que assumir a responsabilidade por determinads aco. The matter will be clarified scon. It has been decided z0 reduce af! salaries by 10% +o enfoque esta no acontecido, e no no autor That bank was robbed yesterday. Every year, many nev stucients are admitted to UEL. + Quer-se evitar sujeitos vagos (tais como slguém, ninguém, todos, eles, etc) ‘The torm has to be signed, Engiish is spoken here, Coke Is drunk afl over the world. FORMAS VeRBAIS 1 | UNIDADE TT A vor passiva é muito utlizada na escrite académice @ cientifica, em que a énfase normal- mente esté nos acontecimentos @ processos, @ ndo nas pessoas envelvidas. Veja 2 seguir alguns exemplos de voz passiva em tempos verbals diversos: Engiish is spoken here, Iknew vihy [had been chosen. ‘She should be given another chance. You could have been Killed jn the accident. 08S; Para conhecer os outros tempos verbais, v4 aos Anexos, pagina 145. No texto "The shame of drink-driving’, 0 passado simples € bastante utilizade para relatar fatos j6 concluidos, tanto na voz ativa quanto na passiva, Observe os trechos a seguir, retirados do texto, e decida se os verbos sublinhados, todos no pasado simples, esto expressos na voz ativa ou passiva: a "She made me feel really, really bad” bb .. she hit a parked car, falled a breath test and spent a night in a police cell, € She was given a £300 fine and a 16-menth chiving ban. d The ben was reduced to a year because she signed up for a course @ She leamt many things from the £145 course t avoided had she paid £20 for a taxi CONSOLIDAGAO SUFIXOS -ING/-ED E REFERENCIA PRONOMINAL 4 Como vimos na unidade 14, os sufixos -ing e -ed apresentam funcées diversas na lingu= inglesa. Classifique as palavras em negrito conforme a fungao que desempenham. Nao se esquece de observar atentamente o contexto em que esto inseridas. LEITURA EM LINGUA iNGLESA | UMA AsoRDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL | 143 UNIDADE 17 | FORWAS VERaAIS (Gigertndio {S} substantive {)infintivo (A) adjetivo {P) passado (PP) participio passado C;U) Another Christmas, another warning about getting behind the wheel while under the Intluence of alcohol Ci The criminal record and driving ban are automatic... D That was the worst feeling ever. Ci She began drinking a bottle of wine at home... (1... she hita parked cer. TD .. and how you could have killed someone. 2 A que/quem se referem os pronomes em negrito ne trecho a seguir? Claire, 8 27-year-old care co-ordinator from Torquay in Devon, found that being convicted even affected her relationship with her mother. (..) “She didn't want to see me and shut the door in my face and told me to go away. That was the worst feeling ever” a@herrelationship- bher mother - 3 DISCUSSAO: Qual é a sua opinido sobre a lei seca? LEI SECA ~ VEJA COMO FUNCIONA A PUNICAO EM ALGUNS PAISES: intpywosthebest blog br/2008/06/o/alet-secamo-ransito-e-stas consequencias-porshe best) Brasil - A lei aprovada diz que dirigir com qualquer teor de alcool no sangue é crime, tendo como punic&o a perda da carteira de motorista por 1 ano além de muita. Quando o motorista, com qualquer teor de alco}, estiver envolvido em um acidente, este passa de homicidio cul p0s0 para doloso, ou seja, com a intencéo de matar. Japao - Punig&o: motorista € preso se for flagrado dlirigindo com qualquer nivel de éicool no sangue. Passageiros do veiculo séo punidos por cumplicidade. LeITURA EM LINGUA INGLESA | UMA ASORDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL Austrélla - Punigo: pode variar de suspensio imediata da hebilitaco com 0,02 g/dl, até trés anos de priso, se o nivel detectado for superior a O15 g/dl. Holanda - Punicao: multa de R$ 380, Acima de 0,20 gidil, R$ 2 mil com suspensio da carteire @ pristo por duas semanas. Quem se recuss a fazer o teste, paga multe maior. Alemanha - Punico: multa a partir de 0,03 o/dl. Acima de 0/1 g/dl, o motorista é acusado de crime, sua licenca 6 cassada e ele pode ser preso por até 5 anos. Observagao: g/dl= gramas por decilitra (tlitro=10 decilitros) 10 15 20 Ki: FORMAS VERBAIS III Free at last! “Posted 25 Jan 2001 fter 12 years in prison, a Texas inmate walked and professors — and DNA tests proving that Christopher Ochoa, now 33, was innocent of a 1988 rape and murder. Fortunately for Ochoa, evidence from the crime was still available for DNA fingerprinting, a simple test that can prove whether a biological sample did or did not come ‘The arrival of cheap and fast DNA fingerprinting is overturning the quest to convict the guilty and free the innocent, The technology is far more specific than earlier tests of antibodies in blood or semen, Terry Laber, who directed the blood laboratory at the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, says, “Before DNA, you'd have a good suspect, and do all the tests you could do, and you'd end up with 30 percent to 40 percent of the population qualifying” But when biological samples - from blood, skin cells or semen ~ are DNA fingerprinted, the specific DNA sequence is extremely unlikely to be found except in the perpetrator. A ‘match, Labor says, is “very powerful evidence.” Leaving death row If the suspect's DNA does not match the sample, however, the test becomes convincing evidence for the defense. DNA tests have helped spring 10 people from death v6 | cerTura Ew Liveua inciesa | UNA ABORDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL 25 30 35 40 agaist | UNIDADE 18 FORMAS Vi row since 1993, according to Richard Dieter, executive director of the Death Penalty Information Center, These 10, among 93 capital convictions that ave been vacated since 1973, have helped. ‘aise public fears that executions may be based on questionable convictions. On Jan. 31, 2000, inois Governor George Ryan announced a “moratorium” on executions, after 13 men had. ‘been released from the state's death row: Ronald Jones, for example, was released in 1997 after being convicted of rape and murder in 1989. DNA tests did not link him to the erime scene. Dieter says the technique is so “powerful and scientifically reliable" that it can, as in ‘Ochoa’s case, even refute a confession. “The public tends to put a lot of reliance on it. It can. result in a dramatic shift” in Tegal status. + Stil, ut DNA fingerprinting does not help every convict who asks for it. In September, 2000, Derek Bamebei was executed in Virginia for raping and murdering his girlfviend, The test he'd sought located his DNA in tissue taken from under the victim's fingernails after the 1993 crime. Bamebei Claimed innocence to the end. While Dieter welcomes DNAs ability to illuminate guilt and innocence, he says itis “not a panacea for every case, it may not be involved in a simple shooting, where somebody dies bat there are no bodily fluids left.” ‘There's also a disturbing possibility that DNA fingerprinting could finger the wrong person — if labs make mistakes, or if cops plant evidence or lie on the witness stand. Such allegations ~ although they do not concern capital cases ~ are the focus of the ongoing Los Angeles police scandal. (Disponivel em:< htp:/vhyfilesong/12édna forensi/index-html>, Acesso em:o6/o7/2000) LEITURA EM LINGUA INGLESA | Uma ABoRDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL | 117 unipage 1@ | FORMAS VERSAIS II THE OCHOA CASE AND FALSE CONFESSIONS Death penalty opponents say the Ochoa case highlights a larger problem: False confessions ‘made to avoid the death penalty. Ochoa, for example, confessed despite being innocent ‘and having no criminal record.“ The Ochoa case (.) serves to highlight the phenomenon of false confessions caused by fear of the death penalty,’ says Keith Findley, who eo-dinects the University of Wisconsin-Madison project that helped exonerate the Texas man. “Extraldo de Testing DNA Testing (Disponivel em: httpy/whyfiles org/t26dna_forensic/s html», Acesso ex:06/07/2009) FAMILIARIZAGAO COM O TEXTO 4 Observande a ilustracio € 0 titulo, procure antecipar 0 assunto do texto, 2 Faca uma leitura répida do texto para confirmar/descartar suas hipéteses. O texto cor- respondeu as suas expectativas? A ilustracdo influenciou a formulacdo das hipoteses so- bre o assunto? 3B Leia o texto novamente e localize as seguintes informacées: 8.0 petiodo de tempo que Ochoa passou na priséo: b Os crimes dos queis ele fol ecusado; __ © O que ajudou a prover sua inocéncias ns a 4 Uma definico de "DNA fingerprinting” e O nome do prisioneiro que nao consegulu ser inocentaco com o exame de DNA: __ 4 3 exemplos de amostras biolsgicas que servem para exame de DNA: | me | cerruna em incu ineiesa | UMA ABORDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL FORMAS VERBAIS 111 | UNIDADE 18 4 Com base no texto, assinale as efitmacées corretas: ‘@ Ochoa fol 0 tinico condenade a livrar-se da pena de morte ao recorrer ao exame de DNA [] 'b O resultado do exame de DNA tanto pode confirmar a culpa de um suspeito como pode isen- té-lo da mesma. C1 € O fato de © DNA do suspeite ser encontrado na time constitul uma forte evidéncia de sua ligac&o com o crime, ] Nao ha nenhum risco na utiizacao do resultado da analise do DNA em processos criminais. C] 5 Utilize 0 contexto para inferir 0 significado das palavras/frases destacadas ¢ assinale a alternativa correta: a Ifthe suspect's DNA does not match the sample, howeve;, the test becomes convincing evi- dence for the defense, Ceombinar come amostra 1] contaminer @ amostra O cestruir a amostra b DNA tests have helped spring 10 people from death row since 1993, C1 mandar C1 condenar U1 sottar € There's also a disturbing possibilty that DNA fingerprinting could finger the wrong person — if labs make mistakes, orf cops plant evidence or lie on the witness stand. D1 baneo dos réus Dibenco dastestemunhas [1 banco dos jurados 6 Utilizendo 0 contexto, deduza o significado das palavrasitrases destacades: a... Texas inmate walked free on Jan. 17 b The arrival of cheap and fast DNA fingerprinting is overturing the quest to convict the guilty and free the innocent. ¢ DNA tests have helped spring 10 people from death row since 1993, There's also a disturaing possibilty that DNA fingerprinting could finger the wrong person ~ if labs make mistakes, or if cops plant evicience or lie in the witness stand. 7 No grupo de palavras abaixo, assinale os termos usados pelo autor para se referir a um reso, supostamente criminoso. inmate O convict cop perpetrator () suspect 0 LEITURA EM LINGUA INGLESA | UMA ABORDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL | 119 | APRESENTAGAO E PRATICA DE ASPECTO LINGUiSTICO MODAIS (Os mopais do sentido especial aos verlbos que acompanham. Observe a descrigio de alguns deles. (Para ler sobre outros medals, vd aos Anexos, na pagina 153) +4. CAN: indica possiblidade! ou habilidade/capacidade fisicat Exempict Smoking can cause cancer Scoilond can he very warm in September Exemplo": Can you drive? We can see the lake trom our bedroom windows “Chocolate adaiction sounds ike a joke, hut many fecl such Intense craving, they Insist they can't function without it” Fonte: Top Santé — Health & Beauty, November 1994, 52 + 2, COULD: indica o passado de can’; indica tamizém o futuro condicional?, especialmen- te quando 0 éutor esta sugerindo algo (podria), Fremplo! My grancimother could speck five languoges, Alf played well, but he couldn't boot Jack, Exemplo”: The new medicine could be the solution te our problems This could be your big chance. “lt pays well. the hours are fine and your colleagues are great so why don't you lke your Job? It could be because you are just not sulted to 1.” Tonte: Top Sante Healta & Beauty, November 1994, p52 v20| LEITURA EW Lincua INcLESA | UMA ABORDAGEM INSTAUMENTAL FORMAS VERBAIS 1!) | UNIDADE 18 MAY: Indica permisséo! ou orobabsiidade* Exempio’ May (turn on the television? (Passo?) Exemplo? I may fly to Recife next week, (Tevez) “People with insomnia may be able to get a good night's sleep by simply exposing thomsolves to 15 minutes of daylight in the morning, say scientists.” Fonte: Femail-couk, By James Chapman + 4, MIGHT: 0 mesmo que may, porém com menor énfase: Exemplo! Juonder if} might ask you a favor? (podieria — formes Exemplo® Peter might phone. fhe does, could you ask him to ring later? “Open people are happiest working in a job where they can use thetr creative skills and work with their ideas. They might work In public relations, the media and Gdvertising, but on the more creative side, elther in design or marketing.” Fonte: Femail co.uk, By Chrissy Harris Os segmentos abaixo extraidos do texto “Free at last” contém modais. Identifique-os e assi- nale os sentidos que eles atribuem aos verbos que acompanham: Fortunately for Ochoa, evidence from the crime was still available for DNA fingerprinting, 2 simple test that can prove whether a blologicel sample did or did nat come from a suspect. C1 permissao O habilidade/capecidede b'Before DNA, you'd have 2 good suspect, and do all the tests you could do, and you'd end up ‘with 30 percent to 40 percent of the population qualifying” CU habitidade/capacidade U probabilidade These 10, among 93 capital convictions that heve been vacated since 1973, have helped raise public fears that executions may be based on questionable convictions. C1 provatiidade CO permissio FORMAS VERBAL A Dieter says the technique is so “powerful and scientifically reliable” that it can, as in Ochoa’s case, even refute a confession. Ci possibtiidade Ci habilidade/capacidade e..he says itis “not a panacea for every case, it may nat be involved in a simple shooting, where somebody dies but there are no bodily fluids left C1 probabilidade O permisséo € There's also a disturbing possiblity that DNA fingerprinting could finger the wrong person — If labs make mistakes, or if cops plant evidence or lie on the witness stand. O permissio UO podetia (futuro condicional) CONSOLIDAGAO MARCADORES DISCURSIVOS E GRAU DOS ADJETIVOS 4 Sublinhe os marcadores discursivos dos segmentos do texto “Free at last” € relacione-os com as idéias que eles expressam. Adic&o Exempiificago -Oposigo/contraste Tempo a Alter 12 years in prison, ¢ Texas inmate welked tree on Jan. V7. 'b “Before DNA, you'd have a geod suspect, and do all the tests you could do, and you'd end up with 30 percent to 40 percent of the population qualifying.” es ¢ If the suspect's DNA does not match the sample, however, the test becomes convincing evidence for the defense. . - a Ronald Jones, for example, was released in 1997 after being convicted of rape end murder int989. _ ‘@ But DNA fingerprinting does not help every convict who asks for it # There’s also a disturbing possibilty that DNA fingerprinting could finger the wrong person, g Such allegations ~ athough they do not concer capital cases ~ are the focus of the ongoing Los Angeles police scandal | 22 | Lertura Em LiNcua iIncLesA | UMA ABORDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL 2 Faca uma leitura répida do paragrafo abaixo: The cheapest Big Macs are found in China, Malaysia, the Philippines anc South Africa, and all cost less than $1.20. In other words, these countries have the most undervalued currencies, by _ more than 50%, The most expensive Big Macs are found in Britain, Denmark and Switzerland, which by Implication have the most overvalued currencies. Sterling, for example, is 12% ~ overvaltied against the dollar — jess than two years ago, It was overvalued by 26%. Fonte: ig Macs Currencies, The Economist, Aptl 19, 2001, 3 Descreva resumidamente a Idéia geral do mesmo. 4 Lela 0 texto novamente ¢ localize as seguintes informacées: a Dols paises nos quais o sanduiche Big Mac é vendido por pouco mais de um détar, b A desvalorizago da moeda desses paises em relagao ao dolar. € Os paises nos qusis 8 moeda tem valor superior a0 délar. 5 Identifique os comparativos e superlativos utilizados no texto. Indique seus significados em portugués. @stoance LEITURA EM LINGUA INGLESA | UMA ABORDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL | 122| EE APOSTOS U.S. Coins: Reminders of History and Heritage By Jeane S. Horpew oins have many uses. People save them or spend them. Some people collect coins ‘for fun or for profit. Others “toss a coin" to make a decision or use coins in magic tricks. Children ‘use coins in tabletop games such as "penny hockey’ Sometimes coins are used in jewelry or as adornment ‘on clothes, But few people who use coins every day ‘think about such things as: Why dors a coin look the ‘avert of Aserean ‘way it does? Why is it a particular size? Why are certain words or images on the coin? A. lose examination of coins will not only answer these questions but will reveal a lot about a nation’s history and culture. In the United States, sic coins are currently in circulation. Each coin has a different denomination, ot value. The six coins are the one-cent coin, the five-cent coin, the ten-cent coin, the a5-cent coin, the 50-cent coin (half dollar) and 108 cent (dotlar} coin. Americans ‘usually refer to their coins by names rather than by values. A one-cent coin is called a penny; it is a coppercolored coin. A five cent coin is called a nickel, a ten-cent coin is a dime, and 4@ 25 cent coin is a quarter, Nickels, dimes, and quarters are silver colored. Americans w these four coins regularly in their transactions, as customers making purchases and as shopkeepers giving change. t2a| cerrura em Lingua INGLESA | UMA ABORDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL a5 30. The other two U.S. coins in circulation, the half dollar coin and the dollar coin, are rarely used. Yet, the dollar is the basic unit of exchange in the United States. It exists both in the form of a coin and as paper money and it is always equal to 100 cents. All other forms of US. currency, both coins and paper money, are valued in relation to the dollar. For example, ‘a quarter is equal to one-fourth of a dollar, a dime is one-tenth of a dollar, and so on. The dollar dates back to the earliest days of U.S. history. In the 17th century, when the colonists used whatever foreign coins they ad for currency. There were not many British coins available, The coin most commonly used was a large silver Spanish dollar or peso. It is believed that the U.S, dollar was modeled after this Spanish coin. Although the origin of the dollar sign (3) is not definitively known, some say it may have developed from the way people wrote ps, an abbreviation of the word peso. ‘The Spanish dollars were also called pieces of eight because a person could make change by chopping the coin into eight pie shaped pieces that were called bits, Two bits equaled ‘one fourth of the coin. Even now, more than 209 years later, some Americans still refer toa England still ruled the American coloni US, quarter as “two bits” (Disponivel em: « htipy/exchanges.state-gov/forum/vols/vol4s/no1/p43chtm > Acesso em:o6/07/2009) FAMILIARIZAGAO COM O TEXTO 4 Observando o titulo e a ilustragao do texto, procure antecipar o assunto do mesmo. 2 Através de uma leitura répida, confirme ou descarte suas hipéteses. Em seguida, descreva ‘em poucas palavras a idela geral do texto. 3 Lela o texto novamente, procurande localizar as seguintes informagées: ‘@ O ntimera de moedas em circulacéo nos Estados Unidos atualmente: b O valor des seguintes moedas: a penny. anicke a quarter: © Acar das moedas de: um centavo: 25 centavos _ @ As moedas pouco usadas: © Aorigem co ciré (§), de acordo com a opinido de algumas pessoas: ee unipape 19 | APOSTOS .Utilizande o contexto, procure inferir 0 significado das palavras/expressées em negrito: Some people collect coins for fun 0 for profit. Others “toss a coin” to make 9 decision or use Coins in magic tricks. All other forms of US. currency, both coins and paper money, are valued in relation to the dollar, 5 Tendo por base a apresentacéo do assunto, relacione os topicos abaixo com os parégrafos do texto: a Introduce (comentarios genéricos) (§ _ pet bb Exposicéo (Informac6es mais espectiicas do teme)(@ ___) € Dados histéricos (§ —__ ) APRESENTACAO E PRATICA DE ASPECTO LINGUISTICO Apostos Um Aposto (da palavra ‘apo’: colocar junto) é uma palavra (ou grupo de palevras) colocede a0 lado de outra palavra cujo significado ela descreve/explica/define, Apositives devem ter @ mesma classe @ fungdo gramatical das palavras que eles descrevem. Geralmente os apostos, ocorrem apés a palavrs que explicam e séo frequentemente separados por virgulas ou traves- sOes. Assim, 05 apostos interrompem 0 fluxo da sentenga com 0 objetivo de fornecer informe: 80 adicional. Exempios: The capital of Fronce, Paris, is an exciting cl. Albert Einstein, one of the most brilliant men of the twentieth century, permite! nis brain to be dissected after his death. Vela 0 exemple abaixe, extraido do texto, The other two US. coins in circuiation, the half dollar coin and the dollar coin, cave rarely used. Na maioria das vezes os apostos podem ser omitidos sem afetar a estrutura e o significado da sentenca visto que no coi The other two US, coins in circulation are rarely used. m informacao essencial 8 sua compreenséo. Como voce pode perceber, as construges apositivas sdo um recurso pratico e eficiente que © escritor pode utlizar para acrescentar detalhes a uma sentenga. 426 | Lerrura em LINGUA INGLess | UMA ABORDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL APOSTOS | UNIDADE 18 Volte ao texto ‘U.S. Coins: Reminders of History and Heritage’. Localize e transcreva abaixo outras sentencas contendo apostos. Em seguids, sublinhe as construcées apositivas. CONSOLIDACAO TEMPOS VERBAIS: PRESENTE, PASSADO SIMPLES E VOZ PASSIVA 4 Identifique 0 tempo verbal predominante nos: a trés parégrafos inicieis: z b dois pardgrafos finais: 2 Identifique, no peragrafo 4, outras pistas que sinalizam a mudanca de tempo verbal em relagdo aos pardgratos anteriores. 3 Identifique as formas verbais no paragrafo transcrito abaixo. Em seguida, decida se as mes- mas esto na voz ativa ou passiva. The other two US. coins in circulation, the half dollar coin and the dollar cain, are rarely used. Yet, the dollar is the basic unit of exchange in the United States. It exists both in the form of a cain ‘and as paper money and itis always equal to 100 cents, All other forms of US. currency, both coins and paper money, are valued in relation to the dollar. For example, @ quarter is equal to one-fourth of a dollar, a dime is one-tenth of a dollar, and so on. te (URA EM LINGUA IncLesa | Uma aBoRDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL | 127 | 10 45 1: USO DO DICIONARIO Your iBrain: How technology changes the way we think HOW THE TECHNOLOGIES THAT HAVE BECOME PART OF OUR DAILY LIVES ARE CHANGING THE WAY WE THINK By Gary SMaiL AND Gict Vorcan OCTOBER, 2008 In Mind & Brain KEY CONCEPTS + The brain’s plasticity — its ability to change in response to stimuli ftom the environment ~ is well known, What ‘has been less appreciated is how the expanding use of technology is shaping neural processing. > Young people ace exposed to digital stimulation for several hours every day, and many older adults are not far behind. ‘> Even using a computer for Web searches for just an hour a day changes the way the brain processes information. A constant barrage of e-contacts is both stimulating —sharpening cectain cognitive skills ~ and draining, studies show. ‘version of the Wall Street journal on your laptop while downloading files to your BlackBerry and organizing your PowerPoint presentation for your first meeting ‘when you reach New York. You relish the perfect symmetry of your schedule, todo lists Y= ona plane packed with other businesspeople, reading your electronic 8| Lerrura em LinGuA INGLesA | UMA ADORDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL 20 25, 30 DNARIO | UNIDADE 20 1 and phone book as you notice a woman in the next row entering little written notes into +her leather bound daily planner. You remember having one of those .. What? Like a zillion years ago? Hey, lady! Wake up and smell the computer age. You're outside the airport now, ‘waiting impatiently for a cab along with dozens of other people. It’s finally your turn, and as you reach for the taxi door a large man pushes in front of you, practically knocking you over. Your briefcase goes flying, and your laptop and BlackBerry splatter into pieces on the pavement. As you frantically gather up the remurants of your once perfectly scheduled life, the woman with the daily planner book gracefully steps into a cab and glides away. ‘The current explosion of digital technology not only is changing the way we live and ‘communicate but also is rapidly and profoundly altering our brains. Daily exposure to high. technology—computers, smart phones, video games, search engines such as Google and “Yahoo—stimulates brain cell alteration and neurotransmitter release, gradually strengthening new neural pathways in our brains while weakening old ones. Because of the current technological zevolution, our brains are evolving right now—at a speed like never before. (Dispontvel em: Acesso en 24 agosto 2003) The Quality Low Input Food/QLIF, Qualidade Alimeniar Low éput, foi um projeto vigente no perfodo de 2004 a 2009, que teve como objetivos melhorara qualidade, garantie sequ- ranga e reduzir 0 custos da cadela de abastevimento dos alimeritos o-ganicos © “low input, através de pesquisas, divulgacéo e treinamento, (Vers3o origi em inglés elsponivel em: Aceaso em 24 agosto 2003) ‘The Compassion in World Farming/CIWF, Gompaixtio nas Fazerdas Nundiais, € ume entidade inglese que lute pelo bem-estar de animals de producSa. Cila carspanhas, protestos e alerta a so- cledade sobre casos de cruciiade contra os animais. A ARCA & consuitora sobre a situacéo dos ~animats de fazenda no Brasil: dé apoia a agbes & desenuolve projeios em conjunto com 2 CINE, {Clspontvel em: sxwrvaresbrast org iapotoncexchom> Acssso-em 24 wgaste 2009) Fertiizantes podem ser organicos (por exemplo, esterco de curral), ou inorganices (sin= téticos ou artificiais), na forma de compostos simples, principalmente de nitrogénio, fosfato e potassio, os quais 1ém sido usados em escala crescenie desde 1945. [esto vadtaido Versio orlaral em inaias cepanvel om: ‘nlttieneyciopadtafarax-com/Aniice weniger, Aceaso emt 28 agosto 2003) FAMILIARIZACAO @ 6 texto faz uma critica sobre 0 relato de uma agéncia de regulamentactio de alimentos a Fespeito dos efeitos, na satide das pessoas, de produtos quimicos usados nas lsvouras. [17a] celruna ew tincua inctesa | UMA AsORDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL SUGESTAO DE RESPOSTAS @ Resposta pessoal Oe2 6 6) 65) 3) e a Defellos de nascenca, infertilidade masculina e disturbios do sistema newoso. Os procutos organicos possuem niveis mais altos de flavondides e beta caroteno. € Porque os produtos organicos sdo benéticos a satide e ao meio ambiente, d Preseivacio de fauna, menor perda de nutrientes do solo, menos lixo agrotéxico. PRATICA, FMI: Funda Monetario Internacional EU: Unio Européia ONU: Orcanizacéo das Nagées Unidas e @ the average industrially-produced apple (o maga comum produzida em escota industria) B the long-term effects of ferming chemicats on human health (os efeitos a fongo prazo dos Produtos quimicos usados no agriculture para a satide dos seres humanos} € the nutritional content of organic food (0 conteticio mitricional dos alimentos orgéinicos) Non-organic food (afimentos nééo-orgénicos) higher levels of beneficial nutrients (nivels mais elevados de nutrientes benéfices) feqular buyers of organic food (os compractores habituais de alimentos orgénicas) ‘The environmental advantages (os vantagens para melo-amblente) Artificial ritogen fertiizer (fertiizanie artificial & base de nitrogénio}" (ver "Nota ao leitor.) severe impacts on vildlife (impactos graves sobre @ fauna e a fora) zasoa © our future wil be dominated by climatelchange, Here organic! ferming Is leading the way, by Using soler powered ferlty through crops like red|clover that fix trogen into the soll for subse- quent crops. For our own health and the heaith of the planet, organic'fo0d and farming wil play @ big part in a susteinable food and farming future, CONSOLIDACAO. © crganicinon organic foods, chemicals, beneficial, benef, farming chemicals, human heath, organic ferming. ‘a abordar cescoamento bsuperem d teréo um papel importante LEITURA EM LINGUA INGLESA | uma asORDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL i178 SUGESTAO DE RESPOSTAS UNIDADE 11 - REFERENCIA PRONOMINAL FAMILIARIZACAO- © 0 texto 101 extraido do site da Web da rede de noticias de TV a cabo, CNN (Cable News Network). © 6 temo ¢ prececido por uma liste das idéias principals do assunto tratado. Alm isso, 0 texto contem vérlos trechos entre aspas, @ Inaicar que os trechos detimitades por esse sinal gréico nao pertencem ao autor, nois sSo 8 ltanscricéo exeta de informacées trensmitidas por oultras pessoas - discurso direto, © A essociaciio de impronsa do Reino Unido (PA) € 08 pais de Danie! James, o site da WEB do Institute Médico Legal de Worcestershire ¢ a policia de West Mercia, 9 a Daniel James ~ 23 anos bSuica € Mais de 100 pessoas Suiga, Holanda, Béigica e Luxemburgo. oe a(3) b(5) e(1) (4) e(2) 8 NOTA AO LEITOR: Eutanésla x Suicidio Assistido Eulenésia € 0 ato de levar uma pessoa (ou animal) 8 morte de forma indolor, ou permit que ums pessaa (ou animal) morte em consequéncia da interrupgio de tratamento médico em casos de doencas incuréveis (e comumente dolorosas). A palavra eutandsia tem coma ork. gem duas palavras gregas que significam “boa morte” Suicidlo assistcto retere-se ao ata de um individu causar sua propria marte coma ajuda de ume outra pessoa, Ne eutanésia, € 0 médico ou autre pessoa © agente que causa a morte. Por exemplo, se um 'MEdico injeta © paciente com uma dose etal de analgésicos, ele esta praticando a eutand- [174] nu et uveua wevesn | Una sbononsew nstatintat SUGESTAO DE RESPOSTAS 519. Por autto lado, se 0 médico deta a seringe pronta e 0 paciente aplica a injecdo em si mesmo, entéo 0 ate é chamado de suicidio assistida, {augotnce tp lw henthinscomgalacententiactnaresiarLieLAywctumsnskeutn_sourea ‘merdtm_cempatgnereclo&utm_rerm-Euthonestakesk_fetuan-Elhanasie> Acesso em: 2/08/2009) © resposta pessoal PRATICA e a seu (do Instituto Médico Legal de Worcestershire) b ele, James © sua (dele, de James} onde fa clinica) © suas(da policiainvestigagées f ele (sulcidio assistido) este (suicidio) h those - aqueles (as pessoas): him — ele (Daniel James) e a Quem b Por que © Quando Como e Oque f Quanios g Qual CONSOLIDAGAO @ Resposta pessoal e. © oyster @ Acsociar a idgia de que, assim camo a ostra abriga em seu interior uma péroia, 0 Rolex con- tém um mecanismo admiravel, construfdo com tanto esmero e culdado que tem a beleza de ume joie, Letruna EM Lincua INcLesa | UMA azoRDAceM instRUMENTAL | 177 SUGESTAG DE RESPOSTAS oe a Mult forte b Delicado € Brilha como joa d Nunca esté apenas no seu exterior ® oysier peor, becuty, movement, gitiering exterior skin-deep @ Recomenda que, toda vez que admirar o exterfor brilhante de um Oyster, ele se lembre de que, num Rolex, a beleza nunca est apenas na superficle UNIDADE 12 ~ MARCADORES DISCURSIVOS NOTA AO LEITOR: Checkmate (gerelmente abreviado para “mate')6 0 mesmo que Xeque-mate em portugues, Esta expresso é usada nc jogo de xadrez para designar o lance que pée fim & partida, [Deponivelen. epi kpadiaorgintixequemante> Acosco em teagosts 23} No texto da unidade "Exploding ihe myth of Cultural Stereotypes’, 0 autor ulliza 8 exprossao Czech mates — uma alustio a “Checkmate” — nara intraduzir a parte tinal, que tra2 as reve lacdes obtides através do estuclo realizado, o qual objetiva pdr tim ao mite dos esterestipos cultursis, Os checoslovacos (The Czechs), por exemolo, ndo sie pessoas hostistinimiges. (antagonistic) — como eles préprios se avaliaram no estudo ~ mas sim afruistes/solidérios, ‘u seja, bons “camaradas* (mates). Davis 6 uma cidade localizada no Estado americano de Californie, no Condado de: Yolo. Fundada em 1868, Davis abrige um campus da Universidade da Califérnia. A Universidade possui um total de 10 campy ¢ emprega mats vencedores do Prémio Nobel do que quelquer ‘outa Instituigéo de ensine superior no mundo, (Disponte) em: AcassD wn 1S agoste 08) FAMILIARIZACAO, @ Resposta pessoal © o texto descreve um estudo realizado sobre esterestipos culturais, o qual envolveu mais, de 40.000 adultos de 49 culturas eiferentes. O objetivo do estudo ‘ol demonstrar que os LEITURA EM Lineua INGLESA | UMA ABORDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL, SUGESTAO DE RESPOSTAS esteredtipos séo um mito que deve ser combatido, pois contrisuem para promover a discri- minag&o racial. am b (F)O estudo pée fim a crenga de que os esteredtipos culturals refletem dliferencas genéticas entre 0s grupos racials. ("the study pulls the plug on claims that perceived differences in national character reflect genetic differences beivicen ethnic groups.) cy (F)Na maioria dos cases, 0s participantes do estudo (provenientes de culluras diversas) fizerem uma auto-andiise bastante severa/dure. ("hn many cases, cullures had overly harsh views of themselves.’) eM FM @ nesposta pessoal. PRATICA, aadigae bcontraste ¢exemplificagio dcontraste econtraste —f énfase CONSOLIDAGAO o a estudo, b 0 tipo de esterestioe descrito na sentenga anterior, que rotula todos os norte-emericanos de insistentes (que “forcam a barra’), ¢ os ingleses de reservados/distantes, © participantes (2x) d personalidades @ participantes as proprias cultura (isto é, 08 proprios representantes das diferentes culturas incluidas no estuco) e a pushy (N} - insistentes b reserved (N)-reservatosidistantes € neurotic (N) - neurdticos d extroverted (P}- extrovertidos @ open (P) - abertos f agreeable (P}- agradvels @ conscientious (P)- conscienciosos/responséveis hh harsh (N) - (visGes) severas/duras 1 closed-off (N) - fechados SUGESIAO of RESPaStaS | J. introverted (N)-introspectivesttimidos k disagreeabie (N) - desaqredéveis | antagonistic (Nj) - antagonistas/nostis m modesty (P)- modéstia 1 altruism (P)-altrufsmo/solidariediacie Anténimos: a extroverted ~ invoverted b open —closed-off € agreeable — disagreeable Sindnimos: a extroverted — open b introverted — closed-off - reserved UNIDADE 13 — AFIXOS NOTA 20 LEITOR: Atémpera ¢ um métoco de pintura no qual os pigmentos de terra so misturados a um “colante’, uma emulsiio de équa e gemas de ovo ou avos intelros (@s vezes cola ou lee te). A tempera foi muito utilizada na arte italiana nos séculos XIV e XY, tanto em afrescos como em painéis de madelra preparados com gesso, que foram posteriormente substi- tuldos pela pintura 2 leo. As cores de témpera so briinantes e transllicidas. (Dsponivel em. Acesso ent. 22 agest9 2009} FAMILIARIZACAO @ resposta pessoal @ cen relots a descoberta ¢ aquisigdo do P trabalho de Michelangelo, um tesoure que per maneceu desconhecido por meis de um século. [150] Lertura eM Lincua inctesa | Uma asoRDAsEM insteUMENTAL ; SUGESTAO DE RESPOSTAS 2.0 Museu de Arte de Kimbell em Fort Worth, no Texes bro divuigada © “O Tormento de Santo Anténia” dd século 15 e frescos f 0 fato de ter sido comprade por uma familia de Londres, por volta de 100 92 milhdes hraio-X @ intra-vermetho i “A Tentagio de Santo Antonio” J 46 havia outra pintura com o mesmo titulo, porém representande uma cena diferente, Tal pin- tura serviu de inspiragSo para Michelangelo. PRATICA @ A Mejulilolsix[ol Em oleai|m R Fly|ujvjalu li FLA)N Tlulcjely|Ninfofielulilalels D ziNjale|Hlolefule D{H]yfols|HlFlsjelHlr{r|afelelr{HlclelR e{s{e|r[sfi 4 a e|Fin Hl o|1 TWIH Pi H|R ON] FA] a a Fle[Nic/ylu[alelele|ulofels|-lelolelv|t v 2 [wt «[o fol s fete | HILJITK| Fl Plojoj|mMir{|kMeIN|x|s|R}H|Ris|o bipls Rielsi{e|M|s{tloln voit TIEIS| Flo lal. |e} sa H{R|BIx|cle}s R/X[R PUPS} Hi via} slely ie Ale[ y}H|s K]Hi|cf@jelelriattjsfufa clifEINic{ilals|yjejolt{riy|cjejnjolr|e Alo o[n eiNiyir{ulo LEITURA EM Lincuainctesa | uwA anoRDAGEM ivstaUMeNTAL | 181 SUGESTAO DE RESPOSTAS wn attract ive super market = = psycho(o) logy un happy ness = govern ment = inform ation co author = im mnoval = = lead er dis honest = inter nation al = invest ment un forget able in vis(ion) ible = power ful e (IN) disclose - revelar (80 encobri) (N) unfinished - inacabados. (AS) greatest - maiores (R) rediscoveries- e-descobertas"(descobertas novamente) (AQ) stronger mais forte {S) authenticity - autentici¢ade/legitimidade (M) privately: secretamente (1) argety -“largamente” (quese totalmente/oraticamente) (S) deater- negociante (S) conservation - conservagio (M) cerefuily-culdadosamente __(S) similarities - semelhancas (S) blographers - bidgrafos (AS) earliest - mais antiga/orimeira (S) painting - pintura (S) confirmation - confirmacéo (7) previously - anteriormente ($) temptetfon - tentacéio (S) engraving - pintura; estampa (AQ) rarer - mais raro CONSOLIDACAO, oa Oposicao - but Causa/consequéncia SUGESTAO DE RESPOSTAS. Adigao - as well a3; not only... but also; and ‘Sequéncia cronolégica - then aexibir bdesprezado, como demprestar UNIDADE 14 ~ SUFIXOS “-ING” E “-ED” FAMILIARIZACAO NOTA AQ LEITOR United Arab Emirates (Emirados Arabes Unidos): Os Emirados Arabes Unidos constituem uma federagSo de sete emiradios localizacios no Golfo Pérsico; situam-se no sudoeste da Asia e tem fronteiras com Oma e 8 Arébia Saucita. Sua economia, baseada no petioles, € fortissima, Com i580, 08 EAU, so um dos pafses mais ricos do mundo, Atuaimente, 9 turismo também 6 uma atividade forte na regio. O pats 6 famioso por suas aumerosas ilhes artificials, todas feitas coma areie do deserto, aterrendo o oceano. Os Emirados integram 9 mundo arabe, com custura € religido Islamicas. Graces & prosperidade da indiistria petroti- fera, o pals modernizot:-se bastante, embora ainda subsistam formas tradicionais de vida e organizagdes tnbeis pattiarcais. istas organizagées imptiem regras rigidas as mulheres, es quals néo poder dirigit, viajar sozintas, assistir eulas na presenga de homens ou aparecer em puiblico Sem estarem cobertas dos pés a cabega. @ o texto wata dos desatios e preconceltos que a mulher ocidental enfrenta a0 viajor para pafses do Oriente Médio, onde a mulher est subjugada as lels rigidas da religifio e cultura iskimicas, @resposta pessoal G kesposta pessoa! 8 1a Tamara: designer de calcados libanesa; Rebecca: estucante briténica de linguas, e Rebecca: arquiteta britanica. b Bahrain, ¢ "Nao" e “va embora’. © Porque tais termos podem ser titeis na comunicacd, no caso de uma tentative dle aproxima- cao masculina mais ousede, SUGESTAG DE RESPOSTAS. © 21¢ 0 Oriente Médio é exatamente o oposto de St-Troper, local liberal bastante frequentado pelas europelas. NOTA AO LEITOR: Saint-Tropez é um balneario que fica a0 sudeste da Franca, na Riviera Francesa. E frequen: tado por milionarios e famosos. O topless é uma prética natural. Algumas pralas particulares: Sho naturistes, © que significa que 0 uso ce roupa é totalmente dispensdvel @ & autora quer chamar a atencéio do leitor, em particular das mulheres, para algumas dicas ‘que possibiitardo ume viagem segura € sem transtornos pelo Oriente Mécio, © Resposta pessoal. ® a Tentar manter-se discrete. b Ignorar qualquer tipo de assédio. ¢ Assumir una atitude submissa. PRATICA, 2 (adjetivo) A maioria dos europeus ndo prestaria atengéo a uma alianga de casamento. b (Participio) © que & considerado comum/padrao na sociedade ocidental pode ser interpretado de forma bem diferente no Golfo. € (adjetivo) Mas as mulheres solteires podem ainda produzir/suscitar uma atengdo indesejada, d (substantive) As vezes, € mais um mal-entendido cultural do que qualquer autra coisa. © (Bartcipio) .. voce 86 ficaré mels envolvido/“enredado" em ume discusséo. (ininitvo} Em muitas culturas, cabrit 0s olhos ode ser considerado grosseirovindelicado. 9g (gertindic} Leia os cédigos de conduta do pals que voce esta visttanda, (Garticipio: infnitivo: adjetivo) Se vocé for casacia ou no, ostentar uma alianga de casamento pode conter avancos masculinos. CONSOLIDACAO e 8 Gulf revel presents a seperate(sel of challenges for women. Aviagem a0 Golfo Pérsico: uma série distinta de desafios p: iheres. b Apart from some supermoderri enclaves like Dubai, most of the Middle East is governed by @ strict Isiami¢:code thai dictates modesty for women. alguns encraves ultramodernos (isto €, area de um pais situada no interior de outro); um cédigo Islamico rigido. | susestao = respostas ¢ Some countries, ke Bahrain, have specific visa requirements for single women. exigéncias de visto espectticas para mulheres soltelras d To ensure that women travolors have a safe and rewarding trip, experts advise following a few basic guidelines, vigjantes do sexo feminino; ume viagem segura e gratificante; algumas orientagBes bésicas, e a substantivo: viajantes; adjetivo: incomunsiraras 'b adjetivo: respeitosos; adjetivo: indesejével ¢ adjetiva: vulneraveis; substantive: a embriaguez; adjetivor legal d advérbio: diretamente; adjetivo: uma tentativa de flerte (néio ha um adjetiva equivalente em portugués}; substantive: 0 assédio UNIDADE 15 - GRAU DE ADJETIVOS E ADVERBIOS FAMILIARIZAGAO, @ Resposta Pessoal @ Resposta pessoal @ sim, crore. Cada parégrafo precedido por uma oragéio em negro que expressa a éia principal do pardgrafo. E um recurso que desperta o interesse do leitor para continuar a leitura e fecilita a compreenstio do mesmo, e AP Pardgrafo: 1 libra=0,45g1s., 3 bras=1,35k 2° Parégrafo: olhos, ouvidos e outros Srgios sensoriais 3° Parégrafo: 100 bilhdes 4° Paragrafo: mais de 200 milhas ou 322km por hora 6° Pardgrafo: corrida, hasquete, futebol a. um centro de controle fantastico b computador, pimbolim, telefone ¢ quando aprendemos @ a(4) wa LelTURA EM LINGUA INGLESA | UMA ABOROAGEM INSTRUMENTAL | 485 SUGESTAO DE RESPOSTAS. (3) 4(5) e(2) PRATICA, a smarter, faster, more receptive — forma comparative: b largest, longest — superiativo ¢ largest, wettest - superiativo d richest, most diverse — superlativo ¢@ less satisfactory — comperaiivo de infertoridade CONSOLIDAGAO @ a mim, olettor @ um conto aireto e pessoal 6 a She: gatinha Yourleitova Her dels, da gatinha It: cerebro: She: getinha bitalianca who: designer de calgados Them: dculos Him: marido dela your brain's awesome ability sensory organs, tiny chemical and electrical signals tiny neuron highways: Countless| messages a supercharged pinball machine ree | cerruea em Lineua inccess | Utne ABORDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL [_susesrao be resrostas UNIDADE 16 - FORMAS VERBAIS | NOTA AO LEITOR: ‘J Associated Press 6 uma agéncia de noticias norte-americana que diz ser a mais antica @ a maior agéncia do mundo. A Associated Press 6 ume cooperativa cujos proorietérios 40 05 jomnais © estacGes de récio € televisdo note-americanes que contribuem para a Associzted Press. Atualmente, as noticias da Associated Press so usacias em 1,700 jor ais, € mais de 5.000 esiagSes de radio e televisio. A Associated Press possul os direitos autorlais de mals de 10 milhOes de imagens. (Cleponival em | SUGESTAD D= RESPOSTAS PRATICA, Q@rruck—Americane tomy —Biténico Best wishes / Happy birthday ~ por ocasiéo do aniversétio Congratulations ~ por conseguir um nove emprego ® ob, meu Deust @ perfect’ (adj) -4 perfeto; 2 “ for sb/sth ideal para algudém/sigo 3 completo (para entatizar lum suostantivo} perfect? (verbo) — aperfeicoar, perfection [substaniivo) — pertelcao: perfectionist (substantive) — perfeccionista: perfectly (advérbio\ ~ 4 perfeitamente 2 completamente (para in- dicar énfase}, @ bought 9 mouse (singular) ~ mice (plural - Irregular) agency (singular) — agencies (plural) Minute — a) substantive: 4. minuto; 2. minuto, momento; 3. instante: 4. nota (oficial). bj adjetivo: 4, minusculo; 2. minucioso minutes ~ ate (de uma reun io) ® a tecla ' chave (objeto usado para abrir ou fechar algo) © chave (chave para alguma colsa ~ ex: 8 chave para 0 sucesso) d tocar © Joga f pece tteatral ‘a packed — (verbo no participio) lotado meeting — (substantivo) reuniao bb relish — (verbo) aprecia schedule ~ (substantivo) pregrama, programagéo planner ~ (substantivo) agenda [res | uerruna ew vincua wetese | UWA asonDacew instaUmeNzat turn — (substantive) vez reach for — (verbo) estencier a méo para (alcancar um t&xi) pushes — (verbo) passe na sua frente te empurrendo knocking ..over — (verbo) (te) derrubando d frantically — (advérbio) desesperadamente gather up — (verbo) recolhe remnants ~ (substantivo) restos dlides eway — (verbo) desiiza [val embora suavemiente) e smart — (adjetivo} release — (substantivo) lancamento, strengthening — (verbo) fortelecendo pathways — (substantivo) tilhas, trajetorias, caminhos CONSOLIDACAO: oe a both .. and .. ~ adigio b not only... but also ..- adicéo ¢ such as... ~ exemplificaco d because of — causa e consequéncia while — tempo: when ~ tempo @ You're on a plane packed with other businesspeople, reading your electronic version of the Wall Street Journal on your laptop while downloading files to your BlackBerry and organizing your PowerPoint presentation for your first meeting when you reach New York. You relish the perfect symmetry of your schedule, do-do lists and phone book as you netice a women in the next row entering litle written notes into her leather-bound deily planner. You remember having ‘one of those ... What? Like a zillion years ago? Hey, lady! Wake up and smell the computer age. You're outside the eirport now, waiting impatiently for a cab along with dozens of other people. Its finally your turn, and as you reach for the taxi coor large man pushes in front of you, practically knocking you over. Your briefcase goes ‘lying, and your laptop and BlackBerry splatter into pieces on the pavement, As you frantically gather up the remnants of your once perfectly scheduled ife, he woman with the dally planner book gracefully steps into a cab and glides away. Formas Verbais utilizadas: Presente Simples para tomar a narrative mals dramética e/ou real. Presente Continuo pare relatar a¢bes/situagées que estiio acontecendo num instante especifico também para tornar a narrativa mais dramatica e/ou real Apostes: a its ability to change in respense to stimull from the envicanment — b— sharpening certain cognitive skills — ‘© — computers, smart phones, video games, search engines such as Google and Yahoo — LEITURA EM LINGUA INGLESA a SUGESTAO DE RESPOSTAS UNIDADE 21 - 0 GENERO ACADEMICO FAMILIARIZACAO @ O texto relata o avanco da lingua inglesa no sistema educecional de China, tanto por razbes Internas (a reforma da economia do pais em 1978) quanto pelo proprio crescimento do status de lingua em nivel mundial - fato que permite 20 povo chinds um acesso ao Ocidente e, ao mesmo ‘tempo, mais possibilidedes de negsclos no pais. ‘a uma forma, um meio linguistico internacional de comunicacio multinacional e multicuttural (com a globalizacéo, o termo ‘internacional’ vai avs poucos send substitulde por ‘multinacional). b 1") conhecer 0 Ocidente; 24) possihilitar a0 mundo conhecer a China em sua totalidade. c demonstrar/ter competéncia comunicativa na lingua inglesa {isto 6, ndo apenas saber a lingua, ‘mas principalmente saber usé1a na interage com falantes de lingua inglesa e de outras linguas) da inclusao da lingua nos exames de admisstio a Universidades/Faculdades. 1) numero escasso de professores qualficados (com experiéncia no exterior conhecimento da cultura inglesa / norte-americena, etc); 2} metodologia retrégrada, ainda centrada ne gramatica © vocabulério, ao invés de tocalizer 0 contedide (escrito ou oral. ® ‘a Ano do inicio de reforma na economia chinesa. 'b Porcentagem de tempo gasto com o estudo da lingua inglesa extra-classe, por graduandos cuja drea de concentragéo ndo € 8 lingue inglesa. € Numero médio de alunos por sale, devido ao aumento de matriculas no ensino supericr. d Ano da reforma dos programas de curso e do projeto de desenvolvimento curricular, langados pelo Ministéilo da Educacio. @ 4,800 — niimero de paiavras e expresses que alunos deveriam dominar (saber) antos da reforme, 4,000 — ntimero de palavras © expressdes que alunos devem dominar (saber), apés a reforma de 1999. © Resposta pessoal, (Nossa resposta: So relevantes, na medida em que contribuem para contextualizar 0 ensino de lingua inglesa em ambito global. © conhecimento de outras realida- desicontextos € sempre enriquecedor, uma vez que nos permite: a) compararicontrastar nossa realidade com outres e, desta forma, perceber aspectos semelhantes € diferentes entre culturas diversas, bem como b)tazer ume retlexdo sobre nossa prépria prética (sobre © ensino e/ou & aprendizagem de lingua inglesa) e suas caracter‘sticas positivas e negstivas. [196] ceiruma ew Linouainsiesa | Una anonDacens insteuMeNTAL se fe A na a mn SUGESTAO De RESPOSTAS PRATICA oe a abstract + divisio do texto (IntrodugSo, Desenvolvimento ‘Modem ELT in China’, Concluséc} bb Jargo especitico da area de lingulstice aplicads (ver expressdes destacadas no texto repro- duzido abaixo}, a linguagem empregadia é formal, ato que pode ser facilmente observado nas escolhas ebabo: Ex':0 uso de morcadores discursives mais formats » Thus (So; In view of the situation (Becau- se of that}; Rather (instead); As @ matter of fact (1n fact}; Ex: 0 uso de vocabuldrio mais formal » @ great dee! of attention (a lot of attention); remarka- bie (incredible/surprising); “..2s the spread of English progresses, English 1s bound to reflect a diversity of disparate cultures... (progresses ~ continues, moves on; is ound to ~ wil probably, a diversity of disparate cultures — a variety of different cultures), @ sim, o abstract sintetiza as principals Idéias aborciadas no artigo com clareza. ENGLISH AS A GLOBAL LANGUAGE IN CHINA. = Abstract English is now said to be an international language or known as a global language. It is an obvious fact that English is definitely important as a window for the Chinese to see the world. English is the key for us to access the Western modern scientific and technological advances. In this article, I will ty to examine some issues with particular reference (0 the situation of ERGiSH ARO WA MOREAENG (BED) in China and its relationship with the outside world. + Introduction In the past few decades since World War II, the emerging global economy has made it ‘possible for English to play an important role as the world standard language. In view of the situation, millions of students are learning English as the most important foreign language {for international communication all over the world. People of the world unanimously consider English as the most useful language for cross boundary communication. Thus, from an ordinary Chinese point of view, English is not the language for us to speak with, Americans, the British oz any other native speakers, Rather, itis the common language for us to communicate with Japanese, Koreans, Thais, Singaporeans and other Asians and people from developing countries. The global spread of English over the last 40 years is remarkable in the history the English language. It has become an international language means for multinational and multicultural communication, ‘As the spread of English progresses, English is bound to reflect a diversity of disparate ‘cultures. Since no language is used to its fullest extent by its native speakers, there is always LeITURA EM LINGUA INctesa | UMA ABOROAGEM INSTRUMENTAL "| 197! SUGESTAG OE RESPOSTAS much room left for our non-native speakers to exploit it in the unique form of BRBISBRSGS) AS ANETTA Aa mater of ft, English has been used by our Chinese as a tool to know the West and at the same time, let the World know China at its greatest extents, ‘+ Modern ELT in China A great deal of attention has been paid to English teaching and learning since the beginning of the reform of Chinese economy in 1978. With more and more Western, companies and jointventures rushing into China, many college students would like to pursue their further education in the West to acquire advanced knowledge in science and technology. Chinese students are no longer ignorant of international English tests such as (EREISZSTSGASFSters) and so on. Some Foreigners will even be amazed to see the heat wave of English learning in China, Just take a domestic employer, especially those in the field of foreign trade businesses for example. They consider SONNE) SGHRPEEARE in English to be a decisive factor in hiring a potential employee. Therefore, an applicant must demonstrate his oral English capability besides their various BBHERY URDRESHISRIERSAAES. This emerging challenge 10 the GGRSRANEROASTOR ROOT is unprecedented in that the teacher is no longer seen as the sole provider of knowledge and the students are no more encouraged to assimilate their teacher's instruction dutifully or to work their way ploddingly through the lines of their (S8BGSK ‘The initial progress in ELT took place when English became part of the College Entrance ‘Examinations. The Ministry of Education isstied guidelines for textbook makers, requesting ‘that English textbooks should include materials on the Western culture, listening and speaking practice as well. However, there are some disadvantages of ELT edueation in China ‘The first is a lack of qualified foreign language teachers, most of whom have no experience of living in Western countries. In fact, effective English teachers should have abundant eross- cultural awareness ~ itis often the case that quite a number of English teachers in China have 2 very limited knowledge of English while students have high expectation from their teachers. As a result, SAGhereevelopMenUpROGIANS have become the neck” issue’ in our current ELT, Worse is the backward methodology: teachers, as well as students, typically adopt the G2azaiiiallimielalioaleieihbd to teach and learn English, which focuses on English ‘grammar and vocabulary, on gHiSMG/BHEESBSEEE rather than on reading the content itself. It sno surprise to see Chinese students with satisfactory marks on their English examinations who can't communicate well in English with foreign BES. There is a popular saying about this extravagant scene in learning English as “dumb and deal” English, According to a survey, most college students in China whose majors*ate not English spend ‘more than 70 percent of their study time on English after class, Meanwhile, they have to attend fourhour English courses every week in class. What's more is that the English teacher, LEITURA EW LINGUA INGLESA | UNA ABOROAGEM INSTRUMENTAL SUGESTAO DF RESPOSTAS unfortunately, has to face normally 50 or more students in the classtoom because of the expansion of enrolling college students in recent years. Therefore, itis almost impossible for an English teacher to take good care of each student in class. Some English classes have no 860633) ‘TORRES NE Taga Talbataory, neither do they have access to the Internet. This rigid pattern of old fashioned 5 base eae Ie iin FeSEoriennea ang date with the rapid growth of international communication in China. Educators have realized the importance of shifting the pattern of ELT from the SSG IAQUREGEEMERIEE 0 (GSnIMUNICaEMEOIpeteee and the module of teaching English language from Sig) ‘GRIP to HARASSING. That can be seen from the reform of SHRBAGESEHA (SRSA project issued by the Ministry of Fducation in 1999. The new syllabus cphasis is on 2 ESEERUAGEREES instead of RARER one. Meanwhile the ‘vocabulary capacity sequired for students has been enlarged from the originel 1,800 common used English words and phrases to 4,090. Another outstanding feature of the ELT reform in China's higher institutions is that English study will be continuous throughout the duration of four years in college. ESPNBuBISh fon Special Parpose) courses are also added to the final year of students’ study of English in college. The goal of these courses is to ensure that the non English major students who have different specialized background can make good use of English after ‘their graduation in their future working career. Besides the Ministry of Education requires ‘that all ofthe specialized subjects (preferably taught from foreign textbooks) be conducted in English in the near future. There will be a national English standardized test which will be divided into several levels to evaluate the outcome of reforming in Chinese ELT from primary level to the tertiary level, which means English will become a real tool for communication in (China's educational institutions, The construction of a streamlined) ELT system from Chinese primary schools (third grade) to the tertiary level is underway. is out of Conclusion At this stage, China needs and will continue to want English badly. In order to function efficiently i people to a higher level of proficiency in English for a wide variety of functions. Success of English language teaching and learning depends largely on understanding English as a tool for communication. Thus, if a student is encouraged to speak with confidence, it is the foreign language teacher's duty to help students overcome the fear of speaking and learn the fact that Chinese English learners can use English effectively without feeling guilty of their economy with the global market, China needs to bring large numbers of strong accent, Modern communication such as TV and the Internet makes us more exposed. to an English:medium environment than we used to’be. It will be no surprise at all for a Chinese person to survive in English (By fi Shaobin, Wenzhou College of Profession and Technology) Source: The weekly column, Article gp, May 200 (adapted) LEIFURA EM LINGUA INGLESA | UMA ARonoaGEM insraumentat | 1090 | SUGESTAO DE RESPOSTAS CONSOLIDAGAO o “in the past few decades since World War I the emerging global economy has made it possible for English to play an important role|as the world standard language” +2 economia global emergente (em ascenséo) + um papel importante +a lingua-padro mundial b "This tid patter of old fashioned textbooibased, teacher-dominated. Is out of date with the rapid gromth temationallcommuricaioniin China.” + Este padrao rigido de ensino tredicionalutrapassado, baseado no live didético, centrado no professor e com avaliagao por melo de testes (e nao uma avaliago continuada, que enalisa 0 proceso de aprendizagem) + 0 répido crescimento da comunicagdo internacional na China test-oriented! “The new sylabus emphasis is on a student-centered approach instead of a teacher-centeredone” + A Enfase no novo programa + uma abordagem centrada no aluno + uma abordagem certrada no professor aentre paises » mucer eacaminno d muito |200| teiruea ew Lingua inciesa f 1-3 BIBLIOGRAFIA ABSY, Conceigéo A. Variation in Approaches to EFL: 0 Performance-Based Analysis of the Learning Strategies Used by Brazilians Students. Tese de Doutoredo, Georgetown Uni- versity: Washington D.C., 1992 CHAMOT, A. U; BARNHADT, S; EL-DINARY, PB, & ROBBINS, J., The Learning Strategies Handbook Longman, 1399. FANTINI, Mércia de Castro, O impacto de Modelos interiorizacios do Processe de Leitura na Compreensdo de Textos em inglés Cono Lingua Estrangeira. Tese de Doutoraco, PUC-SP, 1997 FIORI-SOUZA, Adriane G., Uma Investigacdo Sobre a Relagdo Entre os Modelos Mentais: © as Estratégias de Leitura de Alunas-professoras do Curso de Letras. Dissertacao de Mestrado, PUC-SP, 1999. GRIGOLETO, Mariza, Ensino de Leitura em Lingua Estrangeira: 0 que mais pode ser feito? Contexturas ~ Ensino Critico de Lingua Inglesa, v.1, Apliesp, 1892, p. 41-46,. HUTCHINSON, T. & WATERS, A., English for Specific Purposes: a Learning-centred Ap- proach. CUP, 1994 KLEIMAN, Angela, Leitura: Ensino e Pesquisa, Pontes, 1996 (2. ed). Oficina de Leitura: Teoria e Praitic. Pontes, 1992. LEFFA, Vilson J. Perspectivas no Estudio de Leitura. Texto, Leitor e Interago Social. In: LEFFA, ‘Vilson J.; PEREIRA, Aracy, E. (Orgs) O Ensino de Leitura © Produgée Textual: altemativas de renovagéo, Pelotas: EDUCAT, 1999, p. 13-37 - OXFORD, R. & COHEN, A., Language Learning Strategies: Crucial Issues of Concept and Definition. Applied Language Learning, v.3,1.1& 2, 1992, p. 1-35. RAMOS, Rosinda de Castro Guerra, Combinacdes dle Estratégias e Seu Efeito na Leitura de Textos Académicos. Em: Paschoal, MSZ. & Celani, MAA (orgs), Linguistica Aplicada: da Aplicacdo da Linguistica ¢ Linguistica Tronsaisciplinar. Educ, 1992, p. 153-63. SCARAMUCCI, Meriica V.R. A Competéncia Lexical de Alunos Universitdrias Aprenciendo a Ler em Inglés Como Lingua Estrangeira. Delta, v3, n. 2, 1997, 215-246. SCOTT, M, 1886. Conscientizagiio. Working Paper, 8, PUC-SP, 1986, (202 | LEITURA EM LINGUA INGLESA F:-4 AS AUTORAS ADRIANA GRADE FIORI SOUZA, docente do Departamento de Letras Estrangeiras Modemas ds Universidade Estadual de Loncrina/PR. Atua na graduacéo em Letras Estrangeiras Modemas ena p6s graduagdo em Lingue Inglesa. Desenvolve projetos nas éreas de terminologia bilingue, abordagem lexical e tracugéo. Mestre em Linguistica Aplicede pela Pontificia Universidade Ca- t6lica de S80 Paulo. CONCEIGAO A. ABSY, docente aposentada do Departamento de Letras Estrangeitas Modemas ds Universidade Estadual de Londrina/PR, Mestre em Linguistica Apliceda pela Pontificia Univers- dace Catdlica de S80 Paulo, Doutora em Linguistica Aplicada pele Universidade de Georgetown, Washington, DC. Atuou como provessora de lingua inglesa em curses de graduegdo € de leitura ‘em cursos de especializacéo (nivel de pés-graduaco]. Participou em projetos de extensiio & co- munidade e de ensino nos quals, entre outras atividades, trabalhou na claboragio de material di- dético pare 0 ensino de leitura em lingua inglesa. GISELE CILLI DA COSTA, docente do Departamento de Letras Estrangeiras Moderas da Uni- versidade Estadual de Londring/PR (UEL}. Atua no curso de Secreteriado Executvo ministrando {aulas de lingua inglesa bem como de lettura em lingua inglesa para alunos de gracuagio € p6s- raduago da Insttuc#o. Desenvolve projetos nas érens de terminologia bilingue, abordagem lexical e treducdo, Especialists em lingua inglese pela UEL LEONILDE FAVORETO DE MELLO, dacente do Departamento de Letras Estrangeiras Modernas da Universidade Estadual de Londrine/PR (VEL). Atua no curso de Secretariado Executive minis- trando aules de lingua ingiesa bem como ce leitura em lingua inglese pera alunos de graduagéio @ pds-graduaco da institulgo. Desenvoive projetos nas éreas de terminologia bilingue e abor- dagem lexical, Mesire em Letras pela UEL. LEITURA EM LINGUA INctesa | Uma asORDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL | 202 RA EM LINGUA INGLESA Leitura em Lingua Inglesa tem como objetivo a for- Di Tere MCR ia ae ol ee eros (Ma) Flore) tele aimed) MMe Co RL iets ke Mle malay Mela geet oR RUT ests [eM Marte (SMR sate oy linguistico-gramaticais que auxiliam na (re)construgao do texto. Um livro recomendado tanto 4 comunidade académica quanto a qualquer pessoa que tenha como objetivo o desenvolvimento da habilidade de leitura em lingua inglesa. Pode ser usade por profes- Ree eR eM RN ae Tale Ret aT PM Cal [CMe eM Ms Mt Catlett) eee se ee eu eM ciescUit Amel Pee ie ete eee ECU Lmao acum ed de idiomas, aulas particulares), sentimos a necessidade de fazer Beare tect Cte eM eC Cer) RU lee Mu Lee Ce Lid elotel eel Bolg) slot eee ac te on OR ec ee coe oe ele Duo een ee luke CMC Det ee ee et Reed Cle eer eM CS eta Cee ea eet eta eee Cte ed ele tas Diese CM CM RM ee eel) para atender a uma reivindicacao de nossos alunos; Peet ni ore ee a ee ser oe ge see Besant Cen Ot SRNR Cauca oe Crees eae a ee eo LC OR en sto RN ra CR ar en Se Soa a eNom eee) de respostas. il

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