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Road types can be classified as non-urban and urban. Non-urban roads are classified into five types: Expressways,
National Highways, State Highways, Major District Roads and Village Roads

Expressways: The purpose of expressways would be to cater for motility of large volumes of motor traffic at high
speeds. They connect major areas of increasing visitor count and they are intended to serve trips of medium and long
length in between prominent residential areas, industrial or business concentrations and the central business district
They may

National Highways: These include main highways running throughout the distance and breadth of the country
connection major parts, highways of adjoining countries, State capitals, large commercial and tourist centres, etc

State Highways: These include main arterial routes of any state connecting district headquarters and major cities in the
state and connecting these with National Highways of the neighboring states

Major District Roads: They are essential roads with a district serving parts of production and markets, and linking
these together or while using the main highways

Village Roads: These are roads joining villages or group of villages with each other and also to the nearest road of any
higher class

Urban roads are classified into your following four categories:

Expressways: The function of expressways is the similar regardless of if the traverse through urban areas or non-cities

Arterial Streets: This system of streets, together with expressways where they exist,serves as the key network for
through traffic flows Significant intra-urban travel, for instance, among central downtown and outlying residential areas
or between significant suburban ‘zones develops on this system These roadways may generally be spaced under 1-5
km in hugely developed central business places and at 8 km or maybe more in sparsely developed urban fringes. The
arterial streets are generally divided highways with full or partial access. Parking, loading and unloading activities are
usually restricted and regulated Pedestrians should cross only at intersections

Sub-arterial Streets: These include functionally much like arterial streets but with somewhat lower level of travel
mobility Their spacing are different from about 0 – 5 km in the central downtown to three – 5 km inside the sub-urban

Local Streets: These are intended mainly to supply use of abutting properly and normally will not carry substantial
amounts of traffic Majority of visits in urban areas originate from or terminate on these roads

The topic of the Reading is:

Tipos de carreteras


Types of roads


Non-urban Urban roads

Expressways National Highways Expressway Arterial
s Streets
Sub-arterial Local
State Highways Major District Roads
Streets Streets

Village Roads

- What is being classified in the Reading? = Types of roads

- How are Classified? = Non-urban and urban

- Which streets are divided highways into full or partial access roads? = Arterial Street

- What non-urban road includes main arterial routes? = State Highways

- What does – They- refer to in paraghaph 2, line 2? = Expressway

- What does – these– refer to in paraghaph 11, line 2? = Local Street

- These are roads joining villages or group of villages with each = Village Roads

- What roads have the same function on non-urban and urban roads? = Expressway

- On urban roads, which road does not carry substantial amounts of traffic? = Local Streets

- This street has a spacing of three - 5km within the sub-urban fringes. = Sub-arterial Streets


The first bridges appeared in nature by themselves. A log could fall across a stream and form a natural bridge or stones
could fall into a river from a nearby cliff. When humans started building bridges, they built them in simple form out of cut
wooden logs or planks, stones, with a simple support and crossbeam arrangement, sometimes with use of natural fibers
woven together to hold materials. One of the oldest arch bridges in existence is Arkadiko Bridge in the Peloponnese,
Greece. It dates from 13th century BC , built by the ancient Romans. They were the greatest bridge builders of ancient
times. They built arch bridges and aqueducts some of which still stand today. They also used cement which consisted of
water, lime, sand, and volcanic rock. Indians also built bridges, which is documented in their ancient text the
Arthashastra which was written between 4th and 3rd century BC. They used plaited bamboo and iron chain as
materials. The Chinese oldest surviving stone bridge is the Zhaozhou Bridge. It was built from 595 to 605 AD during the
Sui Dynasty. It is also it the world's oldest stone segmental arch bridge built with open spandrels.

Between 12th and 16th century many bridges were built with houses on them. They were solution for limited
accommodation in walled cities and only France had as many as 35. Inca civilization used rope bridges, a simple type
of suspension bridge, in the 16th century. Hans Ulrich, Johannes Grubenmann, and others improved bridge-building in
the 18th century. At the same time Hubert Gautier wrote a book on bridge engineering.The Iron Bridge, built in
Coalbrookdale, England in 1779, was one of the engineering marvels of the time because it used cast iron for the first

Industrial Revolution in the 19th century brings truss systems of wrought iron (an iron alloy with a very low carbon) but it
did not have the tensile strength to carry the large weights. Enters steel, with its higher tensile strength, which replaces
the iron and allows for much larger bridges. Gustave Eiffel, with his fresh ideas, was one of the first to use it.

The first welded road bridge in the world was built by welding pioneer Stefan Bryła in 1927.

With Industrial Revolution many different types of bridge appeared and became possible because of technological

The topic of the Reading is:

Historia de los puentes

Word and phrases that indicate historical secuence:

• From 13th century BC

• Between 4th and 3rd century BC
• From 595 to 605 AD
• Between 12th and 16th century
• In the 16th century
• In the 18th century
• In 1779
• In the 19th century
• In 1927


• Appeared
• Started
• Used
• Documented
• Was
• Were
• Had
• Wrote
• Did
• Appeared

Who? What? When?

Ancient Romans Built the Arkadiko Bridge From 13th century BC
Indians Used plaited bamboo and iron chain Between 4th and 3rd century BC
as materials
Inca civilization Used rope bridges In the 16th century
Hans Ulrich, Johannes Grubenmann, Improved bridge-building In the 18th century
and others
Stefan Bryła Was built the first welded road bridge In 1927.
in the world

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