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X-Min X-Max X-Spacing Y-Min Y-Max Y-Spacing Z-Min Z-Max Z-Spacing Y-Nodes
X-Nodes Z-Nodes
481875 482175 5 4399725 4400025 5 1682 1770 1 61
61 89

Name Pattern Size Background Foreground Thickness Percent Density
Aquifer 1 20 2 16776960 16711680 1 100 1 1
Aquifer 2 20 2 12615680 0 1 100 1 2

Name Pattern Size Background Foreground Thickness Percent Density
Clay 5 2 16752190 0 1 100 0.3 2
Gravel 18 1.5 8454143 255 1 100 0.6 5
Ignimbrite 145 2 16711808 16777215 2 100 1 9
Mudstone 53 1.5 21248 16777215 1 100 1 6
Rhyolite 38 2 8388863 0 1 100 1 8
Sand 2 2 65535 0 1 100 0.7 4
Silt 25 3 32512 65535 1 100 0.8 3
Siltstone 23 3 41984 16777215 1 100 1 7
Soil 225 1 38293 0 1 100 1 1

Name Pattern Size Background Foreground Thickness Percent Density
Spergen Fm. 4 3 4190462 4356861 1 100 0.2 2
A-Horizon 26 1 3963268 0 1 100 1 1
Leadville Ls. 3 1 16760445 0 1 100 1 3
Potosi Fm. 4 2 289205 0 1 100 1 4
Basement 38 2 10366209 0 1 100 1 5


Name Pattern Size Background Foreground Thickness Percent Density
Screen 5 1 16777215 0 1 100 0.3 1
Casing 243 3 16777181 0 1 100 1 10
Sand Pack 2 3 65535 0 1 100 1 9
1/2" PVC 243 5 16745604 0 1 100 1 8
Bentonite 8 3 32768 0 1 100 1 7
Concrete 140 2 12632256 128 1 100 1 6
Cover 10 4 12632256 16777215 1 100 1 5
Gravel 39 1.5 8454143 0 1 100 1 4
Grout 84 2 8421504 0 1 100 1 3
Pump 7 2 255 16777215 1 100 1 2

Benzene Soil

Sample ID




Bore Enabled Symbol Color GEIcon Easting Northing Elevation
CollarElevation TotalDepth dd_lon dd_lat lcs_x lcs_y lcs_unit
spc_zone spc_x spc_y spc_unit utm_datum utm_zone utm_x utm_y
utm_unit pls_meridian pls_range pls_township pls_section
pls_offset_based pls_x_offset pls_fwl pls_y_offset pls_fsl
DH-01 True 5 0 30 481976.2 4399822.3 1754.6 1755.8 56.3
0 0 0 0 1 502 -1110186.06846559 1299295.10476919 1
22 12 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 True 0 False 0
DH-02 True 35 255 35 482073.8 4399904.5 1760.2 1761.4 93.57
0 0 0 0 1 502 0 0 1 22 12 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 True 0 False 0 False
DH-03 True 5 16711680 5 481951.7 4399925.3 1755.2 1756.4
52.12 0 0 0 0 1 502 0 0 1 22 12 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 True 0 False 0 False
DH-04 True 60 0 4 482073.8 4399822.3 1756.8 1758 69.8 0
0 0 0 1 502 0 0 1 22 12 0 0 1
0 0 0 0 True 0 False 0 False
DH-05 True 22 32512 21 482025.2 4399863.5 1756.1 1757.3 46
0 0 0 0 1 502 0 0 1 22 12 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 True 0 False 0 False
DH-06 True 15 16711680 15 482025.2 4399781 1754.8 1756.1
70.1 0 0 0 0 1 502 0 0 1 22 12 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 True 0 False 0 False
DH-07 True 41 8323199 2 482122.8 4399863.5 1765.2 1766.4
64.92 0 0 0 0 1 502 0 0 1 22 12 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 True 0 False 0 False
DH-08 True 5 8355711 5 482025.2 4399945.7 1756.7 1758 59.44
0 0 0 0 1 502 0 0 1 22 12 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 True 0 False 0 False
DH-09 True 11 8355584 11 481927.2 4399863.5 1755 1756.2 53.64
0 0 0 0 1 502 0 0 1 22 12 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 True 0 False 0 False
DH-10 True 41 32639 42 481927.2 4399781 1753.4 1754.6 62.18
0 0 0 0 1 502 0 0 1 22 12 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 True 0 False 0 False
DH-11 True 22 16711680 25 482122.8 4399781 1757.4 1758.6
62.5 0 0 0 0 1 502 0 0 1 22 12 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 True 0 False 0 False
DH-12 True 25 255 22 482122.8 4399945.7 1765.1 1766.3 210
0 0 0 0 1 502 0 0 1 22 12 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 True 0 False 0 False
DH-13 True 14 0 1 481975.1 4399754.6 1754.4 1755.6 92.35
0 0 0 0 1 502 0 0 1 22 12 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 True 0 False 0 False
DH-14 True 14 0 1 482082.8 4399746.4 1755.4 1756.6 63.1
0 0 0 0 1 502 0 0 1 22 12 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 True 0 False 0 False
DH-15 True 14 0 1 482135.8 4399833.6 1764.2 1765.4 65.84
0 0 0 0 1 502 0 0 1 22 12 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 True 0 False 0 False
DH-16 True 14 0 1 481897.7 4399828.9 1753.7 1754.9 54.9
0 0 0 0 1 502 0 0 1 22 12 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 True 0 False 0 False
DH-17 True 14 0 1 481927.9 4399965.6 1754 1755.2 49.1 0
0 0 0 1 502 0 0 1 22 12 0 0 1
0 0 0 0 True 0 False 0 False
DH-18 True 14 0 1 481986.6 4399957.4 1755.9 1757.1 50.3
0 0 0 0 1 502 0 0 1 22 12 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 True 0 False 0 False
DH-19 True 14 0 1 482081.7 4399981 1761.8 1763.1 39.32
0 0 0 0 1 502 0 0 1 22 12 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 True 0 False 0 False
DH-20 True 14 0 1 482168.2 4399976.3 1768.3 1769.5 45
0 0 0 0 1 502 0 0 1 22 12 0 0
1 6 0 0 0 True 0 False 0 False
DH-21 True 14 0 1 481996.7 4399898.8 1755.8 1757 51.82 0
0 0 0 1 502 0 0 1 22 12 0 0 1
0 0 0 0 True 0 False 0 False
DH-22 True 14 0 1 482154.1 4399918.7 1767.4 1768.6 55.2
0 0 0 0 1 502 0 0 1 22 12 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 True 0 False 0 False
DH-23 True 14 0 1 482170 4399838 1767.6 1768.8 78.94
0 0 0 0 1 502 0 0 1 22 12 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 True 0 False 0 False
DH-24 True 14 0 1 482168.9 4399767.2 1762 1763.3 57.3 0
0 0 0 1 502 0 0 1 22 12 0 0 1
0 0 0 0 True 0 False 0 False
DH-25 True 14 0 1 482137.6 4399730 1755.8 1757 64.01 0
0 0 0 1 502 0 0 1 22 12 0 0 1
0 0 0 0 True 0 False 0 False
DH-26 True 14 0 1 482018 4399737.6 1754.6 1755.8 68.6
0 0 0 0 1 502 0 0 1 22 12 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 True 0 False 0 False
DH-27 True 14 0 1 481884 4399741.7 1752.2 1753.4 57
0 0 0 0 1 502 0 0 1 22 12 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 True 0 False 0 False
DH-28 True 14 0 1 482046.4 4399826.4 1755.8 1757 71.63 0
0 0 0 1 502 0 0 1 22 12 0 0 1
0 0 0 0 True 0 False 0 False
DH-29 True 14 0 1 481880 4399874.3 1755.1 1756.3 68.88
0 0 0 0 1 502 0 0 1 22 12 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 True 0 False 0 False
DH-30 True 14 0 1 481896.6 4399952.4 1753.2 1754.4 57.3
0 0 0 0 1 502 0 0 1 22 12 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 True 0 False 0 False
DH-31 True 14 0 1 481979.8 4399998.3 1756.2 1757.5 44.2
0 0 0 0 1 502 0 0 1 22 12 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 True 0 False 0 False
DH-32 True 14 0 1 482033.8 4400010 1759.8 1761 49.7 0
0 0 0 1 502 0 0 1 22 12 0 0 1
0 0 0 0 True 0 False 0 False
DH-33 True 14 0 1 482135.8 4399996.8 1766.9 1768.2 48.8
0 0 0 0 1 502 0 0 1 22 12 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 True 0 False 0 False
DH-34 True 14 0 1 482073.8 4399782 1756 1757.2 62.8 0
0 0 0 1 502 0 0 1 22 12 0 0 1
0 0 0 0 True 0 False 0 False
DH-35 True 14 0 1 481982 4399795.8 1754.4 1755.7 72.54
0 0 0 0 1 502 0 0 1 22 12 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 True 0 False 0 False
DH-36 True 14 0 1 481971.1 4399853.5 1754.8 1756 52.8 0
0 0 0 1 502 0 0 1 22 12 0 0 1
0 0 0 0 True 0 False 0 False
DH-37 True 14 0 1 482037.8 4399918.7 1756.5 1757.7 55.2
0 0 0 0 1 502 0 0 1 22 12 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 True 0 False 0 False
DH-38 True 14 0 1 481882.9 4399850.9 1754.4 1755.6 63.1
0 0 0 0 1 502 0 0 1 22 12 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 True 0 False 0 False
DH-39 True 14 0 1 481906.3 4399996.8 1752.8 1754 312.54
0 0 0 0 1 502 0 0 1 22 12 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 True 0 False 0 False
DH-40 True 14 0 1 482029.9 4399894.7 1756.3 1757.5 50.3
0 0 0 0 1 502 0 0 1 22 12 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 True 0 False 0 False
DH-41 True 14 0 1 482078.9 4399879 1760 1761.3 67.97 0
0 0 0 1 502 0 0 1 22 12 0 0 1
0 0 0 0 True 0 False 0 False
DH-42 True 14 0 1 482028.1 4399824.8 1755.4 1756.6 70.1
0 0 0 0 1 502 0 0 1 22 12 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 True 0 False 0 False
DH-43 True 14 0 1 482080.3 4399947 1761.6 1762.8 67.1
0 0 0 0 1 502 0 0 1 22 12 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 True 0 False 0 False

Bore Depth Azimuth Inclination
DH-02 0 275 -45
DH-04 0 270 -45
DH-06 0 315 -70
DH-12 0 215 -90
DH-12 30 215 -90
DH-12 50 200 0
DH-12 100 190 -5
DH-12 125 200 0
DH-12 150 195 5
DH-12 175 210 0
DH-14 0 315 -45
DH-19 0 270 -45
DH-27 0 45 -60
DH-39 0 0 -90
DH-39 30 1.8 -89.6
DH-39 41.34 102.3 -82.7
DH-39 52.71 179 -51.1
DH-39 71.03 178.9 -15.3
DH-39 111.05 178.9 0.8
DH-39 146.07 178.9 4.2
DH-39 177.44 178.9 1.3
DH-39 211.27 178.9 -7.7
DH-39 245.84 178.9 -3.7
DH-39 277.13 178.9 -0.1
DH-39 312.54 178.9 -0.6
DH-43 0 265 -48

Bore Depth1 Depth2 Lithology Comment
DH-01 0 1.5 Soil
DH-01 1.5 7.5 Gravel
DH-01 7.5 12.3 Silt
DH-01 12.3 24.2 Gravel
DH-01 24.2 40.2 Sand
DH-01 40.2 56.3 Ignimbrite
DH-02 0 2.3 Soil
DH-02 2.3 40 Gravel
DH-02 40 61 Clay
DH-02 61 62.5 Mudstone
DH-02 62.5 73.2 Clay
DH-02 73.2 93.57 Ignimbrite
DH-03 0 1.4 Soil
DH-03 1.4 3.1 Gravel
DH-03 3.1 4.9 Clay
DH-03 4.9 22.9 Gravel
DH-03 22.9 50.3 Sand
DH-03 50.3 52.1 Siltstone
DH-04 0 3.1 Soil
DH-04 3.1 13.7 Gravel
DH-04 13.7 17.7 Silt
DH-04 17.7 31.7 Gravel
DH-04 31.7 55 Clay
DH-04 55 66.1 Sand
DH-04 66.1 69.8 Siltstone
DH-05 0 3.7 Soil
DH-05 3.7 32 Gravel
DH-05 32 46 Clay
DH-06 0 4.1 Soil
DH-06 4.1 10.5 Gravel
DH-06 10.5 14.7 Silt
DH-06 14.7 15.2 Gravel
DH-06 15.2 18.3 Silt
DH-06 18.3 37.8 Gravel
DH-06 37.8 57.7 Clay
DH-06 57.7 65.5 Sand
DH-06 65.5 70.1 Siltstone
DH-07 0 2.9 Soil
DH-07 2.9 23.7 Gravel
DH-07 23.7 51.2 Clay
DH-07 51.2 58.2 Sand
DH-07 58.2 64 Siltstone
DH-07 64 64.9 Mudstone
DH-08 0 1.6 Soil
DH-08 1.6 20.7 Gravel
DH-08 20.7 27.4 Clay
DH-08 27.4 29 Silt
DH-08 29 38.1 Clay
DH-08 38.1 39.9 Silt
DH-08 39.9 46.4 Clay
DH-08 46.4 54.3 Sand
DH-08 54.3 59.4 Siltstone
DH-09 0 2.9 Soil
DH-09 2.9 4.9 Gravel
DH-09 4.9 7.6 Clay
DH-09 7.6 27.3 Gravel
DH-09 27.3 28.5 Clay
DH-09 28.5 48.8 Sand
DH-09 48.8 53.6 Siltstone
DH-10 0 2.1 Soil
DH-10 2.1 22.1 Gravel
DH-10 22.1 48.5 Sand
DH-10 48.5 51.8 Siltstone
DH-10 51.8 62.18 Ignimbrite
DH-11 0 3 Soil
DH-11 3 9.9 Gravel
DH-11 9.9 12.7 Silt
DH-11 12.7 19.2 Gravel
DH-11 19.2 42 Clay
DH-11 42 53.3 Sand
DH-11 53.3 61 Siltstone
DH-11 61 62.5 Mudstone
DH-12 0 2.7 Soil
DH-12 2.7 23.29 Gravel
DH-12 23.29 34.63 Clay
DH-12 34.63 75 Sand
DH-12 75 100 Clay
DH-12 100 125 Sand
DH-12 125 130 Clay
DH-12 130 135 Rhyolite
DH-12 135 150 Clay
DH-12 150 190 Sand
DH-12 190 195 Ignimbrite
DH-12 195 210 Clay
DH-13 0 2.7 Soil
DH-13 2.7 23.2 Gravel
DH-13 23.2 68.9 Sand
DH-13 68.9 71.6 Siltstone
DH-13 71.6 92.35 Ignimbrite
DH-14 0 2.6 Soil
DH-14 2.6 25 Gravel
DH-14 25 53.9 Clay
DH-14 53.9 58.3 Sand
DH-14 58.3 63.1 Siltstone
DH-15 0 2.2 Soil
DH-15 2.2 24 Gravel
DH-15 24 47.8 Clay
DH-15 47.8 56.3 Sand
DH-15 56.3 60.4 Siltstone
DH-15 60.4 63.1 Mudstone
DH-15 63.1 65.8 Siltstone
DH-16 0 0.6 Soil
DH-16 0.6 2.4 Gravel
DH-16 2.4 5.8 Clay
DH-16 5.8 27.4 Gravel
DH-16 27.4 44.6 Sand
DH-16 44.6 54.9 Siltstone
DH-17 0 18.5 Gravel
DH-17 18.5 42.7 Sand
DH-17 42.7 45.5 Sand
DH-17 45.5 49.1 Siltstone
DH-18 0 1.3 Soil
DH-18 1.3 18.1 Gravel
DH-18 18.1 48.2 Sand
DH-18 48.2 50.3 Siltstone
DH-19 0 5.6 Soil
DH-19 5.6 39.3 Gravel
DH-20 0 1.9 Soil
DH-20 1.9 19.7 Gravel
DH-20 19.7 24.4 Clay
DH-20 24.4 25.9 Silt
DH-20 25.9 30.5 Clay
DH-20 30.5 40.5 Sand
DH-20 40.5 43.6 Siltstone
DH-21 0 1.8 Soil
DH-21 1.8 18.3 Gravel
DH-21 18.3 21.9 Sand
DH-21 21.9 26.1 Gravel
DH-21 26.1 49.5 Sand
DH-21 49.5 51.8 Siltstone
DH-22 0 1.7 Soil
DH-22 1.7 14.2 Gravel
DH-22 14.2 22.9 Clay
DH-22 22.9 25 Silt
DH-22 25 37.5 Clay
DH-22 37.5 53.3 Sand
DH-22 53.3 55.2 Siltstone
DH-23 0 1.6 Soil
DH-23 1.6 18.1 Gravel
DH-23 18.1 48.5 Clay
DH-23 48.5 54.3 Sand
DH-23 54.3 57.9 Siltstone
DH-23 57.9 60.4 Mudstone
DH-23 60.4 62.5 Siltstone
DH-23 62.5 78.94 Ignimbrite
DH-24 0 3.2 Soil
DH-24 3.2 7.9 Gravel
DH-24 7.9 10.1 Silt
DH-24 10.1 21.6 Gravel
DH-24 21.6 43 Clay
DH-24 43 49.2 Sand
DH-24 49.2 57.3 Siltstone
DH-25 0 1.7 Soil
DH-25 1.7 14.6 Gravel
DH-25 14.6 42.8 Clay
DH-25 42.8 48.5 Sand
DH-25 48.5 53.3 Siltstone
DH-25 53.3 55.8 Mudstone
DH-25 55.8 64 Siltstone
DH-26 0 33.4 Gravel
DH-26 33.4 59.9 Clay
DH-26 59.9 65.8 Sand
DH-26 65.8 68.6 Siltstone
DH-27 0 18.8 Gravel
DH-27 18.8 49.4 Sand
DH-27 49.4 57 Siltstone
DH-28 0 2.9 Soil
DH-28 2.9 20.1 Gravel
DH-28 20.1 22.3 Clay
DH-28 22.3 31.2 Gravel
DH-28 31.2 54.7 Clay
DH-28 54.7 68.9 Sand
DH-28 68.9 71.6 Siltstone
DH-29 0 0.6 Soil
DH-29 0.6 29.9 Gravel
DH-29 29.9 58.4 Sand
DH-29 58.4 64 Siltstone
DH-30 0 0.6 Soil
DH-30 0.6 27.2 Gravel
DH-30 27.2 49.4 Sand
DH-30 49.4 57.3 Siltstone
DH-31 0 1 Soil
DH-31 1 3.4 Gravel
DH-31 3.4 5.4 Clay
DH-31 5.4 14.8 Gravel
DH-31 14.8 40.2 Sand
DH-31 40.2 44.2 Siltstone
DH-32 0 1.6 Soil
DH-32 1.6 21.4 Gravel
DH-32 21.4 30.5 Clay
DH-32 30.5 32 Silt
DH-32 32 39.6 Clay
DH-32 39.6 49.7 Sand
DH-33 0 0.8 Gravel
DH-33 0.8 5.6 Clay
DH-33 5.6 21.13 Gravel
DH-33 21.13 31.61 Clay
DH-33 31.61 42.93 Sand
DH-33 42.93 48.75 Siltstone
DH-33 48.75 48.8 Siltstone
DH-34 0 3.4 Soil
DH-34 3.4 10.7 Gravel
DH-34 10.7 15.5 Silt
DH-34 15.5 35.4 Gravel
DH-34 35.4 54 Clay
DH-34 54 57.9 Sand
DH-34 57.9 62.8 Siltstone
DH-35 0 3.1 Soil
DH-35 3.1 10.9 Gravel
DH-35 10.9 14.9 Silt
DH-35 14.9 24.5 Gravel
DH-35 24.5 63.4 Sand
DH-35 63.4 66.8 Siltstone
DH-35 66.8 72.54 Ignimbrite
DH-36 0 2.5 Soil
DH-36 2.5 24.6 Gravel
DH-36 24.6 40 Sand
DH-36 40 52.8 Ignimbrite
DH-37 0 2.1 Soil
DH-37 2.1 21.9 Gravel
DH-37 21.9 42 Clay
DH-37 42 46.94 Sand
DH-38 0 0.6 Soil
DH-38 0.6 30.3 Gravel
DH-38 30.3 53 Sand
DH-38 53 63.1 Siltstone
DH-39 0 0.6 Soil
DH-39 0.6 16.6 Gravel
DH-39 16.6 45.8 Sand
DH-39 45.8 85 Siltstone
DH-39 85 95 Sand
DH-39 95 200 Siltstone
DH-39 200 201 Rhyolite
DH-39 201 205 Siltstone
DH-39 205 210 Rhyolite
DH-39 210 300 Siltstone
DH-39 300 312.5 Ignimbrite
DH-40 0 2.4 Soil
DH-40 2.4 30.2 Gravel
DH-40 30.2 45.3 Clay
DH-40 45.3 50.3 Sand
DH-41 0 3.1 Soil
DH-41 3.1 31.3 Gravel
DH-41 31.3 48.2 Clay
DH-41 48.2 62.6 Sand
DH-41 62.6 65.5 Siltstone
DH-42 0 2.7 Soil
DH-42 2.7 31.7 Gravel
DH-42 31.7 55.8 Clay
DH-42 55.8 68.9 Sand
DH-42 68.9 70.1 Siltstone
DH-43 0 3 Soil
DH-43 3 23.6 Gravel
DH-43 23.6 30.8 Clay
DH-43 30.8 34.1 Silt
DH-43 34.1 46.3 Clay
DH-43 46.3 48.5 Silt
DH-43 48.5 65.2 Clay
DH-43 65.2 67.1 Siltstone

Bore Depth1 Depth2 Stratigraphy Comment
DH-01 0 1.5 A-Horizon
DH-01 1.5 23.2 Spergen Fm.
DH-01 23.2 Potosi Fm.
DH-01 23.2 23.2 Leadville Ls.
DH-02 0 2.3 A-Horizon
DH-02 2.3 40 Spergen Fm.
DH-02 40 70 Leadville Ls.
DH-02 70 Potosi Fm.
DH-03 0 1.4 A-Horizon
DH-03 1.4 22.9 Spergen Fm.
DH-03 22.9 22.9 Leadville Ls.
DH-03 22.9 50.3 Potosi Fm.
DH-03 50.3 52.1 Basement
DH-04 0 3.1 A-Horizon
DH-04 3.1 40 Spergen Fm.
DH-04 40 Leadville Ls.
DH-05 0 3.7 A-Horizon
DH-05 3.7 32 Spergen Fm.
DH-05 32 46 Leadville Ls.
DH-06 0 4.1 A-Horizon
DH-06 4.1 37.8 Spergen Fm.
DH-06 37.8 65.5 Potosi Fm.
DH-06 65.5 70.1 Basement
DH-07 0 2.9 A-Horizon
DH-07 2.9 23.7 Spergen Fm.
DH-07 23.7 51.2 Leadville Ls.
DH-07 51.2 58.2 Potosi Fm.
DH-07 58.2 64.9 Basement
DH-08 0 1.6 A-Horizon
DH-08 1.6 20.7 Spergen Fm.
DH-08 20.7 46.4 Leadville Ls.
DH-08 46.4 54.3 Potosi Fm.
DH-08 54.3 59.4 Basement
DH-09 0 2.9 A-Horizon
DH-09 2.9 27.3 Spergen Fm.
DH-09 27.3 27.3 Leadville Ls.
DH-09 27.3 50 Potosi Fm.
DH-09 50 Basement
DH-10 0 2.1 A-Horizon
DH-10 2.1 22.1 Spergen Fm.
DH-10 22.1 22.1 Leadville Ls.
DH-10 22.1 48.5 Potosi Fm.
DH-10 48.5 51.8 Basement
DH-11 0 3 A-Horizon
DH-11 3 19.2 Spergen Fm.
DH-11 19.2 42 Leadville Ls.
DH-11 42 53.3 Potosi Fm.
DH-11 53.3 62.5 Basement
DH-12 0 2.7 A-Horizon
DH-12 2.7 23.29 Spergen Fm.
DH-12 23.29 34.63 Leadville Ls.
DH-12 34.63 Potosi Fm.
DH-13 0 2.7 A-Horizon
DH-13 2.7 23.2 Spergen Fm.
DH-13 23.2 23.2 Leadville Ls.
DH-13 23.2 68.9 Potosi Fm.
DH-13 68.9 71.6 Basement
DH-14 0 2.6 A-Horizon
DH-14 2.6 25 Spergen Fm.
DH-14 25 53.9 Leadville Ls.
DH-14 53.9 58.3 Potosi Fm.
DH-14 58.3 63.1 Basement
DH-15 0 2.2 A-Horizon
DH-15 2.2 24 Spergen Fm.
DH-15 24 47.8 Leadville Ls.
DH-15 47.8 56.3 Potosi Fm.
DH-15 56.3 65.8 Basement
DH-16 0 0.6 A-Horizon
DH-16 0.6 27.4 Spergen Fm.
DH-16 27.4 27.4 Leadville Ls.
DH-16 27.4 44.6 Potosi Fm.
DH-16 44.6 54.9 Basement
DH-17 0 0.6 A-Horizon
DH-17 0.6 18.5 Spergen Fm.
DH-17 18.5 18.5 Leadville Ls.
DH-17 18.5 45.5 Potosi Fm.
DH-17 45.5 49.1 Basement
DH-18 0 1.3 A-Horizon
DH-18 1.3 18.1 Spergen Fm.
DH-18 18.1 18.1 Leadville Ls.
DH-18 18.1 48.2 Potosi Fm.
DH-18 48.2 50.3 Basement
DH-19 0 5.6 A-Horizon
DH-19 5.6 26 Spergen Fm.
DH-19 26 Leadville Ls.
DH-20 0 1.9 A-Horizon
DH-20 1.9 19.7 Spergen Fm.
DH-20 19.7 30.5 Leadville Ls.
DH-20 30.5 40.5 Potosi Fm.
DH-20 40.5 43.6 Basement
DH-21 0 1.8 A-Horizon
DH-21 1.8 26.1 Spergen Fm.
DH-21 26.1 49.5 Potosi Fm.
DH-21 49.5 51.8 Basement
DH-22 0 1.7 A-Horizon
DH-22 1.7 14.03 Spergen Fm.
DH-22 14.03 37.66 Leadville Ls.
DH-22 37.66 53.24 Potosi Fm.
DH-22 53.24 55.2 Basement
DH-23 0 1.6 A-Horizon
DH-23 1.6 18.1 Spergen Fm.
DH-23 18.1 48.94 Leadville Ls.
DH-23 48.94 54.3 Potosi Fm.
DH-23 54.3 62.5 Basement
DH-24 0 3.2 A-Horizon
DH-24 3.2 18 Spergen Fm.
DH-24 18 43 Leadville Ls.
DH-24 43 43 Potosi Fm.
DH-24 43 57.3 Basement
DH-25 0 1.7 A-Horizon
DH-25 1.7 14.6 Spergen Fm.
DH-25 14.6 42.8 Leadville Ls.
DH-25 42.8 48.5 Potosi Fm.
DH-25 48.5 64 Basement
DH-26 0 2.24 A-Horizon
DH-26 2.24 22.09 Spergen Fm.
DH-26 22.09 22.09 Leadville Ls.
DH-26 22.09 65.53 Potosi Fm.
DH-26 65.53 68.6 Basement
DH-27 0 2.1 A-Horizon
DH-27 2.1 25 Spergen Fm.
DH-27 25 25 Leadville Ls.
DH-27 25 50 Potosi Fm.
DH-27 50 Basement
DH-28 0 2.9 A-Horizon
DH-28 2.9 31.2 Spergen Fm.
DH-28 31.2 54.7 Leadville Ls.
DH-28 54.7 68.9 Potosi Fm.
DH-28 68.9 71.6 Basement
DH-29 0 0.6 A-Horizon
DH-29 0.6 29.9 Spergen Fm.
DH-29 29.9 29.9 Leadville Ls.
DH-29 29.9 58.4 Potosi Fm.
DH-29 58.4 64 Basement
DH-30 0 0.6 A-Horizon
DH-30 0.6 27.13 Spergen Fm.
DH-30 27.13 27.13 Leadville Ls.
DH-30 27.13 49.4 Potosi Fm.
DH-30 49.4 57.3 Basement
DH-31 0 1 A-Horizon
DH-31 1 14.8 Spergen Fm.
DH-31 14.8 14.8 Leadville Ls.
DH-31 14.8 40.2 Potosi Fm.
DH-31 40.2 44.2 Basement
DH-32 0 1.6 A-Horizon
DH-32 1.6 21.4 Spergen Fm.
DH-32 21.4 49.7 Potosi Fm.
DH-32 49.7 Basement
DH-33 0 0.9 A-Horizon
DH-33 0.9 21.13 Spergen Fm.
DH-33 21.13 31.94 Leadville Ls.
DH-33 31.94 43.42 Potosi Fm.
DH-33 43.42 48.8 Basement
DH-34 0 3.4 A-Horizon
DH-34 3.4 35.4 Spergen Fm.
DH-34 35.4 54 Leadville Ls.
DH-34 54 57.9 Potosi Fm.
DH-34 57.9 62.8 Basement
DH-35 0 3.1 A-Horizon
DH-35 3.1 24.5 Spergen Fm.
DH-35 24.5 24.5 Leadville Ls.
DH-35 24.5 63.4 Potosi Fm.
DH-35 63.4 66.1 Basement
DH-36 0 2.5 A-Horizon
DH-36 2.5 24.6 Spergen Fm.
DH-36 24.6 24.6 Leadville Ls.
DH-36 24.6 45.7 Potosi Fm.
DH-37 0 2.1 A-Horizon
DH-37 2.1 21.9 Spergen Fm.
DH-37 21.9 45.9 Leadville Ls.
DH-37 45.9 46.9 Potosi Fm.
DH-38 0 0.6 A-Horizon
DH-38 0.6 31.1 Spergen Fm.
DH-38 31.1 53 Potosi Fm.
DH-38 53 63.1 Basement
DH-39 0 0.6 A-Horizon
DH-39 0.6 16.6 Spergen Fm.
DH-39 16.6 45.8 Potosi Fm.
DH-39 45.8 53 Basement
DH-40 0 2.4 A-Horizon
DH-40 2.4 Spergen Fm.
DH-40 30.2 45.3 Leadville Ls.
DH-40 45.3 Potosi Fm.
DH-41 0 3.1 A-Horizon
DH-41 3.1 31.3 Spergen Fm.
DH-41 31.3 48.2 Leadville Ls.
DH-41 48.2 62.6 Potosi Fm.
DH-41 62.6 65.5 Basement
DH-42 0 2.7 A-Horizon
DH-42 2.7 31.7 Spergen Fm.
DH-42 31.7 55.8 Leadville Ls.
DH-42 55.8 68.9 Potosi Fm.
DH-42 68.9 70.1 Basement
DH-43 0 3 A-Horizon
DH-43 3 23.6 Spergen Fm.
DH-43 23.6 67.1 Leadville Ls.
DH-43 67.1 Potosi Fm.

Bore Diameter1 Diameter2 Offset Depth1 Depth2 WellConstruction
DH-01 0 0.5 0.5 0 30.5 1/2" PVC 1/2" PVC
DH-01 0 0.5 -0.5 0 15.2 1/2" PVC 1/2" PVC
DH-01 0 1 0.5 30.5 33.5 Pump Pump
DH-01 0 1 -0.5 15.2 18.3 Pump Pump
DH-01 0 3 0 0 0 Cover Cover
DH-01 0 5 0 36.6 40.2 Grout Grout
DH-01 0 6 0 0 0 Screen Screen
DH-01 2.5 4 0 12.2 21.3 Screen Screen
DH-01 2.5 4 0 27.4 36.6 Screen Screen
DH-01 2.5 5 0 0 12.2 Grout Grout
DH-01 2.5 5 0 21.3 27.4 Grout Grout
DH-01 4 5 0 19.8 21.3 Bentonite Bentonite
DH-01 4 5 0 29 35.1 Gravel Gravel
DH-01 4 5 0 12.2 13.7 Bentonite Bentonite
DH-01 4 5 0 35.1 36.6 Bentonite Bentonite
DH-01 4 5 0 27.4 29 Bentonite Bentonite
DH-01 4 5 0 13.7 19.8 Gravel Gravel
DH-04 0 1 0 0 61 Casing Casing
DH-04 0 1 0 61 65.5 Screen Screen
DH-04 0 3 0 65.5 69.8 Grout Grout
DH-04 0 3 0 0 0.2 Cover Cover
DH-04 1 3 0 59.4 65.5 Sand Pack Bentonite
DH-04 1 3 0 0 59.4 Bentonite Bentonite
DH-11 0 0.5 0.5 0 30.5 1/2" PVC 1/2" PVC
DH-11 0 0.5 -0.5 0 9.1 1/2" PVC 1/2" PVC
DH-11 0 1 -0.5 9.1 10.7 Pump Pump
DH-11 0 1 0.5 30.5 33.5 Pump Pump
DH-11 0 3 0 0 0 Cover Cover
DH-11 0 5 0 12.2 27.4 Grout Grout
DH-11 0 5 0 36.6 36.9 Grout Grout
DH-11 2.5 4 0 27.4 36.6 Screen Screen
DH-11 2.5 4 0 3 12.2 Screen Screen
DH-11 2.5 5 0 0 3 Grout Grout
DH-11 4 5 0 29 35.1 Gravel Gravel
DH-11 4 5 0 35.1 36.6 Bentonite Bentonite
DH-11 4 5 0 3 4.6 Bentonite Bentonite
DH-11 4 5 0 27.4 29 Bentonite Bentonite
DH-11 4 5 0 19.8 21.3 Bentonite Bentonite
DH-11 4 5 0 4.6 12.2 Gravel Gravel
DH-28 0 1 0 0 27.4 Casing Casing
DH-28 0 1 0 27.4 36.6 Screen Screen
DH-28 0 3 0 39.6 43.3 Grout Grout
DH-28 0 3 0 0 0 Cover Cover
DH-28 1 3 0 0 24.4 Bentonite Bentonite
DH-28 1 3 0 24.4 39.6 Sand Pack Bentonite
DH-41 0 1 0 27.4 36.6 Screen Screen
DH-41 0 1 0 0 27.4 Casing Casing
DH-41 0 3 0 39.6 65.2 Grout Grout
DH-41 0 3 0 0 0.2 Cover Cover
DH-41 1 3 0 0 24.4 Bentonite Bentonite
DH-41 1 3 0 24.4 39.6 Sand Pack Bentonite
DH-43 0 1 0 0 27.4 Casing Casing
DH-43 0 1 0 27.4 36.6 Screen Screen
DH-43 0 3 0 39.6 65.2 Grout Grout
DH-43 0 3 0 0 0.2 Cover Cover
DH-43 1 3 0 0 24.4 Bentonite Bentonite
DH-43 1 3 0 24.4 39.6 Sand Pack Sand Pack

Bore Type Depth1 Depth2 Value
DH-01 Color 0 1.5 reddish-brown
DH-01 Color 6.1 7.6 grey and black
DH-01 Color 12.2 13.7 maroon-grey
DH-01 Color 18.3 19.8 light tan
DH-01 Sample ID 0 1.5 DH-01.0
DH-01 Sample ID 6.1 7.6 DH-01.20
DH-01 Sample ID 12.2 13.7 DH-01.40
DH-01 Sample ID 18.3 19.8 DH-01.60
DH-02 Color 0 1.5 reddish-brown
DH-02 Color 6.1 7.6 grey and black
DH-02 Color 12.2 13.7 maroon-grey
DH-02 Color 18.3 19.8 light tan
DH-02 Sample ID 0 1.5 DH-02.0
DH-02 Sample ID 6.1 7.6 DH-02.20
DH-02 Sample ID 12.2 13.7 DH-02.40
DH-02 Sample ID 18.3 19.8 DH-02.60
DH-03 Color 0 1.5 reddish-brown
DH-03 Color 6.1 7.6 grey and black
DH-03 Color 12.2 13.7 maroon-grey
DH-03 Color 19.8 21.3 tan
DH-03 Sample ID 0 1.5 DH-03.0
DH-03 Sample ID 6.1 7.6 DH-03.20
DH-03 Sample ID 12.2 13.7 DH-03.40
DH-03 Sample ID 19.8 21.3 DH-03.65
DH-04 Color 0 1.5 reddish-brown
DH-04 Color 6.1 7.6 grey and black
DH-04 Color 12.2 13.7 maroon-grey
DH-04 Color 18.3 19.8 light tan
DH-04 Color 24.4 25.9 brown and grey
DH-04 Color 30.5 32 brownish-red
DH-04 Sample ID 0 1.5 DH-04.0
DH-04 Sample ID 6.1 7.6 DH-04.20
DH-04 Sample ID 12.2 13.7 DH-04.40
DH-04 Sample ID 18.3 19.8 DH-04.60
DH-04 Sample ID 24.4 25.9 DH-04.80
DH-04 Sample ID 30.5 32 DH-04.100
DH-05 Color 0 1.5 reddish-brown
DH-05 Color 6.1 7.6 grey and black
DH-05 Color 12.2 13.7 maroon-grey
DH-05 Color 18.3 19.8 light tan
DH-05 Sample ID 0 1.5 DH-05.0
DH-05 Sample ID 6.1 7.6 DH-05.20
DH-05 Sample ID 12.2 13.7 DH-05.40
DH-05 Sample ID 18.3 19.8 DH-05.60
DH-06 Color 0 1.5 reddish-brown
DH-06 Color 6.1 7.6 grey and black
DH-06 Color 12.2 13.7 maroon-grey
DH-06 Color 16.8 18.3 maroon-grey
DH-06 Color 22.9 24.4 pink-grey
DH-06 Color 29 30.5 reddish-brown
DH-06 Color 35.1 36.6 brownish-red
DH-06 Sample ID 0 1.5 DH-06.0
DH-06 Sample ID 6.1 7.6 DH-06.20
DH-06 Sample ID 12.2 13.7 DH-06.40
DH-06 Sample ID 16.8 18.3 DH-06.55
DH-06 Sample ID 22.9 24.4 DH-06.75
DH-06 Sample ID 29 30.5 DH-06.95
DH-06 Sample ID 35.1 36.6 DH-06.115
DH-07 Color 0 1.5 reddish-brown
DH-07 Color 6.1 7.6 grey and black
DH-07 Color 12.2 13.7 maroon-grey
DH-07 Color 18.3 19.8 light tan
DH-07 Sample ID 0 1.5 DH-07.0
DH-07 Sample ID 6.1 7.6 DH-07.20
DH-07 Sample ID 12.2 13.7 DH-07.40
DH-07 Sample ID 18.3 19.8 DH-07.60
DH-08 Color 0 1.5 reddish-brown
DH-08 Color 6.1 7.6 grey and black
DH-08 Color 12.2 13.7 maroon-grey
DH-08 Color 18.3 19.8 light tan
DH-08 Sample ID 0 1.5 DH-08.0
DH-08 Sample ID 6.1 7.6 DH-08.20
DH-08 Sample ID 12.2 13.7 DH-08.40
DH-08 Sample ID 18.3 19.8 DH-08.60
DH-09 Color 0 1.5 reddish-brown
DH-09 Color 6.1 7.6 grey and black
DH-09 Color 12.2 13.7 maroon-grey
DH-09 Color 18.3 19.8 light tan
DH-09 Color 24.4 25.9 brown and grey
DH-09 Sample ID 0 1.5 DH-09.0
DH-09 Sample ID 6.1 7.6 DH-09.20
DH-09 Sample ID 12.2 13.7 DH-09.40
DH-09 Sample ID 18.3 19.8 DH-09.60
DH-09 Sample ID 24.4 25.9 DH-09.80
DH-10 Color 0 1.5 reddish-brown
DH-10 Color 6.1 7.6 grey and black
DH-10 Color 12.2 13.7 maroon-grey
DH-10 Color 18.3 19.8 light tan
DH-10 Sample ID 0 1.5 DH-10.0
DH-10 Sample ID 6.1 7.6 DH-10.20
DH-10 Sample ID 12.2 13.7 DH-10.40
DH-10 Sample ID 18.3 19.8 DH-10.60
DH-11 Color 0 1.5 reddish-brown
DH-11 Color 6.1 7.6 grey and black
DH-11 Color 12.2 13.7 maroon-grey
DH-11 Color 18.3 19.8 light tan
DH-11 Sample ID 0 1.5 DH-11.0
DH-11 Sample ID 6.1 7.6 DH-11.20
DH-11 Sample ID 12.2 13.7 DH-11.40
DH-11 Sample ID 18.3 19.8 DH-11.60
DH-12 Color 0 1.5 reddish-brown
DH-12 Color 6.1 7.6 grey and black
DH-12 Color 12.2 13.7 maroon-grey
DH-12 Sample ID 0 1.5 DH-12.0
DH-12 Sample ID 6.1 7.6 DH-12.20
DH-12 Sample ID 12.2 13.7 DH-12.40
DH-13 Color 0 1.5 reddish-brown
DH-13 Color 6.1 7.6 grey and black
DH-13 Color 12.2 13.7 maroon-grey
DH-13 Color 18.3 19.8 light tan
DH-13 Sample ID 0 1.5 DH-13.0
DH-13 Sample ID 6.1 7.6 DH-13.20
DH-13 Sample ID 12.2 13.7 DH-13.40
DH-13 Sample ID 18.3 19.8 DH-13.60
DH-14 Color 0 1.5 reddish-brown
DH-14 Color 6.1 7.6 grey and black
DH-14 Color 12.2 13.7 maroon-grey
DH-14 Color 18.3 19.8 light tan
DH-14 Sample ID 0 1.5 DH-14.0
DH-14 Sample ID 6.1 7.6 DH-14.20
DH-14 Sample ID 12.2 13.7 DH-14.40
DH-14 Sample ID 18.3 19.8 DH-14.60
DH-15 Color 0 1.5 reddish-brown
DH-15 Color 6.1 7.6 grey and black
DH-15 Color 12.2 13.7 maroon-grey
DH-15 Color 18.3 19.8 light tan
DH-15 Sample ID 0 1.5 DH-15.0
DH-15 Sample ID 6.1 7.6 DH-15.20
DH-15 Sample ID 12.2 13.7 DH-15.40
DH-15 Sample ID 18.3 19.8 DH-15.60
DH-16 Color 0 1.5 reddish-brown
DH-16 Color 6.1 7.6 grey and black
DH-16 Color 12.2 13.7 maroon-grey
DH-16 Color 18.3 19.8 light tan
DH-16 Color 24.4 25.9 brown and grey
DH-16 Sample ID 0 1.5 DH-16.0
DH-16 Sample ID 6.1 7.6 DH-16.20
DH-16 Sample ID 12.2 13.7 DH-16.40
DH-16 Sample ID 18.3 19.8 DH-16.60
DH-16 Sample ID 24.4 25.9 DH-16.80
DH-17 Color 0 1.5 reddish-brown
DH-17 Color 6.1 7.6 grey and black
DH-17 Color 12.2 13.7 maroon-grey
DH-17 Color 16.8 18.3 maroon-grey
DH-17 Sample ID 0 1.5 DH-17.0
DH-17 Sample ID 6.1 7.6 DH-17.20
DH-17 Sample ID 12.2 13.7 DH-17.40
DH-17 Sample ID 16.8 18.3 DH-17.55
DH-18 Color 0 1.5 reddish-brown
DH-18 Color 6.1 7.6 grey and black
DH-18 Color 12.2 13.7 maroon-grey
DH-18 Sample ID 0 1.5 DH-18.0
DH-18 Sample ID 6.1 7.6 DH-18.20
DH-18 Sample ID 12.2 13.7 DH-18.40
DH-19 Color 0 1.5 reddish-brown
DH-19 Color 6.1 7.6 grey and black
DH-19 Color 12.2 13.7 maroon-grey
DH-19 Color 18.3 19.8 light tan
DH-19 Color 24.4 25.9 brown and grey
DH-19 Color 30.5 32 brownish-red
DH-19 Sample ID 0 1.5 DH-19.0
DH-19 Sample ID 6.1 7.6 DH-19.20
DH-19 Sample ID 12.2 13.7 DH-19.40
DH-19 Sample ID 18.3 19.8 DH-19.60
DH-19 Sample ID 24.4 25.9 DH-19.80
DH-19 Sample ID 30.5 32 DH-19.100
DH-20 Color 0 1.5 reddish-brown
DH-20 Color 6.1 7.6 grey and black
DH-20 Color 12.2 13.7 maroon-grey
DH-20 Color 18.3 19.8 light tan
DH-20 Sample ID 0 1.5 DH-20.0
DH-20 Sample ID 6.1 7.6 DH-20.20
DH-20 Sample ID 12.2 13.7 DH-20.40
DH-20 Sample ID 18.3 19.8 DH-20.60
DH-21 Color 0 1.5 reddish-brown
DH-21 Color 6.1 7.6 grey and black
DH-21 Color 12.2 13.7 maroon-grey
DH-21 Color 18.3 19.8 light tan
DH-21 Color 24.4 25.9 brown and grey
DH-21 Sample ID 0 1.5 DH-21.0
DH-21 Sample ID 6.1 7.6 DH-21.20
DH-21 Sample ID 12.2 13.7 DH-21.40
DH-21 Sample ID 18.3 19.8 DH-21.60
DH-21 Sample ID 24.4 25.9 DH-21.80
DH-22 Color 0 1.5 reddish-brown
DH-22 Color 6.1 7.6 grey and black
DH-22 Color 12.2 13.7 maroon-grey
DH-22 Sample ID 0 1.5 DH-22.0
DH-22 Sample ID 6.1 7.6 DH-22.20
DH-22 Sample ID 12.2 13.7 DH-22.40
DH-23 Color 0 1.5 reddish-brown
DH-23 Color 6.1 7.6 grey and black
DH-23 Color 12.2 13.7 maroon-grey
DH-23 Sample ID 0 1.5 DH-23.0
DH-23 Sample ID 6.1 7.6 DH-23.20
DH-23 Sample ID 12.2 13.7 DH-23.40
DH-24 Color 0 1.5 reddish-brown
DH-24 Color 6.1 7.6 grey and black
DH-24 Color 12.2 13.7 maroon-grey
DH-24 Color 18.3 19.8 light tan
DH-24 Sample ID 0 1.5 DH-24.0
DH-24 Sample ID 6.1 7.6 DH-24.20
DH-24 Sample ID 12.2 13.7 DH-24.40
DH-24 Sample ID 18.3 19.8 DH-24.60
DH-25 Color 0 1.5 reddish-brown
DH-25 Color 6.1 7.6 grey and black
DH-25 Color 12.2 13.7 maroon-grey
DH-25 Sample ID 0 1.5 DH-25.0
DH-25 Sample ID 6.1 7.6 DH-25.20
DH-25 Sample ID 12.2 13.7 DH-25.40
DH-26 Color 0 1.5 reddish-brown
DH-26 Color 6.1 7.6 grey and black
DH-26 Color 12.2 13.7 maroon-grey
DH-26 Color 18.3 19.8 light tan
DH-26 Color 24.4 25.9 brown and grey
DH-26 Color 30.5 32 brownish-red
DH-26 Sample ID 0 1.5 DH-26.0
DH-26 Sample ID 6.1 7.6 DH-26.20
DH-26 Sample ID 12.2 13.7 DH-26.40
DH-26 Sample ID 18.3 19.8 DH-26.60
DH-26 Sample ID 24.4 25.9 DH-26.80
DH-26 Sample ID 30.5 32 DH-26.100
DH-27 Color 1.5 3 reddish-brown
DH-27 Color 6.1 7.6 grey and black
DH-27 Color 12.2 13.7 maroon-grey
DH-27 Sample ID 1.5 3 DH-27.5
DH-27 Sample ID 6.1 7.6 DH-27.20
DH-27 Sample ID 12.2 13.7 DH-27.40
DH-28 Color 0 1.5 reddish-brown
DH-28 Color 6.1 7.6 grey and black
DH-28 Color 12.2 13.7 maroon-grey
DH-28 Color 18.3 19.8 light tan
DH-28 Color 24.4 25.9 brown and grey
DH-28 Sample ID 0 1.5 DH-28.0
DH-28 Sample ID 6.1 7.6 DH-28.20
DH-28 Sample ID 12.2 13.7 DH-28.40
DH-28 Sample ID 18.3 19.8 DH-28.60
DH-28 Sample ID 24.4 25.9 DH-28.80
DH-29 Color 0 1.5 reddish-brown
DH-29 Color 6.1 7.6 grey and black
DH-29 Color 12.2 13.7 maroon-grey
DH-29 Color 18.3 19.8 light tan
DH-29 Color 24.4 25.9 brown and grey
DH-29 Sample ID 0 1.5 DH-29.0
DH-29 Sample ID 6.1 7.6 DH-29.20
DH-29 Sample ID 12.2 13.7 DH-29.40
DH-29 Sample ID 18.3 19.8 DH-29.60
DH-29 Sample ID 24.4 25.9 DH-29.80
DH-30 Color 0 1.5 reddish-brown
DH-30 Color 6.1 7.6 grey and black
DH-30 Color 12.2 13.7 maroon-grey
DH-30 Color 18.3 19.8 light tan
DH-30 Color 24.4 25.9 brown and grey
DH-30 Sample ID 0 1.5 DH-30.0
DH-30 Sample ID 6.1 7.6 DH-30.20
DH-30 Sample ID 12.2 13.7 DH-30.40
DH-30 Sample ID 18.3 19.8 DH-30.60
DH-30 Sample ID 24.4 25.9 DH-30.80
DH-31 Color 0 1.5 reddish-brown
DH-31 Color 6.1 7.6 grey and black
DH-31 Color 12.2 13.7 maroon-grey
DH-31 Sample ID 0 1.5 DH-31.0
DH-31 Sample ID 6.1 7.6 DH-31.20
DH-31 Sample ID 12.2 13.7 DH-31.40
DH-32 Color 0 1.5 reddish-brown
DH-32 Color 6.1 7.6 grey and black
DH-32 Color 12.2 13.7 maroon-grey
DH-32 Color 18.3 19.8 light tan
DH-32 Sample ID 0 1.5 DH-32.0
DH-32 Sample ID 6.1 7.6 DH-32.20
DH-32 Sample ID 12.2 13.7 DH-32.40
DH-32 Sample ID 18.3 19.8 DH-32.60
DH-33 Color 0 1.5 reddish-brown
DH-33 Color 6.1 7.6 grey and black
DH-33 Color 12.2 13.7 maroon-grey
DH-33 Color 18.3 19.8 light tan
DH-33 Color 24.4 25.9 brown and grey
DH-33 Color 30.5 32 brownish-red
DH-33 Sample ID 0 1.5 DH-33.0
DH-33 Sample ID 6.1 7.6 DH-33.20
DH-33 Sample ID 12.2 13.7 DH-33.40
DH-33 Sample ID 18.3 19.8 DH-33.60
DH-33 Sample ID 24.4 25.9 DH-33.80
DH-33 Sample ID 30.5 32 DH-33.100
DH-34 Color 0 1.5 reddish-brown
DH-34 Color 6.1 7.6 grey and black
DH-34 Color 12.2 13.7 maroon-grey
DH-34 Color 18.3 19.8 light tan
DH-34 Color 24.4 25.9 brown and grey
DH-34 Color 30.5 32 brownish-red
DH-34 Sample ID 0 1.5 DH-34.0
DH-34 Sample ID 6.1 7.6 DH-34.20
DH-34 Sample ID 12.2 13.7 DH-34.40
DH-34 Sample ID 18.3 19.8 DH-34.60
DH-34 Sample ID 24.4 25.9 DH-34.80
DH-34 Sample ID 30.5 32 DH-34.100
DH-35 Color 0 1.5 reddish-brown
DH-35 Color 6.1 7.6 grey and black
DH-35 Color 12.2 13.7 maroon-grey
DH-35 Color 18.3 19.8 light tan
DH-35 Sample ID 0 1.5 DH-35.0
DH-35 Sample ID 6.1 7.6 DH-35.20
DH-35 Sample ID 12.2 13.7 DH-35.40
DH-35 Sample ID 18.3 19.8 DH-35.60
DH-36 Color 0 1.5 reddish-brown
DH-36 Color 6.1 7.6 grey and black
DH-36 Color 12.2 13.7 maroon-grey
DH-36 Color 18.3 19.8 light tan
DH-36 Sample ID 0 1.5 DH-36.0
DH-36 Sample ID 6.1 7.6 DH-36.20
DH-36 Sample ID 12.2 13.7 DH-36.40
DH-36 Sample ID 18.3 19.8 DH-36.60
DH-37 Color 0 1.5 reddish-brown
DH-37 Color 6.1 7.6 grey and black
DH-37 Color 12.2 13.7 maroon-grey
DH-37 Color 18.3 19.8 light tan
DH-37 Sample ID 0 1.5 DH-37.0
DH-37 Sample ID 6.1 7.6 DH-37.20
DH-37 Sample ID 12.2 13.7 DH-37.40
DH-37 Sample ID 18.3 19.8 DH-37.60
DH-38 Color 0 1.5 reddish-brown
DH-38 Color 6.1 7.6 grey and black
DH-38 Color 12.2 13.7 maroon-grey
DH-38 Color 18.3 19.8 light tan
DH-38 Color 24.4 25 brown and grey
DH-38 Sample ID 0 1.5 DH-38.0
DH-38 Sample ID 6.1 7.6 DH-38.20
DH-38 Sample ID 12.2 13.7 DH-38.40
DH-38 Sample ID 18.3 19.8 DH-38.60
DH-38 Sample ID 24.4 25 DH-38.80
DH-39 Color 0 1.5 reddish-brown
DH-39 Color 6.1 7.6 grey and black
DH-39 Color 12.2 13.7 maroon-grey
DH-39 Sample ID 0 1.5 DH-39.0
DH-39 Sample ID 6.1 7.6 DH-39.20
DH-39 Sample ID 12.2 13.7 DH-39.40
DH-40 Color 0 1.5 reddish-brown
DH-40 Color 6.1 7.6 grey and black
DH-40 Color 12.2 13.7 maroon-grey
DH-40 Color 18.3 19.8 light tan
DH-40 Color 24.4 25.9 brown and grey
DH-40 Sample ID 0 1.5 DH-40.0
DH-40 Sample ID 6.1 7.6 DH-40.20
DH-40 Sample ID 12.2 13.7 DH-40.40
DH-40 Sample ID 18.3 19.8 DH-40.60
DH-40 Sample ID 24.4 25.9 DH-40.80
DH-41 Color 0 1.5 reddish-brown
DH-41 Color 6.1 7.6 grey and black
DH-41 Color 12.2 13.7 maroon-grey
DH-41 Color 18.3 19.8 light tan
DH-41 Color 24.4 25.9 brown and grey
DH-41 Color 30.5 32 brownish-red
DH-41 Sample ID 0 1.5 DH-41.0
DH-41 Sample ID 6.1 7.6 DH-41.20
DH-41 Sample ID 12.2 13.7 DH-41.40
DH-41 Sample ID 18.3 19.8 DH-41.60
DH-41 Sample ID 24.4 25.9 DH-41.80
DH-41 Sample ID 30.5 32 DH-41.100
DH-42 Color 0 1.5 reddish-brown
DH-42 Color 6.1 7.6 grey and black
DH-42 Color 12.2 13.7 maroon-grey
DH-42 Color 18.3 19.8 light tan
DH-42 Color 24.4 25.9 brown and grey
DH-42 Color 30.5 32 brownish-red
DH-42 Sample ID 0 1.5 DH-42.0
DH-42 Sample ID 6.1 7.6 DH-42.20
DH-42 Sample ID 12.2 13.7 DH-42.40
DH-42 Sample ID 18.3 19.8 DH-42.60
DH-42 Sample ID 24.4 25.9 DH-42.80
DH-42 Sample ID 30.5 32 DH-42.100
DH-43 Color 0 1.5 reddish-brown
DH-43 Color 6.1 7.6 grey and black
DH-43 Color 12.2 13.7 maroon-grey
DH-43 Color 18.3 19.8 light tan
DH-43 Sample ID 0 1.5 DH-43.0
DH-43 Sample ID 6.1 7.6 DH-43.20
DH-43 Sample ID 12.2 13.7 DH-43.40
DH-43 Sample ID 18.3 19.8 DH-43.60

Bore Type Depth1 Depth2 SampleDate Value
DH-01 Arsenic 22.9 29 2/14/2007 100
DH-01 Arsenic 22.9 29 5/15/2007 200
DH-01 Arsenic 22.9 29 8/6/2007 206
DH-01 Arsenic 22.9 29 11/18/2007 100
DH-01 Toluene 22.9 29 2/14/2007 0
DH-01 Toluene 22.9 29 5/15/2007 0
DH-01 Toluene 22.9 29 8/6/2007 0
DH-01 Toluene 22.9 29 11/18/2007 0
DH-02 Arsenic 18.3 24.4 2/14/2007 0
DH-02 Arsenic 18.3 24.4 5/15/2007 0
DH-02 Arsenic 18.3 24.4 8/6/2007 0
DH-02 Arsenic 18.3 24.4 11/18/2007 0
DH-02 Toluene 18.3 24.4 2/14/2007 98
DH-02 Toluene 18.3 24.4 5/15/2007 110
DH-02 Toluene 18.3 24.4 8/6/2007 48
DH-02 Toluene 18.3 24.4 11/18/2007 32
DH-03 Arsenic 10.7 16.8 2/14/2007 20
DH-03 Arsenic 10.7 16.8 5/15/2007 3
DH-03 Arsenic 10.7 16.8 8/6/2007 2
DH-03 Arsenic 10.7 16.8 11/18/2007 0.5
DH-03 Arsenic 22.9 29 2/14/2007 400
DH-03 Arsenic 22.9 29 5/15/2007 150
DH-03 Arsenic 22.9 29 8/6/2007 30
DH-03 Arsenic 22.9 29 11/18/2007 0.5
DH-03 Toluene 10.7 16.8 2/14/2007 0
DH-03 Toluene 10.7 16.8 5/15/2007 0
DH-03 Toluene 10.7 16.8 8/6/2007 0
DH-03 Toluene 10.7 16.8 11/18/2007 0
DH-03 Toluene 22.9 29 2/14/2007 0
DH-03 Toluene 22.9 29 5/15/2007 0
DH-03 Toluene 22.9 29 8/6/2007 0
DH-03 Toluene 22.9 29 11/18/2007 0
DH-04 Arsenic 18.3 24.4 2/14/2007 0
DH-04 Arsenic 18.3 24.4 5/15/2007 0
DH-04 Arsenic 18.3 24.4 8/6/2007 0
DH-04 Arsenic 18.3 24.4 11/18/2007 0
DH-04 Arsenic 36.6 42.7 2/14/2007 0
DH-04 Arsenic 36.6 42.7 5/15/2007 0
DH-04 Arsenic 36.6 42.7 8/6/2007 0
DH-04 Arsenic 36.6 42.7 11/18/2007 0
DH-04 Toluene 18.3 24.4 2/14/2007 50
DH-04 Toluene 18.3 24.4 5/15/2007 52
DH-04 Toluene 18.3 24.4 8/6/2007 22
DH-04 Toluene 18.3 24.4 11/18/2007 15
DH-04 Toluene 36.6 42.7 2/14/2007 0
DH-04 Toluene 36.6 42.7 5/15/2007 0
DH-04 Toluene 36.6 42.7 8/6/2007 0
DH-04 Toluene 36.6 42.7 11/18/2007 0
DH-05 Arsenic 16.8 22.9 2/14/2007 0
DH-05 Arsenic 16.8 22.9 5/15/2007 0
DH-05 Arsenic 16.8 22.9 8/6/2007 0
DH-05 Arsenic 16.8 22.9 11/18/2007 0
DH-05 Toluene 16.8 22.9 2/14/2007 108
DH-05 Toluene 16.8 22.9 5/15/2007 5
DH-05 Toluene 16.8 22.9 8/6/2007 0
DH-05 Toluene 16.8 22.9 11/18/2007 0
DH-06 Arsenic 18.3 24.4 2/14/2007 0
DH-06 Arsenic 18.3 24.4 5/15/2007 0
DH-06 Arsenic 18.3 24.4 8/6/2007 0
DH-06 Arsenic 18.3 24.4 11/18/2007 0
DH-06 Toluene 18.3 24.4 2/14/2007 15
DH-06 Toluene 18.3 24.4 5/15/2007 10
DH-06 Toluene 18.3 24.4 8/6/2007 4
DH-06 Toluene 18.3 24.4 11/18/2007 3
DH-07 Arsenic 18.3 24.4 2/14/2007 0
DH-07 Arsenic 18.3 24.4 5/15/2007 0
DH-07 Arsenic 18.3 24.4 8/6/2007 0
DH-07 Arsenic 18.3 24.4 11/18/2007 0
DH-07 Toluene 18.3 24.4 2/14/2007 56
DH-07 Toluene 18.3 24.4 5/15/2007 102
DH-07 Toluene 18.3 24.4 8/6/2007 45
DH-07 Toluene 18.3 24.4 11/18/2007 31
DH-08 Arsenic 10.7 16.8 2/14/2007 0.2
DH-08 Arsenic 10.7 16.8 5/15/2007 5
DH-08 Arsenic 10.7 16.8 8/6/2007 3
DH-08 Arsenic 10.7 16.8 11/18/2007 0.3
DH-08 Toluene 10.7 16.8 2/14/2007 0
DH-08 Toluene 10.7 16.8 5/15/2007 0
DH-08 Toluene 10.7 16.8 8/6/2007 0
DH-08 Toluene 10.7 16.8 11/18/2007 0
DH-09 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 2/14/2007 100
DH-09 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 5/15/2007 25
DH-09 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 8/6/2007 36
DH-09 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 11/18/2007 0
DH-09 Toluene 30.5 36.6 2/14/2007 0
DH-09 Toluene 30.5 36.6 5/15/2007 0
DH-09 Toluene 30.5 36.6 8/6/2007 0
DH-09 Toluene 30.5 36.6 11/18/2007 0
DH-10 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 2/14/2007 21
DH-10 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 5/15/2007 34
DH-10 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 8/6/2007 41
DH-10 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 11/18/2007 15
DH-10 Toluene 30.5 36.6 2/14/2007 0
DH-10 Toluene 30.5 36.6 5/15/2007 0
DH-10 Toluene 30.5 36.6 8/6/2007 0
DH-10 Toluene 30.5 36.6 11/18/2007 0
DH-11 Arsenic 7.6 13.7 2/14/2007 0
DH-11 Arsenic 7.6 13.7 5/15/2007 0
DH-11 Arsenic 7.6 13.7 8/6/2007 0
DH-11 Arsenic 7.6 13.7 11/18/2007 0
DH-11 Toluene 7.6 13.7 2/14/2007 33
DH-11 Toluene 7.6 13.7 5/15/2007 33
DH-11 Toluene 7.6 13.7 8/6/2007 14
DH-11 Toluene 7.6 13.7 11/18/2007 9
DH-13 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 2/14/2007 20
DH-13 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 5/15/2007 21
DH-13 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 8/6/2007 26
DH-13 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 11/18/2007 10
DH-13 Toluene 30.5 36.6 2/14/2007 0
DH-13 Toluene 30.5 36.6 5/15/2007 0
DH-13 Toluene 30.5 36.6 8/6/2007 0
DH-13 Toluene 30.5 36.6 11/18/2007 0
DH-14 Arsenic 15.2 21.3 2/14/2007 0
DH-14 Arsenic 15.2 21.3 5/15/2007 0
DH-14 Arsenic 15.2 21.3 8/6/2007 0
DH-14 Arsenic 15.2 21.3 11/18/2007 0
DH-14 Toluene 15.2 21.3 2/14/2007 23
DH-14 Toluene 15.2 21.3 5/15/2007 20
DH-14 Toluene 15.2 21.3 8/6/2007 8
DH-14 Toluene 15.2 21.3 11/18/2007 5
DH-15 Arsenic 18.3 24.4 2/14/2007 0
DH-15 Arsenic 18.3 24.4 5/15/2007 0
DH-15 Arsenic 18.3 24.4 8/6/2007 0
DH-15 Arsenic 18.3 24.4 11/18/2007 0
DH-15 Toluene 18.3 24.4 2/14/2007 45
DH-15 Toluene 18.3 24.4 5/15/2007 61
DH-15 Toluene 18.3 24.4 8/6/2007 27
DH-15 Toluene 18.3 24.4 11/18/2007 18
DH-16 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 2/14/2007 0
DH-16 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 5/15/2007 0
DH-16 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 8/6/2007 0
DH-16 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 11/18/2007 0
DH-16 Toluene 30.5 36.6 2/14/2007 0
DH-16 Toluene 30.5 36.6 5/15/2007 0
DH-16 Toluene 30.5 36.6 8/6/2007 0
DH-16 Toluene 30.5 36.6 11/18/2007 0
DH-17 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 2/14/2007 0
DH-17 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 5/15/2007 0
DH-17 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 8/6/2007 0
DH-17 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 11/18/2007 0
DH-17 Toluene 30.5 36.6 2/14/2007 0
DH-17 Toluene 30.5 36.6 5/15/2007 0
DH-17 Toluene 30.5 36.6 8/6/2007 0
DH-17 Toluene 30.5 36.6 11/18/2007 0
DH-18 Arsenic 10.7 16.8 2/14/2007 0
DH-18 Arsenic 10.7 16.8 5/15/2007 0
DH-18 Arsenic 10.7 16.8 8/6/2007 0
DH-18 Arsenic 10.7 16.8 11/18/2007 0
DH-18 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 2/14/2007 0
DH-18 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 5/15/2007 0
DH-18 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 8/6/2007 0
DH-18 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 11/18/2007 0
DH-18 Toluene 10.7 16.8 2/14/2007 0
DH-18 Toluene 10.7 16.8 5/15/2007 0
DH-18 Toluene 10.7 16.8 8/6/2007 0
DH-18 Toluene 10.7 16.8 11/18/2007 0
DH-18 Toluene 30.5 36.6 2/14/2007 0.6
DH-18 Toluene 30.5 36.6 5/15/2007 0.5
DH-18 Toluene 30.5 36.6 8/6/2007 0.1
DH-18 Toluene 30.5 36.6 11/18/2007 0.1
DH-19 Arsenic 12.2 18.3 2/14/2007 0
DH-19 Arsenic 12.2 18.3 5/15/2007 0
DH-19 Arsenic 12.2 18.3 8/6/2007 0
DH-19 Arsenic 12.2 18.3 11/18/2007 0
DH-19 Toluene 12.2 18.3 2/14/2007 0
DH-19 Toluene 12.2 18.3 5/15/2007 0
DH-19 Toluene 12.2 18.3 8/6/2007 0
DH-19 Toluene 12.2 18.3 11/18/2007 0
DH-20 Arsenic 10.7 16.8 2/14/2007 0
DH-20 Arsenic 10.7 16.8 5/15/2007 0
DH-20 Arsenic 10.7 16.8 8/6/2007 0
DH-20 Arsenic 10.7 16.8 11/18/2007 0
DH-20 Toluene 10.7 16.8 2/14/2007 0
DH-20 Toluene 10.7 16.8 5/15/2007 0
DH-20 Toluene 10.7 16.8 8/6/2007 0
DH-20 Toluene 10.7 16.8 11/18/2007 0
DH-21 Arsenic 10.7 16.8 2/14/2007 1
DH-21 Arsenic 10.7 16.8 5/15/2007 0.5
DH-21 Arsenic 10.7 16.8 8/6/2007 0.5
DH-21 Arsenic 10.7 16.8 11/18/2007 0.2
DH-21 Arsenic 25.9 32 2/14/2007 6
DH-21 Arsenic 25.9 32 5/15/2007 18
DH-21 Arsenic 25.9 32 8/6/2007 18.5
DH-21 Arsenic 25.9 32 11/18/2007 1.5
DH-21 Toluene 10.7 16.8 2/14/2007 0
DH-21 Toluene 10.7 16.8 5/15/2007 0
DH-21 Toluene 10.7 16.8 8/6/2007 0
DH-21 Toluene 10.7 16.8 11/18/2007 0
DH-21 Toluene 25.9 32 2/14/2007 0
DH-21 Toluene 25.9 32 5/15/2007 0
DH-21 Toluene 25.9 32 8/6/2007 0
DH-21 Toluene 25.9 32 11/18/2007 0
DH-22 Arsenic 10.7 16.8 2/14/2007 0
DH-22 Arsenic 10.7 16.8 5/15/2007 0
DH-22 Arsenic 10.7 16.8 8/6/2007 0
DH-22 Arsenic 10.7 16.8 11/18/2007 0
DH-22 Toluene 10.7 16.8 2/14/2007 25
DH-22 Toluene 10.7 16.8 5/15/2007 31
DH-22 Toluene 10.7 16.8 8/6/2007 14
DH-22 Toluene 10.7 16.8 11/18/2007 9
DH-23 Arsenic 10.7 16.8 2/14/2007 0
DH-23 Arsenic 10.7 16.8 5/15/2007 0
DH-23 Arsenic 10.7 16.8 8/6/2007 0
DH-23 Arsenic 10.7 16.8 11/18/2007 0
DH-23 Toluene 10.7 16.8 2/14/2007 37
DH-23 Toluene 10.7 16.8 5/15/2007 46
DH-23 Toluene 10.7 16.8 8/6/2007 20
DH-23 Toluene 10.7 16.8 11/18/2007 13
DH-24 Arsenic 18.3 24.4 2/14/2007 0
DH-24 Arsenic 18.3 24.4 5/15/2007 0
DH-24 Arsenic 18.3 24.4 8/6/2007 0
DH-24 Arsenic 18.3 24.4 11/18/2007 0
DH-24 Toluene 18.3 24.4 2/14/2007 30
DH-24 Toluene 18.3 24.4 5/15/2007 29
DH-24 Toluene 18.3 24.4 8/6/2007 15
DH-24 Toluene 18.3 24.4 11/18/2007 8
DH-25 Arsenic 10.7 16.8 2/14/2007 0
DH-25 Arsenic 10.7 16.8 5/15/2007 0
DH-25 Arsenic 10.7 16.8 8/6/2007 0
DH-25 Arsenic 10.7 16.8 11/18/2007 0
DH-25 Toluene 10.7 16.8 2/14/2007 26
DH-25 Toluene 10.7 16.8 5/15/2007 25
DH-25 Toluene 10.7 16.8 8/6/2007 11
DH-25 Toluene 10.7 16.8 11/18/2007 7
DH-26 Arsenic 13.7 19.8 2/14/2007 0
DH-26 Arsenic 13.7 19.8 5/15/2007 0
DH-26 Arsenic 13.7 19.8 8/6/2007 0
DH-26 Arsenic 13.7 19.8 11/18/2007 0
DH-26 Toluene 13.7 19.8 2/14/2007 10
DH-26 Toluene 13.7 19.8 5/15/2007 7
DH-26 Toluene 13.7 19.8 8/6/2007 3
DH-26 Toluene 13.7 19.8 11/18/2007 2
DH-27 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 2/14/2007 0.5
DH-27 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 5/15/2007 21
DH-27 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 8/6/2007 26
DH-27 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 11/18/2007 9
DH-27 Toluene 30.5 36.6 2/14/2007 0
DH-27 Toluene 30.5 36.6 5/15/2007 0
DH-27 Toluene 30.5 36.6 8/6/2007 0
DH-27 Toluene 30.5 36.6 11/18/2007 0
DH-28 Arsenic 10.7 16.8 2/14/2007 0
DH-28 Arsenic 10.7 16.8 5/15/2007 0
DH-28 Arsenic 10.7 16.8 8/6/2007 0
DH-28 Arsenic 10.7 16.8 11/18/2007 0
DH-28 Toluene 10.7 16.8 2/14/2007 50
DH-28 Toluene 10.7 16.8 5/15/2007 32
DH-28 Toluene 10.7 16.8 8/6/2007 14
DH-28 Toluene 10.7 16.8 11/18/2007 9
DH-29 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 2/14/2007 0
DH-29 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 5/15/2007 0
DH-29 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 8/6/2007 0
DH-29 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 11/18/2007 0
DH-29 Toluene 30.5 36.6 2/14/2007 0
DH-29 Toluene 30.5 36.6 5/15/2007 0
DH-29 Toluene 30.5 36.6 8/6/2007 0
DH-29 Toluene 30.5 36.6 11/18/2007 0
DH-30 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 2/14/2007 0
DH-30 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 5/15/2007 0
DH-30 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 8/6/2007 0
DH-30 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 11/18/2007 0
DH-30 Toluene 30.5 36.6 2/14/2007 0.2
DH-30 Toluene 30.5 36.6 5/15/2007 2
DH-30 Toluene 30.5 36.6 8/6/2007 0.9
DH-30 Toluene 30.5 36.6 11/18/2007 0.5
DH-31 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 2/14/2007 0
DH-31 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 5/15/2007 0
DH-31 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 8/6/2007 0
DH-31 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 11/18/2007 0
DH-31 Toluene 30.5 36.6 2/14/2007 0
DH-31 Toluene 30.5 36.6 5/15/2007 0
DH-31 Toluene 30.5 36.6 8/6/2007 0
DH-31 Toluene 30.5 36.6 11/18/2007 0
DH-32 Arsenic 10.7 16.8 2/14/2007 0
DH-32 Arsenic 10.7 16.8 5/15/2007 0
DH-32 Arsenic 10.7 16.8 8/6/2007 0
DH-32 Arsenic 10.7 16.8 11/18/2007 0
DH-32 Toluene 10.7 16.8 2/14/2007 0
DH-32 Toluene 10.7 16.8 5/15/2007 0
DH-32 Toluene 10.7 16.8 8/6/2007 0
DH-32 Toluene 10.7 16.8 11/18/2007 0
DH-33 Arsenic 16.8 19.8 2/14/2007 0
DH-33 Arsenic 16.8 19.8 5/15/2007 0
DH-33 Arsenic 16.8 19.8 8/6/2007 0
DH-33 Arsenic 16.8 19.8 11/18/2007 0
DH-33 Toluene 16.8 19.8 2/14/2007 0
DH-33 Toluene 16.8 19.8 5/15/2007 0
DH-33 Toluene 16.8 19.8 8/6/2007 0
DH-33 Toluene 16.8 19.8 11/18/2007 0
DH-34 Arsenic 16.8 19.8 2/14/2007 0
DH-34 Arsenic 16.8 19.8 5/15/2007 0
DH-34 Arsenic 16.8 19.8 8/6/2007 0
DH-34 Arsenic 16.8 19.8 11/18/2007 0
DH-34 Toluene 16.8 19.8 2/14/2007 28
DH-34 Toluene 16.8 19.8 5/15/2007 25
DH-34 Toluene 16.8 19.8 8/6/2007 11
DH-34 Toluene 16.8 19.8 11/18/2007 7
DH-35 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 2/14/2007 48
DH-35 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 5/15/2007 85
DH-35 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 8/6/2007 95
DH-35 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 11/18/2007 45
DH-35 Toluene 30.5 36.6 2/14/2007 0
DH-35 Toluene 30.5 36.6 5/15/2007 0
DH-35 Toluene 30.5 36.6 8/6/2007 0
DH-35 Toluene 30.5 36.6 11/18/2007 0
DH-36 Arsenic 13.7 19.8 2/14/2007 5
DH-36 Arsenic 13.7 19.8 5/15/2007 3
DH-36 Arsenic 13.7 19.8 8/6/2007 2
DH-36 Arsenic 13.7 19.8 11/18/2007 0
DH-36 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 2/14/2007 61
DH-36 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 5/15/2007 180
DH-36 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 8/6/2007 83
DH-36 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 11/18/2007 0
DH-36 Toluene 13.7 19.8 2/14/2007 0
DH-36 Toluene 13.7 19.8 5/15/2007 0
DH-36 Toluene 13.7 19.8 8/6/2007 0
DH-36 Toluene 13.7 19.8 11/18/2007 0
DH-36 Toluene 30.5 36.6 2/14/2007 0
DH-36 Toluene 30.5 36.6 5/15/2007 0
DH-36 Toluene 30.5 36.6 8/6/2007 0
DH-36 Toluene 30.5 36.6 11/18/2007 0
DH-37 Arsenic 16.8 19.8 2/14/2007 0
DH-37 Arsenic 16.8 19.8 5/15/2007 0
DH-37 Arsenic 16.8 19.8 8/6/2007 0
DH-37 Arsenic 16.8 19.8 11/18/2007 0
DH-37 Toluene 16.8 19.8 2/14/2007 135
DH-37 Toluene 16.8 19.8 5/15/2007 10
DH-37 Toluene 16.8 19.8 8/6/2007 0
DH-37 Toluene 16.8 19.8 11/18/2007 0
DH-38 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 2/14/2007 0
DH-38 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 5/15/2007 0
DH-38 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 8/6/2007 0
DH-38 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 11/18/2007 0
DH-38 Toluene 30.5 36.6 2/14/2007 0
DH-38 Toluene 30.5 36.6 5/15/2007 0
DH-38 Toluene 30.5 36.6 8/6/2007 0
DH-38 Toluene 30.5 36.6 11/18/2007 0
DH-39 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 2/14/2007 0
DH-39 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 5/15/2007 0
DH-39 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 8/6/2007 0
DH-39 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 11/18/2007 0
DH-39 Toluene 30.5 36.6 2/14/2007 0
DH-39 Toluene 30.5 36.6 5/15/2007 0
DH-39 Toluene 30.5 36.6 8/6/2007 0
DH-39 Toluene 30.5 36.6 11/18/2007 0
DH-40 Arsenic 16.8 19.8 2/14/2007 0
DH-40 Arsenic 16.8 19.8 5/15/2007 0
DH-40 Arsenic 16.8 19.8 8/6/2007 0
DH-40 Arsenic 16.8 19.8 11/18/2007 0
DH-40 Toluene 16.8 19.8 2/14/2007 500
DH-40 Toluene 16.8 19.8 5/15/2007 31
DH-40 Toluene 16.8 19.8 8/6/2007 12
DH-40 Toluene 16.8 19.8 11/18/2007 8
DH-41 Arsenic 16.8 19.8 2/14/2007 0
DH-41 Arsenic 16.8 19.8 5/15/2007 0
DH-41 Arsenic 16.8 19.8 8/6/2007 0
DH-41 Arsenic 16.8 19.8 11/18/2007 0
DH-41 Toluene 16.8 19.8 2/14/2007 117
DH-41 Toluene 16.8 19.8 5/15/2007 267
DH-41 Toluene 16.8 19.8 8/6/2007 120
DH-41 Toluene 16.8 19.8 11/18/2007 80
DH-42 Arsenic 16.8 19.8 2/14/2007 0
DH-42 Arsenic 16.8 19.8 5/15/2007 0
DH-42 Arsenic 16.8 19.8 8/6/2007 0
DH-42 Arsenic 16.8 19.8 11/18/2007 0
DH-42 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 2/14/2007 0
DH-42 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 5/15/2007 0
DH-42 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 8/6/2007 0
DH-42 Arsenic 30.5 36.6 11/18/2007 0
DH-42 Toluene 16.8 19.8 2/14/2007 36
DH-42 Toluene 16.8 19.8 5/15/2007 18
DH-42 Toluene 16.8 19.8 8/6/2007 7
DH-42 Toluene 16.8 19.8 11/18/2007 5
DH-42 Toluene 30.5 36.6 2/14/2007 0
DH-42 Toluene 30.5 36.6 5/15/2007 0
DH-42 Toluene 30.5 36.6 8/6/2007 0
DH-42 Toluene 30.5 36.6 11/18/2007 0
DH-43 Arsenic 10.7 16.8 2/14/2007 0
DH-43 Arsenic 10.7 16.8 5/15/2007 0
DH-43 Arsenic 10.7 16.8 8/6/2007 0
DH-43 Arsenic 10.7 16.8 11/18/2007 0
DH-43 Toluene 10.7 16.8 2/14/2007 0
DH-43 Toluene 10.7 16.8 5/15/2007 0
DH-43 Toluene 10.7 16.8 8/6/2007 0
DH-43 Toluene 10.7 16.8 11/18/2007 0

Bore Type Depth Value
DH-01 Comments 7 grades more clayey
DH-01 Comments 24.2 temporarily lost circulation
DH-02 Comments 4.6 grades to siltier material
DH-02 Comments 20.7 temporarily lost circulation
DH-03 Comments 18.9 grades more clayey
DH-04 Comments 3.7 difficult drilling
DH-05 Comments 16.5 temporarily lost circulation
DH-06 Comments 1.5 grades more clayey
DH-07 Comments 10.7 grades to siltier material
DH-08 Comments 8.8 grades more clayey
DH-08 Comments 20.1 temporarily lost circulation
DH-09 Comments 14 grades to siltier material
DH-10 Comments 6.4 temporarily lost circulation
DH-11 Comments 11 difficult drilling
DH-11 Comments 14.6 grades more clayey
DH-12 Comments 24.1 grades to siltier material
DH-13 Comments 12.8 grades to siltier material
DH-13 Comments 17.1 difficult drilling
DH-14 Comments 14 grades more clayey
DH-14 Comments 20.7 difficult drilling
DH-15 Comments 19.2 grades more clayey
DH-16 Comments 29.6 grades to siltier material
DH-17 Comments 15.8 difficult drilling
DH-17 Comments 19.5 grades to siltier material
DH-18 Comments 11 difficult drilling
DH-19 Comments 39.3 lost circulation
DH-20 Comments 15.8 grades more clayey
DH-21 Comments 14 grades to siltier material
DH-22 Comments 23.8 temporarily lost circulation
DH-23 Comments 29.6 difficult drilling
DH-24 Comments 20.7 grades more clayey
DH-25 Comments 25.6 grades to siltier material
DH-26 Comments 17.1 difficult drilling
DH-27 Comments 15.8 temporarily lost circulation
DH-28 Comments 3.7 grades more clayey
DH-28 Comments 11 grades to siltier material
DH-29 Comments 4.3 grades more clayey
DH-30 Comments 20.7 temporarily lost circulation
DH-31 Comments 7.6 difficult drilling
DH-32 Comments 18.6 grades to siltier material
DH-32 Comments 23.2 grades more clayey
DH-33 Comments 11.9 difficult drilling
DH-34 Comments 27.7 temporarily lost circulation
DH-35 Comments 7.6 grades more clayey
DH-36 Comments 14 grades to siltier material
DH-37 Comments 25.9 grades more clayey
DH-37 Comments 46.6 lost circulation
DH-38 Comments 9.8 temporarily lost circulation
DH-39 Comments 8.2 difficult drilling
DH-39 Comments 13.1 grades to siltier material
DH-40 Comments 50 lost circulation
DH-41 Comments 26.2 temporarily lost circulation
DH-42 Comments 14.9 grades more clayey
DH-43 Comments 18.9 temporarily lost circulation

Bore Depth Azimuth Inclination Color Radius Aperture
DH-01 6.1 290 30 255 75 1
DH-01 16.8 305 45 4227327 75 1
DH-01 23.2 295 20 16711808 50 1
DH-01 29 315 31 65280 90 1
DH-04 15.2 225 45 16711808 100 1
DH-04 22.9 245 50 4227072 50 1
DH-04 42.7 219 20 16776960 75 1
DH-04 57.9 235 31 16711680 75 1
DH-05 6.1 300 32 255 75 1
DH-05 12.2 285 25 33023 75 1
DH-05 21.3 310 45 16744703 100 1
DH-05 30.5 275 15 8421631 50 1
DH-07 0 216 33 16711680 75 1
DH-07 15.2 240 45 16776960 75 1
DH-07 22.9 225 40 12615680 100 1
DH-07 30.5 230 30 16711808 50 1
DH-07 38.1 135 20 65535 100 1
DH-08 0 235 34 16711680 75 1
DH-08 15.2 225 50 16776960 75 1
DH-08 22.9 215 45 16711808 100 1
DH-08 30.5 240 25 65280 50 1
DH-09 15.2 135 20 65408 100 1
DH-09 22.9 140 30 8388736 50 1
DH-09 30.5 300 40 33023 75 1
DH-09 45.7 310 35 255 75 1
DH-10 10.7 320 36 255 75 1
DH-10 22.9 300 20 33023 50 1
DH-10 30.5 45 15 16711935 100 1
DH-10 38.1 50 20 4259584 75 1
DH-10 45.7 310 40 8453888 50 1
DH-11 7.6 90 45 8421631 100 1
DH-11 15.2 135 40 8453888 25 1
DH-11 22.9 145 30 8388863 50 1
DH-11 30.5 150 20 33023 75 1
DH-11 38.1 45 10 8453888 40 1
DH-11 47.2 214 37 16711680 75 1
DH-12 7.6 300 35 33023 50 1
DH-12 15.2 331 38 255 75 1
DH-12 22.9 290 40 32896 25 1
DH-12 30.5 280 50 16711808 100 1
DH-12 36.6 270 60 16776960 125 1
DH-15 7.6 211 39 16711680 75 1
DH-16 7.6 350 50 33023 100 1
DH-16 15.2 0 60 8388863 50 1
DH-16 22.9 10 70 65535 60 1
DH-16 30.5 20 80 12615935 70 1
DH-16 38.1 30 90 12615680 80 1
DH-16 45.7 340 40 255 75 1
DH-17 7.6 237 50 8388863 100 1
DH-17 15.2 247 60 4227327 50 1
DH-17 22.9 257 70 8388863 60 1
DH-17 30.5 125 80 16744448 70 1
DH-17 38.1 135 90 8421376 80 1
DH-17 48.8 227 41 16711680 75 1
DH-18 7.6 135 66 8388863 25 1
DH-18 15.2 140 70 16776960 45 1
DH-18 18.3 218 42 16711680 75 1
DH-18 22.9 145 80 65280 50 1
DH-18 30.5 150 90 8421440 60 1
DH-18 37.8 220 50 4227200 100 1
DH-18 45.7 210 60 8421504 80 1
DH-20 0.6 323 43 255 75 1
DH-21 30.5 310 44 255 75 1
DH-24 30.5 221 45 16711680 75 1
DH-27 12.2 306 46 255 75 1
DH-33 40.5 307 47 255 75 1
DH-36 21.3 319 48 255 75 1
DH-37 14.9 219 49 16711680 75 1
DH-37 25.9 335 50 255 75 1
DH-38 61 308 51 255 75 1
DH-39 45.7 216 52 16711680 75 1
DH-40 18.3 312 53 255 75 1
DH-40 35.1 215 54 16711680 75 1
DH-41 15.2 228 55 16711680 75 1
DH-43 22.9 336 56 255 75 1

Bore Depth1 Depth2 Color ColorText
DH-01 0 0.6 8700353
DH-01 0.6 1.5 21331
DH-01 1.5 7.5 10395294
DH-01 7.5 10.7 8421376
DH-01 10.7 12.3 4227072
DH-01 12.3 24.2 10395294
DH-01 24.2 40.2 8750469
DH-02 0 2.3 5151386
DH-02 2.3 23 8421504
DH-02 23 49.5 22873
DH-02 49.5 56.4 12632256
DH-02 56.4 61 14191
DH-02 61 62.5 11592703
DH-02 62.5 73.2 14191
DH-03 0 1.4 8700353
DH-03 1.4 3.1 10395294
DH-03 3.1 4.9 35980
DH-03 4.9 22.9 10395294
DH-03 22.9 50.3 8750469
DH-03 50.3 52.1 23737
DH-04 0 3.1 5151386
DH-04 3.1 13.7 8421504
DH-04 13.7 17.7 4210688
DH-04 17.7 31.7 8421504
DH-04 31.7 55 22873
DH-04 55 66.1 12632256
DH-04 66.1 69.8 14191
DH-05 0 3.7 8700353
DH-05 3.7 41.1 10395294
DH-05 41.1 46 35980
DH-06 0 4.1 5151386
DH-06 4.1 10.5 8421504
DH-06 10.5 14.7 4210688
DH-06 14.7 15.2 8421504
DH-06 15.2 18.3 4210688
DH-06 18.3 37.8 8421504
DH-06 37.8 57.7 22873
DH-06 57.7 65.5 12632256
DH-06 65.5 70.1 14191
DH-07 0 2.9 8700353
DH-07 2.9 23.7 10395294
DH-07 23.7 51.2 35980
DH-07 51.2 58.2 8750469
DH-07 58.2 64 23737
DH-07 64 64.9 6473983
DH-08 0 1.6 5151386
DH-08 1.6 20.7 8421504
DH-08 20.7 27.4 22873
DH-08 27.4 29 4210688
DH-08 29 38.1 22873
DH-08 38.1 39.9 4210688
DH-08 39.9 46.4 22873
DH-08 46.4 54.3 12632256
DH-08 54.3 59.4 14191
DH-09 0 2.9 8700353
DH-09 2.9 4.9 10395294
DH-09 4.9 7.6 35980
DH-09 7.6 27.3 10395294
DH-09 27.3 28.5 35980
DH-09 28.5 48.8 8750469
DH-09 48.8 53.6 23737
DH-10 0 2.1 5151386
DH-10 2.1 22.1 8421504
DH-10 22.1 48.5 12632256
DH-10 48.5 51.8 14191
DH-11 0 3 8700353
DH-11 3 9.9 10395294
DH-11 9.9 12.7 8421376
DH-11 12.7 19.2 10395294
DH-11 19.2 42 35980
DH-11 42 53.3 8750469
DH-11 53.3 61 23737
DH-11 61 62.5 6473983
DH-12 0 2.7 5151386
DH-12 2.7 36.9 8421504
DH-13 0 2.7 8700353
DH-13 2.7 23.2 10395294
DH-13 23.2 68.9 8750469
DH-13 68.9 71.6 23737
DH-14 0 2.6 5151386
DH-14 2.6 25 8421504
DH-14 25 53.9 22873
DH-14 53.9 58.3 12632256
DH-14 58.3 63.1 14191
DH-15 0 2.2 8700353
DH-15 2.2 24 10395294
DH-15 24 47.8 35980
DH-15 47.8 56.3 8750469
DH-15 56.3 60.4 23737
DH-15 60.4 63.1 6473983
DH-15 63.1 65.8 23737
DH-16 0 0.6 5151386
DH-16 0 2.4 8421504
DH-16 2.4 5.8 22873
DH-16 5.8 27.4 8421504
DH-16 27.4 44.6 12632256
DH-16 44.6 54.9 14191
DH-17 0 18.5 10395294
DH-17 18.5 42.7 8750469
DH-17 42.7 45.5 8750469
DH-17 45.5 49.1 23737
DH-18 0 1.3 5151386
DH-18 1.3 18.1 8421504
DH-18 18.1 48.2 12632256
DH-18 48.2 50.3 14191
DH-19 0 5.6 8700353
DH-19 5.6 35.5 10395294
DH-19 35.5 39.3 35980
DH-20 0 1.9 5151386
DH-20 1.9 19.7 8421504
DH-20 19.7 24.4 22873
DH-20 24.4 25.9 4210688
DH-20 25.9 30.5 22873
DH-20 30.5 40.5 12632256
DH-20 40.5 43.6 14191
DH-21 0 1.8 8700353
DH-21 1.8 18.3 10395294
DH-21 18.3 21.9 8750469
DH-21 21.9 26.1 10395294
DH-21 26.1 49.5 8750469
DH-21 49.5 51.8 23737
DH-22 0 1.7 5151386
DH-22 1.7 14.2 8421504
DH-22 14.2 22.9 22873
DH-22 22.9 25 4210688
DH-22 25 37.5 22873
DH-22 37.5 53.3 12632256
DH-22 53.3 55.2 14191
DH-23 0 1.6 8700353
DH-23 1.6 18.1 10395294
DH-23 18.1 48.5 35980
DH-23 48.5 54.3 8750469
DH-23 54.3 57.9 23737
DH-23 57.9 60.4 6473983
DH-23 60.4 62.5 23737
DH-24 0 3.2 5151386
DH-24 3.2 7.9 8421504
DH-24 7.9 10.1 4210688
DH-24 10.1 21.6 8421504
DH-24 21.6 43 22873
DH-24 43 49.2 12632256
DH-24 49.2 57.3 14191
DH-25 0 1.7 8700353
DH-25 1.7 14.6 10395294
DH-25 14.6 42.8 35980
DH-25 42.8 48.5 8750469
DH-25 48.5 53.3 23737
DH-25 53.3 55.8 6473983
DH-25 55.8 64 23737
DH-26 0 33.4 8421504
DH-26 33.4 59.9 22873
DH-26 59.9 65.8 12632256
DH-26 65.8 68.6 14191
DH-27 0 18.8 10395294
DH-27 18.8 49.4 8750469
DH-27 49.4 57 23737
DH-28 0 2.9 5151386
DH-28 2.9 20.1 8421504
DH-28 20.1 22.3 22873
DH-28 22.3 31.2 8421504
DH-28 31.2 54.7 22873
DH-28 54.7 68.9 12632256
DH-28 68.9 71.6 14191
DH-29 0 0.6 8700353
DH-29 0.6 29.9 10395294
DH-29 29.9 58.4 8750469
DH-29 58.4 64 23737
DH-30 0 0.6 5151386
DH-30 0.6 27.2 8421504
DH-30 27.2 49.4 12632256
DH-30 49.4 57.3 14191
DH-31 0 1 8700353
DH-31 1 3.4 10395294
DH-31 3.4 5.4 35980
DH-31 5.4 14.8 10395294
DH-31 14.8 40.2 8750469
DH-31 40.2 44.2 23737
DH-32 0 1.6 5151386
DH-32 1.6 21.4 8421504
DH-32 21.4 30.5 22873
DH-32 30.5 32 4210688
DH-32 32 39.6 22873
DH-32 39.6 49.7 12632256
DH-33 0 36.9 10395294
DH-33 36.9 46 35980
DH-33 46 48.8 23737
DH-34 0 3.4 5151386
DH-34 3.4 10.7 8421504
DH-34 10.7 15.5 4210688
DH-34 15.5 35.4 8421504
DH-34 35.4 54 22873
DH-34 54 57.9 12632256
DH-34 57.9 62.8 14191
DH-35 0 3.1 8700353
DH-35 3.1 10.9 10395294
DH-35 10.9 14.9 8421376
DH-35 14.9 24.5 10395294
DH-35 24.5 63.4 8750469
DH-35 63.4 66.8 23737
DH-36 0 2.5 5151386
DH-36 2.5 24.6 8421504
DH-36 24.6 45.7 12632256
DH-37 0 2.1 8700353
DH-37 2.1 21.9 10395294
DH-37 21.9 45.9 35980
DH-37 45.9 46.9 8750469
DH-38 0 0.6 5151386
DH-38 0.6 30.3 8421504
DH-38 30.3 53 12632256
DH-38 53 63.1 14191
DH-39 0 0.6 8700353
DH-39 0.6 16.6 10395294
DH-39 16.6 45.8 8750469
DH-39 45.8 53 23737
DH-40 0 2.4 5151386
DH-40 2.4 30.2 8421504
DH-40 30.2 45.3 22873
DH-40 45.3 50.3 12632256
DH-41 0 3.1 8700353
DH-41 3.1 31.3 10395294
DH-41 31.3 48.2 35980
DH-41 48.2 62.6 8750469
DH-41 62.6 65.5 23737
DH-42 0 2.7 5151386
DH-42 2.7 31.7 8421504
DH-42 31.7 55.8 22873
DH-42 55.8 68.9 12632256
DH-42 68.9 70.1 14191
DH-43 0 3 8700353
DH-43 3 23.6 10395294
DH-43 23.6 30.8 35980
DH-43 30.8 34.1 8421376
DH-43 34.1 46.3 35980
DH-43 46.3 48.5 8421376
DH-43 48.5 65.2 35980
DH-43 65.2 67.1 23737

Bore Depth Azimuth Inclination Color Value
DH-01 6.1 29 12 255 19
DH-01 9.1 38 1 255 12
DH-01 12.2 22 13 255 35
DH-01 15.2 43 18 255 24
DH-01 18.3 41 21 255 26
DH-01 21.3 23 29 255 39
DH-01 24.4 50 18 255 37
DH-01 27.4 34 30 255 46
DH-01 33.5 29 9 255 22
DH-01 36.6 29 21 255 19
DH-01 39.6 42 20 255 29
DH-02 3 14 28 255 44
DH-02 6.1 2 13 255 17
DH-02 9.1 1 18 255 14
DH-02 15.2 13 11 255 27
DH-02 18.3 13 17 255 46
DH-02 21.3 14 2 255 43
DH-02 24.4 23 6 255 21
DH-02 33.5 26 11 255 42
DH-02 36.6 12 11 255 16
DH-02 39.6 7 5 255 24
DH-03 3 -41 24 255 24
DH-03 6.1 -43 26 255 13
DH-03 9.1 -31 10 255 21
DH-03 12.2 -35 15 255 16
DH-03 15.2 -21 21 255 15
DH-03 18.3 -44 25 255 48
DH-03 21.3 -17 2 255 25
DH-03 24.4 -36 26 255 28
DH-03 27.4 -41 8 255 26
DH-03 30.5 -33 10 255 24
DH-03 33.5 -36 23 255 11
DH-03 36.6 -35 8 255 10
DH-03 39.6 -17 22 255 37
DH-04 3 27 17 255 12
DH-04 6.1 16 23 255 34
DH-04 9.1 24 5 255 31
DH-04 12.2 6 1 255 17
DH-04 18.3 11 3 255 29
DH-04 24.4 20 29 255 18
DH-04 27.4 23 1 255 31
DH-04 30.5 20 3 255 18
DH-04 33.5 4 12 255 23
DH-04 36.6 11 11 255 32
DH-04 39.6 2 5 255 19
DH-05 3 11 15 255 10
DH-05 6.1 1 22 255 20
DH-05 9.1 14 16 255 30
DH-05 12.2 15 9 255 40
DH-05 15.2 26 27 255 50
DH-05 18.3 0 13 255 40
DH-05 21.3 27 27 255 30
DH-05 24.4 5 26 255 20
DH-05 27.4 7 8 255 10
DH-05 30.5 10 27 255 20
DH-05 33.5 12 2 255 30
DH-05 36.6 7 24 255 40
DH-05 39.6 26 9 255 50
DH-06 3 18 4 255 40
DH-06 6.1 23 1 255 48
DH-06 9.1 22 4 255 42
DH-06 15.2 11 18 255 37
DH-06 21.3 28 15 255 31
DH-06 24.4 11 3 255 43
DH-06 30.5 27 10 255 18
DH-06 33.5 18 10 255 30
DH-06 36.6 22 2 255 40
DH-06 39.6 19 17 255 49
DH-07 3 -47 9 255 14
DH-07 6.1 -39 9 255 30
DH-07 9.1 -38 29 255 30
DH-07 12.2 -37 4 255 38
DH-07 15.2 -39 6 255 35
DH-07 24.4 -34 0 255 38
DH-07 27.4 -24 15 255 33
DH-07 30.5 -48 22 255 32
DH-07 36.6 -35 17 255 13
DH-07 39.6 -32 2 255 36
DH-08 3 26 6 255 45
DH-08 6.1 16 18 255 45
DH-08 9.1 5 8 255 41
DH-08 18.3 19 30 255 44
DH-08 21.3 29 7 255 49
DH-08 27.4 11 17 255 36
DH-08 30.5 5 10 255 15
DH-08 33.5 15 18 255 30
DH-08 39.6 15 29 255 21
DH-09 3 57 0 255 15
DH-09 6.1 64 28 255 21
DH-09 9.1 74 23 255 38
DH-09 15.2 70 2 255 31
DH-09 21.3 54 20 255 40
DH-09 24.4 61 16 255 36
DH-09 27.4 63 24 255 27
DH-09 33.5 73 4 255 32
DH-09 36.6 47 20 255 37
DH-09 39.6 46 25 255 11
DH-10 6.1 55 1 255 20
DH-10 9.1 69 16 255 34
DH-10 12.2 47 12 255 26
DH-10 15.2 56 6 255 15
DH-10 18.3 54 29 255 38
DH-10 21.3 67 10 255 20
DH-10 24.4 50 4 255 25
DH-10 27.4 51 9 255 20
DH-10 30.5 65 7 255 34
DH-10 36.6 64 17 255 43
DH-10 39.6 71 2 255 37
DH-11 3 -2 17 255 23
DH-11 6.1 -18 20 255 39
DH-11 9.1 -14 26 255 23
DH-11 12.2 -4 9 255 42
DH-11 15.2 -28 3 255 49
DH-11 18.3 -28 23 255 47
DH-11 21.3 -4 25 255 13
DH-11 27.4 -1 22 255 32
DH-11 30.5 -25 11 255 46
DH-11 33.5 -28 26 255 19
DH-11 36.6 -7 22 255 48
DH-11 39.6 -9 2 255 24
DH-12 3 22 13 255 20
DH-12 6.1 24 4 255 22
DH-12 15.2 3 29 255 28
DH-12 18.3 17 11 255 40
DH-12 21.3 29 3 255 48
DH-12 24.4 26 9 255 44
DH-12 27.4 23 11 255 39
DH-12 30.5 23 7 255 24
DH-12 33.5 14 25 255 35
DH-12 36.6 5 15 255 31
DH-13 3 54 10 255 18
DH-13 6.1 51 11 255 42
DH-13 9.1 53 23 255 31
DH-13 12.2 60 30 255 42
DH-13 15.2 47 16 255 26
DH-13 18.3 68 29 255 43
DH-13 21.3 57 0 255 41
DH-13 24.4 70 26 255 10
DH-13 27.4 73 8 255 33
DH-13 30.5 52 6 255 21
DH-13 39.6 49 3 255 20
DH-14 3 -45 25 255 30
DH-14 6.1 -41 30 255 14
DH-14 9.1 -39 13 255 12
DH-14 15.2 -27 26 255 26
DH-14 18.3 -17 -27 255 10
DH-14 21.3 -41 26 255 38
DH-14 24.4 -27 12 255 29
DH-14 30.5 -39 4 255 34
DH-14 33.5 -15 26 255 44
DH-14 36.6 -23 7 255 17
DH-14 39.6 -27 5 255 21
DH-15 3 -24 12 255 50
DH-15 6.1 -16 23 255 42
DH-15 9.1 -33 29 255 44
DH-15 12.2 -23 2 255 41
DH-15 15.2 -34 8 255 40
DH-15 18.3 -26 27 255 22
DH-15 21.3 -44 30 255 22
DH-15 24.4 -38 13 255 45
DH-15 27.4 -19 24 255 11
DH-15 30.5 -22 24 255 44
DH-15 33.5 -40 9 255 21
DH-15 36.6 -39 13 255 39
DH-15 39.6 -37 5 255 37
DH-16 3 51 1 255 47
DH-16 9.1 60 22 255 43
DH-16 15.2 78 2 255 18
DH-16 18.3 70 5 255 32
DH-16 21.3 56 0 255 14
DH-16 24.4 58 10 255 43
DH-16 27.4 74 29 255 22
DH-16 30.5 62 7 255 45
DH-16 33.5 75 1 255 15
DH-16 39.6 51 5 255 47
DH-17 3 -84 14 255 11
DH-17 6.1 -61 26 255 30
DH-17 9.1 -83 30 255 47
DH-17 12.2 -81 11 255 16
DH-17 15.2 -67 1 255 37
DH-17 18.3 -85 22 255 16
DH-17 21.3 -76 22 255 40
DH-17 24.4 -63 22 255 44
DH-17 30.5 -88 6 255 21
DH-17 33.5 -88 6 255 42
DH-17 36.6 -88 22 255 13
DH-17 39.6 -73 16 255 32
DH-18 3 -52 14 255 40
DH-18 6.1 -57 18 255 27
DH-18 9.1 -60 7 255 45
DH-18 12.2 -67 8 255 46
DH-18 18.3 -54 8 255 44
DH-18 21.3 -61 29 255 27
DH-18 24.4 -66 25 255 36
DH-18 27.4 -41 8 255 41
DH-18 33.5 -52 23 255 20
DH-18 36.6 -41 22 255 24
DH-18 39.6 -61 8 255 34
DH-19 3 80 25 255 15
DH-19 9.1 97 25 255 37
DH-19 12.2 76 19 255 12
DH-19 15.2 78 13 255 29
DH-19 18.3 97 26 255 17
DH-19 21.3 88 16 255 42
DH-19 30.5 85 7 255 43
DH-19 36.6 93 19 255 26
DH-20 3 70 20 255 40
DH-20 12.2 85 9 255 19
DH-20 21.3 73 3 255 13
DH-20 24.4 96 1 255 50
DH-20 27.4 72 13 255 18
DH-20 30.5 79 20 255 27
DH-20 33.5 96 5 255 15
DH-20 39.6 73 24 255 48
DH-21 3 16 21 255 22
DH-21 6.1 1 21 255 39
DH-21 9.1 0 12 255 19
DH-21 12.2 15 0 255 12
DH-21 15.2 25 23 255 39
DH-21 18.3 10 16 255 47
DH-21 21.3 16 23 255 20
DH-21 30.5 21 23 255 39
DH-21 33.5 13 9 255 14
DH-21 36.6 24 3 255 30
DH-21 39.6 5 24 255 28
DH-22 3 56 19 255 28
DH-22 6.1 62 16 255 45
DH-22 9.1 44 30 255 39
DH-22 15.2 55 4 255 20
DH-22 18.3 55 22 255 26
DH-22 24.4 52 17 255 49
DH-22 30.5 54 22 255 20
DH-22 33.5 60 0 255 17
DH-22 36.6 57 25 255 21
DH-22 39.6 52 29 255 45
DH-23 3 -42 27 255 29
DH-23 6.1 -50 15 255 15
DH-23 9.1 -40 19 255 44
DH-23 12.2 -60 6 255 29
DH-23 15.2 -36 26 255 19
DH-23 21.3 -37 14 255 33
DH-23 24.4 -50 5 255 21
DH-23 27.4 -37 19 255 39
DH-23 30.5 -44 9 255 31
DH-23 33.5 -46 27 255 29
DH-23 36.6 -47 5 255 27
DH-23 39.6 -44 15 255 23
DH-24 3 -44 6 255 40
DH-24 9.1 -17 22 255 47
DH-24 15.2 -18 20 255 31
DH-24 18.3 -43 17 255 13
DH-24 21.3 -38 29 255 33
DH-24 27.4 -23 29 255 26
DH-24 30.5 -27 17 255 42
DH-24 33.5 -42 3 255 24
DH-24 36.6 -40 22 255 46
DH-25 9.1 -34 14 255 48
DH-25 12.2 -25 16 255 17
DH-25 15.2 -32 4 255 14
DH-25 18.3 -33 4 255 31
DH-25 21.3 -42 26 255 21
DH-25 24.4 -32 3 255 46
DH-25 27.4 -39 28 255 42
DH-25 30.5 -27 0 255 34
DH-25 33.5 -40 6 255 20
DH-25 36.6 -19 23 255 50
DH-26 3 30 18 255 11
DH-26 6.1 27 13 255 14
DH-26 9.1 26 15 255 24
DH-26 12.2 13 13 255 49
DH-26 15.2 1 4 255 12
DH-26 21.3 9 23 255 27
DH-26 24.4 9 7 255 35
DH-26 27.4 29 9 255 28
DH-26 30.5 24 9 255 35
DH-26 33.5 6 15 255 26
DH-26 36.6 28 21 255 41
DH-26 39.6 14 11 255 25
DH-27 3 48 14 255 42
DH-27 6.1 51 21 255 46
DH-27 9.1 60 22 255 16
DH-27 12.2 45 28 255 45
DH-27 15.2 46 25 255 28
DH-27 18.3 67 12 255 28
DH-27 21.3 74 24 255 32
DH-27 24.4 67 19 255 36
DH-27 27.4 53 29 255 27
DH-27 30.5 47 19 255 17
DH-27 36.6 49 25 255 41
DH-28 3 28 30 255 48
DH-28 6.1 22 12 255 50
DH-28 12.2 6 16 255 49
DH-28 15.2 2 22 255 28
DH-28 24.4 21 9 255 33
DH-28 27.4 21 16 255 48
DH-28 33.5 28 6 255 19
DH-28 36.6 27 21 255 24
DH-28 39.6 26 4 255 38
DH-29 3 31 27 255 34
DH-29 12.2 35 9 255 29
DH-29 15.2 36 20 255 37
DH-29 18.3 46 18 255 39
DH-29 21.3 45 3 255 50
DH-29 27.4 27 1 255 19
DH-29 30.5 50 29 255 45
DH-29 33.5 45 28 255 34
DH-29 36.6 23 8 255 20
DH-29 39.6 20 15 255 20
DH-30 3 -44 19 255 37
DH-30 6.1 -65 24 255 11
DH-30 9.1 -66 16 255 11
DH-30 12.2 -58 10 255 20
DH-30 18.3 -49 8 255 24
DH-30 21.3 -54 12 255 34
DH-30 27.4 -61 6 255 28
DH-30 30.5 -47 30 255 18
DH-30 33.5 -55 24 255 44
DH-30 36.6 -62 2 255 37
DH-31 3 -38 19 255 13
DH-31 9.1 -25 25 255 44
DH-31 18.3 -26 19 255 30
DH-31 21.3 -37 5 255 48
DH-31 24.4 -35 13 255 27
DH-31 27.4 -40 18 255 49
DH-31 30.5 -36 23 255 35
DH-31 33.5 -37 9 255 50
DH-31 36.6 -43 10 255 24
DH-31 39.6 -22 6 255 42
DH-32 3 22 28 255 39
DH-32 6.1 28 17 255 27
DH-32 9.1 13 12 255 47
DH-32 12.2 29 28 255 49
DH-32 15.2 14 26 255 16
DH-32 18.3 12 10 255 32
DH-32 24.4 6 20 255 17
DH-32 27.4 15 23 255 25
DH-32 33.5 15 9 255 35
DH-32 36.6 11 14 255 47
DH-32 39.6 3 13 255 45
DH-33 3 86 13 255 38
DH-33 6.1 70 14 255 23
DH-33 9.1 83 10 255 32
DH-33 12.2 65 15 255 23
DH-33 15.2 65 22 255 47
DH-33 18.3 78 12 255 49
DH-33 24.4 66 19 255 12
DH-33 27.4 76 6 255 34
DH-33 36.6 82 22 255 22
DH-33 39.6 88 20 255 39
DH-34 3 24 29 255 48
DH-34 6.1 4 18 255 47
DH-34 9.1 1 13 255 44
DH-34 12.2 9 25 255 28
DH-34 15.2 6 25 255 42
DH-34 21.3 16 2 255 10
DH-34 24.4 5 19 255 12
DH-34 27.4 23 21 255 36
DH-34 30.5 5 22 255 43
DH-34 33.5 22 10 255 30
DH-34 36.6 11 24 255 22
DH-35 3 53 26 255 15
DH-35 6.1 34 21 255 24
DH-35 9.1 37 20 255 13
DH-35 12.2 43 26 255 36
DH-35 15.2 45 24 255 25
DH-35 18.3 32 6 255 27
DH-35 24.4 32 9 255 12
DH-35 27.4 54 8 255 18
DH-35 33.5 33 20 255 48
DH-35 39.6 44 26 255 41
DH-36 3 55 25 255 47
DH-36 9.1 58 28 255 37
DH-36 12.2 54 11 255 35
DH-36 15.2 69 3 255 10
DH-36 18.3 53 15 255 15
DH-36 21.3 59 26 255 26
DH-36 24.4 50 8 255 50
DH-36 33.5 48 9 255 17
DH-36 36.6 48 9 255 37
DH-36 39.6 50 20 255 20
DH-37 3 5 18 255 18
DH-37 6.1 23 11 255 12
DH-37 9.1 16 22 255 24
DH-37 15.2 27 2 255 34
DH-37 18.3 13 8 255 49
DH-37 21.3 12 21 255 31
DH-37 24.4 14 9 255 20
DH-37 30.5 26 22 255 18
DH-37 33.5 22 3 255 28
DH-37 36.6 15 26 255 31
DH-37 39.6 29 20 255 31
DH-38 3 94 3 255 43
DH-38 6.1 80 16 255 39
DH-38 12.2 84 14 255 46
DH-38 15.2 92 8 255 26
DH-38 18.3 85 19 255 33
DH-38 24.4 80 28 255 43
DH-38 30.5 83 15 255 41
DH-38 36.6 88 10 255 25
DH-38 39.6 98 25 255 39
DH-39 3 -72 11 255 47
DH-39 9.1 -76 19 255 16
DH-39 12.2 -67 19 255 34
DH-39 15.2 -74 5 255 13
DH-39 24.4 -79 26 255 11
DH-39 27.4 -65 20 255 20
DH-39 33.5 -75 2 255 43
DH-39 36.6 -66 26 255 25
DH-39 39.6 -84 8 255 21
DH-40 3 5 10 255 30
DH-40 6.1 9 1 255 16
DH-40 9.1 9 15 255 45
DH-40 12.2 8 21 255 22
DH-40 15.2 13 12 255 37
DH-40 21.3 16 29 255 13
DH-40 24.4 22 25 255 29
DH-40 27.4 13 25 255 34
DH-40 30.5 18 22 255 28
DH-40 33.5 23 13 255 14
DH-40 36.6 28 25 255 24
DH-40 39.6 10 21 255 12
DH-41 6.1 16 2 255 16
DH-41 9.1 20 23 255 36
DH-41 12.2 21 14 255 30
DH-41 15.2 28 30 255 21
DH-41 21.3 12 20 255 48
DH-41 24.4 22 14 255 35
DH-41 27.4 15 14 255 13
DH-41 30.5 10 21 255 48
DH-41 33.5 14 29 255 45
DH-41 39.6 24 17 255 29
DH-42 3 17 4 255 13
DH-42 6.1 4 13 255 11
DH-42 9.1 18 0 255 31
DH-42 12.2 7 16 255 49
DH-42 21.3 21 3 255 18
DH-42 24.4 11 14 255 11
DH-42 27.4 30 16 255 41
DH-42 30.5 25 26 255 13
DH-42 36.6 19 19 255 38
DH-42 39.6 15 3 255 10
DH-43 3 5 10 255 29
DH-43 6.1 7 23 255 46
DH-43 9.1 26 28 255 13
DH-43 12.2 14 11 255 14
DH-43 15.2 7 20 255 29
DH-43 18.3 13 27 255 39
DH-43 21.3 0 20 255 14
DH-43 30.5 9 22 255 17
DH-43 33.5 26 19 255 47
DH-43 36.6 11 14 255 26
DH-43 39.6 20 12 255 10

Bore SampleDate Depth1 Depth2 Aquifer Comment
DH-01 2/14/2007 9.1 19 Aquifer 1
DH-01 2/14/2007 30 49 Aquifer 2
DH-01 5/15/2007 9.1 18 Aquifer 1
DH-01 8/6/2007 9.8 17 Aquifer 1
DH-01 11/18/2007 14 16 Aquifer 1
DH-01 11/18/2007 31 48 Aquifer 2
DH-02 2/14/2007 17.1 20 Aquifer 1
DH-02 2/14/2007 32 47 Aquifer 2
DH-02 5/15/2007 16.8 21 Aquifer 1
DH-02 8/6/2007 17.1 22 Aquifer 1
DH-02 11/18/2007 17.7 23 Aquifer 1
DH-02 11/18/2007 33 46 Aquifer 2
DH-03 2/14/2007 10.4 24 Aquifer 1
DH-03 2/14/2007 34 44 Aquifer 2
DH-03 5/15/2007 11 25 Aquifer 1
DH-03 8/6/2007 13.1 26 Aquifer 1
DH-03 11/18/2007 9.1 27 Aquifer 1
DH-03 11/18/2007 35 43 Aquifer 2
DH-04 2/14/2007 14.9 28 Aquifer 1
DH-04 2/14/2007 36 42 Aquifer 2
DH-04 5/15/2007 15.2 29 Aquifer 1
DH-04 8/6/2007 9.4 19 Aquifer 1
DH-04 11/18/2007 16.2 20 Aquifer 1
DH-04 11/18/2007 37 41 Aquifer 2
DH-05 2/14/2007 12.2 21 Aquifer 1
DH-05 2/14/2007 38 40 Aquifer 2
DH-05 5/15/2007 12.8 22 Aquifer 1
DH-05 8/6/2007 13.7 23 Aquifer 1
DH-05 11/18/2007 18 24 Aquifer 1
DH-05 11/18/2007 39 39 Aquifer 2
DH-06 2/14/2007 15.2 25 Aquifer 1
DH-06 2/14/2007 38 38 Aquifer 2
DH-06 5/15/2007 16.5 26 Aquifer 1
DH-06 8/6/2007 16.5 27 Aquifer 1
DH-06 11/18/2007 17.4 28 Aquifer 1
DH-06 11/18/2007 37 37 Aquifer 2
DH-07 2/14/2007 12.2 29 Aquifer 1
DH-07 2/14/2007 36 36 Aquifer 2
DH-07 5/15/2007 12.8 28 Aquifer 1
DH-07 8/6/2007 13.1 27 Aquifer 1
DH-07 11/18/2007 15.5 26 Aquifer 1
DH-07 11/18/2007 35 35 Aquifer 2
DH-08 2/14/2007 6.7 25 Aquifer 1
DH-08 2/14/2007 34 34 Aquifer 2
DH-08 5/15/2007 7.3 24 Aquifer 1
DH-08 8/6/2007 7.9 23 Aquifer 1
DH-08 11/18/2007 8.2 22 Aquifer 1
DH-08 11/18/2007 33 33 Aquifer 2
DH-09 2/14/2007 6.7 21 Aquifer 1
DH-09 2/14/2007 32 32 Aquifer 2
DH-09 5/15/2007 8.8 20 Aquifer 1
DH-09 8/6/2007 9.1 19 Aquifer 1
DH-09 11/18/2007 8.2 18 Aquifer 1
DH-09 11/18/2007 31 31 Aquifer 2
DH-10 2/14/2007 8.2 17 Aquifer 1
DH-10 2/14/2007 30 32 Aquifer 2
DH-10 5/15/2007 8.5 16 Aquifer 1
DH-10 8/6/2007 7.6 15 Aquifer 1
DH-10 11/18/2007 7.9 14 Aquifer 1
DH-10 11/18/2007 31 33 Aquifer 2
DH-11 2/14/2007 7.9 13 Aquifer 1
DH-11 2/14/2007 32 34 Aquifer 2
DH-11 5/15/2007 8.2 12 Aquifer 1
DH-11 8/6/2007 7.6 10 Aquifer 1
DH-11 11/18/2007 7.9 11 Aquifer 1
DH-11 11/18/2007 33 35 Aquifer 2
DH-12 2/14/2007 34 36 Aquifer 2
DH-12 11/18/2007 35 37 Aquifer 2
DH-13 2/14/2007 8.2 12 Aquifer 1
DH-13 5/15/2007 8.8 13 Aquifer 1
DH-13 8/6/2007 9.1 14 Aquifer 1
DH-13 11/18/2007 7.9 15 Aquifer 1
DH-14 2/14/2007 11 16 Aquifer 1
DH-14 2/14/2007 36 38 Aquifer 2
DH-14 5/15/2007 10.7 17 Aquifer 1
DH-14 8/6/2007 11.6 18 Aquifer 1
DH-14 11/18/2007 12.2 19 Aquifer 1
DH-14 11/18/2007 37 39 Aquifer 2
DH-15 2/14/2007 15.2 20 Aquifer 1
DH-15 5/15/2007 14.6 21 Aquifer 1
DH-15 8/6/2007 14.9 22 Aquifer 1
DH-15 11/18/2007 15.5 23 Aquifer 1
DH-16 2/14/2007 6.7 24 Aquifer 1
DH-16 2/14/2007 38 40 Aquifer 2
DH-16 5/15/2007 7 25 Aquifer 1
DH-16 8/6/2007 7.9 26 Aquifer 1
DH-16 11/18/2007 6.4 27 Aquifer 1
DH-16 11/18/2007 39 41 Aquifer 2
DH-17 2/14/2007 7.6 28 Aquifer 1
DH-17 5/15/2007 8.2 29 Aquifer 1
DH-17 8/6/2007 7.9 28 Aquifer 1
DH-17 11/18/2007 8.2 27 Aquifer 1
DH-18 2/14/2007 12.5 26 Aquifer 1
DH-18 2/14/2007 38 42 Aquifer 2
DH-18 5/15/2007 13.7 25 Aquifer 1
DH-18 8/6/2007 12.8 24 Aquifer 1
DH-18 11/18/2007 16.5 23 Aquifer 1
DH-18 11/18/2007 37 43 Aquifer 2
DH-19 2/14/2007 10.4 22 Aquifer 1
DH-19 5/15/2007 11 21 Aquifer 1
DH-19 8/6/2007 10.4 20 Aquifer 1
DH-19 11/18/2007 10.7 19 Aquifer 1
DH-20 2/14/2007 7.3 18 Aquifer 1
DH-20 2/14/2007 36 44 Aquifer 2
DH-20 5/15/2007 7.6 17 Aquifer 1
DH-20 8/6/2007 7 16 Aquifer 1
DH-20 11/18/2007 7.3 15 Aquifer 1
DH-20 11/18/2007 35 45 Aquifer 2
DH-21 2/14/2007 9.1 14 Aquifer 1
DH-21 2/14/2007 34 46 Aquifer 2
DH-21 5/15/2007 9.8 13 Aquifer 1
DH-21 8/6/2007 11.6 12 Aquifer 1
DH-21 11/18/2007 10.1 11 Aquifer 1
DH-21 11/18/2007 33 47 Aquifer 2
DH-22 2/14/2007 9.8 10 Aquifer 1
DH-22 2/14/2007 32 48 Aquifer 2
DH-22 5/15/2007 10.4 11 Aquifer 1
DH-22 8/6/2007 10.1 12 Aquifer 1
DH-22 11/18/2007 9.4 13 Aquifer 1
DH-22 11/18/2007 31 49 Aquifer 2
DH-23 2/14/2007 9.1 14 Aquifer 1
DH-23 2/14/2007 30 48 Aquifer 2
DH-23 5/15/2007 12.2 15 Aquifer 1
DH-23 8/6/2007 12.5 16 Aquifer 1
DH-23 11/18/2007 13.7 17 Aquifer 1
DH-23 11/18/2007 31 47 Aquifer 2
DH-24 2/14/2007 14.9 18 Aquifer 1
DH-24 5/15/2007 15.2 19 Aquifer 1
DH-24 8/6/2007 15.8 20 Aquifer 1
DH-24 11/18/2007 16.5 21 Aquifer 1
DH-25 2/14/2007 9.1 22 Aquifer 1
DH-25 2/14/2007 32 46 Aquifer 2
DH-25 5/15/2007 9.8 23 Aquifer 1
DH-25 8/6/2007 9.4 24 Aquifer 1
DH-25 11/18/2007 10.4 25 Aquifer 1
DH-25 11/18/2007 33 45 Aquifer 2
DH-26 2/14/2007 10.4 26 Aquifer 1
DH-26 5/15/2007 10.7 27 Aquifer 1
DH-26 8/6/2007 10.1 28 Aquifer 1
DH-26 11/18/2007 9.8 29 Aquifer 1
DH-27 2/14/2007 9.1 28 Aquifer 1
DH-27 2/14/2007 34 44 Aquifer 2
DH-27 5/15/2007 8.8 27 Aquifer 1
DH-27 8/6/2007 8.2 26 Aquifer 1
DH-27 11/18/2007 8.8 25 Aquifer 1
DH-27 11/18/2007 35 43 Aquifer 2
DH-28 2/14/2007 9.1 24 Aquifer 1
DH-28 5/15/2007 10.4 23 Aquifer 1
DH-28 8/6/2007 10.1 22 Aquifer 1
DH-28 11/18/2007 9.8 21 Aquifer 1
DH-29 2/14/2007 9.1 20 Aquifer 1
DH-29 2/14/2007 36 42 Aquifer 2
DH-29 5/15/2007 9.8 19 Aquifer 1
DH-29 8/6/2007 10.1 18 Aquifer 1
DH-29 11/18/2007 9.4 17 Aquifer 1
DH-29 11/18/2007 37 41 Aquifer 2
DH-30 2/14/2007 9.1 16 Aquifer 1
DH-30 5/15/2007 10.7 15 Aquifer 1
DH-30 8/6/2007 11.6 14 Aquifer 1
DH-30 11/18/2007 10.4 13 Aquifer 1
DH-31 2/14/2007 11.3 12 Aquifer 1
DH-31 2/14/2007 38 40 Aquifer 2
DH-31 5/15/2007 11.9 13 Aquifer 1
DH-31 8/6/2007 11.6 14 Aquifer 1
DH-31 11/18/2007 11.9 15 Aquifer 1
DH-31 11/18/2007 39 39 Aquifer 2
DH-32 2/14/2007 6.7 8 Aquifer 1
DH-32 5/15/2007 7 7 Aquifer 1
DH-32 8/6/2007 6.7 8 Aquifer 1
DH-32 11/18/2007 6.4 9 Aquifer 1
DH-33 2/14/2007 7.3 10 Aquifer 1
DH-33 2/14/2007 38 38 Aquifer 2
DH-33 5/15/2007 7.6 11 Aquifer 1
DH-33 8/6/2007 7.9 12 Aquifer 1
DH-33 11/18/2007 7.6 13 Aquifer 1
DH-33 11/18/2007 37 37 Aquifer 2
DH-34 2/14/2007 9.8 14 Aquifer 1
DH-34 5/15/2007 9.1 15 Aquifer 1
DH-34 8/6/2007 8.8 16 Aquifer 1
DH-34 11/18/2007 9.4 17 Aquifer 1
DH-35 2/14/2007 11.3 18 Aquifer 1
DH-35 2/14/2007 36 36 Aquifer 2
DH-35 5/15/2007 10.7 19 Aquifer 1
DH-35 8/6/2007 11.9 20 Aquifer 1
DH-35 11/18/2007 12.2 21 Aquifer 1
DH-35 11/18/2007 35 35 Aquifer 2
DH-36 2/14/2007 9.1 22 Aquifer 1
DH-36 5/15/2007 9.8 23 Aquifer 1
DH-36 8/6/2007 9.4 24 Aquifer 1
DH-36 11/18/2007 9.8 25 Aquifer 1
DH-37 2/14/2007 9.1 26 Aquifer 1
DH-37 2/14/2007 34 34 Aquifer 2
DH-37 5/15/2007 9.8 27 Aquifer 1
DH-37 8/6/2007 9.4 28 Aquifer 1
DH-37 11/18/2007 9.8 29 Aquifer 1
DH-37 11/18/2007 33 33 Aquifer 2
DH-38 2/14/2007 8.8 28 Aquifer 1
DH-38 5/15/2007 8.5 27 Aquifer 1
DH-38 8/6/2007 8.2 26 Aquifer 1
DH-38 11/18/2007 8.8 25 Aquifer 1
DH-39 2/14/2007 6.7 24 Aquifer 1
DH-39 2/14/2007 32 32 Aquifer 2
DH-39 5/15/2007 7 23 Aquifer 1
DH-39 8/6/2007 6.4 22 Aquifer 1
DH-39 11/18/2007 6.7 21 Aquifer 1
DH-39 11/18/2007 31 31 Aquifer 2
DH-40 2/14/2007 9.1 10 Aquifer 1
DH-40 5/15/2007 9.4 11 Aquifer 1
DH-40 8/6/2007 9.8 12 Aquifer 1
DH-40 11/18/2007 9.4 13 Aquifer 1
DH-41 2/14/2007 9.1 14 Aquifer 1
DH-41 2/14/2007 30 32 Aquifer 2
DH-41 5/15/2007 10.7 15 Aquifer 1
DH-41 8/6/2007 9.4 16 Aquifer 1
DH-41 11/18/2007 11.3 17 Aquifer 1
DH-41 11/18/2007 31 33 Aquifer 2
DH-42 2/14/2007 9.1 17 Aquifer 1
DH-42 5/15/2007 9.8 18 Aquifer 1
DH-42 8/6/2007 8.8 19 Aquifer 1
DH-42 11/18/2007 9.1 20 Aquifer 1
DH-43 2/14/2007 9.4 21 Aquifer 1
DH-43 2/14/2007 32 34 Aquifer 2
DH-43 5/15/2007 9.8 22 Aquifer 1
DH-43 8/6/2007 10.7 23 Aquifer 1
DH-43 11/18/2007 10.4 24 Aquifer 1
DH-43 11/18/2007 33 35 Aquifer 2

Bore Depth Symbol Color Comment
DH-01 27.4 81 32768 water bearing zone
DH-02 32.3 80 16711680 mineralized zone
DH-03 3 76 65280 fracture zone
DH-03 6.1 74 255 bedding plane
DH-04 4.6 80 16711680 mineralized zone
DH-05 9.1 76 65280 fracture zone
DH-06 24.4 81 32768 water bearing zone
DH-07 7.6 80 16711680 mineralized zone
DH-08 7.9 76 65280 fracture zone
DH-09 6.4 80 16711680 mineralized zone
DH-10 37.5 76 65280 fracture zone
DH-11 21.3 76 65280 fracture zone
DH-12 17.4 80 16711680 mineralized zone
DH-13 42.7 81 32768 water bearing zone
DH-14 24.4 80 16711680 mineralized zone
DH-15 27.4 76 65280 fracture zone
DH-27 30.5 76 65280 fracture zone
DH-28 18.3 80 16711680 mineralized zone
DH-41 21.3 81 32768 water bearing zone
DH-43 23.5 76 65280 fracture zone

Bore Depth1 Depth2 Pattern Size Background Foreground Thickness
DH-01 0 1.5 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-01 6.1 7.6 254 1.25 59110 0 1
DH-01 12.2 13.7 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-01 18.3 19.8 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-02 0 1.5 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-02 6.1 7.6 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-02 12.2 13.7 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-02 18.3 19.8 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-03 0 1.5 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-03 6.1 7.6 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-03 12.2 13.7 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-03 19.8 21.3 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-04 0 1.5 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-04 6.1 7.6 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-04 12.2 13.7 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-04 18.3 19.8 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-04 24.4 25.9 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-04 30.5 32 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-05 0 1.5 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-05 6.1 7.6 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-05 12.2 13.7 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-05 18.3 19.8 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-06 0 1.5 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-06 6.1 7.6 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-06 12.2 13.7 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-06 16.8 18.3 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-06 22.9 24.4 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-06 29 30.5 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-06 35.1 36.6 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-07 0 1.5 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-07 6.1 7.6 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-07 12.2 13.7 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-07 18.3 19.8 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-08 0 1.5 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-08 6.1 7.6 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-08 12.2 13.7 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-08 18.3 19.8 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-09 0 1.5 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-09 6.1 7.6 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-09 12.2 13.7 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-09 18.3 19.8 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-09 24.4 25.9 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-10 0 1.5 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-10 6.1 7.6 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-10 12.2 13.7 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-10 18.3 19.8 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-11 0 1.5 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-11 6.1 7.6 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-11 12.2 13.7 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-11 18.3 19.8 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-12 0 1.5 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-12 6.1 7.6 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-12 12.2 13.7 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-13 0 1.5 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-13 6.1 7.6 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-13 12.2 13.7 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-13 18.3 19.8 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-14 0 1.5 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-14 6.1 7.6 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-14 12.2 13.7 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-14 18.3 19.8 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-15 0 1.5 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-15 6.1 7.6 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-15 12.2 13.7 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-15 18.3 19.8 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-16 0 1.5 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-16 6.1 7.6 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-16 12.2 13.7 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-16 18.3 19.8 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-16 24.4 25.9 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-17 0 1.5 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-17 6.1 7.6 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-17 12.2 13.7 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-17 16.8 18.3 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-18 0 1.5 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-18 6.1 7.6 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-18 12.2 13.7 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-19 0 1.5 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-19 6.1 7.6 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-19 12.2 13.7 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-19 18.3 19.8 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-19 24.4 25.9 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-19 30.5 32 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-20 0 1.5 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-20 6.1 7.6 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-20 12.2 13.7 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-20 18.3 19.8 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-21 0 1.5 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-21 6.1 7.6 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-21 12.2 13.7 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-21 18.3 19.8 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-21 24.4 25.9 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-22 0 1.5 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-22 6.1 7.6 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-22 12.2 13.7 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-23 0 1.5 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-23 6.1 7.6 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-23 12.2 13.7 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-24 0 1.5 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-24 6.1 7.6 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-24 12.2 13.7 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-24 18.3 19.8 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-25 0 1.5 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-25 6.1 7.6 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-25 12.2 13.7 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-26 0 1.5 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-26 6.1 7.6 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-26 12.2 13.7 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-26 18.3 19.8 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-26 24.4 25.9 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-26 30.5 32 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-27 1.5 3 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-27 6.1 7.6 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-27 12.2 13.7 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-28 0 1.5 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-28 6.1 7.6 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-28 12.2 13.7 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-28 18.3 19.8 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-28 24.4 25.9 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-29 0 1.5 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-29 6.1 7.6 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-29 12.2 13.7 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-29 18.3 19.8 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-29 24.4 25.9 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-30 0 1.5 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-30 6.1 7.6 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-30 12.2 13.7 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-30 18.3 19.8 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-30 24.4 25.9 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-31 0 1.5 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-31 6.1 7.6 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-31 12.2 13.7 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-32 0 1.5 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-32 6.1 7.6 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-32 12.2 13.7 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-32 18.3 19.8 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-33 0 1.5 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-33 6.1 7.6 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-33 12.2 13.7 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-33 18.3 19.8 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-33 24.4 25.9 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-33 30.5 32 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-34 0 1.5 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-34 6.1 7.6 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-34 12.2 13.7 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-34 18.3 19.8 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-34 24.4 25.9 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-34 30.5 32 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-35 0 1.5 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-35 6.1 7.6 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-35 12.2 13.7 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-35 18.3 19.8 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-36 0 1.5 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-36 6.1 7.6 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-36 12.2 13.7 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-36 18.3 19.8 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-37 0 1.5 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-37 6.1 7.6 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-37 12.2 13.7 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-37 18.3 19.8 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-38 0 1.5 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-38 6.1 7.6 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-38 12.2 13.7 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-38 18.3 19.8 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-38 24.4 25 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-39 0 1.5 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-39 6.1 7.6 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-39 12.2 13.7 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-40 0 1.5 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-40 6.1 7.6 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-40 12.2 13.7 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-40 18.3 19.8 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-40 24.4 25.9 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-41 0 1.5 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-41 6.1 7.6 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-41 12.2 13.7 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-41 18.3 19.8 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-41 24.4 25.9 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-41 30.5 32 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-42 0 1.5 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-42 6.1 7.6 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-42 12.2 13.7 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-42 18.3 19.8 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-42 24.4 25.9 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-42 30.5 32 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-43 0 1.5 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-43 6.1 7.6 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-43 12.2 13.7 10 3 59110 0 1
DH-43 18.3 19.8 10 3 59110 0 1
Bore Depth1 Depth2 Header Footer Filename
DH-01 -12.5 40.84 0 2444 DH_01_Raster_Log_01.png
DH-02 -2.44 93.57 0 2509 DH_02_Raster_Log_01.jpg
DH-03 1.52 12.19 0 257 DH_03_Core_01.png
DH-03 13.72 36.27 0 878 DH_03_Core_02.png
DH-03 36.58 51.82 0 261 DH_03_Core_03.png
DH-04 0 7.62 0 210 DH_04_00_to_05.png
DH-04 7.62 15.24 0 205 DH_04_05_to_10.png
DH-04 15.24 22.86 0 198 DH_04_10_to_15.png
DH-04 22.86 30.48 0 209 DH_04_15_to_20.png
DH-04 30.48 38.1 0 212 DH_04_20_to_25.png
DH-04 38.1 45.72 0 208 DH_04_25_to_30.png
DH-04 45.72 53.34 0 206 DH_04_30_to_35.png
DH-06 -3.96 69.19 0 825 DH_06_Outcrop_01.png
DH-10 -1.22 62.18 0 2509 DH_10_Raster_Log_01.jpg
DH-13 -3.66 92.35 0 2554 DH_13_Raster_Log_01.jpg
DH-23 -2.13 78.94 0 2514 DH_23_Raster_Log.jpg
DH-29 -12.19 68.88 0 4568 DH_29_Raster_Log_01.jpg
DH-35 -12.8 72.54 0 4627 DH_35_Raster_Log_01.jpg
DH-41 -17.98 67.97 0 3940 DH_41_Raster_Log_01.jpg

Name Comments

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