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Lesson Plan in Science III

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the pupils will be able to:
a. identify the natural objects seen in the sky at daytime and nighttime;
b. show appreciation and importance of the natural objects seen in the sky;
c. make a representation of the sky during daytime and nighttime.

II. Subject Matter

Title: Earth’s Sky
Reference: Real Life Science, page 454 - 459
Materials: Laptop, LCD Projector, Graphic organizer, illustration board
Values Integration: Appreriate the importance of God’s creation in one’s life
III. Procedure
A. Motivation
Post the pictures one at a time. Ask the pupils about the pictures.
a. What objects can you see in the pictures?
B. Lesson Proper
1. Presentation
A. Activity
1. Let the pupils write the natural objects they see during daytime and nighttime using
graphic organizer.


B. Analysis: After the two graphic organizers are completed, ask the pupils the following
1. What are the natural objects seen in the sky at night? During the day?
2. Are there objects that can be seen in both the day and night sky?
2. Discussion
A. Describe the natural objects seen during daytime and nighttime.
B. What are the activities that we can do during daytime and nighttime?
3. Application
A. Group Activity
Divide the class into two groups, let them make a representation of the sky that can
be seen during daytime and nightime. Afterwhich, each group will show their own work to the
class and share the importance of these objects in one’s daily life.
4. Generalization
A. What are the natural objects seen in the sky at night?
B. What are the natural objects seen in the sky during the day?

IV. Evaluation
Directions: Write True if the sentence is correct and False if it is wrong.
1. The sun is a star.
2. The moon has its own light.
3. Cirrus clouds indicate bad weather.
4. The moon can be seen during daytime and nighttime.
5. Stars have different colors.
6. The sun appears at night.
7. The heat that comes from the sun is important to living things.
8. Clouds are source of heat and light.
9. Nimbus clouds are thin and clear clouds.
10. The moon changes its shape at different times of the month.

V. Assignment
Create your own graphic design to show the effects of the natural objects in the sky in our daily

Prepared by:
Rea Mae Agpaoa

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