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From the beginning of the humanity, the communication has played an important
place in our communities. To help us with this, currently there are many social networks
which we use to keep in touch with our friends all over the world.

The first social media in the world was SixDegrees, it was developed in 1997 but it
started to work in 2001, its creator was Andrew Winreich, today this network doesn’t exist
but we have some others such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp, Snapchat,
Pinterest and some others.

In 2003 Mark Zuckeberg created Facebook, while he was studying at the Harvard
University, but Facebook has changed all the time, at the beginning he built a network
called Facemash where the students could to share their photos and the other students gave
a score to it , but a couple of days later his University closed it. At the present time
Facebook is one of the biggest networks on the internet with more than 2.000 million of
active users per month.

Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger were the creators of Instagram, it was presented to
the people in October of 2010, but the same as happened with Facebook first it was called
Burbn and this network only worked on apple devices, as its creator watched that it wasn’t
going to be accepted by all the people he deleted it and created the one that nowadays we
know as Instagram. More than

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