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JD1//v3o^/ er+Vryurt,p_ .siyjo. t'v'uv - /cse N,lJ,,\
physics -: ",^''\,/ -* - - w- V61ttl. f
I. If the refractive index of two liquids is 1.2 and 1.5 respectively, in which liquid will the shift observe6
be more? Explain.
2. Refractive index of glass is 1.5, what do you understand by this statement?
3. When light travels from one medium to another obliquely it does not undergo refraction, why?
4. Draw the appearance of bending of stick in water.
5. The refractive index of glass is 1.5, a stamp kept under a glass slab appears to be raised by 6mm. Calculate
the actual position of the stamp fi'om the surface of the glass slab
Study the survey of lndia map sheet no 45 D/10 and answer the following questions: Geography

1. Calculate the distance of the metalled road from where cart track from Nimbora joins to 0808.
2. How dothe people of Revdar communicate with the people of the eastern part of the map extract?
3. Calculate the 6 figure grid reference of the temple near Rampura.
4. Why Agriculture is not possible along the river on the NW parl of the toposheet?
5. ldentify the highest contour line in the given map extract.


1.A plane left 30 minutes later than the scheduled time and in order to reach its destination 1500 km away in time,it has
to increase its speed by 250km/hrfrom its usualspeed.Find its usualspeed.
2.ln certain fraction,the denominator is greater than the numerator by 3.lf 1 is subtracted from the numerator and the

denominator both, the fraction reduces by l.r,nO the fraction.

3.Mohan takes 16 days less than Manoj to do a piece of work.lf both working together can do it in 15 days.ln how
days will Mohan alone complete the work?
Commercial Applications

1. Explain external sources of Recruitment.

2 what are factors influencing the choice of a source of recruitment.
3 Describe methods and procedure of selection.
4 Distinguish between recruitment and selection


1) Two single dimension arrays contain the elements as follows:

x[ ] ={5,-3,-2,L,0,L2,1,4,1,6,25,t3};
y[ ] ={6, 5, 10, 1,5,1-8,20,22,30} ;
Write a program that results a third array z as follows:
z [ ] = {5, 6, -3, 5, -2,10,1,!5,0,1,8, 12,20,L4,22,16
}A,25,I3} ;
2) Write a program to create a SDA of 20 integers .Count and Print of only double digit and triple digit integers
from the array.


l. Do as directed.

1 . lf Tom can't arrange it, Nidhi.will. ( Use: either)

2. Her behaviour was admirable on the games field. (Use: behaved)
3. Bela is not such a good player as Reena. (use: than )
4. A few minlsters went along with the president.( use: accompanied)
5. Usha was running very fast and could not stop. ( use: too)
6. I do not intend to be present. ( use: have)

1) A hydrated salt has the following percentage composition- Na-16.10 o , C-4.20o ,0-16.78%
and water of crystallization -62.93%. Calculate empirical formula of the salt.
2) Emperical formula of a compound is PQ. If its empiricql formula weight is 1/3 of its vapour
density, calculate molecular formula of the compound.
3) 10g of a mixture of anhydrous sodium sulphate and sodium chloride is dissolved in water. To
the solution is added excess of Barium chloride, when 6.99 g of Barium sulphate precipitates
out as shown in equation.
NazSO+ + BaClz--) 2 NaCl + BaSO+
Calculate the percentage of anhydrous sodium sulphate in the mixture (Ba-137, S-32, O-16, Na-
History civics
1)Explain briefly the specific contribution of LAL-BAL-PAL.

2)State the factor which led to the formation of the Muslim league?


1) Physical activity is both usefulfor adolescents and adults, Justify tfire statement.
2) Food faddism and fad diet referto idiosyncratic diets and eating patterns. Discuss.

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