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Application of Dependency Structure Matrix for Activity

Sequencing in Concurrent Engineering Projects

J. Uma Maheswari1; Koshy Varghese2; and T. Sridharan3
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Abstract: The dependency structure matrix 共DSM兲 has been identified as an apt tool to represent information flows between activities.
Using this representation, information dependency attributes can be organized and analyzed in a structured manner to identify activity
groups and sequences for concurrent execution. Current DSM methodology requires significant efforts from the experts to estimate
information dependency attributes. The methodology can be more widely used if the estimating efforts are reduced. This paper proposes
two concepts to reduce the estimating efforts required for the DSM methodology. The first concept reduces the number of information
dependency ratings required and the second concept reduces the effort to estimate the rating. The proposed concepts are structured into a
procedure. This procedure is applied to the design phase of an induced draft cooling tower 共IDCT兲 project and discussed. The paper also
discusses the shortcomings and future directions of the present approach and concludes that the present approach is applicable in IDCT
projects and can be extended to other types of projects.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲0733-9364共2006兲132:5共482兲
CE Database subject headings: Construction management; Information management; Project management.

Introduction Assumptions are also required to execute interdependent activi-

ties. In such cases, the activities require assumed information to
In order to minimize the project duration, a number of schedule start and progress even if they are executed sequentially. If these
compression techniques are in use today. Phased construction, assumptions are erroneous, it can lead to rework of a single or a
fast track, concurrent engineering 共CE兲, and concurrent construc- group of dependent activities and hence cause delays. One of the
tion 共CC兲 are some of the popular techniques 共Fazio et al. 1988; challenges in planning a CE process is to decide on the assump-
Jaafari 1997; Koskela and Huovila 1999; Kamara et al. 2001兲. tions and the corresponding sequence of execution, which will
Concurrent engineering is a process where the design activities result in minimum project duration with little risk of errors and
are overlapped with each other to shorten the design phase. In rework.
attempting to reduce project duration through CE, decisions on Conventional tools like the critical path method 共CPM兲 and
the activities that can be overlapped, the extent of overlap, and the program evaluation and review techniques 共PERT兲 are not suit-
overall sequence of activities are critical. These decisions are in- able for sequence analysis because they cannot model inter-
fluenced predominantly by the information dependency among dependent activities 共Eppinger 2001兲. Moreover, these tools
the activities. cannot model information flow. As engineering activities are
The dependency relationships among the activities in a pro- interdependent and sequenced based on information flows, mod-
ject are of three types—independent, dependent, and interdepen- eling information exchange for these activities is impossible with
dent 共Eppinger 2001; Yassine and Braha 2003兲. It is obvious that CPM or PERT. Researchers have investigated the dependency
if a project consists of independent activities, there are fewer structure matrix 共DSM兲 as a tool to identify and manage informa-
problems in concurrent execution. To perform the concurrent ex- tion exchange between activities 共Eppinger et al. 2005; Steward
ecution of dependent activities, assumptions have to be made. 1981兲. Factors such as strength of dependency, sensitivity, and a
few other factors proposed by Eppinger et al. 共2005兲 and Yassine
1 et al. 共1999兲 have been used to quantify the information transfers
Research Scholar, Building Technology and Construction
Management Division, Civil Engineering Dept., Indian Institute of among the activities for planning the sequence 共Eppinger et al.
Technology, Madras, Chennai 600 036, India. E-mail: 1994兲.
Professor, Building Technology and Construction Management Although extensive DSM research has been carried out in
Division, Civil Engineering Dept., Indian Institute of Technology, manufacturing and other disciplines, little work has been done
Madras, Chennai 600 036, India. E-mail: in construction. Construction researchers in VTT 共Technical Re-
Formerly, General Manager, Engineering Design Research and search Centre of Finland兲 have demonstrated through case studies
Consultancy Group, Larsen & Toubro, ECC Division, Mount that the DSM can be used for finding better sequences for build-
Poonamallee Rd., Manapakkam, Chennai 600 089, India. ing a design process 共Huovila et al. 1995; Koskela et al. 1997兲.
Note. Discussion open until October 1, 2006. Separate discussions Similarly, at Loughborough University, researchers have devel-
must be submitted for individual papers. To extend the closing date by
oped a DSM-based methodology called the analytical design
one month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Managing
Editor. The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and pos- planning technique 共ADePT兲 and have tested its applicability in
sible publication on April 6, 2004; approved on August 3, 2005. This building projects 共Austin et al. 1996, 2000a,b兲.
paper is part of the Journal of Construction Engineering and Manage- A limitation of the applicability of current DSM methodolo-
ment, Vol. 132, No. 5, May 1, 2006. ©ASCE, ISSN 0733-9364/2006/5- gies is that significant effort is required from the experts to esti-
482–490/$25.00. mate information dependency attributes. The objective of the


J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2006, 132(5): 482-490

Project Execution Strategies

In the conventional method of project execution, design is fully

completed before construction starts as illustrated in Fig. 1共a兲. As
the demand for shorter projects arose, phased construction was
introduced. Here, after each design work package is completed,
the corresponding construction work package is executed as
shown in Fig. 1共b兲 共Fazio et al. 1988兲. Owing to the further de-
mand for shortening project duration, the fast track method came
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into existence. In this method, the design phase is overlapped

with the construction phase to achieve the time gain as shown in
Fig. 1共c兲 共Huovila et al. 1994兲. As there was no systematic analy-
sis or procedure for overlapping the phases, there were numerous
problems and additional costs associated with the fast-track ap-
proach 共Huovila et al. 1994兲.
The concurrent engineering concept consists of an organized
procedure and methods for achieving the demand of shortened
project duration. It is a process where selected activities in the
design phase are overlapped, thereby reducing the total dura-
tion of the design phase as shown in Fig. 1共d兲. At VTT and
Loughborough University, extensive research is being carried out
in implementing the CE concept in construction 共Huovila et al.
1994; Koskela and Huovila 1999; Anumba and Kamara 1999;
Kamara et al. 2001兲. Concurrent construction is a combination of
the fast-track and CE concepts where there is a shortened design
phase and also overlapping with the construction phase as shown
in Fig. 1共e兲. Even though the CC concept offers potential for
maximum reduction in duration, issues of systematic implemen-
tation are very difficult.
A comparative analysis of the various execution strategies is
Fig. 1. Project execution strategies shown in Table 1. The level of detail required to plan the CE and
CC processes is at the activity level. Detailed information about
the dependency relationships for the activities is essential for
concurrent implementation. Such detailed information will not be
present work is to reduce the estimating effort. To address this available to the planners during planning. One of the challenges
objective, the paper proposes two concepts—the first concept
in planning a CE process is to decide on the assumptions and the
reduces the number of information dependency ratings to be es-
corresponding sequence of execution, that will result in minimum
timated and the second concept reduces the effort to estimate each
rating. project duration with little risk of errors and rework. Further, as
The proposed concepts were structured as a detailed proce- the information dependency relationships in a project also add
dure. The application of the procedure to the drive assembly 共DA兲 complexity, the managers have to assume information for con-
design of an induced draft cooling tower 共IDCT兲 was carried out current implementation. Executing a concurrent project with
with industry interaction. The details of this application example uncertain information and/or assumptions is a key challenge.
are illustrated in this paper and the resulting implementation Once suitable assumptions are determined, the sequence of activi-
issues are discussed. ties can be generated.

Table 1. Comparison between the Various Execution Strategies

Strategy Type of
number execution model Description Level of detail
1 Conventional method Design phase is fullly completed followed by construction Focus is at abstract level—entire phase
2 Phased construction After each design work package, that particular construction Focus is at second level—work package
3 Fast-track construction Design work package overlaps with the construction work Focus is at second level—work package
4 Concurrent engineering Design activities overlap among themselves and construction Focus is at third level—activities
follows this shortened design phase
5 Concurrent construction Design activities themselves overlap and the design phase also Focus is at third level—activities
overlaps with construction


J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2006, 132(5): 482-490

Fig. 2. Types of relationships between the activities
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Activity Sequencing

In order to sequence the activities, the basic inputs required are

the activities and the relationship among the activities or tasks.
The various relationships between the tasks are dependent,
independent, or interdependent as shown in Fig. 2. If the CE
technique has to be implemented in a project consisting of
all independent tasks, sequencing is not a problem. If all the tasks
are dependent, and if a succeeding task has to be overlapped with
its predecessor, then it will be required to assume information
to start the succeeding task. The interdependent type of relation-
ship implies that the activities require information from each
other to start and progress. Even if they are executed sequentially,
an assumption of information has to be made to start either task.
These assumptions are also referred to as uncertain information Fig. 3. Dependency structure matrix representation
or advance engineering information 共Eastman 1980兲. Almost
all projects consist of dependent and interdependent activities,
and hence to implement CE, the managers have to decide on the
assumptions to be made and the corresponding sequence of clearly represents where interdependence occurs, and procedures
execution. to identify and evaluate sequence options.
Moreover, the planners and managers should be aware of the The basic representation of the activity DSM is a square ma-
consequences of making assumptions. Information and data that trix containing a list of activities in the rows and columns in the
are assumed have to be checked and sometimes revised as the same order in a matrix form 共Eppinger et al. 2005; Steward 1981兲.
project progresses. When an assumption is found to be wrong, Fig. 3 shows a basic DSM for six activities. The order of activities
some or all the downstream activities may have to be repeated. in the rows or columns in the matrix indicates the sequence of
The repetition of one or more dependent activities is termed execution. The information dependencies among the activities are
rework. represented with an ⫻ mark in the off-diagonal cells. The diago-
One way of managing rework effectively is to avoid interde- nal cells generally have no value but the duration for each activity
pendent tasks. There are many possible ways to avoid the cou- can be included. The activities have to be read along the columns
pling of interdependent tasks by splitting a task into two or more as “gives information to” and along the rows as “needs informa-
tasks, combining two or more tasks into a single task, redefining tion from.” The marks above the diagonal are called feedback
the project tasks and their relationship itself, or sometimes break- marks and the marks below the diagonal are called feedforward.
ing the relationship between the tasks 共Yassine et al. 2000兲. To If any mark lies above the diagonal, it implies that an assumption
break a dependency relationship between activities, one should has to be made to execute the corresponding sequence.
have “more information” about the dependency relationships in
the project.
Based on the above activity sequencing problem, the focus of Partitioning
the present study is to model information dependencies for all In order to minimize assumptions, the feedback marks can be
activities in a concurrent project and to plan for the choice of brought below the diagonal by rearranging the sequence of activi-
assumptions and estimate the project duration of the selected ties. If there are loops in the matrix, resequencing the activities
choice. cannot result in eliminating all feedback marks. A DSM can be
split into a number of independent blocks. All activities within
each block are linked through closed single or multiple feedback
Dependency Structure Matrix: A Tool for Modeling loops. Through resequencing the activities, the feedback marks
Sequencing are brought as close to the diagonal as possible, because marks
away from the diagonal imply that more activities have to be
From a survey of tools used to model information flow dependen- reworked if an assumption changes.
cies and sequences, the dependency structure matrix was consid- The process of rearranging the order of activities in such a way
ered to be a powerful and flexible tool for CE management and that there is movement of dependency relationships either below
implementation 共Yassine et al. 1999; Kusiak and Wang 1993兲. A the diagonal or close to the diagonal and the formation of blocks
major advantage of the matrix representation over other tools lies is called partitioning 共Eppinger et al. 2005; Steward 1981兲. Fig. 4
in its compactness, and its ability to provide a systematic mapping shows the partitioned DSM. In this case, activities EDB form a
among the elements that is easy to read regardless of size. It loop and are represented as a block. Activities C, F, and A are


J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2006, 132(5): 482-490

Table 2. Relationship between Strength of Dependency and Reliability
of Information
Strength of dependency
Reliability of
information High Medium Low
Reliable 0.0 0.0 0.0
Good 0.5 0.0 0.0
Unreliable 1.0 0.5 0.0
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0 to 1 scale to quantify the extent of information needed between

activities. Steward uses level numbers for rating the dependencies
with numbers from 1 to 9 共Eppinger et al. 2005兲.

Proposed Concepts

Tearing Heuristics
In the existing approaches a numerical rating has to be assigned
for all dependency relationships to generate feasible sequences. If
feasible sequence alternatives can be developed by rating only
Fig. 4. Partitioned dependency structure matrix showing the tear selected dependencies, it will reduce the estimating efforts. How-
marks ever, there is no definite procedure to identify the select depen-
dencies which can minimize the ratings required for a matrix.
Thus, a heuristic approach to minimize the number of dependen-
independent of the EDB loop and are hence sequenced earlier. cies to be rated is developed.
This enables the C-A and C-E information transfer to be below A DSM can consist of a number of independent cyclic activi-
the diagonal. ties and each of these forms a block. There can be multiple cycles
of varying lengths within a block. The heuristic approach devel-
oped for this work was based on the observation that feasible
sequences can be generated when dependency relationships that
Once the blocks are identified, the activities have to be sequenced form the minimum length cycle are selected for rating. The ap-
within the blocks by removing the dependency relationship plication of this heuristic requires one to select the information
temporarily by the process called tearing 共Eppinger et al. 2005; dependencies which are a part of the minimum length loop共s兲
Steward 1981兲. Tearing basically involves making an assumption in each of the blocks. These loops were identified through the
of the information required. In Fig. 4, the places for suggested partitioning process.
tears are circled. Once these assumptions are made within the
block, the sequence of execution will be as follows: Activities C Rating Scale: Criticality of Assumption
and F can be started in parallel; A and E follow C; and then D can To rate the information dependencies, a three-point classification
be started only after A finishes. B needs information from D and system was devised for the building design process 共Austin et al.
E to start. The activities E, D, and B form a loop. Any changes or 2000a兲. This system of classification relies on three factors—
refinement in the initial assumptions can cause rework for these strength of information dependence, sensitivity to change of in-
activities. formation, and ease of estimating information 共Austin et al. 1996,
It can be seen that there can be a number of sequence and tear 2000b; Adept Management Ltd. 2005兲. This requires the design-
options available to the planner. Hence, additional information on ers to make three separate estimates, and the resulting information
the dependency relationship between the activities within the classification is given a rating of A, B, or C 共where A = strong,
blocks is essential for choosing specified tear locations. B = medium, and C = weak兲.
In practice, estimating three dependency attributes was found
to be difficult and hence a new rating was introduced. The first
Numerical Dependency Structure Matrix
factor, strength of dependency, was retained, as it was found fea-
Since the conventional DSM does not provide adequate informa- sible to estimate. The second factor, sensitivity of information,
tion for making tear marks 共it can only show the presence or was found to be difficult to estimate and hence not considered.
absence of a dependency relationship兲, an advanced version The last factor, ease of estimating information, was replaced with
of DSM, the numerical DSM, emerged. It contains a numerical information reliability, as in the projects considered for this work
rating in the off-diagonal elements instead of ⫻ marks. These estimated information based on past data is typically available
numbers are obtained qualitatively through interviews, surveys, and the designer has to assess if it is reliable for the current
etc. with the experts in the concerned field. With the help of this project. Combining strength of dependency and reliability of
information, one can decide the tear locations. The numbers can information a new rating called criticality of assumption is
be based on attributes such as the strength of dependence of a task proposed.
on specific data, sensitivity, evolution, variability, accuracy of the Table 2 shows the relationship between the strength of depen-
information, and other factors as defined by Eppinger et al. 共2005兲 dency and reliability of information to determine the criticality of
and Browning 共1998兲. Strength of dependency is the most com- assumption. As shown in Table 2, an estimate of strength of de-
monly used factor for rating. The research group at MIT utilizes a pendency and reliability for each information dependency has to


J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2006, 132(5): 482-490

along with an illustration based on part of an induced draft cool-
ing tower design project.

Illustration: Induced Draft Cooling Tower

Induced draft cooling towers are typically part of power plants.
Cooling towers are used to remove heat from water by evaporat-
ing a small portion of the water that is recirculated through the
unit. Induced draft refers to the movement of air through a cool-
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ing tower by means of an induced partial vacuum. Fans of

induced draft towers are located at the top to “draw” air through
the tower.
Induced draft cooling tower projects require design expertise
of four disciplines—mechanical, civil, electrical, and instrumen-
tation engineering. Each of these engineering processes were
studied in detail through case analysis of five projects and de-
tailed discussions with the engineers and managers who are in-
volved. There are various physical levels such as foundation,
cold-water basin, sill, fill, water distribution system, drift elimi-
nator, and drive assembly.
The design phase of the project consists of many interrelated
activities and the activity sequence is currently planned and ex-
ecuted based on previous experience. Since CPM and PERT can-
not capture the complex interdependencies as well as information
flows, there is no specific procedure for planning an activity se-
quence. The managers decide on assumptions based on immediate
need and without analyzing the consequences of such an assump-
tion. Hence, there is a need for a tool that can evaluate the alter-
native sequences based on the choice and place for assumptions.
The drive assembly design of the IDCT, being multidisci-
plinary in nature, has been considered for the current study. The
Fig. 5. Flowchart for solution procedure key components of the DA are 共1兲 mechanical components such
as fan, gearbox, motor, drive shaft, along with miscellaneous
items; 共2兲 civil components such as fan deck, fan stack, along
with few miscellaneous items; 共3兲 instrumentation components
be made by the experts on a three-point scale and the correspond- such as oil level switch, vibration monitoring switch, along with
ing value of criticality of assumption is determined from the table. few miscellaneous items; and 共4兲 electrical items such as cables
and cable trays along with insert plates and anchor bolts, illumi-
nation system, along with few miscellaneous items. The activity
Solution Procedure list along with the information dependency and the duration is
shown in Table 3.
The two concepts proposed in the previous section can be incor-
porated into an overall solution procedure through the following Results
steps and represented as a flowchart as shown in Fig. 5.
1. Identify list of activities and the corresponding dependency The detailed solution procedure described earlier is applied to the
relationships to form activity DSM. DA design of an IDCT. The above procedure is discussed along
2. Partition the DSM to determine the blocks and overall se- with the illustration in three broad steps: 共1兲 formation of activity
quence of execution. DSM and partitioned DSM; 共2兲 heuristic tearing process with
3. Select information dependencies within each block to be selection of dependencies and criticality of assumption to rate
rated by applying heuristic, i.e., by choosing the dependen- these dependencies; and 共3兲 estimation of the project duration.
cies on the minimum length cycle within each block for The results at each stage are presented and discussed.
4. Rate the selected information dependency using criticality of Formation of Dependency Structure Matrix and Partitioned
assumption approach discussed earlier. Dependency Structure Matrix
5. For each loop, select the information which has the lowest 1. The activity DSM for the sample project is as shown in
value of criticality of assumption 共tear marks兲. In case of ties, Fig. 6.
designer should resolve based on experience. • From the list of activities and information dependencies
6. Repartition the matrix and check for any remaining blocks. If given in Table 3, form a matrix with the same order of
there are blocks go to step 3 or else continue. activities 共A to P兲 in rows as well as in columns and mark
7. Calculate project duration using CPM tool based on esti- an ⫻ appropriately representing the dependencies.
mated activity durations for the sequence defined by remain- 2. Once the activity DSM is formed, the matrix is partitioned as
ing information dependency relationship. shown in Fig. 7.
The above procedure is explained in detail in the later sections • The overall sequence of execution is represented in the


J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2006, 132(5): 482-490

Table 3. List of Activities and Dependency Relationship
Activity Duration
Discipline Design activity list ID 共days兲 Predecessors
Mechanical Fan design A 3 J
Motor design B 3 A, C
Gear box design C 3 A, B
Drive shaft design D 3 A, B, C
Details of equipment handling system E 7 A, B, C, P
Details of removable walkway, handrail, and trolley F 7 J
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Details of ladders, doors, and hatches G 7 A, C, J

Civil Details of insert plates, anchor bolts H 7 L, N
Design and details of slabs, grid beams, and pedestals at fan deck level I 7 B, C, H, J
Details and design of fan stack and ring beams J 7 A, D, G, H
Instrumentation Data sheet of level switch K 2 B
Instrument location and cable routing diagram L 6 K, M, N
Data sheet of vibration monitoring system M 2 A, B
Electrical Cable trays, trench layout, and sectional details N 3 B, L
Illumination system 共lighting兲 of cooling tower O 2 B, I, J
Earthing details and lighting protection system P 2

figure. Here activity P and the block B-K can be done in 共boxed兲 in Fig. 8. By using the proposed heuristic ap-
parallel. This is followed by I, E, F, and then O follows. proach, it is required to make only eight estimates inside
The sequence of activities in the B-K block can be deter- the block.
mined only after tearing. 4. For all the selected dependencies perform the rating 共instead
of ⫻ marks兲, i.e., estimate the values for criticality of as-
Tearing Process sumption as shown in Fig. 9.
3. Within the B-K block, apply the tearing heuristic to select • Ratings for the selected dependencies are given through a
activities which form the minimum length cycle as high- three-point scale with 0, 0.5, or 1 as shown in the above
lighted in Fig. 8. figure.
• The minimum length cycle for the B-K block is 2. There 5. Choose the mark with lowest value of rating for assumptions
are four such cycles B-C-B, A-J-A, J-G-J, and L-N-L. The and tearing as circled in Fig. 9.
information dependencies for the cycles are selected for • Out of the four pairs of estimates of criticality of assump-
rating. tions, the minimum value from each pair is chosen and
• Conventionally, the experts estimate the value for all the marked for tearing. If both the values are the same, then
dependency relationships in a block. Using this approach, the expert or user can select a mark for tearing.
25 estimates have to be made for the block identified

Fig. 6. Activity dependency structure matrix for drive assembly Fig. 7. Partitioned dependency structure matrix for drive assembly
design design


J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2006, 132(5): 482-490

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Fig. 10. Repartitioned dependency structure matrix for drive

assembly design

Fig. 8. Choice of select dependencies for drive assembly design

Analysis of Results
For any given case, there can be a number of sequences possible
6. Once the places for making assumptions are made, repeat the
based on the choice of an assumption or a tear mark. For the
partitioning process and find the new partitioned DSM as
IDCT illustration, if the user had chosen alternative tear marks as
shown in Fig. 10.
shown in Fig. 13, the sequence of execution would be as seen in
7. Check for any remaining loops or feedback marks in the
Fig. 14, and the corresponding duration would be 28 days as
repartitioned matrix and if any exist, repeat the steps from 4
shown in Fig. 15. The baseline alternative presented in the earlier
or else continue.
section had duration of 43 days. From the two alternatives pre-
• For the current example, this step is not applicable be-
sented it can be seen that the choice of tear locations 共choice of
cause there are no loops identified after repartitioning.
assumptions兲 controls the sequence of execution and the project
duration, assuming resource availability.
Estimation of the Project Duration
Further comparison of the above two alternatives 共Figs. 10 and
8. Enter the duration for each activity along the diagonal in the
14兲 shows that the chances of delay due to rework may be less in
DSM as in Fig. 11.
the first case, because the tear marks are close to the diagonal 共it
9. Use a standard project management tool to find the project
implies that fewer activities are involved in rework or repetition兲.
duration based on activity sequence and activity duration
Even though the normal duration for the second case is less, there
from step 8. The resulting project duration does not consider
would be a higher risk in selecting this alternative, because of
the rework.
• The total duration for the project is about 43 days as
shown in Fig. 12.

Fig. 11. Dependency structure matrix showing the duration for each
Fig. 9. Rating for the select dependencies for drive assembly design activity for drive assembly design


J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2006, 132(5): 482-490

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Fig. 12. Total project duration for drive assembly design

the larger number of activities involved in rework. Thus, if the rated. In the above illustration, the application of the heuristic
assumptions made are incorrect, it will lead to extensive rework, resulted in selection of eight information dependencies for rating.
which may result in the project duration exceeding that of the The subsequent rating and repartitioning resolved the DSM into
previous alternative. a feasible execution sequence. Without the heuristic, 25 rating
estimates would have been required. Thus, through the applica-
tion of the heuristic, the rating effort on the designers was signifi-
Discussion and Conclusion cantly reduced.
There are situations in which the application of the heuristic
This section focuses on the issues faced while applying the DSM tearing will not eliminate all loops. In such cases, the heuristic has
procedure for the IDCT design activities. For the given list of to be reapplied as specified in the flowchart Fig. 5. In the current
activities and information dependency relationships, the various illustration this was not experienced. In the extreme case, the
steps for choosing the minimum assumptions and tear locations maximum number of ratings will be for all dependency relation-
and the resulting sequence have been explained. But, in this pro- ships in the block. This requires the same effort as the conven-
cess, identifying the activities as well as the information depen- tional tearing approach.
dency relationship for each activity is an involved task especially To estimate the rating for the selected dependencies, the writ-
for new projects 共formation of Table 3兲. Significant commitment, ers used criticality of assumptions which required an assessment
time, and interaction was required from the expert group in order of two factors—strength of dependency and reliability of infor-
to understand the DSM concept, and form the activity DSM. mation. For the current study, the two factors were assessable and
Once the designers were familiar with the DSM concept, and the acceptable to the experts and reduced the rating effort when com-
research team was familiar with the DA components of the IDCT pared to the three-point scale 共including sensitivity兲 proposed by
approach, approximately 5 h of discussion was required to de- Austin et al. 共2000a兲. However, in situations where the experts
velop the activity DSM for the 16 activities of DA design alone. can assess sensitivity and the estimation effort is justified it
Once the activities and the information dependency relation- should be included.
ships are formed, the next step is partitioning, followed by tear- A conceptual limitation of the current study is that it does not
ing. Once the DSM is partitioned, the heuristic tearing process explicitly consider the rework duration in calculating the project
is used to select the information dependencies that need to be duration. As discussed above, the extent of rework duration is

Fig. 13. Alternative choice of select dependencies for drive assembly Fig. 14. Repartitioned dependency structure matrix for drive
design 共Case 2兲 assembly design 共Case 2兲


J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2006, 132(5): 482-490

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J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2006, 132(5): 482-490

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