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Curriculum Vitae

Maya Meshi Klevitsky

Cell: +972-54-7429574
Current Address: Tel Aviv, Israel
DOB: 07.05.1991
Nationality: Israeli


2019 B. Des - Visual Communication

Shenkar College of Engineering and Design, Tel Aviv
Major in print and web

2009 Graduate of "Katzenelson" High school, Kfar Saba

Major in Theatre-History

Work Experience

May - August 2019 Kimama Summer camp - Senior program manager

Camp wide responsibilities - staff and campers
Building Junior Counselors professional development
Special days production
Camp wide programming (Kimama +)

September 2018 - present Condé Nast, Traveller magazine - Freelance

Social media design

July - September 2018 Condé Nast, WIRED & Traveller magazines - Internship
Social media design
Art direction
Fashion and food photoshoots
Layout design
Video editing for traveller magazine annual awards

April 2016 - present Rotem Agmon - Accessories and Design, Tel Aviv
Jewelry Maker and Seller
Jewelry assembly and repair
November 2017 Yossi Lemel - Creative Factory - Internship
Logo and motion design
Design Thinking Process

July 2016 - 2018 Kimama Summer Camp, Israel\Austria\Italy - Unit head

Responsibility for over 100 campers from around the world
Building educational program
Staff supervision, guidance and training

Military Service

2010 - 2012 IDF - Infantry instructor (sergeant)

Professional training (mortars unit)
Training and guiding professional staff


2009 - 2010 Community service

Kiryat Yearim, Youth at Risk Boarding school

2008 - 2009 Israeli Scouts Youth Movement

Staff training course

Computer Applications
ADOBE (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesgin, Premier, After Affects, Lightroom)
Sketch, Flinto, Zeplin

References are available upon request.

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