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Housekeeping Strategy Basic Care March 2018

The introduction of a job should be start from the basic of the job, what we should learn before
taking action on the job. As with a housekeeping staff, what to understand for preparation

Think of the strategy, the preparation that a housekeeping staff must learn to make it easier to
do the work that is part of the action plan. What basic strategies should be understood?

Is a proper cleaning technique on materials and using proper chemical and equipment
This should be intended:
 Not using the wrong equipment and chemical on the materials to make
damage and shorten the life of the materials

The techniques that we used to do such as:

1. Sweeping ( menyapu )
2. Damp Sweeping ( Mengepel )
3. Mopping ( Mengepel dengan sabut Mop )
4. Dry Dusting ( Membersihkan debu dengan lap kering )
5. Damp Dusting ( Membersihkan debu dengan lap lembab )
6. Lobby Duster ( Membersihkan debu pada lantai atau menjebak debu dengan Lobby
Duster )
7. Squeezing ( Pemeras / Penarik solution permukaan
8. Brushing ( Menyikat )
- Manual Brushing
- Mechanical Brushing
9. Polishing ( Penyemiran )
10. Restoration ( Pemugaran / Pemulihan )
11. Coating ( Pelapisan )
12. Glossing / Crystallization ( Pengkilauan )
13. Grafting ( Pencangkokan)
14. etc.

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It is knowledge of chemical products and procedures for their use.

The housekeeper can apply the chemical used in cleaned materials appropriately and
efficiently. The housekeeper can and understand the cost incurred in taking action

If in a cleaning progress is done without knowing the product used then the factors that will
occur as follows:
Incorrect use of chemicals that are not primarily for the materials
 There is damage to the cleaned materials when the chemical misuse
 Excessive charges due to misuse in application


Knowledge of the use of cleaning equipment or a housekeeping Cleaning Equipment should be

studied with purpose
 The housekeeper can use the equipment on properly cleaned material so that no
errors occur
 The housekeeper can understand the equipment used during cleaning

When doing cleaning techniques on the materials, Product Knowledge Chemical and the
procedure of using Cleaning Equipment will function and be precise to do the activity
The cleaning equipment is as follows:

1. Cleaning Equipment Set

- Floor Broom ( Sapu Lantai )
- Ceiling Broom ( Sapu Plapon )
- Hand Brush ( Sikat Cuci )
- Floor Brush ( Sikat Lantai )
- Toilet Bowl Brush ( Sikat Toilet )
- Paint Brush ( Kuas Cat )
- Washing Sponge ( Spon Halus )

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- Scote Brite ( Sabut Cuci “merk” )
- Cleaning Cloth ( soft, glass, cotton, floor, micro fiber )
- Telescopic ( tongkat pembantu )
- Glass Squeezer / Wiper ( Pemeras solution pada kaca )
- Floor Squeezer ( Pemeras solution pada lantai )
- Glass / Window Washer ( spon pencuci kaca )
- Dll.

2. Container Set ( Penampung )

- Dust Pan ( serok )
- Pail / Bucket ( ember )
- Caddy / Handy Cleaning Bucket ( penampung equipment dan chemical )
- Garbage Bag ( Plastik Sampah )
- Mop Presser ( Pemeras Mop )
- Trolley ( kereta )
- Dll.

3. Cleaning Protector ( Pelindung )

- Masker ( pelindung pernafasan )
- Hand gloves ( sarung tangan )
- Protective Glasses ( kaca mata pelindung )
- Dll.

4. Cleaning Machine
- Brushing Floor Machine
- Polishing Machine
- Blower
- Vacuum Cleaner
- High Pressure Cleaner
- Hand Polisher
- Dll.


Is a planned and scheduled for cleaning programs. The Housekeeping Procedures to keep it can
be done with 3 levels namely:
1. Daily Cleaning: perform daily cleaning treatments to prevent dirtiness on
prolonged media with cleaning materials and appropriate tools. (part of
preventive maintenance)
2. Weekly Cleaning: perform a more detailed cleaning of daily cleaning with the aim
of controlling to prevent damage and the level of materials defilement. Usually

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done on a special floor like Wood, Marble, Andesite, Indian stone, Granite,
Palimanan, Pebble Wash, and others. (part of predictive maintenance)
3. Monthly cleaning: do a large amount of cleaning that is commonly called Deep
Cleaning be it Polishing, Brushing, Restoration, Crystallization, and others. This
should and should be done to maintain Cleaning and Standard Set Up or Quality
of Product that the Hotel sells, although it must block rooms in order to provide
satisfaction to the guests. (part of corrective maintenance)
All three of the above cleaning should be planned with the cooperation between superiors and
subordinates where required is communication within the Department. Whether it's a briefing,
meeting or form shaped report of:
1. Work Order (crash report for Eng. Department)
2. Room boy control Sheet or Housekeeping Assignment (report in out linen, amenities and
3. Floor Report (room status)
4. And others according to the Program implemented by a Head of Housekeeping


Is a safety data sheet for chemical usage, where some information is listed

1. Product Information
2. Physical and Chemical Materials used
3. Health Hazards Chemicals
4. First procedure of countermeasures if:

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 Skin contact: Immediately washed with plenty of water, if still redness,
soreness or irritation after washing, apply coconut oil, if still felt immediately
consulted or checked into the doctor
 Affected or Eye Contact: wash immediately with water, while keeping the
eyes wide open for or at least 10 minutes. If you still feel irritated within 24
hours, contact your doctor for the necessary treatment
 Breathing: immediately look for a spacious room and breathe fresh air
regularly and repeatedly while holding the chest for 30 minutes, if still feel
shortness of breath immediately contact the doctor for treatment
 Ingestion: immediately wash your mouth with clean water, do the prevention
of poisoning by drinking milk, and drink as much water to prevent the activity
of these chemicals. With notes should not be spewed to avoid swelling of
poisoning in the respiratory tract, lung or heart

5. Advice on the use of protective equipment

6. And other Procedures

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