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_ .. To·:.usE · s£AT ._BELT DEVICES, ·AND ~EQUIRit·iG
~· ~ ~' ... • <,;

Be it en·acied by th~ Senate and House of Representatives of the ~

Philipp.ine.s in Congress assembled: .

. · SECTION l; Short Title. - ' This Act shall' be known as the "Seat
· Belts Use Act of 1999.'~_ .:. - . -·
, .
SEC. 2. Decfaration of Policy. · - lt' is henhy declared the policy •
9f the State to sectµ·c and safeguard its citizenry, p;u~.cularly the passengers
arid drivers of private and. public:motor vehicles.- from the ruinous and . '

extremely injurious effects ofvehicular'accidents. Towards thjs ~nd, the

-. · State shall pllrs~e a more proactive and preventive approaCh in O(der to
sceure ~e safety of the passengers and ch}vers at all times with the .

~ · "';-------
·-' '·
2 3
. I . .
mandatory enforcement o'f ti1~ use .of seal belt dcvic-es by _the drivers are reqt1ired to wear or· use their seat belt devices while inside a vehicle
and front seat passengers of private and p ubHc motor vehic les. of_ running engine on any road or thoroughfare: Provided, That for
' - . . (I pnv.a!e vehicles, except for-jeep>, jcepne , ::, \'an-:, buses and such other
<: ~C. :: . Definition of Tenn . - For purposes of this ·A :-t, the pri ·a~c :·chicles as me.y be deter~. :ined ill ~·e Implemen~g· Ru!es an.I
term: Regulanons (!RR), front and back seat pas~::ogers are likewise required ·
to use their seat belt devi<,:es at all times. . .
(a) "Motorist" shall ref~r to ibc dnver of a motor vehicle. ·
In the case of public motor vehicles, the driver shall be required
(b) "Seat belrdevice" shall refer to any strap; webbing or similar to immediately inform and require the front seat passeng ers upon .
deviq: in tht" form of pelvic restraint or lap belt, upper torso restraint boarding a v~hicle of running engine io wear the prescribed sent belts.
or shoul,!cr strap Qr· a combination thereof de5igned to secure a pe~son Any passenger who refuses to wear seat belts shall not be allowed to
in a motor vehicle in .order t9 mitigate the results of any accident, continue his/her trip.
inQ!upiiig all necessary buckles and other fasteners, and all hardware
.esigned for installing such seat belt de\·ice in a motor vehicle. _ For special public service vehicles such as school servici::s and
other similar vehicles as may be determined by the IRR, scat belt
(c) "Motor vehicle" shall refer to both private and public motor devices should be provided and used by b oth drivers and front · sea~
vehicle.· The term shall not include the tricycle and motorcycle. passengers as defined herein and the'rust ~ ow passengers immediately
behind the driver_at all while in~idc ·a vehicle of running engine.
(dj "Private
rriotor vehiele".
. .
shall refer to ariy of the f.ollowing:
Operational ll?Otor vehicles, both public ~and private; which are
(I) Any _motor v~bicle owned by individuals :mg j uridical persons not equipped with P,!! required .seat belt devices, are given one (I ) year
for private use; · from th~ issua.i).ce of ~e IRR by the Land Transportation Office (LTO)"
to retrofit approJ/riate seat belt devices in their vehicles.
(2) Any motor vehicle owned by the Nntional Government or any . .- .
of its agencies, instrumentalities or pohllc:.... :mb<livisions, includirig SEC. 5. Children Prohibited to Sit in Front Seat. - Infants anct/
government-owned or -dontrolled corporations or their subsidiaries for or children with ag~s six (6) years and below shall be pro~~ited to sit
official_t}Se; and , . in the front seat~of any nvutlng motor·vehicle. · -: -"'

(3) Any diplomatic vehicle. SEC. 6. ' Coverage. - This Act, in the interest of pubJic safo ty,
shalJ apply to drivers and front seat passengers of public and ,prh•ate '·
. (e) "Public motor vehicle" shall refer to public utility vehicle or motor vehicles and other vehicles as may
be detennined bj( the IRR
vehicle for hire. thereon. · · · :~ ,- · ·
!... ;.
(f) "Motor vehicle of running engine" shall refer to a Yehicle as SEC. 7. Provisions for Seat Belt. - This Act further requires cai
stated herein, operating and standing on any road or thoroughfare with · manufact\Jrers, assemblers and distributors to ensure that seat belt devices
engine ~ing. are properly installed before the distribution and sale of the said vehi~les
as determined by the IRR thereon: Provided, That manufacturers,
(g) "Front seat passengers" shall refer to persons on board a assemblers an\! distrib~tors of jeepneys may install a pc.Ivie restraint ~r
public utility vehicle seated at the right side beside the driver for public lap belt only in the driver's and front seat passengers seats and this -
utility_jeepneys (PUJs) and to passengers se~ted at the right side beside ' shall be considered as substantial compliance with the req~irements of
the driver and those at the first row immediately behind the driver in the this Act.
case of public utility bus_es (PUBs) and to pass.e ngers seated on the right
side beside the driver for private motor vehicles. SEC. 8. Importation. - It shall be unlawful for any p~rson to
import.or caus~ the ·i mportation of any vehicle without appropnat~ ~d
. . ~EC. 4 . Mandatory. Use of Se'at Belts. · - For their own safety, operational seat belt devices as required her'.:;in and in accordance Wlth
the driver and front seat passengers of a public or private motor vehicle the IRR thereon.
I .c --.
"- ·.
:5 -·•

..-· SEC. 9. Type of Seat Bell ·Devices Required. - 111e seat bell hundred pes~s (P200) but not t9 e~cccd Two .thousabd pesos (P2,000) -
devices required to be iastalled in all motor_ vehicles shalf"co!Jlply with .for the ~econd violation; and l! minimum fine of Five hundred pesos
the standards and specifications established by the Bureau qf Pr?duct (P500) kt not to ~xceed Fiye thou_s and pesos (p5,000) and s.u spension"
Standards o(the Depart.inent pf Trade and Industry (DTI) in consultation of driver's , license for a period _of on~ (I) week .for the third .. and
wi!.h theLTO oT the Department of Transportation and Comiminica_tions . succe~ding viola_ t ions;
(DOTC): 'frovided, ·That. the seal belt devices insta~led)!1 imported ,·
second-hand motor vehicles shall c~nfonn to the standards and • .-(b) .P_u blic utiOty · veh~~les shall post appropriate · signages ·
specifications of the !Jureau of Proquct Standards for pufP?ses of - instructing "front seat passengers to wear scat b~lti when inside the·
importation and registration. . vehicle. Non-compliance hereof will hold both the driver and the operator
liaQ.le an~ shall be_fine~ a minimum·of11uee hundr~d pesos (P300) b!Jt
SEC. 10. Registration . .- No new JllOt~r vehicle shallbe allow~d not to ·e xceed_TIU-ee thousand pesos (P3,000) for every violation; and
initi:tl registration and succeeding renewal of registration "u nless it is . ·.- .,_.. -. . - .: .. ".. .' - - . . . ~
equipped with tlie necessary seat belt deyices. Renewal of registration - (2) On any manufacturer, as.sembte~, importer and distributoi for
. of m-1.lse v~hiCles 0without necess!P}' seat belt devic:s sha~I !lot b7 allowed every unit found without seat belt deviCes installed prior io its distribution
· · one (1) year after the passage of the IRR as specified m Sec~1on 11 of a
to the public, nilniinum·f'me of Five thousand pesos (P5,QOO) buf not -
this. Act. For this pwpose, "the 'LTO shall include in fl?e implementing to exceed Ten thousand pesos (Pl0,000) and suspension-of the license
. guidelines system of vehicle registration where compliance with Section to mariufactu.fe, ~ssemble, unport or distribute }or a. period of.one_(I)
4 hereof is required. ~ - .. - · ~ year for the first violatio_n; a minimum fine of Ten ~ousand pesos
(Pl0,000} out not to exceed Twenty thousand pesos· (P20,000) and
;. : SEC. 1 t-·
fefiod of Implementation. - The LTO shall be the
'· ··· agency primarily re~J>onsible in the enforc'e ment and imple,m e.n tation cif
suspen~ion Qf ~e lice~se to_man!.ifacture, assemble, import or distribute
for a, peri_od of two (2) ye~rs for ·the second vi9latioQ; 1µ1d a_:fme of ·
, th.i"s Act. WithiJ:i sixty (60) days from the effectivity of this Act; the LTO .Twenty th1fa:mnd pesos (P~0,000) bu~ .not !o ex~eed Fifty tho,u_sand
.. ' ··shall formulate §11d. iss~e the nccessaiy implementing rules, regulations" peso~ (P50,000} and. suspen~19n of the hcense to manufacture, assemble, .
· an4 guidelines _and - sh~ll mobilize available resources to_assure the ·impart or distribute for a period of five ( 5) 'years for the third vio!atic~n. · ,

s~c. \~. : N~tionwide Publi; Iefo;,,ation Camp~i;,,. -:. . (·~; - ~e

· - effective iinplepientation of this Act: Provided, That the LTO or its
- . successor tas~ed with the implementation of this Act i:nay require- the
_ . ·use of special c;u- seats for infants, if it is deemed necessary: · · LTO, in coordinatiop with th~ P~ilippine Information -Agency (PIA), ,
. - - '
the Department ·of Education, Culture and Sports (DECS) and prjvate
. SEC. it. Penalties and Fines. - In the ~nfor:cemcnt of this
A.ct, ··agencies' and organizations, shall undertake a regular _natioo~ide
th_e L TO ~ball impose 'fines against drivers, operators, owners of vehicles, Information, Education and Cmntnunicntion (JEC) campaign for the _
,- manufacturers, assemblers, importers and/or distributors for violation of attai!1Jll~nt of the 9bjectives of this Act .The campaign shall s~c~s ~e ( Act. _ safety and health value of seat belts to support the most effective ·
enforcement of this Act. · -
·- · . '!be folJowing "shall be the basis in defining fine. B.Q.d penalty - l • •

prov~1ons of the !RR to be promulgated pursuant to Section 11 hereof, · . (b) _ The LTO, in coordination with the local goverument uni.ts,
provided that six (6) months grace period shall be allowed to lapse to shall likewise utilize the services of citizen grocps and CO!IlffiUDJty
conduct a nationwi~e infonnation cainpaign: · _ . organizations for the promotion of pu~lic ~afety awareness in observance
) of this Act · • · -
{l) On the driver
J. . . (c) ncdines. that will be collected (or the enfo~~emen't ~f.this
. (a) For fai1ure to wear. the prescribed seat belt devices and/or Act shall be used exclusively for the implementation o! the prov1s1ons
faili~~ t_o require hi;.· passengers to wear the prescribe~ mlt belt device, of this Act, includh.g the n~i;cssary pro~otion campaign:; for ~e use of
a. nllDUJlWil fine d One hundred pesos (P 100) but ·DOt to exceea. Qne seat belt de~ices. JW ·
thousand pesos (Pl,000} for the first violation;
. .
a minimum fine-of Two
, .. 6
. . .... .. .
.SEC. 14.. Separability Clause. - If ~y provis~on, or part he~f.
i..; rield inva"~d or \~constitutional, the rem.,~ .tier of the law or provision
not oiherwi;;e affected shall remain vaL~ subsisting. ....: ··. .
' . ),


SEc:· 15. Repealing Ciawe ..- Section 34, Arti~le IV of Republic .

Act No. ~136 is hereby amended and any law, executive order, decree,
i:;suance,.o'rdi.D.ance, rule and regulation or part thereof contrary or any
inconsist~nt with the provjsions of this Act is also hereby 1epealcd,
modified or amended ac;:cordingly. · ·. >-, · ·
. (

SEC. Effectivity Clau5e. - Tws Act' siiall take ~ffcct µn....e12

(15) days after its publication in at least t~o (2)_national newspapers of
general circuliti~n:
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.~·..... ·' Approved,· \._....... ~-

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This Act, which is a consolidation of Senat~ Bill No..1137 ~id · -

...... , Hoiise Bill ,No. 7090 was
finally passed by ·senate and 'the HOO:ie ~ .. tlie
of Representatives on June 3, 1999 and Jun~ 2, 1999, respectivelt --
·--:. . . ~ - .. - ·' -· "· ,. ~. - - ' - _, -

-- L~airAN

-. \. ~ecretary of the Senate
... '·'

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Approved: ·.· A~G _C51999


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