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Technical Data Specification TDS0002-Issue-E

Illustrations Style Standards


Subject Illustrating Standards for the A380 program

Scope Concerns:
• All illustrations for all A380 Technical Data

Does not concern:

• Animated illustrations or Video sequences.

Owner's Approval GERHARDT Jean-Paul Functional Manager of Illustration Services (ISL)

Authorization ROLLIN Thierry Vice President of Technical Data Support & Services

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Technical Data Specification TDS0002-Issue-E
1 ......................Terminology......................................................................................................5
2 ......................Document purpose ..........................................................................................6
2.1 ..................... Scope............................................................................................................................. 6
3 ......................Illustration Conventions ..................................................................................7
3.1 ..................... CGM............................................................................................................................... 7
4 ......................AIRBUS Reference ...........................................................................................7
5 ......................Approval............................................................................................................7
6 ......................New Characteristics and Functionalities.......................................................8
6.1 ..................... Tagging of Elements in Illustrations (“Intelligent Graphics”) ........................................... 8
6.1.1 Standard Tagging Package………………………………………………………..8
6.2 ..................... Linking............................................................................................................................ 8
6.3 ..................... Detail Visualization......................................................................................................... 8
6.4 ..................... Multi-sheet Illustration .................................................................................................... 8
6.5 ..................... Revision Information ...................................................................................................... 8
7 ......................Introduction to AIRBUS Styles Standards.....................................................9
7.1 ..................... Descriptive Terms .......................................................................................................... 9
7.2 ..................... Commonality .................................................................................................................. 9
7.3 ..................... Basic Graphic Creation Principles.................................................................................. 9
7.3.1 Primary Rules………………………………………………………………………..9
7.3.2 General Rules:……………………………………………………………………….9
7.4 ..................... Image Area and illustration identifier alignment ............................................................. 10
7.4.1 Paper and Image Area Size Requirements……………………………………….11
8 ......................Illustration Sheet Identifier..............................................................................16
8.1 ..................... Illustration Sheet Identifier OPS ..................................................................................... 17
9 ......................Navigation and Symbology .............................................................................18
9.1 ..................... View Descriptions........................................................................................................... 18
9.1.1 Projection……………………………………………………………………………..18
9.1.2 Axonometric…………………………………………………………………………………..18
9.1.3 Orientation…………………………………………………………………………………….18
9.1.4 Isometric Projection (Preferred)………………………………………………………….18
9.1.5 Dimetric and Trimetric Projection………………………………………………………..18
9.1.6 Perspective……………………………………………………………………………………18
9.1.7 Orthographic Projection…………………………………………………………………….18
10 ....................Diagrams/Schematics......................................................................................19
10.1 ................... Block Diagrams .............................................................................................................. 19
10.2 ................... Simplified Schematics .................................................................................................... 19
10.3 ................... System Schematics........................................................................................................ 19
10.4 ................... Aircraft Wiring Manual (AWM)........................................................................................ 19
10.4.1 Wiring Diagrams……………………………………………………………………………..19
10.4.2 Grid System Location………………………………………………………………………19
10.4.3 Charts, Routings and Zonings Diagrams………………………………………………20
10.4.4 Grid system Location……………………………………………………………………….20
10.4.5 Wire Continuation……………………………………………………………………………20
10.4.6 General Rules………………………………………………………………………………..20
10.4.7 Graphs………………………………………………………………………………………….20
11 ....................Navigation View Definitions ............................................................................37
11.1 ................... Locators ......................................................................................................................... 37
11.2 ................... Locator View .................................................................................................................. 37
11.3 ................... Sub Locator View........................................................................................................... 37
11.4 ................... Details ............................................................................................................................ 37
11.4.1 Detail View…………………………………………………………………………………….37
11.4.2 Section View………………………………………………………………………………….37
11.5 ................... Navigation View Usage .................................................................................................. 37
11.5.1 General Navigation Rules………………………………………………………………….37
11.5.2 General Use of Locators…………………………………………………………………...38 Zone Locator................................................................................................................ 38
11.6 ................... Functional Identification Number (FIN)........................................................................... 38
11.6.1 Access Doors…………………………………………………………………………………39
11.7 ................... Cross References .......................................................................................................... 40
11.8 ................... Specific Use of a Locator View ...................................................................................... 43
11.9 ................... Specific Use of a Sub-Locator View ............................................................................... 43
11.10 ................. General Use of a Detail View ......................................................................................... 43
11.11 ................. Specific Use of a Section View ...................................................................................... 43
11.12 ................. Use of an Orthographic View ......................................................................................... 43
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Table of Contents continued

12 ....................Symbology ........................................................................................................62
12.1 ................... General Rules for Navigation Symbols .......................................................................... 62
12.2 ................... Use of Direction Arrows ................................................................................................. 62
12.3 ................... Fill Types........................................................................................................................ 63
12.4 ................... Hatch.............................................................................................................................. 63
12.5 ................... Pattern ........................................................................................................................... 64
12.6 ................... Flow Arrows ................................................................................................................... 64
12.7 ................... Use of Callout Bracket ................................................................................................... 64
12.8 ................... Use of Flag Note Symbols ............................................................................................. 64
12.9 ................... Use of Effectivity Symbols.............................................................................................. 64
12.10 ................. Use of Continuation Reference Symbols ....................................................................... 64
12.11 ................. Use of Continuation Symbols ......................................................................................... 64
13 ....................General Symbols Library.................................................................................65
14 ....................Text Style ..........................................................................................................75
14.1 ................... Text Annotation Style ..................................................................................................... 75
14.2 ................... Character Size ............................................................................................................... 75
14.3 ................... Sizes Permitted .............................................................................................................. 75
14.4 ................... Annotation Style Application .......................................................................................... 75
14.5 ................... Item Numbering ............................................................................................................. 76
14.6 ................... Text symbols (ASCII) ..................................................................................................... 77
15 ....................Lines ..................................................................................................................79
15.1 ................... Line Types and Uses ..................................................................................................... 79
15.2 ................... Leader Line Type ........................................................................................................... 80
16 ....................Flow Diagrams..................................................................................................84
16.1 ................... Flow diagram symbols ................................................................................................... 84
16.2 ................... Flow Diagram line types................................................................................................. 97
16.3 ................... Flow Diagram Line type Dimensions.............................................................................. 98
16.4 ................... Line orientation recommendations ................................................................................. 99
17 ....................Dimensions General use .................................................................................101
17.1 ................... Methods of writing dimensions ....................................................................................... 101
17.1.1 Use of Comma (,)……………………………………………………………………………101
17.1.2 Use of Dot (.)…………………………………………………………………………………101
17.1.3 Units having a value less than 1…………………………………………………………101
17.1.4 Units having a value which is a whole number……………………………………….101
17.1.5 Symbols for units…………………………………………………………………………….101
17.1.6 Space between value and symbol……………………………………………………….101
17.2 ................... Types of display method ................................................................................................ 102
18 ....................Use of Color ......................................................................................................103
18.1 ................... Standard color selection................................................................................................. 103
19 ....................Use of Continuous Tone Images ....................................................................105
20 ....................General illustration definition for AMM and IPC ...........................................107
20.1 ................... Specific information for AMM ......................................................................................... 107
20.1.1 Detail Representation………………………………………………………………………107
21 ....................Specific information for IPC............................................................................108
22 ....................Illustration examples SRM ..............................................................................109
22.1 ................... SRM Table use .............................................................................................................. 110
22.2 ................... SRM Composite Layer Repairs...................................................................................... 112
22.2.1 Layers at basic direction……………………………………………………………………112
22.2.2 Layers at 45 degrees to basic direction……………………………………………112
22.2.3 Layers at 90 degrees basic direction……………………………………………….112
22.2.4 Layer contour definition……………………………………………………………..112

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Table of Contents continued

23 ....................Supplement for Flight Ops data......................................................................117

23.1 ................... Supplement purpose ...................................................................................................... 117
23.2 ................... Revisions to Flight Ops supplement............................................................................... 117
23.3 ................... Scope............................................................................................................................. 117
23.4 ................... OIS Product requirements.............................................................................................. 117
23.5 ................... CGM............................................................................................................................... 118
23.6 ................... Illustration dimension ..................................................................................................... 118
23.7 ................... References..................................................................................................................... 118
23.8 ................... Approval......................................................................................................................... 118
24 ....................Introduction to Flight Ops illustration standards .........................................119
24.1 ................... Commonality .................................................................................................................. 119
24.2 ................... Primary rules .................................................................................................................. 119
24.2.1 View Descriptions……………………………………………………………………………120
24.3 ................... System Schematics........................................................................................................ 121
24.4 ................... Graphs ........................................................................................................................... 122
25 ....................Image area and illustration identifier .............................................................125
25.1 ................... FCOM and Flight Ops Image areas ............................................................................... 126
26 ....................Flight Ops and Flight training illus characteristics and functionalities .....127
26.1 ................... Types of illustration ........................................................................................................ 127
26.1.1 Graphics directly realized by ISL based on draft versions provided by STL…..127
26.1.2 Encapsulated graphics……………………………………………………………………..129
26.1.3 Combined graphics………………………………………………………………………….132
26.2 ................... Tagging of elements in illustrations (Intelligent Graphics) .............................................. 133
26.3 ................... Linking............................................................................................................................ 135
26.4 ................... Information layers........................................................................................................... 135
26.5 ................... Detail visualization ......................................................................................................... 137
26.6 ................... View selection ................................................................................................................ 137
26.6.1 View selection BACKGROUND (BKGRD) Color…………………………………….137
27 ....................FCOM Flight Ops Colors .................................................................................138
28 ....................Text style...........................................................................................................140
28.1 ................... Text and annotation style ............................................................................................... 140
28.2 ................... Character size ................................................................................................................ 140
28.3 ................... Text color ....................................................................................................................... 140
28.4 ................... Annotation style application ........................................................................................... 141
28.5 ................... Textual direction arrows ................................................................................................. 142
29 ....................Graphic elements and use of color ................................................................143
29.1 ................... General rule ................................................................................................................... 143
29.2 ................... Specific use of elements ................................................................................................ 144
29.3 ................... Cross line styles ............................................................................................................. 146
29.3.1 Basic crossing method……………………………………………………………………..146
29.3.2 Bridge method………………………………………………………………………………..146
29.3.3 Cut method……………………………………………………………………………………146
30 ....................Library Symbols ...............................................................................................147
30.1 ................... Library Views ................................................................................................................. 147
31 ....................Measurements and Abbreviations..................................................................148
32 ....................Record of revisions..........................................................................................149

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Technical Data Specification TDS0002-Issue-E

1 Terminology

Terms and abbreviations:

Term Definition
TDP Technical Data Procedures
TDS Technical Data Specification
TDG Technical Data Guidelines

CISL Central Illustration Standards Library

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2 Document purpose
This Illustration Styles Standard Specification is a working document that defines the rules, standards,
specifications and parameter settings for the production of Technical illustrations using electronic software. It
applies to all illustrated technical data required for the A380 and subsequent programs for revision or issue,
and shall be applicable to all technical data created within the Illustration Service Line.
The scope of this document may be extended to include other characteristics and/or functionalities, should
new aspects become apparent during the development phase of the Technical Data A380 customization

2.1 Scope
The content of this document is specifically directed at the A380 and future product developments resulting
from new technologies and tools and is to be used in conjunction with the ATA iSPEC 2200 and the new
Airbus Illustration Guidelines.

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3 Illustration Conventions
For new standards, refer to the ATA iSPEC 2200, especially the chapter dealing with ATA “Graphic Style
Standards” (GSS).
The new Airbus Illustration Guidelines will take the definitions included in the present document into account
(color, interactivity, etc.) and serve as a supplementary specification to the GSS.

3.1 CGM
To guarantee data integrity during CGM deliverable production, it is essential that all processes comply to the
rules contained in this document.
The CGM format must adhere to GREXCHANGE V2.7 iSpec ATA 2200.
To achieve homogeneity, common standard macros and visual styles are to be recommended at all times.

4 AIRBUS Reference
This specification must be used in conjunction with the rules and recommendation defined in the following
Technical Data References:

TDP0008 Illustration Process Description In development

TDS0002 Illustration Styles Standards Available
TDS0003 Illustration Color Standards Available
TDS0005 Illustration Product definition Available (reference Only)
TDS0006 Image Styles Standards In development
TDS0012 Central Illustration Standards Library In development
TDG0005 Tech Illustrator Users Guidelines Available
TDG0007 Access and Retrieve Source Data In development
TDG0008 ProductView Users Guidelines In development
TDG0009 Illustration Mock Up Guidelines Available
TDG0010 Back Up Solution Guidelines Available
Phantom, VU’s, Instrumentation, etc… must be extracted from the TDS0012 Specification shown above.

5 Approval
Any changes in standards must be approved by the Illustration Service Line (ISL).

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6 New Characteristics and Functionalities

6.1 Tagging of Elements in Illustrations (“Intelligent Graphics”)

An important target for the A380 illustrated technical data is the inclusion of “Intelligent Graphics”. The
Illustration Project has taken into account this requirement and will enhance the illustrations with the
necessary tagging information, to enable “Intelligent Graphic” features within consultation systems to be
read. The goal is to have illustrations prepared for interactivity. The complete interactive illustrations
consultation capabilities are not only the responsibility of the ISL, but also the respective domains, the
Data structure, the Data Assembly and the Delivery Solutions.

The decision has been taken to recommend tagging only text information within illustrations, as a basis. It
will consist of associating attributes to a tagged string of text within an illustration. This will enable access
to associated data, navigation functions, cross-references, queries, etc.

6.1.1 Standard Tagging Package

A standard package containing items for tagging shall be made available for all domains as an option. It
shall contain:

Cross Reference, Item numbers, FINs, Frames, Ribs, Stations, Stringers, Zones,
Access panels and doors

6.2 Linking
From an illustration point of view, externally linked information is not applicable in illustrations. The links
are implemented in technical data by application for consultation, validation etc. and this has to be dealt
with in a global context, involving respective domains Data Structure, ISL, Data Assembly and Delivery
For internal linking (internal links within an illustration or between illustration sheets), the information
could be added during the illustration process.

6.3 Detail Visualization

Detail Visualization is an alternative method of viewing detail views with a minimum of illustration internal
Navigation. The use of detail visualization makes it possible to select a detail on a location view, and an
enlarged image of the detail appears on screen as a result.

6.4 Multi-sheet Illustration

If one illustration sheet is not sufficient to show the information required for a single text document, the
illustration content may be separated onto additional sheets. It is possible to create up to 99 sheets (1 to
99) for one illustration file. It is recommended to limit the number of sheets to a minimum for user
handling reasons.

6.5 Revision Information

The information concerning a revision can be transmitted to the customer using a metafile.
This metafile contains the information about changes in the graphic content of an illustration. It is the
responsibility of the customers visualizing tool to interpret and display the metafile information.

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7 Introduction to AIRBUS Styles Standards

The purpose of this chapter is to establish technical standards for graphic styles within AIRBUS
Specifications. Graphic styles for the purposes of this document include parameters and specifications
for illustrations and images using electronic tools only. These requirements and the attached
examples are models for illustration styles.

7.1 Descriptive Terms

Where the term illustration is used, the term will refer to visual representation that complements text.
This is intended to include line art, photographs and photo realistic renderings, Digital Mock Up (DMU) etc.

7.2 Commonality
It is the intention of the AIRBUS to maintain as much commonality between illustrations of different domains
as is possible.
Consistent positioning, rendering, navigation and symbology will assist in the understanding of graphic and
text information in an efficient manner.
This standard will work toward the elimination of unnecessary rework in the exchange of technical publica-
tion illustration.
These illustration standards have been developed for use on new projects/programs.

7.3 Basic Graphic Creation Principles

There are basic illustration creation principles that come under the “common sense'' standards of technical
illustration, which are covered here as an acknowledgement and reminder of their importance.

7.3.1 Primary Rules.

To communicate by illustrating in a simple, clear and economical way to visually demonstrate and enhance
the technical information required for the person performing the intended task.

7.3.2 General Rules:

The following points demonstrate a general set of guidelines when creating illustrations.

• Always consider the information from the user's point-of-view.

• Components shall be shown clearly and correctly.
• Consult relevant existing illustrations, connected chapters and other manuals; reusability and
Uniformity is of prime importance. Use “typical'' views for similar equipment.
• Confine details to the action being described. Clarity is of prime importance.
• Simplify graphics to eliminate unnecessary background detail and avoid complex details or
phantoms, as they constitute a potential risk of unnecessary modification.
• Build up the illustration logically, considering layout and sequence.
• Illustrated graphics must be produced to a realistic and sensible size. Whenever the scale of a com-
ponent does not show a small detail clearly, these details must be enlarged.

• Do not overload illustration image area.

• Location arrows, leader lines, annotations etc. must be clearly shown; free from surrounding
• Limit “artistic” effects, no shadow effects and limited use of material treatment.
• Present graphics vertically (portrait) where possible.
• Consider final requirements within ISL agreements with the responsible domains.
• When an illustration contains more than one sheet it is important to use the same size of location
and detail view reduction sizes throughout.

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7.4 Image Area and illustration identifier alignment

In this specification, an Image Area is the external boundary of the graphic and is usually related to ATA
Format definitions

An Image Area may include several images with their appropriate annotations; it references the rectangular
space in which all the images are included for a single presentation.

The Illustration identifier alignment is automatic; it is not permitted to position the Illustration identifier manu-

The illustration identifier is installed within an illustration as an object and is part of the illustration environ-
ment, positioned lower right corner, and bottom right justification.

Should it not be necessary to show the identifier on the illustration, it shall not be displayed.
No graphics are permitted within the area of the Identifier. Graphics within this area will be hidden by the
identifiers Area fill “empty” mask, which supports the identifier structure.

The finalization procedure requires exact positioning, alignment and numbering, it is not permitted to change
the location or structure of the illustration identifier."

To achieve homogeneity between partners and to simplify macro implementation, etc. a common illustration
image area origin, bottom left corner at X = 0, Y = 0 for all working illustrations has been pre-selected.

The illustration Identifier (if to be shown) is positioned inside the image area at the lower right corner in a
horizontal position, bottom right justification, to the dimensions shown.

Figure 1. Illustration identifier location

1.5 mm


1 mm

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7.4.1 Paper and Image Area Size Requirements

Only some products are permitted to use image areas in fold-out format.
The title of the illustration and the figure number will be outside the Image Area for all manuals.

Image Area (maximum)

Image Area Page Size Page Size Limits
Code Description (inches)
Millimeters Inches
Full 8.5 x 11 / A4 Portrait 171.45 x 209.55 6.75 x 8.25
(Ref.[Figure 2])

Full 11 / A4 x 8.5 Landscape* 209.55 x 171.45 8.25 x 6.75
(Ref. [Figure 2])

Half 8.5 x 11 / A4 Portrait 171.45 x 97.79 6.75 x 3.85
(Ref. [Figure 3])

Foldout 16 x 11 / A3 Landscape 361.95 x 209.55 14.25 x 8.25
(Ref. [Figure 4-])

Table 1. Image Area and Paper Sizes

The use of foldouts is limited to the rules applicable to each product. REF TDS0005 Product definition.
* Portrait Landscape DL For Airbus illustrations the Illustration Identifier shall be position as shown in figure
1 Bottom Right

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Figure 2. Full Page Image Area: Portrait Orientation (AP)

171.45 mm

Image Area
209.55 mm



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Figure 2. Full Page Image Area: Landscape Orientation (DL)


Image Area
171.45 mm



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Figure 3. Half -Page image Area: Portrait Orientation (BP)

171.45 mm

Image Area
97.79 mm



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Figure 4.Foldout Image (HL)

209.55 mm

Image Area

361.95 mm Image Area


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8 Illustration Sheet Identifier

ILSI Structure
The Illustration sheet identifier complies for the specific requirements for each domain.

Characteristics and Functionalities

Product Abbreviation
Illustration Identifier

SDM Responsibility
Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning AC L_AC_NNNNNN_N_XXXX_NN_XX
Aircraft Maintenance Manual AMM L_MM_NNNNNN_N_XXXX_NN_XX
Aircraft Recovery Manual ARM L_AR_NNNNNN_N_XXXX_NN_XX
Aircraft Schematics Manual
Aircraft Wiring Manual Chapter 0
Aircraft Schematics Manual ASM L_SM_NNNNNN_AA_NNNNNN_AA
Aircraft Wiring Manual AWM L_WM_NNNNNN_AA_NNNNNN_AA
Aircraft Wiring List chapter 0 AWL Ch 0 L_WI_NNNNNN_N_XXXX_NN_XX
Cargo Loading System CLS L_CL_NNNNNN_N_XXXX_NN_XX
Electrical Standard Practice Manual ESPM L_ES_NNNNNN_N_XXXX_NN_XX
Livestock Transportation Manual LTM L_LT_NNNNNN_N_XXXX_NN_XX
Maintenance Facility Planning MFP L_MF_NNNNNN_N_XXXX_NN_XX
Trouble Shooting Manual TSM L_TS_NNNNNN_N_XXXX_NN_XX
Zoning Access Panels & Door Identification ZAPDI Same ILSI from AMM chapter 06
SDT Responsibility
Component Maintenance Manual Vendor CMMV L_CV_NNNNNN_XX_XXXX_NN_XX
Illustrated Parts Catalog IPC L_PC_NNNNNN_NN_A_NN_XX
Illustrated Parts List IPL L_PL_NNNNNN_NN_A_NN_XX
Tool and Equipment Manual TEM L_TE_NNNNNN_XX_XXXX_NN_XX
SDR Responsibility
Component Maintenance Manual Manufacturer CMMM L_CM_NNNNNN_XX_XXXXX_NN_XX
Fuel Pipe Repair Manual FPRM L_FP_NNNNNN_XX_XXXX_NN_XX
Non Destructive Testing Manual NTM L_NT_NNNNNN_X_XXXXXXX_NN_XX
Structural Repair Manual SRM L_SR_NNNNNN_X_XXXXXXX_NN_XX
SET Responsibility
Service Bulletin SB L_SB_NNNNNN_N_XXXX_NN_XX

Table 3. Illustration visual identifier

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8.1 Illustration Sheet Identifier OPS

ILSI Structure
The Illustration sheet identifier complies for the specific requirements for the OPS domain.

Characteristics and Functionalities

Product Abbreviation ILSI Illustration Identifier

STL Responsibility








Operations Engineering Bulletin OEB L_OB_XXXXXXXX_XXXXXXX_XXX_NN_XX

Master Minimum Equipment List MMEL L_EL_XXXXXXXX_XXXXXXX_XXX_NN_XX



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9 Navigation and Symbology

Navigation and symbology encourages the viewer's eye to follow a logical progression through an
illustration. The clear and determined use of these conventions will maintain a reliable reading method
that ensures that the illustration can be “read'' and the instructions understood.

Navigation is the act of moving through an illustration or illustrations to get from the basic orientation
to the specific details necessary to compliment the text.

This specification details the “views'' of the illustrations through the navigational process and defines
these views with a description and illustration.

9.1 View Descriptions

Illustration style shall be chosen on an individual basis to convey the required information Clearly,
Where possible use the same orientation as the parent view.

9.1.1 Projection
• ISOMETRIC projection is to be used as a general rule.
• Vendor supplied illustration
For economical reasons sensible use of vendor-supplied illustrations in terms of projection is rec-
ommended. Perspective, Dimetric and trimetric illustration not deviating excessively from these
guidelines can be used and included in AIRBUS products.

9.1.2 Axonometric
Axonometric illustration is a method of drawing a picture using orthographic plan and elevation views,
which are combined to give a single three-dimensional picture. Axonometric is created by the rotation
and tilt of an object in the plane of projection so that it shows three dimensions.
Axonometric is the family name of the system that includes isometric, diametric, and trimetric drawing
(Ref. [Figure 5]). The main difference between axonometric drawing and perspective drawing is that parallel
lines in axonometric are always parallel.

9.1.3 Orientation
Orientation is generally based upon where the pilot is in relation to the aircraft and its associated parts
(left, right, top, bottom, forward, aft) (Ref. [Figure 6]).

9.1.4 Isometric Projection (Preferred)

An isometric projection has three surfaces equally foreshortened, used frequently it is the
simplest to understand because it is based on equals and parallels. Isometric is the preferred three-
dimensional drawing method for illustrations (Ref. [Figure 7]).

9.1.5 Dimetric and Trimetric Projection

A dimetric projection is with two of the three surfaces equally foreshortened.
A trimetric projection is with all three surfaces foreshortened by a different ratio. Only to be used
as an alternative when Isometric is not possible.

9.1.6 Perspective
Perspective or central projection is formed by the lines of sight from the object at a specific distance to van-
ishing points on an horizon. This is used when isometric is not suitable. (Ref. [Figure 8])

9.1.7 Orthographic Projection

Orthographic projection is a type of parallel projection used for engineering drawings and is
used as an alternative when other views are not suitable (Ref. [Figure 9] and [Figure 10]).

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10 Diagrams/Schematics
This type of view shall be used to represent the operation of a system or a circuit in a simplified form.
(Ref. [Figure 11], [Figure 12] and [Figure 13])
The hierarchy of schematics from the broadest view to the most detailed view is as follows:
• Block Diagrams
• Simplified Schematics
• System Schematics

10.1 Block Diagrams

Block diagrams are drawn to describe the general architecture of the concerned system, subsystems, or
sub-systems and its main links with the other systems of the aircraft, which are to complex and where a
simplified schematic does not enable easy understanding. Typically these diagrams are of the single line
variety, which use "blocks" to represent sub-subsystems or major components with single line directional
representation of signal flows. Block diagrams typically do not show any unit pin or component internal de-
tail, but contain ATA references to system schematics where the detailed information (Home diagram) can
be found. (Ref. [Figure 11])

10.2 Simplified Schematics

Simplified schematics are drawn for complex functions where system schematics, do not easily demonstrate
the functionality of the system. These schematics show a sub-section of what is shown on a block diagram.
Boxes are still used to represent major components and directional single-line representation is used to
show signal flow and therefore no pins are shown. These schematics often employ pictorials to show where
units are located or what they look like. In some cases the simplified schematic is used strictly as a compo-
nent locator as in the case of audio and video entertainment systems. (Ref. [Figure 12].

10.3 System Schematics

System schematics shall be provided for all subsystem breakouts, which cannot be presented in such a
way as to explain the overall operation on a single wiring diagram or where no wiring diagram exists.
These schematics can contain electrical, mechanical, and/or logic information, and may contain
pictorials to facilitate one's understanding of the sub-subsystem in question. (Ref. [Figure 13].

10.4 Aircraft Wiring Manual (AWM)

This type of view shall be used to represent the physical description of a system or a circuit in a detailed

(Ref. [Figure 14], Figure 15], Figure 16], Figure 17]).

• Wiring diagrams
• Combined Diagram
• Charts, Routings and Zonings Diagram.

10.4.1 Wiring Diagrams

Wiring diagrams shall be provided for all electrical and electronic circuits.
All electrical/electronic system, subsystem, and sub-subsystem functions shall be shown on wiring
diagrams and describe the physical connection between equipment/standard-item (Ref. [Figure 14]).

10.4.2 Grid System Location

A grid system with numeric horizontal (left to right) and alpha vertical (top to bottom) locators may be
included on each diagram, according to the product requirements.

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10.4.3 Charts, Routings and Zonings Diagrams

These diagrams shall provide:
• The location of the different harness route (1M, 2M….) (Ref.[Figure 15]).
• The location of the different antenna (HF, VHF, GPS,…) (Ref.[Figure 16]).
• The description of the harness location and associated ends (Ref.[Figure 17]).
• The location of the panels and associated electrical standard-item (Ref.[Figure 18]).

10.4.4 Grid system Location

A grid system with numeric horizontal (left to right) and alpha vertical (top to bottom) locators may be in-
cluded on each diagram, according to the product requirements

10.4.5 Wire Continuation

It is permissible to show complex circuitry on two sheets, so when they are placed side by side the
circuitry wires continue from one sheet to the other. These wires shall be aligned and identified on
each side of the break point so the manual user may easily follow the circuitry from one page to the
other without having to search for interconnecting points.

10.4.6 General Rules

Route wires as directly as possible with a minimum number of zigzags and crossed wires.
Where possible large amounts of parallel wires should be shown in groups of two to four with extra spacing
between the groups.

10.4.7 Graphs
This type of view explains the relation between various parameters. (Ref. [Figure 19] and
[Figure 20]) view numbers unchanged

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Figure 5. Axonometric, Dimetric and Trimetric Views

Axonometric can be explained by using a reference cube as an object because all the faces are
the same size, and their relative rotation and foreshortening can be more easily demonstrated.


Dimetric Trimetric

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Figure 6. Orientation

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Figure 7. Typical Use of Isometric Projection

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Figure 8. Use of One Point Perspective

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Figure 9. Use of Orthographic Projection

1.07 m
(42 in)
1.07 m
(42 in)

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Figure 10. Use of Orthographic Projection

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Figure 11. Use of a Block Diagram

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Figure 12. Use of a Simplified Schematic

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Figure 13. Example of a Schematic Diagram

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Figure 14. Example of a Wiring Diagram

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Figure 15. Example of a harness route

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Figure 16. Example of an antenna location

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Figure 17. Example of a location of the harness and associated ends

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Figure 18. Example of a panel and associated electrical standard-item

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Figure 19. Use of a "Detailed" Graph

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Figure 20. Use of an "Outline" Graph

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11 Navigation View Definitions

Navigation views are divided into two basic types; Locator Views and Detail Views (Ref. [Figure

11.1 Locators
Locator Views show access and location of the part that is detailed in relation to the next higher
assembly and leads the user to the Detail View or Section View. They are subdivided into two

11.2 Locator View

The Locator View is a view that is dedicated to the location of a Detail View or Section View.

11.3 Sub Locator View

The Sub Locator View is a view that is used as an intermediate step to show a more exact location of
the object being detailed in a procedure.

11.4 Details
These are the most important and descriptive views in an illustration. It is the view that shows the
object to the user for performing the intended task. They are:

11.4.1 Detail View

The Detail View is comprised of any of the “views'' of illustrations described in "View Descriptions"
or a combination of these views.

11.4.2 Section View

The Section View is a cut view through an object.

11.5 Navigation View Usage

11.5.1 General Navigation Rules

• The sequence flow of the illustration views are shown: See (Ref. [Figure 35])

• Orientation will show the view from the left, top, forward.
• Localization is described by use of Zones, Frames, Stringers, Ribs, etc. (Ref. [Figure 39]).
Zone, Frames, Stringers and Ribs are to be underlined, leader lines are illustrated on a case by
case basis and do not touch the object. For Zones the connection to the location is to either 30 or 60
degrees. Frames, Stringers, Ribs are to be shown at 90 degrees (vertical Line).

Stringers may also (Case by case) be shown parallel and in line with the stringer

• Pay special attention to the choice of main location phantoms to avoid where possible unnecessary
Duplication of illustrations solely for main location phantom variants.
• Avoid use of whole aircraft phantoms where these are not essential for accurate location.
When use of such main location phantoms cannot be avoided and more especially for location of
items on the wings, representation of the engines may be omitted if not essential for accurate loca-

• Accurate localization within the aircraft is given by designating Zone, Frame, Ribs etc,

• The Zone representation on the locator Aircraft is to be outlined using thick line thickness (0.6mm)
colored Magenta.

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11.5.2 General Use of Locators

• Detail and section identifiers will be centered below the view being identified.
• It is preferable that called out objects on Locator and Sub Locator views be emphasized by
Using a thick outline.
• If the called out object is less than approximately 5 mm or is to small to clearly show internal details
or the applicable color then, the area shall be blacked in using area fill color black.

• Include features in Locators that quickly orientate the user to the surrounding area of the object
(Ref. [Figure 34]).
• When an area is hidden or the view direction is changed, an open arrow will be used with a boxed
locator symbol to transition to a different directional viewpoint where the hidden detail
view will be shown. Zone Locator

Zone identifiers are to be underlined, leader lines are illustrated on a case by case basis and do not
touch the object, the connection to the location is to either at 30 or 60 degrees.

11.6 Functional Identification Number (FIN)

It is an important identification feature for the Technical Data user. (REF. [Figure 26]).
For AMM:
• All FIN’s in the maintenance procedure page blocks must be contained within boxes (except ficti-
tious circuits), located beside their item numbers or on the main location.
(REF. [Figure 28], REF. [Figure 26]).

• RH-FIN’s are contained within brackets above or below the LH-FIN’s.

The annotation line must go to the FIN of the called out Item illustrated.
(REF. [Figure 28]).

For IPC:
The items identified by FIN’s on illustrations can be of 2 kinds:
• Items for which a removal / Installation procedure is provided in the AMM: in this case, the item is il-
lustrated with the FIN in a box next to the item number.
(REF. [Figure 29]).

RH-FIN’s are contained within brackets above or below the LH-FIN’s.

The annotation line must go to the FIN of the called out Item illustrated.

• When lines (PIPES, Ducts…) are represented on illustrations; the equipments shall be shown in
phantom as they are installed, with their FIN’s in boxes.
(REF. [Figure 30]).

RH-FIN’s are contained within brackets above or below the LH-FIN’s.

The annotation line must go to the FIN of the called out Item illustrated.

• VC, VT or VN semi-equipment or ground points:

These shall be identified with the FIN’S adjacent to the concerned items. These FIN’s shall not be in
boxed in. (REF. [Figure 31]).

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Components shall be identified by a FIN and a Functional Designation and where necessary, a scheme
number. Reference components shall, in addition, have a four digit ATA number

• If shown inside the component, this information shall be center justification (space permitting) with
duplicated FINs and FD numbers in brackets. (REF. [Figure 21]).

Figure 21. FIN; FD Scheme number location inside

IFPI (29)
ADIRU-1 (29)

• If shown outside, approved location rules shall be applied.

FIN identification, functional designation and FIN location should be preferably located first in position 1
then in position 2, 3,4 consecutively (REF. [Figure 22]).

Figure 22. FIN; FD Scheme number location outside

3 2

Component identification: Preferred location

11.6.1 Access Doors

In the AMM, the access door identification shall not be boxed in;
The RH identification shall be given between brackets for AMM for FINs and Access Doors.
(REF. [Figure 32]).
In the IPC, the access door identification shall not be boxed in;
The RH identification shall be given between brackets for IPC for FINs and Access Doors.
(REF. [Figure 33]).

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11.7 Cross References

Used to show system and assembly continuation relationship.

Shown as follows: SEE 36-12-04 (6 digits, ATA reference) for IPC and IPL
(REF. [Figure 25]).

NOTE. In case of breakdown of the major equipment (NLG, MLG, APU,..), it is possible , to facilitate mainte-
nance operations, to give an 8 digit cross-reference information.

Ref 38-14-00 for descriptive Technical Data.

(REF. [Figure 27]).


A cross-reference is used to ensure continuity of an electrical link that cannot be fully represented on a

Cross reference rules for ASM

The indication of a cross reference on a link is never self-sufficient.
It is mandatory that it be accompanied by information relating to the FIN and the terminals of the equipment
or semi-equipment found at the termination of the link.

Cross References between schematics are defined as follows:

• No cross reference within the same schematic

• “SCH” will be indicated when cross references are made within the same ATA REF between differ-
ent schematics.
• ATA REF and “SCH” will be indicated when cross references are made to a different ATA REF
• When not at a level of component terminals, cross references shall be placed inside the component
close to the corner, adjacent to the electrical FIN

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In the following illustration (REF. [Figure 23]). Wires 13 and 14 are associated with the scheme 01
“Home” of 2TR1 (34-36 SCH01)

Figure 23. Cross References, Schematics




95VU121 34 – 36 01 SCH 01

• Whenever part of a component is shown, a cross reference shall be made to the home diagram of
that component (34-36 SCH 01 as shown in the above example)
• The wording SAME AS can be used but this can apply only to an identical component in the same
• Under no circumstances should it serve for cross-reference purpose to another schematic.
• When relay coils and contacts are shown on different schematics, the schematic containing the coil
shall be the home schematic and the contacts shall have the contour with the break symbol, regard-
less of the numerical order of the schematics.

A cross reference shall be made to all schematics showing any part of the component (REF. [Figure 24]).

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Figure 24 Cross reference, Schematic

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11.8 Specific Use of a Locator View

• Wherever possible the Locator View will be a constant size within the document (Ref. [Figure
• When required, Sheet 1 will contain a Locator View and will be placed in the top, left corner
unless restricted by the orientation of the graphic.
• When the Detail View shows location and access, a Locator View is not necessary. (Ref. [Figure
• Overhaul Procedures only require a location view on the first sheet of a figure. They do not
require location once the item has been removed to the workshop.
• An easily identified part will be used as a Locator View. (A/C parts, Wings, Rudder, Zones, Frames,
etc.). (Ref. [Figure 38].)

11.9 Specific Use of a Sub-Locator View

• Sub-Locator Views are used to show access and location of the objects of the figure where
more detailed illumination is required.
• A view, object or component used as a Sub-Locator shall be readily identifiable, the relationship to
the Locator View must be clearly demonstrated. (Ref. [Figure 40]).

11.10 General Use of a Detail View

• Detail Views will show the object in its true position with respect to other components and
• Show identical objects once. Location will then be identified as required.
• On symmetrical parts or assemblies, only illustrate the left, top or forward view.
• Deviation is allowed if parts differ in detail or it is preferable to show the other (right, bottom
or aft).
• If required, a Detail View is used as a Sub-Locator View for further details.
• Generally the detail view is shown with Symmetrical and Handed parts / assemblies as “Mirror Im-
• Only illustrate the LH part / assembly when the location is both LH and RH in the aircraft. Use flight
direction arrows for clarification.
• RH item numbers are contained within brackets below or above the LH part, which is illustrated.

11.11 Specific Use of a Section View

• Section cut lines and arrows must conform to the projection of the view.
• Section lines that cut over an extended path or indicating a change of plane are connected
with a centerline.
• Use a Section View for dimensions or when an exploded view cannot clearly show the object's as-
sembled condition.
• The Section View will rarely shows parts exploded from their location.

11.12 Use of an Orthographic View

• Use an Orthographic View when sectioning an object, or showing fuel, air, oil, flow directions etc.
(Ref. [Figure 41]).

NOTE: Display Locators, Letters, Item Numbers, etc., clearly and free from surrounding
detail. Halos are acceptable in order to achieve clarity. (Ref. [Figure 42].)

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Figure 25 Cross-references

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Figure 26 Functional Identification Number (FIN) AMM

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Figure 27 Cross Reference descriptive Technical Data

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Figure 28 Functional Identification Number (FIN) Left hand Right hand

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Figure 29. AMM Related FIN usage for IPC

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Figure 30. Functional Identification Number (FIN) for Lines, Pipe, Ducts (IPC)

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Figure 31. Functional Identification Number (FIN) for VC, VT, or VN.(shown without FIN box)






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Figure 32. Functional Identification Number (FIN) Access doors Left hand Right hand (AMM)

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Figure 33. Functional Identification Number (FIN) Access doors Left hand Right hand (IPC).

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Figure 34. Use of Typical Locators and Details





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Figure 35. Typical choices for Sequence of Views

NOTE: This sequence of Navigation routes is applicable to all types of image areas.

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Figure 36. Use of a Locator View

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Figure 37. Recognizable Part of an Item Used as a Locator View

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Figure 38. An Easily Identifiable Part of an Item Used as a Locator View

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Figure 39. Localization by Use of Station Points

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Figure 40. Section View with Location

1-9 1130 mm 2794 mm 1-9
(44.49 in) (110 in)


991 mm
(39.02 in)

1752 mm 2090 mm
(68.98 in) (82.28 in)
6420 mm
(252.76 in)

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Figure 41. Use of Fill and Flow Arrows

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Figure 42. Location Using Approved Symbols

R = 10 mm
(0.394 in)



171 45 mm

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12 Symbology
General symbols for illustrations (i.e., arrows, direction indicators, etc.) are supplied as standards by the ISL.

Symbols Illustration Reference

Detail Locator and Detail Identifier (Ref. [Figure 45])
Section Locator and Section Identifier (Ref. [Figure 46])
Direction Arrows (Ref. [Figure 47])
Flow Arrows and Dimension Arrows (Ref. [Figure 48])
Fill Types Key Box (Ref. [Figure 49])
Callout Bracket (Ref. [Figure 50])
Rivet/Fasteners (Ref. [Figure 51])
Flag Note (flagref) (Ref. [Figure 54])
Effectivity (effectref) (Ref. [Figure 55])
Continuation References (gotoref) (Ref. [Figure 53])

Table 4. List of Illustrated Symbols

12.1 General Rules for Navigation Symbols

• All the letters of the alphabet must be used, except the letters I, O.
• Detail and sections letters shall have separate alphabetical sequences.
• After ``Z'' continue with “AA, AB... BA, BB...CA, CB...'' etc.
• When a detail view shows a component located at more than one position the detail view will re-
ceive a detail identifier specific to each location.
Each detail view identifier shall be shown separately: (Ref. [Figure 31])

12.2 Use of Direction Arrows

• Direction arrow symbols must appear on all views when orientation is not clear. Or when the detail
view differs from the direction of the previous detail view
• A Forward arrow is the prime orientation arrow.
• This specification contains direction arrow sets for orthographic and isometric illustrations.
Size and position choices are from 16 ISO (8 FWD, 4 INBD, 4 UP), 8 ORTHO, (4 FWD, 2 INBD, 2
UP) (Ref [Figure 47]).
• Only the directions arrows defined in this document are allowed, the rotation of these types of sym-
bols is not permitted

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12.3 Fill Types

The size of the box used in a key to explain the function of a fill within an illustration will be 10 x 7 mm (Ref.
[Figure 49])

12.4 Hatch
The CGM Version 4 "Hatch Style Definition" element allows for the definition of a hatch style and
associates it with an index by which is may be used within the graphic.

Table 5. Hatch Style Definition Settings (Ref. [Figure 49]) Hatches are in black thin line.

Hatch Number of
Style Indicator Hatch Direction Space (mm)
Index Hatch Lines
-1 Parallel 45 1 0.72 mm
-2 Parallel 135 1 0.72 mm
-3 Cross 45, 135 1 0.72 mm
-4 Parallel 45 1 1.24 mm
-5 Parallel 135 1 1.24 mm
-6 Cross 45, 135 1 1.24 mm
-7 Parallel 45 2 0.54 mm / 1.26 mm
-8 Parallel 135 2 0.54 mm / 1.26 mm
-9 Parallel 45 1 1.78 mm
-10 Parallel 135 1 1.78 mm
-11 Cross 45, 135 1 1.78 mm
-12 Parallel 45 2 0.72 mm / 1.8 mm
-13 Parallel 135 2 0.72 mm / 1.8 mm

For Panel display hatching using WHITE hatching, (Ref. [Figure 49])

Figure 43. Solid (Fill solid color, White)

For defining a complex area fill border use:

This table shows the allowable types of area fill.

Solid color White

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12.5 Pattern
This fill type allows tiled designs represented as a bitmap. Standard pattern indexes have not been

12.6 Flow Arrows

Arrows will be used to show flow and/or direction, they will be of a scale consistent throughout and
placed within or adjacent to the path. Their proportions must remain consistent wherever used (Ref. [Figure

12.7 Use of Callout Bracket

Subassemblies that make up an assembly shall be bracketed on the illustration. (Ref. [Figure 57])

12.8 Use of Flag Note Symbols

Flag notes are for use where multiple general notes are required. Each is preceded by a symbol
containing a two digit numeric that navigates to location within the illustration (Ref. [Figure 52]).
"flagref" is the allocated name for flag notes. The text size and symbol dimensions are set below (Ref.
[Figure 54]).

12.9 Use of Effectivity Symbols

Effectivity symbols are used when notes are related to effectivity. Each is preceded by a symbol containing a
two-digit numeric that navigates to the effected parts (Ref. [Figure 42]).
"effectref" is the allocated name for effectivity symbols. The text size and symbol dimension is set
below (Ref. [Figure 55]).

12.10 Use of Continuation Reference Symbols

A single wire connection will be shown using a reference on the first sheet “SEE SHEET 2”. On sheet 2 the
continuation will be demonstrated using the reference “SEE SHEET 1”. For a multiple wire continuation a
letter, (A, B, C,…) will be allocated at each wire with a parentheses this will indicate the sheet cross refer-
ence (SEE SHEET 2) and on the next sheet the same letters and parenthesis will be assigned to indicate
the sheet cross reference (SEE SHEET 1).

12.11 Use of Continuation Symbols

A triangular symbol (See Ref. [figure 56]) is used to indicate the interconnection between two or several
points. In all cases, the triangle shall be pointed to show the signal direction of flow (Ref. [Figure 44]). and if
possible located at the same level.

Remarks: This method shall be used only when other possibilities are not available.

Figure 44.
Example of continuation symbol usage

2 28VDC 1 1 25

1 8

2 26VDC 2 2 2 16
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13 General Symbols Library

Figure 45. Size and Style of Detail Locator and Detail Identifier, FIN Box

Detail Identifier
Lines: Solid Thick Width
Text: Extra Large - Helvetica Bold

13.2 mm

7.2 mm 7.2 mm
Scale 1:1

Detail Locator (Leader)

Lines: Solid Thick Width
Text: Large - Helvetica Bold

11 mm
Leader locator
5.5 mm 5.5 mm

Scale 1:1

Detail Locator
(Open Arrow)
Lines: Solid Thick Width

Open Arrow locator

3.5 mm 6.5 mm
3 mm Scale 1:1

Functional Identification

4 mm 3137MM
Scale 1:1

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Fin Box continued (sizes)

of Style Dimension

2 10mm x 4mm

3 10mm x 4mm

4 12mm x 4mm

5 14mm x 4mm

6 16mm x 4mm

7 18mm x 4mm

8 20mm x 4mm

Distance between FIN boxes when necessary shall be no less than 0.7 mm and no more than 1 mm

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Figure 46. Size and Style of Section Locator and Section Identifier

Section identifier
Lines (Dash sign between letters): Solid Thick Width.
Text: Extra Large - Helvetica Bold Scale 1:1

7 mm

3 mm
Section Locator
Lines: Solid Thick Width for symbol.
Solid Thin Width: For Centerline (the link between
Text: Large - Helvetica Bold

4 mm
2 mm
Usage examples:

Scale 1:1
Extended examples

Examples of projected
Section Locators



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Figure 47. Size and Style of Direction Arrows

Direction arrows (Orthographic)

Lines: Solid Thin and Medium Width.
Text: Medium - Helvetica Bold

12.7 mm
4.8 mm

4.8 mm
14 mm
2.3 mm

Scale 1:1

Direction arrows (Isometric)

Lines: Solid Thin and Medium Width.
Text: Medium - Helvetica Bold 1mm

Demonstrated below are:

The only types of axonometric direction arrows permitted for Scale 1:1
AIRBUS illustrations

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Figure 48. Size and Style of Flow Arrows and Dimension Arrows

Dimension and Leader Line Arrow

AT 1 : 1 SCALE
• = 1.5 mm (0.06 in)
2.5 = 3,75 mm (0.15 in)


Flow Arrow


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Figure 49. Size and Style of Mechanical Fill Types Key Box

10 mm
(0.40 in)



7 mm
(0.28 in)

For Hatching color variants see Chapter 10 Flow diagrams.

Figure 50. Size and Style of a Callout Bracket

Lines: Solid, Thin Width
The rotation and length (“a”) is to be determined by the user.

1.5 mm
Scale 1:1

2 mm “a” 45 deg

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Figure 51. Shows the size and style of approved symbols for fastener and rivet Locations.

Symbols can be used instead of item numbers on orthographic views. The symbols have no pre-specified
definition and are always accompanied on the illustration by a legend relating symbols to item/part numbers.

Shown below in order of preference ranging from left to right are 40 recommended standard symbols (Circu-
lar and Triangular) And a further 30 rivet symbols used commonly by the Service Bulletin Domain. All sym-
bols are at scale 1:1.


• Circular Rivet Diameter shall be 4mm

• Each side of a Triangular Rivet shall have a dimension of 4.25mm
• Rectangular Rivets are 4mm x 4mm

If necessary it is permitted to reduce the original size (scale 1 : 1) by a maximum of 25 percent

Figure 51

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Figure 52. Use of Flag Note (flagref) Symbol

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Figure 53. Size and Style of GOTOREF Symbol

3.8 mm

01 1

Scale 1:1
3.8 mm

Figure 54. Size and Style of FLAG NOTE Symbol

3.8 mm
Scale 1:1
6.9 mm

Figure 55. Size and Style of EFFECTIVITY Symbol

6.9 mm

09 0

Scale 1:1
3.8 mm

Figure 56. Size and Style of Continuation Symbol

7.0 mm A

Scale 1:1
7.0 mm

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Figure 57. Use of Callout Bracket on an IPC Illustration

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14 Text Style
This section describes the text specifications and their appropriate application.

14.1 Text Annotation Style


14.2 Character Size

Character size has been established by using the height measurement of the Helvetica character ``H''
(Ref. [Figure 58]).

14.3 Sizes Permitted

Table 4. Text Weight and Point Sizes

Size Point size (TI)

Small 8
Medium 9
Large 13
Extra Large 15

Table. 6 Text weights and points size

NOTE: Character string justification is left to the discretion of the user and should be determined on a case
by case basis. Character strings must be placed horizontally (0,0) or vertically (90,0) slanted text is not al-

14.4 Annotation Style Application

It must be understood that the purpose of an illustration is to enhance an Authors text.
The visual impact of any illustration and the conveyance of the technical content can be best achieved when
an illustration contains a good balance between the illustrated graphic elements and only a minimum of ex-
planatory text itemization.

Extensive use of textual information in the form of text strings shall be avoided. This information shall be part
of the Authors text

The term annotation is used to describes all text found in illustrations. See the table
“Annotation Specifics'' for details of the application or the annotation style: Helvetica, standard, bold,
upper or lowercase and the size of the character in millimeters, inches or approximate points (Ref.
[Figure 59]).

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Table 7. Annotation Specifics

Categories Style Case Size Definition

Dimensions Helvetica Upper/Lower Case Medium Unit of Measurement
Helvetica Upper Case only Medium Alpha/numeric with leader direct or
Callouts indirect permitted
Helvetica Upper/Lower Case Medium The heading followed by a note
Title Words: NOTES Bold only statement

Helvetica Upper Case only Medium Notes, general statements

NOTES Justified
(Body text only) left

Helvetica Upper Case only Medium A legend provides an explanation

Legends Justified on part of a graphic. Only
(Body text only) left Graphical legends are used
Only graphical leg-
ends are allowed
Helvetica Upper Case only Large A bold, capital letter associated
Bold with a detail by a leader or section.
Referenced to the equivalent capital
Detail Locators and Letter Detail or Section Identifier for
Section Locators Navigation between Views, Details
or Sections

Helvetica Upper Case only Extra Large A bold, capital letter positioned
Detail Identifiers
Bold below the detail
and Section Identifi-

Titles (Identification Helvetica Upper Case only Medium Identification of a View

of view) Bold
Helvetica Upper Case only Small The GID is the manufacturer's or
data provider's unique graphic file
Graphic ID

Helvetica Upper Case only Small Continuation references that

Navigate through multiple sheets or
gotoref Within a sheet contains a single
Digit alpha or numeric

Helvetica Upper Case only Medium flagref Helvetica Upper case only
Medium Multiple general notes,
flagref Preceded by a symbol containing a
Two digit numeric

Helvetica Upper Case only Medium Notes pertaining to effectivity

effectref preceded by a symbol containing a
two digit numeric

14.5 Item Numbering

The same item number shall be applied to the same part when used multiple times within an illustration.
Depending upon product requirements, when Called out items are used they must be
shown positioned about the detail views lowest number to highest number in a
“clockwise” direction.
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Figure 58. Character Height




Centre Line

14.6 Text symbols (ASCII)

To achieved particular text character display a coding system can be used
As a general rule:
• Except for dimensions and capacities. When sufficient space is available the text wording shall be
written in full.

• Where the space is reduced abbreviations may be used.

• In the event that all available space has been exhausted, a text symbol character may be used (ex-

Text symbols are created using the Extended ASCII. Code.

They are:

• _² Square millimeters -ALT- 253

• ± Plus Minus -ALT- 241

• ° Degree -ALT-248 (exceptional)

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Figure 59. Text Categories



0.39 mm (10 in)



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15 Lines
There are several different line types that are used in creating technical illustrations. This specification
provides the description and use for each line type approved for use in this standard with the sizes in
Millimeters. These types include solid and dashed lines with corresponding width
sizes and spacing measurements along with illustrations demonstrating their use.

Table 8. Line Width Requirements

Type Size/mm Use

Reference views (ghosting)

Reference objects
Callout leader lines
Thin 0.18 mm
Projection lines
Dimension lines
Minor grid lines
Object items
Medium 0.35 mm Grid outlines
Major grid lines
Plot lines on graphs
Thick 0.60 mm
Where extra emphasis is required

Extra Thick 0.80 mm Where extra emphasis is required

Clearance 0.35 mm Wherever applicable
between lines

15.1 Line Types and Uses

This table shows all the lines considered in a simplified description with their width and type.
A “segment'' is a unit of fixed length for each line type. By specifying how many segments are required
for the basic pattern of a line type, the desired line effect will be achieved (Ref. [Figure 60], (Ref. [Figure 61])
and [Figure 62]).

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Table 9. Line Types, Descriptions, Sizes and CGM Type Requirements

Line Type Description Size CGM Line Type

Object Represents the primary objects Medium Type 1 -- Solid

Reference Represents objects on the illustration which are

Thin Type 1 -- Solid
Object reference to primary objects

Represent objects in simplified form; obscured Type 2 -- Dot.

Hidden from view. Will only be used when clarification Thin/Medium A segment=1.0 mm
is required. 3 ON, 1 OFF

Leaders Used to connect objects to the callout text. Thin Type 1 -- Solid
Zones, Frames, Stations, Stringers, etc.
Leaders for
(Ref. [Figure 3-1-12.70]) are placed at an angle Thin Type 1 -- Solid
appropriate to the illustration
The halo dimension is defined as an absolute
Halos 0.635 mm.
Measurement on each side of the line edge.
Type 4 -- Dash Dot.
Show the axial flow of part assemblies.
A segment= 0.635
Center/Projection Lines must not cross other
Center/Projection Thin mm
Center/Projection Lines, except when used to
10 ON, 1 OFF, 2
show center marks for location.
Emphasis/Extra Thick/Extra
Used to emphasize an area on a locator only. Type 1 -- Solid
Emphasis Thick

15.2 Leader Line Type

The leader line type assists the understanding and readability of items on a graphic. A leader line is a
Continuous solid line.
Leader lines radiate from callout text. They are the connection of an object to its callout.

The following standards must be followed to assure consistency and efficiency in readability of a
• The leader line shall touch the part being called out.
• Dogleg leader lines are not allowed except in some circumstances to add clarity.
• No arrowheads allowed except in some circumstances to aid clarity. Where arrowheads are
Required, refer to dimension arrows for their size and style.
• A dot at the end of a leader line will be used to call out a part by touching the surface.
• The dot dimension is defined as 1mm diameter.
• A dot will be used to designate a gap or clearance in a tight area.
• A halo shall be placed centered on the leader line where it crosses graphical items. The halo
dimension is defined as 0.635 mm absolute measurement on both sides of the line.

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Figure 60.

Type 1 - Solid

Extra Emphasis - Extra Thick

Emphasis - Thick

Object - Medium

Reference Object / Leader - Thin

Type 2 - Dash

Extra Emphasis – Dash Extra Thick *

Emphasis – Dash Thick *
Hidden - Medium

Hidden - Thin

Type 4 – Dash Dot

Center / Projection - Thin

*Only to be used for the creation of graphs and grid structures.

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Figure 61. Center Line and Dashed Line definition

Center Line

0.635 mm

10 ON 1 OFF 2 ON 1 OFF

Dashed line

1 mm

1 OFF 3 ON 1 OFF

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Figure 62. Required Line Uses






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16 Flow Diagrams

16.1 Flow diagram symbols

Unit or component when shown within the system chapter
Rectangle. Outline 0.6 mm solid line, fill color Light Brown (LBRN)


Unit or component when shown within the system chapter

Rectangle. Outline 0.6 mm dashed line, fill color Light Brown (LBRN)


Component in full provision

Unit or component when shown outside the system chapter. (DO ref included).
Rectangle. Outline 0.6 mm solid line, fill color Olive (OLV)


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Groups of units or component representing a system, function or location

Rectangle with rounded corners. Outline 0.18 mm, corner radius 3 mm, fill color Light Yellow (LYE)

The priority to show Units/Components within a System, Function or Location is:














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Applications. (Loadable software) can be shown inside or outside a box

Oval form Fill colors Yellow (YEL), Green (GRN), Cyan (CYN).

Primary colors Alternative Colors




Functions/ Modes can be shown inside or outside a box


Outline in 0.18 mm


Database can be shown inside or outside a box

Cylinder 0.18 mm solid line, fill color Blue (BLU)


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Front Face Display panels (JPEG)

Front face displays must be supported by a text callout outside of the Display


Treatment of Panels
Hatching can be used to limit the impact on a view for information not relevant to the theme being
For this purpose Hatching shall be shown in White (WHT).

White hatching may also be used to show Gas or vapor mixtures.

A white hatching can be applied over the base color to demonstrate a mixture of Air and liquids
This method may only be applied when shown within contained areas in Flow or Block diagrams

Oil + air


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Electrical components

Relay (See ABD 0004)

Rectangle Outline in 0.6 mm internal details in 0.18 mm, fill color Light Brown (LBRN)

Circuit Breaker
Mechanical (conventional symbology used for previous program ([see ABD 0004])
Details in 0.18 mm

One phase Three phase

New electrical circuit breaker (simplified from ABD 0004)

Rectangle Fill color Light Brown (LBRN) and Olive (OLV)
All lines 0.18 mm
Minimum size for dimensions
Except outline 0.6mm

……Single phase Three phase

Symbols (ABD0004)
Example Relay

Supply lines and Ground lines shall be shown in the same color

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Standard symbols

Standard symbols are to be shown in Black and White only

Three “No Specific Link” Arrows may be used in the AMM D/O for details of a higher assembly level
(e.g. XX- 0-00): To be shown without color

Line weight: 0.35mm Line weight: 0.18mm

Errors to be avoided in Flow and Block diagrams
Where possible “DOGLEGS” are not to be used.

To avoid confusion, connections between units/components must be shown clearly. Where possible, touch-
ing perpendicular to the surface and not on corners.

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On Flow and Block diagrams Schematic forms shall not be given depth (Perspective). They are to be shown


CTI use
See TDS0006
The use of highly detailed Continuous tone images for Flow and Block Diagrams and any other Illustration
form is not recommended. Vector graphics are the preferred medium. Standard views are to be used when
available. Refer to the Central Illustration Library (CISL). The Technical content of any views used for illus-
trated technical data is of primary importance, not the surrounding information

The use of „Vague“ location methods is not recommended. The user requires an accurate and identifiable
location view. Refer to the CISL for Basic Line Views (BLC).

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Location of component within Racks and assemblies

Standard views may be created as a part of the normal illustration procedures these can be identified to the
CISL for analyses and if acceptable, inclusion into the Illustration Library.
Apply to the CISL for Standard location items if otherwise not available.

Example Avionics rack

Standardized use of CTIs and Detail items

A general rule for illustrating standards is where possible Left hand shown Right hand symmetrical
Use of variable views of the same detail are not recommended.


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Text within Flow Block Diagrams

General Rule The purpose of an illustration is to enhance the written description of the Author.
Extensive use of textual explanations inside the illustration is not permitted. Where possible textual explana-
tions are to be kept to a minimum.

1. BAT Push button switch. Controls connection and disconnection of the battery to the electrical net-
Recommended version:

1. BAT Push button switch

Front Face displays

Where possible, use front face panel views when supported by text.

Replace by true panel



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Colors for components shown in Flow Block diagrams

When vector graphic are used in Flow Block diagrams they shall be supported by a callout text.
Callout components are to be colored as for Standard illustration requirements Light Blue (LBLU).






CTI none specific identity

CTIs, containing easily identifiable elements that are customer specific shall not be used. Manufacturers
names on components are not to be shown. See ClipArt below.

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Connector details
No Back connector information is to be shown. They are available in other specific Technical Data types.

Miniature CTI Views

The use of small views (CTIs, Photographs etc) for objects, areas, location is not recommended. Such views
can lead to a distraction away from the technical content of the illustration. Should no alternative be avail-
able then they must be supported by a text (Monitor Station etc). ClipArt views are acceptable, only when
supported by a text title.

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Circuit breakers (Simplified)

The demonstration of circuit breakers in the AMM D/O is to be simplified.
Detailed circuit breakers are only to be used in chapter: 24-53. See example below

Simplified C/B

Outline and color

Panel switch
Panel switches may be shown simplified without surrounding panel detailed, if necessary.


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ClipArt views
ClipArt views shall be standardized and shall not be manufacturer identifiable items.
ClipArt must be supported by a text title.
To many variants of any one subject can be confusing and is unnecessary. See examples below.
ClipArt shall be available as part of the Central Illustrated Library CISL.
All small views of this nature shall if used be accompanied by an explanatory title*.



Air station



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16.2 Flow Diagram line types

For Flow diagrams the following line styles are to be used

Table 10. Flow diagram line types,

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16.3 Flow Diagram Line type Dimensions

45° 2 mm
2 mm


2 mm
3.75 mm PRESSURE
1 mm
2 mm

3.75 mm
2 mm

2.5 mm
3.75 mm
3.75 mm
2 mm
2.5 mm 1.25 mm

3.75 mm
2 mm 2.5 mm 1.25 mm

1 mm 2.5 mm
3.75 mm
2 mm 5 mm
2.5 mm
45° 2 mm
2.5 mm


2 mm 5 mm
2.5 mm

Unless otherwise specified all line sizes: 0.18 mm

For Line style orientations see below:

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16.4 Line orientation recommendations

General: Consistency of the line style method used is important for user convienience.

For the CAN BUS line pattern the following orientation rules apply:

Horizontal Vertical

Light Source: RH Bottom Light Source: RH Bottom

The Thick line always shown above Thick Line always shown to the left

For the creation purpose it shall be reminded that the CAN BUS LINE SYMBOL can be treated as if it was a
“SHADOW LINE” With a light source from: RIGHT HAND BOTTOM, see example above.

Corner solutions

When a CAN BUS line is shown above another Line it must remain in
the same level throughout the Illustration

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For the ETHERNET BUS line pattern the following orientation rules apply:

Horizontal Vertical
Light Source: LH TOP Light Source: LH TOP

The Thick line always shown above Thick Line always shown to the right

For the creation purpose it shall be reminded that the ETHERNET BUS LINE SYMBOL can be treated as if it
was a “SHADOW LINE” With a light source from: LEFT HAND TOP, see example above.

Corner solutions

When an ETHERNET BUS line is shown above another Line it must

remain in the same level throughout the Illustration

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17 Dimensions General use

17.1 Methods of writing dimensions

The dimensions included on the illustrations shall be represented as follows, whatever the type of unit used.
(ft, in, etc.). Dimensions are to be shown Horizontally to the viewer.
The maximum decimal digit number is 3. Their use is at the discretion of the technical author.
There is a space between the last digit and abbreviation, the abbreviation must be written at the end.
Imperial measurements are to be shown in brackets.

50.80 mm (2 in) or 50.80 mm
(2 in)

17.1.1 Use of Comma (,)

The comma shall no longer be used (either for decimal marker or for separation of blocks of multiples of

17.1.2 Use of Dot (.)

The dot shall be used to separate the basic value from the decimal part in all unit systems (e.g. 12.5 mm -
12.5 in)

The dot shall not be used to separate blocks of multiples of 1000, only a space is permitted
(e.g. 150 000 kg - 150 000 lb)

17.1.3 Units having a value less than 1

A zero shall be placed before the decimal dot (e.g. 0.12 mm - 0.12 in)

17.1.4 Units having a value which is a whole number

A decimal dot followed by 0 shall not be used (e.g. 12 mm - 12 in)

17.1.5 Symbols for units

Symbols shall not be followed by a dot (e.g. 12 mm - 12 in)

Always written in lower case except when the letter is derived from a proper name and for specific excep-
tions (refer to ABD0046 for list of symbols)

17.1.6 Space between value and symbol

A space shall be provided between the value and the symbol of unit.

In the event that no room is available for the symbol of unit to be shown next to the value a note may be
added to the illustration. i.e.

Dimensions shown in millimeters, inches shown in brackets,

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17.2 Types of display method

For the text dimensions (Arrow types not to scale):

Figure 63. Dimensioning examples


50.80 mm 50.80 mm
(2 in) (2 in)
Preferred method Alternative method


50.80 mm
(2 in)

50.80 mm
(2 in)
Preferred method Alternative method


50.80 mm
(2 in)

50.80 mm
(2 in)

Preferred method Alternative method

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18 Use of Color
All colors used must conform to the rules applied in the TDS Illustration Color Standards
(Ref. [TDS 0003]) and the Color Recommendations AG00-PDF-020 Ref. 622.0377/2002.
The number of colors is limited to twenty-five. Thirteen colors (Ref.[Table 11 ])are STANDARD and have
predefined rules, of these:
Seven (Chroma) and one shade (Achroma) of the twenty colors have predefined usage and shall be applied
according to the rules demonstrated in the Color usage guide Ref: Illus AG0-PDF-020_Color Recommenda-
Three colors (Optional) are according to the requirements of the domain.
Two are the achromatic shades White and Black.
All graphics primitives are in black, with the exception of graphic elements used to describe the perimeter of
components and views highlighted by frames, zones access panels etc.
Components with a colored solid fill must have a black surround, except for those cases mentioned above.

18.1 Standard color selection

Table 11. STANDARD COLORS with their composition in RGB VALUES and USAGE.

RGB Usage

LIGHT YELLOW 255,255,204 Phantom

Location of detail views shown on located on locator

GREY 1 204,204,204
and sub-locator views

LIGHT BLUE 204,255,255 Called out objects in detailed views and sections

MAGENTA 255,000,255 Location (Outlines of frames, zones, etc.)

AMBER 255,153,000 Caution, Tools

RED 255,000,000 Warnings

BLUE GREY 051,153,153 Airbus cockpit panels

DARK BLUE 000,000,255 Navigation and special symbols

CYAN 000,255,255 Specific by domain

YELLOW 255,255,000 Specific by domain

DARK GREEN 000,153,000 Specific by domain

WHITE 255,255,255 Backgrounds, text

Graphic primitives, Called out text, text strings, di-

BLACK 000,000,000
The rules for color usage are defined in the following guides:
• Technical Data Specification Illustration Color Standards (TDS0003)
For visual demonstration of Color development see:
• ILLUS_AG00-PDF-020_ Color Recommendations.ppt

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Table 12. STANDARD Colors

7 basic colors (Chrom a)

Light Yellow Light blue

M agenta Am ber Red

Dark Blue Blue G rey

3 optional colors (Chrom a)

Dark G reen Cyan Yellow

3 shades (Achrom a)

W hite G rey 1 Black

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19 Use of Continuous Tone Images

Photographs and digitally rendered images Digital Mock Ups etc. Shall be commonly described as Continu-
ous Tone Images this name can be abbreviated to CTI. The rules and specifications regarding the use of
CTIs are to be found in the TDS0006 Image Style Standards. CTIs are acceptable alternatives to vector
illustrations under the following conditions:

Line work is the preferred media for illustrations.

• The color (grayscale) precision shall be 24 Bit (8-bit 256 gray shades or 256 Color values on each
axis of the color space).
• The photograph must be of a suitable quality with regard to focus and exposure.
• Image resolution shall be based on current electronic and printed industry conventions.
• Existing illustration style standards shall apply.
• Color shall not be used to convey Technical information.
• View direction rules are to conform to the Airbus Styles Standard Specification TDS0002
• No extensive use of peripheral information shall be used, only the specific details required to show
the purpose of an Authors text are to be shown.
• Symbolic, or textual overlays shall be contrasting to the background image.
• Text, Leader lines and symbols outside of the photographic image are preferable. When used within
the photographic image they shall be used with a white mask as background.
• For leaders in photographs, dogleg leader lines are not allowed except in some circumstances to
add clarity.
• Black and white photographs are permitted but color is preferred.
Greyscale is also possible; the equipment used will determine the nature of the photographic type
(black and white or color).
Generally it is possible to obtained good photographic results with both options.

A component or item may be available for photography in the first instance of illustration creation. But at a
later date when modifications may be necessary, the same component or items may be no longer available
to be photographed for the new modifications.

It MUST be understood that the commitment to use any form of CTI or similar image within an illustration,
can compromise the method of revising the illustration in the same style at a later date.

The following Figure (REF. [Figure 64]) demonstrates a recommended type of detail that can be used as an
imported image.

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Figure 64. Image Integration

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20 General illustration definition for AMM and IPC

Standard attaching parts (Screws, Nuts, Washers, Splints, Spacers, Nut Plates, Clip Nuts, etc.
are NOT ILLUSTRATED in the IPC / IPL Technical Data unless specifically requested. (REF: [Figure
Item Numbers for IPC/IPL Standard attaching parts shall be annotated to the centerline from top to bot-
tom in a numerical ascending sequence.
However these parts are ILLUSTRATED in all other Technical Data.

20.1 Specific information for AMM

20.1.1 Detail Representation

Figure 65. Attaching Parts treatment AMM and IPC

3 30

4 40

7 70
D 2
5 D 2


Example AMM Example IPC

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21 Specific information for IPC


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22 Illustration examples SRM

The following examples demonstrate typical applications of color and style for the Repair Domain


1.5 mm ± 1 45° x 15 mm
C (0.06 in ± 0.04) (0.59 in)

02 FR 4

45° x 5 mm
(0.196 in)

10 mm
3 x 21 mm (0.394 in)
(3 x 0.827 in)
CHAPTER 51-44-11). (0.078 in)

HL12VF6 / HL86-6 3 3
HL11VF6-3 / HL70-6
HL10VF6-3 / HL70-6
HL10VF6-4 / HL70-6

For the use of tables in SRM illustrations: See Chapter. 14.3.1

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22.1 SRM Table use

For general use the tables shown in SRM Illustrations are to be used for the purpose of detailing which type
of rivet is being demonstrated using a particular rivet symbol.

The following should be avoided on illustrations, if feasible:

• Generated tables (material table)
• References of any kind (These shall be controlled by the link-base)
• Warnings and Cautions (These shall be controlled initially by the fact base and at a later date cen-
• References to material (in particular Consumables: They may be connected with warnings automati-
• Any “Effectivity” expression (MOD, SB, Weight Variant): Such information MUST be within the re-
sponsibility of configurable items, so that CMS is in the position to customize.

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Illustration examples SRM continued



B 5


25 B


BEAM7 BEAM7 (35)

45 E


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22.2 SRM Composite Layer Repairs

Specific for the Repair Domain SRM is the representation of Composite layer repairs.
These types of illustration require a method of demonstrating, layers of materials shown in section views to
indicate the sequence of application.
It is a requirement of this type of demonstration to indicate changes in direction of the composite material,
generally either 45 degrees or 90 degrees to one another.

22.2.1 Layers at basic direction

Composite layers positioned in the basic direction are shown as centerline upon a Yellow (255,255,0 YEL)
colored background.

22.2.2 Layers at 45 degrees to basic direction

Composite layers that are position 45 degrees to the basic direction are shown as dashed lines upon a Light
Green (204, 255, 204 LGRN) colored background.

22.2.3 Layers at 90 degrees basic direction

Composite layers that are position 90 degrees to the basic direction are shown as dashed lines upon a Vio-
let (255,204,255 VIOL) colored background.

22.2.4 Layer contour definition

When a layer has a physical edge, the edge will be shown by a .5 mm Dot.

The following examples show the method of using the composite layer concept

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Illustration examples SRM continued

Layer edge.
Shown using
5mm dot

The Ply orientation Key chart shown top left of this illustration example is used solely to demonstrate the line
style key only. Colors are not to be defined as an indication of a technical content.

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Illustration examples SRM continued

10mm (0.39in)
Technical Data Specification

10mm (0.39in)


(0.79in.) A
(0.39in.) 01


Page: 114 / 149

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Line Type

Emphasis/Extra Emphasis

Technical Data Specification





Used to show path result


CHAPTER 51-10-08, PAGE BLOCK 601
Thick/Extra Thick

Illustration examples SRM continued




Thick/Extra Thick


0 25 mm 75 mm 100 mm 200 mm 300 mm 400 mm
(0.98 in) (2.94 in) (3.94 in) (7.87 in) (11.8 in) (15.75 in)

Page: 115 / 149

Type 1 -- Solid

contained in it be disclosed to unauthorized persons. It must not be reproduced in whole or in part without permission in writing from AIRBUS.
CGM Line Type



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Illustration examples SRM continued

To demonstrate a particular area the technique of “Blocking” can be used, using Extra Thick Dashed line
0.80 mm
Line Type Description Size CGM Line Type
Extra Emphasis For defining particular areas Extra Thick Type 2 -- Dash


















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23 Supplement for Flight Ops data

23.1 Supplement purpose

This supplementary specification is a specific working document that defines the rules, standards, specifica-
tions and parameter settings for the production of Technical illustrations using electronic software. It applies
to flight ops data required for the A380 created within the Illustration Service Line.

23.2 Revisions to Flight Ops supplement

Development of flight ops applications (manuals) is made on an incremental basis. This current version 01
of this specification particularly applies to FCOM data. It is defined in order to satisfy both flight ops and
training needs in the frame of the Artifact project (common development of FCOM / CBT Flight).
However, as the need arises, further versions of this specification shall be issued to take into account:
Any necessary refinement resulting from the use of this specification
• FCOM application validation in the frame of the V&V plan (including evaluation sessions on A/C-1)
• Human factor evaluations in the frame of OIS HF certification
• JOEB approval process
• Specific needs from other flight ops manuals ((CCOM, MMEL, AFM, WBM) or from training (CBT /
Note: Current FCOM requirements also cover QRH and FCTM.

23.3 Scope
The content of this document is specifically directed at the A380 and future product developments resulting
from new technologies and tools This specification applies to graphics directly realized by ISL based on draft
versions provided by STL.
It does not apply to graphics created internally at ST (e.g. SMART graphics, Adobe Illustrator graphics) to be
further encapsulated into CGM format.
These encapsulated graphics may then support hotspots or can be used as basis or elements for graphics
to be realized by ISL.

The operational data (manuals) is defined to be run in digital format on board the aircraft on the
On-board Information System (OIS).

23.4 OIS Product requirements

The operational data (manuals) is defined to be run in digital format on board the aircraft on the
On-board Information System (OIS).
Therefore this specification is defined to comply with the electronic format of the ops manuals.
Note: the ops manuals are also defined to be prepared in PDF format. However, the PDF format is
to be considered as a secondary product. The target product is the OIS.
The OIS will display information on two terminals (12 “ display, resolution 1027 X 768)
Note: CCOM will be displayed on the FAP. Resolution of FAP for CCOM display is TBC.

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23.5 CGM
In accordance with Illustration Service Line requirements, the ops data graphics will be in CGM
However, this format is neither compatible with OIS viewer nor with CBT needs.
CGM Graphics will have to be changed in any other format compatible with OIS viewer (e.g., SVG format)

23.6 Illustration dimension

Flight operations documents and courseware materials are to be used on electronic format (PC, laptop or
OIS) all dimensions given in this specification are given in pixels. As approximate rule, for the OIS 12 inches
screen display with a 1027 x 768 resolution, 1 pixel corresponds to approximately 0.25 mm (1mm = 4.2 pix-

23.7 References
This supplementary specification shall be used in conjunction with the rules and recommendation defined in
the Tech data references.

• TDS0002
• TDS0003
• A380 maintenance training graphical content standardization guide STDA3456
• Charte graphique ind27.doc

23.8 Approval
Any changes to this Flight Ops supplement must be approved by the Flight Ops product owner (STL).

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24 Introduction to Flight Ops illustration standards

24.1 Commonality
Where possible it is the intention of the ISL to maintain full commonality between illustrations of Flight Ops
domain and those of Flight Training Domain. Consistent positioning, rendering, navigation and symbols use
between Flight Ops data and training material will assist in the understanding of graphic and text information
in an efficient manner by flight and cabin crews. This standard will work toward the elimination of unneces-
sary rework in the exchange of Flight Ops and training illustration. These illustration standards have been
developed for use on new projects/programs.

24.2 Primary rules

To communicate by illustrating in a simple, clear and efficient way to visually demonstrate and enhance the
technical information required for the person performing the intended task in all conditions (on ground , in
flight , experiencing a failure…).

The following points demonstrate a general set of guidelines when creating illustrations.
• Always consider the information from the flight ops and flight-training user's point of view.
• Define illustrations that comply with both Flight Ops and Flight Training needs
• Components shall be shown clearly and correctly.
• Consult relevant existing illustrations, connected chapters and other manuals; reusability and Uni-
formity between flight ops and training is of prime importance. .
• Confine details to the action being described. Clarity is of prime importance.
• Build up the illustration logically, considering layout, sequence and information layers.
• Illustrated graphics must be produced considering the display media (target is OIT 12” screen for pi-
lots and FAP TBC “ for cabin crews.
• Do not overload illustration image area.
• Location arrows, leader lines, annotations etc. must be clearly shown; free from surrounding Detail.
• Limit “artistic” effects, or shadow effects.
• When showing connections (e.g., electrical, hydraulic, bleed….) route wires as directly as possible
with a minimum number of zigzags and crossed wires.

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24.2.1 View Descriptions

Illustration style shall be chosen on an individual basis to convey the required information Clearly, Where
possible use the same orientation as the parent view.

This example shows a typical perspective view in solid model.

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24.3 System Schematics

This type of view shall be used to represent the operation of a system or a circuit in a simplified form for
flight ops purposes. They show the system in a simplified form mainly functionally and operationally oriented
and do not describe all components of the system in details. They are intended to explain the overall opera-
tion on a single diagram. These schematics can contain electrical, mechanical, and/or logic information, and
may contain pictorials (e.g., smart graphics) to facilitate pilot’s understanding of the relevant system and
interfaces. (Ref. [Figure 1], (Figure 2)

Figure 1 Use of system schematics (without pictorials)

Figure 2 Use of system schematics (with pictorials)

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24.4 Graphs
Flight ops documents will also have graphs to show relation between various parameters. Graphs may be
shown with or without gridlines
(Ref (figure 3), (figure 4) (figure 5).

Figure 3

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Figure 4 Graphs continued

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Figure 5 Graphs continued (example showing graphs without grid lines).

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25 Image area and illustration identifier

In this supplementary specification, an Image Area is the external boundary of the graphic and is related to
OIS screen or part of screen size definitions given in the following paragraph.

An Image Area may include several images with their appropriate annotations; it references the rectangular
space in which all the images are included for a single presentation.

The Illustration identifier shall not appear on the graphic itself. It will be given only in the illustration attribute

Note : This illustration identifier shall be also accessible with ops data creation tools.

The finalization procedure requires exact numbering; it is not permitted to change the structure of the illus-
tration identifier.

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25.1 FCOM and Flight Ops Image areas

The following table (See Table 1) provides the size requirements for the Flight Ops domain.
Image Area Screen Size Image Area (Width x Height)
Code Description Millimeters Pixels
FUA Full Usable Area 244 x 147 1024 x 618
FSA Full Screen Area 244 x 183 1024 x 768
FAR1C1 Frame Area - R1C1 54.3 x 49 228 x 206
FAR1C2 Frame Area - R1C2 108.7 x 49 456 x 206
FAR1C3 Frame Area - R1C3 163 x 49 684 x 206
FAR1C4 Frame Area- R1C4 244 X 49 1024 X 206
FAR2C1 Frame Area - R2C1 54.3 x 98 228 x 412
FAR2C2 Frame Area - R2C2 108.7 x 98 456 x 412
FAR2C3 Frame Area - R2C3 163 x 98 684 x 412
FAR3C1 Frame Area - R3C1 54.3 x 147 228 x 618
FAR3C2 Frame Area - R3C2 108.7 x 147 456 x 618
FAR3C3 Frame Area - R3C3 163 x 147 684 x 618
FAR4C4 Frame Area – R4C4 15.2 X 15.2 64 X 64
FAR4C5 Frame Area – R4C5 15.2 X 30.4 64 X 128
FAR5C4 Frame Area – R5C4 30.4 X 15.2 128 X 64
FAR5C5 Frame Area – R5C5 30.4 X 30.4 128 X 128
FAR4C6 Frame Area – R4C6 15.2 X 49 64 X 206
FAR6C4 Frame Area – R6C4 54.3 X 15.2 228 X 64
FAR5C6 Frame Area – R5C6 30.4 X 49 128 X 206
FAR6C5 Frame Area – R6C5 54.3 X 30.4 228 X 128
SAR1C1 Symbol Area - R1C1 3.8 x 3.8 16 x 16
SAR1C2 Symbol Area - R1C2 7.6 x 3.8 32 x 16
SAR1C3 Symbol Area - R1C3 11.4 x 3.8 48 x 16
SAR1C4 Symbol Area - R1C4 15.2 x 3.8 64 x 16
SAR2C1 Symbol Area - R2C1 3.8 x 7.6 16 x 32
SAR2C2 Symbol Area - R2C2 7.6 x 7.6 32 x 32
SAR2C3 Symbol Area - R2C3 11.4 x 7.6 48 x 32
SAR2C4 Symbol Area - R2C4 15.2 x 7.6 64 x 32
SAR3C1 Symbol Area - R3C1 3.8 x 11.4 16 x 48
SAR3C2 Symbol Area - R3C2 7.6 x 11.4 32 x 48
SAR3C3 Symbol Area - R3C3 11.4 x 11.4 48 x 48
SAR3C4 Symbol Area - R3C4 15.2 x 11.4 64 x 48
SAR4C1 Symbol Area - R4C1 3.8 x 15.2 16 x 64
SAR4C2 Symbol Area - R4C2 7.6 x 15.2 32 x 64
SAR4C3 Symbol Area - R4C3 11.4 x 15.2 48 x 64
SAR4C4 Symbol Area - R4C4 15.2 x 15.2 64 x 64
SAR4C5 Symbol Area - R4C5 15.2 X 30.4 64 X 128
SAR5C4 Symbol Area – R5C4 30.4 X 15.2 128 X 64
SAR5C5 Symbol Area – R5C5 30.4 X 30.4 128 X 128
Table 1 OPS domain Image area and screen dimension sizes.

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26 Flight Ops and Flight training illus characteristics and functionalities

26.1 Types of illustration

The Flight Ops data shall have three different kinds of illustrations:
• ISL Graphics illustrated using STL draft
• Encapsulated Graphics
• Combined Graphics (Hybrid)

26.1.1 Graphics directly realized by ISL based on draft versions provided by STL.
These graphics will mainly apply to describe:
• Functional architectures
• System architectures
• System description diagrams
• System Principles -Schematic views
• ECAM-like views
• Block diagrams
• Graphs (e.g., curves) (See figure 6)

Figure 6 Example of graphics directly realized by the ISL

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Figure 6 continued

Figure 6 continued. Example of graphics directly realized by the ISL

These graphics will be realized in accordance with this specification for:

• Colors (See chapter 27)
• Text style (See chapter 28)
• Graphic elements and use of color (e.g., Pictures, symbols, boxes, filling, Lines, texture…). (See
chapter 29)
• Hotspots (See chapter 26.2)

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26.1.2 Encapsulated graphics

These graphics are realized internally at ST and then are encapsulated as is into CGM format by ISL (see
figure 7).
These graphics are not defined according to this specification. Because they mainly show real aircraft views,
they must comply with real aircraft color and display definition. However, these graphics may be further re-
worked by ISL for various purposes, e.g.
• Adding of complementary textual or graphical information. (See figure 8).
• Adding of hotspots (see paragraph 19.2).
This complementary information shall be done in compliance with this specification.
• Encapsulated graphics will apply to:
• Real-world views.
• Cockpit views –Panels.
• Indications or displays (ECAM, PFD / ND, MFD….).
• ECAM-like views.
• External views.
• Other graphics such as system architecture, description diagram, principles… (In addition to ISL
graphics as the need arises).

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Figure 7 Example of encapsulated graphics

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Figure 8 Example of encapsulated graphics with complementary information (call outs)

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26.1.3 Combined graphics

These graphics will use a mix of encapsulated graphics and ISL realized graphics. They mainly apply to
show system architecture or functional description with part of these graphic showing real aircraft parts (e.g.,
pilot’s interface). (See Figure 9)

Figure 9 Examples of combined (encapsulated + ISL) Graphics

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26.2 Tagging of elements in illustrations (Intelligent Graphics)

Either text information or part of illustration within the graphic can be tagged for interactivity.
The encapsulated graphics shall also support hotspots. Any part of encapsulated graphics may be used as
basis for hotspots.
Hotspot areas may have form of:
• Square
• Rectangle
• Parallelogram
• Trapezoid
• Polygon
• Triangle
• Circle
• Oval
• Free form
• Any combination of above formats
This also applies to any type of encapsulated graphics even when they are part of a mix encapsulated / ISL
Hotspot zones shall never be shown on the graphic itself. It will be a function of the OIS viewer to
make them appear according to OIS HMI definition for selectable areas on the terminal.
Hotspot zones will be defined in the illustration companion file. (See figure 10)

Figure 10 Examples of Hotspots. Hotspots

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Figure 10 continued Examples of Hotspots.

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26.3 Linking
From an illustration point of view, externally linked information is not applicable in illustrations. The links are
implemented in the ops data creation tools. For internal linking (internal links within an illustration or between
illustration sheets), the information could be added during the illustration process.

26.4 Information layers

The ops manuals will have up to 3 levels of information (so called “information layers”) providing:
• The need to know information as layer 1
• The nice to know information as layer 2
• The expert (or instructor) knowledge as layer 3
This rule will also apply to graphics. Each layer of information will correspond to a given definition of il-
lustration. (See Figure 11)
Note: the overall presentation of the illustration may be changed according to the information layer, e.g.,
addition of elements, re-organization of the graphic…

This rule applies whatever the type of graphic, ISL realized graphics or encapsulated graphics. The following
combinations of information layers (See Table 2) (L) may apply to graphics:

L1 0 0

L1 L2 0

L1 L2 L3

L1 0 L3

0 L2 0

0 0 L3

0 L2 L3
Table 2

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Layer 2

Layer 3
Figure 11 Examples of information layers

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26.5 Detail visualization

Detail visualization is an alternative method of viewing detail views with a minimum of illustration internal
Navigation. The use of detail visualization makes it possible to select a detail on a location view, and an
enlarged image of the detail appears on screen as a result.

26.6 View selection

Flight ops applications (manuals) shall be displayed on board the aircraft through two terminals of the On-
board Information System (OIS).

The OIS shall support two different view modes that are defined taking into account Human Factor
Considerations and cockpit display homogeneity:
• The night vision with black background
• The day vision with white background
Illustrations provided in the ops manuals shall also support this function.

Note: This does not apply to encapsulated graphics that shall remain in their basic definition.

An acceptable means of compliance with this requirement is to defined graphics on a grey background com-
patible with both day and night visions. (See Chapter 26.6.1).

26.6.1 View selection BACKGROUND (BKGRD) Color

The grey background RGB definition is 97-114-128. This definition exactly matches real aircraft cockpit pan-
els color, thus ensures homogeneity between OIS display and aircraft.

Additionally, the use of this single grey background color ensures homogeneity within colors used in the
graphics whatever the selected day or night vision.

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27 FCOM Flight Ops Colors

The following table (See Table 3) shows the colors to be used in the graphics for the flight ops.
This color palette is defined taking into account:
• Commonality of color with all cockpit displays
• Homogeneity with training needs
• Legibility and didactic of graphics
• Graphic background definition

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Table 3 FCOM Flight Ops Color Matrix plus ISL Matrix colors

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28 Text style
This section describes the text specifications and their appropriate application.

28.1 Text and annotation style

The term annotation is used to describes all (alphanumeric) text found in illustrations.
For obvious homogeneity reasons, the font to be used in the graphics shall be similar to the font used to
display the textual information on the OIS (same font used for all OIS applications), i.e. (TBD) ARIAL or
VERDANA (same as (TBD) Arial with increased spacing in-between words).
Either normal (TBD) Arial / Verdana or Bold Arial / Verdana shall be used to annotate graphics. Italics can
be also used as shown in the following table.

28.2 Character size

The following sizes (See Table 4) shall be used:

Text description Font Size Normal Bold Italic Italic Bold

Basic 14 pt Yes Yes Yes Yes

Small 12 pt Yes Yes
Very Small 10 pt Yes Yes

Large 16 pt Yes Yes Yes Yes

Extra Large 18 pt Yes Yes Yes Yes

Table 4

The texts will be generally written in capital letters (BASIC) unless it is otherwise specified by the flight ops /
training author. In this case it shall be written in normal small letters except the first letter of each word
Note 1: This rule to write the first letter in capital when writing words in normal letters does not apply to co-
ordination conjunctions (such as “and”, or…)
Note 2: Within the same graphic homogeneity in the font and hierarchy of font must be kept.

28.3 Text color

Any color of the color palette described in previous paragraph 6 can be used to write text within illustrations.

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28.4 Annotation style application

It must be understood that the purpose of an illustration is to enhance an Authors text. The visual impact of
any illustration and the conveyance of the technical content can be best achieved when an illustration con-
tains a good balance between the illustrated graphic elements and only a minimum of explanatory text itemi-
Extensive use of textual information in the form of text strings shall be avoided. This information shall be part
of the Authors text Special care must be also taken to prevent from hiding or masking any technical and
graphical information when adding textual information on a graphic. For instance, no textual annotation
should be directly written on a cockpit display representation unless it is made on purpose and clearly un-
derstood that such annotation is not part of the aircraft display itself.
(See figure 12).

Figure 12 Example of annotation style

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28.5 Textual direction arrows

Whenever necessary, orthographic direction arrows may be added to the graphic to enhance its understand-
ing. (See: Figure 13).

Figure 13 Orthographic arrows

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29 Graphic elements and use of color

29.1 General rule

All graphics that are part of the flight ops data and flight training courseware must be established in such a
way the pilot can easily recognize and understand an aircraft system description referring to the aircraft in-
terfaces as used to operate in the cockpit.

Therefore, maximum commonality with cockpit interface displays, symbols and color-coding must be found
in the graphics for flight ops data / flight training.

Most of the system descriptions shall be based on system synoptic displayed on the ECAM.
Whenever, there is a deviation from the ECAM display, it must be clearly shown on the graphic that the
display is not an ECAM display.

For these so-called “ECAM –like” graphic, symbols will still comply with ECAM display but illustration
background will be different from the ECAM black background.

The following tables (See Tables 5 to 8) show the various elements, symbols and colors to be used for
The dimensions are basically indicated for the standard size. The possible range for each element is also
indicated, e.g., for lines:

Table 5
Example for Busses

Table 6

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29.2 Specific use of elements

Table 7

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Table 8

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29.3 Cross line styles

Whenever lines are crossed in a graphic, there are three methods that can be used:

29.3.1 Basic crossing method

29.3.2 Bridge method

29.3.3 Cut method

Cut space parameters

Cut ratio description:

Cut lines to be finished at 45 degrees with the following ratio in between cuts (space parameters):
• Basic: 1 (space) / 1(vertical line) / 1 (space).
• Medium: 1.5 (spaces) / 1(vertical line) / 1.5 (spaces).
• Large: 2 (spaces) / 1 (vertical line) / 2 (spaces).

Cuts may be applied to vertical or horizontal directions.

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30 Library Symbols
A symbol is a graphic representation of an Item or component.
Symbols shall be recognizable to the viewer as a representation of a particular Item or component.
This can be applied to:
• Hydraulics
• Electronics
• Flow charts
• Logics
• Pneumatic
• Mechanical (rivets, fasteners etc.)

A library symbol can graphically suggest the form or intention of an Item/component, or be purely abstract in
Library symbols shall be used consistently throughout all products.

30.1 Library Views

Library views are available from the Central Illustration Standards Library (CISL).
Information is available from the Technical Data Specification TDS0012

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31 Measurements and Abbreviations

The following abbreviations shall be used consistently throughout the illustrated data
For Color abbreviations see: TDS Illustration Color Standards TDS0003

Units shall be written as follows:

Distance: in / mm / ft / m / Nm
Weight : lbs / kg / tons / t
Speed : Kt
Time : HR / MN
Force : daN
Temperature: °C / °F
Quantità: Gal / L

Localization abbreviation shall be written as follows:

Zone : Z200
Station : STA1121
Frame : FR11
Spar : SP22
Rib : RIB20
Stringer : STGR26
Elevator Rib: ER12
Rudder Rib: RR15

Specific abbreviation for CCOM :

B/C, BC: Business class
F/C, FC : First class
T/C, TC : Tourist class
S/R12, SR12: Seat row 12
A/C, AC: Aircraft
OL : Outboard left
OR : Outboard right
LAV34 : Lavatory 34
1L : Door 1 Left
EMER EXIT R: Emergency exit right (overwing)
MD : Main Deck
LD : Lower Deck
CTR : Center
VCC : Video Control Center
G5 : Galley 5
C1 : Coat-stowage 1
CR2: : Crew rest compartment

Specific abbreviations for SRM:

Minimum : MIN
Maximum : MAX
Beam : BEAM2
Longeron : LGRN2
Rear Spar : RS
Front Spar : FS
Center Spar : CS
Bracket : BR2
X and y coordinates -X213

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32 Record of revisions

Issue Date Modified pages Summary and reasons for change

Draft A1 29.04.03 Initial draft

Issue A 01.07.03 All Additions to contents after consultation

Color Additions, FIN box widths, OPS formats

Issue B 12.09.03 All
SRM Chapter additions

Issue C 10.12.03 Page 6 Reference documentation added

Additions of exceptional circumstance for rotation

Page 10
of portrait view to “Landscape”

Page 69 Rivet definitions NEW

Page 71 Dimension changes to symbology

mm. sizes removed. Confusion between point size
Page 73 and mm size equivalent
Use of annotation recommendations
Page 82 Flow diagram line width additions

Page 88 Continuous Tone additions to text

From Page 92 Additions of SRM illustration examples

Issue D 16.02.04 Page 10 New Format DL Landscape A4 description

Page 13 New Format DL Landscape A4 view

Change to Fr. STGR, RIB text vertical connection

Page 36
not touching the object.

Page 64 FIN box distances apart

Page 69 Panel hatching method

Page 81 Dash Line definition corrected 1 mm/ 3 on 1 off

Page 83 to 97 Chapter 10 Flow diagram modifications

Page 98/99 Composite layer description SRM

Issue E 18.03.04 All Document structure

99 to 100 CAN / ETHERNET BUS Solution

Pages 117 to 146 FCOM Flight OPS Supplement

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