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JAMA Oncology | Original Investigation

Body Composition and Cardiovascular Events

in Patients With Colorectal Cancer
A Population-Based Retrospective Cohort Study
Justin C. Brown, PhD; Bette J. Caan, DrPH; Carla M. Prado, PhD; Erin Weltzien, BA; Jingjie Xiao, PhD;
Elizabeth M. Cespedes Feliciano, ScD; Candyce H. Kroenke, ScD; Jeffrey A. Meyerhardt, MD

Invited Commentary
IMPORTANCE Patients with colorectal cancer (CRC) are up to 4-fold more likely than Supplemental content
individuals without a history of cancer to develop cardiovascular disease. Clinical care
guidelines recommend that physicians counsel patients with CRC regarding the association
between obesity (defined using body mass index [BMI] calculated as weight in kilograms
divided by height in meters squared) and cardiovascular disease risk; however, this
recommendation is based on expert opinion.

OBJECTIVE To determine which measures of body composition are associated with major
adverse cardiovascular events (MACEs) in patients with CRC.

DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS Population-based retrospective cohort study of 2839

patients with stage I to III CRC diagnosed between January 2006 and December 2011 at an
integrated health care system in North America.

EXPOSURES The primary exposures were BMI and computed tomography–derived body
composition measurements (eg, adipose tissue compartments and muscle characteristics)
obtained at the diagnosis of CRC.

MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES The primary outcome was time to the first occurrence of
MACE after diagnosis of CRC, including myocardial infarction, stroke, and cardiovascular

RESULTS In this population-based cohort study of 2839 participants with CRC (1384 men and
1455 women), the average age (SD) was 61.9 (11.5) years (range, 19-80 years). A substantial
number of patients were former (1127; 40%) or current smokers (340; 12%), with
hypertension (1150; 55%), hyperlipidemia (1389; 49%), and type 2 diabetes (573; 20%).
The cumulative incidence of MACE 10 years after diagnosis of CRC was 19.1%. Body mass
index was positively correlated with some computed tomography-derived measures of body
composition. However, BMI was not associated with MACE; contrasting BMI categories of
greater than or equal to 35 vs 18.5 to 24.9, the hazard ratio (HR) was 1.23 (95% CI, 0.85-1.77;
P = .50 for trend). Visceral adipose tissue area was associated with MACE; contrasting the
highest vs lowest quintile, the HR was 1.54 (95% CI, 1.02-2.31; P = .04 for trend).
Subcutaneous adipose tissue area was not associated with MACE; contrasting the highest vs Author Affiliations: Pennington
Biomedical Research Center, Baton
lowest quintile, the HR was 1.15 (95% CI, 0.78-1.69; P = .65 for trend). Muscle mass was not Rouge, Louisiana (Brown); Stanley S.
associated with MACE; contrasting the highest vs lowest quintile, the HR was 0.96 (95% CI, Scott Cancer Center, Louisiana State
0.57-1.61; P = .92 for trend). Muscle radiodensity was associated with MACE; contrasting the University Health Sciences Center,
New Orleans (Brown); Kaiser
highest (ie, less lipid stored in the muscle) vs lowest quintile, the HR was 0.67 (95% CI,
Permanente Northern California,
0.44-1.03; P = .02 for trend). Oakland (Caan, Weltzien, Cespedes
Feliciano, Kroenke); University of
CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE Visceral adiposity and muscle radiodensity appear to be risk Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
(Prado, Xiao); Dana-Farber Cancer
factors for MACE. Body mass index may have limited use for determining cardiovascular risk Institute, Boston, Massachusetts
in this patient population. (Meyerhardt).
Corresponding Author: Justin C.
Brown, PhD, Pennington Biomedical
Research Center, 6400 Perkins Rd,
JAMA Oncol. doi:10.1001/jamaoncol.2019.0695 Baton Rouge, LA 70808 (justin.
Published online May 16, 2019.

(Reprinted) E1
© 2019 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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Research Original Investigation Body Composition and Cardiovascular Events in Patients With Colorectal Cancer

olorectal cancer (CRC) is the fourth most common ma-
lignant neoplasm in the United States.1 Five-year sur- Key Points
vival for patients with CRC has increased by 33% over
Question Which measures of body composition are associated
the past 4 decades.2 Patients with CRC are now more suscep- with major adverse cardiovascular events in patients with
tible to competing causes of morbidity and mortality, such as colorectal cancer (CRC)?
those from cardiovascular disease (CVD).3,4 Patients with CRC
Findings In this population-based cohort study of 2839 patients
are 2-fold to 4-fold more likely than individuals without a his-
with CRC, body composition measured by visceral adiposity and
tory of cancer to develop CVD.5 Given the high risk of CVD in muscle radiodensity was associated with major adverse
patients with CRC, evidence is necessary to inform cardiovas- cardiovascular events, whereas body composition measured by
cular management in this susceptible population. body mass index was not associated with these events.
The American Cancer Society’s CRC survivorship care
Meaning Body composition measures collected using routine
guidelines recommend that physicians counsel patients with computed tomographic images, including visceral adiposity and
CRC regarding the association between obesity (defined using muscle radiodensity, can be used to assess cardiac risk in patients
body mass index [BMI], which is calculated as weight in kilo- with CRC; however, body mass index may have limited use for
grams divided by height in meters squared) and CVD risk, a rec- assessing cardiovascular risk in this patient population.
ommendation based exclusively on expert opinion.6 More-
over, uncertainty exists regarding the use of BMI for optimal review boards. Data analyses were performed from March 2018
cardiovascular risk management.7-9 At CRC diagnosis, pa- to September 2018.
tients undergo radiologic imaging with computed tomogra-
phy (CT) to characterize the disease stage. Using commer- Measures of Body Composition
cially available automated analysis methods, CT images can Height in meters and weight in kilograms were measured by
be used to quantify body composition, including visceral and medical assistants at the time of diagnosis. Body mass index
subcutaneous adiposity and muscle mass and radiodensity was calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in me-
(a measure of lipid deposition into skeletal muscle).10 Quan- ters squared and categorized using the World Health Organi-
tification of body composition may improve prognostication zation classifications.12 Body composition was measured using
of overall and cancer-specific survival11; however, the incre- a single-slice transverse CT image of the third lumbar verte-
mental utility to guide CVD risk management is unknown. b r a a n d a n a l yze d w it h s l i c e O m at i c s o f t w a re V 5 .0
This study aimed to achieve 3 objectives using a popula- (TomoVision).13 Tissues were demarcated with a semiauto-
tion-based retrospective cohort of 2839 patients with CRC who mated procedure using Hounsfield unit thresholds of −29 to
were treated with curative intent. The first objective was to 150 for muscle, −150 to −50 for visceral adipose tissue, and −190
quantify the incidence of cardiovascular events up to 10 years to −30 for subcutaneous adipose tissue. Muscle radiodensity
after diagnosis of CRC. The second objective was to quantify quantifies the average radiation attenuation rate (in Houn-
the correlation between BMI and other measures of body com- sfield units) and is a radiologic measure of lipid deposition into
position. The third objective was to determine if specific BMI skeletal muscle.14 A randomly selected subsample of 50 CT im-
categories and CT-derived measures of body composition are ages were analyzed by 2 research staff members blinded to out-
risk factors for cardiovascular events independent of tradi- come (eFigure 1 in the Supplement), and the remaining CT im-
tional risk factors, including smoking, hypertension, hyper- ages were analyzed by a single trained research staff member
lipidemia, and type 2 diabetes. blinded to outcome.

The KPNC EMR was used to obtain baseline information on age,
sex, self-reported race and ethnicity, and CVD risk factors, in-
Study Population and Design cluding smoking history, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and
The Colorectal, Sarcopenia, Cancer And Near-term Survival type 2 diabetes.15 Cardiovascular disease risk factors were ob-
(C-SCANS) cohort was derived from the Kaiser Permanente tained using a 36-month lookback period from the time of CRC
Northern California (KPNC) cancer registry, with ascertain- diagnosis in the EMR. The KPNC cancer registry provided in-
ment of all patients aged 18 to 80 years who were diagnosed formation on the anatomical site of cancer, cancer stage, and
with stage I to III invasive CRC from 2006 to 2011 and under- the administration of chemotherapy and radiation. Covariate
went surgical resection for CRC (n = 4465). We excluded 693 data was 99.9% complete (2 missing observations for self-
patients without abdominal or pelvic CT images, 411 patients reported race and ethnicity and 3 missing observations for
without valid measures of body mass, 99 patients whose CT smoking history).
images were unreadable owing to poor image quality, and 423
patients who had a history of myocardial infarction or stroke Study Outcomes
documented in the electronic medical record (EMR) prior to The primary end point was defined as the time from cancer
CRC diagnosis. The final analytic sample included 2839 pa- diagnosis to the first occurrence of any component of the com-
tients. A waiver of written patient informed consent was ob- posite major adverse cardiovascular event (MACE) outcome,
tained by the study investigators, and this study was ap- including death from cardiovascular causes, nonfatal myocar-
proved by the KPNC and University of Alberta institutional dial infarction, or nonfatal stroke (3-component MACE). The

E2 JAMA Oncology Published online May 16, 2019 (Reprinted)

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Body Composition and Cardiovascular Events in Patients With Colorectal Cancer Original Investigation Research

3-component MACE is recommended by the US Food and Drug

Table 1. Baseline Characteristics of the Study Population
Administration for use in cardiovascular safety studies.16
Deaths were identified from the California State death regis- No. (%)a
Characteristic (n = 2839)
try, the National Death Index (using Social Security Adminis- Age, mean (SD), y 61.9 (11.5)
tration data), and KPNC electronic mortality files. Deaths were Sex
classified as cardiovascular specific if a cardiovascular cause
Male 1384 (49)
was documented as an underlying or contributing cause of
Female 1455 (51)
death on the death certificate through January 31, 2015. Vali-
dated International Classification of Diseases codes were used
White 1828 (64)
to identify nonfatal myocardial infarction and nonfatal stroke
Black 201 (7)
in the EMR. 17,18 The end point event database was con-
Hispanic 320 (11)
structed by investigators blinded to BMI and body composi-
Asian and Pacific Islander 468 (17)
tion values.
Other 22 (1)
Cancer site
Statistical Analysis
Two time-to-event regression models were used to estimate Colon 1992 (70)

hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% CIs for each body composition Rectal 847 (30)
variable. The first regression model estimated the cause- Cancer stage
specific hazard using a Cox proportional hazards regression I 859 (30)
model. The cause-specific hazard is interpreted as the mag- II 891 (31)
nitude of the relative change in the instantaneous rate of the III 1089 (39)
occurrence of MACE in patients who are event free.19 The sec- Cancer treatment
ond regression model estimated the subdistribution hazard Chemotherapy 1501 (53)
using a Fine-Gray competing risk model.20 The subdistribu- Radiation 454 (16)
tion hazard is interpreted as the magnitude of relative change Smoking history
in the instantaneous rate of the occurrence of MACE in pa- Never 1389 (48)
tients who are event free or who have experienced a compet- Former 1127 (40)
ing event (eg, death from noncardiovascular causes, such as Current 340 (12)
CRC, which we previously reported is associated with body Cardiovascular risk factors
composition).21,22 Detailed comparisons of these 2 regres-
Hypertension 1150 (55)
sion models are described elsewhere.23,24 Contrasts were es-
Hyperlipidemia 1389 (49)
timated to test for trends across categories.
Type 2 diabetes 573 (20)
Covariates were chosen a priori and included age, sex, race,
Body composition measures, mean (SD)
ethnicity, cancer site, cancer stage, cancer treatment, smok-
Body mass, kg 80.8 (20.5)
ing history, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and type 2 diabe-
Height, m 1.7 (0.1)
tes; analyses of CT-derived measures of body composition were
BMI 28.1 (6.0)
adjusted for patient height.25 One subgroup was specified a
Visceral adipose tissue area, cm2 151.7 (108.2)
priori, to test if sex modified any associations between BMI and
body composition with the risk of MACE. Effect modification Subcutaneous adipose tissue area, cm2 213.3 (121.2)

was examined by adding a statistical interaction term to the Muscle mass, cm2 140.5 (38.3)

regression model. Correlations between BMI and measures of Muscle radiodensity, HU 39.6 (9.8)
body composition were quantified using the Pearson correla- Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index (calculated as weight in kilograms divided
tion coefficient with 95% CI. by height in meters squared); HU, Hounsfield units.
Unless otherwise indicated, the number in parentheses is the percentage
of patients.

Characteristics of the Study Cohort participants (12.9%). The cumulative incidence of MACE at 1,
Of 2839 participants, 1384 were men and 1455 were women 3, and 10 years after diagnosis was 3.4%, 5.9%, 19.1%, respec-
with an average (SD) age of 61.9 (11.5) years (range, 19-80 years). tively (Figure).
Many participants were former (n = 1127, 40%) or current smok-
ers (n = 340, 12%) and had hypertension (n = 1150, 55%), hy- Correlation Between BMI and Body Composition
perlipidemia (n = 1389, 49%), and type 2 diabetes (n = 573, Body mass index was positively correlated with visceral adi-
20%) (Table 1). pose tissue area (r = 0.61; 95% CI, 0.59-0.63), subcutaneous
Computed tomographic images were obtained at a adipose tissue area (r = 0.83; 95% CI, 0.82-0.85), and muscle
median of 6 days (interquartile range [IQR], 0-13) after results mass (r = 0.41; 95% CI, 0.38-0.44). Body mass index was nega-
of a biopsy confirmed diagnosis of CRC. By a median fol- tively correlated with muscle radiodensity (r = −0.33; 95% CI,
low-up of 6.8 years (IQR, 5.2- 8.3), MACE had occurred in 366 −0.37 to −0.30). (Reprinted) JAMA Oncology Published online May 16, 2019 E3

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Research Original Investigation Body Composition and Cardiovascular Events in Patients With Colorectal Cancer

cantly associated with the risk of MACE whereas muscle

Figure. Cumulative Incidence Estimates of the Proportion of Participants
Experiencing a Major Adverse Cardiovascular Event
mass was not. These associations were independent of
other established cardiovascular risk factors, including
0.25 smoking, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and type 2 diabe-
tes. Surprisingly, BMI was not associated with the risk of
MACE in this cohort.
Cumulative Incidence of MACE

Incident CRC and CVD share many risk factors, includ-
0.15 ing excess adiposity.26 Improvements in early cancer detec-
tion and chemotherapy efficacy have reduced the risk of
disease recurrence and cancer-specific mortality in CRC
survivors.27 However, the increasing burden of CVD in this
population may compromise improvements in overall
survival.28 Among 1966 Australian patients with CRC, the
3-year cumulative incidence of CVD after diagnosis of CRC
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 was 16%.29 Among 72 408 Medicare beneficiaries with CRC,
Time, y the 10-year cumulative incidence of CVD after diagnosis of
CRC was 57%.5 Physicians should be aware that patients
The solid line denotes the cumulative incidence function estimate accounting
diagnosed with CRC are not only at risk for cancer recur-
for competing risk. Shading around the line denotes the 95% CI. MACE
indicates major adverse cardiovascular event. rence but are at high risk of developing CVD at some point
during their survivorship trajectory. Furthermore, this CVD
risk is not described by BMI alone, and other body composi-
BMI, Body Composition, and Major Adverse tion measures should be considered to identify patients
Cardiovascular Events most in need of preventive cardiovascular care.
Body mass index was not associated with risk of MACE. For Visceral adipose tissue area and muscle radiodensity were
BMI categories greater than 35 vs 18.5 to 24.9, the HR was 1.23 identified as risk factors for MACE. The risk of MACE was higher
(95% CI, 0.85-1.77; P = .50 for trend) (Table 2). Contrasting the among patients in the highest quintile of visceral adiposity,
highest to lowest quintile of visceral adipose tissue area, the compared with those in the lowest quintile. These data are con-
multivariable-adjusted cause-specific HR for MACE was 1.54 sistent with observations that waist circumference (an anthro-
(95% CI, 1.02-2.31; P = .04 for trend) (eFigure 2 in the Supple- pometric proxy measure for visceral adipose tissue area) is in-
ment). Conversely, subcutaneous adipose tissue area was not dependently associated with CVD.30 A meta-analysis of 15
associated with risk of MACE. Contrasting the highest vs the studies with 258 114 participants demonstrated that each 1-cm
lowest quintile, the HR for MACE was 1.15 (95% CI, 0.78-1.69; increase in waist circumference increased the risk of a CVD
P = .65 for trend). Muscle mass was not associated with risk event by 2%.31
of MACE; comparing the highest vs lowest quintile, the HR for The risk of MACE was lower among patients in the high-
MACE was 0.96 (95% CI, 0.57-1.61; P = .92 for trend). Contrast- est quintile of muscle radiodensity (ie, less lipid stored in the
ing the highest (eg, less lipid stored in the muscle) to lowest skeletal muscle), compared with those in the lowest quintile.
quintile of muscle radiodensity, the multivariable-adjusted The exact mechanisms linking muscle radiodensity to MACE
cause-specific HR for MACE was 0.67 (95% CI, 0.44-1.03; are not clear. Muscle is an ectopic adiposity depot, and the ac-
P = .02 for trend). Sex did not modify the association be- cumulation of adiposity within skeletal muscle alters whole-
tween any body composition measure and risk of MACE body metabolism, manifesting in insulin resistance,14 im-
(results not shown). Effect estimates did not meaningfully dif- paired glucose tolerance, and type 2 diabetes.32 In addition,
fer when body composition measures were analyzed in their intermuscular adiposity is positively associated with a vari-
continuous form (eTable 1 and eFigure 3 in the Supplement), ety of proinflammatory mediators that are associated with CVD
when body composition measures were additionally risk, such as C-reactive protein, interleukin-6, and tumor ne-
adjusted for BMI (eTable 2 in the Supplement), or in a variety crosis factor.33 Further research is necessary to better under-
of sensitivity analyses (eTables 3-6 and eFigure 4 in the stand the mechanisms linking muscle radiodensity to MACE.
Supplement). In CRC survivors, we found no association between BMI
and the risk of MACE. Uncertainty exists regarding the use of
BMI as the optimal measure for c ardiovascular risk
stratification.34 In a nationally representative sample of 13 601
Discussion adults, obesity defined as a BMI category of 30 or more had a
In this population-based cohort, 1 of 5 patients experienced high sensitivity (≥95%) but poor specificity (36%-49%) in iden-
MACE within 10 years after CRC diagnosis. Visceral adipos- tification of obesity defined using percent body fat with bio-
ity but not subcutaneous adiposity was statistically signifi- electric impedance analysis.9 A meta-analysis of 10 studies
cantly associated with the risk of MACE. To our knowledge, demonstrated that anthropometric measures of visceral adi-
we are among the first to study muscle mass and muscle posity are superior to BMI in identifying cardiovascular risk fac-
radiodensity in relation to MACE in CRC; of these muscle tors, including hyperlipidemia, hypertension, and type 2
characteristics, muscle radiodensity was statistically signifi- diabetes.8

E4 JAMA Oncology Published online May 16, 2019 (Reprinted)

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Body Composition and Cardiovascular Events in Patients With Colorectal Cancer Original Investigation Research

Table 2. Association Between Categorical Measures of Body Composition and Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events
P Value
Measure Body Composition Measurement Category Trend
BMI <18.5 18.5-24.9 25.0-29.9 30.0-34.9 ≥35.0
Mean (SD), kg/m2 17.3 (1.0) 22.5 (1.7) 27.3 (1.4) 32.2 (1.4) 40.0 (4.3)
No. events/No. at risk 4/52 114/888 133/1,016 68/551 47/332
Cause-specific hazard model,a 0.64 (0.23-1.74) 1 [Reference] 0.98 (0.76-1.27) 0.89 (0.65-1.22) 1.23 (0.85-1.77) .50
HR (95% CI)
Subdistribution hazard model,a 0.53 (0.19-1.53) 1 [Reference] 1.01 (0.78-1.31) 0.90 (0.65-1.24) 1.18 (0.81-1.71) .54
HR (95% CI)
Visceral Adipose Tissue Area, cm2 <53.9 53.9-106.2 106.3-163.6 163.7-238.0 ≥238.1
Mean (SD), cm2 26.0 (15.5) 79.2 (15.4) 135.0 (16.4) 199.1 (20.8) 319.7 (74.5)
No. events/No. at risk 41/568 62/570 72/566 83/568 108/567
Cause-specific hazard model,a 1 [Reference] 1.25 (0.84-1.86) 1.42 (0.96-2.10) 1.50 (1.01-2.23) 1.54 (1.02-2.31) .04
HR (95% CI)
Subdistribution hazard model,a 1 [Reference] 1.30 (0.87-1.94) 1.48 (1.00-2.21) 1.57 (1.05-2.35) 1.59 (1.06-2.40) .02
HR (95% CI)
Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue <117.3 117.4-163.0 163.1-214.1 214.2-294.9 ≥295.0
Area, cm2
Mean (SD), cm2 82.7 (26.9) 141.1 (13.1) 186.2 (14.9) 250.4 (23.8) 406.6 (101.1)
No. events/No. at risk 65/568 85/568 81/568 73/569 62/566
Cause-specific hazard model,a 1 [Reference] 1.21 (0.87-1.68) 1.20 (0.86-1.68) 1.12 (0.79-1.58) 1.15 (0.78-1.69) .65
HR (95% CI)
Subdistribution hazard model,a 1 [Reference] 1.28 (0.92-1.78) 1.26 (0.90-1.78) 1.16 (0.81-1.65) 1.16 (0.78-1.73) .65
HR (95% CI)
Muscle Mass, cm2 <105.3 105.4-123.9 124.0-147.8 147.9-174.6 ≥174.7
Mean (SD), cm2 93.6 (8.8) 114.1 (5.3) 135.3 (7.0) 161.1 (7.4) 198.8 (20.1)
No. events/No. at risk 79/570 63/566 71/568 80/571 73/564
Cause-specific hazard model,a 1 [Reference] 0.88 (0.63-1.25) 0.81 (0.54-1.20) 0.85 (0.53-1.35) 0.96 (0.57-1.61) .92
HR (95% CI)
Subdistribution hazard model,a 1 [Reference] 0.90 (0.63-1.27) 0.88 (0.60-1.30) 0.89 (0.56-1.43) 1.03 (0.62-1.73) .88
HR (95% CI)
Muscle Radiodensity, HU <31.5 31.5-37.5 37.6-42.5 42.6-48.0 ≥48.1
Mean (SD), HU 25.4 (4.9) 34.6 (1.7) 40.1 (1.5) 45.1 (1.6) 52.8 (4.3)
No. events/No. at risk 130/569 84/568 62/567 54/568 36/567
Cause-specific hazard model,a 1 [Reference] 0.68 (0.51-0.90) 0.58 (0.42-0.80) 0.68 (0.48-0.97) 0.67 (0.44-1.03) .02
HR (95% CI)
Subdistribution hazard model,a 1 [Reference] 0.71 (0.54-0.95) 0.61 (0.44-0.85) 0.72 (0.51-1.02) 0.70 (0.45-1.08) .04
HR (95% CI)
Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index (calculated as weight in kilograms divided radiation, smoking history, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and
by height in meters squared); HR, hazard ratio; HU, Hounsfield units. height (the analysis of body mass index did not include height as a covariate).
Models are adjusted for age, sex, race/ethnicity, cancer stage, chemotherapy,

Limitations sue volume or changes in this volume are associated with

The main limitation of this study is the observational cardiovascular risk.
design, which precludes our ability to rule out residual con-
founding. The data used in our analysis were collected for
clinical care purposes. The reliance of this study on admin-
istrative codes within the EMR precluded our ability to
obtain information on patient behaviors such as physical Because patients with CRC are at a higher risk of developing CVD
activity, dietary patterns, and other behaviors or health con- than the general population, physicians may wish to refine car-
ditions that may influence body composition and the risk of diovascular risk management by integrating quantitative mea-
MACE. The measurement of physical activity was adopted sures of body composition that can be derived automatically from
across the KPNC health care system beginning in October CT scans that are routinely obtained during CRC diagnosis. This
2009. 35 Consequently, only 230 (8%) of our cohort had precision prevention approach to cardiovascular risk manage-
physical activity measures available at the time of CRC diag- ment may help to cost-effectively allocate limited resources such
nosis. Moreover, using administrative codes for the identifi- as dietary and physical activity counseling to patients who may
cation of CVD risk factors has high specificity (>0.95), but be most likely to benefit from lifestyle counseling. Our findings
low sensitivity (<0.76) compared with manual medical rec- suggest that body composition measures that are collected using
ord review.36 Measures of body composition were obtained routine CT images, including visceral adiposity and muscle ra-
at the third lumbar vertebrae at a solitary time point. diodensity, can be used to assess risk for MACEs in patients with
Although this anatomical region is correlated with whole- CRC, whereas BMI may have limited use for determining cardio-
body tissue volumes,13 it is not known how whole-body tis- vascular risk in this patient population. (Reprinted) JAMA Oncology Published online May 16, 2019 E5

© 2019 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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Research Original Investigation Body Composition and Cardiovascular Events in Patients With Colorectal Cancer

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