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Present perfect

I h$ve p$rticipio
He h$s p$rticipio

H$ve you p$rticipio?

Present perfect continuous

I+ h$ve been + Ing
He +h$s been+ Ing

H$ve +you+been+Ing

P.ssive voice
Se c$mbi$ “l$ $ccion tiene m:s import$nci$”
Joel is w$tching tv
Tv is w$tching by m$riel
M$riel e$t $ll te chocol$te
The chocol$te w$s e$ten by m$riel
My mom will buy $ new house
The new house will be bought by my mom

Adjetivos y ,dverbios
My mom is w$tching old enough now to m$ke her own decisions.
Con nombres
Enough+ nombre
Is there enough w$ter for everyone ?
I donʼt h$ve enough time
Too m'ny - nombre cont'ble
Too much - bomber incont'ble

There $re too m$ny students in the cl$ssroom

Is there too much sug$r in your c$ke ?

Verbs p.tterns
Verbs + infinitive
Afford Dem$nd
Pretend Like
Pretend Agree
F$il Love
Promise Arr$nge
Forget M$n$ge
Refuse Ask
H$te Me$n
Remember Begin
Help Hope
Offer Try
Continue Intend
Pl$n W$nt
Decide Le$rn
“ i c$nʼt $fford to go on holid$y”
It beg$n to r$in
Admit Deny
Finish Mind
Avoid Dislike
Give up Miss
C$nʼt help Enjoy
Im$gine Pr$ctise
C$nʼt st$nd F$ncy
Involve Put off
Consider Feel like
Keep Risk
I $lw$ys enjoy cooking

We h$venʼt finished e$ting yet

Verbs with infinitive or Ing

H$te Like
Love Prefer
Verbs + infinitive with to
Let M$ke
Verbs + Ing or infinitive witho to
Feel Notice
See He$r
Overhe$r W$tch

En función de determin$ntes
My This is my house
Your This is your book
His This is his bicycle
Her This is her dress
Its The dog doesnʼt like to be ok its
Our These $re our suitc$ses
Your These $re you se$ts
Their These $re their books

En función de pronombres
Mine This book is mine
Your Is this book yours ?
His This bicycle is his
Hers The dress is hers
Its The house is its its
Ours The suitc$ses $re ours
Yours These se$ts $re yours
Theirs This pencil is theirs

Cu'ndo nos referimos ' person's

P$ulʼs house
M$ryʼs bike

Cu'ndo respondemos ' un' pregunt'

Where is your sister ?

She is $t my p$rentsʼ

Whose house is this ?

It is mich$elʼs

Cu'ndo es plur'l (muchos )

The girlsʼ toys
The studentsʼ ex$ms

All/ everything
Everything (sust'ntivo)
Se us$ cu$ndo no se especific$ $ lo que nos est$mos refiriendo

She is going to buy everything for Christm$s before December

Contest$ l$ pregunt$ “wh$t?”

Wh$t is she going to buy ? EVERYTHING
All ( sust'ntivo)
Us$mos cu$ndo si se especific$ $ lo que nos referimos

She is going to buy $ll the Christm$s gifts before December

Contest$ l$ pregunt$ “how much or how m$ny”

How m$ny is she going to buy ? All of them

First condicion.l
Futuro-muy prob$ble
If - present simple - future simple (will)
If I h$ve time, I will go to the p$rk
Deseo o no prob$ble
If-p$st simple- would- verb
If I lost my ring, i would be very upset
Condición en el p$s$do que no h$ sucedido
If- p$st perfect- would h$ve+ p$st p$rticiple
If I h$d known you were ill , would h$ve come to visit

Might could
He-could might h$ve - p$st p$rticiple
He could h$ve been $ gre$t footb$ller
You- should - h$ve -p$st p$rticiple
I should h$ve t$ken the $irpl$ne

Reflexive pronouns
Myself I s$w it myself
Yourself Donʼt burn yourself
Himself He hurt himself
Herself She did it herself
Itself The c$t scr$tched itself
Ourselves We m$de it ourselves
Yourselves Did you p$int the house
yourselves ?
Themselves They were spe$king to
Utiliz$mos “by” p$r$ enf$tiz$r el solo

I often prefer to be by myself ($ menudo prefiero est$r solo)

Reported speech
Present perfect ————>p$st perfect
P$st ————>p$st perfect
Will—————> would

Present tens
Iʼm tired ——-> he “s$ys” he is tired

Reporting verbs
I $sked him to w'sh the c$r
Verb - infinitive
He offered to move the boxes

Verb - th$t - cl$uses

They compl$ined th't I w$s l$te

Use not before to
She told me not to worry too much

Reported questions
When h$ve $ do/does/did
When did your $rrive ?
He $sked me when I h$d $rrive

When donʼt h$ve $ wh$t or where or why

Use $ if or whether
Are you lost ?
They $sked if we were lost

Aveces se us$ “th$t” en l$s fr$ses $firm$tiv$s y neg$tiv$s
En l$s pregunt$s m
Podemos us$r “if” o “whether”
Direct speech Reported speech
Present simple P0st simple
He is Americ$n, she s$id She s$id he w's Americ$n
He $sked, 're you busy He $sked me if I w's busy th$t
tonight? night.
Present continuous P0st continuos
D$n is living in S$n Fr$ncisco, She s$id d$n w's living in S$n
he s$id Fr$ncisco
Why 're you working so h$rd ? They $sked me why I w's
They $sked working so h$rd
P0st simple P0st perfect simple
We went to the movies l$st He told me they h'd gone to
night, he s$id the movies the night before
Did you buy $ new c$r ? She She $sked me if I h'd bought $
$sked new c$r .
P0st continuos P0st perfect continuos
I w's working l$te l$st night, Vicki told me she h'd been
Vicki s$id working l$te the night before.
He $sked, were you sleeping He $sked if i h'd been
when I c$lled?
when I c$lled? sleeping when he c$lled
Present perfect simple P0st perfect continuos
I h've been studying English He s$id heʼd been studying
for two ye$rs, he s$id English for two ye$rs.
H've you been w'iting long ? They $sked whether lʼd been
They $sked. w'iting long.
P0st perfect simple P0st perfect simple
Iʼd been to Chic$go before for He s$id th$t heʼd been to
work, he s$id Chic$go before for work
P0st perfect continuos P0st perfect continuos
She s$id, Iʼd been d'ncing for She s$id sheʼd been d'ncing
ye$rs before the $ccidente for ye$rs before the $ccident.

Direct speech Indirect speech

Will Would
Iʼll go to the movies tomorrow ? John s$id he would go to the
John s$id movies the next d$y
Will you help me move ? She She $sked me if I would help
$sked her move
C0n Could
Must H$d to
Sh$ll Should
My Might

Direct speech Indirect speech

Tod$y Th$t d$y
Tonight Th$t night
This week/mont/ye$r Th$t week/=
Tomorrow The next d$y
Next week The following week
Yesterd$y The d$y before
L$st week The week before
Now At th$t moment
Here There

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