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T.L.E 7 Subject Teacher

NAME:_________________________________________ GRADE/SECTION:______________SCORE:________

Test I. Identification: Identify the following as described by meaningful group of words.

________________1. It is the process of generating your seedling in one flat or tray. individual animal, plant or single celled life form.
_________________3. The development of a plant from a seed or spare after a period of dormancy.
_________________4. It is one livelihood opportunity in an agricultural country like Philippine.
_________________5. It produces healthy and high-quality vegetables.
_________________6.sources of water should be near the plants.
_________________7. Vegetables require different types of soil and climatic conditions to grow and
develop well.
_________________8. It can be small-scall or medium scale enterprise that can be provide income for
hundred of Filipinos.
_________________9. This should be considered in selecting a location where the plant your vegetables.
_________________10. A profit in the operation is dependent on the timely disposal of the product in a
satisfactory manner.
_________________11. A part of the plant, such as cutting, stem, runners or roots and tuber are used.
_________________12. It is the number of seeds sown per hill or mound.
_________________13. The seeds are planted directly into the field.
_________________14. It depends on the size of seeds, the soil and the season of the planting.
_________________15. It is living thing that can function on its own.

Test II. ENUMERATION: Enumerate the following.

1. Give at least 5 example of direct method

2. Give at least 5 example of asexual method
3. Give at least 5 factor to consider in vegetable production
4. 3 Methods of Planting
5. Give at least 2 Germination test
Test III. ESSAY: Explain briefly the following questions.

1. What is Agricultural Crop Production?

2. Why Crop Production is important?

T.L.E 8 Subject Teacher

NAME:_________________________________________ GRADE/SECTION:______________SCORE:________

Test I. Identification: Identify the following as described by meaningful group of words.

________________1. It is just a machine, a device, an instrument or a tool.
________________2. It manipulates or transforming data into useful information.
________________3. It means raw or unprocessed facts.
________________4. It means a storing of data.
________________5. When data are processed and have meaning it is called.
________________6. Computer Systems are particularly adept in repetitive tasks.
________________7. Computer can serve as data bank.
________________8. In computer terminology refers to the physical parts of the computer.
________________9. Computer needs data to process.
________________10. It is composed of O’s and 1’s.
________________11. The keys at the top of the keyboard labeled F1, F2.
________________12. The keys labeled 0 to 9 are called the numeric keys.
________________13. It is a device that typically rolls on desktops.
________________14. Scans picture and other images.
________________15. It is called screen or video display.
________________16. It controls and manipulates data to produce information.
________________17. It plug into slots inside the system unit. connects the part of the CPU to each other.
________________19. It pressing and releasing the left maize button once.
________________20. It is where all the actions take place. is located at the top of the window.
________________22. This can be seen if the window is not large enough to display all the
information at once.
________________23. It clicked the hides in the window from screen.
________________24. This is a toggle button.
________________25. When the data is entered into a machine it will be processed.
Test II. ENUMERATION: Enumerate the following.

1. 5 categories of Hardware
2. Give at least 5 parts of a Window
3. 5 Mouse Operation
4. Give at least 3 examples of Input devices
5. Give at least 3 examples of Output devices
6. Give at least 4 examples of Keyboard
Test III. ESSAY: Explain briefly the following questions.

1. Why computer is important?

2. What is a CMOS?

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