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Tensor Algebra and Tensor Calculus

Ganesh Tamadapu
AM 5620: Theory of Plated and Shells
April 7, 2019

Problem 1.
Calculate the metric tensor and Christoffel symbols for the spherical polar coordinate system
defined by
x1 = u1 sin u2 cos u3 , x2 = u1 sin u2 sin u3 , x3 = u1 cos u2
where (u1 , u2 , u3 ) is the usual (r, θ, φ). Also show that covariant derivative of metric tensor
is zero.

Problem 2. Given the line element in a 2D Riemann space with coordinate (x1 , x2 ) as

ds2 = {dx1 }2 + G(x1 , x2 ){dx2 }2

Then one can find the Christoffel symbols by constructing a Lagrangian assuming (x1 , x2 )
as generalized coordinates
Z t1
 1 2
{ẋ } + G(x1 , x2 ){ẋ2 }2 dt


Use Euler-Lagrange equations

d ∂L ∂L
− = 0 i = 1, 2
dt ∂ ẋi ∂xi

and compare these two equations with

ẍi + Γijk ẋj ẋk = 0, i, j, k = 1, 2

two find the non-zero Christoffel symbols. This is due to the concept of geodesics in Riemann
space. This approach always is much easier than direct calculations using metric tensor.
Using above mentioned approach calculate the Christoffel symbols for the
cylindrical and sphercal coordinate systems.

Problem 3.
Show that the covariant derivative of a covariant vector is

∇j Ai = Ai,j − Γilj Al

Problem 4.
Show that the divergence of a vector field Ai is
1 ∂ √ i
∇i Ai = g ij ∇i Aj = √ gA
g ∂xi

Problem 5.
Evaluate ∇i Aj and ∇k σ ij in cylindrical and spherical coordinates by hand. Write a general
mathematica code to obtain the grad, div, Lapalcian of any given first and second order
tensors in a given coordinate system.

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